Re SOME. FINE DISPLAYS IN KINGSTON STORES FOR YULE- TIDE SEASON, Citizens Will Have No Trouble in Picking Out the Suitable Gifts-- Stores Open at Night for the Bene- fit of the Shoppers, On Siepiry, the Whig learns that the, majority the city merchanis are well pleased with the Christmas trade 80 far this week. Last week, with nearly four days of rain, was a heart- breaker, and meant the loss of thou sands of dollars. But this week the purchasing done compares very favor able, and some merchants report, tc exceed, that of former Christmas ges sons. The city purchasers have been very busy all week, but it takes the snow to bring the farmers into town. Residents of places with railway con- nection have been in the city in larg: numbers, but those in places where the vehicle is the only mode of convey- ance, 'are still waiting for the snow. Many of the back-country roads were almost impassable. When the farmers are forced to postpone their shopping until this late hour, they very often resort to the mail-order houses of To- ronto, to the loss of the city merch- ants. However, the merchants are looking forward to record-breaker sales © on Thursday and Saturday. Christmas is now only five days off. The shopping seawon should be at its best. There are always a lot of peo- Jy ple who leave off their shoppi til the last few days, Pine and indeed this year ' they can be excused somewhat for so doing, as the weather has been any- thing but pleasant for this task, And just a word or two about the Kingston stores. Have vou paid a visit to all of them ? If vou have not you should do so. Everything in the line of Christmas gifts is to be found, and the man or woman who is puzzled over what to buy, has only to look over the stock-in-trade of the stores, and they will strike upon something that will suit, "What will TI buy? This is the question that is heard on all sides ev- ery Christmas. Take the Whig's ad- vice and inspect. the stores. The stores will be open every night this week, so that everyone will have ample opportunity of picking out pres- ents, if they do not get sufficient time during the day. The windows have been made very attractive. But then it is but a small difplay that can be given in the windows; one has to got on the inside to see the best of the goods, The year has been a most prosper- ous one for the majority of people, and, no doubt, every citizen will open his or her Purse strings and make some person happy at thie yuletide season, with a pretty gift. ay rp -------------------- BARBERS ELECTED OFFICERS At a Meeting Held on Monday Even. ing. At a meetings of the, barber's union, on Monday night, the following officers. were elocted : re INCIDENTS. OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Reporters. Newman & Shaw's "to-night." Heavy $2 silk mufflers, great value, $1.25. Dutton"s. W. H. Miller, of Queen's, went to Renfrew on Tuesday. Perfumes all the new odors, at Ma- hood's drug store. ' Messrs. E. H. Smith and A. A, Mae Laren went to Renfrew. Great sale of Irish linen handker- chiefs, hand embroidered. Dutton's. Miss Margaret Maedonald has left to spend Christmas at'Cobalt. Men's extra heavy wool sox, 2 pairs 35¢c.; men's underwear, 50c. Dutton's. the Christmas holidays at Renfrew. A Christmas suggestion : Subserip- tion to public library for your friend. 50c. regular chocolates for 25¢. Ib. Fresh and delicious. Buy early. Ma- hood's, i Capt. J. 8. Moore, of the steamer Tagona, has left for his home in Win sor. 2 H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King "street. Leave orders at 'Mo Auley's book store. J. H. Box, attending Queen's Uni- versity, left for his home in Calabogie on Tuesday. { b0c. regular chocolates for 2c. 1b, Fresh and delicious. Buy early. Ma- hood's, Music: 2,000 selections by Bohm, Chaminade, Schumann, Chopen, ete., 10e. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. Dr. Ashcroft, osteopath, 136 Welling- on street, leaves, Thursday, to spend two 'weeks in Montreal. Hear Caruso, Schumann-Heink, Me- Cormick," Reed Miller, etc., on »the Victrola at D, J. Dawson's, 244 Prin« Ces street. "Week-end"" sale of regular Hoc. chocolates for 20e.. 1b. stiirts Thurs day, this week. Mahood's drug store. George Cliff, formerly of this city, writes to the Whig from Edmonton, where he is now located. He extends heartiest, of Christmas greetings to all his old friends. Dr. Hawke, 21 Wellesley street, To- ronto, successfully treats piles, fissures, etn, without an operation. Write for free booklet and references. ' B. Gordon, Glenvale, who is a ecan- didate for the reeveship of Kingston township council, has been a member of that body for the past two years, and has also been a member of the Sydenham high school board. Mr. Gor- don is also one of the leading 'men on the Frontenac cheese hoard. Admitted by all, that Dwyer has the biggest and best "assortment of men's 50¢. neckwear in Canada. Not a shape or color omitted. The H. -W. Newman Electric Com- pah.. have re recived a splendid as- sortment of dining room dames and fable lamps, which make splendid Christmas presents. Drop in and see them. « "Week-end"' chocolates, 25¢. 1b. Bordeaux centres. Peppermint creams. Caramel centres. Maple centres. Walnut stick, ete. Mahood . drug store. 5 Thomas Nelson & Sons, Paternoster President, William Hagerman; president, P. Lawless; "treasurer, Killenbaek; Lemmon; H. Aivsley. i The members passed a resolution of condolence to "be sont to Messrs. Ep- hriam, jr, and Rolurt Robbs, in the death' of their mother, which ocourved recently. The president, George Lewis, pied the chair. vice- ¢ ancial socvetary, William | ary, HN. Lewers; guide, ! oocu- Christmas Trees Sold, The Kingston - market took on a Christmas dress, on @uesday, when Christmas trees were placed on sale, and were readily disposed of. Christ- mas trees will always be in great de wand, for there is nothing "that amuses the children more ot the Yuletide season than the Christmas tree. Many citizens go out into the country and ent down their own trees at Ohristmas time, buy a great many? on the market for their sup- \ ------------------ 'Colds Cause Headache. Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world- wide cold and grip remedy, removes cause. Call for full name. Look for signature E. W. Grove, 25e. Masonic Installation. There is to be a joint installation held by the three Masonic lodges of the city 'on Twesday evowrng, the 27th. Afterwards, a dinner will be held in the city hall, with Marshall P. Reid as caterer. ply. Row; London, E.C., sends forward two cheap copies. of Victor Hugo's "Les Contemplations" and 'Napoleon Le Petite," nt one. and a quarter francs. 'They are well printed and neatly bound. Archibald Marshall's 'Exton Manor" and "Browning as a° Philo- sophical and Religious Teacher," by Henry Ines, are ndmirable works at sevenpence and * ode + shilling respec- tively. PRICE OF SUGAR IS DOWN, Ee There is Tweaty Cents Per Hundred Difference. The housewives of the city are pleas- ed to learn that while some of the commodities necessary to the house- hold are increasing the price of sugar sugar has taken a downward turn. The price of both brown and white sugar has been lowered during the past two weeks. The first drop was ten cents per hundred and then a week later it dropped another ten cents. Housewives who have been get- ting sixteen pounts of white sugar for one dollar will now get "seven- teen. ' The mayoralty contest in Prescott, on Japuary Ist, promises to be a warmer one than usual. Two candi dates are already in the field, ex-Ald. F. W. Elliott and Ald. George Mason, and two others are mentioned as pos- sible candidates. : Mr. and Mrs. John Juby celebrated their golden wedding, at their resi dence in Tuftsville, on December 8th. Mise Reba and Norman MeArthur are spending the Christmas holidays in Renfrew. Robert O'Dair lost his hand by an accident at the cement works at Marl- bank, on Saturday. PRIZES Givenaway to the GOODS over $1.00 in value. Drawing takes place DECEMBER 23rd. LOOK $150.00 worth of of our SALE "THE TOKYO" SAE de Sau » Best quality. NO % Christmas Chocolates. Beautiful Boxes and Baskets. GANONG'S, MOIR'S, ETE Mise Olive Pedlow has left to spend «| junior ™R THE SPORT REVIEW "CHAUCER" ELLIOTT IN FAVOR OF PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL For the City of Kingston--j}f Given the Right Support a Team Would , Thrive Here~--Has Just Returned From Boston. "Chaucer" Elliott, who was to have managed one of the Torontq profes sional hockey teams this 'winter, re turned, vesterday from Boston, where had gone in an endeavor to get rink accommodations for his team un- til 'the new Arena rink is opened in Torofito, Both of the Toronto teams have. dropped out of the N.H.A., so his services as manager will not be _ Thinks Pro. Baseball Good. When asked by the Whig whether he thought that a professional baseball {team would pay in Kingston, "Chau- cer" Elliott replied that if the accom- oda tions provided were of the right "it would pay all right. This has reference to the proposed action of the owner of the Berlin Canadian League baseball. jeam transferring his scene of action . £6 "Kingston or Peterboro if Berlin refuses to provide the accommo- dation the officials of the team want. "We made semi-professional baseball pay here a few. years ago, even though we had to play in Lake On- taric Park," be.said. "But if you want a team to pay here now, you will have to bring the field close en- ough for the budiness man, who likes to reach a baseball game by walking to the grounds and be able to return in time to close his busiiess at six o'clock. The athletic field is too far away, as is also Lake Ontario Park, If the peopleywant the team here, there is nothing else to do but to build a park as near the centre of the town as possible." People. here in general, though, do not seem to think that the team will be moved here. The action of the own- er of the team is regarded as a bluff to force Berlin to give them the desir- ed accommodations. The jumps here would be long and would cut down the profit of a team. Toronto and Ottawa are the nearest / places. They would like to have the team come here all right, but they do not see any way for it to flourish should it ao so, ones May Adopt New Net. The principal discussion at-the In- tercollegiate hockey meeting in To- ronto Saturday arose over the inter- pretation .of the rule concerning the scoring of goals, Some troubles was caused last year because this rule was not sufficiently explicit, but no better wording could be suggested. To avoid a repetition of the Strouble, however, it was decided to adopt the new Lesueur goal net, providings it made good in the professional league this year, J It was generally expected "that the Intergollegiate would take some ac- tion on the stand the professionals have made in playing six men ins stead of seven, but no notice was taken of il, dhe students evidently thinking there was enough work for seven men; Walsh Signs With Ottawa. : "Margy" Walsh, of Kingston, signed up with the Ottawa hockey club | on Tuesday and tiles leaves only Albert Kerr, of last year's team. Rerr may not sign with the (4tawas this "sea- son, Will Hold Shoot. The members of the Kingston Gun Club will hold a shoot on New Year's day. The club hat, at the present time, a membership of twenty-five. Will Not Enter a Team. Wolfe Island will not have a hockey team in the City League this year. This was the statement made to the Whig, to-day, by one of the members of the Wolfe Island Sporting Club. Last year the islanders supported a team in the City League, and attended the games under great difficulties . at times. They did not think that they got a fair show at all times. The team last year put up a good fight and $ad a large number of followers. It is with regret that the City League loses this team. 1 City League Meets. The City Hockey lLeagpe mects night, to receive the last entries for admission into the league, and to draw up the schedule. At present there are three teams in the senior series, Queen's, R.C.H.A, and Gran ites. There is, every probability that Queen's will enter a second team, thus making four teams in the senior ser- ies. Portsmouth will not likely enter a team. There are four teams in the series, Regiopolis, Kingston Collegiate Institute, Kingston Business and Granites. It is not ex- shat any further entries will be to- made. Will Meet Soon. An executive meeting