\ PAGE STA, PERFECT PARACES FOR RAELHATISH -rraeresrenl Told In Twilight sTeeccaee ; . | Geena "FRUIT-A-TIVES"WILLALWAYS | 'CURE THIS TROUBLE McMiLLa x's CornExr, Ont, "Your remedy Proit-agdivesisa perfect 2, (Cantinued from page 2.) the most delightful Christ parties ever Liven in Kingston riven on "Monday evening by {Colonel and Mrs, A. B. Conngngham, {tn-gwasna-da. The decorations of the Panacea : i € ¢halls apd rooms were carried out in suffered a font Senin jthe trus old Christmas style, with Rheumatism, being laid up several times | eveegredns, holly, mistletoe and crim- a year, and not being able to work at | on bells. Colonel and Mrs, Cunning- anyth T went to different doctors | ham wveckived the guests in the draw- who ok me there was no use doing |ing-room, the latter wearing a hand- anything ; it would pass away. : {rome gown of pale pink satin, veiled Fortunately, about two years ago, I" with dew drop net. The evening Fas got "Fruit-a-tives" and they cured tie, [¢pont in Christmas games and danc- Since then, I take them occasionally ling. A bufiet supper was served about and keep free of pain. I am satisfied | clsven o'clock. The guests included : that * Fruit-a-tives" cured me Rlien- | Min, Hendy Cunningham, Miss Flor niatism aid they will cure afiyone who | ence Cumtngham, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- takes them", JOHN B. McDONALD. |ier Macnee, Miss Norah Macnee, Colo- Rheumatism, Sciatica and Lumbago and Mya. R. : E. Kent, Misses are caused by Uric Acid ~+a poisonous | Hilda, Doris and Etnel Kent, Colonel substance formed as a result of acid and Mes, J. MH, V. Crowe, Colonel indigestion and impurities in the blood. and Mrs. Paley, of Ottawa; Colonel "Frait-e-tives', or intensified frit | and Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Misses Ma- | juices, is the greatest blood purifying | rion and Mary Ogilvie, Uolonel and ine in the world. | [ Mra. Birchall Wood, Miss lisa Wood, "Fruit-a-tives" keeps the whole | Captain and Mrs. Verreau, Miss Kath- system free of ric acid and willelways {leer Gordon, Mrs, James Cappon, cure Rheutiations in every form. {Mre. Frank Botterell, Montreal: Miss | {Alice Macnee, Mr. and Mrs. Franeis Soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, | | Hill Macnee, Miss Cecil Macnee, Mrs. receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, | of Cine mas EE Canon G. L. Starr. * =» entertained at a large party ~ W. C. Kent, Ms. James Macnee and The Christmas dance will be given | at' the Yacht Club this evening, 'and the committe hope that all the mem- bers will' accept this invitation, Ex cellent music has been secured and re- freshments will be served during the avening. H. Union street, family dinner Christmas. The table was with white hyacinths and white. centre Mra. Richardson, on decorated i holly on a spackling piece. » » - * + . Miss Mowat was hostess at a very jolly. Christmas tree at The Residence, Farl street, on Mionday afternoon, and the guests included only the members of the family, amd a few intimate friends. x . - eo. wi Mrs. A. B. Cunminghar), Of-gwa-nas da, will receive on the first Tuesday of the New Year and afterwards on the first three Tuesdays -of the month during the season. - Rt Dr. apd Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Bagot street, entertainedd on Christmas night at a family dinner. . . - . Mrs. Russell Hale; will entertain 'the Fhursday evening. . Johnson street, Bridge Club on Pr. and Mrs. E. Rvan, "Rockwood House," entertained at a family dio- ner on Christmas gveming. - - - - Mr. J. C. Smythe, Canadian Bank 25¢. At all dealers or sent postpaid on | IW. R. Givens, Miss Dorothy Hill, Mr. © Otawa, | and Mrs. 1. J. Riguey, Mr. and Mra. | William Harty, Major and Mrs. F. R. | Sedgewivk, Mr. and: Mrs. W. H, Craig, | Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mudie, Misses Mabel, Dorothy