| BANK OF TORONTO} Hl Profit tor Yenr, 10.87 per cept. op 4 | [ Capital Totnllea $077,964, 1 CURLERS. PRR. J Hi The Statement of the Bank of § | Yaronto, just ikeved, gives figures i) li which should prove gratifying to i ll the Shareholders at the 'Annasl lH meeting on 30th January. i To the Net Profits earned $077, il 964 are added premiums on new i! I stock issued which with $194,577 brought forward from' ll last year, gave a total of $1,480, | 791, for distribution. the Curlers in the City Hall A meeting of the executive of Ningston Curling Club was held } el 20th of January. fH] invite the Posing clubs to sen : it teams for gvent : llevi | Han this Amo Dix idends of 8H Brockville, © fhe Pe i B.C, BEETEGALING SASH, were Hi ¢l ll Dit "ine Bharenciders Stevo fii] tal, Napa, i written off Bank Premises, $1 i} | hospital, | 000 transferred to Officers' ill sion Fund, di 8 to the city on the 19th ARRANGING DETAILS "HIFOR THE VISIT OF THE SCOTCH Teams From District Towns 'to be Present--A Luscheon to be Given the | on | Tuesday evening to make further ar- sangements for the visit of the Scotch cur and It was decided to ne, Eastern Hospi- escott and Rockwood The Seotéh will be given a grand ' THERE 1S NO STR OVER THE COMING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. No Mayoralty Candidates Yet Aue nounced--Only Two Days Remsin Until Nomination----Retiring Alder. men and School Trustees. Never before has the interest in the municipal elections An so. unnotice- able as it has this' wher. Proba- bly the reason is that the people are sick and tired of elections. Only two days remain till the nominations; and "ino one can tell who will be in the mayoralty or aldermanic contests. For the former, the names of Mayor Gra- ham and Alds, Hoag ahd Toye have been mentioned, but no anpouncement d ' GROWS DESPITE LICENSE RE- DUCTION AND LOCAL OPTION. R-- What the Figures Show--They Are a Surprising Revelation--Not to be Disputed. a Those people who tell us that un- der license reduction and local option there will be Jess dilnking than now are sioply talking ponsense. All the acts and all the figures are against the statement. The truth is that there is more liquor drunk to-day than ever there has been, and this despite license reduction and ail oth- er false methods of reform. : A recent article in the Canadian Courier sums up the situation fairly THE 'pany BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1911 OUR LIQUOR BILL FA Open To-Night 7-30 to 10 33 2 an n li Hest Account, leaving $52,020 ° | be carried in Profit and Loss. oman Account is now #5. 1 i or sn even um more {| ll than the paid-up Capital. i The general business of Bank » owed splendid, Braet, jl the deman el, L944, and Hi | Current Loans sha 702 greater il than a year ago. The total as- § Hl sets of this Bank now aggregate i y reception on their arrival on Friday. After dimmer they will proceed to the local rink #nd will engage in a friend ly twelve-end game, ~Hefreshments will fi] served afterwards. ] On Saturday morning the visitors will be given a drive around the city, visiting the prigeiples places. 'The drive will be followed by a publ luncheon in the city hall, from one to three o'clock. A number of addresses has heen made. Jt is known thatlin respect to liquor. Says the Cour- Mayor Graham is wisely "laying ier : ' down" for an acclamation. He is say ing nothing as to his plans. It is re ported that the mayor may not seek re-election hy way of the poils, as there is nothing to he gained by fight- ing for a second term for the mayor's chair, 'and run the chance of being de- feated. As far as can be learned, the Store will close as usual al 6 o dock and re-open at 7.30 sharp. re. "Considerable surprise has been ereated the announcement irom Ottawa as to the growth in the cong sumption of liguor and fobacco. 