of the Sunday Sehool AAA. will likely be ealled for nex® Tuesday evening, to organize a hockey league. Any clubs intending to join the league, should one be organ- requested to be able to give pité. idea of how many teams like to have any delay in to get things in shape ak soon after January lst as possible. To Draw Up Schedule. The Township Hockey League hasa meeting called for to-night, to receive the last - entries end to draw up =a schedule. The two series, sénior and junior, will make quite a lot of ex- citement in this league, in view of the two handsome cups which are up for competition. : ok Three Bisketball Games. the best games that have du the S.SAAA. basket , Played at the Y.M. oi Tumd oni BAILY getting the league started, and want {4 *1"Dou't Woere Club =~ The BRITISI! WIIG, WEDNESDAY, would 'win out. Kalph Filson mesg of the searing fer Cooke's } # thel--~Thompson, Holland, Edgar, Law, Veale, Cooke's--F. Kiell 'ipo, Kf+iv cou, Wleree--! slic Meek, The second game between Sydenham and St. John's was a good exhibi- tion and was pretty free from rough play. Sydenham had the befter , of the game from the start, leading at hall time by 4 to. .7 In the se cond half Sydenham pulled up seven- teen points to the other team's Points, The final score or 31 Yue 10.' , Kiell, Filson, Sher-! to Sydenfiam--Holder, F. Pense, Trot. | ter, Wightman and Ward. St... John's--Nicholsgn, Davidson, Stevenson, Deun Referee--Douglas Pound. The senior game was very exciting. Brock street wom from Queen by 48 to 30. The game was a fine exhibi- Sion, although Brock had the befter of it. McConnell, for Brock, did all the scoring for his team. Brock--Burtch, Day, Stagg, McCon- nell, P. Pound. Queen--Birch, Watt, McCar mett, Meek, Referee-Roy Moore, Junior Basketball Games. Two more games will be played in the junior Sunday school series at the ! Y.M.C.A. gymnasium, on Tuesday af- ternoon. The game between Cooke's' and St: James' will practically tell | who is going to win the league. If! Cooke's win the game it will put them fwo games ahead of St. James'. It is likely that Douglas Pound will re | eree the game. /1\ will commence at 4.30 o'clock sharp. There will also be | a second game, between St. Pauls! and Sydenham. There are now, prac- | tically, only five teams left in the! league. Seven teams started out, but two of them have been letting all | their games go by default of late. | . Scammell; ison. nearly toey, Jem- Basketball Standing. I The following is the standing of the basketball league : St. Sydenham Brock ..... t: Bethel ................. St. John's .... Cooke's Batis weds It will be moticed that has played one more g of the other teams. 0 1 2 3 3 0 4 Sydenham ame than any! Notes on Sports, 41 They are dissatisfied 'with the gma- teur hockey association in antl will probably form a B league. i < Bombandiér 'Wells "knocked out Fred: Storbeck, of South Africa, in eleventh round, in London, night, "Une Round" Hogan matched with® **Billy* National. ¥porting lut ronto about Feb. lst. "Nick". Bawlfy well kfiown the east, is plang a great game at cen- tre-for the North Stars in the New Ontario hockey league. Frank Rankin, the star playec of the O.H.A. last winter, who has been reported signed with both . Montreal Wanderers and one of the Toronto N. HLA. teas, states in his home town Le Will not turn professional, Montreal = Star: In.the = Ontario Hockey Assodation there arg now one Saskatoon £ has been in i town and village. sociation than there are seats Ontario legislature, ties, which is certainly doing especially in Ontario, where there about as much: po%tics to the square yard as in any part of our over-gov- | erned country, Toronto Telegram : The great | coach, Harry Griffith, has announe the never again stray away from Intercollegiate. Which same ultima- tum was issued by this column two years ago. Football is essentially a college sport, It needs the ' college | spirit behind it and daylight prac- | fice to perfect plays in so short a season as it holds the boards. City! teams can never get their practice | and while college boys : play the | game the others can only play at it. | i 4 1 i HAD A