and Marjorie Brown- field, Misses Bessie, Mabel and Eva ----g a ---- BIBBY'S CAB STAND jof Commerce, returned to Toronto, on i Tuesday, after visiting his sister, Miss Bessie Smythe, West street, for the | week-end. | Mr. Paul Le Maire, who has been THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1011 Miss Phoebe Lewis, and Master Jack Lewis, of Gananoque, are guests in town for the WoodKnignt wedding, to-day. n - - » = Capt. and Mrs. harl Folger expect to leave the end of the week for Ot- tawa, after spending the week-end with Mrs. Fred. Folger, Sydenham street, Miss Lilian Taylor refunned on Tues day to Ottawa, after visiting bes mother, Mrs. Charles Taylor, King strect. Dr. and Mes. A. W. Winneut, Bagot strevl, and Mr. Hillyard Robertson, of Regina, expect to leave vn Friday for New York, to spend a week. Mrs. Winnett. and Mr. Robertson will go on to Palm Bedch, Florida, to spénd a month, LS - - - | Dr. Campbell Laidlaw, who was visiting Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Macdonnell, University avenue, returned on Tues- day to Otiawa. Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Paterson left on Tuesday after spending Claistmas in town, Mr. Max Duff, Bank of Commerce, who was visiting 'Lr. and Mrs. H. R. Dufi, Princess strest, left on Mon jay night for Hamilton, Mr. Colin Hamilton, Bank Montreal, returned on Tuesday Hamilton. of to Miss Fdna Booth, who has been vis iting her aunt, Miss Booth, University avenue, expects to return to Johns town, N.Y., on Friday, and Miss Mar- ion Booth will accompany her. . Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kenny were vis iting Mr. and Mrs. George Young, Unj- versity avenue, for Christmas. Mr. Keuny returned to Toronto on Mon- day, but Mrs. Kenny remained in town for a few days longer. / yf | The Chocolates that are Different Neilson's Chocolates come to you in the most enticing form. Such athing as stale chocolates--or cruched or broken pieces--is unknown in a box cf Netison's. 5 And you may be sure that we use eveb greater care in selecting materials fcr making choco- lates than we do in presenting them attractively. Neilson's Chocolates are different in every way--in quality as in appearance, and it is a difference that you will recognize and appreciate if you enjoy the ultimate perfecties ¢f tH&€%rt of chocolate-making. iy "Chooolats Des Aristocrates" --' 'Cherries 1n 8 rgss chino"--"Hard Centers"--""Chocolats 14 only four of the 33 differant kinds we make. 38" "are @ If you have any difficulty in getting Neilson's in your neiphborhood--send us 80c, for a pound Bex of the most delicious assorted chocolates you ever tasted. 6 WM. NEILSON LIMITED, - TORONTO. 9 2 STEM 1 New Year's Holidays Round Trip Tickets will be issued at SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE Good going Dec. 30th, 31st, 1911, jand Jan. 1st, 1912. Return limit, | Jam. 2nd, 1912, Tickets will also be Issued at FARE AND' ONE THIRD Good going Dee. 21st, 1911, to Jan. ist, 1912, inclusive. Good to ra turn on or before Jan. 3rd, 1912. Tickets A fed 16 intermediate sta- tions betwee Montreal and Toronto | in connection with the abaye will not be valid on trains 1 and 4.° For full particulars apply to -- J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. LETS CLE I MISE LOL RAILWAY Christmas and New Year Excursions. Return Tickets between all stations east of Fort Arthur on sale at SINGLE FARE Good going December 23 and 25. Return limit, Dec. 26. Also good going Dec, 30 and Jan. Miss Lillian Mundell, Brock street, expects to leave this week for Ottawa to visit Mrs. Garland, "se Return limit, Jan. 2nd, 1912. Single Fare And One Third Good going Dec. | Itichardson, , Misses Phyllis and [travelling in the west, is spending a {Charlie Shoitt, Misses Marie, Dorothy week with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Rich- >fand Kdith