tT » "The Liver Pills act So Naturally and Easily - Such = statement, coming from the cashier of a bank, shows what confidence responsible people have in these pills, Mr. A. L. Wilson after trying them wrote: "1 have used Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Plils and wiso your Anti-Paln Pills, on myself, with good results. The Liver Pills act so naturally and so easily that I scarcely know that" I have taken a pill. Frequently being troubled with headache I take an Anti-Pain Pll and get immediate relief In every case." A. L. Wilson, Spdrts; IIL Mr. Wilson was for a number of years cashier of the First National! Bank of Sparta. " Dr. Miles' . Nerve and Liver Pills are different from others. Many kinds of liver pills are "impossible" after one trial on account of their harshness. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills do not act by sheer forcq but in an easy, natural way, with out griping or undue irritation They are not habit forming. H the first bottle falls to benefit, your druggist will return the price. Ask him. MILES MEDICAL €0. Toronte, Can FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS AND GUARANTEE INSURANCE EFFECTED, Real Estate Bought, Sold & Exchanged Call or communicate with J. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market Street, Kingston, Ontario. - Electric Restorer for Men Ph honul restores every nerve ia the body 08 to its proper tension ; restores im and vitality, Fremature decay and all sexual hour nel averted at eyes. hospiionol wi make you a new man. Price $8 a box, or two for alled to any address. The Scobell Drug Castiarines, Ont. For sale at Mahood's Drug Store. Carriage Painting SOME CLASS TO OURS, This is the place to Rave your Auto repaired to stand all kinds of weather. E. J. DUMPHY Cor. Montreal and Ordnance Sts. Teeseseetsece COSTLY CURTAINS CLEA N. . ED. It is all in knowing how. You can send your finedt irussels, Irish Point 'or other delicate curtains here and know they will be done right, R. PARKER & 00, Dyers and Cleavers, 6 Princess Nt, Kingwton, Ont. $ seams. vevovG, wrc, PARTRIDGE & SONS "Phone 380. ire and Irom Workm, Plating. Insist on Keating's Ifisist on gettin, enuine "Keating's 'owder." Made in Eng. land and known around the world as the only odorless and stainless and otherwise harmless powder that kills bugs. A deadly ex- inator of every form of insect life. Sold by all druggists. : In ting only: 10¢., 20¢., 3Bc.- Rt a, . . ¢ COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON CoAL . is good Coal and we guarantee ; L prompt delivery. / ~ BOOTH ¥ CoO. FOOT WEsT STREET. are agents for Fisher _} tions. | eleven months, THE DAILY WILL PRACTICE IN, CHICAGO. Coming of Dr. J. Allen Graham lle- calls Stirring Career. Chicago CanadiansAmerican, Ex-Canadiane generally and mer residents of Kingston, OUnt., particular, will be interested in the coming to Chicago of Dr. J. Allen Graham, a graduate of Queen's un: versity, Kingston, who for several vears has been practising his profes- sion very successfully in the neighbor- ing city of Hammond, Ind. Dr, Gra- ham will occupy the office of the late Dr. Alex." Hugh Ferguffon, 302 Reliance Building, 32 N. State street, and will be associated with Dr. Fer guson's former partner, Dr. J. J. Mo- nahan, Dr, Grabam, better known to King- stonians as "Joe," who is still in the early thirties, has had a specta- cular and adventurous career. AL fourteen he was a cabin boy on sthe old "Empire State," plying between Clayton and Alexandria Bay, Ont. A few years later he became telegraph operator on the C.P.R. at 'I'weed, and at twenty he entered Queen's. Heo conducted one of the first crews of stereoscopic agents (afl students) to England, Ireland and Scotland who made the journey to Liverpool on cattle steamers. Thiy sold their wares in the British Isles to raise money for college expenses. When Dr. Gra- ham graduated in 1903 he held a good position on the circulation staff of the Montreal Herald, and in ) cosuing months he canvassed for his paper in the Eastern Provinces, set- tling