_-- " ---- THE CLUE EOTEL WELLINGTON STRERT, 0 (Nea¥ Princess), There are other hotels, hone approach ane Club [= 4 - Oka » homelike surroundings. : Located in close to pr tre of city and al and theatre, . Charges are moderate, Special rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, siores BPO RVBLEVROS High ~~ Grades GASOLINE, "COAL OL. LUBRICATING OTL, FLOOR OIL, * GREASE, FTC. PROMPT DELIVERY, W. yr. K ELLY. Clarence and Ontario Streets, Toye's Bullding. ( ®0coccrcsocesvsoovooeny oo "NA-DRU-G0 DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Proved of Great Valug fo La" There is only ofic explanation for {he nmbers of enthn stic letters that we receive praising Na-Dru-Co' Dyspepsia Tablets, and that is that these tablets certainly do cure any kind of stomach | trouble. Here is a typical letter from Eliza Armsworthy, Canwo, N.S. + MIE with pleasure [ write to inform you that your Ne-Dm.Co Drspepsia Tebilets have proved of great value to Tiss without any lasting gocd. Ilaving beard of your tablets curing such cases as mine I decided to give them a fair trial They proved satisfactory in my case." The recs kable success of Na'Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets 1s such a success as can ouly come to an honest remedy, compounded according to an exception- ally good' formula, from pure ingre- dients, by expert chemists, If you are troubled with your stomael: just uck your Druggist about Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets, compounded by the Nations}, Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, and sold throughort ic Donlinion at soc. a box. 142 A glove for any occasion in every shade, length, style. m 1 tried remedy after remedy but | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1911. MEAN SPIRIT IS SHOWN BY BORDEN GOVERNMENT AY CHRISTMAS SEASON, Dismissals Going on----Inoffensive Employees Sent Adrift--p*ublic Works Department the Worst Of. fender. Ottawa, Dee, 19.--While Hon. ¥. p. Monk was uncluously proclainfng in Montreal last week that the patron. list had been avolished in = his department, Patronage evils in thei grossest form were being sanctioned «¥ him in the shape of summary dismissals of LAmoliendivg liberal em- ployess of his department to make Way for conservative workers in the last election calnpaign. The spoils System in its crudest and most. up. mstifiable form js being openly en forced in Ottawa, and the greatest number of dismissals have been n Mr. Monk's own department. The Chrismas spirit of the den ininistry jig certainly not might be expected from the spoken worls of the premier and colleagues when ju oppesition, !stead of justice and {sir play [has been rank and inexcusably treatment of scores of | Bor: what fair his Lay there harsh employees, in the Service at Ottawa for years, and whose only offence is that they For Infants and Children, VR The Kind You Have nw Sia aa AVegelable Preparationfor As- similating the Food and Beg yla- og le Smacks of Promotes Dige estionCheerhil- I ness ahd Rest.Contains neither Morphine nor Mineral. NARCOTIC. Remedy 7 r Cons oh Sour Stomach. Diaries. Worms ions Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile- Signature of Hf lation NEW YORK. {Always Bought ~ For Over ~ Thirty Years PEE Irae SRNR aap sr ser ROIR NR REERR - Let Us Help You iam Decide What To Give Give desirable gifts--useful ~serviceable as well as orna- mental such as ~ Shoes and Slopes . "For Sister--A - For Mother--A Pair of Cozy Pedroom Pair of Cashion Sole Bale, with Rubber Heels, at £2. Swell . Prir of Satin OF Evening Pumps, $3, £50, $1, 5, > or a Dandy Pair of (Queen Quality Street Shoes, $4, $4.50, 85, Slippers, $1, $1.95, 81.50, or a X Father needs a Pejr of those Comfortalla Romeo Slippers, White, or Black or Brown, at $1.50, $2 and $2.30. Brother will certainly expect a Pair of Hockey Boots, $2, 8250, 83, $3.50, £1, oc the Special Hurd Professional Boot, at $5 Little Willie has been down every day looking at the Roy' Seont Boots in the window, and "he just has to have & pair, becabise all & "the rest of the fellows have them," $3 and $3.75. gr get along with a nice Pair of Mocoassiny, or a Pair of \ a we High Cui STORE OPEN JH, Boots, in Tan and Patent | gifts for. children from Ble. to £1.50. Leather. Suitable > NGS. TILL XMAS, & Bro. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" ars diberals, ihe summary dismissal of some {one hundred and fifty employees on {+ day is causing among many of th |dedent citizens of the capital -a de | cided reaction against the govern. met, z " § far as can be learned there was i ractieally no investigation as to the nents of the dismissals. Men with fawilies to Stipport, and with practi: cally no funds to fall back on, wore balely told just a week before Christ mas, and at u season of the year when other 'work is hard 'to find, that thei Services were no longer needed. Can Servative ward chairmap. and party {workers wore promptg Mustalled Hi their plMoes. One of the elevator me: in the commohs building, for in | stances, who was dismissed, hag giver erery satisfaction in his faithful ay ention to his work. He has a moth er aud two sisters to support but ow tg to diflicully with his eyes canno Row resume his trade of stonemasor He had not taken any part in poli ties since employed at the buildings A loeal conservative ward chairma; tukes his ylace, 7 The elevator man inthe east block | who served the privy council offic {for many years past, and agains whom there was no complaint, was similarly disofssed. Te went inte Premier Borden's room with tears i: Lig eyes to beg for reconsideratios of his case. . Me was told the matte belonged to Hon, Mr, Monks depart. ment. These are but two instance: out. of many, The "excuse is given that the liber als, when they came into office 1896, dismissed scores of ttmporar, employees, but at that time buildings were infested with election ape intees, who were i i for the sake" the pre giver obs simply of the pa, and not because their services wer really needed, No employee was dis missed except on written evidence 1 the effect that he had been unduly active in politics. 'There are ove two thousand applications for gon ernment positions now on file wit} the local conservative members. That explains the pressure for dismissals but does not Justify it. Indicatiop are that a similar application of th, spoils system will be made genera throughout Canada. In Ottawa i is already manifest in its grosses form, ---------------- The Alexandra Club's turkey suppe and bazaar, held in Pembroke tow; hall, Thursday evening, proved a great, success, and the ladies expect a turn over as a result between S400 ap "000 to the Cottage hospital. The H. W. Newman Electric Com pan.. have just recdived a splendid ag sortmert of dining room dames ano table lamge, which make aplendic ' hristmas presents. Drop in and see them. Mrs. W. A. Kerr, Cherry Valley, hus a turkey hen which has made a= re cord. Cammencing in Aprll, this bird continued laying until October, pro ducing a total of 114 egas. Admitted by all, that Dwyer has th biggest and best assortment of men'y Ble. neckwear in Canada, Not a shape or color omitted, Henry R. Derbyshire, Westport, sue ceeds John H. Whitmarsh us bailifi of the eigth division court of the united counties of Leeds and Grenaille. Sale handkprehiefs, edged ciennes lace, very fine, 2 for Dutton's. : on Buildings were = erected in. Smith's Falls last year to a cost of $20,000, Valen- We he iH i HH who have been filling minor positions} THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. | 4 Lot of News of luterest to Evers body. "McConkeyv's sweets." "Gibson's. 85 for a recount, Sale beautiful ribbons, variety. Duttou's. George Robertson was killed street ear at Sarnia. Stratford now has an up-to-date 'ringless" phone system, "Cadbury's sweets." Gibson's. Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux wus ban jucted by the liberals of Montreai Williatu Swaine, piano tuner. .Urders received at McAulev's. Phone 778. David Russell, Montreal, wil¥ ap- real in his suit against the 'inker: Loos, Hon. Dr. Pyne will open the mew 100,000 public school at Berliu early in the new year, Heavy $2 silk mufflers, great value, $1.25. imtton's. The coasting steamer Avon sank at- ber pier at Halifax. The cook just jot out in time.' Man or boy is certain to be pleased with a pair of Dwyer's cut-price gloves or mitts. Zero linings, ° Wilfred Mandly was killed \reifibeld McDonald badly hurt premature explosion at Cobalt. H. Cusningham, piano tuner, 21 Ling street. Leave orders ay Mc Agiley's book store. Donald Ferguson was elected presi- dent of the Western Ontario Com- merdial Travellers' association, Music : 2,000 selections by Bohm, haminade, Schumann, Chopen, ete., 10c. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. The big flannelette night shirt at 50c., men's and boys', as shown by Dwyer, is the best in our experience. After a long research, Dr. William A. Furness declares chimpanzees have reasoning 'powers, just. like human ings, Music : Matthew's graded exercises and all studies, Teachers, call and mepect Dutton's music store, 209 Prin- cess street, "Huyler's sweets." Gibson's. James O'Connor, wanted on a charge of breaking into the nurses' home at suelph, eseaped from a constable while being taken to Berlin jail, Popular songs, great variety. Come and hear them on ' Seale Williams' piano. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. Gerhard Heintzman, Willis and 'nabe pianos and Vietor gram-o- shone represented by 1, J. Dawson, 14 Princess street. John Hayes Hammond, Jr., son of ithe noted engineer, has invented a torpedo which he says he can control through water by wireless electric waves. "Huyler's sweets." Gibson's. How about buying an electric toaster, iron or fiashiight as a hristmas present for one of your Tiends. The H. W. Newman Electric 0, have a fine assortment. To Lieut. Lyons, of the New York police department was left 820,000 by an Elmira woman whom he had be friended when her pocket was picked fifteen years ago. . "Rerigctly. fresh," Huyler's and Me- Co F'b-sweets for Christmas. Gil son's. John Samson's 'prudence in taking + memorandum of the numbers of his il's wos instrumental in recovering WM Summer's wages and -eonvicting a ickpocket at Montreal. Open every night this week, so that the many "friends of Dwyer may leisurely select of the ties, mufflers, gloves, socks, in great variety, at 112 Princess street. Because Mayor. Gaynor is opposed to_permitting mothers to. take infants into New York moving picture shows, heck rooms have been provided for he accommodation of the youngsters. "Cadbury's sweets." Gibson's. Men ! Call and inspect our bods, "pecial comfort boots, lowest prices. Jutton's, An unknown woman has sent 83.50 to Collector Loeb use a peddle wld her linen on 'which he said the laty had not been paid. Loeb says he 8 sure the peddler lied about that dut; great by a and by a YeConkey's and Huyler's." Gib: son's, Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall and winter goods for his order clothi department, also in ready-made clothing and gents' fur nishing department; they are sll well An inquiry may be held at Londen i to the refusal of the city council to anction repairs to the fire engine which prevented it being used at I'ri- lay night's conflagration, Sale 81 waterproof motor veils, 50¢c., 3-imch silk ribbon, 10ec.: bibs, Be. each, Dutton's. < Holding at she was seventy-five rer gent, motherly," and twenty- five per cent. 0.K., juvenile judge of Vashington allowed' Mrs. George' Ori- wi to-keep-only one of her four small *hildren. . ! Great sale of sweaters, boys', 50c. Dutton's. "The sterling mark on Hayler's and McConkey's. at Gibson's, James B. Lundv was found dead at Dundgrn Park, Hamilton, with « Io : men's, 85e¢.; sweets," Sold only North: Essex liberals have decided tol. TUE SPORT REVIEW JUNIOR O.H.A. SCHEDULE Fon THIS DISTRICT ARRANGED. Group is Opened New Yéar's Day Ahd Will be Finished by First of February --Board of Referees Also Choten----Other Sport News. Representatives