b ix THE STAND. Tenant y ~~ QF CANADA Every Department Is fully Equipped to ensure Prompt and Efficient Service. Savings Bank at all Branches A SANTA CLAUS SUIT Is what with the most patterns, and can make a Suit Overcoat to order on particular dressers tion here always. get RD BANK MOD FINAL MEETING every man should get for himself this. Winter. We are prepared pleasing and varied or short notice, guaranteed to please in every particu- lar of style, fit and finish. The most full satisfac- THOMAS LAMBERT, Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess St. LOOK $150.00 worth of PRIZES Givenaway to the purchasers of our SALE GOODS over $1.00 in value. Drawing takes place DECEMBER 23rd. "THE TOKYO" JAPANESE ART DEALERS. 174 Wellington Street. 'Christmas Chocolates. Best quality. Jeautiful Boxes and Baskets. : GANONG'S, - MOIR'S, CADBURY'S and ROWNTREE. "A. J. REES, ~ 166 PRINCESS ST. Phone 58 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR IS ABSOLUTELY PURE The first and great essential of a food product, is Purity ; thé Purity and Quality of our Extra Granulated have never been questioned. : Once make a comparison with other Sugars and you will not be satisfied with any but path. Dainty Tea Tables are always served with PARIS LUMPS to bé bad in RED SeaL dust proof cartons, and by the pound, The Canada Sugar Refining Co., MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited Established in i234 by John Redpalh - THE PERFECT COOKING BUTTER. KO-KO-BUT is just clean, pure ° vegetable butter, which makes your food. more DIGESTIBLE, ® more WHOLESOME and more TASTY than any other shortening Test and prove KO-KO-BUT in. your own kitchen, 2 YOUR GROCER SELLS mn" -- ~~ DOMINION COCOANUT BUTTERS; [ryire : NTREAL, CANADA, -- "'TED, -- 00 0000000000000000000008000000000000000000 Makes a very acceptable Christ. | mas Present. Have it made by 000000000 COIROINOIOGIOGOIOOS . appointments of R. .J, © THE DAILY CITY COUNCIL PUT THROUGH APPOINTMENTS Of R. J. McClelland as City Engineer and C, C. Folger as Utilities Man. ager--To Buy Susamn and Cohen Property. : The city council busi for the last. evening. 'It neership vacancy of Richard concluded civic year at its meeting filled the city engi- by the appointment J. McClelland, "appointed Collamer C. Folger as manager of the water as well as the light depart- ment; authorized the purchase of ad- ditional land for light plant exten- sions, and arranged for the municipal elections on January Ist. In attend- ance were : Mayor Graham! and Adds. Armstrong, Bailey, Carson, Couper, Clugston, Elliott, Givens, . Hanley, Harrison, Harty, Hoag, Kent. Lit. ton, McCann, McCarthy, Ross, Shaw and Toye, These communications were read : Joseph J. Brophy, asking for re fund of $3.50 on account of fine for not having loeal improvements install- ed. Secretary board of health, present. ing resolution from board of health re sewer in Sydenham street. The Hastings (uarries, Ltd, asking privilege. of tendering for stone. F. Crozier, secretary Kingston Poul: try, Pigeon and Pet Stock Assbein- tion, re use of Ontario hall for an. nual show in Janyary. City auditor re pay rolls of the Wormwith Piano company, nual report. George Tuttle and others, re street watering on Raglan road. -- Adoption of Reports. These recommendations of ance committee were adopted : That the refund of taxes to Sarah L. Young as recommended by .the court of revision be not paid. That $10 be placed to the credit of fire and light committee, and that $140 be placed to the credit of city Property committee. That the city treasurer be authori- zed to pay to the treasurer of the Kingston Health Association the sum of $2,000, this amount being placed in the budget for the Oliver Mowat Me- morial hospital, Reports of committees already pub- lished were adopted. On recommendation works committee, 4 bonus of 850 was granted Matthew Murphy for the ex- cellent work he did in locating the leak in the intake pipe. The light, heai and Power commit- tee recommended that the city pur- chase the property owned by Susman & Cohen, at the corner of Ontario and Barrack streets, for $7,300 for plant extensions, Ald, Elliott explain- ed that this property was very much needed by the plant for railway our- Poses. So that oil could be unfoaded cheaper. Its purchase would save the city $105 a year, after paying interest on the purchase price. 'The figure of ¥7,500 had been fixed after a great deal Gf negotiations. The council adopted the recommendation, The council adopted the report of the special committee appointed to consider department amalgamation, It appointed Collamer (. Folger as man- ager of the light and water plants at $2,000 a year, and decided to call the new committes to oversee the business of the plants, the civie utili- ties committee. the fin- of the wate General Business. - By-laws wore passed confirming the McClelland and Folger; establishing a cjvie utilities committee, end fixing the places for municipal nomination and polling. 