THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1012. A faci SMALL = | DEPOSITORS | yThe Prince of Wales and His Brother | Will Likely Come Over in 1918 on an Empire Tour-sGood Tidings. Toronto, Jap. 3:4 all promises come trade, the Duke of Connaught and family have started a regular immi- gration of royalty to Capada. The HE WILL LIKELY OPEN TRANS. CONTINENTAL RAILWAY. will find their interests well served by the Savings De. partment of the Bank of Toronto, y One Dollar will secure you | an interest-bearing Savings |! Account. BANK OF ToR0NTO || Incorporated 1855 Reserve funds$10,200,000 | KING GEORGE V. visit of the Prince of Wales and his brother during 1913, on an empiré tour, seems assured. To-day, from Ot- tawa, comes the announcement of the government that King George has ac cepted an invitation to run over and open the Transcontinental railway iv 1914, Sir Wilfrid Laurier asked his majesty last summer. VERY LATE NAVIGATION. Steamer Easton Leaves Port Arthur For Duluth, Port Arthur, Jan. 2.-All records for late navigation on Like Superior were broken to-day, by the departure for Duluth of the stepmer Easton, of the Booth Tine, after making a special trip with 8 cargo. The temperature i twenty degrees below zero. he best known to the public ~to-day. Chops everything and I never gets dull No. 1 Family Size $1.50 Sent out on trial and money freely refunded if it won't do ! everything we claim. Netw Chinese Cabinet, Nanking, Jan. 3.-President Sun Yat Hen has esmpleted his cabinet The Est is not yet oflicially available but it is substantially as follows : Viewpresiderni--Li Yuen Heng, ; Finanee mivister--Chin Chin Tao. * ' , Premier and ir inister--Huang ei THAT TOBACCO emer uh we min ang Sing. ¥ With the "Rooster" on 1 Attorney 18 crowing louder as he goes wnlong, Feng. : Only 46e pér pound, For chewing and| Foreign minwter--Wang Chung Wei. smoking. i jmirter--Capt, W , AT A. MACLEAN, Marine minirter--Capt ang = 7 omtarle Street. genefhl--Dr, Wu Ting, Chief of stafi--General Tsu. on Store Closes 5 O'clock. oe Saturday 9 O'clock. nn January White Muslin Underwear Corset Covers: Drawers, Gowns, Skirts, ete. January Price All Less 20 Per Cent Utz & Dunn's Ameri- | can Shoes. January Price All Less 25 Per Cent g Our complete stock of Cats abOne- Third off Y he price. $6 for 2.00 ; 9.00 for 3.00,; 12.00 for ; Wo Have procured from Ireland and Eng- nd the new makes and ends of three large : d hardly thidk it possible to buy prices these goods are mark- Tinen, Sheetinds. Pillow item is a bargain. AN goods mark- (KING GEORGE COMING Jon the C.P.1. train, when it DISTRICT DASHES. News Clipped From Our Mahy Ex- changes. The loeal option by-liw..ia South jority. Mrs. James Tennant, a highlvi re Shecisd resident of Gaintqwm, onday, Mrs. T. J. Quinn, aged fifty-seven years, died, in Brockville, on Tuesday, after a short illness. Miss 'Ada Jocelyn and Willis Foley, of Lankdowne, were married on Christ- mas day. Capt. Foster has been elected mayer of Smith's Falls thrée succes: give times. ' The Oddisllows' of Mallgrytown held a wucecssful "At Home" on Monday night. $ Rev. A. G. Cameron, of St. John's church, Brockvilte, left, on Monday, for 1ethbridge, Alta, where he will take up residence. * Miss Nina Demiil, of Belleville, and H. W. Butterfield, of Regina, Sask, formerly of Belleville, were married on New Year's day. ' George Palliser, Thurlow township, died on Sunday, after being ill for some time, Deconsed was seventy-five years of age. Chesterville defeated local option. Levi Massey, one of the oldest re sidents of Sidney township, passed away Monday, aller a long illpess. Miss Franess Muriel Domaldson, aged twenty-two years, died in Broekvillo on Saturday. James and Bert. Don- aldsori, of Kingston, were present at the funeral. Sterns Knapp, a highly respected residenit of Bastard, aged forty-five years, died suddenly on Sunday, at Brockville, while en pptite 'to visit sister, ill at eA 'The two daughters, Florence and Pircke, of George Gdinford, of Athens; were married on Monday. 