Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jan 1912, p. 1

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YEAR 79 NO, 2 NAVAL | POLICY tlic & 7 Be Announced | Tis Season. INQUIRIES BY PERLEY 10 BE OF A PURELY NATURE. The Borden Government Will Matter Most tian. Ottawa, Jan, 3.--The story Hon. G. H. Perey, who is abroad, will consult the British admiralty re specting the form of naval comtribu- tion by Canada is not confirmed at the department here. Mr, Perley is having a holiday in the south of France. It is certain that before the naval policy of the new ministry is formulated the wouncil of the admir- alty will be sonsulted, but in that connection, in addition to correspon- dence being exchanged, it is under stood that the minister, Hou. J. D. Hazen; his deputy, Mr. Desbarpts, and some of the technical officers of the department will go to London. When this will be dome, however, is not yet determined, It is excendingly doubtful that any naval policy will be enunciated this session, he question is one of the largest ever confronting the govern ment, and there is the best of reason for the statement that uothing will be done hurriedly but only after the most mature consideration, If Hon, Mr. Perley, incidental to his tour, should moke some enquiries it will be of a wholly informal charac ter, Mature Considers. ROOSEVELT WILL NOT RETIRE. Taft's Friends Confident President Will Secure Renomination. Washington, Jan. 3.--President Tall has received dicoet und authoritative information thet there will be no de elaration by Mr, Roosevelt that "'un- der no circumstances" will he accept another womination dor the presidency. This information came to the presi- dent through a messenger as to whose ralinbility and authority there can be no angtin. As a result of this com- munication, the administration now knows exactly whero Mr. Roosevelt stands "andy, a what his reasons are for Not ng W the son fidence of the wiminiieiton and supporters of the pr remoniingtion is not a particle thun it was belore the message from Mr. Roosevelt was received. BURNS TO DIVIDE REWARDS. $30,000 Will be Distributed Among His Asdistants, Indinnapolis, Tod, Jan. 3.--Detec tive Burns ser here to testify before the federal grand jury in what is considered to be the final Jap in the government's investigation of the alleged dynamiling conspiracy. The afinouncement is made by Ortie Me- Manigal.s departure from l.os Angeles for this city to fesilfy. An army of detectivea still ween ut work in trac ing the movements and activities of . hig labor leaders inthe last two years, He expressed the belief thai he would collect upwar's of EI,000 in rewards, hin sum he intended to divide a mong the many tefstants who help ed Lim run down the McNamarus. MINCE PIE UNDER BAN. Apple Dumplings Also 'Get Hook," | - South Hadley, Mass, Jan. 3.~There i# to he to more minok pie on the Holyoke College tables. Apple dump lings also the hoo By this means, the faculty will sry to keepithe girls awake after lunch. : Recently, professors have noticed that the girls come in at two o'clock s sleepy and sluggish, It WAR Toally reasoned that, as the girls became Sheps right after lunch, there might he some; cause in the luncheon isclosed mince ny tof the eolleginte apple pudding a close the Te larger hans wit a the a bles. return they will have fruit and other light edi 310,000 IX HEE BUSTLE. ills [Hoarded In Strange Manner by | Westport Woman. aosksile; dan. 3.-Ten thousand States bills, so fad. will be ao sent to er to tt 2 Hoy fr mis many years by Mrs, suddenly at her Huss Westport, Leeds coun- { States {planned INFORMAL, Po! Nothing Until it Has Given the 4 lieved * to CASE AGAINST PACKERS. Attorney Whitman Thinks He 'Has Shown Conspiracy. . Jan. 3.