finally to practice for two years in Campbeldon, N.B. : Then for eigh- téen months he did post-graduate work in the London, hospital, White chapel Road, London, and in Dublin rand Edinburgh, Dr. Graham's surgery in which as been brilliant. His friends lieve he is -at the start of a very prosperous career in Chicago. He is happily married, his wife being Mies Amy Marston, of L'Qriginal, Prescott county, Oni, They have two heauti- ful little girls. ROGERS AXD DONEVAN WILL CONTEST FOR MAYORALTY, : Several Gananoque Weddings--The Post Office js Open Longer on Holidays--Other News of the Town, for- wn ' [Sonanoqus, Dec. 26.--A¢ nine o'- clock Saturday evening munici - ters had gettled A str considerable extent by the failure of Messrs, R. Sheppar)l, FP. J. Skip her and F. Wright to fyle qualifica- John W. Webster Bets the deputy reeveship by acclamation, while for the councillors these six complying with the statate them seit by, acclamation, ww." Wilson, W. J. Gibson, Ww, J. Nuttall Francis Keyes, James Carr and. py F. J. O'Connor, The electlon part, will comprise a fight between W. N. Rogers, the present mayor, and ex- Mayor James Donevan, for pe mayorally, and between C. E. Britton wd John MeArdle for reeve. 6.30 o'clock on Saturday even ing, at the home of Rev.: A. R. G- ser, on Wellington street, Miss Carrie Clow, daughter of the late James low, of Lyn, was united in mar- riage to Samuel James Korsut! Lattimore, son of the late J. Latti- more, Leeds, The groom has for many years been in charge of the hinge department in the works of E. Britton.: Mr. and Mrs. Latti more left during the evening to spend part of their honeymoon at Lyn, guests of the bride's sister. : On Wednesday evening, Dee. 20th, a double wedding was golemuized by Rev, A. R. Orser, 'at his residence, Wellington street, when Miss Flossie Caird, of South Crosby, was united in marriage to John W. Cheetham, of Seeley's Bay, and Miss Jessie 13, Cheethm, to Richard Sherman Nor. ris, both of Seeley's Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heaslip, River street, are mourning the loss of their young son, Mark }. Heaslip, . aged whose sad demise took placa on Sunday evening, after short illness. Interment" took place Tuesday at Gananoque vault, The local Salvation Army band, furnished a nice programme of selec tions at various parts of the throughout yesterday, Through the efforts of the board of trade, the post office, whose holiday hours, have been 8 to 9 am, and 4 to 5 p.m., was open for the publie, yes. terday, from 8 to 11 am. and 3 to 6 p.m, Bives general far specialty is his success: thus KINGSTON OLD BOYS DINE. First Annual Feast at Great Success. Chicago ( anadian-American, The big event of the week in local Canadian-American cireles was first annual banyuet of tid Boys Association at the Auditor- ium, Uver 100 guests sat down to a repast that was exquisite in every de- tail. President J. A. Reid was toast- town come he referred to the flourishing the | 'pays Grace Methodist choir at the close of its practice on Saturday evening, presented Miss Fesie Delong, ther organist and choir leader, with a handsome gold chain and locket. Mrs, Cornell, Lyn, who, with her two daughters, is visiting her father, Joseph Meggs, Garden street, had the misfortune to lose on Sunday evening a savings bank book and roll of bills amounting to about $90, J. A. Jackson, Stone street, joined Mrs. Jackson and family Perth to spend Be holiday season with her father, Dr, Kennedy. Frank H, Hurd, Kingston, who was quite severely injured by a fall a scaffold while working on the church building at Sand Hill, 'spending the holidays here with parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Charles street. E. X. Belnois, King street, is spend- ing the holiday season with relatives in Buffalo, N.Y, Mrs. L. Sherby, King street; has re- turned from a short visit in King- ston. Miss Essie DeLong, King street, and gister, Miss Carrie A. Delong, of l'oronto, left yesterday for a few days' visit with friends in Smith's Falla. Mrs, Frank Wright, Stone street, and