Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jan 1912, p. 6

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TRAVELLING. MRE Ser The longhst Rouble track' in "the world under one management. The only doble track raliway between Montreal, Chicago, principal Canadian Cities. "The Intemational Limited" Leaves Kingston daily at 12. for Toronto, Hamilton, London, De- troft, arriving in Chicago § o'clock the following morning. 9 Toronto, and 25 noon Four Express Trains daily to To- ronto and Montreal. 'J.P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. RIERA TVET LI RAILWAY "IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON 1145 a.m. Express--~¥For Ottawa, 'Montreal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marle, Puluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Van- _eouver, Seattle, Portland and San 5.00 > ih ~= Local for Sharbot Lake, connecting with C. P. R. East West. 7.45 a.m. Mized--For Renfrew and Intermediate points, Mon., Wed., and Friday. " Passengers leaving Kingston at 21.46 a.m. arrive in Ottawa at 5 m.; Peterboro, 4.38 p.m.; Toronto, 65 p.mi; Montreal, 7.05 p.m. Hoston, 7.30 a.m.; St. John, 12.00 noon. Pull particulars at K. and P. and WP, R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, leaves Union Station, Ontaric m. dally (Bunday exce ted) Bydenha. am, Napanee, 9, al points despa to ae Ty pagans ° cinte i ' i on BB H. Ward Pass Agent NEW IDEA AND A SHIY HORT YACHTING C he eh TO THB EST INDIES ON THE Limit La rl booking advined. Send Tor Book- IWRING & CO, 17 State St, N.Y, or your Local Tourist Agency. 8. "Bermudian" ons ER sails from Yo January deen Shin, and 'every Wed. thereaf| fer uxe; with private bath, i keels; eleetrio fans' awa & & steerage. aaamer n at The wy a Tes ' "GUIANA" Lm, alternate K for and Saturdays Guadeloupe, ib, tala, o. Lucia, Bar: Fa SRE tulick | Angaton; Rin WHITE LITT LIT IE Sa TULL "sane ROM Halifax, N.S, From Halifax. , Dee, 3 Oe 14 to Cork samer and Destina- nificent New Steamer and ted. Has Ele- Omas, t : Surest. . ovo Remedy Saves You apply fr You have never used anything which takes hold of a bad cough and i nin it so quigkly as Pinex Cough Syrup. Gives almost Instant relief and usually stops the most obstinate, deep-seated cough In twenty-four hours. Guaranteed to give prompt and positive resul in croup whooping cough, ih Sven Pinex is a special and highly comcen-. trated compound of Norway White Pine extract, rich in guaiacol and other Heal- ing pine elements. A §0-cent . bottle roakes 16 oynces--a family supply--of the best cough remedy that money can buy, At 4 saving of §2. Simply mix with home-made sugar syrup or strained 2opy. in a J6-gunce bottle, and it fs ready for use. ally prepared in five minutes--directions in * Children like Pinex Co Syrup--it Castes good and is a prompt, safe remedy for old or young. Stimulates the appe- tite and is slightly laxative--both features. A handy kousehold medicine for hoarseness, asthma, bronchitis, etc, and unusually effective for incipient lung troubles. Used in more homes in the U. 8. and Canada than aay other cough remedy. Pinex has often been imitated, but never successfully, for nothing else will produce the same results. The genuine is guaranteed to give absolute satisfac- tion or money refunded. Certificate of guarantee is wrapped in each Your druggist has Pinex or will gladly get it for you. If not, send to The Phnex Co., Toronto, Ont. will be filled satis deal there at VP. 6-57 Barrack Street, Your orders actorily If you WALSH'S, : er a we have in varied styles-- nickel-plated on brass--non- rustable. They .are not con- fined to any. one manufactur er's productions, Towel Racks, Soap Dishes, Sponge Holders, Tab Seats, | Portable Showers, Tooth Brush Holders, Ete, 'Ete,, Ete, The country's best at easy-to- pay prices. See them. David Hall | ¥ "Phones: Store, 335. Residence, 856. 66 BROCK STREET. Although 250 miles average distance for sagey at wea, the Empress has been heard from $14 miiles east of is about wireless tha mess || settlers 'hate had great difficulty i 4! marketing their grain' and are'not in Il & position to pay the interest. of Ireland. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, JHURSDAY, NAPANEE ACCIDENTS MAN "BROKE LEG AND BROKE SHOULDER. LADY Death of Miss Margaret A. Shirley-- Poultry Show is Being Held in Napasies. _ Napance, Jan. 4.