Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jan 1912, p. 3

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Removal Notice Dr. Simpson has Dental Office from 268 Street to 'corner Princess and Bagot e : Btreets, vver Mahood's Drug Store. Entrance on Bagot Street. GOODS SOLD. ON TIME All kinds of Dry Goods Men's Boys' and Ladies' Suits, Boots and Bhoes, Jewellery, House Furnishings etc; sold on easy ol ent plan, Come in, see our go and terms. New Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing just received. It will pay you to call and see it Joseph Abrosmilsy % and Embossing WE ENGRAVE PLATES FOR VISITING CARDS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, "WEDDING INVITATIONS AND CUT STEEL DIES FOR EMBOSSING PAPER. WE SUBMIT FREE OF CHARGE BPECIAL DESIGNS OF MONOGRAMS--CRESTS-- ADDRESSES, ETC. NO FINER WORK DONE ANYWHERE. RODGER & WRIGHT Jewellers, Formerly Spangenberg's, 847 KING ST, KINGSTON. COPPER NOTE- remo ed his * Princess GLENBURNIE RINK To-Night ADMISSION .- - FREE REWARD. I SHALL REWARD ANY PERSON who will return to Whig office one Ma- ogany Foot Rest and Slipper Holder combined, It isa family I relic and wich pri The cover is worked in ilk on the top and inside. It has four eet, which run upwards, and form the nds of the rest. It was stolen from the home of X. A MEETING ~- Of the Farmers' Institute Will Be Held at Dufferin Orange Hal Invernry Hi Westbrook Ha'l 12th, Speakors--8, G. carl ile." estar ville: Kerr, Farley, "Smithtierd, will = . dress the eotlng at pSstrook, PET 8 ULE: © © JB QUINN, COVERED RINK { Picton vs. Frontenacs Friday, January 5th Game called at 8 p. m. Admission 26¢ What About That Range? Junior O.0.A. Hockey Match|: A SPLENDID TIME THE SERGEANTS' » MESS OF THE |/SRaBn R.C.H.A. ENTBRTAINS. iin, Commemorating the Forticth Anni- versary--Popular Songs, Witty | Matinee Speeches and a Generally Good Time. Over one phodred enjoyed the ban- t given by the sergeants' mess, of wy Royal Canadien Horse Artillery, in their beautiful quarters at Tete du Pont barracks, on Thursday even- ing. The occafion was the com- memoration of the fortieth anpiver sary of the organization of the mess. it was a small affair at first, ' Tess than a dozen, and was instituted by 'A" battery. Ti has been perpetua- ted over since and is now the pre mier mesg of the permanent forces throughout the dominion of Canada. The tables filled the entire room and were most artistically decorated as was also the room. The gom- pany included nearly all the perman- ent officers in the clty, the honorary members of the mess, the regular members, Col. T. Benson, Lieut.-Col. \. F.: MacNachtan, C.V.0,, of Guelph; #W. ¥. Nickle, M.P.,, J. W. Edwards, M.Y., F, Hoag, mayor-elect, ex-Master Gunner Stroud, of Guelph, and a number of other citizens. The menu was excellent and well ed and was exceedingly appetiz zing. . 34 was half past ten when cigars 'and cigarettes were passed and a delightful two hours and a hall were spefit in toasts, popular songs, witty stories and interesting reminis ocences, Reg.-Sergt Major W. H. Gimblett, W.0., presidéd and displayed excel lent tact in his handling of the toast list. His remarks were timely anc appropriate: He said that the mes: roll now numbered about one hun dred and the most cordial feeling was manifest among all its members He weleomed ihe company and in- That you spoiléd your Christmas| dinner on. Better change it for a Souvenir and have no more spoiled | peals. this district. 