Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Dec 1911, p. 10

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BBYS CAB STAND - DAY OR NIGHT . Phone 201. 3 i BrSssessasssssasssenaf a COAL! | The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT. WEST STREET. ¢ id Brrevesssrrasaseseany APPLES SNOWS. TALLMAN SWEET. BELL FLOWERS. NORTHERN SPIES. SWEET CIDER, : COAST SEALED OYSTERS: D. COUPER, Phone 70. 541-8 Princess Street Proyogt Nollvery. Your orders, will be filled satis factorily If you deal there at P WALSP'S, 556-67 Barrack Street. Grades GASOLINE. COAL, OTL. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY, W.E. KF]. Vv. Clarence and Ontario 3 etn, Toye's Bulldieg § » . Ld ° » . o » ° ° ° * . . . o ® ° . ° eo » 4 T2000 000200RSRTTRROROSS POPPIN PROOREE PRINS -- WITHOUT RELIEF Ustll | look "Fruil-a-tives" Sania, ONT., eb. sth, 1910. 2 have been a sufferer for the of the Stomach t Ba hy . did exactly what was claimed for them. wy and valuable tonics. famous fruit medicine. soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢c. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. TRIED EVERYTHING ears ate with Congtipatian, Indi estion many doctors but whatever. 3 ---- an advertisement of 1 have now taken 'Fruit-a-tives' for are the eS) t is the only medicine in the world that is made of fruit juices Hundreds of people have been cured, as if by a miracle, by taking "Prait-a-tives", the Atdealers, or sent on receipt of price by THE DAILY BRITISH whic, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1011. 'Tips For the Farmer (Give the colt plenty of exercise duc- ing the cold weather if you want ~ secure a steady growth with gould muscular development. Where fall plowing was not negleet- ed the soil of Ontario has gone in to winter in good conditfon. The land plowed up easily, frost 'and smow, Fromise to have the desired effect, and toere was plenty of moisture in the soil in the fall to ensure a good |reserve for 'next spring. If the spring is at all favorably, and seed goes into the ground early enough, thes ought to be a reasonable certainty of a good crop next year, A collar should, says Farm Sioek « lgnd Home, be fitied to the horse, the Dare leather directly: against the shoulders. A well-fitting collar, no matter how hard and unyielding seems to be, will not gall, while ther, is always danger "of this with a swert pad, no matter how comfortable it may appear. old sows are unprofitable sellers in the ordinary market, but they can le turned into an excellent quality of pork for home use. A sow in thin condition, after rearing a Ktter, fattened quickly, will make pork good as can be desired. For quick fattening there is ing equal to soaked corn. as noth- individual drigking cups in public places. Now a board of veterinary surgeons in California is urging the it' i) We have become accustomed to the | and liberally supplied: with a balanced} ration. But. the lateer can only be avoided by selecting with great care sows capable of producing * strong, healthy litters. There is a~"marked difference in the number and vigor of pigs farrowed by sows of the same breed, and even greater difference between the breeds. Ordinarily, Poland-China sows" farfow small litters (ten to mine pigs); jut the pigs fatten quickly and mature easily. On: the other hand, Yorkshire sows produce large litters (ten to fif- teen pigs), which develop into large, growthy hogs. Berkshires awd Duroe- Jerseys fall between the above ex- tremes, both as regards size of litters and fattening qualities. Feeding For Eggs. Generally speaking, says an author- ity, the feed value of foodstuffs is not so well understood by the average poultry raiser and farmer as they should be for the largest profit. | have found that low-priced foodstufis, as a rule, are the most costly feed in the end, Foodstuffs, to have a practical valua must be sweet and clean, and be of a variety that will furnish the poultry just the nutriment required to de develop whatever particular product that may' be - desired, without the poultry having to digest a lot of waste material, that they have no immediate use for. As the old saying goes, "i. 8 just what you put into a thing as to what you take out." This