3 pitish Ab; ig - mes YEAR 78 NO, KINGSTON, ONTARIO y TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 19%1. w LAST EDITION AGAS ET Napanee Man ad His Wie Met Death - IN KINGSTON, SUNDAY THEY WERE FOUND DEAD IN ™ THEIR BED. { Gas Had Not Been Wholly Turned Oft---=Victiths Were Mr, and Mrs, Levi Fish, Who Were Visiting Their Daughter, Mrs. W. C. Ben- net, University Avenue, The Christmas spirit of several fam- ilies of the cily, and of guia gener- ally in this city and Napatee, = was marred by two athy which oceurred on Sunda morning. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fish, of Napanes, were found déad in bed at the home of their. son- inlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W C. Bennett, 321 University avenue. The cause of death was asphyxiation by illuminating gas. Mr. Fish was sixty- nine, and his wife sixty-four years of age. . The late elderly couple had come down from Napanee, ad was their usu- al custom, to spend Christinas with their son-in-law and daughter. They retired with the family about mid night, i 'their usual health and spir- ith. The house is lighted by gas and they bad been used to it most of their lives. Being in the habit of sleeping with a light burning in their "room, . they had taken a lamp with them. W. C. Bennett woke about. five o'clock Sunday morning, and got up and looked up the hall, He saw a light beaming from the old couple's room. He noticed it was too bright for the lamp, and thought probably probably there bad pot been enough oil in the latter; and they had resort- ed to the gas. But, thinking nothing of the igeident, be retured to his bed. The family rowe about pight o'clock. When 8.30 came and the old couple had not come ont stairs, as they l- ways rose he family were a lit- tle anxieus, and oe nett's daugh- ter went to awaken her grandporetts. Failing to any response from cal Kncokin lie 1 the door, found the room full ¥ looked at the gas tap more than half % in the bed, she iE nl what whe con ir was immediate let: er Mr. Bennett was called. 1 Gh Bogart was quickly summon- ed. ne Rengett found the victims be- youd all atl, as they had passed away tly very peacefully somie time before. Afi inquest was unnecessary, as Hontle was caushd wholly by aeci- = snd affair hippened between five o'clock, 'the ime Mr. Bennett had no- vided the Bk in, the room, and eight © "3 the late couple up 10 turn off the was always in the and it is thought, on aceount snd hér husband both having Phe colds, she closed the door, in order that the other members of the family might not be disturbed if they coughed. as if the tap on the gas| It appears Shine lo al ww, opi it. d dy would uot have detected he smell of the escaping gas at first, as She had 1 a growth in her nostrils which her sense of smell a little dull. is thought Mr, Fish was asleep and husband sand wife slept peaceful ly awa The ie Levi Fish was born in the state of Tennessee," U.S.A., but had lived in Napante the grémter part of hig life. He was &n old pensioner, and served in the -uivil war. as a machinit by trade, and hea faithial of the Dominion Rock Drill. 0 foundry Sompany, of Napanee. Tis late wife was of Fng- lish on le, h and was born in Wind- father, a soldier, being stationed here at the timo. couple" were members of England. They lived Fish, t, | bandage and he was led into a dark. J. AGREES TO SUBMIT Question of China's Futare to Manchu Dynastry. Pekin, Dee. 26.--Premier Yuan Shi Kai kas agreed to submit to the Manchu dyeasty the proposition from the peace conference at Shanghai, that the national assembly be permitted to decide the question as to "whether China shall be a republic or a con- stitutional monarchy. In foreign quar: ters this is taken to indicate, this that the premier's influence will now go in favor of a republic, for the na- tional assembly will certainly vote that way. KING BAGS EIGHTEEN TIGERS, His Majesty Arrived at Kara Camp on Saturday. Bombay, Dec. 26.