JAMES DON FOR 12, « : ------ He Won by 20 Votes--By-laws to -- Baise Liquor License Fee and tol! _ Take Over Public Library Were Covied, " Gananoque, Jan. 2-Result of mysnicipal polling on Monday was: or mayor--LDonevan, 3/5; Rogers, the For reeve--Britton, 76 MeArdle, 248. \ personnel of the council for 1912 will be :--Mayor, James Donevan; reeve, C. E. Britton; deputy repve. Webster; co tors, W. J. J. Wilson, W, J. Nuttall, Dr. : O'Connor, James Larr, Francis Keyes, x result of the ballot on the by-law fof the countil to take over the public Star And make it a free library was: Fob ; against, 186; majority for, 318, ie vote on the by-law to raise shop license fee from $350 to $300 resulted: For, 506; against, 162; majority for, 344. The annual ball of the Gananoque Cumoe and Motor Boat association was held in Turner's assembly hall last even- ing and was largely attended. The hal! decorated in red and white. The Citizens Band orchestra furnished a fine programme of selections, A number of out of town guests were present. the | absence of Miss Carrie De long. organist of Grace church, Master Wilfrid Sine presided as supply on Sun- day and gave excellent satisfaction Master Sine is only fourteen years of ans Lila E. Hurd was surprised by a party of her young friends on the oc- caslon of her. 16th birthday on New Year's night. Games were indulged in until eleven o'clock. Miss Ethel Lloyd, school teacher in the western provinces for several months past, spent her holidays here with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. J Lloyd, King street, Miss Hazel Wilson, pupil of Varsity, Toronto, spent the vagation here with her mother, Mrs. D. {i Wilson, Brock street. Miss Nina BgEs, trained nurse, Montreal, is spending a few holidays here with her arents, Mr. and Mrs. A, E, Meggs, Os- street. Mrs. Thomas Montague, WAS SICK THIRTY YEARS Bowie, Tex.--The remarkable case of Mme. 8. J. Embry, who lives: neai hate, is attracting attention, on ac count of her restoration to health after many years of suffering. She tells of it in a letter as follows : "During the past thirty years 1 have suffered greatly from nervous troubles and my health was badly rug down, Lately 1 learned of yout 08 liver 'and toniq, Vinel, and! began "1 and it. ve used several bottles improved so fast that 1 at once re © it to two friends who were in poor health, My case was com- plisated but Vinol did wonders for me, Every woman who suffers from nervousness and weakness should je Vinol and recover her health." is plain thet 4 remedy that will a chr rundown condi like this is just what weak and sickly wes, women anh children rywhere need. If you want to be strong and healthy again take Vinol, on our positive promise to give back our money if you are not satisfied. . Mahood's drug store, Kingston, Oat. THR BEST DYERS By over thirty years of con- sistent work we have earned the reputation of being the 'pest dyers and cleaners in Can- Dye or clean #lmost any- | R. PARKER & 00. Dyers and Cleavers, 80 Princess Kingston, Oat. ""DIBAR (MADAM.~I can In- form you we are making big re- ductions in all our Ladies' Gar- ments during the afonth of De- wember. Hope you will eall and #6 us before going elsewhere. Yours truly, ; CHOOSES EVAN AS ITS MAYOR! Gibson, WP FJ 3 spending a few days with Buell, R. B. Britton, Toronto, is spending a short: time hege vith his parents, Reeve and M , Britton. King street, 13 friends at Glen ¢ fs: CE. Sheriff McCamaion, Broek- ¢, spent New Year's here with bis wife and family, . ; Mr. and Mrs. W. Balfour Mudie, . New Yeats town spent with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Miss Jno. B. McMurchy, Stone street, Viola Crawford, First street, spent the holiday in Brockville, guest of ceil N, Palmer. A SAD CASE THIS, y isn: welve-yieold Lada Cannot Read or Write, A sad case came under the notice of . C. McConachie, agent forithe