™ ; THE DAILY BRITISH me. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, v 1912. PFAGR ay TERRIBLE ~ HEAAGHES YFRUIT- ES iN a Go pss, years from Stafiach Tovet oom "but my greatest auflering was fi were 80 well again--no threw my glasses "Fruit-a-tives! headaches, but com all judigestion, and health again." "Proit-a-tives" is a for headaches in the only medicine made "Fruit-a-tives" will aches, Indigestion . Bowel Troubles. 50c. a box, * or trial size, 25c. At all dealers yeh hyd Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Dr. de Van's Female Pills A yeliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly werfy | in A ag FL elu tive portion of stem. Hi ar jmitations 's are sold at ree po tor 3K 'Watled to any address. Co... fis, Ome Wadisiall i at Mahood's Drug tore. CLEANING FOR MEN. Clothes cleaned by us will wear longer, cost little, and the result will surprise you. Our French Dry Cleaning method is the best ever. R. PARKER & ©O, Dyers and Cleaners, 0 Princess St, Kingston, Ont, §/ % C000 SOLD ON TIME All kinds of Dry Goods Men's Boys' and Ladies' Suits, Boots and Shoes, Jewellery, House Furnishings etc, sold on easy payment plan. Come in, see our goods and terms. ow Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing just received. It will pay you to call and see it Joseph Abramsky Removal Notice Dr. Simpson has removed his Dental Office from 2068 : Street to corner Princess and Bagot Princess Streets, over Mahood's Drug Store. Fintranee on Bagot Street. Copper Plate Engraving and Embossing wE ENGRAVE PLATES FOR VISITING CARDS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, WEDDING INVITATIONS ! ® " COPPER AND CUT STEBL DIES FOR EMBOSSING PAPER. ; 3 wit {SUBMIT FREER OF 'CHARGE SPECIAL DESIGNS | OF MONOGRAMS--CRESTS--- & ADDRESSES, ETC. 3 \ NO FINER WORK DONE ANYWHERE. NOTE- : Amt vou' afraid you will ene the boy such a night as this, ay J Sol Fe be ol Only Ore "Bromo Quinine." That is Laxative Bromo Quinive. wr the of E. W. Gr '|jast evening, the president, { Michagl |CONTEST WAS CLOSE THE MAYORALTY FOR ' GARANOQUE. OF Donevan Had Twentyrone Majority--- Poultry and Pet Stock Associa~ tion Get Hall For Exhibition. Gapanoyueé, Jan. 3.--The official de- | larauion of the muujeipal elections n Monday, was made by Town Clerk Bo muel J. McCammon, yesterday, with the following result : Yor mayor--Donevan, 376; Rogers Majority for' Donevan, 21. For reeve--RBritton, majority 234. For free library by-law, majority, "1820. For high shop majority 344, At a special session of the executive Jicense fee by-law, 1 eommitiee of the Gananoque Poultry, n and Pet Stock Assotiation, J. , tendered, om behalf of the Parmenter, & Bulloch Ce., of which he is vice-president, the use of one flat of its new factory for the associa- tiow's mid-winter poultry show; and a offer was gratefully' { The following out-o "town teachers, who have been holidaying at their here, leit yesterday to resume their duties at the respective schools: Miss Janet Crouch to Midland; Miss Jennie Moore, to Marmora; Miss Lot- tia Smith to Leland. The following students of Queen's, spending the Christmas vacation at | heir homes here, have returped to esume their labors : Hobert Hinton, i. Ford Berry, Hibért Rogers and Miss Mary Hale, Miss Nellie. Lake, Garden street, left yesterday to re sume her studies in Toronto Normal school. Miss Christine Wright, Syden- ham street, has returned to her stu- dies in Ottawa Normal School, Miss Gladys Berry, dgughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Berry, Brock street. who has been spending the Christmas vacation at her