--King George' ar- rived at Kara camp Saturday even- ing. During his shoot in Nepal * the king shot eighteen tigers out of twen- ty-eight, also three rhinoeeroses out of four. Several bears and stags also have been bagged by his majesty's suite, Good Results From Closed Bars, Toronto, Dec. 26. Despatches from #ll paris of Ontario indicate satisfac- tion with the first Christmas day with bars and liquor shops closed tignt, In comparison with other Christmas days, there was a practjonl absence of disorderliness and ill-treatment of fam- ilies, ANOTHER HiGR TRON: WORKER IN THE NET Man Who Sold and Transported Dynamite Tells Federal Invest: igators Who He ls Indianapolis, Dec. 26.--When the federal grand jury adjourned to Janu- ary 3rd, it had in ils possession im- portant evidence identifying ther 'higher ups' than J. J. McNamara in the International; Association of nitro- de- non- as purchasing dynamite and glycerine that was used in the struction of property on which union labor was. being employed. For two days the jury has been lis tening to the testimony of COC. C) Kiser, formerly an employee of a torpedo company at Muncie. Kiser is said to have told the jury of various sales of nitro-glycerine to McManigal, J. McNamara and an- other officiul of the iron workers fn December, 1909. McManigal and others engaged in the conspiracy are said to have had a number of deals with Kiser at Muncie, and he identified not only 'McManigal but the McNaniarras and another official of the irom work- ers, who is said to be almost as deep in .the dynamite conspiracy as either of the principals who are now derv- ing time in San Quentin prison. % fhile the government does not ex- pect to return. indictments until Feb- ruary lst, owing to the vast amount of evidence yet. to be introduced, it was said to-night that it has esta lished its case a ainst several of the "higher ups" and that much of the work from now on will be tightening the coils about the men who aided in trabsporting the explosivesrand in at- temptibg to destroy property through- out the country. HUMAN TORCH IN FRAT" INITIATION Philadelphia, Dec. 26. Victim of an accident that ,ocvarred while he © was undergoing an initiation into a fra- ternity connected with the Episcopal Academy of which he is .a_ student, Henry Basset, jr., of wealthy parents, was so frightfully burned about the his physicians fear that he will die. For a long time ho has begged his mother's consent to his becoming a member of the Alpha Phi Epsilon "frat." For some 'time she withheld it bet finally the consent was forth. coming and the youth duly appeared at the Iraternity rooms to undergo his initiation. In the course of the ceremonies the boy was attived in a harlequin cos. tume, his eyes securely bound with a] ened room. Basset was told to bow cold fi: the Bridge and Structural Iron Workers §P TT Sn OF CLEVER SWINDLER WHO WAS DETECTED IN MONT. REAL BY ACCIDEgF. A Hard Luck Story About Losing Money Set the Police Busy--The Man Was Captured at Angurance Man's Home. Montreal, Dee. 26.--The arrest of Jules Allaire has revealed one of the most ingenious and daring frauds ever worked in this city. The man, neatly dressed, has for some time past been visiting managers of the various burglary and guarantee insurance com- pames in Montreal and representing himself as the Three Rivers, Quebec, or Ottawa agent. He states that he is on his way to one of these cities, and volunteers. the information that he will shortly be able to secure some good policies for the company. He éarries on a conversation for a few minutes, in the course of which he tells how his pocket has been picked, and how he is short of money. He does not ask for a loan, but in sev- eral cases one was instantly offered, and he generally 'makes a touch of about $256. He worked this game suc- cessfully hall a dozen times, but in three cases the managers, who had been deceived by him, telephoned to Chief "Detective Carpenter, how ong of sheir agents had had his pocket picked. The similarity of the three stories aroused the ' chiel's sus- picions, and the man was captured ghd identified while in the home of W. Mayne McCombe, of the London Guar- antee and Accident Insurance com- any, représenting himself as an agent of that concern, and on the point of telling his hard-luck story to Mr, Me Combe. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Called From Al Over the World. Non-resident anglers must pay Nighar fee in ithe province, The Dundee strike has Been settled by concession to the men. Eleven candidates passed the exam- ination for naval cadets. At thuayanil, Ecuador, Emileo Ke: thad president, died suddenly. Alexis F Talbot, of Laval, Quebec, was frozen to death on a hunting trip. Mrs. Samuel E, Finch, of London, found hér abducted son in Toronto. There is little prospect of the cotton lockout in Lancashire being averted. David Merclock's house at Morris- ton was wrecked by an explosion of gas. Woodstock, N.B., Presbyterians vot- od, unanimously, against church un- ion, lise Tuta A. Carr, Toronto, on her birthday while driving in carrigge. Patrick Clancy, Maple Leaf hotel, life 'in: Milwaukee. > The Ogilvie Flour Mills company, is to put up a large plant at some point west of Winnipeg. Sanford G. Baker, of the Tecumseh road, near Windsor, had his flock of sheep. déstroyed by dogs. Mgr. Anthony Mendes Belle, triarch of Lisbon, is charged conspiring against the republic. The Russian. troops are advancing |i on Tabriz, Persia, to avenge the at- tack on the troops and consulate. D. U.. Holmes, liberal, elected for Govan; Eng., in a bye-election, his predecessor having been made & judge. Preparations are being made in China that indicate a renewal of hostilities by Premier Yuan Shi Kai. Souvenir "hunters are very anxious a died a formerly of the Toronto, ended his pa- with ond, face, neck and shoulders thatfio get relics of the battleship Maine, but so- far none are availmble. Naval museums may get parts, Caleb Barton and John Gould were murdered by Albert . Balsom at Nelson, B.€., when they surprised him breaking into their saloon. It was smallpox, not scarlet fever, that was epidemic at the Barford Convent; Quebec, whence the pupils were sent to their homes. St. Catharines citizens ask for the commutation of the sentence of five ears imposed upon J. H. Stanton, or incensliarism. is an old man. Shelton C. Burts, FEugenp H. Burt, LH. Po and FE. W. Preston, con: i in New York of stock swind- fling, will each spend a year in pris . Dog in the home of Gordon Green at ar, N.Y., aroused the family house was on fire, The oc | supa escaped, but dog last his A Horton Potter, a Chica 28 SD Was found telling hima) MRS. McNAMARA DYING. Mother of Dynamiters Had Arranged For Christmas Dinner, Cincinnati, 0., Dec. 26.--Mrs. MeNsmara, mother of Jamey and John McNamara, in the penitentiary at San Quentin, Cal, is slowly dying at her home: in Crmminsville, a su burb of Cincinnati. Confident that they would walk out of court as free men, the mother had early hegun arrahgements - for - a Christmas reunion at her home. Even after the sons e the faith of the aged mother was outwardly firm. Fathér Z Hickey said: "That blow when her boyé confessed struck right to the heart. With her, the mother, the shock is more deeply felt thah by anyone else, and it will be a wonder if she. survives long." Whatever good traits the two sons have are directly attributable to the mother, now waiting and longing for death, as her love lor them and eon- fidence and hope in their eers have been all that sustained during many years past, . The father of the boys was long ago convicted of a fiendish crime and is now a wanderer om face of the earth. Mary her Ww. MORGAN SCHUSTER, Removad from Persian treasurership to braig about peace between Russia and Persia 3 HOME RULE CAMPAIGN NM UNITED KINGDOM Unionists. Carry The \ War Into Many of the" Con- stituencies London, Dee, 26.--lmmediately af- ter the Christmas holidays the cam- paign begun in Cheshire, and Lanea- shire afortnight ago against home rule will be carried by the unionists into other parts of the kingdom in the hope of checking the tide now running strong in favor of a broad scheme of reconciliation based | upon Mr. Birrell"s outline of the govern- ent's ambitions. % But the nationalists are not mayed. John Redmond, replying Bonar Law's statement that but the designs of tors in Ireland and the dollars of Irishmen who have become American citizens keep a spark of fire in the home rule movement in Erin itself," says he has it from a prominent mem- ber of the government that if the whole empire were consulted by a gigantic referendum, the weight of opinion on the side