§ THR DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, JANUARY 2 1912. PAGE SRVEN. Evreoch As a Sunshine RA BTL] L10001) hough £3 PY lols Ha; Let these Vitalizing Elements into your home; they are the simple means of keeping Netyes, Brain and Body Stiong, active, enduzing. ROYAL JO CREAN, FARO" All kinds of Lunches snd Het Drinks. Ice Cream and all kinds of ¥ruit and Candles. - PA PPAS a 00 2 - . » Carriage Painting SOME CLASS TO OURS, This is the place to kave your Auto repaired to stand all kinds of w E J. DUMPHY Oor. Moutreal and Ordnance Sts. REMOVED. T. J. Lockhart, Real Estate | and Insurance Agent, an- nounces that he has removed to Idrger offices over Bank of Montreal, Clarence Street, Kingston, where he haa better facilities for conducting his business. * APPLES +SNOWS. TALLMAN SWEET, BELL FLOWERS. NORTHERN SPIES, SWEET CIDER. COAST SEALED OYSTERS, D. COUPER, Phone 78. Ad1-3 Puigcens. gsan. Prompt Delt THE GERM WHICH PRODUCES DANDRUFF Finally 'Causes Baldnéss--Kill "the Germ and Save Your Haire Newbro's Herplcide Will ; Do It, Did you ever Gry do discover a ren- son for the dying of a valuable plant? You perhaps found that life was des- troyed by some insect or parasite working about the roots and sapping away the elements which go to sup- pont. plant life, Phe dandruff germ same destructive influence upon the life of the hair. I forces its way down the follicle around the hair bilb oxércises the and thus prevents the hair from get- ting proper nourishment. The hair dies and drops Newbro's Herpicide prevents this by killing the germ. It also frees the scalp from the accumulations of dirt and scarf skin, With the removal of these obstacles to a elean, healthy scalp #he hair will prow naturally and: luxurifitly. Herpicide is known as the Original Dandruff Germ troyer. One dollar. bottles are sold and guaranteed by all draggists. Applications may be obtained at the better barber shops and hair dressing to R., Detroit, of "Herpicide parlors. Send 10e. in postage or "silver The Herpicide Co., Dept. Mich., for a nice sample and a booklet telling all about hair, Jas. B. Meleod and I. cial agents. the T. Best, spe THE WARD ELECTIONS ALDERMEN AND PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTES, For Ald. H. Toye and Trustee F. R. Anglin Were Defeated--Three New Aldermen Elected. There will he three pew aldermen in the city council this year--Robert 1. Sutheriand: who defeated Ald. R. H. Toye, in 'Sydenham ward; W. A Stroud, who won by three votes in Cataraqui ward, and William P. Peters, who led W, J, Tarkington 'in Erontenac ward, Failure to canvass apd lack of or ganization defeated the veteran, R. H. Toye, in Sydesham ward, for which he hyd sat as representative for fil- teen years. It wes mot very compli- mentary to ask such & veteran to cdn- vass for re-election. And the veteran left. it to the people to decide. Syden- ham ward's gratitude to Ald. Toye is shown by Monday's vote. In Cataraqui ward the contest was very close. R. J. Wright, the labor representative, led W. A. Stroud in three sub-divisions, by fifty-nine votes, but No. 9 gave the latter a majority of sixty-two, and placed him at the head of the poll, In Frontenac ward, William P. Pe ter won out against W. J. Turkingtan by seventy-five, in Rideau ward, ex-Ald. R. J. Free met his Waterloo when he 3 bat- tle to Ald. W. R. Clugston; who fin ished 165 ahead. : Ald. Litton. was re-elected in Victor ia ward by seventy-eight votes over George Bawden. The aldermanic votes were ag, fol- lows : Sydenham Ward. Subdivision. Toye. Sutherland. No. I . ¥ hesias came R I No, 2... 93 192 Majority for Sutherland, Gl. See Cataraqui Ward. Sub-djvision. Wright. Stroud. No. 7. a 69 No. 86 63 No. 122 No. 10 .. 71 J 331 Majority for Stroud, 3. Frontenac Ward. Sub-division, Peters. Turkington No. 1 . 