BRITISH WHIG, THE DAILY 1912. SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY HELD IN SY PENH SHAM STREET : METHODIST CHURCH. TUESDAY, oe * . have the opportunity © mould the character of the future' generation was Bn great privilege, and the teachers, be Leiieved, wre iospired from on high for this noble service. pastor of Cal * Rev. H. T. Whitmore, vary church, gave a very impressive *Congecration."' He: point- JANUARY = GOOD SKATING Sure to Come Now. £9 Are you prepared. see our large range of Hockey Boots. MEN'S HOCKEY BOOTS. $200 and $250 MEN'S LIGHTNING HITCH, WANDERER PROFESSIONAL and ENGLISH MAKES $300, $350 and $4.00 Boys', Girls' and Women's Hockey and Skating Boots all prices, $1.50, 1.76, 2. Lightning Hitch and Wanderer Professional, $2.60 Ankle Supports, 26¢. and 85¢. th Y ABERNETHY'S THE STANDARD BANK gstasusien 8. OF CANADA = 15s shances. QUARTERLY DIVIDEND NOTICE Ne. 85 Notice ia hereby give n that a Dividend at the rate of Thirteen Per Cont, upon the Capital tock of this Bank has been declared for the g er ending une, an od shat the same wil Jayabie at the Head Office, in this ehruary, 1912, to Shareholders of 1 7 2th January, 1012. tended--Inspiring Addresses Were i of Shareholders will be held at the Head Gice of the Bank February next, at 12 o'clock noon, Given. GED. P. SCROLFIELD, 4 General Manager. adaress on ed out thay the teachers and schol ms should resolve to more truly consecrate themselves to the work of the Sunday schools during 912 fle deplored the absence of family prayer in the home, and asked for the practical sympathy and support of the parents. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Bj Our Reporters. "Buy Castoria," at Gibson's. Ww. k. Sills, MLA., spent the week- end with his mother at Richmond township, Two young men, who wonted a dis turbance on a street car, were fined 35.85 each, by Magistrate Farrell, "Buy Baby's own Tablets." Gib- son's. Ww. i Levy was in the eity, arrang- c ing for * "The "Chorus Lady" at the singing of such familiar hymns a | Grand Opera House, Saturday, Janu: "seand Up, Stand. Up, for Jesus, lary 6th. "Throw Out the Life Line," 'mx |. The * "Hark, "Tis the Shepherd's Voice 1 Hear," was very hearty. 'I'his par, of the service was lead by "a choi Most of the City Sunday Scheols At. in Yorom to on Wednesday By order of the Bos Toronto, 21st Dec ember, 91 ; the 21 mass meeting of the officers, teachers and scholars of the Sunday -- . mesemmmnen | gchools was held in Sydenham street ; Methodist church Sunday afternoon. A Model Coat ips large auditorium was erowded is every coat that we make, because and chiirs had to be carcied injo the each is specially built to conform to gallery. The. schocls Ws gy Wary the wearer's figure artistically 'and |! Raters, & akon gi By- true. We are expert fitters, too, and denham street, street, Princes: our reputation comes from the satis-|street, First and Second Baptists faction of our patrons with our work-| Fist Congregational, Bethel Calvary, manship.. We can make you a Suit|and the depot. or an Overcoat for a very reasonable Among those on the. platform were price. And you will get the best of] Kiwis. Dr. Macgillivray, Alexander quality. Laird, 1. W. Neal, 8. Sellery, J. Weo ter, H. D. Whitmore, D. Laing, ane . Gi. lakdlaw, Robert Meek, Georg 'Mills, R. Davis, T. F. Harrison, Joh: Merchant Tailor. :: 157 Pi St. Mckwen, J. W. Corbett and Li. Lake. D. G. Laidlaw was chairman. Th LAST FEW DAYS Of Auction Sale 'Kiddies' faa 8 great time, yes torday, with their skates and sleighs. The sidewalks were in fine shape for the sport. Gib composed of adult members of the "Buy Baby's Own Tablets." Only choice pieces still on schools. 