Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Dec 1911, p. 2

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From Trapper to Wearer, (Registered. ) McKAY'S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SALE OF FURS | Starts To-morrow Morning John McKay Everything in the store reduced. Fur Coats, Fur Lined Coats. Fur Mnffs, Stoles," ete, ALL GOODS marked in plain figures. 3.7 now 'Persian Paw Muffs, vue. B8.19 6.00 Mink Marmot Muffs, now .... .. 5.10 12.00 Sable Muffs, now... .. 10.20 o wa a 17.00 1.00 Natural Raccoon Caps, ROW ov i iiine vue BA 4.00 Natural Raccoon Muffs, now 3.40 4.00 Natural Raccoon Double Fur Stoles| | . 13.75 15.00 Persian Lamb Muffs, ROW .. ., 4... 00 190 20.00 Men's Winter Coats, beaver shell, rubber and Persian lamb lining, Ger- man otter collar, now :.. sis raiisny nariunss FOO 30.00 Ladies' Quilted Lined Broadcloth Coats, natural Alaska sable collar' ant revers, now $26.50 50.00 Ladies' Muskrat Lined No. 1 Quality Broadcloth Shell, natural sable collar and fevers, now 42.50 50.00 Ladies' Muskrat Coats, 40 inches, lined with satin, now ... ..., 42.50 60.00 Men's Raccoon Coats, 50 inches long, now 51.00 $60,000 worth of New t, made this season; to select from. sale "Closes * Saturday night. IT desired, goods will be held for Christmas delivery op payment of small deposiv THE FUR HOUSE. it o'clock 149-157 BROCK STREET, BISSEL'S CARPET SWEEPERS a 5 1 actical and appropriate as a Christmas Gift Saves Work and Saves Carpets. Rich Woods, hand polished at $2752 $350 R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE i FEB VEALL LATA ATATAREA 202 S TTVLLLIVBRILT LL ORCI EE SY | i -------------- pg L HN0000000000i0000REOT0 $3100 WILL BUY tA Solid Brick Dwelling 9R ooms - rE Extension kitchen, hot $ water, fumace, all -mod- ern conveniences, gas ete situated on Clergy street, A SNAP for A qui : Sescsssonsvesenssecs S0000cssessssssnscescscnss Sev000000000000008 Pees ssscsasnssne ! ~weae alll | Cl wristmas Presents Useful Durable-- Boautiful Such presents are a joy forever COMFORTERS, SHADES, T. F. HARRISON Leatherby send invitations birthday party for little Lewis Leather- "EN NIG CARPETS, ete. You oP! RUGS, CUSHIONS, "Phone 990. The Leatherbys' Party. Mr. Leatherby sold children's - Business became dull, so he bh 3 had Mrs. to by, aged She sent the invitations to all the children in Lewis' class at ed children rushed do hought new shoes for and boys to wear to the pa 1 Immediately the mothers town and r little girls It was the liveliest hat Mr. eatherby's store had had in many years, Kindsidss always pays. rt ------ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, I : Told in Twilight . -s - The dance given on Tudsday even- ing, at the Royal Military College by the commandant, stali and gentlemen cadets. was, if possible, more enjoyable 'than ever. The cadets who always make such perfect hosts, excelled themselves in lboking after the guests, land did their utmost to make the dance the decided success that it was. The decorations were carried out in the college colors, red and white, and bayonets arranged along the stairs gave a very military appearance ' to que), Miss Wilson (Picton), Capt. W. H. P. Elkives, Gapt. H. Boak, Capt. Constantine, Capt. Hammond, Prof. Anderson, Prof. Davis, Prof. Gut- man,, Messrs. Hyman, L. Armstrong {Montreal ), IL. P. Hart (Montreal), H. Lafferty (Quebec), W. Morrissy {Mon- treal), O'Rielly (Cornwall), Harry Walkem, Bd. Wood, Rsmsay Brooks, H. Macpherson, (Ottawa), ° Rodger Clarke, B. Bate, R. Calvin, Gordon Smith, Siduey MeCann, Douglas Ang lin, Frank Smythe, W. JNacnee, J. Davis, - Mrs, A. P. Knight, Alice street, has issued invitations for an At Home on Wednesday! Dedember 27th, from 4.30 to 6 p.m. : - . - * Miss Marguerite Stewart, who has been visiting Dr. and Mrs. W. @. Anglin, Karlstreet, for a few days, the halls. Colonel and Mrs. Crowe re- | ceived the guests at the entrance ta gymnasium, the latter wearing black | satin with over-dress of silver sequins, i ved and white roses. A bufiett supper | was served shortly after eleven o'clock and the dance broke up at one. The guests included : : Major N, S. Leslie and Mrs, Leslie, in pale blue satin: with sable trim-| mings. i Major Vernon Eaton and Mrs, Eat- on, in handsome white satin, veiled in flame-colored chiffon. i Captain E. Russell Hale and Mrs. | Hale, in pale grey satin with silver | trimmings. { Captain Philip Prideaux and "Mrs. | Prideaux, in pretty gown of old rose i Colonel T. Birchall Wood and Mrs. Wood, in pale blue satin, handsome lace trimmings. | Captain Perréau and Mrs. Perreau, | in black satin, sequing, over-dress. Mr. W. R. Givens and Mrs. Givens, in black satin with over-dress of black and white chiffon, touches of blue on | bodice. 