A08 SIX. TRAVELLING, HTL The world under double track Montreal, Had AI CAR longest only principal Canadian Cit "The inemationa Limited" Leaves Kingston dz at ; noon for Toronto, Hamilton, London, Dev » troft, arriving in Chicago $ o'clock the following morning Four Expres Trains dally To to ronto and Montreal. r J.P. HANLEY, Agent. ~ Corner Johnson and Ontario Sta RECT Sa RAILWAY > AN CONNECTION WITH - Canadian Pacific Railway TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON 11.45 a.m. Exproef Montreal, Quebge, #t Halifax, Boston, 1 Denver, Renfrew, Duluth, St! Paul, colver, Eeattle, Portland Francisco, 5.00 pm. -- Loe Lake, copnecting and West, 7.46 a.m intermediate ¥riday. Passengers 11:45 a.m. arrive p.m.; Peter) 6.56 p.m Boston, 7.3 noon. Fall particulars at CPR. Ticket Office, F. CONW; Cen ~For Qttawa, John, NB. ronto, Chicago, it Ste, i nnipeg, and Hau " Sharbot R. Eas al for with C. P. Mized--For points, Renfrew and Mon, Wed, an leaving Kingston at Ottawa at 5 m.; Toront 7 p.m 1.00 12.014 8» John, and P. and ario Bireet, K. Ont AY, Fass, Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, + Pratn leaves Union Station, Ontart Feet, 4 p.m. daity (Bunday excepted) 3 ham, Napanee, Deser and all points tie despateh t th, and Eipment: 0) t our 'sich, Pass Agon i by th sup erh SPECIAL TP trapeatinntic Hoey KAISERIN AUGUSTE VICTORIA, fhe largest: and moat lgxurious stéamer of the Hamburg-Americon "borvice: Hauipped Eh Mtre-Chriton Restawrar 'alm Garden, asinm, Mlectels Elevators, i Jove Now ork FEERUARY 14, 15942, Madeira, Gibraitar, Alglers, Jefranche (Nice), Genos, Na- and Port Sai. But for sfght-socing at esch port, = or from Port Said, $103 and up. rts, $110 and up. West Indies, I ins the World, eto, 1} for fllustoated bosklet. {HAMBURG.AMERICAN LINE ¥ Ais Bway, N. X., or lo¢al agent. / BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 pth America, ENCH REN NO. oy ivi No. 3. Used mo "#Cures biood ersex)weakness Esther No.at Ad Toronta. resse envio) Pou 30 Dr/Le ClerrMed Co, Haverstoe RA, toad, London, Eng. Tey newDragéeT asteless) , #85y 10 teke, safe, lasting cure, ~ REMOVED, T. J. Lockhart, Real Estate Insurance Agent, ans nounces that he has removed 'to larger offices over Bank of pntreal, Clarence Street, ni, whore he has better _ for. conducting: his IUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) : Highest Education at Lowest Cost anty sixth Find 'Fall Term Aussi aa Courses in pet Fhortirand, - Tele Ys tvil Service snd Enge r &raduaies get the hest ona Within & short time ave Sixiy 3 secured pasiiions with i oft algal raliway core tions In Canada. 'Enter any Zak or trite for informas 1 Motenite, a cipal Eingston, Canada 1 poured son, Mrs. Fran Twilight (Continued from Page 5.) Year's afternoon, Mrs. H. ardsen! entertained at a very ht and delightinl tea, at her beau- home on Ring street. The rooms very effeciively decorated . witk reens and holly. Mrs Richard son, in a handsome black satin' gown with sequin trimunings, received her guests, assisted by her daughter, Miss Beasie Richardson; 'in a dainty dress of old rose silk. In the dining-room the polished mahogany tea table, which was presided over by Mra, Ar thir Cunningham and Mes. Walter Povd, Ottawa, looked lovely. In the contre, on a Handsome lace centre piece, stood a large plant of red nedamen, surrounded with bunches of white hyacinth, and over this hung the electric lights shaded with an ex: quisite red dome. From the dome to each corner of the room wreaths of evergreen were suspended. Here the wants of the guests were looked after by Misses Eva and Mabel Richardson and Miss Mamie Anglin, Miss Agnes Richardson served the ide cream. The guests included Professor and Mrs. W. 1. Grant, Miss Brodie of Toronto, Professor and Mrs, P. G. C, Camp bell, Professor and Mrs. F. 0. Will- hofit, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Craig, M¥s. Campbell Laidlaw of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Craig, Rev. and Mrs. Phowias W. Neal, Mr. and Mrs. George Wackay, Mr. and Mrs. Breden Gal- braith of Red Deer, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.' Nickle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tay- lor, Mrs, Colvile, Mrs. Frank Cooke, Mrs. Constance