Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Dec 1911, p. 4

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Extension Tables.. $6.50, $8.50 up. In Golden Finish. Big Line of Cabinets all reduced 10 per cent. R.. J. REID "The Leading Undertaker,- 'Phone 577 2000000000000 O00 Beaver Board A most desirable plas- ter board for walls, ceil ings, etc., noiseproof and semi-fire proof, 'easy to apply and very' warm, handsome, ornamental ang of moderate cost. S. 'Anglin & Co. AGENTS Cor. Bay & Wellington. "Phone 66. EOBOOREEEEEPEEREEEE® Highest Grades GASOLINE, COAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY. Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. wh0000000000000000000 C 0000000000000 COOOOODS EI by intersepting sewers along os THE ton, Ontario, at $6 WEBKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 ! day and Thursday morning at $1 a ostage had to be added, making p ce of Dally $3 and of Weekly $1.50 er year. Attached is one of the best J tylish, and cheap work; nine imp H. RB, The editor of Canadian Defence, the official organ of the Canadian Defence League, who attended the Canadian Military Couference; repudiates the idea that conscription was advocated. It is un-British and unnecessary. But there was championed a system of universal military training, as a substitute or corrective df the volun- tary system of training which is declared to have been a dismal fail- ure, 'ihe proposed universal military training is said to have dominated the whole military conference. Al most every one was in its favour, nounced feared that they nifight misunderstood. It 'was pointed out that in 1866 Nova Scotia spent $100,000 a year "and trained as many men as the whole of Canada ° does to-day." The lieutenant-governor favoured universal military training, but want ed it understood that there was be no- Oswego is up™ against a great pro- position. It has been ordered by the state health to proceed with a satisfactory sewer system and department disposal works, costing at the outset not. less than $200,000, and to fyle the plans with regard to, these improve ments before March 1st. The health de- partment wants the sewerage caught both banks of the Oswego river, and the city is inclined to hold that intercep- ting sewers will be of small account without a complete system. of sani- tary sewers. Oswego fs now drawing the water it uses for domestic purposes through a pipe which extends about 8,000 feet into the lake, and the state, by a new law, seeks to guard the waters from which a supply is taken for domestic uses, frgm contamination. Its plans are most expensive. They remind one of what Toronto has done, in the construction of intercepting sewers land filtration plants, and of the fact that filtration is the most valuable The p t of the Board of Trade Start The New Year Right Buy your up-to-date Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Rub- bers, ete, etc, at 4 ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET, The Lowest-priced Clothing House in Kingston, quali considered. Come and see for yourself G00DS SOLD ON TIME All kinds of Dry Goods Men's Boys' and Ladies' Suits, Boots and Shoes, Jewellery, House Furnishings. ete, Bold on easy payment plan Come in, see our goods and terms. New Stock of Fall and Winter Sioening 'received. It will pay and see it Joseph Al Abramsky 3 SALE or groves of arn BE Stock a Second han raiture. ny Bn SUGARMAN, 3242 untarie FONG SING i oY. EL ia er ANTIQUE FURNITURE dns for CHRISTMAS : a large and varied Stock: suitable for Christmas Nothing could has. "issued, according to its instruc tions, a circular which fairly and plainly puts before the ratepayers the facts relating to the locomotive works. If this ciroular is garefully read, as it is hoped it will be, "the effect will be satisfactory. The advatcement of the business has been progressive, and the best evidence of this has been. the = increasing amount which has been spent annual ly in" wages, from $225,000 in 1906, among five hundred men, to $600,000 in 1911, among six hundred and fifty men. With the 'enlargement which is contemplated. the pay roll _will be in- creased to $700,000, and the number of employees will reach probably a thousand. Dr. Ryan encloses the information which was sent out by Welland's in- dustrial commissioner when he made a bid for the locomotive works. In five years some fifteen plants have lo- cated at Welland, with an estimated capital of $20,000,000, and five more firms have selected their sites, paid for them, and commenced the build- ings in which they will do, their manufacturing. These will put over and the few who were not most pro- tof our people and to enlarge THE DATLY BRITISH WIG WHIG, SEVENTY-EIGHTH 'YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, publis ed at 3806-310 King Street Kings- per year. Editio s at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. ages, published in parts on Mon- ear. To United States charge for nting Offices In Canada; rapid, presses, THE BRITISH WHE PUBLISHING CO, LIITED J. G. Ellott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec-Treas. TORONTO OFFICE: Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Ch mbers, 32 Church Street. Toronto. 