son, Donald, left yesterday for Mon treal to spend a few days, the guest of Mri and Mrs. Frederick Arthur, Mes. E. X. Benois, King street, spent i+ short time in Kingston during the past few days, r -------- LAUGHED HIMSELF TO JAIL. condition of the association and its prospects of future pros serity, introduced a galaxy of Rho speak- ers, each of whom entertained the din ers with snappy, scintillating talks, Thomas F. Lynch, secretary of the Bellevitte~t'tub, spoke in his happiest vein, us did his brother, Maurice Lynch, and P. J, Howland, Henry Middleton, 8. R' Tomkins and Al. fred KE, Déan delighted the guests with reminiscent remarks on boyhood days in dear, old Kingston. A' plea- ant surprise to many was the ap- pearance of De. J. Allen Grabam, late of Hammond, Ind., whom most of those present remembored as plain "Joe," « score or so of years ago. The doctor gave®n fascinating account of himself and kept the diners in roars of laughter as he detailed some of his adventures on both sides of the Atlantic giiPe they kiew him as a freckle-faced youngster in their native town, > There was a musical programme of great "excellence. Miss Linegar, a Uanadian girl of many gifts and good looks, sang and danced; the two Misses Tomkins won much applause with songs and there was splendid Ring hy o very fine sextette. The Kingsto Old Boys meet again 'Jan ary drd for the annual election of of" licers. has in from new is his Hurd, MARINE SEASON RE-OPENED. Sloop Ariadne Cleared for Bay of Quinte With Grain. Fhe inarine season has re-opened. 'The sloop Ariadne cleared from Rich- ardson's elevator on Tuesday aftor- I ith a _carge of grain-for- Stony Mills, on the Bay of Quinte. The loop had been laid up but as the weather was favorable it was decided to make the trip. There wus a very heavy wind storm during last night and the vessels tied Lp at the wharves were given a ge- vere shaking up. $ Repairs are being made ' to the Sieamer Sowards, Newsboy and the schooner Major Ilefry: This is fine weather for the work. -- iold Tooth Betrayed Man Wanted by Police. @ Waynesboro, Pa., Dee. WbTFhat---it} sometimes to make a may laugh was shown here, yesterday. Ahile conversing with a stranger, hief of Police Rowland believed he answered the description of a man wanted by the authorities of Carrol county, Md. The description said the man had a large gold tooth. ~<hn, Chief Rowland told the man, a funny story and made him laugh. A gold tooth was disclosed, and the man was put under arrest. He was George ti. Rider, formerly of Charlestown, W. Va, and a well-anewn business man there for some time. He Was taken to Westminster, Md, to an To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab . lots. Druggists refund money if it fails swer a charge of false pretences. to cure, E W.. Grove's signature is on Going Ahead Rapidly. tach: box, -30e, From information received from oi{ A, J. Delaney, proprietor of a mov- ial sources it is evident that Prince ling picture show, was fined $50 and Rupert, the Pacific coast terminus of | costs for allowing children under fi- the Grand Trunk Pacific railway, is| teen years of age to enter the theatre going ahead rapidly. Work is being | without a guardian, pushed-on the waterworks system, the | Prevost,» Brock stgeet, has received cost of which ix estimated at $550,- | all his fall and winter goods for his 000, $100,000 of which has been Spent | order clothing department, also in during 1911, : ready-made clothiog . and gents' fur- The city' is also spending '$500,000 ou | nishing department; they are all well the sewage system, and 500,000 © on | wgaorted with new? goods, rock cutting and' the - grading of the William and Daniel Brown smashed Strets. Last year $100,000 was spent | a window in a Brockville -- butcher on the waterworks system, $50,000 on | shop, stole a turkey, were caught and the sewerage system, 500,000 on grad- | are now in jmil. s : ing nd $100,000 on plank roads © and an electric wa A three-year-old son of George Mox- . Prescott, swallowed a Canadian cent. The child could not swallow, The