of the nationalist demand would be found overwhelm: ing. Mr. Asquith, it is understood, plans to introduce the home. rule measure in March and get it through the com- mons by the spring of 1913, MRS. MAGEE'S FATHER DIED ON SUNDAY The Brother of Farqubar McRae, Now In Prison, Has Passed Away Cornwall, Dee. 26-1. C. MoRae, ex- warden of the United counties, and father of Mrs. (Dr.) Mages, of Carp, who was -conngeted with the Bridge End tragedy, in which William Shaw lost his life, died, Sunday morning, at his home at Bridge Hod. He had been ill for some time, but failed steadily since the trial of his brother. was in his seveniy-third year and was one of the most y re- spected Citizens. of Glengarry. was reeve Lancaster township for a a dozen years and was warden of the United counties in 1898. The funeral took pl on Tuesday morning to St. Margarets, church, Glenvale, Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Your druggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding ot Pro- truding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50e. Abbe Richard, a priest, of Paris, who saved five lives some time age, hen an auto fell into the Seine, ro fund, The dis- to "nothing self-seeking agita- work, Canon Dyson Hague, of Loudon, hes a call. to the Church of the SHOT T0 DEATH CHRISTMAS LYNCHING IN THAT CIVILIZED AND CUL- THRED STATE. The Mob Broke Open {he Lock-up-- The Victim, a Negro, Had Shot a White Man Last Saturday Night. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 26.--King Davis, a negro, aged twenty-eight years, who last Saturday night shot and killed Frederick A. Schwab {white), at Fairfield, Anne Arundel dounty, was taken from the lock-up, af Brooklyn, a suburb of Baltimore, at an early hour, Monday morning, und shot to death by a small party .| of unknown men. Davis, who was also known by the name of Johnson, was dragged to a Fspot about two hundred yards from the station and shot through ; the lungs four tines. His body was not diSeovered until several hours later, by a passerby who notified the police. No all-night : guard is kept at the station and the police had no knowl edge of the affair until the finding of the body was reported, Chief Irwin at once started an investigation. Up to this evening he said he had no clue to the perpetrators of the deed. The avenging band, thought have not exceeded eight or ten in number formed quietly, They effect ed an entrance into the lock-up with put attracting the attention of those living nearby, and went to ° Davis' cell, where ' they found the negro asleep, Another negro prisoner, nam- ed Hubert Chase, who was held in the station as a witness in the Sch- wab 'case, was not - molested, Chase said that Davis fought desperately and shrieked for mercy, but his cries were quickly silenced by a blow on the head which stretched him uncon- scious. He was then dragged away to his death, No' noise or outcries were heard by the near neighbors except the shots the shots and oo attention was paid and no attention was ppid to these, as they were thought to have been fired by Christmas merry-makers, TRIPLE ALLIANCE IY DANGER. to Of Being Broken by the Nations In- volved. London, Eng., Dec. 26. ~Probably the most important international negotia- tions in recent years are mow taking place in Rome, where there have been several communications recently re garding Italy stepping out of the famous tripple alliance of Germany, Italy 4nd Austria, which was formed in 1879, and continued indefinitely, to the great protection of each of these countries, and the worty of the other great powers of Europe. Germany and Austria are both said to be much at variance with Italy, regarding the Tripoli campaign, and think there should be an immediate cessation of hostilities, If the triple alliance be tween these nations breaks up, then the entente cordiale between Britain, Russia and France will be without a competitor for the supremacy of the world, Marshall Family Re-union. A reunion of the family of Francis and Mrs. Marshall, Nelson street, was held Christmas day. Their four sons and two daughters were all present The sons are Francis, of Brooklyn, N.Y Prof. Frederick,.of the agri cultural department of Columbia