'Smalipiece, J.P., representative. UNIVERSAL MILITARY TRAINING. thing compulsory about it; while the minister of militia stated that the officers who did not exért themselves to maintain their ' units at strength and efficient would not be allowed to retain their commands, The Canadian Defence League certainly been misunderstood. average individual has assumed that it stood for military prestige or pre eminence, when the Canadian Defence says it stands to make good Cana dian citizens, to make good Brit ishers of the pew-comers to our shores: to raise the status of public life and service: to increase the physi- cal, intellectual and moral stamina and intensily their 'agricultural, commer cial and industrial efficiency." The cause has been ¢gspoused by churches, societies, colleges, and with the explanation before us we can ap- preciate the movement which has culminated in the formation of the 5th Engineer Corps of Queen's Univer- sity. has ¢ FILTRATION PLANT WANTED. of 'all the processes to make the water pure. The experience has made one of our board of health think, and he is dis- posed to argue that the first and greatest essential in Kingston is a filtration plant. It may not remove all the bacteria, but it will reduce the erop to a tolerably harmless percent- age, and the treatment of water by filtration is better than its treatment by chemicals. The province has undertaken to re- model the Health Act, and appoint a number of inspectors, who will see that it is enforced. What Ontario wants is the service: of ran expert like William Chapman, who will inspect the towns and cities along the lakes aud report upon their wants. He would probably decide upon a plan of action which would have the best result. A state or a province should not content itself with giving commands. It should know what is advisable in any case, and it should facilitate with energy every municipality in seeking the attainment of ideal conditions. $5,000,000 into plant, and employ The United States Steel mipare: tion has dome the immoral thing-- that is immoral in the highest sense ~of giving its employees bonuses. It is not on record that any one of these bonuses has been declined. Thé 'mayor of aed one 'of the Galt--a conservative, best supporters Hon. "has--is not in favour of a its duties to a department of the government. But that is Sir James Whitney's ides, and of course it must: prevail. The: Asguith government may even tually lose in public favour 6% sc count of its sosial reforms. Hut it is es SOLID VOTE I8 ASKED. over 6,000 men. The town offers the locomotive company a free site, elec- tric power at $10 a horse-power, and natural gas at twenty cents a thou- sand, That means a great deal. The loco- motive company--now mostly compos- posed of men who live outside of Kingston, and who have no special interest .in the city--could save $30,- 000 a year by removal in its fuel and power accounts; and if it had to pay full taxes on the plant now existing, and the contemplated improvements, it could save by removal $50,000 a year. Kingston must not lose this busi- ness. Talk about. your losses from other * sources ! This would be the greatest, and it can be in some mea- sure calculated when it is said that the expenditures in connection with the works exceed the sum total ex- pended in connection with all the! government and federal. This circular from the Board of Trade should stir every man to do his best for the institution. There should mot he a single vote against the modest concession which it is pro- posed to grant it. institutions, both local . EDITORIAL NOTES. I in" giving a ovidence of ita desire to legislate without fear, favour or affection. ? . . The box works is worthy of the concession the city proposes to grant it. What Kingston wants is indus | tries, and if exemption from taxation and low water rates will bring them here by all means vote accordingly. a government that goes right on with Tite plas, 3 flo ct, ars or done Notes From All Over--Little of Everybody Easily Read and Re- bored . Police Chief McElroy, Mattawa, was murderously attacked by an alleged forger, and may die. Valier AE, son of the trea. as been appointed en of Oswego, N.Y. Joseph , Woodstock, shot himself dead in a prayer meeting room of the Methodist church. F. H. Reeves, the present republi- can supervisor of Brownville, N.Y., is slated for appointment as "postmaster of the vill Governor ix, of New York state, has received and accepted the resigna- tion of Charles .E. Treman, of ithaca, as state superintendent of public works. It is understood that the Persian re- gent and cabinet desire the appoint. ment of the American, F. EK. Cairns, the principal assistant of Mr. Shuster as the new treasurer-general of Per- county city The | sia. 