home, was unable to return to Qttawa Nermal School, yes- terday, to reswme her training course, being prevented by illness. Lomer O'Connor, of St, Michael's School, Toronto, spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and rs. T. D. 0'Con- nor, Charles street. Mr. and Mrs, J. Jackson, Stope street, spending the holiday season with ' Mrs. Jackson's father, Dr. Kennedy, in Perth, have returned home, Cedric Jackson, spending the Christ 'mas vacation with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert * Jackson, Leeds township, has returned to his duties in St. Catharines, William La France, located at Cheyenne, Wyoming, for geveral years past, has resurned for a lait, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, LaFrance, Stone street. F. R, Tomine loented near Caro, Mich., is holida ing here with his parents, Mr. and William Tomkins, King street, Me. and Mrs, C. Sine and fam- ily, Pine street, spent Monday in Kingston with friends. Wiliam Be dg left this week for Kingston to take a course in Kingston Husiness College. Mr. and Mrs. F. Amo spent a few days this « week with Kingston relatives. Outlet News Budget. Outlet, Jan. 2.-Woodvaie school opens on January 3rd, with Miss Faith Greer, of this Tao, as teacher. Miss Vera McDonald and sister, Marcella, of Sand Bay, were guests at the home of het uncle, M. Fodey. Miss Lizzie Dinean, who has spent the holidays with her sister; Mrs. James Fodey, re turned to Brockville on "Tuesday. Charles Stacey; of Winnipeg, spent a few of the holidays with friends = in this vicinity. He will return to .the west in a fow days. Vena, the little daughter of Na. H. R. Vanderburg, who has been very ill for the past ten days, is slowly recovering. A number of young people attended the dance at Athens last and the sasembly, 10 Mallorytown on Monday night rs. George Reid, Long Foint, is spending the holidaye with her sister, Mrs. John Reid, Woodvale. Little | Miss | Cara Rlack, Long Point, is, the guest of her andparents, Me, and Mrs. Hodey Rev. D. C, Reid has feturned to oT 'circuit at Iroguois, af- ter spending Christmas under the par- ental roof. Wien Ampelia Fodey spent the past week with friends in Kings- ton. Jerry P is taking a course in Brockville Business College. u you want to hear a woman cackle tell her that she looks chic. "Bay Csstoria," at Gibson's. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Will Do the Work of Two or Three Stomachs---Affords Tostant FREE TRIAL PACKAGE. When your food does not. digest that uncomfor that. sacomiortgbie Teli of tales; 5 the guatric juices, out from overwork, 4 lightful time. GUARDS WIN PRIZES AWARDED IN THE ANNUAL RIFLE MATCHES. Cheques Have Been Received From the Department: of Justice--Fomr Prizes Were Given in the Competi- | THE tion. x The results of the rifle matches, partidipated in by the guards at the penitentiary, have been announced and the cash prizes given have been receiv- ed by the winners, The competition resulted as lows: Ist, J. Potter; 2nd, G.. Aitken; drd, D. Sullivan; 4th, Tatton. , The prize winners received cheques from" the justice department and tney came 48 'sifine gift for the heliday seasdn, This competition is held annually in order to keep up good markmanship among the gv and they are very eager to take part to win a prize if possible. This standing depends to a certain extefit on_the showing they make inthis. competition. TIDINGS FROM VERONA, Many Visitors in the Village During Holiday Week. Verona, Jan. 2.