Chil- dren's Aid Society, that of a boy about twelve or thirteen years of age, who only spent a few days at school and whe of course cannot read or write, The lad was brought to the city, on Saturday, from Bedford, where he has been working for a farmer. He was taken to the General hospital for tieat- ment, as he has been quite ill, although his illness is not of a very serious na- ture, The lad was at the police station for a time before hie was removed to the hospital, and while there, he stated that h: was born in New York, and that he only went to school a very short time. The youngster could hardly keep back the tears, when he said that his people wotlld not allow him to stay at school, he is in the hospital his case will' be investigated and an effort will be made to have the boy given a proper educa- tion, - Weddi at Sandhurst On December 27th the marriage of Miss Laura M.,, eldest daughter of Holden Robinson, and Alexander Sills was welebrated at Lake View Cottage, Sandhurst, the home of the bride's father. The ceremony "was conducted by Canon Roberts, in the presence of immediate relatives, THe bride, given away by her father, was attired in eream satin with pearl ornaments, The bride was the recipient of many gifts. Sendhurst loses one of its most popular and useful young ladies. The regard in which she was held was mibst pleasingly gathering as a surprise party and pre- senting her with a dozen silver spoons, and address. 5 : ---------- Marriage at Newburgh. On December 25th Mrs, Lenora Kelly, Newburgh, was married to Harold B. Fuller, ar vorth, The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. P. Wilson, and was very quiet. The bride wore a very charming dress of brown velvet trim- med with real lace and her travelling dress was tailor-made and ngvy blue. Her hat was trimmed with fur to match a magnificent Persian lambi coat, the gift of the groom. Tke happy couple left for a short trip to western points, and purpose making a short visit in Lindsay before returning to oceupy their new home in Newburgh, Induction Wednesday. Rev. J. W. McIntosh, the sew pas- tor of Cooke's Presbytarign church, will arrived in the city. to-morrow, and his induction will take" place at Cooke's church in the evening. (Get Rid of Piles at Home Try This Home Treatment--Abso- lutely Free. No matter how long you've been suf- fering or how bad you think your case is, send at once for a free trial of the wonderful Pyramid Pile Reme- dy: T: fhicted as badly or Mrs. | The lad was very poorly dressed. While |li{ - \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1912. [ODDFELLOWS NEW YEAR DANCE Canton Kingston No. 6 Gave a Very Fine 1: Home." The Oddfellow's apnial New Year's dance, in the ¢ity hail, Monday evening, at which the officers nd chevaliers were "At Home" to a ofr e number of their friends, was a fine affair and con- ¢eded by those who have attended former ongs to have been a huge suc- in every 'way. McMahon's or- ¢ ra furnished a fine programme of music, Light - refre Tits were served about ¢leven o'clock and dancing was continged until two ¥ : 4 The committee in charge of the dance and to whom a great. deal gf "credit is given for the successiof the affair con- sists of S. W. Graves, T. W. McKen- zie, R. D. Sloan, C. A. Bunt, R. Paynter and F. Clench, A Venerable Gentlemar. Napanee Express. Peter Bristol, residing on Piety Hill, Napanee, and one of the best known and most highly respected citizens, celebrat- ed his ninety-first birthday on Dec Zith. Mz, Bristol is hale and hearty and enjoying exceptional good health. He was boen in South Fredericksburgh in 1820, and spent seventy-five years of his life in that locality, after which he re- moved to Napanee and has been a resi- dent of the town vever since. The weight of years has not impared his mental fachlties-and he still retains a clear and distinct recollection of many tirring