~The death oceur- red gn, Tuesday afternoon, of Margaret A, Si Fag elbugh Lor of the late Dr. Shires " home, Centre, street. Miss Shirley lad been in poor health or some' mont but her death was quite unexposed She leaves an od mother and one brother, William Shir: ley, of Wheeling, W.Va. The funeral will take pl afternoon. Echt. a few days in Mont rial? rles Ellis and sister, tive Annie, speny Edna French. Peter Post, an old and respected resident of Napanee, had the ion tune to break his leg yesterday. . He was unl ing freight at the Rock drill, when the horse started forward, New with Miss Year's throwing Mr. Post to the ground, and | causing the accident. Miss Shutler, South Napanee, met with a painful accident, on Tuesday, by falling on the icy sidewalk and breaking her shoulder. Isaac Brisco expects to have the skating rink in readiness for skating by Saturday night. Napanee is proud of this new rink, which is 60x180 feet, and brilliantly lighted with electric lights, Mr. and Mrs, CC. H. Drury and son, Cecil, leave, to-day, for the west, ai- ter spending the past couple of months visiting friends in Napanee. The fourth anus! meeting of the Napanee poultry show is being held this week. A large number of birds are on exhibition and the judges have a difficult task to perform in select- ing the winners, This afternoon and evening J. W. Clark, of Caingville, will lecture on poultry raising. * Me. and Mrs. John €Q. turned to their home in Tuesday, after spending with friends in Napanee Brandon re Humbeldt on the holidays Politician Sent Down, Jersey City, N.J., Jan. 4 N. Egan, county collector of Hudson county, was sentenced by Supreme Court Justice Swayze (0 not more than seven years nor less than one year at hard labor, in state prison, and to pay a fine of 81,000 for embez- zlement, in having loaned to the late Robert Davie, democratic leader of Hudson county, 331,000 of the coun. ty's money. Fgan was convicted on Dectmber 16th. Stephen A Boon to Grain Growers. Regina, Sask., Jan. 4.----What will prove a great boon to the holders of pre-emptions is the order issued by Hon. Robert © Rogers to, the various dominion land officers throughout the west not to cancel pre-emptions for non-payment of interest. The reason for the suspension of the provision al- i | lowing concellation of the pre-emption, is. that the in il interest is not paid, 3 ANUARY 1, EXDS DYSPEPSIA \ FOREVER. Heartburn, as Indigestion and Other Stomach Distress Vanishes. You casi eat anything your stomach craves without fear of Indigestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food will Herment. of sour op your stomach, §f you. take a little Dispepsin occasion: ¥ Your meals will taste good, apd anything you eat will be digested; no- thing can ferment or turn inte acid or poison or stomach gas, which icauses belching, dizziness, a leeling of fullpess efter ealing, nausea, indiges- tion (like a lump of lead in stom- ach). biliousness, heartburn, water brash, pain in stomach and intestines or oiler symptoms. Headaches from the stomach are shsolutely unimown where this effec is used, in really does all the work of a healthy stom- ach, It digests your meals when your stomach canpot, A single dose will digest ali the food you eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour and up- set the stomach. Get a large fc. case of Pape's Diapepsin from your druggist and {start taking now, and in a little while iyou will getually brag about your healthy, strong stomach, for you then can cat anything and everything you want without ihe slightest discom- fort or misery, and every particle of impurity and gus that is in your stomach and intestines is going to be carried away without the use of laxa- tives or any other assistance. Should you wt this moment be suf- fering from incEgestion or any stom- ach disorder, you can surely get velief within five manutes, REAL MARVEL OF MARVELS Is Woman's Changed Figure, Says Convict. Paris, Jan. 4.