h 2 'going Dee. 30th, 21st, 1911, Jan. es 1912. Return limit, nd, 191 Tickets will also be issued at FARE AND ONE THIRD Dee. 218t, 1911, to Jan, 12, inclusive. Good to re- nu or Dajan Jan. 3rd, 1912, to intermediate sta- ate = Morimi Lod Joremte wi above Wi he ke on trains 1 and 4. full particulars apply to wi J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Gorner Johnson aud Ontario Ste. Return Tickets between all stations east of Port Arthur on sale at SINGLE FARE Good going December 23 Return Mmit, Dec. 26. Also good going Dec. 30 and Jan. A. Return limit, Jan. 2nd, 1912. Single Fare And One Third Good going Dec. 21 to Jan. lst, 1912, inclusive. Return limit, Jan, 8rd, 1912, Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket 'Office, Ontario Street. F. Conway, Gen. Pass. Agent. d 26 BAY OF QUINTE RATLWAY. | Jonves Union Station, Ontario excepted) Pass Agent BAHAMAS IDEAL WINTER RESORT. E35 TOURS win-scraw 8:8. BRA San 2s ue. 3 t ¢ steamships in RA Ty can-, mssau with Cuba and Mexico; % semi-weekly service from New ork to Pines, Ee Bantiago, ete. ore Jigarous northern winters are ed for wonderful Cuban clim- = sah ilinih each FEE MENGOE connections for Mexico City I hoints in in the interior of Mexico ure ticuars rates and at on YORK AND CUBA MAIL -- ©0, Offices. Pler 14, East River. New York. Alse FRED A. FOLGER, Kingston: faaeter Foi jor ntérior Points with fine bd) 1 | Sonthermmost an In the World. | Ushuwaia, America's Siberia Br er Aba sways Ontario Street. OUR CRYSTAL BRAND | A y life, merit of Keating's Pow- der is that it is stainless and odor- In tins only : 10ec, 20¢, 3560. TRAPPERS send us your FURS and we will pay you the Mighest Prices REVILLON FRERES 134-136 McGILL STREET + MONTREAL P.0. . We will send free to every trap per who sends us furs, our book "The Trappers Loyal Com- Bugs Can't Stand Neating's Keating's Powder is the unfailing exterminator of every form of insect Cockroaches and other house bugs dis- appear when Keating's " is applied. The unusual less--and not harmful to any ex- cept insect life. Made in England and sold by druggists everywhere. HE lonely Argentine colony of Usbuwaia. at end of South América, la by | far the southernmost settle- ment in the world Punta Arenas, which is generally sup- posed to be the most southern human habitation. Few vessels ever visit this land of perpetual winter, which, through the greater part of the year, is completely cut off from the outside world Ushuwaia, which numbers about 3,000 souls, is made up of Argentine | soldiers, jonaries. It is the only settlement on the island of Tierra del Fuego and serves as an American Siberia for transporting prisoners for various of- fenses. Argentine. which owns this re- PLACED ON TRIAL PARIS "WHITE SLAVE" SCANDAL BROUGHT INTO COURT, Claimed a Dozen Bankers and Gove ernment Officials Have Fled to Escape Prosecution---Mothers Sold Their Daughters for Trifling Sums For ru of Rich Men. Paris, Pec. 30.--Nineteen prisoners charged with being implicated in the notorious white slave scandal, were ar- iraigned in the correctional court. An attempt was made by attorpeys for the defence to keep the proceedings se- cret becuse of the prominence of sev- Upper Sandusky, Ohio. age 1 was married and could such pd most 14 nervou J wreck. My docto : did not like that iil, 80, Ww ment advice. I have done as you told me. "yl nace back = To: But Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege. "Three went to a was pot feeling well and hetaly m, alon; Tetich _ tired told me to toa very hen I saw your advertise. in a paper, I wrote to you for ve taken Lydia E. Pinkham's le Co and Liver Piils, now 1 have my health. "If sick and Fen would they woul ut MIND. is Ax Route 6, Box 18, ous pains, irreg- - re peryous ulceration o! 1 EE too ao ae, bt E. E. Pinkham's from roots remed eral of the accused Among the prisoners are Victor Fla- chon, former editor of the Lantern and a close personal friend of ex-Premier Briand; Gaston Allard, a wealthy man- ufacturer, and Mme. Guilmin, who con- ducted the white slave agency from which the wealthy society men of Par- is are alleged to have procured their vietims. In addition to these, several moth- ers who admit having gold their chil- dren, some of whom were only eleven years old, \are among the defendants. A dozen prominent bankers and gov- ernment officials have fled from France to escape prosecution ih the case. The most sensational testimony is expected at the trial. Even the Paris newspa- pers failed to print some of the de tails of the hideous stories told by the young victims of the prioners when they were examined by Prefect of Peo- lice. Lepine. Mme. Guilmin, who conducted the "Nitchevo agency," 22 Rue La Bru- yare, is alleged to have sold the young girls on a