MERRY TIME. Thieves Who Broke Into Store Had | Feast. The thieves who broke into the gro- cery store of Isaac T. Morris, corner day evening, were evidently not afraid | of being caught at their work, for, in addition to carrying away the plunder they took, they stopped long enough in the building to have a feed. Numer- ous bottles which had contained pop found by Mr. Morris, indicated that | there were a number of them. ! thieves took a quantity. of phig to: baceo, a box of cigars, half a package of cigarettes, some bottles of catsup and pickles: and three small bags. of sugar. Entrance was effected hy eut- ting the front window with a diamond and unlocking the door from the - in- side. y also broke the sign let ters on the window. This is the second time this store has been broken into this year. Once | Nn the summer the glass in the front | was broken, but evidently the! thieves were séared, as nothlag was jssed Trom the stook. i S al petty thefts of this kind have been perpetrated in the city dur ing the past year. some instances the guilty parties have been appre hended, but in other instances they have escaped.' y \ i SE ------ " "Week End" Chocolate Sale. The sale of chocalates at Mahood's drug store at Be. Ib. are the regu. [lar 50c. quality end are fresh this wiek from the .- Ome shipment ' the sale will hes just 'arrived : start on Thursday. 'What's in a Name? Willis-- What's the matter with the members "Scotsman" Says That the Doings man, six teams playing in the intermediate Scotsman has the following : Won. Lost. ¢urling clubs in the dominion associat- ed with as they call the R.C.C.C., and playing under its enles, forty-one of these pay- 'ing through their ian branch, this branch being 'affiliated,' while the others are associated and have separ | branch has its headquarters at Mont: of ip o : ven), phd Nova Scotia branch at Hali- t yofessional |, Iwan "British the 'brook, and the Kootenay branch Monday Rossland. Alfen. for the | Scots in the fight for the Strathcona > show in To- eup, which will be the chief contest of the tour, it has been decided to play four test matches, the first at Halifax, the Toronto, and the last at Winnipeg, the aggregate score in these four matches to determine the destiny of the cup for the time being, while it is left to the branches in Canada, if that scountry is victoriolid, fo determine which branch shall have the custody of the cup for to visit 4 Regina, but the team has.go time 'to hundred and ten teams-senror, junior go beyond Winnipeg, from which, af- and intermediate; big and little; city, {ter * engaging in the great That is, there are { bonspiel, thet greatest curling event in four more teams in the Ontario As- Canada, they will return to this coun. in the try about the end of February, after 'This shows tHat {an absence of about nine weeks. When sporty is still keeping in front of poli+ at Winnipeg, however, possibly two or well, | three rinks may proceed farther west. is | The majority, it is expected, will re places in.the United States, such as od | deed, it follows very much on the iti- that the Canadian championship will PD {team from Scotland a reception heartior (if this be possible; than that | Farmer it | DECEMBER 20, 1211 INITIALS ee BN =o CAGE Five id £F 00000000009 00000000000 PE00IIIIOIVIPLICTI IPL OEIIOLOIL OIE O VIET BE TRAVELLING BAGS FREE SUIT CASES See Our Swell - Travelling Bags Real Leather and Leather Lined 3.50, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00 to 20.00 ~ Fitted Bags 16.00 and 20.00. Swell Leather Suit Cases $5, $6, $8 to $22. See Our $5 and $6 Specials. Our $4 Leather Suit Cases CANNOT Be Equalled = Fitted Cases for Ladies and Gents $10, $16.50, $22. HY'S WHILE IN CANADA. iron, Will be Watched With Great In. terest--The Fight for the Strath. cona Cup Will be an Interesting One. I'he curling writer, on the Scots has been working overtime of ate, making references to the visit of Seottish curlers to Canada. The "There are now no fewer than 319 the Royal or 'Mither Club,' Club's funds in the Cana- home clubs do, into the Royal secretary Just as ate funds of their own. The Canadian ax, the Ontario branch