~Division court will be held here on Friday. Among recent visitors were : William McMullen and family, Sudbury; Mr. McMullen has been promoted to the position of train master st Sudbury; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bennett and children at W. DD. Percy's; Charles Yorke, Queen's, at home; y I, Briggs, of Calgyry, Alta., with friends; Miss Lulu Lutas, of Napanee, at the Union house, visit- ing Miss Hazel Asselstine;' James Brown, Queen's, at Eugene Percy's; Williara Ewbury and wife, Regina, at his brother, Peter Embury; Rev. D. C. Flatt and wife, Cache Bay, with the latter's paremts, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Walroth lev. C. W. Crane, spent Christmas with his parents at Shawville, Que. Ivan Leadley is home from a visit with andparents at. Toronto, Miss Cornelia Yorke, Bellrock, has been visiting Ruth and Pansy Percy, of Piccadilly, and Leona Trousdale here. A. Legarry, Smith's Falls, is at home here. Misses Charlotte and Annie Dix- on, Sharbot Lake, at Henry and George Dixon's. Miss Emma Abrams, teacher in Victoria sehool, Kingston, at Miss Jean Percy's. Ross Burleigh, station agent at Godirey, spent Sun: day at home here; Miss Mabel Town- send, Sydenham, at E. M. Yorke's; Mrs. Clayton Brown and daughter, Henrietta, spent Christmas with friends at Enterprise, 'The concert and tea given by the Ladies' Aid, was well attended and a nice sum realized. Albert Wells "has sold his farm at Piccadilly to John Quinn and has bought Elisha Mar tin's place here. r. Martin has bought the residence seeped by Ed ward Grant, on I street, Miss Ella Tallen gave a birthday party last week, 8. M. Irish went out, to day, to conduct the funeral of the Inte Mrs. Walker at High Falls, Mis: Sadie Freeman, who has been steward- ess on a Lake Omtario boat, last summer, is here for the winter with Hu sister, Mrs. J. J. McMaster. Lewis annest has been looking after his son's farm near Bellrock, while the latter and wife have been spending Christmas at Montreal. M. Kenyon is on the sick list, The skating rink $s about finished and will be the best and. largest ever managed here. Frank Simmons, wife and family, of Sterling, Centre, N.X., are here on "g visit to Myer Simmons', H. CO, Burleigh, Bydenham school, was here for Christmas his parents. George Vandewater and family have moved back from Water town, N.Y. A. Mellroy is able to be out again after his sickness. fol. 0. Ww. high with Had Delightful Trip. Latter received by the Grand Trunk Pacific railway headquarters from one of the prominent artists of New York, who has just returned from =» nip over the Grand Trunk Pacific as for as the Canadian Rockies, coniains the following : "I went out to the end of steel on the Grand Trunk Va cific, than took the trail over Is Maligne - Lake, which I found to he the most beautiful lake I ever , ~saw in my Vie. I had a delightful trip, and made several sketches. Returning I stopped off at Wainwright, and from there went out duck shooting in dif ferent. directions, and had a most de Next year I hope to be able to get awayearlier and See more of your magnificent country.' The Old Youngster. Something, Jie a panic was going on behind t scenes of the Little Mudwich Hippo Palate and Empire Coliseum, For ome of the star artists oonldn't be is and the audience were even now demand their two-penges bas "Where, oh, ak is Little Elfie, the ix-year-old . Wonder: of the World 7" the stage manager frantically. And the oth ther marvels of the uni Phere 7" But at last a 'call boy was found' who of the six-year-old i AMUSEMENTS "GRAND Y OPERA Y HOUSE) TO-NIGHT THE WORLD-WIDE HIT, SHOEDLATE SOLDER 100 PEOPLE. ORIGINAL CAST. Symphouy | SATURDAY, JANUARY 6 * os 75, $1. $1.50, Mate