92 No. Majority for I'ecters, 75. Rideau Ward. Sub-division. Clugston, Free No. 16 107 B No. 109 No. 110 No. 3 No. us No: un = Totals ... we UBB Majority for C Tlugston, 168. 71 Victoria Ward. Sub-division, Bawden, Litton. No. 2 .. No. 28 No. 24 Totals Majority for Litton, 78, School Trustee Contests. There were two lively public school trustee elections. In Cataraqui ward, William Peters defeated Trustee F. Anglin by 126 votes, while in Vietoria ward Trustee P. B. Chown was re- olectefl over Thomas Mills, by 106 votes. Cataraqui Ward. Sub-division. Peters. Anglin, No. 7 wih cis weenier 2 TH 49 No. B .. No. 9... No. J cinerea 60 53 30 55 Totals ... wi 5 3IB 4 187 Victoria Ward. Sub-division. Chown, Totals oc voi ws on as The ndent at Tokio of the London Times says opinion is pessi- | mistic over.the prospect of a Chi republic. It is believed that it wil see {take several months to organize elections, and in the meantime there will be reat difficulty in I pence and order. The British cruiser Suffolk has ordered to proceed to Egypt, w she will cruise in ung Birla be -- T OXO Cubes are the marvels of lis the supremie court of levidence against Jennings. {the cuticle to healthy es HANGED BY FINGER PRINTS. Only Evidence That Sends Negro to Scaftiold. Ottawa, Dee. 3). --lnspesior Foster who has charge of the Canadian cri- winal identification bureau. has re ceived word of & jadgment rendered ah Ilinocis at £0, in which finger prints were declared sufficiently oh evidence to send & man to the scaffold. The case, which was that. of Thom- #s Jednings, a mitrderer, in Cook eounty, lllinols, marks a new era in the identification of crime, and has is) hime far Inspector was i in Fogter a 4s an ¢ t witpess in the finst trial, which fook place in the Cook county y ours' during November of last y dn Sin judgment the judge, who tried the case, said: "There is a scientilic basis dor the system of finger print identification, and the courts are justified - ins e-admit ting this class of ovidence. This method of identification is én such general and common use that the courts eannot refuse 40 take cognizance of i inspector Foster was recalli of the intéresting features in toe Jennings trial, and said: "Except the fact thut he was seen lurking near the spot where the murder was com- mitted, and that finger-prints were found on a two-by-six scantling out- side the o Mtchen door, there was no A com parifon of these printa with im- pressions of Jennings' fingers con ficpaed the suspidiop that they were his. My part in the trial was sim- some {ply to testify that the impressions on the seantling and those on were of the same man. THE SECRET Of a Good Complexion Given to the i Public. This is the season for evening par- ties, sceial events, etc. Why not look your best? Why let your com- plexion suffer by cont¥ast With othet ladies'? Mhy 'not ensure a good com: plexion? You can do this on sound untaral lines by using Zam-Buk, na ture's herbal balm, Zam-Buk is a skin food; and com- plemion is purely a matter of skin health, Zam-Buk smeared lightly over the face énch might acts as a skin tonic. Jt stimulates the cells beneath action, makes the capillaries and blood vessels work, and the \Egorous circulation thus pape: I stanted earvies away secreted impuri- ties. Waxy; sallow deposits are thus removed. "Huard, pimply growths are softened apd disappear. 'That yellow tinge gives place fo the ° pink of heatth and the white, velvety "'looi' jd "feel" which Neaithy skin alone Tow t this wiser than relying '"wpon talcum powder and gosmetics ? These only put on a "complexion" from the outside. « dt doesn't last. Zam- Huk helps mature to- build up a complexion from blood and tissue. It lasts. ZdmBok also cures skin diseases, pimples, ulcers, abscesses, blood- Polson eruptions, cuts, burns, sealds, places, scalp sores, piles, 80c." box all druggists and Ltores, or Zam-Bux Co., Toronto, but beware of harmful substitutes and imitations. SEELEY'S BAY ACCIDENT. Putnant Seriously Injured by | Falling PD * Seeley 's Bay, Dec. 29.