'Florence to E. E. Eligh and Birdie to 4. Saunders, While Mrs, Theodore Summers, of Escott, was visiting relatives in Wa- tertown, N.Y., her husband, aged filty- eight years; died suddenly on Sunday, being found dead in bed, having re tired in his usual good health, The by-law to raise additional sum of 360,000 for development of larger and more economical water power with eleetric aod steam auxiParies for Renfrew was carried by FY major- ity. ! AN OPEN VOTE TAKEN For Separate School Trustees In Kingston. The eléctions for separate school rustes ave taking place in a pum- ber of the wards . of the city to-day. It, is many years since' there has been an election for the trustees, On pasi occasions the trustens were elected by acclamation, The voting to-day is being done openly, li sdems very strange for men to go in to the polls and tell for whom they desird to vote when - they have been accustomed io cote by ballov, 1 there should he a space of one hour hetween the cast- ing «of the votes the poll will. be lcsed and the election will go Ivo the man who is iu the lead at the 'ime. The separate school board has never asked that the law bo changed, giving a secret ballot, PR. YOUNG APPOINTED | Assistant Superintendent of Rock- : wood Hospital. On Wednesday morning, Pr. E. H. Young, of Rockwood hospital, received notification of his appointment of as sistant superintendent, in swecession to Dr. W. (. Barber, who recently re- signed. Dr. Young is a graduate of Toronto University. He was with Dr. C. K. Clarke in Toronto hospital for a year, and in February, 1908, was ap- pointed, a physician in ockwood, where he has been ever since. Dr, Young is lecturer on mental diseases in Queen's Medical College. His friends ure greatly pleased over his appéint- nent as Dr. Ryan's assistant. CUT THROAT IN CELL After Sing Arrested on Train at Smith's Falls. © Smith's Falls, Jan. 3.--Hugh Mason, a respectable dressed Montreal man, was arrested for disorderly conduct arrived last night. He was placed in a cell, where he cut his throat with a 'pair of scissors, and will probably die. -------------- Militia Changes. Ottawa, Jan. 3.--The new scale of allowances for cadet insgruction con- tained ifi militia orders, provides for payment of one dollar a cadet up to a maximum of fifty: of seventy-five cents a cadet over fifty and up to one hundred, and of fifty ecomis a cadet over one hundred. ; To-day's Military Gazette authorizes { the transfer of the headquarters of the Brigade, Canadian Field Artil- lery, from Deseronto to Ganavoque, the residence of the officer ing. The headquarters of the 9th am- munition column of the Field Artillery Brigade is alloted to Kingston. team were out with The Cresby was defenggd by ia clear ma- "I tario Steam' Washington. 'Jeecretary grand treasurdk, Windsor; Geo, Lynch Staunton, K.C.. grand legal {Saterday morning. After Mr. MeAdoo George Vanhora {band MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Township of Portland. For Reeve-L. H. Ruttam, James McKeever, 158. y For . Councillors--J ames Meeks, 303; T as H. Watson, 293. James Wal Iker, 207; W. Asselsting, 206, ard Stover, 199. THE WORLD'S EPISODES $3 isp -- 316; How- Township of Pittsburg. Reeve--W. J. Franklin, 246; D. D. Rogers, 203. Councillors--H. Atkinson, 249; J. H. | Barrett, 252; J. Bennett, 210; J. Ne Kendry, 280; W. Pearce, 147. Loeal option gaing in Ontario now number] nineteen. : At Chatham, William Comer, aged thirteén, saved a smaller brother from drowning. h "Hopes for Chinese peace conven fou vusished. The throne is still For eoundillors=J acoh Cobb, 8. & 8 . +8 eant, and Robert 3 ie: in believer" hut Ming George] Bourks 1. Sergent, un may visit Canada in 1914 to open! For local option, 138; againet, 68, the National Trasscontinentsl rodd. |]geal option carried on Henry Beckwith, Fredericton, N.E, vote. uncle of Hon. J. D. Hazen, died on} Tuesday, aged seventy-one. He 'was five years mayor of ericton. Lives of hundreds of patients at London, Ont., asylum for the insane were imperilled when a fire broke out! Tuesday might. All-bscaped. i . Conttuetor Henjamin, in 'charge of the (ll-fated Christmas eve car, nt 'lo-| ronto, wee stewek down by a cor near the same spot Puesday evening. Two negro sihjoots were liberuted af- ter . five years in jail at Washington. | . They are exoncrated of murder on! the high sens. BPN Townshiv of Oso.' For reeve--Jerome Thomson. Village of Eganvitfe,' Reeve--Rudolph