oO Chil COMED DY SCORE THE CHORUS LADY ox soln NEAR BNE Matinee, FL, yous, Evsning, 3 le oe. MONDAY, JAN. 8 THE FAMOUS Youu I FISKE O'HARA IN THE ROMANTIC TRISH DRAMA, He BERY SUPPORTING COMPANY Masnificen Seats on art tiday. Effects 23, 5 75, $1 Love's Young Dream sosoecssstestssttesssens socessnes Rr ---------- _The "Popes Forum insertion 80c) six, $1; one month, $3. - HELP--WANTED, rd x A GOLD FOR, WITH INITIALS "FR." on. hack, Wednesday marning, on Pivision, Queen, Barrie or Princess Streets Heward for refuran to 331 Queen Street FOUND. LARGE FOLDING DOOR KEY, ed up wn street Owner may have same by calling at Whig office PICK DINING-ROOM GIRL WANTED, ence, Apply, Hub Hotel AT paying for this advi. 2 BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS, OFFICE GIRL. APPLY TO Waugh, 163 Princess Street. TO Barrie St, GIRLS, AT ONCE. APPLY perial Steam Laundry, DR. F, GERMAN CANARIES, FIRST SHIP- ment just received: just: the thing for a Christmas gift. W. J. Driver, corner Queen aud Barrie BSiresis 'Phone No. 812 work. 'Apply to 193 Brock Street, SERVANT FOR GENERAL HOUSE. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. GENERAL SERVANT; NO WASHI Mrs, Th Avenue. Gibson's Red Cross ice. Store. HING. omas Mills, 122 University AT ONCE, DRUG STORE APPRENT- Drug BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, opposite FAT station, one block rom CO. PR; en street car line; ar suppiled with best of wines liquors; charges moderate: Special Talus by the week, John usineau, Prap. NOM, | WAITRESSES AND CHAMBERM Apply at once. Ds wagted at Hotel Quinte, Toate TH A oss Birset the st © Baur and Jr ands resses, apply. at once; none Hotel Randolph. COMPETENT WAITERS OR WAIT-| other need igars. Meals, 25c each, or apoeinl rates by the week, Yard and stable accommodation. Rate reasonable. Mulville & Drincot) housework; references Apply, 146 Stuart Street, A RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL required, BUSINESS CHANCES. A MAID TO DO PLAIN COOKING ANE assist with children. Mrs, Chas Low, cor, Unien and Albert Sts. A, ANYO? + ANCVRERE, CAN 3» a mail order Runiiets at home No capvassing your own hoass Bend for free Rokiel Heacock. 2,969, Lockport. N.Y. REWARD. I BHALL REWARD ANY PERSON who Will return to Whig office one Ma- ogany Jot | Rest and Slipper Holder combine is a family rellc and ch prized. The cover is worked in ilk on the top and inside. It has four eet, which run upwards, and form the nds of the Tout. It was stolen from the home of Game called at 8 p. m. Admission will be open for practice on Thursday night, Jan. 4th. All Members Hegiment interested are turn out for practice in for the first of the C.R.L, COOKE'S CHURCH GUILD of Charation atches. Evening. of officers took place Cooke's church = an Pucsday aveuing and the following were , elected : Honorary president, Rev. J. W, Molintosh; honorary vice resident, W. M. Newman; president, W J. McFadden; first vice-president, W. Sherbing; second viee-president, Miss Frances Laird; third viee-presi- dent, John Laird; fourth viece-presi- dent, Miss Murray; fifth vice-president, Miss L. Smith and also convengr of the social committee; convenor of the musital committee, Frank Newman, agsisted by Miss Kiell, Miss Fair, and Kenneth Dunlop; social committee, Miss Wellwood, Miss Claxton, Miss Chapman and Mr. Calwell; flower com- mittee, Miss Kirkwood, Miss Ethel Simmons, Miss Georgina Cullen, Mel ville Arniel, Walter Francis; organist, Miss Kiell and Mise F. Fair; Look-(ut committee, Miss Ethel Kiell, Miss Ethel Simmons, Donald Parkhill, W Clenahan; treasurer, G. Kiell; secre