Carruthers, Miss Gertrude |ardson, King "street, before returning i bawson, Miss Francis Sullivan, Misses {to his home in Amsterdam, Holland . § , Misses DAY CR NIGHT Phone 201 A ------------ cen Make the Liver Do'its Duty Nine ties in ten when the liver is right the nomach and bowels are right, folk ; A Headiche, and Distress after Eating, Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Gencine mut bear Signature Ruth Nora and Helen Gordon; 1 Ha Miss; ker, of Washington: Mr, and Mrs. | Walter Boyd, of Ottawa; Misses Hamie and Susan Anglin, Miss Irene | Swift, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Las | and - Sybil Kirkpatrick, Miss Lil- lian Kent, Miss Mildred Jones, Misses Emma and Elsie Pense, Misses Aileen, May and Rose Rogers, Miss Agnes Richardson, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Hilda Lalvin, Miss Kitty Hughes, Miss Kathleen Ryan, Misses Veta and Anel- in Minnes, Miss Bessie Smythe, Major L. Shannon, London: Professor Ander- » Professor Davis, Professor Smail, Leonard Jones, of Rochester; Cap. {tain Henry Boak, Messrs. Frederick Mcl'arland, of Calgary; Stanley Cun- dingham, of Red Deer; Paul Le Moir, of Amsterdam, Holland: Arthur Dal- ton, G, H. Smythe, George Richar:- son, Walter Macnee, Jr., 'Hyman, W.! €. Rent, A. H. Smythe, Noble, Her- bert and Walter Stency, James Swift, Jr., Douglas and George Kirkpatrick, Colin. and Erie Carruthers, Jack Reginald and Collamer Calvin, E. B. Smythe, F. A. Smythe, John Davis sie PERFECTION | COCOA Is good for Growing Girls and Boye--and they like it. Jt. nourishes their hile bodies and makes them hed'hy and strong 'Cowan's Cocos, as you + 1 from your grocer, i absolntely pure. lis delicious flavor in obtained by the usk of the highest Harold Brownfield, Sherman Hill, Car- roll Ashby, Ted Rogers," J. OQ. Smythe, -C, ..J. Swift, Laughlin Hughes, Ed. Ryan, Paul Cunuingham, William and Grant' Minnes, Herbert Woud and Edgar Ogilvie. * - - - Mes. J. BRB. Carruthers, "Annan- dale," gave a very enjoyable Christ- mas party for 'the children on Satur day afternoon. The rooms looked very pretty with the Christmas decora- tions. The children present were: Misses Helen and Evelyn Eaton, Ma rion and Mary Ogilvie, Jessie and Kitty Torrance, Lassie Nickle, Molly and Peggy Shine, Rhona Perreau, Lissa Wood, Nadine Harty, Cecil Mac: {0ee, Helen Hale, Bessie Stewart, Uwendolyn and Doris Folger, Helen Strange, Hilda Calvin, Sybil Kirkpat- ricky, Margaret and Elizabeth Cup- niigham, Margaret Boyd, Florence Cunningham, Marie Roy, Masters Ed- gar Ogilvie, Peter Bedgewick, Walter and Gordon Hughes, Max Strange, Hugh Duff, Arthar Hopwood, John Murray, Gordon Cunningham, Douglas Cunningham and Paul Cunningham. - - - - - Mrs. R. H. Dull, Princess street, en- tertained, on Monday evening, at a very jolly Christmas dance, for her son, Mr. Max Duff, who was home for the holidays. The house looked very ibright and cosy with Christmas de corations. The guests includ. d Cap tein and Mrs. Georges Roy, Dr. and Mrs, Snell, Misses Christine and Syl Hilda Hague, Miss Sibbald + Hamilton, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss Aileen Folger, Misses Lillian and Madge Tay- lor, Mr. Neil Polson, Mr. Colin Ham- ilton, Mr. Stevenson, Dr. Stuart Pol- e Was Ashamed Tried Everything but Did 1t No Good. ~~ One Box of Guticura Ointment . Took Pimples Away. "About reven years age pimples ®roie out all over my face and neck. When they would fisal corgo out they would be big and a they would turn white, came out, . Sometimes Lonny itch 80 1 could baediy sleer. - 1 wis gshanicd Yo down street, my face : bai Went to several son and Dr. James Polson, of New 'ork; Messrs. Hugh and George Tay- lor, Colin Hamilton, of Hamilton; Stevenson, Burke, and Charles Liv- agston, - Professor and Mrs. Iva E. Martin, "Underwosd," entertained at a very bright and enjoyable dinner on Christmas evening. The