OUR CREDIT ABROAD. Is it Suffering Becanse Our Borrow- ' : ings Are Too Frequent ERDED HIS CAREER OF BLOOD Weeki Bun. Torénto. AND MURDER. A$ the'last session of the Dominion rpsiaten - Apartinndent, a proposed bond wsue of 7 4 4 the Ognd Nocthen was Aran Feroeions. Fra. Diggolo of Anatoliun|ieed by the: Dominion vernimt to. + Monntaine, Captiied bY Solilievs, | the extent. of sore 45,000,060, The Digs by Hand His Friend. purpose: of this hond was fo | pro Constantihople, Dees 30. The © fa- vide funda io Ihe Billing, of Fan mous ferdor ivepivise © brigand. 71'ch: connefting nk in i L-anadian 3 ; i g { : a ACh} Northern sytem from Sellwood June \ alardindi, "the ferfor' of the Nhaboil,: Re of Sudbury. t Fort Ah ; ¢ Jien Woutiaind"? thas furbeibus |. Wikods os eth Of UCI. 2 oi hp. ' PR i terriblesnijere , sty "ia, Plavolt of 'Asis Minot,| The Bonds issved: under "this Do i Reet gl SNE pd od. the yesuit 2 goased is a fell, with "a! minion guarantee apd for the purpose he 1 ES | samme int possible te' get 3 s Hulithiad owerey i » % : 3 . san ni } wa 3 . depp gale with ® large Co Rn mek AMHough shove sSoutt yo 1 BRA pfizer litery etachment headetl by Capt.|ties bear iiterest at the rate of J Re os Meera 4 {I Save peed Pou Rrghdi diey This struggle was|thrdd apd © oneball per cent, and br 3X © | They sre the fmt and only {ugh | very Shedun 1pm) fou Were oflered at minety"three per cent. i 6" beh dmycase. If ity : brugandd dgaingt" more" than a". Htn-| ol their faed value, this making the}: Hi iG J 5 {+ Prait-a-tives. T aly satis 3 i § dred well armed soldiers. actial rats wither better than three 3 Fi , | not live' JAMES PRON launch, dinner, or Tshakicd H's carer, which Has bon {wl threstiyartecs por dents the) REAL { : aa gasions wroigeth: over many 8 myctitbus as ilénding publiet could wot be in ol oF A 3 P 3 fhase To et cinatiob, 'was full of > oe lling tnei- [1ceept the offering 'and ite is under f (lie a a deats. It was a career' of swor$s and] Steod Bis Wiliam Sack etie ia-+ now, oll can in fire, of blood and mules," of union: toying the'market iy Paris; ya able cruelty . and bowsdiess Torilesy: | What hat oeeurved in regard tal fn ness, coupled with chivalrous hard; |this Couadishy Northern loan should |. hood. Tchakicdiali . was. very! often | #erYe ne notice thist Se have 4 hoen exceedingly "comphesi : oni. | OVET-straining aor eredit. In ithe last i gly compssionate, apd... ge ten. years. we have: bttased the a His MF Was Hoo he og debtedbess of the srpinion it by NAIIAg melinr: Theratie'§. Socio a re ones Ah Jeo You: ™ 0 3 Lhe and pt the Near Eabt |. feos something, over thirtden to i . sort bel hare than twenty-two million dollars; | killed by a fellow brigand: rather ¢h {cipal det i thi i than {ald into the hapds ob the i] Le. muniaps hts of thi province {thoities' alive, Telakicdiali . h Le iNérdared from $81,000,000 in 1902 to ey ive. . lclakirdisl ad ai BO4000,000 dn 1905] Jn addition to all pda cfg oni), Mehmed by fame, this, up to the end of the fiscal vear who followed him im all big danger {of 1910 the honds of private railway otuitaal wa floide die Dave. corporations' Kad been dunranteed by y i were caplun by, CGeplhé . Pariods ' governments, Hominion and 3 £5 LIF : ; eC % Ji Smoked Rushdi, tne Ottoman Fra Diavolo resf provincial, to the extent of over $127, 3 : ' od Fill : nipded Mehmed of the custom, ssw | 000,000. Clearly we have been gwer- he greatést remedy in the wosld for illets aiid by featitiéa and uange, and of wr, our hdriawing. and guarand sing : ; Si al forms of Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Cis '® motu ows. ehmed did. not and now pegple with money to lend : ia? CNN a "Pruit-a-tives", Doctors as well as heultass SRRTTGMSNE. sol. ht ol ive i BE roan rs tes. KNITTED TOGS LIKED BEST FOR COUNFRY WEAR. § hndreds of people proclaim ifs : sturdy, well-balanced blow of - thef 1 what has happened in vegard to The maid who gees week-end visiting Uils wiliter wilkeavry with her § "Fc 00s | tives' cures all stamach Finnan Duinaséus Widde, oot off the head oft thi CNR. loan is merely' a