PAGE FRX. "SUFFERED With Biliousness amd Sick Headache * Calgary, Alberta, July 8, 1911 I was a great sufleyer for a long time with Biliousness, Sick Headache and Liver trouble, Nothing seemed to do sny good. 1 had almost given up in dopey when I decided to try : FIG PILLS sen Rope half a box aches stopped and my appetite improv hase } finished the fifth box and fee as ever, I can heartily recom- elt, Fig Pills for stomach and liver Mus. Many FLisON, at all dealers in 25 and so cent Sm ont by The Fig rin to. and fecommended in Kingston J.B "MeLEOD, Druggist. 'BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 - NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG "CORRESPONDENTS TELL Us, ¥ The Tidings From Various Poigts in Eastérn Ontarfo--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. . Bongard's Budget. Bongard's, Dee, 20.--Mrs. J. B. Bon- gard and son, of Picton, have returns home after ing a days at J. I. Bongard's. Mr. and Mrs. Norton, of Athol, are visitivig at W. Pringles. A number from here attended a party at B, E. Harrison's, Waupoos, recent- ly. Miss Jessie Wright, of Conway, was a guest i J. D. Boogard's. Mr. and Mrs. B. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. D. T. or ormack were recent guests at RK. Harrison's. Barriefield Briefs. Barriefield, Dec. 23.---Mrs. Murray has returned home after; spending a few days in the city with her father, Mr. Burton. Mes. J. Murray has re turned to the dity, having visited at E. Murray's Miss Pappa has left for her home .at Sharbot Lake to spend Christmas as the school is Sosed Miss B. Hutton, nurse-in-training, bome to spend Christmas with het mother, Mrs. W. Hutton. The friends 'lof F. Allan will be glad to hear that he is able to be around sgain. G. Warmington has purchased the home w | stead of the late Charles Belwa, WORTH CONSIDERING people seem to get this idea tha Deer is & drink for warm weather exc clnaively. They fall to appreciate th it's refreshing and beneticial all ihe Jeu round. We ssents ifr Fisher Bros, Portamouth in Lion Brewery, Ber Api Buroh's ot orted Beer, Detroit ke a8 ge ality of Keg Beer for tbe Christmas The THOMPSON BOTTLING CO. GRO. PSON, Frop. Telephone 204 . » TRAPPERS FURS and we will pay you the Highest Prices 134-136 MeBILL STREET o« WONTREAL PQ. We will send free to every trap per who sends us furs, our book *The Trappers Loyal Com- panien", Are you ons of thos ho every meal is another source of suffering ? Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets will help your disordered stomach to digest any reasonable meals, and will soon restore: it to such perfect cc dition that you'll never feel that you have a stomach. Take cne after each meal. 50c. a Box at your Druggist's. Made by the National and Chemical Co. of Canada, ted. Te HL Sh, irom Wilbur attended 5 Junetown Jottings. Junetown, Dec. 25.-William Warren, Saskatchewan, ig: stopping at Jacob Warren's. Mr. and Mrs, J. Herbison spent Christmas at Mr. and Mrs. A. CC, Summer's. Dr. mnerfoot and Miss Sparling, Brockville, were guests of My. and Mrs. Thomas Franklin re- cently, Midnight mass 'was celébra- ted last dight by Rev. Father Cullin- Jane before a large audience. Miss M. Avery is spending her holidays with her pareats, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Evelyn Purvis, student at the colleginte, rockville, is spending Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Purvis. Willowbank Notes. Willow Eank, Dec. 26.--J. Beaubien is home from Mr. Conner's, where he was putting up a verandah. An old fashioned wpelling bee was held in the school house the other: evening. W. H. Clark has finished a new kitch- én and woodshed * for J. McMinch. Mrs. Robert MciNinch is home after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Gates, Whitmount, Ww. McNinch is suffering with a sore hand, which ' he hurt some weeks ago. Gilbert Lindsay, of Toronto, is spenchng the holidays at his mo- ther's home here. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. Hyland and son, Cushendall; Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtiss, Willptsholme, at W. Eastwood's. . Wedded 'in Kingston. Donaldson, Dec. 2 .--A quiet event took place in Kingston on Dec, 23rd, when Hazel B. Jones was united in marriage to Ira D. Johuson, of Lowe Farm, Man, The bride wore a gown of silk crepe de cheme. Wedding breakfast was served at the bride's sister's, Mrs. F. Hamilton, on Al bert street, The bride's travelling suit was dark green broadeloth, trimmed with satin, She wore a black beaver hat, with willow plumes. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are spending a week with the bride's parents at Donaldson. Thence they will leave for an extended trip through the southern sigtes before leaving for their home in Manitoba. Rosedale Reports. Rosedale, Dec. 23.--On Thursday last " ery pleasant evening was spent in No. 5, when the pupils gave a concer and box social under the direc- tion of Miss Lacey, the selections chosen being especially appropriate to this joyous season. The school was beautifully decorated. William Grooms, of Queen's, occupied the chair. The woceeds amounted to $9.50, which go for books for the library. E. Harker had a gang of men working in the woods. The roads ave in a bad éon- dition. Master. Gerald Grooms is im- proving after a severe ailtack of ap- pendicitis, Visitors: Mrs, A. Hager- man at Thomas Hagérman's; Mr. and Mrs. H. Peterson, Northrose, N.Y, at J, Barrett's; Mrs, C. Joyner, of La- pum, at G. 8. Freeman's. Reeve Salmond Re-Elected. Cloyne, Dee. 23.--William McGuiness has started lumbering for the Chand- ler & Jones Co, The swamps arein a 'bad condition for lumbering and there is not : enough snow for sleigh- i fhe many friends of Mrs. R. are laased ta hear that she chetter: Ma. nd inn Levi Saji Mr. Fag a William Young . and Mrs. Neal Benny were -of Mr. and Mes. Robert ote evening of last week. J. of n, who is. work- with the loeal }guq on eam spent Wednesday af- nat kL. Snider's. William Sal- was reelected reeve for 1912, will be voting on local option id on conncillors. - News From Wilbur, Wilbur, Dec. 25.--Qwite a number the concert at Lavant on Thursday evening, Deeem- ber 21st. Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Roche have gone to spend Christmas with their son, Herrick, at Havelock. Mrs, BB. Rodgers and her daughter, Mary. 1 ton from Kingston, come to spend Christ- friends at Wilbur, Miss Effie T Bolton, Toromto, has come to spend (hristmias with her mother. Miss Jen- nie Richardson, Kingston, has come home to spend Christmas. T., Rich- ardson came home ou Saturday. Henry Bolton, Hamilion, is visiting}. his mother, Mrs. T. Richardson. Sommerville, Queen's, conducied services here and at La vant, S. gti Huey ow come home from Smith's Falls, to spend Christ- mas. $ ix Lombardy. andy Locils. 'Dee. 26.~Retent visitors the holiday season were : Miss . Dooher, New York; Miss Helen Declan Dooher, (t- 'O'Mara, Ottawa; dee Demy sn THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Michael and Frank Decinody, Water town, N.Y.; Miss Lelabh B. Robb, Thessalon, Ont., Miliord Robb, ot T. A. Cauley, Chesterville; Me. and .- Edwin Leeder, Escott. Mr. - and Mrs. M. J, O'Mara and children, of Kuroki, Sask, are visiting friends in this: vicinify. Mr. and Mes. W. Gardi- ner and children, of Merrickville, spent Christmas with friends here. Mr. and Sirs. W. Ireland visited relatives in Easton's Corners recently. Misses Lacy and Vyna Cauley, are spending pe holidays with friends in Syracuse, Ernesttown Nominations. Odessa, Dec. 23 Nominations for Ernesttown township council for 1912: Robetf Longmore, reeve, by aecclama- tion; John Frink, deputy reeve, by ac clamation. A poll will be held for three councillors to be chosen from these four candidates, Robert Anglin, Robert Miller, John Kenny, Peter Weese. The election promises to be a very quiet one, as at nominations there was no fault to be found with the 191) council; rather was praise given for the way in which that body handled the township business under the leadership of Clark Walker, the re tiring reeve, so with the incoming councillors it is just a matter of "Gentlemen, 1 would he pleased to at- tend to your business for 1912, if you will kindly elect me." Notes From Flinton. Flinton, Dee. 26.--~The Christmas tree and entertainment was a grand success. Proceeds amounted to $50. The English church purpose holding their box social on Dec. 28th. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Thompson and Mas- ter 1. Loyde, arespending a few days visiting thr son, R, H. Thomp- son. Mr. snd Mrs. Hasler and child- ren, of Port Arthur, are visiting at RB. W. Kimmerley's. Other visitors : Mr. and Mrs. Stone, at J. H. Stone's; Myr. Noyes, at A. Loyst's, and Her- bert Sedore at his home here. The teachers hereabouts leit on Saturday A. Averv--tiaspend the vacalion at their var§- ous homes. 