coin was located by the Xwray and was successfully removed. Rev. rd. Croshere, D.D., died sud- denly of t disease, on Friday, at Pray, Ont. He was well known in Eastern 0. Gerhard Meintzman, Knabe pianos and Phone represented by > J. The marriage took place, Saturday, in Brockville, of Miss Florence Evelyn to William James O'Brien. The Canadian Pacific railvay com- pany will build 'five hundred = miles in old Ontario wext army in Mexico, was and : ured. the be- Auditorium the the Kingston master and in a bifiel speech of wel He General Reyes, of the. ravolutiotary I x tok : 9 BRITISH WHIG, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. 1 IMotormen Not Careful Enough on Alfred Street. Kingston, Dec. 26.--(To the Editor): I would like to call your attention to the fact that serious accidents are {suré to occur on Alfred street, unless |greater precautions are taken by the The down car is always behind and goes at a terrific speed to meet the ®ther two cars at the junc- tion. The motorman seldom rings the gong until he is at the cross streets, and, in consequence, several close calls of late happened. The gong should be used on that down car between every block, and used vigorously. More ac- cidents and close calls have occurred on Alired street than on all the other Streets: combined, I am told. --CITI- ZEN, Christian I'nity, Cushendall, Dec. 23.--(To the Edi- tor) : The scribe who reported the re opening service of the Zion Methodist ehurch, Pittsburg, overlooked some im- portant features of that occasion. Not only did the people rejoice in the pos- session of such a beautiful church home, in which they had installed the Blau gas system of lighting, thus mak- ing Zion church the best lighted church in Pittsburg, but also in the spirit of | Christian unity which was so manifest that day. The weather was all that could be desired, and large congrega- tions filled the church at both services, evening service, Rev. T. W. Neal, of Street Methodist church, Kingston, was the preacher in the afternoon. His sermon on "Things Transient and Things Permanent," was an inspira- tion} and will long be remembered by those present. Rev. T. Ww. Wonby, B.A., Elginburg, preached in the even. ing, and was heard with much pleasure and profit. Rev. H. W. Reede, of Kil- burnie;-- who --hrought greetings from the Presbyterian church, had gracious dy closed his services for the occasion, 80 that he and the members of his church might' worship with their Meth- odist friends and rejoice in their suc- cess. The spirit of Christian unity is being fully 'developed in the churches of the different - denominations in Pittsburg, which argues well towards the final settlement of the great ques- tion now before the churches. --AT- TENDANT. ea -------------- The Ethics of Friendship. "Haye you ever considered the etifics of friendship ¥" says Walter Herald to his friend, John Risca, in the first chapter of William J. Locke's Stella Maris" in the January "Cen- Lyryt" "Few people do them nowadays. Existence has grown jue complidted that such a simple, primitive thing as frienship is apt to be neglected in the practical phil- osophy of life. Our fricuship, John, s something 1 could no more tear out of me than 1 could tear out my reart itself. It's one of the few vital, WEDNESDAY, DECEWRER 8+. i011 i BRE arch yo \ many having to stand throughout the}: Sydenham | # consider } real things--indeed, it's perhaps the only tremendous thing in my foolish life. I believe in friendship. If a man hath not a friend, let him quit the stage. Old Bacon was right; a man has every right over his friend, every claim updn him, except the right of betrayal., My purse is yours, your purse is mine. My time is yours, nd yours mine. My joys and = sor rows are yours and yours.mine. Vu a friend may pot supplant a friend either in material ambition or in the love of & woman. That % the unfor- fgivabla sin, high treason aginst friendship." -------- The Finest in Canada. Saturday Night, of Toronto, has issued a Christmas edition that has eclipsed! anything hitherto published in" the dominion, This is the pa- par's initial effort and if it does meef with approval then nobody else need try again. 