» . Shi-Kai's consent ' / ville Courier-Journal, i on the republican situation throughout iti 0 Dhig YEAR 78 -NO, 301 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER. 27, 1911. YUAN ACCORDS BUT ASKS PROTECTION FOR THE IMPERIAL CLAN AND MANCHU PEOPLE. Chinese Premier Desires to Avoid Any Outbreak--The Revolutionary Yeader Expresses His Satisfaction Over the Result. Shanghai, Dec. 27.--Premier Yuan Shi-Kai's decision to submit the pro- posal for the meeting of a special national assembly to decide on the future form of government in China to the consideration of the Manchus on becoming known here, caysed consid- erable satisfaction to the revolation- ary leader hers. : According to the revolutionary lead- er, now in Shanghai, Premier Yuan- is tantamount to admiswion that fie himself favors a re- public. It is understood that Tang Shao-Yi, who is representing Premier Yuan Ski-Kai, here, had already in: formed the revolutionary leaders at the peace conference that Yuan hai personally was in favor of a republic. Tang Shao'Yi now admits that Yunn-Shi-Kai is in full agreement with the revelutionary plan, and is only seeking to secure assurances re garding the future treatment of the imperial elon and the Manchu peo- ple, and also to avoid an outbreak in Pekin, when the final announcement is made. § When Tang-8hao-Yi had fully real jzedd the true situation in the south, he telegraphed to Premier Yuan-Shi- Kai, esting that an ediet should be issued, leaving the decision as to the form of government to the people of China through a national conven! tion. 'the leaders of both parties here say that the convefition will be a purely formal affair, There can, in their opinion, be no question regarding the result, of such a ronvention, which they assert ean be called together within thirty days. The present situation, it is said by the revolutiopary leaders, was fully anticipated, Kvery detail of the plans in already complete for the organiza- tion of a provisional government, and the eventual establishment of a stable government, Ce Wet GOVERNMENT. : Reply to Question at Time of Sen tence Helps Dynamite Inquiry. Los Angelés, Cal, Dee. 27.--Uncon- scionsly J. B. McNamara gave import: ant testimony to government officials in the investightion, here, and in In dianapolis, of the dynamite econspir- acy. When up for sentence the young- er McNamara pleaded guilty of murder hy dynamiting the Times building. One question asked by Judge Bord- well put MéNamara on record as ad- mitting the federal law had been vio- lated, ; "Are you sure that the dynamite need con the Times building was not more than eighty per cent. dyna mite ¥' Ju Bordwell asked. J. B. McNamara replied : "No, was eight cent." , ne De ih United States sta. tute covering fhe transportation of ex- ves over interstate railroads the aw positively forbids the carriage of dynamite of greater strength than six- ty per cent. ' rm 'MEANS ABSOLUTISM. Neither Roosevelt Nor Taft Has a i % it ; HR Atlanta, Ga., Dee. 27.-'"H Roose volt is put in the White House in 1912, we will never get him out aga except first," was the statement of Col, - Watterson, editor of the J.ouis- in commenting long-locked-for change A. at hand, but he has not ie his choice for the democratic MAIGR. toh declared that 'in dis the republicans could not elect. either Roosevelt of Yul, "and i ith foting the 2 term tradition, would a step toward absolutism. ------ renee Kaiser's Son Coming. Pee. 21.~The Daily Mail of son of the Atlantic station, in July. He probaly visit to New York, and other American cities. ------------------------ ; t : § Against Church Union. : k, NB. Dec. 21.--The Pres- De ion this town Soted . about the way she had been used in speek ag bo decided that Prince | uf German | on one Prices Paid at the Varions Centres. Toronto, Dec. 26.--At both the Union Stock Yards and the Western Yards trade mw almost entirely sus pended. It is impossible to fix prices. today ou account of the lack stock. There are only 41 head of cattle and 8B gheep at the western yords and six loads of catile at the Union yards. The prospeetive prices of hogs are $5.90, £.6.b., and $6.20 fed and watered at both yards. The . of -- East Buffalo. East Bufialo, Dec. 26.--Cattle--Reo- ceipts, 225 head; steady. Veals--Re- ceipts, 150 head; steady. Hoge--Receipts, 4,500 head; o fairly active; heavy, steady. Light, Be. to 10c. lower; Yorkers, ¥6.35 to $6.15; pigs, $6.30 to 36.00; roughs, £5.75 to *5.85; dairies, $6.15 to $6.35. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 10,400 head; slow. Lambs, ewes and mixed sheep, 10c, to 15¢c. lower: Tambs, $3.50 to $630; wothers, ¥3.75 ta 24; ewes, st to $3.50; sheep, mixed, $1.50 to. 65. Chicago. Chicago, Dee. 26.--Cattle--Receipts, estimated at 15,000; market steady to 10e. higher. Texas steers, $4.25; western steers, 54.30 to $6.60; stook- ers and feeders, $1.25 to 8580; cows and heifers, #2 to $6.50; calves, $4.75 to 85.25. Hogs--Receipts, estimated at ; market® strong to Be. higher. ht, $5.75 to $6.20; mijled, $5.80 to 35, heavy, $5.95 to $6.40; rough, $5.75 to $6.10; good to choice hogs, $6.10 to $6.40; pigs, $1.60 to 85.75; bulk of sales, 36.00 to $6.25. Sheep-- Receipts estimated at 22,000; market strong to 10¢. higher. Native, $2.50 to $4.25; western, $2.75 to$4.2); yearlings, $4.50 to $5.50; lambs, na. tive, $1.20 to $06.40; western, $4.50 to $6,35. RUSSIAN MARRIAGE LAW HAS EFFECT IN CANADA An Unusual Point Brought Out by Judgement in Montre Montreal, Dec, 27.---The status of marriage, contracted hy foreigners in foreign countries, as affecting the business condition of the spouses, was defined by the superior court, a judg: ment rendered by Justice Charbon neau creating jurisprudence in the matter, The case was that of Dame Molso viteh Goolack, petitioner, vs. oudah Blond, respondent. Petitioner repre sented that she and her husband were natives of a Russian village and that they contracted marriage in their village, according to the law of their country; thet according to the Russian law, they were separate as to property and she sought to have a similar status defined by Canadian aw, The court ruled that the civil fs fects of the marriage should be those of the law of the country in which the two spouses were umited and the petition was granted, GAVE UP A WATCH - Piece. . A Montreal woman, who has been spending the Christmas holidays in this city, was in hot water for a short time on Tuesday. The fact that she lost her watch was the cause of all the trouble. In addition to netifying the police, she herseli acted as a Sher- lock- Homes, and after investigating everything that could be investigated, she put the blame on a certain party, and, face to face with this party, she made the charge and her work brought good pesults, for the watch was handed back to her. Thus, a po- lice court case was saved. SCOTCH GIRL STRUCK BACK. When Assaulted at Home Where She Was Employed. "When they got after me, "I just struck back." This is the way a young Scotch girl, who was brought out to this country, to work as a servant, put her case, when she complained a home on Barrie street. 1 There was some trouble in the home and the girl claims she was assaulted by & member of the family, and that she retaliated. -.«& "police court case will likely fol- low from the row, The girl resigned from her position, and is now staying A L0SS OF $70,000 WITH INSURANCE OF HALF THAT AMOUNT. The Blaze Started in the Laundry ai Five O'Clock Wednesday Morning --Business Section Was in Danger. Brockville, Dee. 27.--By a tremen- dous effort of firemen and citizens, the main business section of this town was saved from fire, which, this-morn- ing, completely destroyed the Strath- -{eona hotel, with the loss of some se- venty thousand dollars in building and contents. Fifteen guests and a num- ber of hotel employees had a narrow escape from the flames and stifling smoke, Fire was clerk a morning, discovered by the night bell boy at five o'clock, this when smoke was noticed is- suing (bm the laundry in the base ment. ¥All inmates got out with their belongings in good time, except Po- lice Ragistente Clarke, of Cardinal, who wis found wandering around the sevond Storey hy firemep, some time fater, and earcied down the ladder in a hald dazed condition, Fanned by a heavy wind, it looked as if the fire would wipe out the best part of the business district, but for- tunately a heavy rain helped the fire fighters and eventually the blaze was got under control. The Strathcona hotel, was built in 1901, and is' owned at present by the Broekville loan & Savings company, and leased by George Brown. There is an insurance of thirty-five thousand dollars, COLOR LINK IN AFRICA. ---- Only Descendants of Europeans May Attend Public Schools. Cape Town, Dec. 27.