at Toronto, ha: Manitoba branch at Winnipeg, the fberta branch 'at Calgary, the Assini- oia branch at Regina, the Saskatche- branch at the same town, the Columbia braneh at Cran at "To give an opportunity to all the listricts of the dominion to meet the second at Montreal, the third at he year, Invitations have been given Alberta, Saskatchewan and annual turn from New York. The itinerafy, it will be noticed, includes several Detroit, Chicago and St. Paul. In erary which was prepared for the vis- it of the former Scots team to Can- ada in 1908. Everywhere preparations are being made to give this husky even ABERNET ooo EYES OF SCOTLAND ' WILL BE ON SCOTTISH CURLERS | stated SELECT CHOCOLATES FOR CHRISTMAS In Fancy Boxes and Baskets. § : All the best makes kept In stock. Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE. "Phone 640. PAID A VISIT TO THE CITY ON TUESDAY. Wanted to Tell Fortunes, But There Was Nothing "Doing" For Them, and They Left--Some of the Band Under Arrest at Belleville. Kingston had a visit on Tuesday, from a half dozen or so of gypsies, in the fortune-telling business, but as there" was nothing "doing" Mor them, they left rather hurriedly. They arriv- el in the city, early in the morning, and left for the east at noon. There were several women and chil- dren, and the women endeavored to tell fortahes, -at various places around the city, but several men who were approached, refused to allow the fair damsels to hold their hand, and allow them to tell them about the future, . The Kingstonians were quite satisfied to trust to the future, In one office, one of the women did her. best to get a "job," but fortune-telling had no charm for anyone in the office, and ghe left, in | anything but a pleasing frame of mind. The gypsies were all dressed in their native garb. The party consisted of six women, two men and six children. Their mode of operation, was to have their vigtims produce bills, which the women would have placed in their hands, and after giving a little speech in a language all their own, and which was, of course. all Greek to the person paying over the money, would keep tHe money. At least, this is how the little game was worked in Belle vile, according "to press despatches, where members of the band were ar- rested. No person was "stung" in Kingston, at least if they were they did not say anything about it. It is that in Jelleville, the women succeeded in keeping money in at least three cases, and in several more which were not rep "ted to the police At Belleville, the magistrate allowed given to its forerunner. "The doings gf our curling represen- fatives, who are all good exponents of the : national, game, will be watched with interest as they go from place to place in their arduous enterprise by their friends in the motherland." FAILED TO PURCHASE GEESE. Had Story to Tell the 'olice. There is an oil story, about telling farmer took this means of making | known his troubles on Tuesday. The farmer is out with a big stick, after a residént of the city. He had quite a fine flock of geese, and claims that the Kingstonian went out to see Lim and made a bargain to purchase The | the lot, at the rate of $1.50 per pair. livery in England is confined to In order to seal the bargain, he says that the Kingstonian paid him 81 on account. a On Tuesday morning, the farmer prought the geese to the city to the man, but the latter would pot take them unless the farmer dropped the price to $1.40. This he would not do, and then there was trouble. The two bad guite a. lengthy argument over the pwtter, but the Kingston eity max absolutely refused to take the geese, and was even willing to forfeit he dollar he had put up for the lot. Ihe farmer then went to the bs but the latter could not do anythibg for him. Then he went to a lawyer's office. " The case may reach the divi sion court. . Ice in the Harbor. The weather on Tuesday and Wed- 'nesday was sufficiently . cold enough to freeze the harbor in places. All the water below the 1 was frozen over and very soon there will be skating. There is a change in the moon on Wednesday evenmg, and it 'is expected to bring some cold weather. Around the wharves on Wed the water had a costing of ice, but the steamer Wolfe Islander broke it up very soon. Peo said that da i t the women charged to go on their making restitution, and at .the same 'time, compelling them to leave the city. Then they came on to Kingston | but unfortunately for them, their visit there was not a financial success. iv is alleged that in one case, at Belle ville, as high as £15 was taken from | one person. : The Use of Cockades. Montreal Rigr KR. Montreal.