~Thirty years ago a man named leon Peltzer was im- prisoned for life. He has been in pri- at Louvain, Belgium, until this week, and has lived in total ignorance of the world's doings. He did net know when he came out that Queen ictoria was no longer on the throne of England. He had never seen a mo- tor car or an aeroplane, he had never heard of the Dreyfus case, of Winston Churchill or of "Chanticler."' A journalist went about with him and showed him things. After a day or two he asked him what had sur prised him most. Peltzer's answer surprised the joumalist. He passed over aeroplanes, motor cars, phono: graphs! the "tobe, picture post cards dnd all sorts of other novelties in sil: ence, ig "The most son surprusing change of all," he said, "is in the shape of the women, When 1 went into prison they were quite round, and the fashion made them rounder still, Now they are flat and oblong, like a pencil case," Vernon's cushion sole hoots. for women; no cold feet perfect comfort; reduced prices. Dutton's, A shortage of about $145,000 is shown on the books of the whole sale white goods house of Van Keu- von, Thornton company, New York. The 'tremsuver, Perey Gi Vander- oef, misappropriated money. Dr. men and TO AID THE WORKING MOTHERS OF KINGSTON. Children's Aid Society Will Appeal te the Philanthropic and Beneva lent Citizeas, "That: the Children's Aid Society is thoroughly seised of the mpers tive need of a creche to serve as a day shelter for children whose mo thers, by having to go froma home to earn their living, are compelled to leave them at howe without aduis supervision; and thas this = society hereby aitbovies its agent, J. C McConachie, to take steps to se cure the co-operation of bemevolant, philanthropic citizens in this ardent matter." The above resolution was adopted by the Children's Aid Society, at its megiing in the police court room Wed- nesday afternoon. Mr. McConachie, the agent, had reported that only last week he had found a ehild. of six years of age keeping house whilo its mother was away working in the day time. In the same week another vase came under the agent's notice where' three children, the oldest only eight, were left alone all day for the same reason. This creche is a eryiog need in the city, as there are one hundred children left through the day without adult supervision. The above resolution was the outcome of a leng- thy discussion Another important matter dealt with at the meeting was that of a shelter. 'his is needed to accom moddate children between the ages of twelve and fifteen, while the agent is investigating their cases, and pro- viding for their future. At present the only plack open, is the police cells. The matier had heen referred by the eity council of 1911 to the finance committee. This committee, realizing the need, had proposed to build and equip an addition to the. Home for Friendless Women and Children. But, this plan is looked upon as unwork- able for several reasons. While the society thanks the finance commnfiie for its interest in the matter it Cv cided to appoint a commitiee com: posed of J, C, McConachie, Dr. F. Kthrington, T. F. Harrison and Co lin A. Macpherson to prepare a de: fiehte proposition, and present it to the civic finance committee of 1912 The report of the agent for ihe months af November and. December showed the following : Visits and interviews, 672, of whigh 227 had to do with children not deait with before ; warnings issued to careless parents, 43; police court attended, fifteen times, in Qonnectign with twen- ty children, 'and addresses delivered, five. There was a good attendance of members at the meeting, and Rev. Alexander Laird, the president; oceu pied the chair. Professor Felix S. Dahn, Breslau, Germany, historical writer, novelist and poel, is dead, aged seventy-seven. Sale men's sweaters, great value, 85¢.; boys', 50c.; all wool sox, 2 pairs, 35c. Dutton's. SCENE FROM "THE CHORUS LADY," AT THE GRAND ON SATURDAY, JAN. 6TH, MATINEE AND NIGHT. mata offer most of the @ best for the least - paration guarantees ' Ilddy's Toilet Papers free from injur- ious chemicals of any kind. "Tt you! re sure it's Bddy's, Furs | jin ber, Jally. and One Weds at 04, is Now Great Grand. mothe, Denver, Jan. 4.Barly marriage seems to run in the feminine ancestry and progeny of Mra. Huta) Conklin, of this eity, who, at the of forty- seven years, finds a great ther. The fourth generation of the family, of which she is the maternal head, was born to her granddaughter, Mrs. Lydia Rauch, early yesterday. Mrs. Conklin was married at Mem- Phis, Tenn., when fourteen Jans. ol, in opposition to the wi of her mother. Alvin Steele. Clayton, N.Y, Jan. 40d Satur day, at his home in this village, oc- curred the death of Alvin Steele, one of Clayton's oldest residents, after an viliness of long duration. The deceased was 'born in Brownville, this county, in 1825, and moved to Clayton at yn early , where he has since made his 'home. thirty