--The enter- Ww tainment given by the Mevhadist Sun- day school on Uhristmas 'night was a decided success. Lhis excellent pro- ramune given was heartily applauded | one the Jgrze audience, present. A amme acpit- ang past in the emselves creditably. The = re "fe were nearly $40. g contest on the pumber in. a pumpkin held by N. NA fo gon, resulted jn favor of M t and Mrs. Himmm Moore, who glessed tite exact number of seeds, which were 550." The two ladies settled the tie themselves. Mr. and Mrs. John Chathem is re- moving to Kingston this, week. J. , of Morton, lias moved into the Coleman house. Bertram Black- man has rented Hammel Lillies farm t lillie's Corners, and will * move there in March next. J. McKinley, of 1s erfown, N.Y., has arrived here will soon enter into possession of nis farm lately purchased frour A. Darman. Born to Mr. and Mrs. "Be on Thiusday, December 28th, , a unm met with a serious Thursday evening, by falling pi siairs, striking on his head. wy § furs Jas diy wut. When | uncohscious and s y. : "The Checolate Soldier." \ un sipping "The Chocolate Sol- " THnew ® ith geenery and €os- nas Mr. Wh } itu Bas foe his 1} than anyone else, 1 have been at RA THE OLD SIDNEY CREEK BRIDG THE NEW SIDNEY CREEK BRIDG ERECTED DURING. 1911 BY THE MRS. TOM THUMB. Biggest President Claps Hands With Smallest Woman. Washington, Dec. 30.--The smallest woman in the world visited the big- gest president, physically, this ecoun- try has ever known, when Mrs. Tom Thumb, now seventy years of age, called on President 'Vaft. Mrs. Thumb first visited the White House when she was a bride of twen- ty-ore, with her husband, General Tom Thumb, and President and Mrs. Lincoln gave a reception for them. She has Deen to eee every president since. "l remember Lincoln well," said Mrs. Thumb, "He was so glad ta see us. - He had a kind, sweet face, and 1 do not see how anyone could kill Lim. "l was so disappointed when 1 vis- ited President Roosevelt in tne White House to find they had changed the Kast room, made historic during the war, and 'taken out the old-isshioned furniture which reminded us of the two noblest presidents, Lincoln and Grant. "There is mot much in the East room now but the $20,000 piano, "President Taft is a genial presi dent. We uave only had one other such jolly one aud Le was Mr. Cleve land. Both of them were very mice and courteous. I do not like the picture of President Taft in the White House. It males him look too old. "Of ull the presidents General Grant made the grealest impression on me, He was such a fine soldierly man. "All the heads of nations have re- ceived us very kindly and are all well bred, interesting people. I would rather interview a king or a queen it Lan long, "Il am a real Christian Scientist, a follower of Mary Baker Eddy," con- cluded Mrs. Tom Thumb, "and | have been 'in science for a great many years. That is the reason 1 = look much younger than my years." 1 PLUNGES TO DEATH. Ladder Breaks While Man Works on Church Steeple. Wilkesbarre, FPa., Dee. 30.--In fol- lowing his work as a sweplejack Jos- eph Huyeh, of Deposit, fell from the tower of St. Ignatiug' church ay King- ston, N.Y., and reteived injuries which resulted in his dealh a short tide later. Huych was engaged to make repairs to the steeple. He started work short ly before noon and a crowd gathered to see him climb the tower. He went to the roof of the church and from there started his ascent by means of a small ladder. He was part way up the ladder when it broke and he was plunged to the ground nearly one hundred feet below. Huych landed squarely on a concrete walk and nearly every. bone fu his body was broken. Renfrew County Club. The Renfrew County Club of Queen's University