--After four days {of testimony in the ense of the ten millionaire packers, on trial before Judge Carpenter for eriminal con- {spiracy in restragnt of trade, United District ~~ Atsorney Wilkerson contends that thd government has al- {ready proven Rat the defendants to organize a monopoly in industry by regulating sup- Chicago, the mest that | um FERRE WILLIAM M. L of S08 judPee who will h ar the United Stater steel cas ANNING, One ply, fixing prices and piitiing com- petitors out of business, That such a monopoly mated in tne formation of the Na- tional Packing company, will be the next thing to prove, according to the govermment, Fhe ground work for this proof has been laid in the testi mony regarding the negotiations lead ding up to the inecrporation of the Nutional "company in 1903, T0 BEGIN A MARCH ON PEKIN AT ONCE The Republican Army Has Best of the Chinese Imperial Troops. 3A news agency despatch from Tien-Tsin says * that Wang Wie Ize, who was sent to Lan chow as the delegate of Premier Yuan- Shi-Kai, has joined the republicans and been elocted leader of the troops there. Ile declares his intention to be ging » march with the army on n iy. Mis army 'comprises a large Xo the of was eonsum w < London, Jan. body best the troops. Dr. Sun Yat Sen's first official act has heen to change the Chinese calen- dar, making the Chinese year begin henceforth on the same day as the year begins in most other countries of the world, imperial THE PURPLE PLAGUE. A Mysterions Outbreak in Berliv Causes Apprehension. Paris, Jan. 3.~Considerable appre hension is felt here coneérning the series of mysterious deaths in Berti during the last two days, and it & further enhanced by a sensational, ru mor cireulated, to-day, to the effec that the deaths were caused hy. hitherto unkuown plague, soon invade the whole of Europe. Dr. Mérchuikoff, of the Pasteur In stitute, could not be reached, but in guiries among other professors at the institute, especigily Dr. Metchnikoffs own assistant, ebicited the reply that the deaths in Berlin were believed to be due purely to local cpuses and that 80 far there was no cause for alarm. "Pr. Metehnihofi,"' said his assist ant, "is following the outbreak Bu Berlin with interest; but he does not believe it a case of either cholera 01 the plague. His opinion is that the deaths ate due to alimentary poison ing, but whether from fish, sausage, meat of water, I am unsble to state." The rumor that Burope would soon be invaded bv a new, myste rious plague, which imaginative Parisians Pa already termed the "purple death," is ridiculed Institute as aheolutely unfounded. MAY VISIT UNITED STATES. Visits to Foreign Capitals May In ; clude Washington, London, Jan. 3.-~The .Obwerver, the leading London Sunday 'paper, 'says it is considered in well-informed quart es yh no means improbable that hing George and Queen Mary, wher paying stte visits to formign capitals | ¢ es fis customary with Furopean mon coronation, Will | ineludk WIE fon fu thédir jtenary. rr Ln entities. J Ried in Rochester, » Rockiester, N.Y. Janu, 3.~A man be ve George Li Smith, of Troy, Was strick by a Rochester, By- Aracuse and Eastern railway car near A card in here, and instantly Killed, Eva asked that Mrs. which would}: at the Pasteu: KINGSTON, WOULD R RETURN To Liberal Flt if Laver i wl BOURASSA 1S TURNING AGAINST THE CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT, Overtures Are Made to the Liberal Party--Whether Bourassa Can Wreck the Government is Doubt- ful. Montreal, Jan, 3.---The nationalists are dissatisfied with their lot, and are seeking to break their llinace with the conservatives. A few days ago the nationalists made overtures to Sir Wilind Laurier, asking that they be taken batk into the llberal fold. Sir 'Wilfrid replied that so long as he remained at the bead of the liberals the party would have nothing to do with the nationalists or their policies. Of course, ' Mr. Bourassa did not go himself to Sir Wiltrid, The nationalist leader was too shrewd for that, but he secured envoys, whe approached Sir Wilfrid, only 10 have their advances scornfully rejected, The nationalists feel that they have been made tools of hy the conserva: tive party, but Henri Bourassa is sot the type of man to be made a ents paw by conservatives and quietly