Cooke, Misses Nora and Helen Gordon, Misses Mabel, Dorothy and Marjorie Brownfield, Misses Marie and Dorothy Carruthers; Misses Anna and Marion Lesulie, Miss Gertrude lawson of Sherringham, Fog., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Partridge of Toronto, Miss Kreda Burn, Misses Morly and Etta Richmond, Miss Irene Swift, Miss A. Fairlie, Misses Daisy ind Fdith Ferguson, Misses Isabel and Jassie Polson, Miss Frances Sullivan, Mise Lassie Kirkpatrick, Midses Phyl lis and Charlie Shortt, Misses Leta and Vera Carson, Miss Alice Macnee, Migs Florence Cunningham, Miss Madge Dawson, Misses Alice ond Muriel King, Miss May Macdonnell, Wise Emily Ruttan, Miss G. Merrick, Feith and Dorothy Goodwin, s Carrie and Ethel Waldron, Mis: Pillian Mundell, Miss Phyllis Knight, Mise Hewson, Miss Workman of Mont- Misses Pearl and Dora Oldrieve, Miss Florence Williamson, Miss Jean Dull, Miss Idith Folger, Miss Florrie tewart, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss illian Kent, Mise Kathleen Ryan, disses Aileen and Mav Rogers, Misses fargaret and Agoes Browne, Miss linnje C¥6thers, Miss Ida Kidd, Miss ule Cavs, Miss Gladys Burton, Mise Hamilton, 'Miss Lorraine Min- Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss Nora Miss: Hilla and 'Edith. Hague, Hiss Noris Kent, «Misa. Dorothy Hill, M. Gordon, Miss Ada Petrie, Miss dildred Sellery, Misses Ada' and Bea- irice Birch, Miss Elsie Pense, Mis Wamie Garrett, Mishes Kathleen' and Molly faupcery, Miss Madge Taylor, Ra Suglin, Misses Christine wl Sylvia Cochrane, Misses Bessie wl Emily Smythe, Miss Kathleen risp, Misses Gertrude Power, Messrs. M. Farrell, Perey Lyman, Arthur wid Charles Dalton, E. 0. Lesslie, E, Gildersleeve, J. McD. Mowat, T. Byrne of Ottawa, James and Philips Macdonnell, James Swift, Jr, ' Macnee, Jr., George Richardson, Ar- hur Mills, Stanley Lindsay of Mont: eal, Douglas Anglin, W. and E. Good win, H. Walkem, Laughlin Hughes, K. Mundell, T, Taylor, Colin Carruthers, Price Boak, P. TY. Mair} A. Minnes, Harty, Neil Polson, Jack Calvin, Ar thur, Edward, Frank ~ and © Jack- Smythe, Bodwell, Professor Smail, Captain HH. Boak, Captain W, H. P Elkins and br. Fisher. Wire everg 4 M y hy more es dacnee, Tieg @ A most delighttal and interesting bridge was given on" Tiesday ° after noon by Mrs. James Cappon and Miss \lice! Macnee, Barrie: street, © Cards were played at six tables and the wrizea wepe won by Miss Magy Hora, Miss Carrie. Waldron, Miss Nora Gor don, and Wiss M. Start. The othe: players were: Mrs, Ernest Cunning: ham, Red Déery Mrs. Wiliam Harty, Ms. Calville, Miss - Lillian Norton favior, Miss Mibel Dalton, Miss Helen Crowe, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Kathleen Saunders, Miss Aileen. Rogers, Misses Mabel and Dorothy Brownfield, 'Miss ffetrude Lawsan, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Phyllis Shortt; ; Miss Elsie Pease, as Mamie Garrett, Miss Marie Car: rathers, and Mjss Bessie Smythe. Al ter bridge tea was served and dainty refreshments were passed. The ten table was centred by a beautiful lace centre piece on which stood a plant of red eyclamen, at each end of tha table tall vases of pink roses and at ah corner A of white acintha and -pink-shaded candles. | Aes, - Frank Botterel, of Montreal, eis Hill Mae nee poured : coffee, and Miss | Marie' Carruthers cut the ice cream. They wire assisted by Miss Nora = Gordon, Miss Elsie Poise, Miss Marion Redden, JPR DAILY BRIFISH Miss Gertrude Lawson and Jitale Miss Cecil Muence. Those whe came in for tea were 1 Mra. Frank Cooke, Seattle: Miss Constance Cooke, Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Mrs, Arthur Oraig, Mrs, An drew Forman, Montreal; Mrs, W, H, Craig, Miss Straubenzie, Miss Ytia Richardson, Miss Isabel Ross, Miss M. Gordon, Miss Anna Lesslie, Miss Flor ence Cunningham, Mise Lassie Kirk- Patrick, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Helep Gordon, Miss © Emily Smythe, Miss Eva Ric hardson, Miss "Charlie Shortt, Miss Doris Kent and Miss Marjory Brownfield. * - Mrs. E. J. McLellan, Alfred street, entertained at a family dinner on New Year's night. The table was tastefully decorated, being centred with fruit and covered by a canopy of ever greens, lighted with tiny red candles. The out-of-town