'The prohibitionists and local option ad vocates have been telling us about the great advande ip temperance sen- the ff] will be given and the presentation b the local club to the visitors 1} take place. After wil luncheon an 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager. the outside teams and three teams against five teams from Seoteh curlers. In the evening fiv the games a smoking concert will JOOOOO00000C BRASS GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS | The nicest line. of Brass Goods ever offered in Kings- ton, ' : Brass Fenders from $6.00 to 7 $12.00. Fire Sets, both Black and Brass, from $3.50 to $15.00. tp leave on the midwight train. official programme will be. issued, . these eonvenors : tel, President E, 0. Sliter; the driv Hugh Macpherson; finance, E. Lyon entertainment, invitation, tion and programme, T. wtine. he in charge of the Queen's Club, with P. T. These convenors will be given the pr vilege of appointing mittees, Stratford Wants a Game. ad- journment will be made to the rink, i where games will be played by two of BR. H. Toye, Sydenham ward: T. J. local the loeal teams will play the Scotch curl- ers, from seven to nine o'tlock. After be o@ ven until it is time for the curlers An Committees were' appointed with Reception and ho- presenta M. Assel- The decoration of the rink will Curling Pilkey as convenor, their own cam- mayor will be opposed by either Ald, ill | Toye or Ald. Hoag, if he wishes to be chief magistrate for atiother year. The retiring aldermen this year are: Rigney, Ontario ward; John Carson, St. Lawrence ward; Robert Fraser. Ca- taraqui ward: J. 8. R. McCann, Fron- tenac ward; W. Clugston, Rideau ward: J. W. Litton, Victoria ward, All of the above will again be nominated, and, no doubt, there will be some ac- clamations, TH The retiring members of the Board of Fducation are: .J R. Henderson, Sydenham ward; A. W, Maclean, On- tario ward; .J. i, Elliott, St. Law- rence werd; F. RN. Anglin, Cataraqui ward, R. Wallare, Frontepac ward: James Craig, Rideau ward: P. Chown, Victoria ward. R. Meekfand J. R, Donaldson are the reliring representa- tives of the city council. . T0 ND SANTA CLAUS e, 8; timent throughout the country. They have been pourin into our ears most wonderful t about the re duction in the number of and the growth of the "dry belt." H one should hear only their side of the story, one ight easily imagine that in a short {ime people would ie making pilgrimages to view "the last distillery" and "the last brew- ory' jg existence in this country. Indeed, some of us already bave nud this pleasing and inspiring de lugion. "Now comes the report of the in land revenue department of the do- mivion government apparently issued to shatter these fond illusions of ours, This reports states that the last year from in being inareased during the 5» gallons to .80Y gallons. other words, more whiskey is consumed in Canada than at any time in her history, even after mak- ing allowance for the increase "in the population. If these figures are true and accurate then the money spent licerses | consumption of spirits per capita has |- TO-NIGHT we will place on sale several very special bargains just received 150 Boxes Ladies' Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs A very fine sheer make of absolutely PURE narrow hem. 3 Handkerchiefs in each Fancy Gift Box. Very Special To-Night 29¢ box wv LINEN, with a dainty 125 Boxes Men's Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 3 ig tach Fancy Gift Box. #4 Brass Apdirops from $3.50 to $10.00, Secretary Stanley E. Trotter, of the Frontenac Hockey Club, bas received a letter from the management of the Stratford senior O.H. A. hockey team, TO HELP HIM MAKE MANY HOMES HAPPY. on local option and prohibition, and icouse reduction campaigns must be largely wasted, and tue efforts ot many good Special To-Night 50c box Black Andirons from $3.00 to See our large Brass Jar- digier for 81.49, Best value ever offered Kingston. W. A MIT range a game with that J Frontenacs, in team an in yet, but as there the team has not had a practice, will be unable to accept. -- "BERIAE IIT would he possible te ® Stratford, Christmas afternoon. No answer has been sent s no ice here, and Fhe Citizens ~ Ave Urged to