sub- mit. The conservatives used them to get into power, but now have such a large majotity that they find they can ignore the nationalists. It is true dhat some recognition was given the nation nliste at the very outset, but since then the power of Mr, Bourassa has been on the wane. He wants to he the Warwick of modern times and to make and unmake cabinets, if there ave ne kings at hand to dispose of. His recent attack on the belligerant winister of militia As taken as an in dex of what his views of the new cab inet are. It is well known that Mr, Bourassa had planned to make an at tack on Me. Borden, Col. Sam Hughes, and other members of the cabinet, at the fertheoming banquet of Le Devoir's wupportors. 'The banquet has been postponed in order to give the govern ment an opportunity to vied to the fiery = mationalist leader's demands, Should these not be met, it is certain that Mr. Bourassa will break ecom- pletely with the government. On the other hand, it is impossible for Mr. Borden to yield to Mr. "ay such a step' would pesy his going hack on all the loyal pledges he gave to the English-speaking Cana dians, It looks very much as if Mr. Bour assa would shortly break with the government, and be forced to lead a forlorn hope.: There are also indica- tions that the more intelligent French: Canadiane are turning against the ma tionalists and their policy of stagna- tion and élericalism. Le Pays, the in- fuéntial weekly paper edited hy God- frey Langlois, M.P.P., has been at tacking 'the system of education and clerical rule in this province, In recent articles it ha cbeen point: ing out that no French-Canadians are represented on the boards of our' great transportation systems, or at the head of our great industrial enterprises, in brief, that they are the hewers of wood and drawers of water, all Le cause of their Inek of education and their slavish submission to. clerieal rule. It is this policy of stagnation in 'educational matters, clerical rule ind the {detherance of the Trench ban. guage and ideals that Mr. Bourassa iv seeking. Jt is Jikely that in a few weeks he will be a free lance, to 'seek it to his lwart's content. Whether or not 'he ean wreek dhe government is doubtful. ---- ALTOGETHER TOO MUCH FLAG, MAP. Would Stop dts Use for. Sdver- tising Tarposes. Ottawa, Jan. 3,-Géorge H. Brad bury, M.I'., for Selkirk, thinks there 8 two free use of the union ° jack, tis fieguently milized {4 connection with vertisements for cigarettes, patent medicines and all kinds of #hings, and Mr, Bradbury thinks it amounts to an abuse, He is considering she inbrotinotion of a bill to, gen the fing being re aig gre imi in the! United Stdles against the deseeration of the flag. GIFTS TO FOREIGN MISSIONS. Be a total ee EOPUAtion. o AR Blin a of the grand to ong Great an ain $300,000 to Quebec. Contuiirutions in 1911 Show Decrease! ONTARIO, ARE SUSPECTED. i¥l and Man Held as Alleged Rob bers. Nyack, Jan. 3.--Estelle McElroy, eighteen years old, of Hilburn, and Frederick Monroe were committed to the Rockland county jail at New City on suspicion that they were eon: cerned in a number of recent robber jes in the western part of the state. The girl wore a man's cap and sweater, and was seen, the constables sllege, to break a window in the Hil burn Bronze Metal works, which she entered with Mooroe. The officers "fol Jowed and found Monroe hiding under a desk. The girl, however; eladed the officers and was chased nearly a mile before she was captured. She was hysterical and refused to make any statements. The couple will be arraigned to-mor row. A NOVEL EXPERIENCE. Wedding Invitations Came Years After Mailing. Waukegan, 1, Jap. 3.