has the following officers : Honorary president, Dr. A. P. Knight; "| president, Archibald A. MacLaren; vice fpresidedt, Miss Morna. MeArthur; sec retary-treasurer, . W. M. Wright; com- mittee, Miss Jehin Hay, Miss Osborne {Arnprior), Charles R. Graham, BA. {Arnprior), Duncan Pewar (Pembroke), Howard Box (CUalabogie), The execu- tive will meet 'shortly to draw up a constitution. ' The Choi The Napanee Beaver publi Bath news this itém : "The ohganist j and. choir of the Nehodist chu ina ¥, as 8 protest the action of the pastor, Rev. . B. Snider, at the Christmas tree, Hon lay last, in interfering with George. and Queen Mary will ane bay for England on January E ON COU NTY ROAD No. 10, WEST OF HARROWSMITH, IN I' ORTLAND TOWNSHIP, E IN PORTLAND TOWNSHIP, FRONTENAC COUNTY COUNCIL. IN SPORTING CIRCLES LEO MILLAN WILL RETURN TO KINGSTON THIS WERK. Tre-- Frontenac Star Player Tired of Col lege Life--Junior Frontenacs Had a Practice Monday Morning. Announcefient has been made by James T. Sutherland, manager of the Frontenac "hockey teams, to the effect that Leo Millan, the speedy wing man of last vear's junior champions of the world, who is attending Ottawa Col- lege at the present time, will. be, back in Kingston this week for good. He will play with the college team in the exhibition games and the semior Frontenacs expect him here to practice, Friday night. This is one of the most welcome pieces of hockey news that has heen circulated in a long time, and it comes from reliable authority too. D. J. Milan, father of the star player, says hig son is tired of college, and will likely return here for: the winter. Al- though Leo has been in Ottawa "for gome time, and was to play with the garnet and grey, his heart has been with the Kingston team all the time, and his presence with the team, who this year expect to make a stir in senior (O.H.A. circles, will be welcom- ed, ! Junior Team Practised. "Jim" Sotherland had about thirty of the voungsters out on the covered rink, Monday morning, at eight o'clock for' the first practice of the season. He has been working against odds during the past few days. nian endeavor to get some place to t ALL bunch of players out. Saturday "after giving up all hopes of getting the covered rink, he resolved to take his squad of thirty down to Caton's pas- ture, Monday, to try them out. He was able to make terms with the cov- ered rink management and now the | ball is rolling. Manager Bonter, by dint of hard work, had a fine sheet of ice for the youngsters, and for an hour they limbered up in fine style. It would be unfair at this early stage of the grame to raise waat might be false hopes in the heartsof some of those who were out on the ice for the first timefo say who looks the | most promising, but "Jim" is now wearing a happy smile at the outcome of the first workout, Hunt and Brouse were out with the jumiors and aided them materially. It is expected to: have another practice, Tuesday night, at ten o'dock; if all goes well, and the seniors may be out also. Marchand is Making Good. The hockey fams in Cleveland where the great Canadian sport i= in. its infancy and whore Ray Marchand, the former Frontenie goal keeper, is play. ing this winter, think there is no ope Eke Ray. Here ix what the Cleveland News said in a recent .article : "Napoleon Marchand. That is' the name of the star goal tender of the Cleveland Athletic Club's «hockey team. Nap. Marchand holds as high a position in the hockey world as Nap, Lajoie does in baseball. March- and is not. a Capadian as is generally supposed. He was born in Philadel rhia, Pa. He was raised im Kingston, Canada, however, where he mastered the art of hockey. Marchand was re gard as the champion goal tender in the intermediate ranks last season, He tended goal for the Frontenaes of Kingston, winners of the world's inter- mediate championship. Nap. is