saying is certainly true in the pouliry industry, as hens are only capable of developing eggs of meat to that ca- | pacity in aceordance with the material they have to work with. Nature has not given them the power of 'convert- ing what they eat mto any element different from the element the . feed actually contains, To illustrate the matter in a plain way, supposin, that 160 hens were fed one AO | of corn, which is a fair day's ration for that number, adoption of indiyidual drinking buck- ets for horses. The common water trough, they say, is a great breeding place for the bacillus of glanders, The official . crop report of the United states department of agricul ture places the condition of winter wheat in the United States at 88.0 smpared with 82.5 a year ago,' and GRAND UNION dh HOTHL ena Beaioms on B74. BT onith Feotant mag | | 89.9 the ten-year average. 'I'he acr age is estimated at. 34,213,000, u | gainst 32,648,000 planted last year. Most men find it éasier to hold runaway horse than {fo hold tongue. fat is always a safe proposition to keep an old wow as-iong as possible, 3 she is a sure and 'prolific breeder, a the Ti TFHERAPIO iON IN eb a dited ¥ at db A ison, bad drugs oe M 1 §1 from Fougera & Co., 90 Beckma ew Y ork City, or Lyman Hampsteal.' ondon, Carriage Painting |' SOME CLASS TO OURS, This Is wonther, E J. DUMPHY tor. Mouwreal and Ordnance Nis, a HEALTH IN PURE SUCAR Sugar is one of the best, and! most widely used foods. Would you risk your health for the sake of a few.cents on a hundred pounds of sugar ? EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR Its Purity and Quality cannot be questioned, Compare it with any other and hate the difference in color. PARIS/LUMPS Whieri buying Loaf Sugar ask for Redpath Paris Lumps sold in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Co, MONTREAL, CANADA. Established in 1854 by John Redpath * Buy only SECRETS OF HOME LIFE Statements made by patients takiug the New Method Treatment. They Snow it Cares EW No Names or Testimonials used without written consent 5 2 : i " & £811 its iti BE: 3: Tr : E : io VARICOSE VEINS CURED. Cade No, 16888. Symptoms when he started treatment:---Age 21, single, in- dulged In immoral habits several yvoars Jarigom Veins on both d and am very jad to say that I tMink myself cured, Veriione V have completely dime for quite a while and it soeths a. 1 Sark, harder and Jeu! Tess "I have no desire for that habit and if I stay like this, which 1 have every Yenson to belleve 1 will, bing vox you for your kind attention," GAINED 14 POUNDS IN ONE MONTH. Patient No. 18522. This patient 55) BAL Shame nase of Nerv: month's tTyatmant he reports 1s Jouttds ja one naa, he 80 thot i Fn have to congratwn teparie7 sm tim beginning to fon mare 1 my oraditien 13 getting | better avery roa His Port jet . Doctors--AS 5 blood legs oven doh Succes. - CUES bidod net vico- fev'tal force, drains, Josses. &c, Either No. at ros. Co. Ltd. Toronto. Hin doubt No. required, send self addressed envelope for free bok to Dr. Le Clore Mad. Co. Haverstock Rd. Eng. Try newDragée(Tasteless) Forni of Therapien, easy to take, safe, lasting cure. the place to Lave your Auto repaired to stand all kinds of mg One pounds of a mixture of corn -ghorts. As the pig grows, gradually = © for it costs but little mote to ain | {tain her than it would a younger sow, stronger to many times make up the lifghence in feed cost, "Are you willing to live with me " a cottage ?" "Yes, dear; pro- vided it is a cute little cottage with |a dozen rooms, three baths, steam at, a butler, cook, dining room d up-stairs girl."