-The appenl court has dismissed the appeal lodged by Mr. Moeller, a Furopean lundown- er in the Kelmoes district, against the refusal of the Cape provincial court for an order to compel the local school authorities to admit his two children 10 school. Tt was contended that Mrs. Moeller was "ofi-colored," and that the parents of other ¢hildren had protested against the admission lof the Moeller children to the sehool. "The chief justice said the Cape school board act of 1905 was design- el to promote separate schools for children of other that European par: ent age. The court was unable to ig- nore the universal meaning attached to the term 'European' throughout South Africi--that when once it was established that one of a man's nearer ancestors, whether male or female, was black or yellow, he was regarded being of "non-European" descent, as THIRTEEN IN THRER YEARS. When Accused of Stealing the Time Gifahoma Couple's Remarkable Re- [st cord is Capped by Quintette. Oklahoma City, Okla. Deo. 27.--It became known to-day that J. M. dackson, station agent at Boynton, and his wife, are parents of thirteen ¢hildeen, born in thre years. Their first child, a son, is fourteen. Five yoors ago the rapid increase in the Jackson family began. Twins are now five, Triplets succeeded the twins in twelve months. In another year trip- lots again appeared. One year after the last triplets came five children on the same day. The last five are still alive. 3 Religious Houses in Austrim Vienna, Dec. - 27.~Statistios now published show that there are 2,956 monasteries and convents, containing 38,500 monks and nuns, in Austria: The monks have 85 bays' schools and the nuns no fewer than 970 970 girls' schools of various kinds. These 'include these most patronized by the aristoeracy 'for the education of their children. The property of the religions orders is known only to the government, and kept secret, but is generally estimated to amount £ A0, A » There 'has been a considerable in- grease lately. in the number of reli- gious houses in Austria since the of the orders from Portu- g , as many of these have settled ------------ Civil Seévice Commission. Otlawa, Dec. 27.-The civil service on, which will conduct an in- the service FIRE'S FATAL RESULT, Sm-- Superintendent - of Women's Hote Fatally Burned. New York, Dee. 27.--One hundred women guests at the Virginia hotel, for women only, were phirown into a panic early Monday, by the plight of Miss Argyle E. Lyons, the superinten- dent of the hotel, who rushed wildly abaut the halls with her nightclothes burning. Miss Lyons had risen early, enthusiastic over making a cup of cof- fee over a new alcohol lamp which she had received Her mnightdress flames when she more alcohol into blowing out the blaze. room, and almost as hystérical as she sight of her burning to death. at cousin at the to the floor portieres he their hangings. had It as JOHN BURKE, Governor of North Dakota, "INFAMOUS CALUMNY," Any Inhuman Treatment of der and outrage by the Persian authorities. The consul-general says : troops, who have always treated peaceable populance with ed by the Persians soldiers and _.the killed, "If isolated on soldiers were fired on. Russian troops the men, Lo quit houses. an escort of soldiers. "On this killed by the Persians." ILIKELY TO REVIVE © THE HINRADE CASE Private Detective Wishes to Resume Investigation of the Myster- Hamilton, Ont. one of the assistants to cation would be made to the for funds to furthét investigate unsolved Kinrade murder case. was a private detective of wide ago' with her hushand. The same police official also case will be resurrected. SPAIN READY FOR TREATY, Commercial Agreement That Has Good Chance of Acceptance. commercial convention with Cuba, nionths, and an as mercial conventions with States, her best 'market. 