7 On motion of Alda, Carson, the salary of McClelland was made October 1st, 1911. James B. Gordon chiet clerk in the city on motion of Alds, Bailey, the salary beginning January ist, 1912 The council," on motion of Harrison and McCann, instructed the industries' committee to insert in the two daily papers during the last week of December, the -forms of the ballots to be submitted to the electors. on January lst, $0 as to accustom the voters to what they have to mark in the polls. : The council adjourned just before ten o'clock, after acegpting Mayor Grahfm"s invitation to be his guests at the Iroquois hotel immediately af- terwards. Armstrong and City Engineer to date from was appointed engineer's office Harrison and to. be 3200 a Year, Alds, Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Your druggist will refund money il Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleading or Pro- truding Piles in 6 to 14 days. ------ The Late Miss Lynch. Death called away on Sunday" one of Kingston's most aged residents in the person of Miss Hannah Lynch, Johuson street. The" deceased. ~ had been ailing for some fime. She was the second daughter of the late Daniel JLvnch, who was Suployed in the gov- ernment service in t She is survived by Misses Elizabeth and berry with whom the for' years, Wiss Lynch Catholic in_religion. is city for years. two nieces, Margaret Cay- deceased hved was a Roman There is no complaint. so ing and tiresome as plaint. The reason suffer with their. they overwork it a tonic. Mi-o-ia Tablets will~tone the sto. mach and speedily remove thé djs agreeable belching (ges on the stom- seh), sour taste and foul breath. Ihz- ziness, bilioustess and headache all i when! vou begin to take Mi. humiliag- Stomach com- 80 many people stomach i hecausa and do mot give it Hoan, (TT) Mi-o-na is, guaranteed by JI. . Bb. Ji they who will refund your money fail 10 cure or do what Medical health ofhicer, submitting an' 4 REITISH Wns, ! PRIZES WERE AWARDED \To Boys Securing Most New Mem-| Bers for Y.M.C.A. The campaign for members, whic has been in opegition for some weeks, amongst the boys of the Y.M.CA., has proved a splendid success. A great many members have been added and the association now has an in- crease of over Saventy per cent. over the membership of 1910. The beautiful cup, put up for the team securing the greatest number of points, has been won by the blues, eaptaived by Roy Goodearle. These ove 'put up a game fight against great odds. The three silver medals have been; won by Douglas Nickle, of the reds, Bliss Barnum, of the whites, and Harold Goodearle, of the blues. These three boys have entered upon a little campaign gf their own as 'a mark of appreciation of the 'nedals they are to receive at the, reception to the new members. It is' their in- tention to see if they cannot run in at least twenty-five more membens by the end of the year, REV. FATHER The Picton Archbishop priest who Spratt Chureh, Belleville. at PAID HEAVY FINE - For Creating Disturbance on Railway Train. Creating a disturbance ona railway a at or any kind of con- veyance, constitutes a very serious of- fence, in the eyes of the law. Daniel © Fitzgerald, a young , man, found this to his sorrow, in police court, Tuesday morning, when Magis- trate Farrell, found . him guiity of teins bad language " and creating a disturbance afi, g train on the Grand Trunk railway, and imposed a fine of #10 and costs, or twenty days. The accised was iri police court, Monday morning, and was remanded, ° The charge against Fitzgerald was that of having used bad language to- wards Conductor David White, on the night train, coming from - Belleville. Fitzgerald pleaded 'guilty, stating that he was under the influence of liquor, at the time, and that he did not know what he was doing. Fitz- gerald was on his way from Belleville to Uoteau Junction. The magistrate pointed" out to accused the "seriousness of the and stated that the pubtic protected the charge, had to be # a ---- MARINE MEN ON THE MOVE. Returning to Their Homes for Christ. mas Holidays, Captain Teller, of the Rosemount, has left for his Owen Sound, T. G. Bishop, chief engineer. of the steamer Glenmount, has arrived home, Richard Taylor, chief engineer of the steamer Kinmount, has arrived bome from Detroit, where the vessel was laid up for the winter. Capt. John Cherry has returned home from a very pleasant trip: to' New York. Capt. Tullock has returned ° from Brockville, steamer Marshall. Capt. John Wood, of the Ktnmount, has left for Port housie, W. 5S. Geeenhill, chief engineer of the steamer Rosemount, has left for Van- couver on a visit to his mother. x steamer home in home having laid up ihe steamer Dal- i ---------- Y.M.C.A. Notes. On account of some misunderstanding with the ladies who look after the supper the Monday night Bible study cleus did inot meet Monday evening. The club will not meet until after the new_ year. 