20 p.je. off all ranges curing January. W.C. Bennett, Hardware 191 Princess Bt. Phone 1038,' Some women' are so changeable they never wear the same complexion twice. vited them to have a jolly time. Liou, Col. H. A. Panet, D.8.0., spoke for the officers of the R.C.H. A.,, and commended the excellent work of the sergeants, whose duties were most capably performed. Col. T. Benson spoke for the militia of Canada and recalled the very hap py days he had spent in the artillery gervice, The comradeship was of the ht and it was only since he had left e force that he realized what it at to him. 'W, F. Nickle, M.P,, gracefully re sponded for "Canada," and was loud ly applauded when he declared that 0000000 NO0GO0TOR000R0000000000000000000000000000000000000080000000s ° o ® ® ® ® * ° ® a ® ° ® eo ® . * ° ° ° ® ° ° ® FOR REAL BARGAINS ) ( 00000000000000000000000 TRY . .. spl $0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 IN DRY GOODS, +4 READY-TO-WEAR and MEN'S FURNISHINGS h EE TT TET TARE SATURDAY, JANUARY ARY 613 THE hid COMEDY SUCRds! THE CHORUS "Thy ONE SOLID Nw NN NEW YORK, Child, 35¢ AMUSEMENTS | ; THE PATLY BRITISH Feo. FRIDAY, saxvamy. 5, 1912. Ee ---------------------------------------- P eople's S- ; The S100, is now ou Sale. MONDAY, JAN. 8 THE FAMOUS YOUNG IRISH TENOR, "FISKE HARA Magnificent COVERED RINK. Senior Exhibition HOCKEY MATCH SENIOR QUEEN'S va. SENIOR FRONTENACS. MONDAY, JANUARY 8th Game called at 8 p.m. Admission 25 cents. Reserved Seats, 25 cents extra. AR a AMAR its future destiny 'was wrapped up with the British empire. W. A. Btroud, fraternally regarded by the sergeants' mess, was toasted, and, along with Lieut. O'Grady and ex-Sergt. Pugh, made pleasant re marks that testified to their loyalty and affection for the sergeants' mess. Mayor-Elect Frank J. Hoag spoke for the "City of Kingston,' and . re joiced that good relationship existed beiween the tunic and the town. Hon- orary members had advocates in Messrs. R. Stevenson, E. Walsh, T. Clagk, Sergts. Frappe and McCully, N. F. MacNachten, C.V.0., who, last summer, was in command of the Ca- nadian artillery at British competi- tions, told of the ymagnificebt work of the boys of the Maple Leaf and the victories that came to them. He was proud of this arm of the service and congratulated the government on the valuable aid they gave to maintain it in efficiency. At this stage the sergeants' took ceccasion to present Mr. Stroud with a valuable' coon coat. Mr. Stroud had been thirty-nine years in the service and was esteemed by every man under him. There was much ap- use when he intimated that o oped to return to Kingston and be a frequent visitor at the barracks, which was indeed home to him. He was much affected by the kindness of his old comrades, whom he would never forget. Dr. Edwards spoke complimentary of the organization and along with Mr, Nickle and Mr. Hoag, declared it his intention to impress upon the government the need of better quar ters for the R.C.H.A. "The Press" was responded to by W. R. Givens and J, G. Elliott, and after they had spoken Col. Benson toasted the president = the mess, Mr, Gimblett. This was rapturously re ceived and was followed by "Auld Lang Syne," and "God Save The King." Col. F. Strange and Col. J. Massie sang during t the evening. The guests departed shortly after one o'clock, pleased with their enter tainment and more than anxious to participate in another. event at a future date, Col. Sam Hughes expressed his re- gret at not being ablé to attend the banquet. Ile boped for that, pleasure on another oceasion. A number of other regrets were réad from former members of the mess 'and from sister organizations in other places, mess INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Reporters. At home cards, neatl Whig office, y Prigtel, Miss L. Chadd, Picton, is visiting Mrs. 0. 