--Farm Journal. he Bradford Witness says that many tenants in South Simeoe 'and i North York wfll have to buy feed at enormous prices or uacrifice ther stock, Conditions during the present fall fave beenyas abnormal as were the | conditions that prevailed last sum- | mer, An early cold dip, with sleigh- ling, came in November, while much fof the turnip harvest in Wellington 1and. other northerly counties was still in the fields. This was followed by a soft spell during which plowing wits resumed in Prince Edward, in the front of Durham and other sections. In Toronto a bunch of dandelions in 'full bloom was picked on Saturday afternoon by F. Christie in a ravine erousing Dathurst street north. -- Methods of Feeding Hogs. I. Where skim-milk ig available, good returns can be gotten from feeding ! three pounds skim or buttermilk. to and | reduce the shorts. Toward the end of the fattening period, the slop should be limited, as hogs seem" to "finish" better on small amounts of water or milk, 2. The most common practice among, | awit feeders is "to give the pigs all the swill. (they will clean up, endea- | | voring 'to get a growthy hog. Usual- ly titey are fed little or no.corn, and tare sold in a hali-fat condition. As previously mentioned, much cheaper | gains could be gotten by adding one 'pound tankage to ten or twenty | pounds swill, Finishing on corn would insure a better grade of pork, 3. Still another system utilizes hog- | "power 'for the harvesting of clover, rape, corn; or in fact, any kind of pas ture, and this is something that can be used to good advantage in connec tion 'with the other two systems. per Ib.; Poultry Pointers. Wistar ogee. and exercise go to gether. : { Do not neglect the laying hen's ex: { Ss. | Judge not a hen by her beauty, but hy the way she does her duty. ! You may feed all the food your hens can pusstbly use, but if you are short of grit, the results will not be eatis- factory. It is not good for heps to dust in coal: or wood ashes only, some folks 'claim, bit we find that a few ashes lighten up the dirt, with some green stuff, such me or roots of any kind. The latter can be cut in half, and the hens HR then pick "them to pieces. Have the floors of the houses well Ibedded with some light litter, so that thus and the pigs are enough larger and | { Hh the hiddies will be induced to scratch,' |The bushel of corn alone does not contain' lime or protein enough to de- , velop over thirty-two eggs, which { would only be seventy-three eggs per hen in & year, but it contains fat- forming material enough for 320 hens for one day, or as much again as 160 hens should have for the best re- sults. Now as the whole foodstufi must bek digested before the egg-pro- ducing material is available for the development of the eggs, it is Plain to be seen that the energy of thé diges- tive organs, when féd on a corn ra- tion entirely is taxed to about double the capacity they should be, which means a loss to the raiser of no less {than fifty cents per hon in a year. Produce and Prices. Kingston, Dee. 23.--The market clerk reports prices prevailing as fol- lows : Carrots, 10c. and 15¢. peck; turnips, 10c. peck; potatoes, $1.40 to $1.50 per bag; beans, Be. qt.; cabbage, 60c. per doz.; celery, Te.; onions, $1 per bush.; radishes, be. bunch; lettuce, He. bunch; . apples, '25¢. peck. J. A, Mcl arlane, Brock street, re- ports grain, flour and feed, selling as follows : 2 5 Oats, 48¢.; 'local wheat, $1.05; busk- wheat, B0c, seed rye, $1; peas, $1 to $1.10; yellow feed corn, 90c.; bakers' flour, $2.75 to $2.90, darmers', 82.75 to $2.90; Hungarian patent, $2.90; oat- meal and rolled oats, $3.50 per bbl; cornmeal, $1.80 to $2; bran, $24 ton; shorts, $20 won; baled straw, $7; loose, $8; hay, loose, $13 to $15; pressed hay, $14 to $15. Meat-- Beef (local), carcase, 6c. 7e.; prime weslern beef, #10 owt. by oarcuse, cuts, lus, to live hogs, b5jc. a lb; ork, Se. to 10c, by Be, to l0cy; pork,-8ec. to lamb, lle. to 13c. per lb; vol, be. to | 10e. per Ib.; ducks, $1 to $1.25 pair, | turkeys, 16¢. to 18¢. Ib.; fowl, T5¢. to 190c. a pair; spriug chickens, 0c. to 80¢. 'per pair; geese, §1 to ¥1.25; but- ter, creamery, 30c. to 32¢.; prints, 27e. to 28c.; rolls, 26¢c. per lb.; eggs, 35ec. to 45e. i Dominion Fish company ices ne follows : "Whitefish, 15¢. Ib; pike, 10c. Ib; hinook salmon, 30e. Ib; kippered | erring, Yarmouth bloaters, 40¢c. doz.; | Atlantio salmon, oe. Ib.; salt codlish, Be. Wb.; halibut, 20e.; frosh haddock, Oc. 1b.; bullheads, 124¢. Ib.; mackerel, bo. Ib.; sea bass, 12§c. Ib. George Mills & Co. quote the fol- lowing priess for raw hee : Red fox, az lo Wize, to $6.50, skunk, as to size and Ye of strips, 50¢. to $1.50; raccoon, large, $2.50; medium, $1.50; small, oc; mink, as to color and size, $2 to $6; muskrats, 25¢. to 42c.; weasels, 20e. to { 60 , to per 1be.; dressed hogs, garter; mut