tary, W. Clenahan. The winter's. pro- gramme was drawn up. It is expeet- ed that a number of the professors of Queen's, will address the guild The election 'the guild of Neither Dead Nor Alive. A peculiar astal © or, at least, wn- egrihiyacondition of the persons of ry at war and interior departments tly. Both departments of the government stated officially, uneruivo- cally, and circamstantially,: that Mr. Zapata is not dead, as announped by 4 morning new y On the other , neither depart: ment knows wh es is or how he is passing hig. idle hours, - while uestered from the view of men. at he is not dead is an official cer- inty; at least, nb one conuect ed with either the war or interior de Pastivent | ican locate the Atila of the 8 pr Nr. "Zapata i is neither dead nor alive. As to what he is, the reader may take his choice. From the Mexican Herald. | Dance at Rockwood. The dance held at Rockwood hospi tal, ¥ evening, by the em- of the al, was a most enjoyable affair. Music by the Dospital orolestra, and it Wha a most delightful one. The pro £iamme consisted of sixteen nutnbers. he Sais was bruight to 8 closs 'at Big Phe In Chicagn,, --A fice in Swilt's COVERED ~ RINK Junior O.H.A. Hockey Match Picton vs. Frontenacs Friday, January 5th The Gallery Range in the Armories of the requested to Blected Its Officers on Tuesday Rhviliano Zapata was revealed by in" was rendered | 1. '2 a a0 8088s a LAibdidd LAE EAL Ss TROPPO TITIVIRTIEY Te BOY WANTED, 5 . pb "Apply to John Laidlaw & Son. 4 FINANCE AND INSURANCE, BATEMAN * GARDINER. FIRE, oa as sa aasas as .saa sls sl fe, Accident Insurance and Cup: toms Broker; Real BEstate aid Sd PPPPPFPVTITIRTITITEITYITTY AN INTELLIGENT for newspapers No. eanvassin Send for particulars, Press Syn cate, 8,969 Lockport, N.Y. PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding solicited Kingston. business Street, 7 'Phone 336, MK. CARROLL, treet. Fire, Life, 34 Accident and A LINE FOR EVERY HOME: us 1 we have the - greatem Siehey" proposition in Canada to T BO outlay necessary. Bx Co,, 228 Albert Street, Ot OLD COUNTRY # DOMESTICS CAP, able Scotch, maids; also English and Danish girls; arriving twice a month. now, The Guild, Montreal, 47 Pembroke Street, ronto, and 227 Bank Street, tawa, partie ot WRITE for our cholce list of agents Apply, Irish Apply 71 Drummond = ealth Insurance, Epnntoy ere' Liability and Motor PR Security Bonga Real Estate in Winnipeg, R: a. - Calgary, Moose Jaw, eto, FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Soclety; established president, Sir Richard Cartwright; money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest ai- lowed. C. MeOtll, Managing Director, 87 Clarence Street s LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE working men; good salary; anon position; If you are J ing for small counter, write to-day; double your wages aid own boss. Apply, Bex Whig office. WANTED--GENERAL, be. yom "Bm. B,C." CLERKS TO SFLL ARTICLES MUOH needed in every home, especially by salary behind the can Fire Instance LN pr pany. Available assets, $61,187,216. In addition to which the policyhoiders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stock-holders Farm and city property lpsured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or glving new business get rates from Biiange & Strange, Agouts, 'Phone 325. r START || Tolls how, 1}! Money to Loan: a share of your]! Clarence | |! MARKET || Pilate Glass, |! INVEST. 