., KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER $0," 1911. -- - - -------- . lo ; ' & IN 1905 THE LOCOMOTIVE WORKS EMPLOYED 500 HANDS AND PAID QUT TO THEM But some man will say, while I am not blind ahd can see as well as the next man the great advantage $225,000. In January, 1906, the Locomotive company agreed with the city to expend within three years at least $250,000 in the improvement and extension of their works, upon the city granting them total exemption from taxation on their property, except school purposes, for ten years, TO-DAY THE COMPANY EM- PLOYS 630 MEN AND ARE PAYING THEM AT THE RATE OF $400,000 A YEAR. The Company aré now proposing to éxpend within two years at leach $300,000 in further extensions ard improvements prdvided the city will limit their assessment, except for school purposes, for a term of years to $100,000. These extensions will double the floor space and the capacity of the shops and will enable the Company to increase THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM 630 TO 1,07. THIS INCREASE WOULD MEAN AN AN- NUAL PAY ROLL OF NEARLY $700,000. Do you realize What it means to the city to have this amount of money paid out every year to the men and passing from them into the hands of the landlord, the merchant, the mechanic, the laborer, the professional many the chrirches, the schogls and the charities of the city. Every one is directly or indirectly benefitted. $700,000 A YEAR! This exceeds the amount paid by all the other industrial establishments in the city combined, with the total sums paid out annually by the government in connection with A and B Batteries, the Penitentiary, the Rockwodd Asylum and the Royal Military College added. WHAT 18 THE CITY ASKED TC GIVE IN ORDER TO SECURE THESE EXTENSIONS? NOTHING. It will actually receive at least $2,500 additional taxes each year. Ail the Company ask is that the city limit its right to tax to a fixed assessment of $100,000 and even that limitation does not apply to the school tax which 'will be levied on the whole increased value of their'property. Can any one deny that this will be a pretty advantageous deal for the city? But some man will say the industry is making and will make profits that make it as ABLE to pay full taxes as the rest of us. Granted. The Company don't ask a limitation of their liability on the ground «of poverty. If it were a feeble concern too poor to pay taxes it would probably be too poor a thing to be worth having, Are the 24 flourishing industries that Welland has secured in the past four years too poor to pay taxes? Are the great industries that Hamilton has secuted in tecent years too poor to pay taxes? Are the industries that have caused Brantford, Berlin, Guelph, Peterboro and other towns and cities to stride ahead in the past ten years, while we have been barely doing more than marking tithe, too poor to pay taxes? We all know they are not but that they have secured concessions because they are strong, pros- perous concerns able to benefit and build up the cities and towns where they are located, THE LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY OFFER THE CITY A SIMPLE BUSINESS PROPOSITION. They say we are able, as you see and know, to confer large benefits upon and help materially in building up the city, in exchange for this we ask you to reciprocate by limiting our assessment to $100,000. Can any - freight, &c., and the fairness of the deal, yet I am a little shrewder and perhaps a bit more selfish, and I can see that the Company have already invested so much here in land and plant that they cannot move away, and we can get all they offer and give nothing in return. : a DON'T RUN AWAY WITH THIS IDEA MY FRIEND. They can of course stand still, enjoy their total exemption and neglect to expand. BUT WORST OF ALL THEY CAN, WITHOUT LOSS, PULL OUT FROM KINGSTON AND LOCATE ELSEWHERE. The majority of the stock and the majority of the directors now live away from Kingston, have no "sentimental attachment" to it and don't care a ten cent piece whether the works are here or elsewhere. 