Uni- aersity; Percy, of Brooklyn, N.Y:, and Charles, of Saskatonn, Alberta, and the daughtérs, Mrs. James Sproule, of Westbrook, and Mrs. C. Elliott, of Brooklyn. Christmas yr was #pent at the old homestead at Westbrook. This is the first family reunion in seven years, and the old couple's friends hope that Mr. and Mrs. Mar- shall will be spared {9 enjoy many more. ue Of a High Standard. A prominent New York gentleman, who hay made a sojourn in Canada at the Laurentian Club, Lac-la-Peche, Que., in a letier addressed to (irand Trunk headquarters, Jays: "1 have been over the new Transcontinental line us far as Parent, five miles from the end of the steel, and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity of sesing this portion of your line. Tt is the same igh standard of construction through a difficult country, most of the time affording the expected comfort of tra- vel evin now. The whole territory is siudded with fine lakes and rivers, and will surely up like this at 'the Laurentian Club." Canoes s Out Christmas Day. Christmas day at Kin on was celebrated by a number of young fel- lows, who owns. canoes going out for a paddle. The boys say thnt en- joyed the paddle splendidly, if the weather keeps up they will be oul again on New Year's day, Rupert Paul (Irish) was the leader, : Death of a Little Girl. {Miss Helen Lawless, ia Susivesy ear old daughter ames Law wiom, hd at the home of her -- {mother, Mrs. Mary Kenny, Peterbofo, on Friday night. The child, attending St. Mary's convent. there, was ill' but a week. The remuins were brought to Kingston for interment. Will Take Stronger Deink. The cutting of of twofithe of the On Christmas Moming in the :: MISS MYRA SHAW WEDDED. Quietly Married to DD. W. Richmond, of Ottawa, on Tuesday. A quite wedding was performed at the home of Abraham Shaw, inspector of customs, University avenue, Tues y morning, when his voungest daughter, Miss Myra, was united in marriage to D. W. Richmond, of Otta- wa, and a graduate versity. The ceremony was performed in the drawing-room, at 10.30 o'clock, in the presence of the immediate rela: tives of both parties. Rev, B® W. Neal tied the knot. The bride, who was given awsy by her father, entered the drawing-room to the strains of the wedding march, played by her sister, Miss Lily Shaw, The young couple were unattended, The bride was gowned in a rich robe | of white silk with beautiful trimmings. After the ceremony a sumptuous wedding breakfast was served in the dining-room at quartette tables, after which the bride slipped away tq, don her travelling gown of Alice blue, with a hat to match, The happy couple left on the noon train for the east, and on their return will: reside in Ottawa, where the groom has a lucrative posi tion, The floral decorations of the draw ing-room were ferus and carnations, and those of the dining-room were bridal roseés. Lights For Rideau Ward. Men are engaged poles for the new lights in Rideau ward. When the work is completed, the streets in this ward will be well lighted, The first light ix on Mack street. About sixteen are to be erect ed on Victoria, Earl and the othes streets of this ward. CUT THEIR THROATS: WITH SHARP KNIVES "The Order of the Soul" Sect Terrorizes Cornwall County, England. Eng., Dee. 26.--A new re ligious * sect has appeared In Corn- wall county. The men are burning their clothing in the fields, thén say- ing long prayers and finally cutting their throats with sharp knives. A portion of the county is in terror. Twenty have been arrested. Four have suicided. They eall themselves 'The Order of the Soul." in erecting the London, SALVATION ARMY CORPS Was Very Busy Iuiring the Chriss mastide, The Salvation Army bund serenaded around the eily, as usual, on Christ. mas day, and played excellent Christ- mas music, Some of the members of the army gave a short concert at the county jail in the morning, and dis- tributed Christmas cheer among the prisoners. In the evening a Christmas tree entertainment took place in the citadel, and a good programme was given by the children. The newly formed boys' band played two selec tions. A novel feature of the pro gramme was - the toy factory on the platform, and the shadowgraphs, in charge of Capt. Tyner, were very clever and amusing. Santa Claus was present and from a gaily decked tree distributed pesente among the children of the Sunday school. THE WORST SETBACK SUSTAINED IN YEARS By Missionary Work in China Canadian Missionaries' Chil éren Have Died Toronto, Dec. 26.