00000000000000000000000000000000000.7000000000000000600 e000000000000 sofi's. Ex-Ald. William Bassam purchased, through John A. Lehup, the two houses, Nos. 17 and 19 University ave nue, owned by the Misses Orwell. Rev. D. Laing .led in prayer and th weed was repeated in concert, the chairman, after a lew apt re marks, called upon I. ¥. Harriso, for the fLrst address, Mr. Harriso, "0.H.A. liniment," for hockey play- based a concise ten-minute address ©, ors, Gibson's. the word "vig. Among the bi, The street railway sweeper was out things he mentioned was_the bignews | Sunday afternoon, to clear off the of the Sunday school. He emphasize |light fall of snow. The sweeper has the fact that there are more men |had a very easy time of it so far. connected with the Sunday schools | "Buy Usstoria," at Gibson's. than all other brotherhoods and Chris | The annual convention of the Cana tian mocieties in the world put to dian Forestry Association, will be gether. It was an inspiration for ta, fheld in Toronto on February 7th and younger members. 'Lhe speaker a Sv aidont, Chown, of Kingston, is pointed our the big objective--char oy Tas : puis building. They Sunday wehoo "Buy fniabts' footie Gitsans. tha is the greatest citizen-producing agency F. Mi AM 08, 2 = ua . of ie in he universe, and is the produce Royal Military College, and an angi of Christian workers. It stands - fo J ocer of reputation, in London, Eng, tte best interests of the home, the ]died on Fiiday last. He had served church, and country. in South Africa. : A Robert Meck, in bis address, on th "Fresh seidlitz powders. fibson's. 'Objective for 1912," placed a high The : Financial y gt has insult and very worthy aim for the scholars. Annual Statistica { VIN 3 we or, One of the should be that th sailfaining opiiong ou Some inh ds Sunday schools be sade a raining a business And Minankial ts shoal fr asain. he tres shoul {2 151" Uhe-outiogh. fo 913 x hy G 'Buy cou syrups. >ibson's. Mr. Meok emphasized strongly, anc The King on any Toronto boards hopes will soon be realized, was ted g ade exchanged New Year greet- make the school a point of attrac ings, President: Ryan, of Kingston, tion. He said, in connection with ¢ wishing the Toronto board that "we church port, a Place should be pro | nay work together for the happiness vided which would always be open, | and prosperity of "our glorious coun- that the young could come and enjoy | trv PP pert) themselves, read, play games, and "Buy cough syrups." Gibson's. make their friendships. The evil coun- The. proposition of the Ogdensburg, fer-attractiors of to-day would then | N.Y, town board to lease the opera hand. They must be sold by Dec 31st strictly at your own prices. "THE. TOKYO" JAPANESE ART DEALERS. 174 Wellington Street. January Removal Sale Increase Business forces us to move to Larger Premises. To save moving 'goods 'we offer for the month of January. Skates 'and Enamelware 20% Off. Hardware, SEES 900 0055000500 000000000066806006000000 Delicious Confectionery Chocolates, Bon-Bons, Caramels, Taffies Etc, Always Fresh. + Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE. "Phone G40. : P006000000000000000000 COPPOH0P0DPLELOPO000y Tinware, Cutlery, Galvanized Ware, Sleighs, 'Sleigh Bells, ockey Sticks, Horse Blankets, New and Second Hand Heaters and Cook Stoves AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. All Sales For Cash. Goods Marked in Plain Figures. SIMMONS BROS. " Yellow Hardware Store. George Glenn, manager of the Watertown, N.Y., Standard, has been appointed head of the Bureau of Wa- in Syracuse, N.Y, at $1,000 a yesr, He has been a successful jour- The Gre at Fnglish Réntedp Tones and invigurates the whole stem, makes new | ter, Blood in oid Veing Cures Nerve " TTT a er I tT Nar ss oiT sees eet asat Re : : have competition. 