0. Boyd, Battie street. "Special sale of Popees. Gibson's. Ha ilton aft: di "the holid - amilton after spending ays with his motber at Kingston Mills. | : Visiting cards, the very best qual- ity of card and finest printing, Whig once. Ca 9 toilet somp, tooth pews, and tube of tooth paste, a at holder for 25¢c. at Best's, The thermometer at the "Police sta- tion door, registered three degrees shove zero at mine o'clock, on Friday ning. "Special ante of sponges." How's, Prof. Adam Shortt was ected t of the American Histori- 'at récent meeting Buffalo, N.Y. fn Bul boxes of Bronchial Troches at Best's to-morrow. The residents in the vicini ity of St. Andrew's church enjoy the of the chimes at sertain times, . but, "Ob, you ™ 2 for $1. . R But. 8. Kt Lyn provineial the ston and Sd yi districts, "win vik the city in connection Rnights Templar, ok "rday. ---- at} EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. Ss, Anglin & C OFFICE GIRL, APPLY TO DR. v Waugh, 162 Princess Street. SERVANT FOR GENERAL HOUSE. work. Apply to 193 Brock Street, AT ONC ice. Store. DRUG ibson's STORE APPRENT- Red Cross Drug WAITRESSES AND CHAMBERMAIDS wanted at Hotel Quinte, Belleville, Apply at once, COMME SYAITERS OR WAIT. ae nee: none other need on 'Hotel Randolph. A MAID TO DO PLAIN COOKING AND Jusist with children. Mrs, Shas. A. 5 w, cor, Union and Albert A COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT: no washing. Apply, in the even- ing, to Mrs. Roughton, 143 King Street. A MAID FOR work. Apply, the evening, Brock Street. GENERAL HOUSE- with references, in to Mrs. Fowler, 245 AN EXPERIENCED housemaid: references required; good wages to right person. Ap- ply at ¥ W.C.A,, 196 Johnson St. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly Sorresponding for newspapers, No canvass! ne Send for particulars, Press Synd cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y A LIKE FOR EVERY HOME; WRITE us for our choice list of age ty supplies; we have the grea 'agency proposition In Canada (1 day; no outlay necessary. Apply, B.CL Co, 228 Albert Street, Ot- IMMEDIATELY, OLD COUNTRY DOMESTICUS --CAP- able Scotch, Epglish. and Irish maids; also Danish girls; pasties twice a month, PRIY now, The Guild, 71 Ll Montreal, 47 Pembroke Street, To- ronto, and 227 Bank Street, Ot- tawa. arrivin CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed In Byery home, especially br workl oni Bood salary; pe mane osition; you ing or Pomail 'salary behind rl gounter, write to- ~day; ouble your wages ais own boss. Apply, Box "E. °s, Whig office. WANTED---GENERAL. HOE REPAIRING OF EVERY. DE. 5 scripfion; first class work; best leather only used; one trial wil Hee: Bring your repairs to Scott's, 208 Barrie Streef, cor, of Clergy West. TAKE NOTI THAT I WILL BUY all kinde of second-hand furniture and stoves: will pay highest prices; before anyone else. J. homps 333 Princess _ Btreel, next Andrew's Church. son, t. SENILEMEN TO BRING 'THEIR oth and have It made up into up. to-date suits. Price and workman ship guaranteed to please, Press. ing and repairin done on the Shortest notice. omas Galloway, 131 Brock Bt, near Bibby's Livery, LEGAL, OUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BAKRIST. rs and Solicitors. Law Office, T) arence Street, Kingston. FURNITURE FINHHER. ANTIQUR FURNIT ebonising dnd hae, nama and all colors of mission work; work given best attention. Driscoll, 28 John Btreet. Call drop a card. PERSONALS. od HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. rks and all growths and akic blemishes emoved Specialist, is Bagat OCEAN STSAMBHIF AGENOY. TRANSATLANTIC LINES, ALL CLASS. C. 8. Kirkpatrick, Agent, 43 Clarence ttreet, Kingston. 