--To receive a potice of a friend's wedding more than «ight and oneliali years after t.e ceranony has been performed isa novel experience, This has just happened to Iustruc- ter Fred. Petry, of the naval train. ing sehocl, who received a letter mail- ed to him on May 6th,' 1903. Av that time Inspector Petey was on board the U.5.5. Alabama, which was lying id the Brooklyn Navy Yard, The letter was mailed at Brooklyn, and has begn all this time gettine across the ity. It told of a friend's marriage. Since them this man has teen divorced and remarried. NEW RULE IN ECUADOR FOLLOWED BY BATTLES liberal Candidate for President Sait to Be Marching on Guayaquil. Guayaquil, Feuador, coast provinces of Eeuador have cognired the provincial proglaimed at Quayaquil, by General Pedro Montero, Dec. 28th, six days after the sudden death oi President Emilio Estrada. Serious fighting has taken place at two of the western provincial cities. Communication with Quito, the espi- tal of the republic, and with other paris of the intérior, is interrupted. In a battle fought at Babahoyom, oapital of the provinces of Los Rios, General Montera's force was vieior- ious, In t¥is engagement twenty- four men weve killed® and fourteen others wounded. It is rumored that General Leon idas Flaza, who is supported by the liberals for the presidency, has left Quito at the head of a large army with the intention of attacking Guay- aquil, New, regiments are being form: ed hers ta oppose him. Railway traffic between the two cities has been sve, ended. Fix-President General Eloy Alfaro, who went to Panama after turning over the reins of government to Gem: eral Fetrada, is expected to arrive here 'Wednesday. Jan. 3.---~The re government HAPPY NEW YEAR Fusticons* Get Thelr Pay Rals- ed. Washington, Jan. 3.--This is the glad New Year for the members of the supreme court of the United States. The justices get increased pay beginning Monday. The chief justice has been struggling slong on $13,000 a year, but from now on he will get 815,000. The associate justices have their salaries increased to $14,500. The increases were provided for in the act passed by congress last winter for the revision of the laws relating to the judiciary. In the same mensure congress -pro- vided for the abolishing of circuit courts, and the Heventy-sewen circuit courts of the United States cease to exist, FIRE IN A CHURCH: = AN EXCITING TIME One Thousand "scape From Bun ing. Building During Service. Hot Springs," Ark, Jan. 3.-One thousand persons escaped with difli- culty - from Poy on Presbyterian for church of this cify on Monday when the church was troyed | by fire The congregation had assembled . to held: special watch services, © Short: ly after the new year had been wel | 'omed tne church suddenly filled with smoke and the members had to grope their way out, Good order prevailed and noone was injured. 'A few win- utes latec flames swept through the iodifice, which was soon a mass of runs. MARVELOUS RI RESOURCES. | Digs $865,000 In Gold From Mine in Ten Days, Kansas City, Jan. 31. C. iti of Note, taver the policy tp be pursued. HARTY 18 ouT Resigns as President of the Locomotive Works. THE DIRECTORS CHOSE AEMELIUS JARVIS, OF TORONTO, TO SUCCEED The Man Who Made the Locomotive Works What They Are To-dayer Manager A. W. Wheatley Wag Elected Vice-President. a" | The resignation of Hon. William Harty, as president of the Canadian Locomotive company, was received and decepted, at a meeting of the share holders of the company, held at the offices of the cgmpany here on Wed- nesday morni When the TER Molders assembled, N. W. Rowell, K.C., of Toronto, was present, on behalf of Mr. Harty, and he made a statement as to certain dif- HON. WII The ret the JLTAM president 'locomative HARTY, who "made works. ferences between himself and other di- reciors as to the policy of the com- pany. Subsequently, Hon. Mr. Harty ten- dered his resignation, and it was ae- cepted. Mr. Harty made a statenient, in which he said that the present. busi ness of the company, as well as 'the prospects, were good. H. W. Richardson, of Kingston, was present, on behalf of the sharehold- ers, and he voiced the approval of the shareholders in the action taken, and the meeting then adiowrned. Afterwards, a meeting of tors was held, when a statement was made by the general manager, A, Wheatley, which showed that the busi- ness of