commission basis, giving the mothers of the victims trifling dsums. | Flachon owns a number of villas and 4 chateaus in France and the prosecution alleges that the most bideous orgies ere conducted in them. Neighbors of s | Flachon have told the police how lux- t { urious autos rolled up to the former editor's homes and magistrates, diplo- mats, bankers and manufacturers step- ped out, bearing on their arms girls in their thens, The blinds of Flachon's dwelling were invariably drawn, but the noise of the orgies could 'be heard for a great dis- tance. Flachon 'is said to have exerted pow- erful pressure upon officials, through his nfidbatiol friends, to pre- vent the proceedings of the trial being made public. GJI.R. Coaches. The Grand Trank railway syatem have placed an order for fifty first class coaches and twenty-five 'standard baggage cars. The coaches are the standard equip- ment 75 feet 6 inches long, mounted oh six»wheel trucks. The inside finish is of mahogany, Be a pa green painted ceilings. AH the' atest improvements are installed in JANUARY ¥ 2, 190). LEN. It les more than | 1,300 miles farther south than the Cape | of Good Hope and considerably below | AGROUP-OLCITIZENS ) ishment convicts"'by transporting them for life to this island The southernmost country of the globe is cold and barren, its rugged mountains and towering glaciers being naturally unproductive, The native Indians herd sheep, from which they convicts--for it is a penal' produce a little wool. The wild ani- | colony--native Indians, fur traders and mals yield some furs, and there is even some mining for gold, but here the na~ tive products cease. The settlement of Ushuwaia is policed by some 250 Ar- gentine soldiers, The southernmost sgttlement stands mote island, does not have capital pun- | upon Beagle channel, which lies far GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY a Opens Up Big Game District in Lett, British Columbia. ontren), Dec. 30.-R. C. W. travelling passenger and colonization agent of the Grand Trunk Pacific rail- way, and C. W. Johnson, chief clerk of the general passenger department, passed through Montreal on their re- turn to Winnipeg, after a 'business trip to Washington and New York. Mr. Lett spoke as to the sequel of his trip, last year, by pack horse and canoe, from Fadson, "130 miles west of Edmonton to Prince Rupert and Tete Jayne Cache. This Jouriky, which then took several days to mecomplish, can now be completed within a few hours, as the rails of the Grand Trunk have since been laid along the route, which, however, will not - be open for sérvice till next season, when tourists will be able to make the journey in comfort. Boats have been built at Tete Jaune Cache, and will be fitted with machinery this winter, which in the spring will ply for part of the distance between Tete Jaune Cache and Fort George. For 320 miles of this journey the route will be by boat along the Fraser Iriver, and 162 miles of it will be by rail- Besides opening up a big game dis tect, that part of the new route through which the Iraser flows, and which now is~heavily wooded, will prove to have a most productive soil later on, BAN PUT ON GIRLS' BOXING. Director Doesn't Want to Develop Home Smashers. Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 30.--Boxing among girls of the high school was put under a ban by Dr. E. C, Beach, physical director. He sald it was not the aim of the instructors to turn out a generation of feminine fighters = or to - develop combative dispositions, "which would interfere with the na- tural laws of the home." "Suppose a pretty girl's nose was broken while boxing," said Dr. Beach. "It probably 'would mean disfigure- ment and might seriously injure her social prospects." Ships and vessels of the Royal Cana- dian navy shall fly at the stern the white ensign as the symbol of the authority of the crown, and at the jackstalf the distinctive flag of Can- ada, being the blue ensign with the arms of the dominion inset in the fly. The white permant will be flown at the masthead. Mrs. Francois Roy was seriously in- jured in endeavoring to save her three little children from their burning house at St. Valerien, Quebec. The little ones perished. ne 2 i F r fh m his il i i ih i ; | ; i fy a disposes" of many of her ! i ERE RE INDI NRA {south of the strait of Magellan, Few i vessels ever pass through this tortu- lous waterway. preferring the longer | journey around Cape Horn. Beagle channel cuts deeply Into the "great {mountains and glaciers, whose shores { present some of the most awe inspir- {ing scenery in the world. | Ushuwaia is to be visited this win- (ter by a cruising steamer, when the {steamship Bluecher of the Hamburg- American line will pass through Bea- | gle channel on its annual South Amer- | fcan cruise. This will be the first time !a large steamer has passed through {this remote channel, so that its pas- | sengers will be the {iFst body of tour. ists to enjoy this wonderful scenery. i Leaving New York in the latter part of January, Ushuwaia will be reached in February, which is midsummer in this | extreme southern region, although ! eyen then summer showers may be re- | placed by snot storms blown in from ! the south. WIFE TAKEN AWAY. Horse Trainer Wants $100,000 as Balm for Wounds. New York, Dec. 20.