'The Harvester, 2.01, the ' world's champion trotting stallion, and in the opinion of intelligent horsemen wid breéders the greatest trotter ever wed in this country, is on the mar- ket and for sale. Lillian Russell, the singer and actress, is engaged to marry Alexan- der P. Moore, the piblisher, of Pitts- burgh, a leader nnd power in Western Pennyslvania polities. This is Lil lian's fourth marriage. The estaglishment of a divorce court in Ontario, and the abolition of the right of durer, were two recommenda- tions made in the report of the com- mittee on reform at the annual con- vention of the Ontario Bar Associa- tion in Toronto. * GANANOQUE'S RUNNER Shi; May Take Part in Marathon at Stockholm, Sweden. Gananoque, Dec, titled "Santa Claus And His Friends" was well rendered in Grace lecture room by pupils of the Sabbath school last evening. The lecture room was handsomely decorated in red and green. Several fancy drills and march- es by pupils were well done. There was a large audience present. At the close of the entertainment, Mrs. Hurd, who was in charge of the affair, was called forward and presented with a handsome bournjuet of carnations by little Miss Phyllis Sine. The Citizens' band orchestra was in Napanee Jast evening, officiating at a big social function. obert (Brien, as an outcome of his Christmas race at Burlington, it is stated on good authority, will have a good chance of being one of the long distance men chosen to represent Can- ada in the amateur Marathon event in Stockholm, Sweden, next sprikg. With a few months' work under a good trainer, "Bobby" would be classy enough to make good in the best of compmiy. Miss Lottie Smith, teacher of Leland public ~ school, is holidaying here with her parents, Mr. and Mra, R. Smith, Stone street. W, M. Byers ind Miss Byers, Main street, are spending the week in Chatham, guests of their brother, James P. Byers. L. W. Walkie, Queen's, spent a few days in town this week, guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wilson, Stone street. T. O. Middleton, has arrived home from Cobalt for a visit with his wife and family. J. B. McKenzie and daughter, Miss M. McKenzie, First street, spent a few days this week with relatives in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. John Fairlie, Montreal, were guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. W. B. Fullerton, for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cotton, of Peterboro, spent the past few days in town, guests of the farmer's pa- rents, M¢. and Mrs. Charles R. Cot- ton, Hickory street. Ernest Eastwood, left on Wednesday. for St. John, N.B., whence he takes passage today on the SS. Empress of Britain, for daverpool to spend a cou- ple of months with relatives. Mr, and Mrs: Frederick Wills, recently married in Brockville, spent part of their honeymoon here with the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wilson, Stone street, and left on Wednesday to locate at Seeley's Bay. Miss Ruth Williams, Brockville, spen a few days this week with her mother, Mrs. Frederick Williams, Charles street. Mr. and Mrs. John Mec- Lellan, Montreal, were guests of local relatives during the past few days. S. Carfrae, Detroit, Mich., joined Mrs. Carfrae and daughter, here, for a short visit with her mother, Mrs. K. E. Baker, Stone htreet. PUBLIC OPINION ---- Customers Increase. London Advertiser. ™ After ogly nine months' operation, the city's electrical department has 3,100 customers comnected and 4,500 applications signed. Farmer's Turn Now. Montreal Herald. Twenty-seven Ontario counties show a decrease. of population. We do not care whether he knows it or not. It is the time the farmer had his turn. -- Commission for London. Toronto Globe. The plebiscite on the commission, form of government is likely js pr by. a sweeping jority, | a the outlook is for a Peerbers, cr wd During 1 here. were eighty sever ior itn ag uckonts, throng men out loyment, with a of working days totalling 677, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29,. 20.--A cantata en- 1911. See Our Nobby $200 Hats BIBBYS HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN'S AXD BOYS' CHRISTMAS GOODS. Ltd See Our Handsome Overcoats, $15.00 - HEB 1 ven] wns Se ' i) COLD WEATHER AT LAST! We told you so! We are prepared for a cold snap. $1.00 GLOVE. See our Mocka Glave, ed, with elastic Sizes 7 to 10, LA | wool lin- and wool wrist, | for $1.00 POWNE'S KNITTED Scotch wool, new Greys, Fawns and Blacks, 50¢, $1.00, 81.20 GLOVES. | Browns, 70¢, PENMAN'S UNDERWEAR, Thc, 81.00, $1.25, $1.50 per garment, PENMAN'S COMBINAY TION SUITS, $2.50 Per Suit. pg Scotch Knit, New Speedway with | good driving glove, 1 ete. whists, Pure wool, BIBBY'S 785¢ UNDERWEAR. © winter free from burrs, soft and warm. 75¢ per Garment, REAL BUCKSKIN . GLOVES, $1.50, A genuine Buckskin Glove, dome fastener at wrist, a