the best cage-watcher Cleveland éver 'bostsed of, and will probably figure promingtly in the Josal tenn' cam- paign for the world's championship title. Marchand has performed efe- ditably in all six games played to date." . Notes on Sport. The ~Watentown, N.Y., Yacht Club has issued a challenge lor the oup, and the Royal Canadian Yacht Klub, is now called upon to 'defend Basil George, formerly of Queers, is Bl hockey with the Renfrew team Tr Amu Hodkey across the. border, | TWO DROWNED AT SMITHS FALLS--11 ESCAPE DEATH, Treacherous lee Brought Peril to Skaters-- Keble Gibson and Minnie Pruner Perished Before Plight Became Known. Smith's Falls, Jan. 2.--A sad drown- ing fatally took place here og Sun- day evening, the victims jeing Keble Gibson, aged nixteén y , a clirk the Frost & Wood office, and Minnie Pruner, only daughter of J, J. Pruner aged fifteen 3 - Fith hundredy of others, the young cpuple were skating on the river, and Jat the time of the accident, were skat ing together. At a point near Beech Island, a mile and a hali above Smith's Falls, the ice gave way be neath. them. Despite the fact that there were so many on the iver, no one witnessed the accident. Both bodies were recovered in a short time but life was extinet, Miss Pruner's body was frozen to the ice at the place where she went in and Gibson's was found just below in seven feet of water. The two were great favorites with their young com panions and their tragic death has Sk ba Houm over the town, The pa- both victims are well-known reidents of Smith's Falls. In addition to the two who were drowned, eleven others had miraculous escapes during the day. The ice ap- peared to he solid, but it had nume- rous weal spots and in these the wn: wary were .- Among those who had narrow escapes were Mr. and Mrs. Robert: W, Warwick, 'Ottawa, who are nding the holidays in the town, wars returning Boe after Spending the afternoon on the river, and when al a mile from gown, they skated 'into an air hole. As in © the case of Gibson and Miss Pruner; no one saw them go in, and it was only by the most heroic efforts' on the part of Mr. Warwick that he succeeded in getting his wife and himsell out, as the ice kept' breaking away as soon ax they seized hold of if. Mrs. Warwick swooned from shock, which made it all the harder to effect her rescue, she being in a precarious condition for some time after being | taken out, but is now ree overing from the effects of sher experience. Roy Boyd, a clerk in the Bank of Ottawa, and Miss Bila Caswell skated into the hole where Gibson and Miss Pruner went in, and after a trying ex- perience, succeeded 'iii veaching = "ice strong egough to support their weight. Thy were in the water ten minutes. ' MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Village of Bath. Reeve--(i. A. Wartman, Councillors--Henry Raworth, . Switzer, Oi Ball and ley. School trustees--Dr. Northmore, Max Robinson, Thos. Bain antl Dr. Nash. Lew James Shib- Village of Bloomfield, Councillors--Frank Cahoon, Gorshine, Zenas M. . L ighthall. RC. Johnson, Angus Township of Hallowell. Deputy reeve--Hubert McDonald. Couneillors--H. "J." English, Frank Storey, and Willis. Yerex, Township of Sophiasburgh, Reeve--Howard Cryan. Councillors--F. M. Wood, Sine, Morden Gilbert, Son. : William H. Damon Ander: Township of Athol. Reeve--Manly Scott. Councillors--Frank Goodwin, John « B. Stark. Thos, Haryey Demore, Graham, Township of Hillier. Reeve--R. 