'The fost profitable and advantageous point is all that concerns them. Now other places are anxious to secure such a large and prosperous industry and some of them are able ta.hold out inducements that will adequately compensate for any cost or loss incurred by removal. Take for instance the Town of Welland which has already made offers to the Company. See what advantages they can grey Owing do their proximity to the Falls they can offér power at $10 per horse power. They have natural gas af dbajit 20 cents a thousand, seven railroads entering the town and cheaper freight rates on raw material and they offer a free site and a fixed assessment of $10,000. Take the item of power alone. The Locomotive Works now use about 600 horse power and if enlarged as proposed would require about 1000 horse power. It costs them here $40 per horse power as against $10 at Welland, an advan- tage of $30,000 a year in fayor of Welland. If Kingston insists on taxing the Locomotive Works, to the limit it is a conservative estimate that the Company in removing to Welland could save on power, taxes, light, A, SOME $50,000 A YEAR. This amount at 5% represents a tapital expenditure of $1,000,000. Any one can see then that the Company could sacrifice $1,000,000 in rentoval and be made whole by this annual saving of $50,000. They could, therefore, sell their land and buildifigs here for whatever they would bring, rebuild on a free site at Welland, remove their machinery and certainly not be out of pocket. Similar advantages exist in favor of Hamilton and other places. It is an opén secret that one of the ost prothinent officials of the Company has figured out the cost of removal 'and selected the city, he con- siders the most favorable place for the works, Consider for a moment the utter disaster it would be to Kingston if the offér of the Company were * rejected, and if feeling they were not being fairly treated and that they could do better elsewhere, the Company moved their works away. Can the most selfish of us afford to take any chances. If you were to mark your ballot against the By-law and help to drive the works away, would you not bitterly regret it and feel that you had done the worst day's work of your life for your city and for your own pocket. ; + Cities cannot grow except by the presence of manufacturing industries. Other cities are alive to this and are reaching out with offers and inducements to attract them. If we are to grow we must hold and - encourage what we have by liberal and generous treatment, and strive earnestly to seture pthers, 2s one doubt the visdom of the city's accepting such an offer. ME Vd Ls i Bygeder of the Bozrd of Trade E. RYAN, President TABRIZ 15 NOW HELD THE RUSSIANS OCOUPY THE PLACE AFTER SIEGE, less they, too, surrender volimtarily I'o Reves' message, Cen, Treving Ye: plied that Gen. Reyes would be kept under guard in Linavez pending in structions from the eentral povern ment That he will be taken to the capi tal te answer for his offences ie con sitlered by Reyisens the natural result of his surrender, Reyes' attempt to save his lower's was REYES' DREAM ENDED HE ASKS MERCY FOR FAITHFUL FOLLOWERS, TO-NIGHT AND ---- TUESDAY An Opportunity That Should Not Be Allowed to Pass Without Action. The Whig felt that something akin to a crisis Hag arisen in the Nis Sp The One-time Great Mexican General Found the People and the Army Against Him, Linarez, . N.L., Mex., Dec, fented and stripped of former peance and pride, Gen. Mexico's one-time . ry - A Large Number of Casualties "on Both Sides--The Turks Put the Italians to Rout and Killed Many. Tabriz, Peo. 30. <A nine days' siege of this city, by Russian troops, hes resilted in its complete occupation by Russian forces and the dispersal of the combatents belonging to the constitu- tional oltery purty, or Fidais, A large number of casualties wire sus sustained by Both sides, the Russians alone losing from one hundred to two hundred men, White the losses of the Fidais were very severe, although the number cannot be pscertained. No casunltion were suffered by the resi dent foreligh populntion.. Killed Many Italians, Washington, Dec. 30.