Put Mn Extra - Stomach to Work Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Will Deo the Work of Two or Three Stomachs--<Affords Instant ' Relief. FREE TRIAL PACKAGE. When your food does not digest, when gases form, when you experience that uncomfortable fecling of fullness, when the breath is foul, the tongue coated and that sour taste is in the mouth~take a Stuart's Dyspepsis Tablet and watch how quickly every one of these symptoms disappear. All that was needed was to digest that lump of food jn your stomach, ~anc the glands, whose duty it ix to su ply the gastric juies, had ny given out from overwork. Fo wher you were supplying sxactly whit war necessary to complete the process of digestion that the stomach had be gun but was unable to finish. If yon would continue to take a Btuart's Dys, ia Tablet after eact meal for a while, your stomach woulc have a chance to rest up and gel well 'and strong again. Try just one box and you will neves want to be without this wonderful little remedy for stomach troubles Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain wr ingredient, one grain of which will dj gest 3,000 grains of food, They are s entirely harmless because they hav absolutely mo effect on the system om way or another except to do just the one thing--digest food 40,000 physicians use and mend this National Remedy. Every drug store everywhere sells and re commends Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets The price is 50 cents per box. A sample will be sent free if you will write F. A. Stuart Co. 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. recom The d e a leverages: ALE STOUT LAGER Agent--Jas. Mcrarland, King Street East. 34 ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR Best place for all kinds of Chocolates in Fancy Boxes, Ine Cream and all kinds of Fruits and Candy, M, PAPPAS & OO, 184 Prikecon Streed frvssssssssscsnnsccanag THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON STREET, (Near Princess), There are other hotels, one approach the Club omelike surroundings. n_ centre of «ity and {jose to principal stores and eatre. Charges are moderate Special rates by the week P. M. THOMPSON, Pregrietor. weer SNOWS, TALLMAN SWEET. BELL FLOWERS, NORTHERN SPIES, SWEET CIDER. COAST SEALED OYSTERS, D. COUPER, Phone 76. 841-3 Princess Strees Prompt Delivery but for Boosvencssssvsesscsccene t Highest Grads « W.E.KELLY. Clarence and Ontario Streets. : Toye's Building. © 00000000000 VOONOOGS sess sssessssnessiénne {league were to be received and 1 schedule drawn up. FRONTENAC TEAM IS PICKED. JUNIOR Hoag Will Face the Puck. The junior had its final workout at the covered vink Thursday night, for the game sith Picton to-night, in the opening of the O.H.A. series. The eleven play- ers who were picked . Tuesday night vere given workouts in turn, and tak- m altogether, the practice was a very atisfactory one. Some of the play- ers have not recognized as vet the im- portance of speed at all times, and on wery occasion, hut this will be drilled into them. Cook has made good in 1oal, and will hold down that posi- ion. The defence (Campbell and Stan- ton) is one which in time will rival Davidson and McCammon, These two ire fast and tricky, have lots of speed ind are both g shots. The left sing will be held down by Gunn, a coungster who played on the Midgets ast year. He has the "goods" if time is given him to deliver them. The right wing position has been given to McGuire, the speedy Portsmouth boy, vho gives promise of becoming a star, 'Herb" Thornton has been booked for entre ice, and Purtill will be the 'over. In this team, Kingston is re wesented in the O.H.A. in a manner which will give Kingstonians some good games to see. For the first time in the history of hockey in Kingston, the mayor will face off the puck for the opening game. Mayor-Flect Frank J. Hoag kindly consented to drop the rubber between the sticks at 8.15 o'clock. Picton in Good Shape. Picton hasn't been doing much talk- ing, but it is rumored that the team has been, doing everything possible to get in shape. When there was no ice they were running and taking all kinds of exercise, and when the ice did come they were on it continually. Had a Hard Game. D. J, Millan received a ecard from his son, Leo Millan, with the Ottawa College team, in Boston, in which he says that the game on Monday night, which ended 7 to 1 ton, was a very hard game. Millan had the honor of scoring the only tally his team made. He succeed ed in putting one in the nets on an individual rush, and wing shot. The half time score was 2 to 1. Lack of condition is given as the cause of the big score. weeks' practice, and were in the pink of condition, while the bovs from the capital had very little. Ottawa sim- ply could not stand the pace, and had no team work, The press despatches show that Ottawa warmed up