prelude | the jolly, informal out-of-door togs that make all she difference between § Boubles hecanse it mekes the Neel his leader .whogn he had loved morelto a general shortening up in -- our | tOWR dignity and country fun. The girl who. skates particularly véfuses ] tive, strengtiiens tie kids i than his own sel, and thew pierced edit in the money markets of the | tO be encumbered with a heavy, long coat or tarefully fitted Sniibeed suit. es the blond and Keeps th oral his own hesrt with a dagger. The World, and a forced curteilment is | Over ler shart skatin skirt, whidh Js generally of Mohalb. oF ihe Fads. : etrand cleat. +t EE DOMINION Hf A dead bodice of the brigrmds wees] PM lO the 'spending of borrowed capi- | ¥oul mixtures, she will wear one of these waf, gH SIeRlers wh flag only remedy ma JH , ROER PROM { brought in trimmph, with - son tal, we may be rudely awakeved. to double twice across the chest and baton dowitone 'and up over thal on box, § ior oF it si 83 BROCK ST ORDE. and dancing, tothe "governor - the: fact that a' good deal of our shoulder into a turtle collar; With this sweater a Ruitted worsted oh bac At AB deters Onsite : " ' Smyrna vated prosperity has 'been resting will look Dest and when oie. comes Off the ice all aglow from. exerc * | rice by Frultactives Limited, Ot RIGNEY and HICKEY. TY SH oft a' Very unstable basis one's warn, long coat of deuble-faced cloth mag be slipped' on over the 5 ' Youny : Mehindd (Tehakirdjali's . 4 sweater, : na --_---------- i 136 and 138 Princess St. [| "Civistion" name) kad a father of eo : i ------------------------ : extraordioagy pisty, nmmed Alumed, Fhe dcnsus in Cann, WORK FOR-A "SANE XMAS.) Prince Wah Peévisli whom he' loved' with the pRssionate| poiesber, N.Y. Express ¥ ~A "SANE J S. « . pins : : : In the . cehaus report' by the Cana- r-- Ati' Italian Prince 'who is stoppibg at ; ] viol : Dy he Cans i an prince w 8 stopping & a ; x Seven x= on time Anan dist mise of agriculture, jt is (Confine Presents to the Immediate]; uptown hotel came downstairs and "8 B ¥ BY 'qiarreled With" ahPOt torun Bimini show: that! thie population of the dos amily Circle. ° addressed thei mail clerk. with jevefy J A : an Albanian by nalienslity, snd wii inion cofsists 'of 3,808,350 malesand | Po put Christmas. on a "sane" | appearance of{ indigiation. . Me beid DOMINION BRE Y 00. ld kided by hime cruel loss filled 3,370,937 femnlos. While there are more | basis, the World's League for a sanei® lptter in his hand. * . . TS poraltte® +o Mo oui Sal ami bene to | than women iu Gunain, Whe wor | Chretmas haw een "orgapized in a | Tie most lop Ube snd im wufi | || WAVAT, ORANGES, SEEDLESS LEMONS. or! 3 vevenge, His | mertdlesy art: of rebiis men predominate in Toronto by 1,008; | dianapolis; and it plans to epread its oritative tone. . 4 . i butipn. was Tirstecof. all directed ~ in Hamilton by 2,800; in Ottawa by |propagenda . among all Christidn as "What, your bighnesa ¥* retiirned fhe : ak FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT gainst Albanian. He began to hafe S000; fn: Quebec by 3.500. In the | tions clerk meekly, : hea: 'with na hateod, maritime provinces the women nember Proceeding on the theory that Christ "Why, every {tune you. get's letter ¥ = PE } A N 4 "A . A 172,093" and" the wen 179,865, but in' mas. been commercialized until it|addressed to anybody with a name MALAGA GRA S, RIPE BAN AS, Headache His fist. visting was. the: murderer 6b St: Jolin 'eity dnd caunty the women | Sm ---- " i pe L 3 : haw become a burden to people gene- [you can't read yom sendyit up to ame his father, He yaw now for the. first|number nesly 1,500 more than the [rally. the league will appeal to' them {Now I admit that 1 ay i di time humax cidad upon 'His quivesing men. There' are 10,000 mote males {to seturn to the Christmas spirit of Me. EF. Tomkins, Ex-Mayor of Coati- hands. The scent of it begat fedos|than females i ) have several 3 names {they totals dozen or mare), A J R E E 5 % : Nova Seotia. * In Hali-{the long age and to confine the giv: 1but T am being imposed pou. 1 am . . ? _-- od