'The edition, how- ever, was so satisfactory that wyth- in seven days after pub?emtion every copy had been disposed of and it was as large an edition as the company thought safe to publish the first year. We compliment C. ¥.. Paul, the managing editor, for the beauti- ful work and the more than interest ig 1eter proas he hes produced. Contest in Pittsburgh. D. D: Rogers and W. J. Franklin are in the field for reeve of the township of Pittsburgh, and the councillors in the field are: Messrs. Hiram Atkin son, John Bennett, James H. Barrett, '. MeNeilly, William Pierce. © The re : turning officers are as follows : No. 1, Alexander Rickey; No. 2, A. Barnes: No. 3, Thomas McNeilly; No, 1, Wil liam Gordon; No. 5, J. Vanalstine. Contest in Portsmouth, 'The Whiz ran across the Portsmouth philosopher, this morning, and the man from Hatter's Day remarked that things were very lively there in . the election campaign. When asked for his opinion of the result, he said he could not say, but smiled and re marked that the campaign was a live ly one, and he hoped that the © best men would win, C.P.R. earnings for the third week in December showed an increase of four hundred and sixty-three thousand dollars. =i ; > h THE MERCHANTS. BANK OF CANADA PROCEEDINGS AT THE FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING : OF SHAREHOLDERS. The forty-cighih Wednesday December Shareholders--Sir. H. Monta Barnet, K. W. Blackwell, An Allan and Messrs, rew A. Allan, C. C. The President of the Ban the Secretary of the Dank as Secretary, e Notice call The minutes of the last annual meeting were present annual. meeting' of the Shareholders of the Merchants' 20¢h, 1911, at the head offices of the Bank. Sir Mon Allan, was asked to take the chair, 1 Poo taken as read, Bank of Canada, was held on Among those present were the following Jonathan Hodgson, Thomas Long, Charles M. Hays, Alex, Ballantyne, E. F. Hebden, BE. Fiske, John Patterson, William Agnew, D. Kinghorn, A, Piddington, M. S. Foley, A. D. Fraser, C. J. Fleet, Yates, T. BE. Merrett, A. Dingwall, W. Stanway, James Alexander, A. C. R. Black, H. B. Loucks, H. B. Haig Sims and J. M. Kilbourn: and appointed Mr. J, M. Kilbourn, read, the meeting was DIRECTORS' REPORT. The President then read the Directors' It is with much pleasure the Board of report as follows :-- assembled. We have another favourable year to report. Our profits, after making full provision for all dou amount to the sum of $1,179,581.03 Notwithstanding the increase increase in two years, we have again written $100,000 off Pension Fund and placed $500,000 to our Reserve Fund paid np capital, and carried forward re will find this showing satisfactory, $58,878.18 to next year's of the dividend to 1 the Bank Premises Account, added ,» which now represents the i Profit and Loss Accoun All the branches of the Bank have been inspected during the year. We have opened the following offices during te past twelve months : Hastings Streets) ; Coronation, Calgary (2nd Frobisher, Regina and Moose Jaw, Sask. ; We have lost two Directors residing in Great Britain, aud attendant at meetings of the his demise is much regretted. - The two vacancies on th WA. Allan and Mr. C. C, Ballantyne, «i, The Directors have much pleasure in testifying twelve months, All of which is respectfully submitted. Statement of the Result of the Business of the Bank for the year The Net Profits of the year, after payment of «charges, rebate on discounts, interest on deposits, and making full provision for bad and doubtful debts, have amountedto., ,,, $1,179,581.03 The balance brought forward from 30th November, 1010, was 99,207.15 $1,278,878.18 * LIABILITIES. 1. To the Public. Notes in Circulation... Depositsat Call Deposits subject to notice (accrued interest to date included)........ Deposits by other Banks in Canada. ........ 