guests were Mr, and Mrs. G. Magee, of Merrickville. - - - - The officers of the R.C.H.A. enter- tained at their annual dinser on Sa- turday evening at the barracks. A most "enjoyable time was spent by all the guests. . - - Mrs. Arthur Cunningham, On- -gwa- na-da, entertained at a [uncheon at the Country Club, to-day, in honor of 'Mrs. Breden Galbraith, of Deer. . - - . Mrs. G. M. Macdonnell, University avenue, will entertain at tea on Thursday, in honor of her daughter, Mrs, C 'ampbel} Laidlaw, of Ottawa. The engagement is announced of Miss Beatrice Spragge to Captain Ar- thur Wilkie, Royal Sussex Regiment, son of Mr. D. R. Wilkie, - . - » Mrs. Charles E. Taylor, Earl street, entertained at a family dinner of sev- enteen, on New Year's night, . . woe le Mrs. Colin Magphehson,, University avenue, will hot receive until the first Friday in February, - LA - The Reading Club will meet Miss Isabel Polson's on ternoon. at Miss Lillian Mundell, Brock street, will leave on Thursday for Cornwall to visit Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Stiles. Miss Lois Saunders is mow the guest of her sister, Mrs. Mecllwraith, in To- ronto. Thursday af- | L v WHI, JFEDNESD AY, J AN x Any a3, DENTALLY PROPPED. : Be Currency and Epistles Weré Ymtact-- Naval Man Reecives a Long De Inyed luvitation to a Friend's Wedding, ¥ San Francisco, Jan, 3.--In a truck load of railway wmi} received from the north was a venerable, battle-searred pouch, whith has an interesting his tory. It was lost in the wilds of Lassen county for more than two years, and wgs found a few days ago with its contents intact. These consisted «of registered letters containing currency and of ordinary mail. The leiters"were a little worse for: the weather, the rains and snows of two years, but they were at once forwarded to their destination. The pouch was moldy in places and the leather binding had been gnawed by coyotes, but the meal proved toc rough even for coyotes, In February, 1919, Ira Anthony, car- rier of the ronte between (lade and Hansen, while riding horseback upon the mountain trails was caught in a violent snowstorm, in the midst o! which he was pursued by a pack of wolves. After he had emptied his re volver and killed three of the beasts they retreated, howling dismally. Then Anthony discovered = that one of the mail pouches tied to his sad lle was missing. Waiting until the storm had ended {he retraced his way for about eight {miles in search of the pouch, but the snow had obliterated all tracks of the trail or of his horse's tracks. Ever since then the mail riders have been on the lookout for the pouch, hut all search was unavailing until a few days ago, when one of the riders, tak: ing an 'unirequented trail, stumbled upon it. TAKES SCRIPTURE LIGHTLY. Chancellor Lloyd«George Characteristic Utterance. London, Jan. 2.--Chancellor Lloyd George, on Sunday, spoke with the faith that is in him and in impassion- Makes Mr. Joseph Steacy und Miss Etta Ward, Johnson street, spent New Year's in Montreal, the guests of Dr. and Mrs, Browne. Miss Mabel Grady and Miss Grady, who spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. ard Mrs. M. Grady, Earl street, will return to New York on Thursday. Mrs: Frederick Phelan, after spend- ing New Year's with Mrs. R. J, Mes Kelvey, Bagot street, returned to Montreal to-day. Mr. Phelan returned to Montreal on Menday. Mrs. Charles Low and her two children, Master Ted and Miss Helen, returned home on Monday after spend- ing the past month in Aylmer West with Mrs. Low's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Price, - Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wilkins, and little daughter, Miss Betty Wilkins, of ; Ottawa, are now in Trenton to attend the Little-Wilkins wedding. Me. and Mrs, Austin Gillies, spent New Year's in returned to town on Tuesday and are the guesis of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8S. R. McCann, Union street. Mr. dnd Mrs. George Young, Uni- versity avenue, returned on Tuesday from Ottawa, where they were the Juests of Dr. oliday. + Mrs. A, who Carléton Place, P. Christmas and daughter, Margaret, ihe guests of Mrs, Johnsog street, for the past few | weeks, urned to Mehtreal, to-day. Mr. Christmas went down to Montreal | on Monday. - little who have been H.. J Wilkins, . . - Miss Isabel Knox, Kingston, spent | Sunday and Monday at Mrs, Sillg', Forin sireet, Belleville, Miss Ruth Buchanan, Kingston, is the guest of Mrs. Charles W. Jefirey, MoLeod street, Oitawa. ? Miss Eleanor Phelan, Johnson street, returned, to-day, siter a week's visit with her aunt, Mrs. Mrs. Macleod, and her grand-daugh- ter, Miss Kitty Hughes, King street, who have been spending a few Hays in Cornwall, returned home to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Hannaford, and Mr. Jack Hannaford returned to Montreal on Tuesday after spending a few days with Mr. 