'Phonr TEACHERS WANTED, ANT FEMALE TEACHER for the Et de artiment of the Pastsmomth Public School: initial salary, $30 State experience and qualific Si up to the 17th Inst, Thomas F. Graham, Secretary, Portsmouth, Kingston, On. A PROTEST EERIE a, Sift Erie leva a acres pa a Sa EER Be onths in three | Thos worth ioe, "oT S04 wre a Ww. com, of gaan = gree ra 3 LOST. A GOLD FOR, WITH INITIALS "FF K" ron back, Wednesday mornin on Division, Queen, Barrie or Pr acess FORD MODEL wp» Motor CAR. BIRPIF IIe fib ibaa db ed FOR SALE, McDonald Mowa Streets Reward for return te 331 Queen Street. . BLACK HAND Sydenham, | Johnson or Streets, containmg a pair of lasses and some receiptz. Finder indly leave ut Dr. Coanell's LOST OR STOLEN BAG, PRINCESS, Montreal A COCKEREL PUP. THREE MONTHS oi, brown in color: were a collar: was stolen and sold in Kennedy House Friday evening, December 22nd. Purchaser please retufn to 50 Princess Street and get mone) back, BIRDS. FIRST SHIP- BIRDS, BIRDS, GERMAN CANARI ment just receiv Just the thing hristmas Sith. W. J. Driver, and Barrie Sireets. o. he « corner 'Phone HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWIUK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, G.T.R. station, one block from CPR; on street car line; bar suppiled with best of wines and liquors; charges moderate; special rates by the week, John Cousineau, Prop. THE GRIMASON HOTEL, 34 Princess Street. Bar stock with of Ales, Beers, her Liquors and cholcest Brands of Meals, 25c eath, or special the week, Yard nd accommodation. Rat reasonable. Mulville & Driscoll RUSINESS CHANCES. ANYON a ma Sanvassing, Bend for fre Heatock, 2.9 FINANCE your own boss. g, boiler Tells how, Lockport, N.Y. AND INSURANCE, BATIEMA & Lite, " ident Insurance and Cus toms oker; Real Money to Loan: a share business solicited. 67 Street, Kingston. 'Phone K. ROLL, Street. CARRY Life, Health Insurance, Emplayers' Liability and Motor Boat Insurance, Security Bonds, Real Estate in Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Moose Jaw, etc, 336, 14 Accident and Plate Glaws, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; stablished 1363; president, Sir Richard Cartwright: money issued on city and roperties, municipal and gounty ebentures; mortgages purchased; deposits recely and Interest al- lowed. eG Director, §7 Saree reet LIVERPOOL, LONDON, Fire Insurance Company. Available assets, $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stock-holders, Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing oll or glving new business get rates from Btesnge & Strange, Agents, "Phone 335. DENTAL. ANYWHERE, CAN STALL] 1 order Jusinuse at home. No |i} GARDINER~FIRE, | ||| MARKET! || farm i Managing 1H AND GLOBE | oo Neo. # RANGE, AT 223 MO} . A Riven, ONTREAL price, $35.09 GILCLOTH, LINOLEUM, ALSO J0M Cork, all remnants, a " Teat differs Toe in Prices, 4 at Tur 'Ss. Phone a een ee fm a CHESTNUT CANOE: LENGTH, 18 Pr, almost pew: also double and Single paddles cushions cheap. to Box office, and fo Apply 161, W ™ VICTOR GRAMOPHON AND anon 200 records, with Rn Ty on class condition: will sell ai reason- able price. Apply to Box 161 Whig of tice, FRAME HOUSE AND LOT, 78 LOWER Hagol Street, oecupled by the late Martin Meagher. For terms, aps Hd to Mrs. Catharine Meagher, »X 248, Gananoque, Ont, Pein AWNINGS, CANG Cahring oud ye the tec unc je white Hngiieh TRincaath eve: wit Sagn sik wats Sores applies ' \ Cooks, Er) Fy oh 'Phone $31 or 