--Richard Croker, former leader of Tammany Hall, his sons, Richard Croker, Jr., and Howard Croker, were made joint de fendants in a civil action begup by John J. Breen, to recover $100,000, Breen was married to Miss Ethel J. Croker, doughter of the former Tam- wady leader, on April 28th, 1910, and alleges that his wife's affections were alienated by Croker and his twg sons. Breen declares, in his complaint, 'that he and his wife lived peaceably, hap- pily and harmoniously together until the defendants influenced and induced his wife fo leave him. Breen was a teacher of horseman: ship when he 'and Miss Croker were married by a justice of the peace in Hoboken, N.J. It was said at the time that the family of the bride were much displeased at the marriage. Breen has since his marriage, been horse traiver for James R. Stratton ex-M.P. of Peterboro, Ont. : NO HASTY WEDDINGS. Elopments in Massachusetts Charm Under New Law. Boston, Mass, Dec. 30.--After Jan. Ist there can be no more Elopements and no hasty marriages in Massa- chusetits, Under a new law which goes -into effect then any person wishing to marry must file a notice of intention, After that he must wait five full days before he can get his license. During these five days the parents, guardians or apy other relatives or friends of the lovers can come and ask questions and register any objec tions. Should they have a justified objection or should either of the twain be too young, or otherwise,unfit, the penalty is no license. There wil be no law. Maine, New Hampshire, mont and Rhode Island have passed similar ones. Lose this Ver all escape from 'WAS UNINTENTIONAL. Omission of One Word Cost Girl a Fortune. Cincinnati, Dec. 29.--~Mrs, Henrietta Goodloe, of Denver, Col,, niece of former banker James S. Arm- sttong, will not share fn his $1,500, 000 estate, according to a decision vy- Common Pleas Judge Swing in a suit brought to expedite the distribu. tion of the estate. Her share was lost to her because of the omission of the word "sisters" in the bill. The document provided that the property was#to be dis tributed among the heirs of the brothers', nephews and nieces, Mrs. Goodloe is a daughter of =a sister of Mr, Armstrong. Her attor- veys held the omission was uninten- tional, He Had a Soft Snap. Winnipeg: Saturday Post, The new conservative government has been busy during the pasi month cleaning and scraping the ship of state. During the lifteen years of liaral ilatstup, the old ship had an enormous growth of barmaid. he se Process. is not a the barnacles She paan has Hs a Sa howl as. the ntinisters wielded the knife, but it had to come. The condition in some of the departments was simply scan- dalous. Here is an example : --n read the morning papers and had his morning ---- At twelve he left for laueh, was fgithfully back at two, and read or wiled Away until four. This farce 'hag been Bp 'on for five yeurs, and in the meantime he has drawn his | pay and? . the |. "ts Pelion ravi Quai Ars manifested in millions of Teapots daily n Al A" THE TEA OF STERLING WORTH It is a blend of the best wheats grown in Canada-- Manitoba Spring wheat and Ontario Fall wheat. It has the bread-making powers of the one--and the pastry- making powers of the others. | Every woman, who brings "BEAVER" Flour into her home, makes the right start towards better Bread and Pastry. u2 DEALERS--Write us for prices on Feed, Coarse Grain and Cereals. | THE T. H. TAYLOR CO. LIMITED," » CHATHAM, On ---- [SHOPPING DB) T HE telephone has made it possible to do shopping and marketing satisfactorily, and with comfort, econ- omy and despatch. Practically every store and shop caters to telephone tradé and pays special attention to telephone orders, so that telephone buying has become a habit with hundreds of thousands of people. When you want something that cannot be secured in yourlocal shops, the Long Distance Service of the Bells an connects you with the biggest markets of the ountry, even though you are hundreds of miles away. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA. Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. For Infants and Children. on Kind You Have Always Bought For Over Thirty Years ASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NOW TORR OIVY, (TS