foc. spring reports t 1 Joha MeKay, Frock street, as follows: reports The hide market is steadily declining" owing to poorer quality and poor de- mand. We quote hides, No. 1, trim- med, De. pov th No. 2 and bulls, "Ye. sheep sking, fresh, Sb; dea- cons, $l; veal skins, He. per lo; sheep skins same as hides; tallow, ren- dering, He. pee 1; wool, washed, 2, per Li; wool, unwashed, 12¢. per 1h. inseng, - tg $6.50 per lb; horse Rides, No. 1, ¥% red fox, No. 1, prime, & ta $7; Bh No, i, prime, 86 to X7; skank, No. , 51 to %2; raecoon, No. 1, 81 to 32. A muskrat, No. |, 35e.; esr. biack, $10 to 20, lynx, $15 to Sop. Avove pieces are Tor No. 1 prime stock; blue pelts and vuprime accord- ing Ww value. 'Enticing a Mule Uphill. When ' the family for which Uncle Erastus had worked so long and faith- fully, presented him with a mule, he was overcome with joy. "lice a bad Kicker. Unc-Rasi,' said the son of the family." 'I jold father I didn't see what you id with an animal that liked to kick and 3 back better than anything "1's all dat planned," said solemnly. "When I har- ugsses 'dat animile into my eyart, if he an' starts in to Peter Manshap, twenty. two years of age, was, on Thursday,' at Brockville, 1 on a charge of as iy Edva Cutway, of Halleck, and ] os eles." |. OUR CRYSTAL BRAND and table rice reservin; fives Rains ANDREW MACLEAN, Outarie Street. {Hie oy = el @ Seandard Granulated Sugar Hea b been tried and Sound excellent for KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 3 (Limited) "Highest Education at Lowest Cost' . Twenty-sixth year, Fall Term begins August. 30th. Cours in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, le fraphy, Civil Service and Bug- Our graduates get the best positions. 'Within a abet time H. F. Metcalfe, Principal Kingston, Canada, E w: CILLETT fol R EL) TORONTO, ONT. Scranton Coal Co's Goal North End Ontario Street. WORTH CONSIDERING Some people Seerh to get exclusively. They fall to apprecia the year round, We are agenis for Portsmouth; * Berlin Berlin; Selected . from ° tlie Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontaric No. 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Coal mined in Pennsylvania. Place your next order witk THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. 'Phone 1565. Fisher Lion . Brewer the Christmas Trade. GED. THOMPSON, Frop. Telephone 304. y this idea that beer is a drink for warm weather ie that I's refreshing and beneficial all Broa., ¥. Stroh's Imported Beer, Detroit. We make a specialty of Keg Beer for The THOMPSON BOTTLING CO. Why doesn't she take NA-DRU-CO Headache Wafers They stop a headache promptly, yel do not contain any of the dangerous drugs common in headache tablets. Ask your _ Druggist about them. 25¢. a box. ! NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LimiTeo. 122 A XMAS GIFTS A Fancy Vest Makes a very acceptable Christ mas Present. . Have it made by. CRAWFORD & WALSH Leading Tailors, Princess and Bagot Sts. 000000000000 0000000000000 000000O 000000000000000000000 P0000 COOOOOOOGOISOPIOIOISTNY Sau Tested in Every Way and in all lands under the sun--in all conditions of life--by erent, tion after generation-+-the safest and most 'reliable family remedy the world has ever known is Beecham's Pills, The godd these un- equalled health regulatorshave done, in the quick reliefof human suffer- ing and the prevention of serious sicknesses, is beyond calculation, BEECHAM'S PILLS can do the same sort of good for you, and for your family." Beecham's Pills do their beneficent. work in accordance with Nature's laws. Try a few doses just as soon as physical trouble shows itself and see how immediately effective they are --see' how quickly the whole bodily system will be benefited. Then you will know for your own good, why Beecham's Pills are The Greatest Family Remedy Known Prepared gnly by by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, id everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes 25 cents, MARKETING Z TELEPHONE YOUR faithful' Bell Telephone, always at your elbow, steadily increases in usefulness. Itdoes a scoreof errands while a messenger is doing one. You come to accept tele- hone service as a matter of course, like the air you reathe or the