of the five junior O.H.A. teams of this section convened in Belleville, Monday evening, for the purpose of drawing. up a schedule for this section. James T. Sutherland re presented the Frontenacs and E. 0. Sliter the Kingston Collegiate Insti- tute. Each of the teams will have eight games to play and the schedule will be. finished by February 2nd : K.C.L. at Picton, Jan. lst. ontenacs at Trenton, Jan. let. Belleville at K.C.I, Jan. 3rd. Picton at Frontenacs, Jan. 5th. Trenton at Belleville, Jan. 5th. Belleville at Picton, Jan. 8th, Trenton at K.C.l, Jan. Sth Frontenacs at Belleville, Jan. 10th. Picton at Trenton, Jar, 11th. Trenton at Frontenaes, Jan, 15th, Picton at Belleville, Jan. 15th. Frontenacs at Picton, Jan. 17th. K.CI. at Trenton, Jan. 19th K.C.I. at Frontenacs, Jan. 9nd. Belleville at Trenton, Jan, 23rd. Trenton at Picton, Jan. 26th. Belleville at Frontenacs, Jan, Picton at K.C.I., Jan. 20th. * Fron. enacs at K.C.1., Jan. Slat, K.C.I. at Belleville, Feb. 2nd. Board of referees--7 renton, E. B. Hisey, Gerald Murdofi; Belleville, S. R: Burrows, Dr. Gilbert; Picton, E. C. Craft, Frederick Derris; K.C.L, leo Trimble, Greg 'George; Frontenaés, Noble Steacy, John Powell. 26th. Do You Want to Play. The officers of key Club would wish to play with the Frontenac Hoe- like. all those who the juniors to send their names and addresses to Stanley E. Trotter, care of Macnee & Minnes, on or before Janaary 1st, stating the position they would Jike {o play. The club intends to give everyone a change to get on this team, if possibte, i No Notice of Defaults, There will be three more games in the Sunday school basketball series at the Y.M.C.A, gymnasium thiceven- ing. Khe first will be one of the sen- ior game in ' séries. The teams will be Queen street and Broek. "This will be the first game that Queen has played so far this season. The second game will be between Sydenham and St. John's, and the third will be tween Bethel aud Cooke's. tion of referee will likely a Queen's man. The have been somewhat cisions handed out. The posi- be filled by teams in the past sore over the de- ---- Basketball Games. The games that ware to be played at the Y.M.C.A. gymnasium, in the junior series of the Sunday 'school basketball series were not played on Monday aftetnoon. Queen and Bethe! failed to turn up. Some of the teams are so indifferent that they will not even tell the other teams they are not going to play, but will let them dress and go on the floor; and then not turn up for the game. There * should be some rule compelling teams, if they are going to default, to notify the other teams a day ahead. ---- City Hockey League Meets. A meeting of . the City Hockey League has been cafled for Wednes- day evening to raceive any further en- tries for admission into the league, and to draw up the schedule-for the coming season. The interest promises to be keen, as the R. CHA, is put ting in a strong team 'to compete against the Granites. Queen's will also likely have two teams in tui senior series, -- This is Ice Weather. Ii the weather continues like this for a week, the rink men will be able to have ice for Chirisimas., The first game in the junior series of the O.H. A. has been caliod' for a week from Monday evening, so the ice man will have to get busy, or else the schedule will be upset. -- All Kinds of Sports. It is likely that the Duke of Con- naught will assist' in the reception of the Scotch curlers at Mtawa There is no chance of a game of football between University of Toron to and University of Pennsylvania; London curling bonspiel will be held the week of January 8th. Twenty- eight ~' prizes have already been do- nated. Father Stanton is again chosen dj- rector of Ottawa College Rughy Club, which indicates that he will not be transferred to Buffalo, Albert Kerr ig now the only hold out of the Ottawa Hockey Club. Ham- by Shore has come to terms, accepting the same salary as the others, $800 with bonuses. ' : Jottle of poison by Mis side. Miss 'atherine Collins, of the 'same