4 Harbor Handed Over, has handed over the harbor to dominion harbor i A BODY FOUND Floating in the Water Near as & Christmas present. caught fire from the attempted to pour the damp without She ran out to the hall, followed by two women who 'were with her in her guests of the hotel were : the One young man, who was visiting a hotel, was the hero, grabbing Mise Lyons and throwing her and wrapping her up in pulled down from believed, how- ever, that the young woman will die. SAYS 'CONSUL-GENERAL Russians Deny That There Has Been . St. Petersburg, weld 27. ~The Rus- sian consul-general at Tabriz has tele graphed to the Russian foreign office a vigorous denial of the charges of mur- which have been launched against the Russian troops "TI protest against this infamous calumny on our the humanity, notwithstanding the atrocities wreak- our wounded mutilation of owe innocent persons have iffered, it can only have been during the bombardment of the houses in the vicinity df our camp from which our After 'suffering serions losses the commandant: of the sent an order for all the women and children, as well as the He placed them under shelter in our eamp and later on sent them to the city under occasion a' young officer, Prince Wakhwakhow, who was in com- mand of the escort, was treacherously Dee. 27.--A sensa- tion was sprung in police circles, when the chief of police formally augounced that appli- crown partment, Belleville, the The instigator of the application, he said, ex- perience. Flofenee Kinrade (now Mrs. Wright, of Calgary), the leading figure in the case, was in the city a" week an- nounced that the old Barton murder Madrid, Dec. 31.--The Spanish 'gov- ernment, it is understood, has finally settled on the basis for a provisional A special committee has had under examination the various treaties with the United States and Cuba for many 0 it is believed that the does not clash with Coba's com- the United Toronto, Dec. 27. ~The city Squad] TRYING TO IDENTIFY THE DEAD MAN AT MORQUE. CORBETT'S The Body Was That of a Dark, Thick Set Man--It Was Discovered by Andrew Aylesworth of this City. The body of an unknown man was found lying on the shore of the Royal Military College grounds, close to Cataraqui bridge, about 12.38 o'- clock, Wednesday, by Andrew Ayles- worth, Colbornerstreet, who was coming over to the city from Barrie field for his dinner, when he noticed something in the water right close to the shore. He could not at first tell what it, was so he went and in- vestigated and found it to he the body of «a man that had evidently been in the water for some Time. The deceased wore a black suit of clothes and overcoat, a pair of rab- bers, a soft collar, a tie and a good pair of boots. THe body was very much Moated. The hair was sandy, and deceased also had a moustache. As soon as the body was pulled on the shore an ° ambulance was called. 8S. 8. Corbett soon arrived and had the remains taken to his establish- ment, Coroner Ross gave orders for the remains to be searched. Deceased {had a ring on a finger on the right and. - He did not have any papers in his pocket that would give any information as to who he might be. In one of the vest pockets was a railroad watch which had stopped at 7.20 o'clock. Deceased had evidently been a heavy smoker, as he had two pipes and any amount of tobacco. In his trousers pockets he had the sum of 35e, The man might angwer the des- eription of several missing people. He had evidently been connected with some railroad as he had a railroad watch, His face was very red. His sight wie evidently bad as he carried a pair of eye glasses. PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World, Rev. Thomas Paton died at Catharines. Mrs. Harry K. Thaw, New York, will press for divorce so as to marry o- gain, Miss Mary Derbyshire, McLaren, both of Brockville, were married on Tuesday, A formers policeman from PBdin- burgh was®arrested in Toronto on a charge of bigamy. It is. reported that a mulidy has broken out at>the naval ordnance yard, St. Petersburg, Ex-President Roosevelt declines to attend the great peace. gathering in New York on Saturday. it The residents of Huntsville, Ont. amused themselves on Christmas day by boating instead of skating, Miss Chiistine Teale, and W. C. Pepper, both of Belleville, were mar ried in that city on Tuesday. Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier will probably take up a residence in Pasa- dina, Cal., for the winter months. The Chinese expédition sent to re store order on the northern coast has returned, having burned two villages. The section of the Toronto Sunny- side & York radial line Trom the Humber is operated without a fran- chijse, . At West Shefiord, Qug., John Caron, a trapper, fell with his gun and was fatally shot. He leaves a widow and four children. Dr. Frederick explorer, is Times for leged libel. At Mukden, Manchuria, it is report- ed that Japan has carried out a dome] plete survey of the Russian [frontier since last June. Charles Treverton, son of Samuel Treverton, Sidney, has been appoi to a position in the inland revenue de St. and William A. Cook, the Arctio suing the New ~~ York $100,000, damages for al George Bridges sus arrested at Monessan, Pa., on Wednesday, witha suit. case .in his possession containing fifty sticks of dynamite. {Edgar Brown, a..highly respected young farmer, of Canfield, Ont., was killed on: Christmas rnight, while 'try- ing to érpss the railroagein front of a Grand Trunk east-bound train. A baby born with teeth at Russel ville, Ark., had to have them 'extract- ed, as they grew crossed. The child old when periormed Prospectors, in large mumbers, are leaving Dawson City for the newly dis covered gold fields at Sixty Mile riv- er. The new field is said to be richer than were the sands around Dawson. Miss. Violet Emands, Brookline, Mass, heiress, to marry Rev. Clar- ence Richeson, now swaitingl trial for the alleged murder of Miss Lionel, bas left home and become 8 settle ment worker in New York, The Japanese diet day. He marvelled at the progper-! ity of Japan and, depliired the © dise urbances . of China. Measares Sa being taken for the Testiiction ; immigration of Japanese to © ; passages-a ac curred at Toronto when Bir William Meredith met a Seprotsiitnin of ia- go tions pre views of hat mew workmen ocom- 4 the union, HURLED TO THE STREET, By Dynamite Explosion in House in Buffalo, N.Y. : Buffglo, N.Y., Dec. 27.- Wilham Ahern and John Flynn were hurled 'to the street, suffering severe injuries, when an explosion wrecked a house in which they were searching Paul Lutz, accused of murderous as sault on Mrs. Ida Schultz, who is dying. It is believed that the explos ion was from a swafl charge of dyna- mite. Policemen A Wedding at Omemee. Omemee, Dec. 26.--A pretty wedding was 'celebrated by Rev. R. Burns, at the home of Mrs. E. McQuade, Wed: nesday, December 20th, at four o'clock when her youngest daughter, trude, was umited in marriage to R. H. Williamson. The bride entered the drawing-roam on the arm of her brother, to the strains of Mendels- sohn's Wedding March, played by the groom's sister, Miss Florence William- son, of Sharbot Lake. The bride was gowned in white Brussels net, em broidered flounce and fringe trim- mings, over taffeta silk, with bridal veil, caught up with Jlies of the val- ley, and she earvied a shower boutjuet of roses and fern. After the ceremony the guests adjourned into the dining room, where a repast was partaken of. 'The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful necklace set with whole pearls, and to. the organist a pearl ring. The gifts were magnificent among them were many chekjues large amounts of money. couple left for the groom's home Sharbot Lake, and other points east, amidst a shower of vice and confetti The bride travelled in a tailored suit of brown tweed with Persian mings and hat to mateh Mrs. Wilbamson will reside mee. . A NEW TRANSLATION OF SCRIPTURAL TEXT If Accepted, May Have Effect on Certaln Jewish Cere- monial. Paris, Dec. 27. Considerable inter est has been aroused in Jewish civeles here by the appearance of a pamphlet by the well-known Hebraist, P. Ferares contending that the remarkable occurring twice in Exodus amd once in Ger- and for at trim My, and in Ome « accredited translations : "Thou shalé not seethe (boil or roast) a kid in his mother's milk," stood, Mr. Ferares holds that this paseage, which has given rise to important ceremonial observance among the Jews, should be rendered : "Thou shalt not boil a kid that at the breast," or "while it drinks its mother's milk." He asserts that this gives a more logical sense, and is just such a regu- lation as Moses might have made. IMPERIAL has been misunder 1% still FAMILY WILLING To Abdicate if This { China. Pekin, Dec. 27.-1t that veprerentatives of the family "have expressed willingness to abdicate if the national assembly, ov any representative body, declares it is necessary to preserve the 'empire ym _disinteregalion, Premier Yuonu Shi Kai would not attempt to be 'ome head of the republic, but would resign from the premiership imme diately that the best terms for the throne are completed. Would Save is understood rman ------ LOCK OUT 400,000. The Spinning Mill Situation in Eng. land is Serious. Manchester, Eng., Dec: vere posted this morning by spinners locking out 160,000 more employees in Lancashire. 