incidents in the early part of his He, Cess Made a Preseutation. James A. Fegg, the popular secretary of the local lodge of the Woodmen of ALICE YORK; PRIMA DONNA, WITH . AT THK GRAND ON WEDNESDAY, JAN. SRD. expressed by a number of young friends: ir' "THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER," the World, was given quite a surprise, when a committee from the lodge, wait- el upon him and presented him with a fine set of pipes. Mr. Fegg has been the secretary of the lodge ever since the organization. He has- ably filled the duties, being a most energetic worker, and the members took this opportunity of expressing their confidence in hin and his work. The pipes are gold mounted, and form a handsome gift. Mr. Fegg thanked the committee in a neat little speech. ------------ Taking a Big Risk, Tobogganing is always a great sport with boys and girls. Yesterday a large number were "using the hill runping down to the Grove Inn. It formed a grand slide, but when the sleighs teach- ed King street, it was very dangerous as they fan across the street, and it was only a matter of 'chance that. they were not tun down by rigs, as vehicles were passing all the time, owing to the fact that it was election day. ------------ Small Sunday Blaze. Sparks from the furnace; came very near causing a serious fire, at the fine new home of John McKane Hughes, on the corner of Clergy street west and University avenue. Sparks set fire to some rubbish. At 7.20 Sunday evening, the blaze broke out, but the firemen soon extinguished it. The loss will amount to about $25, The firemen were summoned by telephone. -------------- Perth Road Rural Mail. Dr. J. 'V. Edwards, M.P., is working hard to fry and get a rural mail de. livery for the farmers along the Perth road. A large pumber of the farmers along the road have been canvassed and have each subscribed $3 each to have a box placed at each of their farms, The road as far as lnverary has been can- vassed and every person seems willing. Rinks Open on Monday, The rinks operied on Monday, and both of them had fine ice. In the after- noon the covered rink was packed and in the evening the skating club had use of rink. music was furpished by the R.CH.A. band. The Palace rink was also opened om Monday and had very large crowds both afternoon and evening. 8 | mosoplane, from which he bopes big game. AMUSEMENTS (GRAND Y OPERA Y HOUSE) WEDNESDAY, JAN. 3 THE THE WORLD-WIDE HIT, A wil t : Office it nor Cenied for Before: moos noon on Wednesday may be placed on sale, Sent mow on Sale. : hh A ---- wag Ene | i ed 4 mp -- ee a { ee ; ens OONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES LL be-- First insertion lc a word, Each con insertion tent & word, Minimum charge for one insertion We; three. insertions, $0e; six, $1; one month, $2, HELP---~WANTED, once, DINING-ROOM GIRL WANTED, AT Apply, Hub Hotel. SATURDAY, JANUARY '6th Matinee at 2.30, Ev at SiS, THE GREAT COMEDY CCRSS, GIRLS, AT ONCE, APPLY TO IM- perial Steam Laundry, Barrie $t BY JAMES FORBES, ONE SOLID YEAR IN NEW YORK, Matinee, se ldrm, 26c Evening, Seats on Sale Thursday. Avenue, A RELIABLE housework; Apply, 146 Stuart Street, SERVANT; NO WASHING. GENERAL Mrs, Th Oomas Mliils, 122 University GIRL FOR GENERAL references required, MONDAY, JAN. 8 THE FAMOUS YOUNG TRISH TENOR, general Wh m KITCHEN WOMAN AND MAID FOR work; references required at the Avonmore, 207 Btreet. C FISKE O'HAR APA Ww com P ete nig Boe ng or ironing; good wages to OR WOMAN; NO nt person. Apply, Mrs, A ht, Alice Street . Ladd dd 4 LOST. wi FOR SALE, = "wl A TEDDY BEAR, or re $5 ON WELLINGTON Johnson Streets, Finder kindly FORD MODEL «1» MOTOR CAR. am to war office or 'phone McDonald Mowat. a No. "RANGE, AT 223 wm ONTREAL Street, City; price $356.00 REAL PAIR EYE GLASSES, ON MONDAY, on Broek Street, near St. Mary's ; Cathedral leward on returning OILCLOTH, LINOLEUM, ALSO same to Whig o