city, swallowed lye with fatal results. "Rowntree's sweets." Gibson's. Souvenir handkerchiefs, initial hand- kerchiefs, fancy border handkerchiefs in _Dwyer's usual high-grade quality. | "J "opular prices. Call and see cour new consignment pretty Christmas slippers, cheapest to be got anywhers, at Dutton's. Frederick Thompson, and Mabel Taliaferro met in * a New York eleva- tor, where neither could escape. Miss Taliaferro is suin Thompson, her husband, theatrica, manager, for a divorce. There was painful silence. " "Hali-pound," one-pound, two- , three-pound and five-pound es Christmas sweets, Huyler's and MeConkey's, at Gibson's. . Alex. Ross, a well-lown contract or, is dead. at. Beucefield, aged seventy- seven. He was $hé first white child born in . Tuckerswith township, Tur a Christ) 0" Hol "for ristmas © 10c.; "Star of the East > ; "Dream of Paradise," 10c.. and "Lost . O Sd e.; "Hurrah For 'Y., on Saturday Santa Claus" 10e.- Bution's music store. aT 3 : Patrick Bergin, of rg, N. fromt i fact, was in justi reins, | the; in not wapscted Ag) . The * Varsity team which is entered in the Intercollegiate series, is not the same team as that entered in senior Ontario Hockey: Masocidtion, Varsity has two senior he key teams this vear md one Junior, "Jim" Kennedy was of the Ottawa College which will play in ihe Intercollegiate Union. Frank Heffernan, the brilliant bali-back of the football team, who comes from Peterboro, wad named as captain. manager hockey teams "Weldy** Young, the (obalt mine owner, who was formerly a member of the OHtawa hockoy team, a was instrumental in sending the Davison City team down for the Stanley cup pionship trophy to the Ottawa section of the Interprovincial Union. : Promotérs of the Zybszko Raicevieh wrestling match, which will be staged in Madison Square Gardens, New York, on Christmas night, announce] the receipt of a telegram from Frank Goteh, the champion of the world, de claring that he would be ready to meet the winner of the fateh by the latter 'part of Jasuary, The engagement is annoubced - of Miss Nima As da fier of Mr. and Mrs. Jos ng, North 2 nrustd, to X Verton NeDougall, of Brockville, The marriage will take place in Japu- ary: "MeConkey's and Huyler's." Gib % : T HE telephone has made it possible to do shopping and marketing satisfactorily, and with comfort, 'econ- omy and despatch, Practically every store and shop caters fo telephone trade and pays special attention to telephone orders, so that rhe buying has become 'a habit with hundreds of thousands of eople. Whenyou want something'that cannot be secured in our local shops, the Long Distance Service of the Bell De connects.you with the biggest markets of the country, even though you are hundreds of miles away. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA, Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System, 4 LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW | For Sale or to Rent. | | Sales Negotiated Rents: Collected | Fire Insurance Conveyancing and Real Estate | E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK MARKET SQUARR, "Phone 386. KINGSTON, ONT. be-| CHRISTMAS PRESENTS We carry a large. assortment of the following use- ful Christmas Presents. Nickle Plated Tea Pots, Nickle Plated Coffee Pots, Fancy Coffee Percolators From $1.50 to $7.00 Silver Knives, and Forks, Silver Spoons, Carving Sets From $1.50 to $10.00. Carpet Sweepers, Etc. ELLIOTT BROS. 77 princess St Ev. "EDELWEISS" BEER A pure, delicious, appetising drink for maids and wives-- "Edelweiss" drank at meals promotes digestion and perfect health, Seasoned, bottled and sealed at the brewery. PGA REINHARDTS' OF TORONTO p> : Te [y AY 4 LOCAL AGENT: E. B EAUPRE. TELEPHONE 313. Feven years ago, bas presented a cham- | s icc eresrrenining Prorsivnransrnscnaccansd } : , | Christmas Cheer There is no more welcome Christmas Gift for husband, sweet-heart, brother or son than "a pair of good looking comfort- able slippers, But, don't forget the Hockey --& or Skating Boots for the Boys amd Girls. Re in