Help Make a Fund That Will Bring Cheer and Gladness to Every Destitute Home. The Whig's Santa Claus fund is now over $100. Gifts have come to us un- solicited, save through the publication of the needs, s0 that Sania Claus i wd men must be going for that the whiskuy figures might be ex- ceptional, the department adds the figures for wing and bear. In 1910 the per capita consumption of heer wis 5,276 gallons; while in 1911 it had grown to 5,276 gallons. This is a small but decided increase. In the "Lest there should be any thought © 140 Boxes Men's Linen Handkerchiefs With Hand-Worked INITIAL on the corner. 3 in Fancy Gift Box. : Have Issued Challenge. 85 ms WARE, The officials of \ the City Hockey : ® | Teague have issued a challenge to the Montreal City Hockey league for the Jubilee eup, which the Granites went might find a place in every home. The messages keep coming to hand. A Johnson street lad wishes Santa to "Send me 8 new overcoat; as sombone was kind Special To-Night 50c box We have a fair range of Tnitials, but not all. consumption of wine there has been a similar incretse; the figures for 1910 were 097 gallons and for 1911 04 gallons. If there had been a after, unsuccessfully, last winter. THAT TOBACCO With the "Reoster" on it is crowing louder ap he goes vlong Only 46e per pound. For chewing and sucking. AT A MACLEAN'S, Big Reduction - Sale Thursday, 8.30 o'clock Croquet Tournament. C.A. is progressing finely. ers, ju 150 Silk and Allover Net Blouses, Cream, White and Black, Ki- mona sleeves, long sleeves and short sleeves, the "biggest bargain in Blouses ever offered to the trade in Kingston; prices range from $4 oh Thursday $1.98 90 Nodes White Muslin Waists, regular goods, made for Spring 1919; all _sives; $1.25 and $1.50. I Pads Thursday 68c 'atlies' Umbrellas, long mission wood bandies, gold and sil, Ta ale wives and gold with pearl mountings, tape bor der on cover. You cannot buy the handle for the price. Thursday $1.25 60 Pink and Blue Fancy Long Kimonas, made from heavy Ger- man Flannel. -Regu an. hha Thursday 08¢ Sateen Underskirts, made with three frilly and Regular price, $1.75. Thursday 98¢ udies" Flabneleite Night Gowns, made from good heavy do wide, trimmed with "silk embroidery. Regular $1.50. | & Thursday 98¢ Ladies' Black Cloth Skirts, all sizes, with pleats Rs or Ney and a he : : made . eS ey $1.98 is » Misses' and Small Ladies' Hay Cloth Wintel Cunts, a good sasortment of eolots. Price $9 to : Ti 4 Thursday $3.98 3 &5 Heavy Black 'pleating; lined with red fsnnel. # Window Display. The croquet tournament. of the Y.M. The first round has not been played vet, but it has narrowed down to about six glay- enbugh to steal mine." A Clergy street child sees by the British. Whig that Santa Claus is at this office, and says : "Will you bring me a pair af stockings and a pair of boots, size 114, as I know otherwise | wouldn't get anything this Christ mas." A Collingwood street girl, ait@ enu- merating her desires, adds : "Please do not forget my brother. He has had a broken leg and has been in the hospital for eight weeks." A. Durham street child writes: "1 have three brothers and two sisters. Give me avything you like. You did not call at our home last Christmas." Al $101.93 R. Meek 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 J. A. OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Reporters. Genuine holly wreaths. Purdy. Pictures not injured; all reduced at Weese's fire sale. Sidney Scobell, of Tape spent Wednesday in the aity: Miss Ethel Farrow left for her home in Gttawa (0 spend the Christmas holidays. > "Christmas morning delivery" class sweets, from Gibson's. The work of digging the sewer at Kensington Place continues. The sewer will not be completed till tne spring. A. M. Rankin's majority over J. P, Mclones in the recent Yohanan elocdion is about 625. Dainty boxes, goutaming tube tooth paste, cake soap, and box of = cold cream, all for 25c., at Best's. Miss Hilda Mullin is up from Ottawa to holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'E. W. Mullin, J