3 ] Mrs. Ashby, handsome sequins, robe | over black silk | Mr. Snell, and Mrs. Snell, in yellow | satin gown, veiled in ninon, panels of | Oriental embroidery, trimmings yellow fringe. Professor ¥. 0. Willhoft, and Mrs. | Willhoft, in grey satin with touches of | orange. Captain J. B. Cochrane and Mrs. | Cochrane, in black satin with jet | trimmings. Professor P. G. (. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, in rich lace robe, over | white satin. i Mr. John Weddell and Mrs. Wad- | defl, in pale grey silk. ! | 'I poplin, handsomely braided. i of | jStratiord on Thursday and will i Havergal College, Toronto, for Christ. will return to London on Thurs. day. Mr. J. H. N. Morgan, of the Stan- dard Bank of Canada, will go up to Niagara-on-the-Lake on Friday to spend Christmas with his parents. Mr. Mellis Ferguson will arrive from be the the guest Sutherland, holiday, Miss Uelen Campbell returned from of Mr. and Mrs. Farl street, N. over mas, ' with Mr, and Mrs. Campbell, Emily street. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Paterson) who are on their honeymoon, will arrive on Friday, to be guests in town over the holidays. J MN. » . - Ld Capt. and Mrs. Karl Folger expéeted in town the end to visit Mrs, Fred. Folger, Mrs. William Skinner and hgr son, Mr. Lyman Skinner, Gore street, .will leave, on Thursday, for Baldwinsville to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Marvin, -Mr. R. V. Conners, of Queen's uni- versity, left on Saturday ito spend a few weeks in Ottawa. Miss Isabel Waldron arrived Toronto on. Monday to spend holidays with her parents, Mr. Mrs. [ichard Waldron, Jr. street. Mrs. W. C, Way and son, Ronald, left, yesterday, for Lindsay to spend Christmas. are of the week] from the and King . ' » . Mr. H. Macpherson, guest of Mr. and Mrs, mingham, Barrie street, to Ottawa. --.. Mr. W. Morrissy, who was in town who was the Cornelins Ber- has returned WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1011 1 Now For Merry Christmas Shopping EVERY MOMENT SHOULD BE MADE TO COUNT NOW U ! ] BEEN SECURED. 'Books, Pictures, Christmas Card Stationery, Brass Goods, Etc., Etc. An attractive, helpful Christmas Store, displaying Xmas Cards, Frames, Books, etc., ete. NTIL YOUR XMAS. PRESENTS HAVE Stationery, Fancy Goods, Photo [ "The merchandise is spread before you in such a way as'to make Christmas shopping convenient, easy-in faet, a real, pleasure. Articles that are clean and new with no shop marks; articles of suffl- clent variety to 'permit 'selections of gifts for gyery member of the family. . ~ Open Every Night to: Christmas. wy : % The College 200 PRINCESS STREET. Cath ark Book Store 'Phone PIV. TRE $¢0000% IN_FULL SWING Buying, Looking, Working Pall WERE SENT TO JAIL. Two Cases Before the Magistrate Wednesday Morning. Although Michaél logan was ar rested on a charge of being drunk, when he wus arraigned in police court on Wednesday; (another charge was against him, 4hati of vagrancy, and the magistrate gave him two months in jail. Hogan was arrested on Tues day afternoon, by Constables Craig and Filson. : Hogan was released from the jail on Friday last, after having served a month for drunkenness. The. ma gistrate asked Michael to give an ae count of himself since the 15th when he was released, But Micffael 'was puzzled. that yesterday !" he asked. "Five days ago," said the magis trate. Jut all Michael could say was that he had been travelling about the country. And then the magistrate said "it would be two months, se. Michael will have his Christmas dinner at the jail. Poor Joseph Pork will also take Seesersesttertseceestsd § EBONY 3 HAIR BRUSHES An Ideal Christmas Gift. lines of High-class See our line of New' Imported nr Brushes, Ebony backs, with the Jewelry Hin execllent variety. | | | | best hand-drawn bristles, from 78¢c. to $3.00. > ooh Also a Nice oR of Hand Mir best ony backs, long