the company for the months of November and December were ex- ceedingly satisfactory Mr. Wheatley was elected a director, to fill the place of Hon. William Har- ty; Aemelius Jarvis, of 'Toronto, was elected president, and Mr. Wheatley was elected vice-president. The sbove particulars the direc of the meet- AEMEL JARVIS, The new presiGer of the © Juscometive Company gp ing, which was of a private nature, were given out by Glym Osler, but nothing further wae given. ! The directors were asked if any new policy had been decided wpon, or' if any uew plans had been undertakes as to making extensions ati the plant, or locating in an outside place, but they had. nothing to say on the mst- ter. The directors Cana@ian present were Roberg Hobson, of Hamilton; Warren ¥., Be per, of Ottawa: Mr, Roche, and Aemelius J to. The others present included Mr. Wallace, of Pittsburg: Glym Osler, of Toume, and Hon, William Hasty and Ww. TE EE city. Hon. William: Harty was seen by a Whig representative; and he stated that his resignation bad been - acoppt- ed. There had been some differences betwen himself and other directors Fre had submitted his resignation, and it had boon aceepted. He had nothing fur- ther to say about the matter. Mr. Jarvis was alo Jen by a Whig representative, but he no state ment to make about the medting. He Rice the Whig to Mr. Osler, who b he appointed Br ote ubsolu 1 taken earbalic ihe Tain. of Miller]. Fail DR Totn. RIOT HEROINE WEDS. 2 Lucie Bbgarre Was Baby Succored Ly Students, Paris, Jan. 3.--Lucie Bagarre, the heroine of the students riots of 1898, is to marry Joseph Jaldy, a baker, at Nevers. The law makes/it neces sary that the banns shall be publish ed because it was in the "'Asdistance Publique," or - the ciiy's poor law board where 'the students carried the unknown infant some eighteen years ago. They had picked her up m whe streets. She was christened "'Lu- cio'? because the nearest church was that of St. Lucie. The students ual} ed the name "'Bagarre," as that «© the French for "Riot," and she was registered as the chid of the lamous fight Which started because the police brake into the Quartz Arts ball when Serah Brown, the famous model, made her appearance us Venus attired in : net. The model died afterwards of chill. The "Assistance sent Lucie to the country and for a while the students Jost track of her. i Lucie earned her school certificate early and was then placed at thy millinery business, She has been a clever worker and has succeeded. studeits ave' collecting money for wedding present for their "'baby."" LITTLE BOY'S HEROISM. Gives Own Life in Saving Younger Sister. New York, Jan. 2 motherless boy life in a fire early because he stayed § four-venr-old sister, shielded her from flymes. A fireman Tie a Louis Brown, a of six years, lost his early Muesday, the sule o the found the two echiklren unconscious and clasped in other's arms beneath a bed. boy had wrapped his jacket about little girl's head. She may BREATEST ASSASSINS each | Fhe the mesover., LAST EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Tor Ont Yar rd. 16 am Of tawe Va and Upper 5 AW TIO Fair and quite cold on irsday 1912 - 1912 FIRST GREAT CLEARING SALE OF THE NEW YEAR. en -- We will' celebrate the New Year hy giving the women of Kingston tre- mendous price reductions in the cloak department, Th Marvelous. We start To-morrow il offering good winter LONG C OATS HALF ARE THE CHRISTIANS A Tomible Arvaigmment in Paris Figaro of the Christain | Nations. Paris, Jan. 3& greatest assassins of words of fraternity their lips, but and fire the nations by Adina, and treating yellow and brown races like cattle." This is the crushing arraignment the Kuropean and ultra-civilized, tions, appearing in the Figaro, this morning, from the pen of the famous Pitre Loti. The article especially at tacks Ttaly's seizure of Tripoli, and says it 'is manifestation of alled civilization which looks on tranguiily at massacre, war and the spilling imocent blood. It declaves that kuro- pean powers are