for the Wednesday night game, when the score was 5 to 4 in favor of Boston, Meeting Was Postponed. The meeting of the executive of the 8.8.A.A.A., called for Thursday even- ing, failed to materialize owing to the fact that there was no one to call the meeting together. Most important business was to be"transacted as the entries for admission into the hockey o ' Frontenacs vs, Queen's. The senior Frontenaes and Queen's will play an exhibition game at the covered rink next Monday evening. The best of friendly relations exist betwopn these two teams, and the game has been arranged with the view of giving® each faction some valuable experience for their opening games next Friday and Saturday. Srimpini Senior Frontemacs Practised. The senior Frontenacs were out for the first time as a team at the cover od rink and practised with the juniors Thursday night. The following men were on the ice; Nicholson, Brouse, Bover, Reid, Weicker, Hyland and Me Coll, a new man. No one was out to look after the nets, so "Jack" Mills, of the Junior Frontenacs, was goal keeper. Nicholson will be one of the fastdst men on the téam and is a stiff check for the defence, Reid's first ape pearance with the seniors made him CYCLIST RISKS LIFE New York--Jim Zanora, one of the best known trick bicycle riders in the United States, risks his life at every public appearance and Knows how ne- cossary it is for him to have a steady nerve and unfailing strength. The slightest weaknsss might cost him his hfe, or injure him severely; and this letter from him is of great interest on that account. He says: "I do trick bicycle riding as a pro- fessional and hard work, and so 1 was always tired and weak. "I got so I had no strength and felt all run down, but since using three bottles of Vinol I feel fine again. I have re commended Vinol to others and they too are using it with good results." Your strength is just as valuable to you, and we want te say to you that there is nothing so as Vinol, our"delicious cod liver and iron remedy without oil, for making weak and worn-out people robust, r vy wll. It is good for children and people, too, and we give your Fe all we i. ssseecssses money back unless Vinol claim. Mahood's drug store, Ning: ston, Ont, THE SPORT REVIEW = Seven Promising Players Will Meet! Picton This Evening--Mayor-elect ford was laid up with a Frontenac hockey team The in favor of Bos- | The Boston team had seven | show up well. Brouse and Boyer have been out before and have lost none of their old-time ginger. It was quite a {welcome sight 10 ses Hyland on the defence again. 'He has not forgotten {how to pl hockey, although he has jbeen out of the game for two years, McColl, @« new man, has plenty of speed and handles his stick well, Craw- cold. Will Get Certificates. e certificates of all the players of the junior Frontenacs are not all here yet, but it is expected that in case they cannot get here that permission will be granted by the OHA. for | them to play. So long as the regis it\ition papers are in Toronto to- ay, { Mr. Hewitt could wire them permis- { sion to play this game. D. J. Dows ley, formerly of Kingston, but now of { Toronto, has been of great assistance jin procuring the names of different {players who were registered in To jronto. i | i Rooters' Club to Get Busy. Many persons have been asking whe ther the Rooters' Club would be out for the firlt game or not. They may be out individually, but not collec tively. The club has not been organ- ized yet and no practices have been held, as the parodies could not be al- {tered, as the names of the players {were not known, Will Have Spare Men. The junior Frontenacs will have a {number 'of spare men at their disposal {this year, a contingency that the team {last year was not well supplied with. {There is Little, Shultz, Davidson and one or two others who will do to re lieve the regulars. "Jack" Mills has been signed up as an extra goalkeeper. Notes on Sports. McGill will go back to Boston | Saturday, Febyuary 3rd, to Harvard. {| Hugh Gall, the former University of | Toronto football player, will tend 'goal for the Parkdale seniors this sea- | son, ! The visiting Scottish curlers at Mali fax, placed wreaths on the grave of | the late Lieutenant;Governor Fraser, {of Nova Scotia. i Parkdale are having all their play- Ob play ers wear tube skates to increase their 4 the large ice surface of the avina rink, Johnson and McVey have been matched to fight in Paris for $30,000. {The bout was transferred from Aus: tralia to the French capital. Contrary to the custom in this coun- try, the runners in the Powerhall Marathon at Glasgow, on New Year's day, ran with the rail on their right. itunning the "'wrong'"' way of the quar- {termile track is probably what caus |ed Longboat's knee to play out. 1 } | speed on |B TOSSED UP A COIN {In Order to See How He Would Vote. An