'The speaker also house to private! parifes, or if this nalist and politician, dealt upon the activity, of men in the cannot be done to close the house nis Ihomas Andre, ' Division street, left | (ohgols. Lastly, Mr. Meek spoke of | a messure of economy in drder to Tuesday for New York to spend aithe dignity of teaching. They is no | save the town an annual $ deci, is month with his parents. bigger calling on earth than to be rot medting with much favor in that Write it 1912, | ngaged in the King's business. To \ pac. s ous Debitity, Mental and Brain Worry, Des. pondeney, Beouigd H ealone ys, J misnions, Spers worrieea, and Effects of « dhuse or Fixcesses, ice $1 Jott box, A by el drt , on i. t of price. New pamphlet The Medicine Ca dasor) vills, received notification that he had been travsierred to the asylum at Co- bourg, where he is to be hursar. He William Cochrane, who has béen for nearly thirteen years .burser at the Deaf and Dumb Institution, Belle- entered on his new duties on day, "Buy baby foods." Gibson's. We ha ve used the Knife .and will continue to do so until our'great stock of mavafiictisud Furs have been sold. It is a fixed rule with us to clear out bag and bag are making no excuse. We admit frankly. 'The weather man has handed it to us daily. are bound to get, and this is your opportunity to effect a saving of from 24 to 50 per cent, reserve, everything marked in plain figures. We Cold weather we The sale is genuine. There is no: ¢ evety piece of Fur and Fur Garment made annually, And we are left with the largest overstock at this season of the year in our experience. Yeh er we stand behind everything sold. You are taking no chances. NOW IS THE TIME for people to take full tidy: wntage of the big discounts on the high class Furs we manufacture. Mink Muffs Sable Scarfs Madé from Northern Skins, Natural Sabie. Scarfs, made Irom Coronation a lined with choice selectea skins trimmed with Brown Satin. Regular $30.00, large tails. Regular $16.50. For $17.50 For $10.00 Come along. Persian Lamb Jackets 32 inch Persian Lamb Jackets, made from No.°1 Leipzig Dyed , Persian Skins, semi-fitting back * shawl collar and cuffs lined through- Do not delay. This is your opportunity. Persian Paw Settes Beautiful Persian Paw Sets, Cra vats and large Muff to match, best satin Hning, elderdown beds and silk wrist cords. Regular $10.50 Men's Winter Coats Choice German Otter Collar, inter- lining of rubber lining of Persian Wool, Lamb, ghells made of Black Feaver Cloth, 50 inches. Regular Fo or $16.00 Men's Coon Coats Made from echolce selected full fur- red skins, well lined with Quilted Farmers' Satin, Leather Shields, etc. Regular $75 to $80. or $51.00 oR GuaRaNTER t Ladies' Fur-lined Coats - Made from best French Broadcloth, in Black, Blue, Brown and Green, choice of Muskrat, White and Grey Squirrel or Hamster Collars and These Coats are 45 and 56 inches long. Regular $75 to $80 For $42.50 CL Sable Muffs Natural Sable Skin Muffs, made in Imperial styles, finished with Biderdown Beds, , Silk Wrist Cord, best brown satin lining. Regular $16.50. For $12. 00 JOHN out with best black satin. Regulfr $2.50 For $190.00 Mink Stoles Beautiful Mink Stoles, trimmed with heads and tails, made from choice skins. A large variety of styles. Regular $45. Extra large (Pillow or Tab style' with ornaments, lined with ' black satin, Extra special at $13.75 For $6.50 Russia n Lynx Muffs Made in large animal effect, black satin lining, trimmed with heads and Regular $9 : For $3.50 ' MAIL ORDERS. % AR orders received will have prompt and careful attention. HM you do not see in our ads Just what you want write for Catalogue and also describe the fur you are interested in. We will then quote you our special prices now In force. tails. McKAY 149-157 BROCK ST. ONTARIO 4 20000000000000000000000./00000000000000000000000000 ;