3. Ferguson left on Tuesday for Picton ' where he will spend a few days with relatives. Miss krankie Bamford, who has been at Marmora for the last two months, has Bell Rock Budget. . Bellrock, Dec. 26.--Rev. Dalton Flatt, a former pastor of this charge, preached a fine Christmas sermon here last Sunday. Mrs. A. Phillips and Miss: Laura Phillips, Harrowsmith, spent a few days at W. Vanest's. Mr. and Mrs. W.' Vanest and Miss Laura Phillips are visiting their brother,' J. S. Phillips, Montreal.. Mrs. B. Revell and som, Earl, are spending Christ mas week with friends at Parry Sound. Master Clarence Grant, Ham- ilton, 'and Mastér Alired Grant, Sy- denham, high school, are at home for the holidays. Miss Oliva Sanborn ar rived home last Saturday. Mrs. M. Bell, Verona, is the guest of Miss Grace Pomeroy, Mr. and Mrs. James Yorke entertained several friends on That Feeling of Fullness Disappears in Five Minutes After Taking a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. A Trial Package Sent Free on quest. All of the unpleasant sensations at- tendant upon eating too heartily are instantly relieved by a Stuart's Dys- pepsia Tablet. Like sticking a pin into a rubber balloon. The reason is simple and easy to understand. Re- Inflation of the Stomach From Uw digested Food Quickly Reliev- by a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet, When you take fi into a stom: ach that is Tired and' over-taxed the gases Meer do not form fast enough to t it ely, § food becomes sour and or a A gins to throw off gases. Your stom- ach becomes inflated just as surely as il you attached a toy balloon-to a gas jet. " "Then the gases and foul odors issue forth and pollute your breath making you an object of nau- to your friends. Your tongue Ne alokly becomes coated and you can taste the foulness that is " within rol, Now all this condition is changed almost instantly by a Stuart's Dys- pepsia Tablet, This little di gets busy at once--supplies ail the digestive juices that were lacking--di- gests the food in a jiffy and opens up the clogged gtomach and = bowels, It also sweetens and r the mucous lining of the stomach and houels and restores peace and eon- I 'you will give Stuart's D: popes ablets a chance they will a only sweeten your stomach but also your disposition and you will rever have finsther stomach ill. (ue grain of a single ingredient in Stuart t's' Dyspepsia Tablets will di- gest 3,000 grains of food. This saves your Stomath and gives it the rest hppa FRIDAY, L ritmas day. Visitors: Mr. Mrs. Drew, Long Lake, at G. nt s. Mr. and. Mre. H. Baudeur, 'Desérf Lake, at - Pomeroy's, 'and NM. . Charleston Locals. Charleston, Dec. © 25.~AMiss Gladys Johnston, of the normal school, Otta- wa, is spending the Christmas holi- days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, E. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. D. W, Johnston, - Miss Gladys and Master Hibbert Johnston, Mrs. H. Johnson and Miss Daisy Mastergon spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Berry, Secley's Bay. Miss Maggie Finley has recovered*from her illness, so as to be able to return home from North Augusta, where she has been teaching ool for the past two years. Master P. J. Foster, of Smith's Falls, is visiting his uncle, Robert Foster; his father, Thomas oster, arrived on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Foster and son, Ambrose, of Watrous, Sask., are visiting friends here. At the nomination, on Thurs day, the old reeve and council were elected by acclamation. Budget From Arden, Arden, Dec. 25.---The entertainment in aid of the Methodist church was well attended and a very nice sum was realized. Mrs.: Samuel Sarkar} Sr., is slightly improved, after he recent illness. Dr, Mather, of Tweed, wad called in consultation for G. E. Thomson, who is not very well. Mrs William Wormwith has returned from Kingston, where she had her infant child for treatment. Those who arriv- ed to spend Christmastide with friends are; Miss Mollie Pringle, New York; at her father's, W. W. Pringle; Mrs. C, Lindsay and daughter, Lena, Toronto, i ww, Pringle's; Miss Ona Barker at her father's, Joseph Barker; Mrs. N, A. Hall and Miss Nora Wormwith, Toronto, at F. L. Wormwith's; Alex- ander Matson, Niagara Falls, at A. Matson's; Ross Cox ks home from Saskatoon, after an absence of three years. There was a good crowd at the shooting match at F. L. Worm' with's on the 23rd and some very good shooting done, : News From Outlet. Outlet, Dec. 26.--Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Greer and daughter, Faith, spent Christmas with Mrs. William Mitchell and family at Mitchelville. Mr. and Mrs. John Crozier, Mallorytown, spent Christmas with friends in this vicin- ity. . Francis' Fodey returned home on Saturday, from Saskatchewan. Mrs, H. R. Vanderburg and children, of Ventnor, and Mr: and Mrs. W. G. Vanderburg, of Stranrear, Sask. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Van- derburg for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milne, of Brewer's Mills, aro Visiting fends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. H. Leacock and. Miss Marjory are visiting friends at Frankville and Addison. Mr. and Mrs, James Greer, of Lyn, spent Christmas with Mrs. N. R. John- ston and family, South Bay. A new baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cross. Mrs. William MeCready and baby boy have come to spend the winter with her parents, : Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Slack, from her hpme in Saskatchewan. Budget From Stella. Stella, Dec. 2b.--A large number of islanders took in the special Christ- mas trip to the city by the steamer Wolie Islander on Tuesday last. Ovef 100 return tickets were sold. F. Drice- land, Wolfe Island, and W. Patterson, Pittsburgh, were here last week buy- ing cattle. Charles Fleming, in the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, for some time past, is improving. W. H. Preston, tax collector, has been making his rounds. T. Smith has re-boa dwelling honsé in the village. : McDonald, Jr.,, and C. Willard, have arrived home from sailing on the up- per lakes. The COF. will hold a danee in Victoria hall on Friday even- ing next. Russell's orchestra, Wolfe Island, will furnish the music. The Misses McKenzie have left for their home in London. Walter Brown has arrived ome from Chatham. Mrs. (Capt.) A. Glenn, and daughter, have left for Lorrame, Ohio, where she will join her husband. R, Nelson has 'ar- rived home from the west. Capt. T. Sanders, Lorraine, 0., is visiting hore. Miss Broughton, is vis iting friends at Toronto. : Presentation at Flower. Flower, Dec. 25.--Mrs. Howard Mc Gonegal is visiting at Arnprior. Miss | Hannah Revill, of Ottawa, is spend- {ing the holidays with ; her parents here, Bert. lDeachman, of Hall's Mills, is Hera for the week with his parents. Miss 1. Durick is spend ig Christmas in Toronto. Arthur Cain is home. Derwood Cameron has gone to Parham. ' The engage- ment is announced of Miss Effie Deachman, Flower, to Alexander Spen- cer, of Saskatoon. The marriage takes place Winnipeg . on New Year's day. The school conceri wae quite a sue tess, the pupils doing much credit to their teacher, Miss Durick, Mise Eva Cameron presided at the organ. Just before the presesis were dis- tributed by Santa Claus, Miss Durick, teacher, was asked to come forward to the platform and an address was read by Miss Edith' Applet and a er | handsome locket stented By Mise M. be | Deachman, on behalf of pufls and people. Miss Durick was taken by surprise, but in a few well chosen words thank- ed the people and pupils for their peetty gift and all their kindness to her during her stay among them. 1 t Prove Much. . New York yt Pr "1 went away without paying ves terday," said a clerk in a downtowsd business house to the manager of a restaurant where the guests wait on { hemselves and tell the cashier when at "the © manager twenty-five cents and said: "1 didn't mean to 'do Jot for that amount: only wanted to prove to my friend be done." "Thank A DECEMBER 29, ine RE YOU IN THE THICK OF THINGS OR THE THIN OF THINGS? It takes the steady nerve, the elastic step, the energetic body to meet modern conditions, and the quick mind' grasps the fact that body and nerves must be properly nourished. . Weak, hesitating, doubting natures are those who lack vitality. Their kingdom is the crust or outer edge-- the thin of things. SCOTT'S . EMULSION is the vitalizer for all ages. It feeds nerves, body and brain with pure, wholesome food-tonic. It does not stimulate--it nourishes. ALL DRUGGISTS NS LABATT'S LONDON INDIA PALE AND EXTRA STOCK ALES, XXX STOUT gent. James McParland, 339- SUK St. STANDARD BEVERAGES 3 JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON East Good going TRAVELLING. RAILWAY OT HET New Year's Holidays Rowld Trip Tickets, will be issued at SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE Dec. 30th, 31st, 1911, and Jam. lat, 1812, Return lwmit Jan. 2nd, 1913. Tickets will alsp be issued at FARE