Cork, all remnants, a great B rtf She in prices, at Turk's. Phone 705. . fice, BRINDLE BULL PLP, ANSWERS TO name of "Beau." has telephone No 77186 main and name { drag 8 Finder Hndly return to 23 3 and recive reward. i % DEERHOUNED, ONE YEAR OLD, de grown; has brown and black spot on right side, Wednesday night. Reward for return to Harvey J Milne, Bagot Street. FLACS, AW 8, ENTS, NINGS, 3 8, CANO hip CAMPING 'Outtity, fishing oh 108 wippiies, lunch baskets, lish aa, sverything in rb 0] kit silk Yeats, spray Rood: w. Cook Ws a] "Phones $91 or Fy aie 4% RENT, GROCERY STOR Con, King and Lower Gordon. pi Store, Earl et, on "oricery FOR A LOT OF GROCER B RENT, FARM, PART lots 11 and 12, in 'the 7th eonoee dion of Kjogsten: two sets bulld- 8. ¥ood stock and grain farm, BATEMAN & GARDINER, REAL ES tate and Insurance, 6% Clarence Street, Kingston, TO LET. BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. GERMAN CANARIES, FIRST SHIP. - ment just received: just the thing for a Christmas gift. W. J. Driver, corner Queen and Barrie Streets. "Phone No. 612. 4 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. IN THE ROMANTIC IRISH DRAMA, for winter; YOUNG WOMAN OR MIDDLE AGED, light housekeeping for references required, the Ap- ply, Box 1228, Whig office. Loves Young Dream » SUFERE SU 2 A t en [5% cos | Effects - GOOD SALESMEN FOR SPLENDID real estate proposition; established firm, A to 220 C pply, by letter or person, nfederation Life Building, Toronto. Shiba dal Bld dd Badd dds ddd NG ts on Sal 75 8 I SHALL REWARD ANY PERSON who will return to Whig office one Ma- hogany Foot/ Rest and Slipper Holder "eee . Apply Bed he he he he ls oe he ee i -e to John Laldlaw & Son. ETT ITeIeTIYIeY BOY WANTED, combined, (It is a family relic and TEPITTEIITIIOTTTITTITITY much prized. The cover is worked in silk on the top and inside. It has four feet, which run upwards, and form the ends of the rest. It was stolen from the home of X. CARD OF THANKS. AN INTRLLIGENT PER earn $100 monthly co SON MAY rrespondin for newspapers, No crnvaming Send for particulats, Press Sy - cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. o TO THE ELECTORS Thanking those of you who voted and worked for me, although unsuc- cessful, your efforts in my behalf are much appreciated. A LINE FOR EVERY us for supplies agency SEL. tawa. no outl Gos 384 HOME: our cholge list of ; we have the greatest proposition: in Canada to- RES Bred "BE Sincerely, GEORGE BAWDEN. 0 CARD OF THANKS. To the Electors of Rideait Ward who 80 génerously extended to me thelr LD ab le Be maids; also arrivin COUNTRY DOMESTICS CA P= English and Irish Danish girls; parities a month. Apply 'oteh, twice now, The Guild, 71 Drummond St, Montrea ronto, tawa, and 227 Bank Street, 47 To- Ot- 1, Pembroke Street, support yesterday and elected me as their aldermanic representative 1 extend my sincere thanks, and my wishes that that their New Year may be a Happy and Prosperous one. Sincerely yours, W. R. Clugston. CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH noeded In every home, especially by worki manen doubl own ing for small salary behind counter, 0 men; good salary; per- position; If you are work- the ou. cAn e your B, CG, write to-day; your Wages ald ss, Apply, Box "B. Whig office. ELECTIONS IN THE COUNTY. Grant Grimshaw Was Elected Reeve : of Wolfe Island. Grant Grimshaw was elected reeve) of Wolfe Island, and the councillors elected are : Daniel Taggart, William Allen, John McGlynn and George Gil- lespie. The vote was as follows ; HELP WANTED, BOYS A dorffe ND GIRLS AT OBERN- v's Cigar Factory, 300 Ontario Street. For reeve--Grant Grimshaw, William Fawcett, 129, Councillors--Daniel Taggart, 184; William Allen, 176; John McGlynn, 164; George Gillespie, 140; William H. Woodman, 98, 172; Township of Kingston. For reeve--Byron Gordon, 257; A. BE. Weller, 157; Reid, 146; Day, 42. For deputy reeve--Hawkey, 