handles. Bottles Kits at popular prices, Dr. New shipments. filling it - oh { as assortyélits -- bécome Jde- wn, "Was pleted. rors, Bevel Glass and Eb a . SMITH BROS. 850 KiNG STREET, Thermos and Lunch Jewelers. Opticians, shoes. i fhe invit- | i Miss Madge Crowe, Misses Helen and ; for tlie dance at the Royal Military Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Lillian | College; on 'fuesday night; returned on Kent, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss | Wednesday to Montreal. Dora Oldrieve, Mis., Rees, (Ganano- (Continued on Page 7.) que), Misses Nora and Helen Gordon, : Miss Eva Martin, Mjsses Hilda and | Doris Kent, Miss Nora Macnee, Migs | ---- Flora Rees (Gananoque), Miss Marie {Given at Rockwood Hospital on Eve and Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Lo Gerad of Departure. : trude Lawson, Miss Maniie Ga : Barber 4 0 rett, Miss Lilian Aiundell, Miss Ma. | parver, assistant superintendent DINNER TO DR. BARBER Dr. oO! mio Auglin, Misses Hilda and Bdith | ack houpitaly who. is beavings Hague, Misses Eva and A Mabel | go a new position; was tendered a Richardson, Miss Mollie Saunders, 4 limentary di . . Misses Christine 1 Silvia Coch. |finb imentary dinner by the staff of iste aTiatine and A .__ Rockwood, Tuesday evening, at the rane, Miss Margery lrownfield, Miss | 0 : Wi woo Ig, aL e a : h : : pital. With the exception of a fow Dorothy Hill, Miss Aileen Folger, | connected With the work, the gatherin Miss Watherine Hart, Misses dithan {oy strictly of those conncoiud no and Jessie Sliter, Miss Aileen and { the hospital. E.R. Rogers, Toronto, May Rogers, Misses Leta and Vera asylum inspector; Dr. Forster Teron Carson, Mits Edith Folger, Miss Ka- to; Dr. J. M. Platt warden of Kin > thleen Gordon, Miss Kathleen Crisp, | ton penitentiary: or a a = Miss Mona. and Phyllis Knight, Miss | liamson, representing Queen's " were Gladys Burton, Niss Lugy Waddell, | among the outside guests. The allair Miss + Mchlowall, Miss M.. Young, | was g most enjoyable one and will Vics F. Hudon, Miss Ada Bates, long be remembered, Misses Margery and Gwenneth: Mer- After the = spread a toast list was rick, Miss Florie Stewart, Miss Madge furnished, and Dr. Ryan acted as Taylor, Miss Stdrr, Miss Florence toastmaster. Speeches and songs fol- Richmond, Misses Fdith and Doro- | lowed in . quick succession and when thy Goodwin, Miss Irene Swift, ten o'clock came, those who were Misses Phyllis and Charlie Shortt, | present thought it had come to a close Miss Ethel Jordan, Miss Madeline | too quickly, Vigging, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Inspector Rogers, in his talk, touch Edna Both, Misses Wright (Ganano- [ing on the work of the institution, 2 said it was one of the best conducted Ove on She Sout iiust. Speeches 'were also made by other members of the staff, Kingston's Famous Fur Store. aI oxprossing the regret that Dr. Bar- . ber had found it necessary to leave the city. ' Dr. Barber has been assistant super- intendent of the institution for the past nine years, and during that time he has been a most painstaking of- ficial. It is not successor will be. TEACHERS AND TRUSTEES. ------ ) To Have Conference Over Question ; ; ¢ of Salaries, k 5 . Arrangements gree made for a eon: 3 a ference beiweén = the school teachers 7, and the trustees this afternoon, when the all-important question of salaries will be considered. The matter will then come before the meeting of the board to be held {on Thursday evening. : \ Only three days more to do the Christmas buy- ing. Two days are "mar- ket" days so we urge i ey : . ) n Raised . momng shopping. : A number of children held a sale at the home of Mrs. John Donnelly, Parl street, in aid of the St. An- drew's' ward at the general hospital a short dime ago. The sale realized '20. Among the children who took part were Helen, Jean and a Chown, "Elizabeth Cunningham, Geor- gia Ettinger, Doris Donnelly, and May Mills. ¢ The hospita] is very grate ful for the help. . een The Empty Saddle. A thrilling drama of the American war, also' "The Bootlegger," depicting the 'struggle to keep down the liquor trafic, and "Aunt Jane's Legacy," a splen Sumety; 3,000 feet i idtion pictures. Usual price to-night an 'Thursday at Wownderland. Returned Lost Muff. The black lamb muff, lost by a Pine street lady "and advertised for in the Whig, was returned to this office, this moming. It was found by W. J. Liv- ingstom, Concession street, who saw the advt., and lost no time in return ing the googs. > ; p y ; ) ) { 3 «og bi re ER Fo? 2 B0c--Chocolates Assorted--30c. Finest assorted chocolates, 300. Ib. BT ---------------------- . | Queen's students ard RM.C. cadets went out' of: tov in large bumbers This was the first students" Li 4 were ig day ay on Ons pisne gL 'for cash at a map known yet who his } Christmas dinner, at the county jail, He is an Indian, who has no regular place of abode, and for the past week or 80, has been making the police sta- tion his headquarters. The magistrate gave him a week. 185 PRINCESS STREET, ~ 'Phone 343. : | : : SOLD LLLLLLLLLLLLL00008000000000008¢0 GFE IP PSII EEE VEG ATTACKED BY A COW. is Robins Are Still Here, » A red-breasted robin was seen on the farm of Henry Wartman, on , the Front road, about one mile and: one half past Portsmouth, Wednesday morning, which is, indeed, very usual. This is one of the robins, doubt, who winters and bushes, and is still out looking for food. Large worms were seen Fourteen-year-old Girl Internally In- Jared. { Attacked by a cow, in a stable ther father's farm, Mary Sills, aped fourteen, daughter of George Sills, Mclean post office, Hinchinbrooke, was brought to the general hospital, on Wednesday morning * suffering from on un no in the marshes . 2 internal injuries, and her recovery is at the present time doubtful. Phe patient, was brought into the city by Dr. Genge, on the Ningston & Psmbroke railway, and was removed from the station to the general his pital in R. J. Reid's ambulance. only this week at the top of the ground in several places in this vicinity. Probablyswe will have a green Christmas yet. Row hoats were seen Bn the harbor, Tuesday. Old-fashioned China. Breakfast and fruit set at Robertron Bros'. 8, half price, : : . Music rolls at Pests, Telephone 36, mistletoe. The Bank of Commerce staff vill not be installed in its new building this week, as oxpected, on account of the building not being completed. Ii will probably bé a week or ten days beipre the building is ready for oceu pafion. Christmas . cherries, Purdy's. Court of rovision for vacancies is to be held on Thursday in: the city coun- al chamber. Great sale of stockings for all; also gloves at very low prices. Dhitton's, hyacinthe. IRIS EEREEE) 32 only Ladies' Fancy Net Waists, Ecru only, newest style, made with Kimona Sleeves, and with side pleated Jabot, lined throughout with silk. Sizes 34 to 40. A $3.00. garment on $1 a5 - - . sale to-night Special Ladies' Tan Kid Gloves, in sizes 6 to 7, the balance of our stock of 75c. qualify to 50c¢ clear to-night at per pair 39¢ 50 dozen Ladies' Fjne White. Embroidered Handkkerchiefs, regular jup to 2 £ or 25 c 2 ¢. Clearing at. - Finest quality White Wool Blankets, to clear on SreYeYaYeYe (® see Yay LOO! an h eee ore OOOO 00000 5 dozen Boys Sweaters, in all sizes, two "color combinations, to clear to-night cach Wednesday at 20 per cent. off "4 $5.00 A swell range of Fine Umbrellas for Xmas trade, SEE@T Ladies' Satin Underskirts, 1 and Dainty colors, each .- VEEEERE PEECIEREEREERRELNERIEERIEREE Ae Ne Piles of Ribbons - 'lca yard and up. All Ladies' Coats, newest style, selling at Half : Price. NEWNAN & SHAW, os OOOO Le, SE EWE THEALWAYS BUSY STORE. o ® Issuers of Marriage Licenses. i 0 MADE OVER AND RE PAIRING W. F GOURDIER WORDS OF COMFORT. From Holy Writ with its manifold blessing would be denied a great without the ald of gasses. which iwvineing proof that no one afford to neglect the eyes al any age Your eyes bother you In any n't fall to consult Keeley, Jr, i} Optometrist, and get sound advice as to kind of glasses, if thy are needed, and, if you should require other treat - ment he will tell you so, Batisfaction guaranteed money refunded . KEELEY, Jr. Optometrist 226 PRINCESS ST. 'Phone 927, or Christmas 3% and boots 7 his coat He PREFERS Dress Suit White immecuiaty linen aie linen means laundering-- OUR LAUNDERING Of course, How' about your W & Christmas laea? Why not follow Santa's good example? Eingston Aundsy . : Cor, Prinecss & Sydenham Sts. I= ready for dinner. Pur ars discarced. OOOOUOO! PPPs est and Immacui- faultless y

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