1863; i= i DWELLINGS, PEVSUR OV er rev eR ERNST FEST v eae PVR ee Ea FOR SALE. - FORD MODEL *T" MOTOR CAR. Mcbonald Mowat, hs No. 2 Rn XG, treet AT 223 MONTREAL Clty; price, $35.00 oLcroTn, LINOLEUM, ALso some Cork, all remnants, a great ditfers #nog in prices, at Tu X § 705. pric r) '8 Phone ------------------------------------ FLACS, AWNINGS, 1EN CAN camblog outrits, eh ing eg ne w®ippiies, lunch baskeia, English HhincosLh everything In canvia, kit bags ix Jenta Pray hoods, wo Ontunbiies Frank W. Coolth, 28 tario Bt 'Phone #81 or BENT, GROUERY SPORE, COR, King and Lower Gordon. Grocery Store, Earl Street. FOR E, A LOT OF CHOICR Dwellings FOR SALE OR RENT, FARM, PART lola 11 aud 12, in the 7th cohces sloa of Kingston; two sets builds in ie stock and grain farm. BATE} 'a GARDINER, REAL ES. tate and Clarence Street, ™ Insuran 4 Kingston. i The Rogers Realty Co, Paid up Capital, $200,000.00 || Manitoba | Owners of Winnipeg and Sas. katoon Properties and West. Winnipeg, ern Farm Lands, Mr. Robert J. Winnipeg Office, Kingston for the week begin. | ning Japuary 8th, 1912, and will be glad. to meet those de- | siring to dispose of their pro- perties in Winnipeg or Saska- | toon, Address communications || to 'Box No. 277, Whig Office. Ra Davis, of the will be In TO LET, FURNISHED AND UN- furnished, Stores, ete. McCann, 61 Brock Street. DOUBLE. FLA Ty PRINC Jaas STREET) eight r¢ i good cation, with impre nts a to T. J. Boon, 160 W ellington Sireet SIORAGHK FOM FUMNITURE, CLEAN dry, airy rooms, abeoiutbly moth proof; your own lock and key, Fronts CY Borage, ve Queen Bt "Phone §36b. DENTAL. peri prion: feath or o futtice. J ott's, Clergy Wes jst ga work; airs t bag. fe Stren cor, THAT 1 see me Thompson, next Bt. Andrew's Church. ore HOE REPAIRING OF HVERY pe. one trial will KR WILL BUY all Nos 0 second-hand furniture and stoves; will pay highest Dries; DENTISTS, PARKS AND SPARKS, 230 Kingston, 0 1-2 Princess Street, o Phone 348. ist, corner Princess and Bagot Streets, over Mahood"s Drug Stors Entrance on Bagot Street. Telephoen I. Princess 8 JR, ©. OC. NASH, DENTIST: DR. ©, Walcker. assistant, 133 "Phone 735. GENTLEMEN te. -date suits. Price and workman ship Sugranteed to please. ing and repa fring done shortest notice. h 181 Br on omas Gall ock Bt. near Bibby's TEACHERS WANTED. 15, Township of Loborough; dutie io commence at once . Kemp, sec.-Treas., Ont' LEGAL. TO BRING THEIR oth and have It made up into up. ivery Qu ALIEIRD TEACHER FOR SS, No. Apply to A. Sydenham, oR. Strdet. B, ary KNAPP, ist, 1 $12, 'Phafe 652, AFTER Yrincess BA, Zap x a AYKROYD, DBS, LDS, at, 187 B10, PENT. ever Deminion Bxpress Offices, Wellington - Street. "Phone MUSIC, SAL RY BROS, ORCHESTRA M up 1079 or address 21 Sixth Street when in need of an or- chestra for dance, at home or ball § tmember the 'phone number-- re and Solicitors Office, 7 Clarence Street Kingston STENOGRAPHY. CUNNINGHAM & MUBIE, BARA eo w UPHOLSTERER. W, J GAVIN VPHOLSTERING, RE- pairing and carpet work, nalr mat tress renovating. Drop a ecard or call 218 Ragot Rireat and Typewriting, enquire at Whig office. PRIVATE LESSONS IN SHORTHAND Far particulars OSTEOPATHY. DANCING. "HEALTH Rony DRUGS. --R. G Ashe -roft, 136 Wellington St posite hy "ane Ofties; chron' 4 seases treated by Osteopathic evening parties, «te Apply, Hackett, 358 Bagot Street. VIOLIN AND PIANO FOR DANCING, methods rnd Electrical Vibration ments by appointment. "Phone PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, blemishes without Lhe. removed per ent bedi 37 SL expe Elm, J. Lake, ose, hroat Bocctaliet. 