water you drink, ' Your Bell Telephone 'performs these daily ser- vices of neighborhood communication, and it does more=--it is a unit in the universal system and enables you to reach any one any time within the range of the Long Distance Service. THE BELL TELEPHONE i S50 OF CANADA. . Evury Bolt Telephone is the Center of the TRAVELLING. CF YINLE-N [CI TERIITESE Xmas & New Year's Holidays Round Trip Tickets will be issued at SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE Good going Dec. 23rd, 24th and 251 Return limit, Dec, 26th; also good going Dec) 30th, 31st, 1811, and Jan. 1st, 1912, Return limit, Jan. 2nd, 1912. Tickets will also be Issued at FARE AND ONE THIRD Good going Dec. 21st, 1911, to Jan. 1st, 1912, inclusive. Good to re turn on or before Jan. 8rd, 1913. Tickets issued to intermediate sta- tions between Montreal and Toronto in connection with the above will not Hoé valid on trains | and 4. For full particulars apply to ¥ P."HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts, TLL (FELL YR: \4 Christmas and New Year Excursions. Return Tickets between all stations east of Port Arthur on sale at SINGLE FARE Good going December 23 and 25. Return limit, Dec. 36. Also good going Dec. 30 and Jan. Return limit, Jan. 2nd, 19123, Single Fare And One Third Good going Dec. 21 to Jan. 1st; 1912, inclusive, Return limit, Jan, 3rd, 1912, Va Full patficulars at K. & P, and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. Conway, Gen. Pasa. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAJLWAY. Train leaves Union Station, Ontarfo Street, m. dally (Sunday axospted), tor Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, onto, Bannockburn and all points north. To secure quick despatch to Bannockburn, Maynooth, and ints on Central Ontario Route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Ratlway. For furs Der Datticulars, app Tras Jrard. Hrd Prone' No. 8, by the superd SPECIAL TRIP transatisntic Hoee'/ KAISERIN AUGUSTE VICTORIA, the largest and most Juxdrions steamer of the Hamburg-Amerioan service. with Rite-Cariton Restaurant, Palm ( Gymuasium, Klectrle Baths, 11 leave New York uipped atiien, VEO. | ARY for Gi FEBRU, 14, 1912, Madeira, raltar, Villefranche (Nice), ples, and Port Said. Time for sighteeelng at each port. pra To or from Port Sald, $168 and wp.) To or from all other ports, $115 and up. Also Crutses 1a the Orient, West Indies, § South America, A the World, eto, fn Send for tllustrated boekiet, HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 41-40 way, N. XY, or local agent. BAHAMAS IDEAL WINTER RESORT. FIRST TOURS CABIN, New ln -screw 88 BRAZOS an other large steamships in service cone necting Nassau with Cuba and Mexico; also semi- weekly service from New ~lgle of Pines, York to CUBA Santiago, ete. Ballings each Thursday Where rigorous northern winters are exchanged for wonderful Cubag ora. and Por orday tor Havana ate. Bailinge each Thursday fo Making connections for Mexico City and all points in the interior of Mexico. Write for literature and particulars about rates and accommodations, NEW YORK AND CUBA MAIL 8.8, C0, General Offices. Pler 14, Bast River, New York Also FRED A. FOLGER, Kingston, Go To BERMUDA ROUND TRIP $10 AND UP [Fast Twin Screw BH "Bermudian" 1% tons yispizvement, walls from ! January and 'every Wed- Alglers, Geno: Na- 3 "as ur. Connections for Interior Points Satiings enc . fore r Vera Crus. Tampico. v 31a, private bath, J elactrie and sieamer passengers at ? dock WEST of DIES BH. "GUIANA" and' other Saturdays Thomas, St Guadeloupe, Lucia, Har the * pm alternate Park wad tr i f Antigua, M ue, Bj, and Dw hg For full inform Bolom, A Ni, + X and C Agents no Bpply to J. P. Ha hk *ATRICK, Kington; Quebec Guabes A NEW CRUISE TO THE WEST INDIES, NEW SBTEAMSHG STEFHANG oF THR RED CROSS LINE. Jan y 19 DAYS 2 $100 1 wm, Havens, Kisgsion, & Colon. ihe first time you may cries th = fn a Hmiited and. forced sports, lent culsine, or IMIT OF 156 PAS. ey AN FAHRLY BOOK ' Bewd Tor Handsome Booklet 16 BOWHING & CO, 17 fists St, N or your local Tourist Agency. Mise Mary Best and Tames Seol-. and, hotly of Boperion, were married on Ww day. che Batmsnls oN THE in J x.

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