340; Mr. Gates, 208. For eouncillors--Clyde, 267; Coulter, 300; Stover, 301; Pillar, 216; Valleau, 211; Murray, 26. The first four are elected, WANTPED---GENERAL. + SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY peript io Jeather ott's, lergy TAKE NOTH all kinds of and sto gee me Thom next. Bt. DE. first class work; trial will airs to cor, of n; only used: o oy ng ¥ oo Bar Tie Btreet, THAT I WILL BUY second-hand furhiiture ves; will pay highest prices; before anyone e. J. jon, 333 Fhincess Street, oh. Insurance Rates Cut. \ Some imsurance, companies rates. Some | also cut losses, A compliny's poliey is usually not more than you pay for it. You canpot get the best article at a cut price. It is the moat "penny wise and pound foolish" policy to save cut GB Cloth a to-date NTLEMEN . Andrew's Ch TO BRING THEIR nd have It made up futo Up. suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and repairin shortest notice, Hn done on the omas Galloway, 131 Brock Bt, near Bibby's Livery, LEGAL, a 'trifle on your premium and get in ferior protection. Pay the regular rates and seeure absolute "protection in the Liverpool & London, & Globe. Sang Vary Acceptably, an CUNNINGHAM ers a & MUD BAKRIST. Solleltors. Tow Office, 7} Clarence Street, Kingston. STENOGRAPHY. Angus Orr, sang, in a fine baritone voice, that difficult solo, "Fear Ye Not, 0 Israel" at Queen Street Meth- odist church on Sunday evening. He was heard with much delight by the congregation, and Ty enquire PRIVATE LESSONS IN SHORTHAND pewtiting. For particulars at Whig office. DANCING. Right Up Against it. The local | conbervative executive, which last Wednesday evening, made certain recommendations regarding government appointments here, has not pleased the friends of the "alse entered," and plans 'are being made to t. 6 recommendations going to effect. The friends of W, J. Wells, an old post office: clerk, are asking the authorities at Ottawa to appoint 'him deputy postmaster. It is reported that several liberal. officials are. to be superannuated. "Joel strops" for hockey players. Gibson's. Great Britain not massacres of i Athi known in America, has g®e to Afri- hunting. He takes along a to Owing to osition obstruction the Turkish | }-appost ¥ Stock Blood Humors = ewes: evening Hackett, Before Stock Taking As we VIOLIN AND PIANO FOR DANCING, ete. Apply, ties, Tits Bagot Street. would like to reduce ministry has been foresd teigur tremendous stock before : taking, we are offeri cass and Iron Beds, Buffets "and China Closets, Rugs 20d Oil Cloths. Reid's: 'Quality and Reid's {Low Prices. p Lach te DWELLINGS, FURNISHED furnished, Stores, eto Brock' Street, AND UN. : \ BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST. yD opposite G.P.R. station, one block] rom CPR. on street car line; ar supplied with best of wines and liquors; charges moderate: gpecial rates By t week, John Cousineay, Prep. - DOUBLE FLAT, PRINCESS STRERT; eight rooms; good improvements. Apply to T. 1569 Wellington Street jocatl n, ih J. Boon, TH GRIMASON HOTEL, 34.34 re Street. Bar stocked with he best of Ales, Beers, Wines, dduers and cholcest Brands of Cigars. Meals, 28c eadh, or spacial rates by the week, stable accommodation. reasonable. Muilviile & STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms, absolutsly mots proof; your own lock abd kay, srosi® Lily Blorage, avi Quen ds, 'Phone $380. rr Yard_ and Rates } Driseoll ARCHITEQTS, BUSINESS CHANCES. . HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITEC D, 58 King Street g i pl "Phone 344, - orien sega ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, 181 Tnlversity Avenue, Telephone ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order business at home. No canvassing. Be your own boss iBend for free booklet. Tells how, eacock, 2.969, 'Lockport. N.Y. WM. NEWLANDS tects, ete. 