'and Mrs. Clark Hamilton, King street. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gildersleeve, who spent several days with Mrs. Charles Gildersleeve, King street, re- turned to Sarnia to-day. Miss Marty, of Ottawa, is spending a few days in town this week. Master Shilip Macarow, of Ottawa, is the guest: of his aunt, Mrs. Corne- lieus Bermingham, Barrie street. , who has been visiting ) wnery, West street, re turned to 'Ottawa on Tuesday. Cay Sain Gilbert Johnson, of Areal wh t the week-end | Mrs. Re 3 cKelvey, Bagot Jet on Monday for Toronto and Mrs, Johnson, who has also heen visit i Mekalee , retuned to Montres to-day. r - Mon- with street, Professor Anima and Professor Davis, of Queen's University, after spembing 'a few days in Montreal, have | returned home. Miss Florence Eiliott, Barrie street, THERE IS absolutely no word to express the efficacy of Scott's Emulsion Ta the treatment Tuesd who has been visiting Mrs. A. Cl Mackay, in Renfrew, returned home on ay. Mr, J. ( Ho aythe, returned to To- "ronto on. Mo ay alter ding the wesk-end in town. ny r. Huntley Gordon, who spent N Year's with his father, Rev. rs y Jordon, Queen's University, returned to on Monday, fg ts - Announcements have been received in town from Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius De Braal, of the Be Ne of their daugh- ter, Minvie E. to George eh day, January P| Albert Young, over the | Kavanagh. | ed accents. Incidentally he furnished his adversaries with a new weapon oi {attack. The 'chancellor was addressing a church meeting in Wales "Poverty," he said, "is not the fauli tof Providence, which provides in ab undance. There aré millHons of men {women apd children in this, the rich | est country in the worls, who, throug! {no fault of thei# own, go through lif: sodden in poverty, wretcheduess, and despair. | "You cannot deal with a problem o Imagnitude by mere spasmodic appeal: to the charity of the benevolent, That is hopelessly inadequate. You might as well try to.run the army and navy by voluntary subscription. It is th (community alone that ¢an command the 'resources to drain this morass wrotchedness, so as to convert it int a verdant and fertile plain. "I do not, agree with the view that the church is concerned wolely with i spiritual things. Those who take that view reflect on the career of the Mas ter. They repudiate the precepts anc dootrines of «the greatest disciples whose first act, on founding a church was to establish a fund for the car of the poor and the first poor law guardians ever established, "And, remember the trouble which befell the man who did not fill in hi forms properly 'and who did not give a correct account of his property to the chancellor of the exchequer.' Much laughter followed, for Lloyd George's Welsh audience saw nothing blasphemous in the joke, as many { the chancellor's eritics do. FAVORS MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIY oO 0 Many Improvements Are Urged b; Mayor. Watertown, N.Y., Jan. 3.