ohn- William MoCammen; the barber mas- ter, reports that the water in the haFuor has raised eight inches with in the past month. : Farian marble statuary half price at Vincent, high Robbs took place on Wodnwsday Af ternoon to Cataraqui cemetery. funeral service a taken charge of by Rev. Canon Starr. YeSanta Claus deliver}" of high. Robertson Bros'. The 'funeral of the late Mrs. Macy |) decrease in the quantity of spirits and wine and an increase in the con- sumption of beer, one might = have felt that the temperance cause Was gnining ground, But even this pri- iloge is denied us. "Perhaps it would be well at this juncture for the officials of the W.C. 8 to call upon the new minister A inland revenue and point out how outrageous is this information. Under these drcumstances the peo- 1s of Kingston will do well to vot against the license reduction by-law. t simply will mean a great loss of <evepue, and still pot decrease the consumption of liguor.--Advt. The Scotch Land Bill, lymoney Free Press. Boho Scoteh land bill, called imall Landholders' bill, has the second reading ingthe house of lords without a vote. The three main objects of the bill are to amend the law relating to small holdings, the passed {io provide machinery for same, and to establish a board of 'agriculture for Scotland. The mecsure had peceived the approval of the/NGuse of com- mons in three. rate sessions, and t has the support of public opinion. {ord Pentland, who moved the = se ond reading, said what was Uesived was to give a @an an oppoitunity of reaping the ftuits of his own labor on the land 'dn Scotland as else where in the empire. Lord Lovat be lieved there were many things in il which would be greater injury "han gain. Lord Camperdown fol- lowed this up by remarking thai if was the worst-drafted bill he had ever seen. After a fow other *'shots" were takens at it the second reading was wiiout a division. Ver: ily, the Scotch farmers are expected to be thankful for small mercies. ---- Good Sporting Spirit. The list of subscribers to the Toron- to Sick Children's hospital, in the To- rosto Telegram, includes $135 which was from he; Frontenac- All Star in Toronto last season. ip ANStars also eomtri- y {thr | Kingstonians will SEE Crawiord. : {she Montreal Transportation 'company 2? 72-22 | Could You Find a Girl Who Dosen't Wear RIBBONS ? Or a Woman who Dosn't Need Them? Or a Baby who Dosen't Look Better with Them ? Why it's part of their lives and more so at Christmas Time. We Have the Ribbons Narrow Satin Ribbons, in all Wanted Shades, a nice, soft, silky make, 2c, 8c, 4c, Se. Ribbons for Fancy Work, Shades most in use -- all here, and in the Ribbons for Bags A variety of Dainty French Ribbons. ~ widths you require. 8c, 10¢; 12§c.and-on up. % Ribbons for Hair Bow L id. Laidlaw & Son] FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, LADIES apd GENTLE: MEN. Small Boys', Size 11, 12, 13, Good Hockey Boots, $1.25 and 2.00. : - BOYS' Hockey, Size 1 to 5, $1.50, 2.00 and 2.50, LADIES Skating Boots, 2§ t9 6, at $1.75, 2.00, 2.50, . GIRLS Skating Boots, Size H to 2, at $1.50 with ankle strap. Men's Hockey Boots, $2.00 up. See our splendid assortment. Open a _ Players Are Doing Well. Writing to a friend in Kipgston, Wil- liam NecCammon, who is ow in Cal- § gory, states: "Both Davidson and mysell are well pleased with our i tions out here. We are each oe iag $1,800 a year and working for it. We secured our positions through pitson- al friendship of Mr. Gravelle, and not our hockey ability. Whether we play hockey or not, we intend tod remain here in Calgary, as we are well plensed with the city tnd sve prospering bey ) i i expectations. We send owr best gards to of the Frontenacs, and trust they will win out again this year." be glad to learn that these boys are doing so well. Finest assorted chocolates, Se. 15. "Christmas morning" delivery ol high-class sweats from Gibson's led Cress drug store. i L. L. Henderson, general mansgér of "Evenings. at Momtreal, is in the city on busi- | The LOCKETT SHOE STORE