'The milly will be closed till farther notice. There are now 400,000 work people idle, AN the trouble arose over two -- spin ners in Acrington 'refusing to «join The situation "is on -i. «Notices Master very serious. ™ Candidate Charged Illiteracy. Ottawa, Dee. 27.--That Ald. Dupuis, of Hull, who is opposing Mayor Arch- ambault, of that eity, in the munici- pal elections, can neither read nor write, is the rather surprising allega tion by Louis Cousineau, a lawyer who is working in the interests of the mayor. Mr. Cousidean ie out with » challenge to Ald. Dupuis to prove that he has not even an elemgutary educa tion, Rescued From Drowning. London, Ont., Dee. 27. Earl Jobaos, Gordon Buchanan and | Frank Gal braith) aged seven to ten, broke through the ice while skating on the river, near Wingham, this morning Galbraith, by heroic work, kept him- self up and succeeded in reaching the two other lads after they had gone down a second time, and held them uniil help came. Recovered Many Bodies, Niagara ¥alls, Ont., Dec. funeral of Mersena Morse, the est: undertaker in thig section of On. tario, was held yesterday afternoon Mr. Morse was born in 1831 and bad ae Tha old 'Ibeen in the underfaking business here for more than fifty years. He has recovered more jes of suicides from the Niagara River than any one else. : It is reported at Montreal that To- ronto and British capitalists, headed model city on the island. Mes. Solomon Wallace, 'a life long resident of Edeardsburg, passed away on December 4th, st the, advanced age of eighty-two years, <7" 7 of The happy | text |° Deuteronomy reading according, to all imperial { by Aemiliug Jarvis, of Toronto, are promoting a scheme to establish a LAST EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIES. . Taronte, Ont Dec. 27th 10 am --n- tawa Valley 3 and Upper St. Lawrenoes-- Westerly gales, with a change to much colder; fails flurries westerly Sia. winds, fight local mow Thursday, fres fair and decidedly « a EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES ALL THIS WEEK The Ready-to- Wear Section Will give the greater share of | - cut-price values, as 'we muat make a clegring of all winter garments before inventory. Ladies' Long Coats, Tailored Suits, Walking Skirts, Petticoats, Afternoon Gowns, Evening Gowns, Lounging Robes, Bath Robes, Kimonos, Fur Pieces, Fur Linings, Knitted Jackets, Sweater Coats, CHILDREN'S Cloth Coats, Hearskin Coats, Pretty Dresses, Kuitted Coats, Clouds, Fur Hats, ete. Just call and see the values They will to we are offering. =please you sure as style, taste and economy STEACY'S | THE PEOPLE'S STORE. good BORN Kingston, on Dec. 26th Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Princess Btrebt, a son | ------ MARRIED. SHAW-At the residence of the bride's futher, Abraham Shaw Inspectar Customs Ports, 190 Universally Avenues, on 26th December, Myra Bhaw, Kingston, to D. Wellington Richmond, B.Sc, Department of Interior, Ottawa, CAMIC 1911, Caml In to RICHMOND DIED, In Kingston, Martha BURTON 1911 ¥. i on \ Deo ' unseath, wife of J. Burton, aged 72 years Funeral from her late residence, 210 ducen Street, on Friday afternoon, . at £80. Service at two, Friends and acquaintances are respectfully requaosted to attend 27th ~ ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, "Phone 577. Princess Street. JAMES REID The Old of U 254 and 250 CESS "Phone 14 Jor Ambulance TAKE NOTICE, We have the Ageney of t Btoves," a good kin an ai prices; also a lot of heaters, se- cond hand, which we will gell at reduce ed prices. Don't wait till they are all gone. Turk's. Phone 705. OUR COFFEE The people who drink & cup or two of our. Every morning feel well---look well work welly z The price is 40¢ per pound. Jas Redden & Co. Smallpox in Montreal. Montreal, Dec. 27.-Five new cases (of small-pox were brought to the timolation hdwpital yesterday, @nd Dr. Laberge, medical officer, stated | this morvdng, that vuless there was gen- eval vaccination the city was likely in for a terrible epidemic, The weather stii keeps very, mild, During the night ihe rain was very heavy... The sorporstion men were . to-day scraping the mud off the main street crossings. Fighty missionaries have arrived at Shanghai "after n stirring trip, '