'J.C Young. Councillors--Wm. i E. Wood, C., L. Jones Hubbs, W. L. Township of Ameliasburgh. Reeve--William 8. Nethery; reeve, John H. Parliament, Councillors--Geo. Cunningham, Adams, W. W, Ward. deputy Jos. Township-of South Maryshargh. Councillors«W, RB, Scott, D, J Love, Edward Rose, Hamilton Wel banks. Township of Camden. Deputy reeve--T, J, Cook. Counaillors--<W. J. Haggerty, Her- bert Armstrong, Herbert L.. Wagar. Township -of Adolphustown. Beeve--W, Platt. South Fredericksburgh Township. Reeve--Major A. B. Loyst. Councillors--William Charters, Thes. Mellow, Henry Cooper, Jonn L. Smith. Village of Newburgh. Reeve--M. Ryan. Councillors--bir. M. I. Beeman, W. y Jama, Peter Fairbairn, Joseph Paul. ' i North Frederickshurgh Township. Reeve---C., W. Hambly, Total dividend declaration in 1911 by Cobalt companies are $8,770,236, an increase of $2.000,000 over 1910, when $6,560,604 was declared. William Marconi, just returned from Tripoli, announced that wireless moss: ages can be transmitted across deserts without wires. Charles Miller and wife, Mou Brydges, were killed by a G.TR. comotive, while driving over the 14 way tracks. Johnson and McVey will fight in Faster John \ Australia, on Monday. son will receive $30,000. The population of male and female immigrants to last year was three to one. CASTORIA [== Por Infants and Childres. formerly of King-| The Kind You Hane Abvays Bonghi TMBROKE THROUGH IGE = Fagan ® Rowden vou'il sor meagan It's ready for the saucepan The children need never go without a hewl of good hot soup this chilly weas ther because " Mother's busy." No matter how busy she is, she can al ways find time to make Edwards' Soup. All that's nice and nour- ishing in" Mother's home- made soup" is in Edwards' Soup; all that's a trouble for her to do.s.ready done. Edwards' desiceatid SY mis prepared from pr selec- ted beef and fresh garden- grown vegetables. Its manu- facturers are soup-makers and nothing else. By specialising for over 25 years, they have been able to produce an assort- ment of soups of the highest merit at a price within the reach of all. Edwards' Soup is made in Ireland. g Sc. per packet. Edwards deviccared £1 mad in three varidior-- Brown, Tosare, W, The Brawn variety i « thick, mori -_p, po rum doit buaf dod Posh gen tables. Tbe other Ho ave purely vegetable ips. FOR BLOOD DEVITALIZATION TAKE" Wilson's Invalids' Port (A 1a Quina gy Rérou) 11 is indicated in all conditions character: ized by a diminution in the nomber of red bogd celis, such as in Anmmia, Chlorgsig, Liighi's Disease, Mal. Nutrition, etc, Suitable for patients 6f all ages and acceptable alike to adult gad infant. The ONR preparation on this market that has received so many rititen e ments from the Medical Professio Big Bottle. Ask YOUR | Doctor. GOMPLETELY CURED OF DYSPEPSIA By Ka-Dra-Co Dyspepsia Tablsls are contiunally hearing frog people who have had experi ¢ that of Misg Alice EB. Cooper, ira Falls, Ont, who writes : i to express my gratitude to the Lene | received from your lerful Dyspepsia Tablets, other medicines without + reecived the slightest relief, 1 your Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia ond thought I would give them a trial. I Lave been 'completely cured of dyspepsid. I will be only too pleased to ailvise any one troubied with dyspepsia t A give them a Tair trial. "x Na-Dri-O pepoia Tablets not only diate relief from heart- Lu ce, acidity of the stosrach and cemoss, widehisso mock needed, Lat Hy taken regularly for a few days or weeks they completely cure the mest ravated mses of stomach trouble, fo.goc, you can got 4 box {rom rc druggist, why Dr Siemical Co. Ka » Candi la. Limited, Montreal : National Drag and La THE CLUB HOTEL . WELLINGTON STREET, (Near Princess). There are other hots) nous approach the Clu for homelike surroundings. Located In rentre Ro sity a principal stores --~a but p ww theatre Charges are moderate, Special rates by the week. P.M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Beis srcrsnsssssenecel Oclande Harriman, the ouly brother of the late ¥. H. Herriman, died, on Saturday, at s New York sanitariam, from &. complication of divases. Grest Veitain and the United States are acting together in the closest cone "S08 Ao remus ve the iuitgrity 'of Chita,