live hyenas, wailing to fill their stomachs with maimed and dying nations. It is time for the Christian world to cease from human butchery. "Christians are all, go and qu lity vith the | with on shot R rice and of the destroyir men ol na so-¢ of BELIEVE HE MURDERED WIFE. Reported Discovery Coneerning Past of Man. Hamilton, Ont., Jan. 3,--1he'loeal police have just ates something about James Brown Lundy, an old | man, who was found dead in Pune | durn Park several weeks ago, havieg| acid. It is said now tha§ Lundy, raised in Brampton a score ago, shot le wife, she on her death i hed having made an ante-mortem | statement, in which she accused husband. The Brampton police w never able to locate him It rough the aid of a local newspa-| per mun that the discovery is now. who w os | of years | her | oro | wan i CHILD BURNED TO DEATH Two Boys Alone While Mother Milking Cows. i Guelph, Ont., Jan. 3.--Edward Bar clay, the two-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Delmer Barclay, who live af mile from Oustine, ig dead, and an | other son, a few years older, is not | expected to live, as the result ol fire that completely destroyed their | home at an early hour, Monday i the cause of the fire i# unknown, as} it occurred while Mr. and Mis. Par clay weve at the barn doing the morning milking, ni NOTHING BUT DEATH - A-- Will Keep "Taft Out of Presidential Contest. Washington, D.C., Jan. 3.-To set ui rest rumors that he would retire from coming presidential context in favor of Roosevelt, or somebody else, President Taft sail, to-day, that ndth- ing but death could ketp him out the prasidential contest now. of Suing Burns for ese. Momtrenf] Jun. 3-William J. Burns, the detective who became famons in the MeNafhara conse, was made de Hendant this morning mn a writ inal against him for fifty thousand a {lars by the Pinkerton detective Ns y | who allege that Burns ther Barns worked an ne elie El against the Pingerton s on behalf of | David Russell, Montreal willionaire, but he was not called to give evel dence at the trial | Antisimimiianpiin Are Not Polygamists, : Toronto, Jan. 3. Sander Singh, leader of a deputation to Ottawa ask hat British Columbia Hi to wT tol Canada, in sn inferview here, this h Immigration Agent | to be | el, been give tely "true. Hel: street, ation, i Electric Co, 35 morning, denied Mel3ill's assertions' thet any of the Sikh now in Censds were poirgam| Was | ° § MA PRICE Garments styligh are and Also of fabric We coffe . er them aod eolors Some Collars and Reveres Without, Regard to Ori: ginal Cost. offer "these splendid Gai- at prices like these: - £20 Conts for. . "$15 Coats for . , . 814 Coats for .,. . $11 Coats for | Make vour fully, as turnable well warm Paw ¥ar, in Black ave Pur We ment se lee tions Care. goods gold are not re- at sale 'prices. STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE, ANA i ANANSI, Pgs BON. RUSSELL-B ROWN To ©. Russeli«Brown, land i 11 daughter HE to Major a dau } IX Ot and Ler LWA Mrs on Dee. Sith, Alex Deroche, M ARRIE . PLATT «At Deparonte, to B Carter Plate, MAJ TIN on ville lol- phusts Adel TODD RORK p---------------- In Mabel Picton on Rorke, tuo C iam Todd Gleriora Dee ngle to Charles Napiaiiee, lertram Fuller, T . Ethel Kelly Dar Dee ham Lid hn Kerr, DIED. At Balmon Ann Point, on Kavanagh, axed 34 W, WHAT on Dex : 33 daughter of Whatiam, aged 14 VALLE-1¢ Piet Catharine Allee La LA Thee int, alle, aged' 76 VERE, GOODWIN drs. 8 At Kin gan Goo ston win on Dee. 24th, aged 66 years ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 'Phone 377. 230 Princess JAMES REID Tend' $5 PRINCESS WYREET. FhiNcee . r Ambulance 254 Asa X a TAKE NOTICE. We have the Aen 3 of the "Roysl Stoves" m good kin and modery prices; also a lot of good Beaters, cond hand, which we will seil at eane. ed prices. Don't wait till they are gone. Turk's. Phone 708. 'Table Waters RADNOR. WHITE ROCK. SUN RAY. PERRIER. VICHY CELESTIN. VICHY LEMONADE. CALEDON POLAND. as. Redon) 8 C0

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