--Mail advices ceived here, to<day, Methodist missionaries dicate that there have murders of native helpers tionaries, who accuse Christians of impe prialism, upon them revenge which they dare not take from foreign missionaries Mr. and Mrs. Olson, of Canada, whose lives were despaired of for some time, have been located in an imperial concentration camp. Owing to conditions in some of these com centration camps, a numbwr of Cana dian missionaries and children have died. It is feared that missionary workers in China has received the worst setback in years. re- from . Canadian in China, in- been several by revola- all native and take 'Christmas at Bethel Church. Christmas Sunday was observed ali day last Lord's day at Pethel church. The music was the chief feature; of both services. A choir of siztoen, trained by Miss Isabel Moxley, sang four anthems. In the morning the pastor read extracts from Witham Allen Kr his story, "No Room Iu the Inn." Tn the evening he dwelt on the text, "A Rod Out Of the Stem of desse." The CO. E. society decorated the pulpit and choir cloister with huge bells, illaminated with dectrisity Tabriz, Persia, Dee. 16.--The Rus sians are wiill taking their fearivl re venge. All swept the streets with artillery, mowing down anybody who dared show himself. The of Queen's Uni-| _-- Ww FEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toranto, Ont, Dec. 26th tawa Val Toy and Upper St P alr {o-day. Wednesday, } 10 am. --(N~ Lawrence snow or rata, v EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES ALL THIS WEEK The Ready-to- Wear Section Will give the greater share of cut-price values, as we must make a clearing of all winter garments before Inventory. Ladies' Long Coats, Tailored Suits, Walking "Skirts, Petticoats, Afternoon Gowns, | Evening Gowns, Lounging Robes, Bath Robes, Kimonos, Fur Pieces, Fur Linings, Knitted Jackets, Sweater Coats, CHILDREN'S Cloth Coats, Bearskin Coats, Pretty Dresses, Knitted Coats, Clouds, Fur Hats, ete. Just call and see the values we are offering. They will as to good style, taste and economy STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. please you sure F----, Sask. at cor, BORN SLEETH In Saskatoon, Melrose Avenue anid Sth Street, on ee, 17th, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs H, Ww. Bideth, & son A ! DIED, In Kingston, "h vis, {NoBEs oh Dec 25th, 1 daughter of George . aged 7 years and 1 months, Funeral from her father's residence, Arch Btreet, Wednesday, at am, 1" i) i ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, "Phone 577. 230 Princess JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertal VIALE. Li and 256 PRINCESS 'Phone 14 for Ambulance TAKE NOTICE. We have the Agency of the "Royal Bloves," a good kin and - modern prices; also a lot of good heaters, se- cond 'hand, which we will sell at Fig 7 ed prices. Don't walt ke i; they ar gone. Turk's Phone OUR COFFEE The people who two of our. Java and Mocha Blend Every morning feel well--look well work well. drink a cup or The price is 40c¢ per pound, : Jas Redden & Co. A collision occurred on the Grand: Trunk at Belleville, on Saturday night, in which W. 8B. 8 ad Brockville, was instanfly killed, and William Post, of Belleville, terribly i jured, and not expected to live. others were, slightly injured, How sbout buyi sn electrie toaster, irom or fi ight a» a hristmas present for ome of your friends, The H. W, Newman Electric Co. have a fine assortment Shevket 1'asha, minister of war, has awked the Turkish chamber of deputies for extraordinary war ore dit amounting to $2,500,000, 5 Six children were mardered, with Mrs. Beckman, at the American mis Non in Sian Fu, Chins, on November 201 H. Cunningham, plano tuner, 21 King otrest. Leave orders st Me Auley's book store. Michact Ward, of London, s brother of Controller Ward, of Tamonto, died on Sunday, William Sw . Orders wo 5 nine, piano tuner i (ruse %4 McAuley 's, Phone 718,