55, $6,851,230,00 $25,807,025.26 36,280,678.72 1,356,976.84 .. ------e §3,404,580.82 Balances due to Agents in Great Britain, 310,980.05 Balances due to Agents in the United States and elsewhere 161,112.04 150,000.00 « 2. To the Stockholders. Capital pail up Reserve ifn. 'au Balane- of I'rofits carri forward, 5,400,000.00 $1,000,000 new stock. The General Manager spoke briefly regarding the Western Pruy t The followin MN. Hays, } Resolt and the staf, which were acknowledged by the President At a subsequent meeting of the Mr. Jonathan Hodgson, Vice-President, ir. Alex Barnet, Mr, F. Orr Lewis, treet Last); Chauvin, Pincher Station an ¥, Winnipeg, Man., (Bannerman Avenue); Ont. We have to report no offices closed during that period. during the year--namely, Mr. Hugh A. Allan, who retired by reason of his now Mr. Charles F. Smith, who died in October last. Mr. Smith was a very ni Board, where he aided deliberations $, 2nd paid a tribute to the devotion of the staff, g Directors were él scted --Sir 11. Montagu Allan, Mr, Mr. K. W, Ons were passed expressing appreciation of the services of the Board of Directors, Sir. H, Montagu Allan Vancouver, B.C. (Cor. Granville and Bd, on, Alta. ; aud Wallaceburg, : egular by his wise counsels and sound judgment, and e Board were filled by the appointment of Mr. Andrew to the good work performed by the staff during the past H. MONTAGU ALLAN, President. ending 30th November, 1911, This has been disposed of as follows : Dividend No, 94, af the rate of 9 per cent, per annum, Dividend No, 95, at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum, 185,000.00 Dividend No. 96, at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum, 150,000.00 Dividend No. 97, at the rate of 10 pet cent. per annum, 150,000.00 Transferred to Reserve Fund rneann Written off Bank Premises Account Contribution to Officers' Pension Fund.... Balance carried forward $135,000.00 Statement of Liabilities and Assets at 30th Noveinber, 1911. ASSETS, Gold and Silver Coin on hand Dominion Notes on hand . Notes and Cheques of other Banks. . , .s Balances due by other Banks in Canada... Balances due by Banks and Agents in the Utlited States .oe Calland Short Loanson Bonds and Stocks in Canada, $3,854,845.31 CallandShortI0anson Bonds and Stocks elsewhere than in Canada, 9.001,612.77 12,946,458.08 Government, Municipal, Railway and other Bonds and Debentures 6,074,980.01 Ws 71.0 Current Loans and Discounts (less Rebate of Interest reserved) seerveane 47,411,040.23 Loans to other Banks, secured... To 100,684.74 Loans end Discounts overdue (loss fully provided for) . 112,216.42 Deposit with Dominion Government for Security of Note Circulation Mortgages and other Securities, Property of the Bank, ,2065. Real Estate. ,%, : 38,617.66 1,017,850.07 " 4,467.34 $51,926,061. 40 E. F. HEBDEN, General Manager, In moving the edoption of the Report, the President referred to the intention of the Directors to issue busifiess and prospects of the Bank, particularly in the Jonathan Hodgson, Mr. Thomas Lon » Mr. C. + Mr. Andrew A. Allan, Mr. C, C. Board of Directors, the General Manager and the General Manager. The meeting then adjourned. was re-elected ident and Tr a Tem eae oe ' : LABATT'S STOUT 4 = The very best for use i 3 "Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America - at World's Fair, 1893 3 PURE--SOUND---- WHOLESOME JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA de You Must Give Acie Something for New Year's to those you have forgotten at Christmas. ---- Some Halpful Hints, Something Useful Hockey Boots, hbbr, Evening Slippers, Dress Boots, Overshoes, "Moccassins, Overgaiters, and Nn (61a NATURE turn into a edicine-chest, filling SUNSHINE - Scott's Emulsi is mot The treatment for Coughs and Colds, . Grippe, and mony other ills, | ALL BAVSSISTS Leggings, Maltese C, Rubbers Thes> Rubbers are Famous for Fit, ea Qualities and Style. The Rubbers That Wear Weari ing Nice Goods to Select From REMOVED. T. J Lockhart, Real and Insurance Agent, an- Te ~~ REID ii en. & CHARLES Bounces that he has removed to larger offices over Bank of Montreal, Clarence Btreat, Kingston, where he has better facilities for conducting nis