interesting story is told, jn con- nectibn with the voting for 'the se arate school trustees. As already Po it was an open vote, and when the citizen walked in to poll his vote, he was very much surprised to see the two opndidates on hand to watch the proceedings. It so happened that the two men in the contest were good friends of his, and as' hé® had 'no axe to grind" as the saying goes, he was veryt much puzzled as to how he would vote. He was placed in a very em barrassing position, but suddenly' a thought flashed: his mind, which would serve to get him out of his trouble. "UY toss upsa oom to settle if," said the citizen, and so the coin was tossed, and the ballot parked. | Then the citizen walked out of the booth, feeling somewhat relieved, and at the same time of the opinion that he had fulfilled his duty, It was surely an odd way of cast ing a vote, but then many funny things are done in elections--at least they say so. LATE MRS. JAMES ALLEN. Passed Away in General Hospital Thursday Afernoon. The death océurred in the general hospital, early Thursday afternoon, of Mrs. Leora 3. Allen, widow of the late Capt. James Allen, who died a year ago last June. The late Mrs. Allen was in her sixty-eighth year, and was taken to the hospital Wednesday. Death was caused from a stroke of paralysis, this one being the third. Decensed was horn in the United States, but lived in this city for ydars. By her sweet disposition she made many friends. Deceased was a member of the First Congregational church. Four sons survive: William and Garden, of Los Angeles, Cal; Morton, of Des Plains, lowa, and James; of Chicago, i Married at Ottawa. A marriage of interest to Kingston friends took place at St. Alban's church, Ottawa, by Archdea- con J. J. Bogart,pwhen Phyllis Lou- ise, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Baker, was upited in marriage to T. L. rv. Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Roberts, Three Rivers, Que. many ° ill No Trace. Ax fac as can be lesrbed, and no notice has been given the loeal po ugged [; Bernard MeCdll, the Camden East young man is stifl missing trom bis home. A reward hat been offered for information concerning him. Sm-------------------- 4 Two knights of the road were given shelter at the police statism over night. GOOD HEALTH Vim and Vitality Are assured if will cleanse your stomach of nundi food and foul gases ; the excess Lil from the liver and the waste malter from the intestines bowels by the use of : "FIG PILLS the ; t-ofruit kiquey, liver, stomach At all dealers 25 and 50 cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pdi Co, St. Thomas, {| every scholar imatter at - BULTY OF ASSAULT JOSEPH DEVINE HEAVILY FINED BY MAGISTRATE. i Penalty Imposed Was $20 and Costs or One Month in Jail-- Magistrate Had No Doubt as to His Guilt. At police court, on Friday moming, Magistrate Farrell found Joseph De-! vine guilty ou the charge of assault- | ing Charles. Selby, near Richardsons'| whart, on the night of May 5th last, | and imposed a fine of $20 and costs, ! or one month in jail. The case came up in police court, Thursday morning, but was, enlarged | for a day, in order that the defence might secure additivnal evidence. One! witbess was heard, evidence being given by Uapt. Chauncey Daryeau, of the schooner Ford River, who hap- pened to be down at the wharf, at the time the row oecurred. He told about Mr, Selby getting out of the rig, and being implicated in the fight with Devine and Crozier. A. B. Cun- ningham was present on behalf of Mr. Selby, and J. Mel. Mowat acted for the accused. Devine went in to the box on his own behalf, and claimed that Selby had been the main aggressor in the row, After summing up all the evidence, however, the magistrate said that he had not the least doubt in his mind, as to the guilt of the accused. He was quite satisfied --thatSelby and Kelly bad given the correct story of the af- fair. Devine"s companion, however, was the one who had started the row, in the first place, but Devine had been willing to take a hand the fight when it was started, there was no for his conduct. impose a fine of one mouth. It pays to have a good record. Robert Powell admitted . stealing an overcoat from the Revere hotel, when | he was arraigned a week ago, and| the magistrate remanded him for af i | in! and | justilication, whatever, | He would, therefore, | $20 and eosts, or week in order that his record might be looked up. Powell found that it was a good thing to have a good record as the magistrate remarked that he had made an investigation, and had found that this was the firat time the accused had been before the court on such a charge as this. ; "Your trouble is from the old, old cause," continued the magistrate, which brings so many young men to the court.le had reference to his love for strong drink. When arraigned