'The ¥¥" orchestra will be Wednesday evening, under the direo- tion of Prof. Telgmann, Any musi- cians will be cordintly welcomed. The male chorus will weet on Wed: nesday evening, the 27th inst. Pn ---------------- Amherst Islanders Here, The steamer Wolfe lilander made a special trip to Amherst Island, on Tuesday meming, to bring the is landers' down to the city to do. their annual Christmas shopping. This trip is always looked forward to by the people on the island, as it is the only way for them to get to the city until the lake freezes up. The boat left the island for the city at seven o'clock and will return. at two o'clock. About 150 came down. iormed --r---------- Students Going Home. The classes closed at Queen's Uni- versity, on Monday, and on Tuesday the Failway Stations i with students returning home Christmas holidays. At time, the students scatter all over the country, and college balls will be" de sorted for a couple of weeks. Broke His Leg Again. : The many friends in the city of Job Connelly, of Renfrew, formerly of this city, will he sorry to learn that Be fell and broke his log last week, while gofag into his place of business. is is the second time that he has log within a year's TUESDAY, DECEMIEDR Ios. ere i ! & We are prepared to meet the demdands for Hockey Boots, Our Stock}includes the Best Makes. Men's Lightning Hitch English Hockey Boots black and tan Wanderer Professional for men Men's Tiger Hockeys Other values for Men Boys" Lightning Hitch Boys' Wanderer Other good lines for Boys Ladies' Hockey Boots Little Boy's Hockey Boots~------= Ankle Supports Shin Pads STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING $3.00 $350 $4.00 yo 3.50 3.00 3.50 2.50 OR --t $2.00 2.50 . 175 2.00 2.50 1.50 2.00 and 35¢. 700 AN ORGANIZATION MEETING Held by the Moral and Social Reform 4 League, A largely attended meeting of the Moral and Sodial Reform league wag held in the Y.M.C.A. building on Mon- day everfng, to arrange for the li- cense reduction vofe on January lat. Those present organized themselves into committees to canvass the wards thoroughly, and report to the chair. man of each ward as soon as possi- ble.. Rev. T. W, Savary said that the way of removing the source of temp- tation, was to reduce the number of bars, With regard to the loss of revenue the city would sustain, he said surely the loss of any sum should SELECT CHOCOLAT.S FOR CHRISTMAS In Fancy Boxes and Baskets. All the best makes kept In Sakells NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE, 'Phone 640, not be considered. The temporary lees would be small. Drunkards do not pay -our taxes. Ii we reduce the appetite for drink we will have more people to pay the taxes. Elmer Davis also said afew words about the campaign. He referred to a lot of excuses being put up, suchas the loss of revenue. Have the tem- perance people of the city gone into any oampaign that they did not win, he asked. «This campaign would be no exception, he sefd. D. G. Ygidlaw and others. also apoke. Xmas! Home Song Book, Francis & Day's' 100 best songs. Harry Lauder's song book. Queen's University song book. Sacred song folios, dance folios, ete. Dutton's music store, 209 Princess street. Heavy English Mail. On Monday, a consignment of Fng- lish mail arrived at the post office, and it was very heavy. The mail coti- | sisted of parcels of all shapes and sizes, the contents of which will go. to gladden the hearts of Kingston people at the yuletide season. All day Mon- day, the staff at the post office was very busy, but was well able io cope with the rush. The latter part of the week; the big rush will come. 3 The New Perfume. We have a few pictures lek to give free with each 50c. bottle Beawty Girl perfame. "Both for 3%c., to intd A this new odor, Picturs 3 feet, Ma hood's drug store. \ Busy at the Stores, This week is "the week" with the merchants, and the majority of the stores will be open every night, There are only now four more {shopping days, and the Christmas gifts: must be pur. chased. With continued good weather, the merchants hope to have a record week, ; To Keep Open Evenings. . For the accommodation of patrons who may be unable to call during the day the ivion Express Co. will keep its office open evenings during the remainder of the week, Loss of Appetite Is of vitality, vigor or tone, and is OARS ore Pea dis- 'It 8 serious and especially so to] people that must keep up and doing or get behindband. The best medicine to take for it Is the great constitutional remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla 'Which purifies and enriches the blood FANCY ROCKERS. 'HILDREN'S TQY SETTS. For Young Or Old MUSIC CABINETS. SMOKERS' SETS, TEA CURATES. HALL MIRROR. HALL SEATS. Dolls' Drpsser and Bedsteads. AT : SNOWS. TALLMAN SWEET, BELL FLOWERS, NORTHERN SPIES, SWEET CIDER. COAST SEALED OYSTERS, D. COUP. Phone 76. 841-8 Princess Street, Prompt Delivery, S000s0000000000000000 BIG SALE Working Men's --and Boys' ® Boots; also Fine Shoe Repair- ® ; ing done while you walt, . Large Stock of Rubbérs, all sizes, at lowest prices in the city. JOHN 280 PRINCESS STREET. 00000000000 00000000y { 2008 | - seco eoenee . - ge Painting SOME CLASS TO OURS, This is the place to Lave your Auto repaired to stand all kinds of weather, E. J. DUMPHY Cor, Mi outreal' and Ordnance Sts, ' The Dainty Shrewsbury " is what our friends call Crothers' Shrewsbury Tea Biscuit It will fill the final need for your Insist / afternoon tea. - having "Shrewsbury" The W, upon