--What does a the | wearing of ecockades mr eoachmen's of Mentreal and Charles streets, Mon: your troubles td the police. A certain (hats signify ? Who are legal:y entit led to wear them in England, snd {¢ anada ¥ Does the same rule apply {to beth' countries ? I have heard the opinion of several men, but not can speak with authority, Ans.--1t is understood that the right to use the cockade ns a badge of ser | vants of naval and military officers, and those of holders of some offices, under the crown, ifcluding privy coun- cillors, officers of state and supreme teourt judges. The same rule would apply to Canada. The difficulty of de fimng where the line should be drawn 18 because the privilege is one of which the law takes no cognizance. The black cockade was introduced in England by George I from his Ger- man dominions, and is the badge of the House ,of Hanover. The white cockade was the distinctive mark of the exiled Stuarts. one Cutting the Melon. Montreal Gazettes, The Canadian Pacific railway coni- pant is to Sasue $18,000,000 . vf new 0 present holders at $150 for each $100 share. The market value of the stock is about $250 a share and the transaction will, no doubt, by some, be set down as 'cutting a elon." As the tremsury of the com- pany will $1.50 in cash for ever 21 of liability it will have to i taterest om, it will be noted that there is a big $9,000,000 stice of red meat for the pr which is not often a featore of financial cutting. A BAND OF GYPSIES } ay sa) x : 3 Reid's Quality Christmas Gifts Our Holiday Exhibit offers a choice of ideal Christmas Gifts at trividl cost and pos- sessing distinct decorative = MAT : values. Genuine Leather Saddle Bag Cushioned Morris Chairs only $15.00, regular $20.00 a few left. IAMES REID'S 'pe 47 Pisa Hinchipbrooke Council. Parham, Dec. 15.~Couneil met; mem- bers all present. Minutes of last meeting adopted. Moved, McKnight- Wagar, that F. Wagar be refunded Gle., an error" in assessment. Car. ried. Moved, McKnight-wagar, that F. | Howes receive $3 for work on Bedford | boundary, alid the clerk bill Bedford {township for $1.50. Carried. The col {lector"s time extended Hntil " next | meeting. Accotints paid: F. 3, ¥. Wagar, 67c.; T. Reynolds, { Wm. Goodfellow, 81; J: Lowery, iJ. Hamilton, $1; T. Fitzgerald, $1.50, 0. R. Clow, $16.75; A. Wagar, 815.50; {P. Dwyer, ¥16; R. A. Hamilton, 515-50 {Board. of health=R. A, Hamilton, $6; {Wim. Clark; 36; Wm. Goodfellow, $4; A. Meleod, $4; G"A, Smith, $4; Dr, T. 8. Genge, ¥25. Salaries, Dwyer, 814; 0. R. Clow, 816; C. G. McKnight, $16; Allen' Wagar, $16; i ton, $16; A. Smith, per, W. Killing, 360, ete.--G. A, Smith, 8315.75; G. lins, $0 revising roll Jurors--G. A. Smith, $1; ton, $4; J. McMahon, Teal, 82. To .schools--D; J. fellow, 2196: G. McKnight, 83758; P, Finn, 3252.50; J. McMahon, $298. GG. A. Smith, $315; H. J. Wagar, $251 D. C. Snider, $396; Mrs. A. Foster, $150, L. Cammon, $278; A. Wagar, $240, Council adjourned . sine die. G, 0 Why He Likes Travellers, Sir Wilfrid Laurier "I like commercial travellers," said Sir Wilfrid, "because they are always ready to offer you their last ar and tell you the latest story, on men, as no other class, have Jour fingers on the commercial pulse of the coungry and khow how its big heart beats. You have youth and enthue singm on your side, and all dream of the day when you will manage a busi. vess of your own and direct the de- stinies of a great industry. Like Na paleon'y army, whete every i ad a marshals baton in his knsp- sack, you men cherish the hope ol rising to the top of a business." Sure Cure. . Crakshaw--Don't that, my dear, She'll soon be in love From Judge. HOOD $3 / J Hu 'S |