guests, who numbered twenjyv-one, sat down "at three round tables which were daintily decorated with - pale pink carnations, lilies of the valley, and simlax. Those present webe: Mr. and Mes. J. RB. Carruthers, Major and Mrs. Varion Eaton, Miss Eleanor Macdonell, Angus Macdonél), Miss i rut , Miss Gertrude Lawson, Miss Phyllis Shottt, Captain H. Bosak, Pro- fessor Davis, Professor » Mr, Hymen, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss' Charlie Shortt, Miss Edith Edith Carruthers, Mr. John Davis = and Messrs. Colin and Eric Carruthers. - - delightinl dinner was given - Christmas evening by Mi ! Miss Horn, King street. The. table A very bright and jolly dinner 'hristmas © k vin Cochrane, Miss Isabel Polson, Miss Nr. Car} i Mr. and Mrs. W. CG. Craig are ex- | pected home, on Thursday, from Otta- {wa, where they were visiting Mr, and iMrs. J. D. Craig. 4 i Miss Bertha Van Winckel, Toronto. {spent Christmas with her parents, on Ordnance street. Miss Mary Middleton, of Toronto, is spending the holiday with her Mrs. J. Henderson, and Middleton, Clergy street. ~ - * s1s- Miss ters, » i Mrs. H. H. Adams, of Ottawa, who spent Christmas with Dr. and Mrs, James Third, Wellngton street, left for home on Tuesday. _ Miss Gina Fairfe leit for 'l'oronto fon Tuesday after spending the hal {days with her parents, Rev. John and Mrs. Fairlie, Brock street. Mr. and Mrs. J. 5S. R. McCann, Mr. Sidney McCann and Mr. and Mrs. Aus- tin Gillies left on Saturday for To- ronto to visic Miss Curlette for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. David Gil- ilies and Miss Elsie Gillies, of + Carle- jton Place, weré also guests at the {house party. Mr. George Taylor, Bank of Mon- treal, returned on Momday night . to Montreal after spending Christmas with Mrs. Charles Taylor, King street. Mr. Arthur McParland, of Mohtreal, was visiting Mr, and Mrs. James Mec- Parland, Emily street, for Christmas. - - . - Mr. ing street, Guelph. Rev. Ogilvie: Dobbs Tuesday to Brockville ®bristmas in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Fairlie, who spent a few duys in town with Mrs. John Fairlie, Brock street, left on Sunday for Gananoque to visit Mrs, Fullerton for a day or two, before returning to Montreal, Mr. Hillyard Robertson, of Regina, who is visiting his mother, Mrs. G: Robertson, Sydenham street, spent inst week visiting friends in Montreal and Toronto. Mr. and Mes. D. J. Hogan, who spent Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. E. Ryan, 'Rockwood House," 'returned to Napanee on Tuesday. Mr, Walter Macnee, Jr., Union street, and &ir, Douglas Anglin, Earl street, went up to Napanee on Tuesday to attend the dance, given by the young bachelors of Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. KE. H. Bickiord, who have been visiting Colonel and Mrs. Sydenham McGill, King street, return ed to Toronto on Tuesday. Miss Hilda Kent, King street, to-day, for Toronto, to visit Pipon, » Miss May Hinckley, of Toronto, visiting her mother, University avenue, ho - 2 . ' Mr. Hendry Fowler, . of Toronts, spent Christmas in town with his mother, Mrs. Fife Fowler, Brock stieet, Mr. Norman Wormwith is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, H Wormwith, Earl street. ' Miss Kate Fraser returned to Ot tawa on Tuesday after visiting Mrs, John Fraser at. the "Avonmore." Mr. D. Go Betts, Bank of Montreal, left on Tuesday for Bowmanville; af- ter ® ing the week-end with Mr. and Mes. H. A. Betts, Albert street. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. R. Cralg, and Master Hugo Craig who. were . visit- ing Mrs. 