years of age he was united in marriage to Miss Julia Carpenter, who. with one son, Mélvin Steele, survives him, Railway Earnings. Montreal, Jan, 4. Canadian Pacific railway earnings for the week ending December 3Jlst were $3,040,000: in- ose 9 of Bm. funk earnings from Decem- ber 20nd, I Hat were 81,291,873; in crense, §76, ' City of Toledo, Dieta C County Frank J. ¥ makes is Jantar Partner of the fi sare x ole: Golae ; fhe ® oo Tf SNE HUN i ol that be the Hees annot nC Cured I by the use of ANK me nd 'Submcritiod Sth day of Decem- (Beal) Aw, Public. Hall's Catarrh Cures +5 intern- Aots Siract!y on the blood and és of the system. Send & CO. Tojeda, O. Swors to 8 4., m t 1856, mucous sul NOTED FOR EARLY MARRIAGES. aC a fatal UND! RS lambs, $6.75 to $6.85: cull to fair, $5 -- LIVE STOCK MARKETS. - The Prices Paid at the Various Centres. Toronto, Jan. --~Export cattle, choice, $6.35 to $6.75; medium, $5.90 to $6.25; bulls, $4,756 te $5.75; butcher cattle, choice, $6 to $615; medium, $5.80 to $5.95; common, $5.50. to $5.80; butcher cows, choice, $5.25 to $5.50; medium, $4.50 to $5; canners, $2 to $2.25; bulls, $3 to $4; feeding steers, 34.75 to $56.25; stockers, choive, 33 to 38.25; light, $4.75 to $5.25; milk- ers, choice, each, $60 to $80; spring- ers, 83 to R385; hogs, fed and water- od, $6.25; f.0.b., 85.99; calves, $1 to $5. Receipts, 1,651 cattle, 105 sheep and lambs, 12 calves and 83 hogs. Chicago ¢ Live Stock. Chicago, Jan. 2.--Hogs---Receipts, 26,000. Market steady. Mixed and butchers, $5.85 to $6.25; good heavy, $5.85 to $6.75: rough heavy, $5.85 to $6; light, $5.80 to $6.15; pigs, $5.10 to $6. "c attla Receipts, 7000. Market steady. Bueves, $4.75 to $6.50; cows and heifers, $2 to $6.10; stoekers tnd feeders, $3.25 to $5.75; Texans, $4.25 to $5.75; calves, $5.50 to $8. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 20,000. Market strong: Native, $2.75 to $4.50; western © $3.25 to $4.60. Lambs, $4.25 to $6.50; western, $4.75 to 56.60. East Buffalo Cattle. East Bufislo, Jan. 2-Cattle--Re ipts, 200 head. Market active, firm. atedrs, $7.25 to $5.25; butcher $3 to 87. to prime, $6 to 7,600 Market active, Ref " Chiice vy, 6.40: Es, £5.50 to stags, $4.50 to 5. 75. thorough application of #4) Zam-Buk at night will bring ease 7 by morning. Zam-Buk steps the smarting, heals the cracks, and makes the hands smooth. " PROOF Misa Hattie Pertrand, Galesburg, Ont., writes: --*1 was troubled with chapped bands acd arms and nothing ever seemed to heal them thoroughly until we found Zam Buk, .I% has cured them. My father has also used #0 ; for several skin troubles and injuries, and thinks there is nothing like Zam-Buk." Mothers should see that their children use Zame Bak daily, as there is nothing like prevention. A little Zam-Buk lightly smeared Over the hands and wrists, after washing, will prevent chaps and cold sores. - Zam uk is alin & gute cite for ekin diseases, eczema, Hot, ringworm, poisoning, Ries, ¥ And for cuts, roa and bru bruises, by a at all stores and Srugritie, of ae from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price, ul substitutes and imitations, eveRY HOME NEEDS IT. HE is and the Country + are, bound together by the telephone liné. The farmer and his family use the rural telephone constantly, calling up each other and the market town on all sorts of matters and for all sorts of supplies and information, City people also find the rural telephone of great advantage. A traveller from his room in the hotel talks with the farm folk miles away. Without the telephone he could not reach them, The farmer himself may travel far and still talk home over the Long Distance Lines of the Bell System. ' THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA. Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. 1a The Kind You Have Always Bought, : and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his pere S * sonal supervision since its infancy. . Allow no ono to deceive you in this, An Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good"' are but Experiments that trifle with and eudanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor cther Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Tecthing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend, cenuinNe CASTO RIA- ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought tn Use For Over 30 Yerrs COMPANY, 77 MURRAY

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