'Phone 608 &® SON, ARCHI x Offic 268 B FINANCE AND INSURANCE. , Offices, agot Ht. BATEMAN & GARDINER FIRE, Life, Accident Insurance and Cus- toms Broker: Real Estate aad Money to Joan; a share f your business solicited. ' 67 larence Street, Kingston. 'Phone 376, POWER LJ SON, ARCHITECTS, MER« chants Bank Bullding, corner Brock and Fellington Streets, BOARD ROOMS. K.- CARROLL, RD AND Btreet.--Fure, Life, Heunlth Insurance, Employers' Liability and Motor at Insurance, Security Bonds, Real Estate in Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Moose Jaw, ele, 14 MARKET Accident and Plate Glass, A NICE FRONT ROOW, withe board: all veniences Mrs Willlam Street, cor WITH modern Britten of Barrie on eon 214 Bt, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. REAL ESTATE, ment Society; established 1863; president, Sir Richard' Cartwright; money issued on. city and farm Jropotties, municipal and coust ebentures; mortgages purchased; § ol atuefved 2d, lagers - owed, , G. Me anagin Difector, 87 Clarence Street . LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE ire Instirance Company. Avaliable assets, $61,187,215. In addition te which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Ilability of all the stock-helders. arm and city Jroperty insured a lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents, "Phone 325. BOUGHT AND SOLD; RENTS COL. lected and inoney to loan; office, No. 251 Vietoria Btreet. RR. Richardson ) OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. : TRANSATLANTIC LINES, ALL es. CC. B Kirkpatrick, Agent, 43 Caarence treet, Kingston. 'Phone 3 FURNITURE FINIHER, IND ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, DENTAL. ebhonizing and gilding, enamellin * and all colors of mission work: A work Jive Best 'attention. Pat, Driscoll, 23 John Street. Call or drop a card. AND SPARKS, 1-2 Princess Street, ne 346 PARKS DENTISTS, ae Kingston, ho §. H, SIMPSON, LDS, D.D.S, DENT. ist, corner Pringess and Bagot Streets, over Mahood's Drug Stops Entran e on Bagot Street. Telephoen 3 OSTEOPATHY, CHEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS RR. G, Ashéroft, DO, 136 Wellington Bt... opposite the Post Office; chronte diseases treated by Osteopathie methods and Electrical Vibration; sleatments by appointment. 'Phone PR, C, C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. C. H. 'Weicker, assistant, 133 Princess Si 'Phone 735. DR. A. E Januar -Btreet B.A 258 KNAPP, AFTER JAut, 1813, Princess 'Phone 652, PERSONALS, « A. AYKROYD, D.D.S., LDS, PENT- fst, ever Dominlon Express Office ¥ Wellington Street. 'Phone HAIR, ™MoLES, marks and all bigutishes without ance, WARTS, BIRTH. growths and skin removed permanently sear; 27 years' experi Dr Eimer J. Lake, Eve, Ear, Nowe, Throat : and 'Bkin Specialist, 258 Bagot Street. MUSIO. SALSBURY BROS, ORCHESTRA. Quill up 1079 or address 21 Sixth Street when In need of an or. ehestra for dance, at home or ball Remember the 'phone number-- 9. MEDICAL, J. F. SPARKS, B.A, M.D, PHYSICIAN and Bu geon, 100 Wellington , St Office hours, 10 to 12 am. 3 to 4 and 7 to § p.m.< "Phone 386. DR. B.C. D, MacCALLUM, PHYSMCIAN, and Surgeon, 142 ellington Office hours, 10 td 12 am, 2 to and 7 to § pm. Telephone 1088 En Em -- 1-2 and 1-4 Ton Orders UPHOLSTERER. W. J. GAVINR. UPHOLSTERIN: RE. pair and rb ing , halr mat. tress fengyatin a card or agot work, &. Drop reat call 216 Come in abundance in cold weather. We give careful attention to sma ll orders SWIFT'S Removal Notice 00S SOLD ON THE © All kinds of Dry Goods Men's Boys' and Ladies' Suits, Boots and Shoes, Jewellery, House Furnishings, ote, sold on easy payment plan. Come In, see our goods and terma. Dental Office from 288, Princess New Stock of Fall R41 ipter i will pay Street to corser Princess and Bagot [708 to call and soe it Clothing just received. Streets, over Mahood's Drug Store. 3 Abramsky a STREET, ~ Entrance on Bagot Street. A] Dr. Simpson haw nemoved his -