the accused had stated that he had been drinking, and that he did not know that he had stolen the coat. As Powell had spent a week in jail on remand, the magisfrate consider ed that this was sufficient punishment and "allowed him to go. am showing you leniency this time," remarked the magistrate, "but I bope that you will try and get control of yourself and that you will ; turn over a new leaf for good." Powell left the court room with tears in his eyes, He felt his position keenly. : ST. JAMES' SUNDAY SCHOOL Enjoyed Annual Entertainment Thursday Evening. The annual Chris entertainment of the elder scholars of St. James' Sunday school was held Thursday evehing, in the school room. Two hundred were present. The vicar, Rev. T. W. Savary, occupied the chair, and congratulated the school upon its sue cess during the year, and spoke about the place it fills in church life. After an enjoyagle programme, refreshments were served. The programme consistéd of solos by Harold Secrutton, Emily Anderson and ¥. R. Forster; recitations by Ar- thur Sills, George Palmer, Vivian Sills, Kathleen Wright, Harry Elliott, Eva Twigg, Jessie McKane, A. Good- earle, frwin Elliott, 8. Norris, George Elliott, Kathleen Hogle, Jessie Scott, Doris Hartrick, Isabelle Hamilton and Norah Wright; mouth-organ solos by Gi. Calvert, Irwin Elliott; reading, Fva Turnbull; duet, Misses Ludlaw and Hoyles; carol singing, choir boys; sha- dow pictures, W. MH. Dalby's class; chib swinging, Albert Shannon. on Queen Street Sunday School. An entertainment for the scholars of Queen Street Methodist Sunday school was, held in the school room Thurs day evening. About iwo hundred and fifty teachers and scholars sat down to tea at six o'clock. Xo set pro gramme had been prepared, but, with Robert Meek as chairman, the scholars gave a number of impromptu recita- tions, songs, etc., many of which were clever, and very pleasing. One of the | numbers which was commented upon after, was a dialogue by four girls, the first chaptér of "Little Women," by Louise Alcott. During the evenin v was presented wit candy. WILL ISSUE PAMPHLET, And Locometife Works Business Will be Faithfully Presented. Hon. William Hariv, when asked as! to the statement issued, vesterday, by | Aemelius Jarvis & Co. of Toronto, intimated that he had nothing to say bevond the fact that whatever fgures were submitted to Mr. Jarvis, il June last, while negotiations for sale were on hand, they were not issued by him and he was not cognieani, that they were submitted in connection with the transactions that resulted in the for- mation of the new company. He did not" purpose washing any dirty linen for the satisfaction of the public. Mr. Jarvis could have the monopoly of} that business, but he did purposes to! place before every shareholder of the company a detailed statement of dis cussions that occurred at the share holders' meeting when the matter as to profits, ete., was thoroughly thresh- od dut face to face. An accurate ac count of the discussion was taken by # Hansard reporter, and this will be, jssned in pamphlet form, to every shareholder, as well as to newspa- pers that had given publicity to the jesue. Ti was a plain pre senfation of a business matter in a way. Mr. Hoty will likely za to Torom- to early next week io have the isuance. This ace the and he matter before confident lication. { Ww 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004¢ ini: pete hia sane aus ua gui. Siganer THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1912 Pa GOO D SKATING Sure to Come Now. 4 MEN'S HOCKEY MEN'S LIGHTNIN Are you prepared --see our large range of y Hockey Boots. BOOTS $200 and $250 G HITCH, WANDERER PROFESSIONAL and ENGLISH MAKES $300, $3.50 and $4.00 Boys, Girls' and Women's Hockey and Skating Boots all prices, $1.50, 1.75, 2. Lightning Hitch and Wanderer Professional, $2.50 © Ankle Supports, 25¢. and 35c. ABERNETHY'S Increase Business moving goods we + Hardware Hockey AT GRE January Skates and Enamelware 20% Off. Galvanized Ware, New and Second Hand Heaters and Cook Stoves All Bales For Cash. SIMMONS 000000RCO0000 0000000000000 00000 0000000000000 Removal Sale forces us to move to Larger Premises. To save offer for the month of January. ' @ Sleigh Bells, Sticks, Horse Blankets, ATLY REDUCED PRICES. Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Yellow Hardware Store. UNCONSCIOUS IN HIS SHACK. Former Kingston Boy Ill Ten Days Before Discovered. The Leader, of Davidson, Saskatche- wan, contains the following account of the death of the late fi. P. Ar- niel, whose remains were recently brought to the family home in King- ston for burial : "Life on the prairie is wot all <o- mance. On December 3rd, H, PP'. » niel, a young man residing on section 33-23-11w3, was found in his home- stead shack, sick and delirious, by a neighbor, J. Moffat As near as can be ascertained young Arniel had been on his homestead a month and ten days previous to being found, = had taken his ponies to the Lans boys for them to keep while he put up a barn. When Mr. Moffat found him he had evidently been sick about ten days; had no water in the shack and though he had lots of provisions he was unable to get any, but had been gnawing at a sack of flour standing near the bed. "He was at once removed home of the Messrs. Lans . and put into the hands of Mrs. R. P. Brooks, an able and tramed nurse, who for- tunately lived in the neighborhood. The poor lad was given every care, but to no avail. He never regained consciousness and died on December 11th. "An uncle, Mr. Storey, of was sent for and came up, poor boy did not know him. The mother is living at Kmgston, Ont, The remains were taken to Elbow and from there to Regina by Messrs, Brooks and Laus, thence they were sent on to Ontario: What a -- sad | homecoming ! Gloom has been cast i to the Regina, but the over the whole neighborhood. Young Arniel had an exceptionally fine char- acter." We print letter heads, bill heads, en- velopes, statements, dodgers, posters, in fact everything from a visitin card to a large volunre. The Britis Whig office. Mrs. George Thraves died at Ma. comb, N.Y., on January 2nd, aged forty-five years, Deceased was bor in Kingston, Ont., a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Niel. ! Sale men's lined pigskin mitts, 50c. Dutton's. A large number of the cadets the Royal Military College #rrived back , on Thursday after spending Christmas and New Year's at their homes. iF Dr. Vernon's cushion sole boots fo men and women; no cold fest per comfort; reduced prices. Dution's. The Portsmouth philosopher: selH that the city people must be tired of marking ballots. It has been a case of voting the entire year, he de claves, Sale men's sweaters, great value, S5¢.; boys', 50e.; all wool sox, 2 pairs, 85¢. Dutton's. - J. P, Nellis &/Co., tree experts, of Watertown, N.Y., purpose opening a branch office in Ki y CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the . of 0000000000000 0000000CCIONNO00000000000R00000P0R00000ORRURTS sono feeb JX Delicious Confectionery Chocolates, Bon-Bons, Caramels, - Taffies Etc., Always Fresh. Sakell's NEXT TITRA. "FOR YOR HAR Here Are Facts We Want You to Prove at Our Risk. When the rocts of the hair are en. tirely dead and the pores of the scalp are glazed over, we do not believe that anything can restore hai growth, But, when the hair roots retain any life, we believe there is nothing that will so surely promote hair growth as will Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. To prove that statement, we promise to promptly return all the money you pay us for Rexall "03" Hair Tonie, should it not please you. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic destroys the germs which are usually responsible for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of the hair, stimulating and, by promoting cireulation, nourishing them. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic helps relieve scalp irritation, to dandruff, to prevent the hair falling out, and to promote an creased growth of hair. It comes in two sizes, prices, 5 cents and 81. Remember! you can obtain it only at our store,~The Rexall store. G. W. Mahood. As we would like to reduce our tremendous stock before Stock taking, we are offeri special inducements in lines Brass and Iron Bds, Buffel and China Closets, . Rugs and Oil Cloths. Reid's Quality and Reid's Low Prices. JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. to remove from in- W. 8S. Morden, K.C. Included in the list of important de- velopments of interest in Toronto fianncial circles recently is to be no fd the appointment of W. 8, Morden, {.C., as general manager of Guardian Trust Co., Limited, gentleman for fifteen years practised law at Belleville, Ont., where 'he achieved distinction in his profession. Mr. Morden is also the new president of the Dominion Match company, at Deseronto. That - ' Fur Coat for Pastor, Christmas night, being the fifteenth anniversary of the wedding Rev. J. H. and Mrs. McConnell, pastor of Woodburn, 'Springfield and Pine Grove Methodist churches, the parishioners marked the occasion by showing their esteem for him, by presenting him with a fur-lined coat. OLEANING HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Are They? . Cape Vincent Eagle, In Kingston all fve-ceni picture shows are fotbidden to sllow children to enter their theatres under fifteen years of age unless they are socom- panied by their parents. The first annual show of the Thon sand leland Poultry and Pet Stack De aiiatt : We can clean or dye almost anything in housefurnishings, such as curtains, drapes, furni- ture coverings, etc. We give satisfaction. R. PARKER & 00, oof will be Clayton on SO au