AND ONE -THIRD Good going Dec, 21st, 1911, tg Jan. ist, 19132, inclusive. Good te re- turn on or before Jan. 3rd, 1813. Tickets issved to intermediate sta tions ,between - Montreal and Toronto in connection with the above will nog be valid on trains 1 and 4. For full particulars apply. to J. P. HANLE¥, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. WLESICLE (RH INTTL TE RAILWAY Christmas and New Year Excursions. Return Tickets between all stations east of Port Arthur on saleat SINGLE FARE Good going December 23 and Return limit, Dec. 26. Also good going Dec. 830 and Jan, Return limit, Jan. Sand, 1913, Single Fare And One Third Good going Dec. 21 to Jan, 1st, 1912, inclusive. Return limit, Jan. 8rd, Full particulars at XK C.P.R. Ticket Office, F. Conway, Gen. Pass. Agent. 5 1918, & P. and Ontario Street. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, leaves Unloa Station, Ontarie po. dally (Sunday excepted), or Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- amito, Bannockburn and all points gorth. To sec ad quick despatch to Bannockburn, nooth, and points on Central eh 5 oute your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway: For fur- ther articuism tn. Welen, H. Ward, elch, LIPTON'S TEA OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY fit sant; J yo Agent. Phone No. IDEAL WINTER RESORT. FIRST . TOURS CABIN, New twin-screw 8.8. BRAZOS an other large. steamsh ips in se ice cons necting Nassiu with Cuba and Mexico; also semi-weekly service from New York to c anne: thor s for r Points a 34H 7 Pinos, Bantlago, ete. Ballings each Thursday Where rigorous northern winters are SOX hangs ed for wonderful Cuban clim- ate, 4 for and Baturday Vera Crus. MEXICO: 2s uP. gatlin #8 each Sailings each Thureday ¥ riday T Epon M aitese Cross Rarers The Rubbers That Wear These Rubbers are Famous for Fit, Wearing Qualities and Style. : REID & CHARLES | { for Havana Making connections for and ail points in the interior of Mexico, Write for literature and particulars about rates and accommodations Mexico City NEW YORK AND CUBA MAIL 8.8, CO, General Offices, Pier 14, East River, Ne k York. Alse FRED A. FOLGER, Kingston, Because of the Profession, there haw this well-dnown 'stan (A la Quin du du Pérou) t popu ity of Wilson's Invalids' Port with the Medical pit upon the market several attempts at imitation of wine tonic. Why be cajoled nto trying imitations because of their Shape 7 The best is better than any--nothing but the best should satisfy The name "Wilson's Invalids' Port" signature of the proprietor of this preparation : which af bands of the genuine preparstion--1to, is registe at Ottawa, as also the 7 on all labels and neck imitate them may be the sincerest sent form of flattery BUT it is a criminal offence a by law. BETTER THAR Dr. A. COWAN rrr Member Pharmacentical Society of N, B. of tonic oF emuine Invalids' Port as THE BEST IS Kilburs, N. RB, says *T have use! "Widens Invalids' Port™ wines, sod 1 Len 7 Puna Tt is certainly THR REST bave much pleasure ia presoribimg M7, oben, Reh ASK YOUR DOCTOR Hn? eof uy ¢ | i voi t By the 8.8. RL UBOHER "4eaving New York | dan. 20, 1012 | Straits of Ports of eal! Port of Spain, Perunmbueo, Santon, Puenos Alres (across the Andesi, Punts Arenas (through the Magel~ Valpnraise, de Inn), Rio Janeiro, Rabin, Para, | Bridgetown, asd s visit to PANAMA CANAL Optional Bide Trips Everywhere, Duration and ot crane 80 DAYS cos $350 oo Alize Oryises fo the Orient, West Indica, Around the World, Italy end Egypt, clo, Send for Nlustrated booklets. | HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 41-45 B'way, N. X., or loeal agent.' Thomas Copley i of | orders { Bop 49 | | | | { | | | i i i ---n Serssssssssssase PHONE. 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Btreet wanting anything done In the Carports ter line. Estimates given on all Kinde repairs and new work alse, Hardwood Floors of all kinds All will receive prompt attention. Quesn Bireet THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON STREET, (Near Princess). There are other hotels, none approach the Club homelike surroundings Located in centre of city and close to principal stores and theatre Charges are moderate Special rates by the wedk vy. ww THOMPSON, Progrietor, bat for } ; 1; t i = HE COAL! 'The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell SCRANTON COAL § is good Coal aid we guaranies prompt delivery. BOOTH & CoO. FOOT WE EST STREET. a 'Svsssssssasarsssas sant oh §