~A twenty-four | { howr battle, in which the Turkish} troops defeated the Ttalian force, kill ing half of it in rout, is described in an official message from Constantino le, made public at the Turkish ew- wey. The message was transmitted to the imperial minister of , war at Constantinople by the commander of the Turkish troops from Tripoli. few. fol refused by Trevino, who 30. De | telegraphed to Reyes that he had no arro- { authority to relax the campaign. lernardo Ryes, et - greatest | military tory of the good; old city of Kingston. She is at the parting of the ways Nearly Broke Monte Carlo. New York, Dec. 30. Prinos James Bourbon, the Spanish prvtender, is the latest sensation at Monte Carlo. His royal highness is said won more than 350,000 at a single sitting 0 3 He returned to the fables a little later i . Fe and took away 320,000 more LA D | £S y WINTER Halifax Taxation Raises, . Halifax, N.S., Dee. 30. The rate of C ; TS taxation for the city of Halifax in the soming vear will he two per cent. on the assessment, thus raigng the sum of 8666.502, an increase of 213,930 over last year. The highest previous taxa » " tion rate was 1.96 per cent at small prices like these DESPAIR-BRIVEN HE KILLS 20 Coats for $10.00 WIFE AND CHILDREN 0 Cots for $10.00 » : will visit San Remo, Genoa, Napl ¢14 " " 00 : Aon © snd Messina. After his stop at Mes ' "" Believing Family Better Off in Heaven sine he will vhon go to Corfu. $11 $6.50 Arkansas Farmer Beats in t If Kingston is to develop and gather strength and wealth and prosper- 1 ROBERT J. RElD, fee Waidg For Btyl es. ¢ ity, she musi not let such chances slip. Every citizen should do his share leader and more recently leader of a The Leading Undertaker. ry Their Skuils. 3 > ; revolt that threatened to tear the 'Phone 377. £30 Princess Stree: Bent Ark. Dec. 30.-Because he cotntry from Border to border, is in ; THE CLOSING YEAR on, Ark, oh . it bere. having o hefalty was in deep despair" and beloved he Jail, heres aE survedeied offsialis J One of the wt busi- y and his family "would be better off 0, a personal 'enemy for ne of ve large: in Boaven," James Crant clubbed ness years in the history of this store--and we take this opportunity of thank- years, - Lis 'wile, five children and step-sonto death and hanged himself some time ing vou all for your pa- tronage. Trestuy vight. The bodies of the children were found in their beds yes terday, each will being crushed. The PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR STEACY'S wes Rillsd as she was about jo rafyre. The children ehnged in years from live THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Shall it be progression or retrogression ? SNR we retain and enlatge the industries we how possess, and, also securing now ones, increase and de velop ? Ur ghall wo refuse to exert ourselivs--to grasp the opportunities offeret--and to stand still for another quarter of a century ? These are im- to have portant--earnest--vitdl questions, and the electors must answer them with their votes on Monday next Realiz ng the great importance of the Locomotive Works to this city, the Whig is to-day devoting the most Valuable space it has--its front page 16 publishing the very able arguments advanced by Dr. Ryan, president of SORA LAW the Bodrd of Trade, as to why the electors should vote and work for the SUNARL LA FY caperor Lo AcE Bgifour as Unionist jeder ih the House of Cefmmons, ANDREW Su carrying of this by-law. Let the voters bar in mind ent the Locomotive Works by-law has the unahimolis éhdorsement of the Board of Trade. Otis Kaiser Goes yachting. Berlin, Dec. B30.<~The kaiser will ge on. a vacht cruise in the spring en or cities, including Welland, Peterboro, St. John and Toronto, have made tempting offers to attract this industry away irom Kingston. These pro- gressive localities realize its importance, and are most anxious to secure it. How mush more important is such a large and growing industry to Kings ET RAR REYES pA (Giomez Not a Hebel, San Antonio, Texas, Dee. 30.--Dy Emilio Vanes Gomez, who was Ma- deros repressntative in Washington during the late revolution, later min- ister' of the interior under De La Bara, and recently candidate for vice : t of Mexico, denied here, to- 5. day, that 'he was connected with any revolutionary movement. ATomex said thé wurrender of Gen. 