for $1.50. BUCKSKIN MITTS, $1.00. A good, warm Mitt for driving Real Buck, with knitted BIBBY'S SPECIAL, $1.00. STANFIELD UNDERWEAR. Something special , heavy ribbed elastic weave. $1.28 Per Garment, weight, Ulsters New Two Style Collar FOR MEN. We show something very nobby as well as comfortable in New Scotch Cheviots, tailored by ex- pert hands, aren va For: $15.00, FOR BOYS. The Speedway Ulsters, $4.50 to $10.00, Reefers, $2.50 to $6.50. Excellent workmanship and elegant style made The Hartt Shoe The Shoe of five years ago go The shoe Today. The Hartt Boot and Shoe Co., lied FREDERICTON, NB; "cannons sxsv SHOEMAKERS" Overcoat Kingston mestic seams, SER FOR MEN. show the greatest $10 values ever offered In« Neat patterns of Dos. raised We Tweeds, serge lined, ete., For $10.00, OUR HEAVY BLUE MAP, REEFERS FOR BOYS, 6 years to 14 years, At $3.50, Agents for Canada's Best Shoemakers. We Specialty mike a of $4 and $5 Shoes. Agents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men BIBBYS v4 78 80-82 PRINCESS. Agents for Penman's Underwear and Sweater Coats OFFER FRESH START, WOMEN WORKERS VISIT KANSAS CITY "RED LIGHT" HOMES. Home and a Living For All Who Care to Accept--Landlords to be Prosecuted. Kansas. City, Mo., Dec. 29.--Accom- panied by police, a committee of wo- men religious workers yisited houses in the "red light" district here. in an effort to persuade the inmates to take a fresh start in life. Each woman was offéred & respect- able home and a position in which she can earn an honest living." A home, to he conducted as an ordin- ary boarding-house, its address to be kept secret, will be provided for these who accept the offer. The effort is part of the Men and Religion. Forward Movement. In wdition to planning to care for the women, the organization has gathered the names of all the property owners who rent their places for immoral purposes, and will ask that erimi- nal proceedings bo sarted against thes, BR. SOPER DR. WHITE Blood, Nerve 2rd Bladder Diseases, or send history for free pdviee. Book «a Disexxes and Question Medicine furnishod iu tablet ee ty fd ro ih m. Bomsaliation free. . Prsi SOPER & WHITE, 3 8 St, Torte, Ont BAD YEAR FOR © OAL BARONS. Over-Production Blamed for Reduced Profits. Washington, Dec. 20 been an over-production year and a consequent struggle trade, which depressed prices, in opitkon expressed by [.dward W. ker, eoal statistician for the States geological surve Mx died that there had been umsatisfactory years the coal mining industry and that prices were depressed to such anyex tent that when the total returns for the year re footed up, the balance probably. would be on the wrong side of the ledger, although the produc tion .of coal &n the United States for the year is probably second to the record year of 1910. The total production of coal for the year is estimated at 499,000,000 tons, only 11,000,000 less than in 1910. Of this vear's production, 400, 006,000 tons was hituminous coal. has this for the Par United Parker few more in the history of There of coal only Some Fine Pictures. In|keeping with the general rounding of the Chateau Laurer, the pew $2,000,000 hotel, constructed hy the Grand Trunk railway system at Ottawa, the pictures for the bed rooms have been purchased, and con sist of some of the best reproductions of famous masterpieces from the Lon don, Paris and Berlin galleries. They will be framed in moulding that will harmonize with the fittings of "the several floors, imeluding~: Louix XV, Louis XVI and Colonial styles. Care and great taste has heen used in the selection of the pictures sa that they sar- will add to the cheerfulness of this magnificent hotel. Electric Rest or.: r for Men Phosphonul © vg res every nerve in the body its proper teasion ; erin vim and vitality, | Advi d wegkneds av at once Plidsphone wil make you & new man. Price $3a box, or two for . Mailed to any address fhe Scobell % « Catharines, Ons. Dr For sale at Mahood's Drug Store. Masses sesse reese aaa KEEP NATTY LOOKING. Pig sadall un ¢ 0 is easy to keep your a, 8 looking spi span § you send them occasionally : to these works to be cleaned and and pressed R. PARKER & CO., Dyers und Cleavers, 8 Prisvess #t., Hingnton, Ont. CN aan ~REFUSED TO CHECK IT. Carries 170-Pound "Hog Many Miles on Lap. Ind., Dec. 29.-Can a carcase of a big hog be classified as baggage ? This wae the quesifon that rose on the Chicago, Burlington & {uiney railroad. O. B, Christ was the owner and hb tried to check it to this city from Bluliton as part of his baggage. ' The agent could not see it that way and refused, Mr. Christ carried #t on the train with him, it was placed in the ment was | ended guietly placed the lap. The odor the passengers the trip, Huntington, aivle. The argu- when the owner 170-poamier on his of fresh meat gegaled for: the remainder of i SE. RAW FORD'S Conus. = -- but the conductor ohjected when . ------

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