--Recom mendations made by Mayor Franci M. Hugo, of Watertown, in his annua message, were, in brief : A manicipal lighting plant and 'the development of the city's water power to its highest efficiency. A public market in order fo stimu late trade. No bbjections would be of fered to a part of Public Square being set apart for the market as a starting place. A building eode, which will at one replace. the present one, deemed by the mayor as totally inadequate tc meet present day construction, A system of industrial education i which the council, school board anc Manufacturers shall co-operate. An overhead crossing for the rail road at the extreme end of Mass: street, a particularly dangerous point. A trunk sewer on the north side of Black river from a point below the Central house to the Pearl street plant of the New York Air Break plant, and the rebuilding of the Cooper street outlet sewer. The paving and further improvement of a pumber of the city's streets and ¢ trial of A stusele avement being uses at Ann Arbor, Mie "Q.H.A. liviment," for hockey pla: ers. Gibson's. Up to her wedding day a &irl be lives that if » husband' Jas bac habits it" ie because his wile never feeds him ama food or meets him at the door with a kiss. Heory CO. Frick, steel magnate afd former partner. of Andrew Carnegie will be the new traction king in Nes York, according to the World. "Jock strops" for 'hockey plavers Gibson's. a. | Prof. Leigh R. Gregor, of McGil University, Montreal, died, on Mop day, of tuberculosis, in California. A bottle of prevention 4 og 1912, WS HARRY LAUDER Says: CONTENTS OP A POUCH, ACC] + "I have just made four new VICTOR None Genuine Without * Dealers Everywhere Will Play These Records For You. 12.INCH PURPLE LABEL, $1.50 EACH RECORDS for the *'®is mASTIN'S VOICE" lis Master's Voice" Trade Mark. 70060 The Picnic Every Laddie loves « Lassie). 7! 70061 Roamin' in the Gloamin'. 70053 Breakfast in Bed ou Sunday Morn 70062 A Wee Deoch An' Doris BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CO. Limited MONTREAL INDUBITABLY Write for prices. the best general machin>ry is Bearings Harris Babbit Metal for all [eavy Pressure The Canada Metal Co, Ltd. Fraser Avenue Toronto TAS LABATT'S LONDON LAGER INDIA PALE AND EXTRA * StanpaRD Beveraces STOCK ALES, XXX STOUT 3 JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON Agent, James McParland, 339- 341 King St. East. + TORONTO OTTAWA « THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION acts as ADMINISTRATOR . of Estates where there is no will or where the appointed executors prefer not to act. WINNIPEG SASKATOON MOIR'S MILK CARAMELS, : MOIR'S CUPID COCOANUT CARAMELS; MOIR'S CHOCOLATES at 40c. and 50c. per 1b MOIR'S 11b. and } 1b. Fancy Boxes. S009 OPPSPGBSIGOIOIROS ROYAL ICH CREAM PARLOR AND QUICK LENCH ROOM, All kinds of Lunches«and Hot Drinks fee Cream and all kinds of Fruit and Candles, M, PAFPAS & 00, 84 Princess Street. 'Carriage Painting SOME CLASS TO OURS, This is the place to Lave your Auto repaired to stand all kinds of weather. J DUMPHY Montreal and Ordnance Sts. OURCRYSTAL BRAND Of Svandard Granulated Sesar Has been tried and found excellent for preserving and table use, Price Wn Always J ght. ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontagie Street. Cor, BiG SALE Working Men's and Boys' Boots; also Fine Shoe Repair. ing done while you walt, Large Stock of Rubbers, all sizes, at lowest prices in the city. : JOHN GREEN, 280 PRINCESS STREET. 000000000006000000000 Besssnsasssnsassass reves sasanans ssessseel COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guaraitee prompt delivery. "BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. Phone 141 RH, TOYE, %2 KING ST. lo we] v RR EEEIISISRINSE edit y I ERI S TEA This is Avital Brown] say, Swith, are vou goind napdrams bth My boy, ». am great at same man to chew a hammer weigh- ing six poids * Smith (after considering Some time) = Hi i give rr old chap.' SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORRIE WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY PERSON WHO I8 THE SOL ead of a family or AR male aver 1 years oie may homestead a guarter fpethe of avs ible, Dominion java | in atchéwan or ! Agency for the A {may be i iaughter. } a ey oN ear in minion ney Rube gay pra at i a oY. On cert laughter. | brother o or a ao): uties--8ix 0 the residence upon snd cultivation of the land In each of three years. A homesteader may Jive within nine miles his Lomestesd on s farm of a; least $8 scris solely owned mother, son, daughter, her or of certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-smpt a quarter Section alongside his homestead Price, per acre. Duties Must reside u; kT homestead or fl og each of bomestesd entry ng the patent) ad SSiuvas Hitty aon ELIA, . y os A bhomest who has exhausted i? pr ts. halle y _ente certain par acre. LD Butera made