are x safe Gand effective | 11 ¥ hich knew no hounds, no re |fax the sexes ardnlmost equal in num- jing of 'presents to the immediate fan {not Alphonse, a valpt, whe is looking remedy for badache. * straint, po mercy, At wos the he lber--40,061 males and 40,197 females. ily: circle, says The: Philadelplia Re for a job, nor am' Jules; a waiper, 166 PRINCESS 8T. Phone 58 ginning of 'atrocities that eclipsed all : ipn-- 1 " , In Western Canada the men are large | cord. +. Pwho hopes to go out to Cage to be 5 Editor of Leader, iho previous terrible records of bri- [fy in. tha majority, due to the newness | The plan calls - for a sweeping re- {a butler for some wenithy irk pack Maar "a 0 oy gandage by their uhheard ol crwelvy fof the country and' its concomitant {form ef whit 'the league organizers | er. Look at this letfer | "Your tabby deserve be widely | aud. recklessness; and thig in Turkey, | hardships and thy fact that many men icalt a "Christma hania"' The indis: | whom it AnOWB As'S cure that wijl " i which is the country of brigandage|of the prairie provinces have not ye |Criminate BIVIHE" Bf "proserer-perond an - par excellence: sent' to' Prgland Tor the feminine por- | the Hmits of the" purse is' what . the 8 J After Wis first muider he flow "itoftion of their families. "Manitoba has |lesgue will attack most vigorously. the mountain, sid soon began his ian excess of 45,000: males' Wingipey | Nothing i& to be dowe, Med, Burling: regular, = -formidable; Highwayman| 12,000. In Saskatchewsn there are | Damp says, ile direstor of publicity, 1 career. At that time Kiam: Pusha {90,000 more men. than womens, in Al-|10 destroy the sweet spirit of the old. a list of my names amg Lai and p \ INR whe governor of 'Smyrna, the bri. |berta 73,000, in British, Columbia; Tashioned "( tmar, but the modicd {shall be glad to receives laid ad: 4 A Pag ao gand-hero's birthplaces True to his 106,000, ideas Shick have couftibuted to the 0A. atv Tr but please, 1 vows, Je shortly afterwards = com ------------------ cost "of high ving are Ses Lheg of you, do. pot send. me ang oth- mented to kill the Albanians wher Maine Nature Fakers: * he pledge al the He WS, J ers just beeanse vou don't know' of ever and whenever he met them. Mero Maine is & great" #tate for "nature rt a 15: time forward ianihody else who has a name vou than 400 "of them, jt was said, fell [fakers" Thpudipmtrm iter td | Ta tr Lie BOF Act Christmas pre np i dise ever-diiaedl blood: Nw . "| se + gutside | my" aw inuhedia Akio . that om atone f Piddel rd Ohad FP. Searke household, and I will' do all 1 ° can, Parrot Buys Lond of Wood. w os & fount p B TE ord, discov on enter, distributing literature ud by hci i slo . ) the news of J» n a ing is nt rin og fox Sarin oe other: prapagandn work... &_(issourage . bey ing » Yaies fro an upper x ploits YW throughout ~ the 'whole Fat A fine binds Neh ois X the senseless practics' of indserihi- [TOW WHC HPO ul it Inthe on : x \comunitied suicide. He found the Hen Chri ET - lar» Cobelly and Nugent; Rinerant of the 'Uttoman empire. People bes E : . ate Chrisimas giving, to the ed that | "Vo ; ble at "Hi i and hanging suspended by her seek, andi io humair love and brotherhood may [Yendors of wood, dumping: a Waggon: Ea a hori "he had 3p he area slipped Shrough 8160p in 8} raion inthe hearts. of men instead of | Josdiof kindlings into the cellar of » , which 'was stiac overhead 'in I - TI Eada Lt a Ge Vic Rove ote MR" ALE STOUT --- LAGER his appeal to avenge his father: } Ey fal Th dw mgandlin imsanityy which now disgraces el £ ; befory the news of his appeesieh. "° gifileg oL2 OOP. o cord whieht he day. dav. . ! figured in the event wag one by means | en 1} i bg. When they went to the fromt door to : pi Tous ~-- BEVERAGE Hig attitude towards wonieh WBSSOIL fF which Mr. Stackpole bad previous ok why Pig ho Spo el cojlect, nobody. vesponded to the bell g> PORE -- PALATABLE -- Nutrimious Bever a 'chivalrous character. He is sail suspended a cabbage. just above the | ihat (Christmas again will. become a | Believing Mrs, Whedling was too much fe