58 fe Street. every time, it-wonld not be necesssiy there are so many cases of bronchitis in town that have hung we must tell what we know about it. It is a positive fact that the only right way te treat a cough im tb. use a remedy that acts on the blood, such as Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron preparation without oil. This makes the blood rich and pure #0 it can heal and strengthen the in- flamed ~ bronchial tubes. Its taste is so pleasant that even children like it. Mrs. Olivia Parham, East Durham, INC. says: Vinol for a cough which bad lasted two years and it gave me patiock satidaction. . I am giving it to a delivate child to strengthens her, She. will not = take any other medicine but Vinol is so leasant she ories for it and it is Pencbtin her veey much." A if Viol does not b yon it costs vou nothing. Maho rug store, Kingston, Out. BIRTH. marks and all growths and skiff Eye, and Skin H cough syrups, would cure coughs for us to print this information, but chronie, on for months and years, we feel that And | weaTy MEDICAL, . SPARKS, BA HYSICL and Su geon, Tor Tet ant oy 4 Office hours, 10 to 12 am. 2 to ¢ and 7 to 9 pom. 'Phone 986, DR. B.C. D, MaeCALLULL, P XSICIAN and Surgeon, 142 ngton i Office hours, 10 ta bi Hos an 3 to 4 to § p.m, Telephons 1093. 8, H, SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, DENT. ' ONCE, A NEW HONE € rner Qu CARY terms; ® GAR: ¥ sRooM ISIDENCES, Hireet, waiid detached; sevan rooms and bath -all convenienges and gas; 419 has hot water turpace Apply to 1. W, Mullin, cor Johnson and Division Streets ARCHITECTS, HENRY P. SMITH, ARC HITROT, BTC, 258 King Street. "Phone 345. 1m ARTI R ELL i ARCHITECT, versity venue, Telephone u ni 1013 WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- tects, ete Offices, 268 Bagot St "Phone 608: POWER 3 SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Building, corves Brock and: Wellington Streets, BOARD AND ROOMS. A NICE FRONT without board; all veniencess Mrs William Street REAL ESTATE. ROOM, WITH modern eons Britter 31 of Barrie St, on BOUGHT AND SOLD; RENTS lected and money te loan; No. 251 Victoria Strest. Richardson, COL. office, BR OOEAN NTEAMSHIP AGEROY. TRANSATLANTIC LINES, ALL CLASS. 8. Kirkpatrick, Agent, 43 Sarenon bt treat, Kingston. 'Phone 8. FURNITURE FINTHER, ANTIQUE FU RNY URE A SPECIALTY, ebonizing aa ghding enamellin and; all colors of mission work; & work given best attention Pat, Driscoll, 22 Joba Street. Call drop » card. En -- re ---------- pa Do You Need Coal? "For Purnsée, Kitchen Biove, or Grate Fires. Our Coal steady heat with reasonable 'waste, ONE PRICE. PROMPT DELIVERY SWIFT S gives out a strong Ten minutes passed, and the topic was still far from exhausted. But an insistent masculine voice at last com- one of ' them to turs he py A to other things. 'Are vou there ¥' the voice yelled "Are you thote ? "Hello 1* Ab, at bast Who i» thai speaking ? What are "What line d'vou think ,ou'te on? demanded the girl, sunoyed = and agnnnt. "f don't know," came the weak and reply; "but judging from all Pve heard just lately, 1 think 1 most have got on the clothen-line !"--An- - in- syrups." Gibson's. 3 i'd i you ape Poor Little Willie. It was a mixed party, apd when the lights webe lowered for the old- fashioned "snap-deagon, young Blinks managed to edge closer to the golden-haired. maiden he adored There was a three-minute scramble, and when the lights went up there arose a howl of Sisapputtitmant from ove of the voung Inds who to be near our friend, Blinks. "What's the matter, Willie?" in quired the hostess. "Didn't you get an raisins 7' "Diddidn's get the chance," bellow: ed the boy. "Soon ss it st-stareed that fellow Sith the eveglanses sol lated bold of my hand snd didn't leave off kiswkissing it til the eo was on again {' Pontoon' a >