G. Reinke. Couneillors--Heory M. Foy, Patrick Drohaw, W. A. L. Schmidt, John Me Namara., ------ Village of Lanark. Reeve. M. Forbes. : Courcillors--R. J, Stead, J. A. Char- bonneaun, T. G. Robertson. a------ Township of Hungerford. Reeve--Andrew Kirk, Deputy reeve--.J. L. Newton. Councillors--+J. EB. Brown, 475; No- ible Mchonald, 441; J. W. Brown, 114, Alired Tennyson Dickens, oldest. son cf Charles Dickens, visiting America, lecturing on hy father, died suddenly in New York, 5 At Cobalt, while the coroner was SE . holding an joquest on 8. Tedki, who! Township of Tyendinaga. fall from nm wine senffold, "Tom" Reeve--ib. Hanley; majority Whnitton, mine foreman, was killed in one. Te the sare way. | Deputy reeve--I'. Mclaren, majofity At Calgary, Alta, Rabert Brown, : 123. a young man employed by the On, Lawmdry, took earholic acid con the street and died. He sa | forty Front of Yonge Township. Reeve--0. Buell, Council--+, A. RJ. Ferguson, 0. | from Winchester, Ont. " feeder, C. B. len Arthur Boutilier, aged seventeen, ' amd Donald MeAuley, aged -vighteen, were drowned while skating at Syd rey river, N.S, when th¥ ice il | ho bodies were recovered. The famous firm of Wernher, Beit &) Co., London, ceased to exist with the last day of 1911. It was dissolved by mutual toponsent, but the diamond branch is transferred to the firm of L. Dreilmeyer & Co. Because her elder sister, Anna, won her bean away from her, sixteen-year- old Ela Jobnsou, New York, swal lowed earbolic ucid. She will recover, aghin to smile upon the young man. and her sister has promised never INCIDENTS OF THE PAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Reporters. Mr. and Mrs, S. Roughton returned on Monday after a pleasant Wit in vew York, Miss Isabel Willoughby, Annesley Hall, Toronto, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. Shivley, Albert street. John Theobald, bing street, leit, Wednesday, for Watertowr, N.¥., on a visit, v Prof. William Nicol spent the vaca- sion in New York, Philadelphia and He returned yesterday. Mis. George Richardson, University avenue, is spending a few days in ©; Thomas, the guest of Mrs. John Mc- Causland. Master Gordon Uraham sang in St. Mary's cathedral, 'the ~*Laudate Do- minam,"" in a very pleasing manner on New Year's evening. James Bews," Y.M.C.A. physical di- rector, returns to his duties, Wednes- day evening, afte fievi f wr ow Dg Suitring tom ani which 'was & republican stronghold. Frederick' Wilson, boys' secretary of] 1eW had pews imistic views concerning the Y.M.C.A; H. Warwick apd R* all republicans and many of his fellow- Goodeatle, peturned, Tuesday evening, citizens who were democrats, which he after attending the provincial boys et forth from week to week in his pa- work 'Gonferetice at Orillia. "Siiper in bald and forcible style. Prof; Pdward J. Williamson er;] One week he let go an article about tis afternoon to resume his duties ®-local politician that was raw. It at Hobart College, Geneva, N.Y, after | Was Vigorous and pointed. The article srecding the past ten days™ in the offended the maiden aynt of the 'poli- civy. de. Harold Williamson lett: for lician and she wrote. 10 Lew * 'Step Port Arthur. / Herald at once 1 1 won't take it. Rev. J. W. Mclatosiss the new min Jaw printed her command in the ister Hor Cooke's 'church, arrived in next issue and commented : "We'shall the city Wednesday afternoon, and be very glad to stop this lady's sub- was 'mot at the train by a Sumber ol scription. The mere loss of a subserib- ds or is of little moment to a great moral Hi 30 he ahurth, oilin induc- agency like the Herald. But when she On Monday evening at. the home of asks us to stop the Herald she asks Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frasso, 226 the - impossible. To do so would Joutrenl stroot; u delightful. New Mount to a national ealamity !" ear's party was given in honor of " REISE Mr. and Mrs, Martin Frasso, of Glou: Elected Mayor of Dresden. center, Mass. Progressive euchre games! Pr: H. F. McDonald, who was elect wére indulged in. The rooms were ed mayor of Dresden, is an old Kings- decorated with pink and white daffo- tom boy, being a son of the late Mlex- dils and evergreens. Refreshments were snder cDonald, and an honor gradu- given after dancing and many toasty ate of Queen's in arts and medicine. were given the New Year. He was also a house surgeon in the i "Kingston general hospital. He is a Deother a Mrs, (Rev) J. D. Boyd, A meeti of the ad president re. W. J. Thoraton. His moth- and ae ried) a grand © Mrs. A. McDonuld, resides at 104 council of the Catholic Mutual Bene Fine street. fit Associstion is being hell in the head office. fn the eity of Kingston on Ran Into Open Swith. Wednesday. The following are pre; Cochrane, Jan, 8.