33. ata Wm, 4 $1,300 HOUSE ON GARRETY STREET, new; all modern Improvements $5,500 ARM, AT WESTEROOKE, PEI50, FARM, NEAR MURVALE, acres; good for stock or grain ANUMBER OF HOUSES AND STORES to sell and rent. Enquire. BATEMAN & GARDINER, 7 CLAR- énce Street, Kingston 185 The Rogers Realty 0. Paid up Capital, $200,000.00 Winnipeg, Manitoba Owners of Winnipeg and Sas. Edtate and |l| of your|il Clarence | ii} katoon Properties and West» en Farm Lands, Mr. Robert J, Winnipeg Office, Kingston for the week begin- ning January Sth, 1812, and will be glad to meet those de- siring to dispose of their pro- perties in Winnipeg or Saska- toon. Address communications to Box No. 277, Wig Office. Davis, of the | will be In TO LET. DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN» furnished, Stores, etc. MeCann, 61 Brock Street. -------- ---------------------- pounLE FLAT, PRINC 8 STREET) eight rooms; good loeation, with improvéments. Apply to T. J. Boon, ¥68 Wellington Bireet SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, Entrance on Bagot Street. Tele~ phone 326, IN, ©, C NAS Weicker, ASS 'Phone 73 DENTIST; DR, ©. HW, stant, 133 Princess St DR. A, January Street. B. KNAPP, 1st, 1912, "Phone 652, BA, 258 AFTER Princess + A, AYKROYD, DDS, LDS, ist, over Dominion 187 Wellington 510. DENT. Express Offlee, Lireet. 'Phone S. H, SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, ist, corner Princess and Entrance on Bagot Street phone 326, DENT. Bagot Tete MUSIC. SALSBURY BROY, ORCHE 11 up 1079 or address 21 a Bern reet when In need of an or chestra for dance, at home or ball Remember the 'phone: number-- UPHOLSTERER, W. J. GAVE - UPHOLSTERING, hy pairing and carpet work, nalr mi tress renovating. Pp & card or call 218 Bagot Street. OSTEOPATHY. HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS"... G Asheroft, D.O,, 138 Wellington St. opposite the Post Office; chrom'c 4 Staten treated by Osteopathic met ethods and Electrical Vibration tres ments by appointment. 'Phone REAL ESTATE. ROVGHT AND SOLD; RENTS wo] jected aod money to loan; a No. 251 Victoria Stree TORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, dry, siry rooms, sbsolutsly moth pruct; your own lock and ke Frost's hh Borage, v9, Queen 'Phone 26h. it ONCE, A NEW house, corner Quebec Streets; eas terms; on provements. Apply to J 106 Pine Street BIGHT-ROOM Diviston ern Im- D. Boyd, THOSE DESIRANLE RESIDENCES 417 and 41% Johnson Street, solid brick, semi-detached; seven rooms and bath; all conveniences and Sani 419 has hot water furnace, App < th BW, Mullin, cor Johnson aa Division 'Sireets ARCHITECTS. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, B10, 258 King Street. 'Phons 345. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, University 1019 venue. 151 Telephone WH. NEWLANDS & SON ete, 'Phone 608 ARCH Oftices, 25% Bagot Bt, - POWER § SON, ARCHITECTS MER. chants' Bank Building, "corner Brock and Weillngton Streets, ] mos. J. F, SPARKS, BAS oN, By PHYSICIAN and Bu" geon, 3% Wellington st Office hsurs, 10 to 12 am, 2 to y and 7 to 9 p.m, 'Phone 386. DR. BO, D, MaeCALLUM, PHYSICIAN, and Surgpon. 142 Wellington 8 Office hobrs, 10 to 12 am. 2 to 4 i Richardson. and 5 to » pm, Telephone 1093. a NE ----_-- "We Susranice Every = COAL! SCRANTON COAL | 18 good Coal and we guarantee promy' delivery. "BOOTH & 00. 'FOOT WEST STREET, (our home all heated if you burn Our Coal SWIFT S C1 1/BIBBYS CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 REMOVED, : T. J. Lockhart, Real Hstate and Insurance Agent, an- Bounces that he has removed larger

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