'George Fenwick, University avenue, left on Tuesday for Windsor, where they will 'reside in future. Mrs. Robson Black, of Toromto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Mills, University avenue. Mr. and A. Lewis, little Rae, Hamilton, who was visit- his mother, Mrs. Hamilton, Earl returned on Tuesday to returned on after spending left, Mrs. is Mrs. Hinckley, ye Mrs. CO. & 90000000000000000600000 Among those who went to Napanee on Tuesday for the bachelors' dance Miss Jean Dufi, Miss Susan Anglin and Miss Helen Uglow. Mr. James Stewart returned, on Tuesday, to Otfawa, after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart. Stuart street. Mrs. Arthur Cunningham, On-gwa na-da, will leave for Toronto Thursday, to spend a few days. Miss 8. Anglin, Earl street left on Tuesday for Napanee, to visit Mrs Miller. were on The inspector, captain and three lientenants in charge of the Levee Neelice district, Chicago, are on trial, on charges of neglect of duty Je. wallpaper at Weese's., @ N.'R. GRIMM, 102 PRINCESS STREET, bv : ie KINGSTON, AND NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES CAN ONLY BE HAD AT ger THIS STORE. 21 to Jan. 1st, 2 "y 1912, inclusive. Return limit, Jan, 3rd, 1912, Full particulars at K. & P. and { C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. Conway, Gon. Pass. Agent. i BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. { Train leaves Unlon Station, Ontario | treet, apa daily (Sunday excepted), {tor Tweed, Sydenham, Na oe, Deser- | ont Bannockburn an all poluts aort To secure quick despatch to | Bannockburn, Maynooth, and points on FOR | Central Ontario Route your shipments : Ho Sule » . ar uu. "Wela, Pass Agent. a Bay of Quinte Rallway. articular {Prt out; J. | Phone No. 3 Following 132 P . 0000000 NIGIOGOIOIOIOD 10000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000 0000000000000000000000¢ SPE t & Vo - Watch Our Stock Go Down THIS WE * Are You One of the Crowd THE GREAT BANKRUPT SALE Crumley Bros. Store If not, be one right away IT WILL PAY YOU AL SALE ON THURDSAY i Some worth $18.00 K > AT RINCESS STREET. fof Stylish Goats in the store $5.98 00006000000000000300000000000000000000000000000000000¢ GOO0000000 0000000000000 000000000000000000000F600F0 BAHAMAS FIRST TOURS » ©es CABIN. up. | New tiwin-serew 85.85, BRAZOS an | other large steamships in service con- ! necting Nassau with Cuba and Mexico; | also semi-weekly service from New York to Sailings each Connections for | Thursday Interior Points and Saturday ~=18le of Pines, | for Havana Santiago, ete. Where rigorous northern winters are exchanged for wonderful Cuban clim- ate. Sallings each Ballings each Friday = for | Vera Crus. Tampleo. Making connections for Mexico City and all points in the interior of Mexico. Write for literature and particulars about rates and accommodations, NEW YORK AND CUBA MAIL 8.8, CO, General Offices. Pler 14, East River, New York. Also FRED A. FOLGER, Kingston. ---- "GRAND CRUISE TO THE ORIENT Ry the most palatial cruising steamer sfloat 5.5. "VICTORIA LUISE" (16,500 Tons) Salling from New York 0, 112 Cruise "te BIPAIN, the NEAN Cont son un TR Dayw' PORTUGAL, MEDITERRA the ORIENT. and upward. LUISE" 1s modery feature, Iizury' aad cruises, ov t Whoo Cruises io Weal Indies, Bowth Amerton, Y Around the World, licly ond Egypt, eto., Send for Illustrated NE) LANBORG-ANERIGANTL Bway, N. Y.; or loeal agent. +f Thomas Copley PHONE 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Street wea wanting anything done in the Carpan- ter line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work Hardwood [Tico of all kinds. All orders w receive prompt attention. Shop 40 Queen Street, i » WELLINGTON STREET, (Near Princess). There are other hotels, none approach the Club homelike surroundin Located in centre of city close to principal theatre Charges are moderats. Special rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, bit for afid stores and S890ssssaetesesevsenn Working Men's and Roys' Boots; also Fine Shoe Repair ing done while you walt, Large Stotk of Rubbers, all sizes, at lowest prices io the § : : Secesceceee os 5 Re Sesversssrere Xz i STRERT, - sseevese