'Bersardo Reves and the capture of several of followers, removes the last possibility of a counter revolu © tion in Mexico, . . ¢ ton, which has so few others compared with the cities mentioned above ? towards the passing of the by-law on Monday. Property owners are re sainded that they have a vote in every ward in which they own property. UBEL IN QUEBEC BUT NOT ELSEWHERE Judge £runeau Gives Woman Damages For big Ble 3 Montreal, Dec. M.---""She is a Ro man Catholic, and I am confident frome the proof produced that she does not believe in spiritualism inything of the kind," said Judge Brontau, in giving Mm (Dr.) Cate The Old Firm of Uhderiake 254, snd 208 PRINCESS STREET. "hone 14 for Ambulance + -- Jading alone into Lingrez, the gray- haired rebel gave himsell up to Lieut, Placido © Rodriguez, commander of twenty-five Rurales, the sole military guard here. Permission was obtained] to telegraph a formal eapitulation. te Gen. Trevino, commander of the third military zone, in Monterey. He frank. ly admitted his dream of another suc cessful revolution had come to an end, and placed himself at Trevino's didposal. - "1 ealled upon the wrmy, 1 called wpon the people," telegraphed the broken general, "and no one ve sponded. This attitude I regard as a protest, and | am resolved not to continue this war against the gov "nment I place mysell at your dis position." TO LAUNCH BIG FLEET. CNR. Will Have Large Freighters oft Two Oceans. Toronte, Dee. 30. special dos- ch from Ran Francisco, where Sic Ponald Mann is otf * present staying states that he has definitely antionnced the inauguration in the near future of | Canadian Northern railway steamer between Canada, Australia, and China, as well ad 3 Nestern Canada grain serviee to Europe, via Vancou- ver snd the Panama canal, as soon as that undertaking is completed, some three Jears hence: A line of steamers is\alfeady - cacrying grain io APOPEL ¢0 damages against the Montreal for the Canaditin Northern tailway, Staniard. which 'she sued for libel for and it is proposed, to build & suger] So Cos thet she was a believer in of large freighters which will take alk spiritualism, and consmuently: ai tn< } the grain shipped from Saskatchewnn | fiver. The judge also said that in and Alberta to Europe: | Gnebec. where Roman Cat Rein wa : Ee hand #0 strong it was obviously a = most Dr. Elidt, the noted eduoationalist, i ing for a to state is. progressing, although not out of or ih t . In On uta Od Fiver iL." Gib TAKE NOTICE, We have the Agency of the "Roviel Stoves," a good kin and moder; con. also a lot of ao heaters, se. nd, which we Will sell at reduc ad prices. Don't walt 111 they are al' gone. Turk's. Phone 705. Greetings May Health, Hap piness and Prosper- ity be Your Portion throughout 1912, Jas. Redden & Co. o man Who creates n feeling 48 & builder smile or for good. a a to thicteen Years. Tagh Grau, a sixteen-year-old son, ary 20th. 18 am --Ot-| ole mpmber of the family alive, Ae Pharvriy With snow tu. | covered the bodice when be returned night and nday. from & holiday selebration at in , 4 adighboring farm. He § a.» DAILY MEMORANDA... |uigned by hin father which wxplaived & ? bt ; > a ita n | that "owing 10 deep despair ud word t meoting of ihe Skating 1 #ee nothing me Or mj : be held on Monday evening, | ren, who, 1 bedlerd would be babier ai the Kingston Skating gf in heaven, 1 comwoit this act." i Grant ved sear here on a form nreh nie or andl was reputed to be well-to-do, an Controller! Sd . spesk on ; Wah Said Unger Bi Lan ronme.= winds; co ren fy Reyes asked po guarantees for hime self, but pleaded for merey for the little: group of men who have follow: el him in his wanderings to and fro thromghout a large ares iu this state, and in the state of Tamaulipas. He requested consideration foy, them. They yet are fugitives and will be hunted down by Trevine's men up Major-Genernl ~~ Aleamler Shaler, Srityenive voark of age, who fought, distinction, in 'the Asseviean ell war, died gn Dec. $8th, in New York, Sh xd : org rangle prod 2 © pura Hone dg haber Ofer Wik United States fond i such a charge would not have bees -Yaon's, #0 damaging, ia i 7 5 \