FOR SALE BY WINE asp SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERY WHERE nr to have in say ay moteiing Soortund n anal foop was jh in the {day bf 'peace and joy. instesd of hearts | Docupied, they decided to present their LAR representatives of the. fair Bex. to whi tha = stipwp of the cab: aches 'among the thétsande who heave [bill later. To-day the men: ese to 2 i xe lac : iatriets politeness and gallantry towards them | bage had been fastened." strainer altos physically... dt town: and presented a bill for $2 at - LOCAL OPTION--Residents in the local option districts were genuine, and were supposed 5 3 financially to "inake giffs to persons | the Wheeling howe," But Mry Wheeling can legally order from this brewery whatever they y 1 : have. beet due to the influence of ki : Married at Last, = * whit they: know ave. going to *'remem- | expressed surprive when informed dliat af wonial'or family use. Write (0 orders will' be fhled sulle [iif 4 'quict, gentle country-we | "Estranged thirty-five years ago. be bher" 'ther. 'they believe that this. is] she hat a land of wood in fhe cellar, require for personal or family use d if you deal there at #11, 1} quarters of the Near East 'hel onus of youthful misunderstandings, | she piychalogical time fo wsagurate | The woman found the information of " LAE - witep, Lonpon, Canans *S, 50-57 Barrack Street. °° |i. 4 women who were devoted to him Henry 8. Stemen and Mes. Martha | their movement and that it. will ap- | the wen to be Sorrect, apd then suds | - JOHN bade Ay Ae MELED, LONDUN, ! i : 1 1:h the highest degree, and were ald Settlemire, of Elida, Ohio, were : re- [peal divectly fo & multitude of people |denly remembered that a parrot had | & E4 - L {wavs ready to serve Wim, however oobtly. 'married. Both are sixty-four. fwho' tegard Christmas as '4 burden, | been in. the upper part of the house | 2 dangerove: might be. the task. Sten Jearhod (hat his former sweet-| bat who have been wilhbt. courage to | during the day when the wood was | an = 8 = k : . ; . Fheet. was alive and a widow. A short | initiste plans that might bring about {brought to the house. Polly, hearing || ' ; 2 a f i was mostly due to thesg sell : A : iid "* a : RTH CONSIDERING ifsceosios "sevice "or women dha courebip so lolowed by, the wu me tho men yell "wood for sales' prompts) Woan t, James McParland, 339:341King St. { vo] sadeifiving s8tvices - of women a din ¥ 3 " : 5 rs ed ant. ames cyarian . 18 n oat gg Each Bas yharvied children} Mrs. Buslinpame denied that the | ly "ordered it vo be put. in'the osllar. 5 re fi Yr bd Thiakirdjah was able to elude, for 80} up Lovins Wisconsin, agus will spoil. Christmas for chil- | Lansdowne, ~ £a:; Cor. Philadelphia |e 5 -- os - fpeople soem 1G get Te many years all the attempts. of the} 0 tres "ft: wills "teach thon." she] Record 3 2 cubits She Vent BAIS fost ide WY fo wekks. th sei, "Ae irue joy in the day. Tn refresl k u 0 3 stead of tenching' otr ¢hildren. the Eg a for "Fishes Bros fo ouses, supply Bim with food, ® agents hy po. thr Hoan w 3 ad Fo § : : : Fhued Rs a tec joy of living, to Be experienced Indian to Marry Chinaman. : 5 3 Lion Brewery, hin well i of-olll the mae «lk Suffered Years [throughout the sdtite year, wo teach | Princess Todita, a full bloaded Indi g Etroh's mported: Beer, ix ments of big umierous pefsecutors, . Y The man to is addressetl is evidently al waiter wife hawahridesover-Hove-but | whose family over in Frpoce is walt- ing anxiondly ide new of hig I a not any of these'nnd Liam not inters] § ested, I will give you sm card beapfe™ T---- 2 A, os -?] & © gdannot pronounce.' --New York San. AANA ABAD NAGE BIE AE CHL t Keg Beer for them that there i sm specially created {an beauty, daughter of the late Sioux Enh ke a'speciaity of g oe 4 ide hin: Ghrongh secret paths Lg i Back." réoti--wenderfiil Santen Claus+whose | Tndian chief, Gray Eagle, arrived ot tmas Trade. for R angerous seighborhoods. With My Be y solb. bisiness js to" give things to Seattle on her way to Honolulw, there ¢ By wo UME Wh BOTTLING C0. Rosi eiatiatl. Sure, Abd ] Backache, resulting from weik them. And yet pavents in laiek years {{o wed John Henry Magoon, a weak DEBILITATED MEN Prop. : ' | y $s : wonder where: their children 'get their {thy Chinaman. Magood owns and op- | EO, THOM a and strength, had once boasted | Kidneys, bad cold or other cause, | gnchuoss. : : phe 304. i meet Tehkirdioli| usually renders:ehe sufferer unfit | "Cur system of : : YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLEACED MFT % erates a string of thestres fn the Has| $ Ai fl # todi a he i r wing as. jt. stands |waiian Islands. ; i bo to face he would bind him, brieg| for work and often: results in pers' to-day lacks even the rudiments of Princess Indita is nineteen years old; | f Xa - Bo io 3 { re Dhidky on i special steamer to Lob-} oo eng disghility.. 3 Christly fiviti, It eagries in its 'train | and graduste . of = Riggs Institute at Fatantinople, and put him in iron fet 3 8 LTR ) i s hardships; 'hearta and debt, and |Flandrean, ND. She possesses a fore at the very fst of the sultan. I suffered for years: with my all because ore poe that some oneltone in her own right and has travel s same night Fra Diavaglo = ap- back, or kidney trouble, and: have buwill give a gift and that there will boiled arsand ithe world to find the wan *3iu the bedroom of the notsblef fried a number .of semedics. from [none to give in @xehangs. It is. ashe loved and she found big in « Chi quietly said, "1 have heard of physicians: "More than a | Polite barter and wale, this fatce' on |uaman, "Civilization is Chicago is & i and F'BAvVe 'o to the Christmas Spivit, dnstead of a fsham," declared | the petite Yodan for your impudence."' The giving. peompled by loving. thedght, iwauty, "The women of Chisago. are ture of Abdurrahman oy i it is a servile following: of compulsory |perfodt tats and they foree one like sagined. The suddes : _jetston. To " relieve" this wtuation [me, Barn in a (epee, to lomg 19 get ; ; tect £5 , : ' ' gomes 'the League for a Sane Christ- {hacks to nature and the woods, os 1 orpten. We have dene busicoss throughout 3 . . mas.' will as sovon-as Fand Mr. Magood ar ' a Canadas for over 20 Years. onths I fou a'decided im ely UREA Tors married." --Milwatkes Wisconsin. ~ | dy ' Za CURANLE CASES GUARANTEED mer in ny kidneys, and Tam. {i c r rie Hee i i TOR NO PAY that. Ly be. ©, A Novel "Sgiked Team." The Stock is Seattering. dl Wl y : ax an wi 493 oo) ed nl Somethin n ev York ' team of dumb BHtes whe seen on our | The number of stockholders in eal Fe street one duy 168% weeks ' The tetini froad and indisicial corporations in ; ii A v \{ belonged to Swell Phillipe," and wastinefeasing and consnquently the aver-| Ji L @0 for you. Congritation Fess 3 up' ast follows: Two heifers lage suinberyof shares held by tha in- a i ho has treated You, write § x wold 'weigh: $6 pounds each; dividual stockholder 1s decressing : 3 2 y oficion Pies of C ER orkad andon yoke wt the hai flomparing the figures of Eaironth foul } ' . i arg dre { were's jack a8 3010 aud 1911, itis wees tha e 2 is No o Sox ented: jenni § yarete of avimals! gverage number of stockholdersy in| NO NAMERWSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, Rio nmas bn haw OE HOME ! Lo Pheyrivete dining fpeaned from 3.059 to 4204, while. the Bn {uhent ond haif cord of Cwith per- [heafare amouny of stock held: by the | ob ence, and thelr steady work de A de fell from S191 to $13. | : ER NY IGE Was as "ab team triiming Lob The weersge Suahel of 'stock: RS. Se i ! te wimiimbe of "ko [holders in industrial cdporsiions in . . | Frensed iret 3885.50. 4133 and ie) Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mic 8 rae NG i ell, YeRieh. Whe it | 11 tatters f suad Bin h, was bat $5937 in 1611} a ' by i ay a antienshin i& toward a} HOTICE 5 ar {anal g: 4 property. or Metical " es a | J] Tree or Win oes 13 . aged sixty aboratory. for Canadian bush » EES had Ben ill for : DRS. KENNEDY & ib sor of Lhe slo Write & i fute acddress. Re ¥ ing. novell in the way of al Fork: Journa "3 3 - i READER A Our Mew Method Trestment ed; on dense sce fis personally call at on