--Conductor Ha- millon snd Rrakesman Suthe and went > Hon. M. F. Hackett, grand pre- sident, Stanstend, (ue; Hon. A. D. and Russell wore seriously hurt when grand first vice-president, a train on the Towiskaming sod » NB; J.J. Behan, grand Northern railway rau into su opm , Kingston; W. J. MeKee, switch here this morning. 'The pas atmos. sengeis ore all safe. | Hamilton; Dr. E. Ryan, grand medi Prowned at Pembroke. cal examiner, Kingston; Dr. Alexander 5. (ai to the Wiig Germain, grand trustee, Montreal; J. Fegbroke, Jan. 3.-The drowning oc W. Mallon, Ku, gram tastes, To: cured of Joseph DuPont, whose sleigh oaite; Hon. Justice M. A. McHugh, hroke through the ice of lake, at grand trustee, Windsor; don I. Allumette Island, after ha' return: Hallisey, grand trustee, Truro, N.S. ad from driving sick wife to an Fell and o Her des. hospital. The body has not been re- a covered, Mrs, William MeAdoo, Maple Leal P.O, met with a painful accident list on, nant. ~ Front of Escott Township. Reove-- LE. Hagerman. Coundl~R. A. Foley, 4. R. Me Donald, D. Williams, L. Gavin. Township of Augusta, Reeve-- James White, Deputy reeve--A. Yissell. Coupeil-~k. MeKimm, J. J. McCully. tobinason, Village of Athens. fceve--N. HB. Hobmes. 8 : Council--J. F. Gordon, 'W. H. Ja- cots, E. Taylor, H, H. Arnold. Trustees--W. F. Karl, D. L. Johin- ston, H. R. Knowlton, G. Ww. Jeach. Township of North Croshy. Reeve --W. GG. Scott. Council= George Duncan, J. ¥. Vanderhoof, M. Norwood. North, Township of Elizabethtown. Reeve]. C. Stagg. Deputy reeve--Ueorge Boyd. Coupecil--R. W. Woods, Jesse ton, Norton Hill, Ens- Sheffield Township. Reeve--J, Edward Harrison. Councillors--Jobhn Palmateer, Samp- gon King, John Sullivan and M. C. McKim, Aunty's Ultimatum. Chicago Record-Herald, Lew Whiteman used to run a demo- crati® weekly paper in Xenia, (fhio, C.M.B.A. Board Meets, he -- Vanhorn Went at Noon. 4 left 'at noom, to- and his detighter had left for town, day, for Calgary, where 'he has ob easly in the morning, Mrs. McAdoo tamed a position in the store of Burne jwent out in the yord shout 9.30 & Sewell, the same store that "Pill" o'g Coming in. contact with a McCammon is in. A large number of of » frozen in ine ground, sie Van's friends went to the outer sta apd U her left lag near ths tion with him. hip. Je I in hailing gis- |, " tanoe, t ; managed to 'drag : ; herself the twenty: Yara (0 the house, sou heat of soms other. and managed (o gel in bed, where she jikes a in this serious condition, umtil: in the evening. When her hus- meet oo wan man he dis John Laidlaw & Son. three-fifths TO-MORROW, Commencing at NINE O'clock, we will offer the balance of our Women's Winter Coats . At Exactly Half Price "We have had an unusually large sale of Women's Coats this year. The best we have ever had and the balance of this season's Coats will be sold at a long way below actual cost, These Winter Coats Are All Stylish. Some have actually been received since De- cember 15th. Come To-Morrow Even if not ready to buy you may select any Coat and we will hold it for you until you are ready. January White Cottons We have a large range of the best makes of White Cottons, HORROCKSES Famous White Cottons, LONSDALE CAMBRICS + For Underwear, ENGLISH NAINSOOK. This is a very fine White Underwear Cotton, MADAPOLAMS, a Nainsook, BRIDAL CLOTH, a fine White Cotton for Trousseaux, trifle higher than Sheetings In a great many different makes and at prices that mean a saving to you. Pillow Cottons Both Plain and Circular In all needed widths. a i . . gr '. Cheap Accident Insurance | 10E OREEPERS Fasten night on your rubbers Always ready for use. Close up when not wanted. PRICE 25 CENTS. We also have the kind that fit over the heel of either hoot or rubber 35 Cents a pair.