The rush and roar of deadly modern life is everywhere, Your nerves are weak and worn, they are overtaxed, strained to the breaking point. Strengthen them, build them, vitalize them with a Food- Tonic. Scoft's Emulsion is one of the oldest, purest and best-known of FOOD - TONICS. ALL DRUGGISTS THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE its Has Removed to Office at the North-west cor- ner of King and Brock Sts. DR.REED'S Cushion Sole Shoe For Men and Women Sold Only by REID & CHARLES Your Inspection Is Invited. Am Willing To Prove I Can Cure You To That End I Am Giving Away $10,000 Worth of Medicine In order to show beyond all doubt that I am in possession of a medicine that will cure kidney trouble, bladder trouble or rheumatism, I i i thousand i DR. T. FRANK LYNOTT who is giving away $10,000 worth of medicine. fanel BgoaEl | | £ § : £ i rai i i if it i 3 2 Hf £, $F i ol bi : 3 il if i 1 i are anxious fo be cured and don't vast hear from you today. 3 i 5 Es i 1 7 New|: / L - THE DAILY BRITISR WWIG. PRIDAY, JANTARY 5, 1012 FROM INJURIES RECEIVED BY " RICHARD WELLS. Who Broke Arms, Ribs ad Nose in Fall at Gananoque--Instaliation of Masonic Officers. Jan, 5.---Richard Wells, King street, who. had both arms broken near the wrist, two ribs oroken, nose broken and was other wise injured by a fall on Wednesday svening, was removed to the Brock- ville General Hospital, yesterday. The anfortunate man 18 in a Very critical wondition, and slight hopes are held out for his recovery, as internal nemorrhage had started previous = to his removal, Thomas Baker, King street, bas peen appointed to the positinn of 2ailiff of the third division conrrt, ren- dered vacant a few months ago by ibe resignation of E. M. Hiscocks. W. €. Rukping, the popular ac coumtant of the local branch of the Bank of Toronto, has received march- ing orders from the head office and will report for duty on Monday at the branch office in Montreal. During his year on the local staf, Mr. Run- ning has been scout master of the local Boy Seout brigade. J. FP. Chapman, general freight and passenger agent of the Rathbun company, has been appointed director and manager of the TLR. Co., and Oshawa Railway company, in charge of both operating and traffic depart- ments. It is understood that Mr. Chapman will reside here permanent: I » Gananoque, y. Miss Ethel Lloyd, teaching in the western provinces for some time past, has accepterl a position on the local public school staff as teacher in the west ward school, from which she re signed to accept a position in the west. The T. I. railway has received a light G. T. engine 'o meet the re yuirements of the increase in traffic by rail since the close of navigation. The matter was taken in hand by the board of trade and the result 1s quite satisfactory. Miss Annie McAllister, science teach er of the high school, reported for duty yesterglay. Dr. and Mis. White, spending a few days here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, William McLellan, First street, have returned to their home in Fonda, N.Y. Mr. end Mrs. George Sauve, King- ston, moved down from the city yes- and took possession of their icence on Vieloria aveaue, recent- lv. purchased from Allan Sheridan. 'The latter has moved into his new residence on Market street, purchased a few weets ago from the Mcbonald estate. Peter Pelow has leased the residence cf Mis. Robert Brough, on Market street, and taken passession. re. (. Il. Walker, spending the holi- lay season with her parents, Mz. and Mrs. J. A. Reid, Charles street, ius returned to her home in Syra- cuss, N.Y, Leeds Lodge, No. 20], AF. olticers installed by R.W. Bro. F. J, Skinner, on Tuesday, were: J. A. Black, W.M.;. A, B. Munro, LP.M,; C. C. Skinner; S:W.; W. Clow, JW; T. M. Cornell, chaplain; R. Balloch, treasurer; A. B. Munro, secretary; A. W. Taylor, S.D; J. Fraid, J.D; George Gardiner, 8.8.: F. J. Hicks, J.8.; F. J. Skinner, D. of C.; James MacKellar, tyler; auditors, B. W. Heaslip and Charles A. Watt, Leeds chapter, No. 132, Royal Arch Masons, officers installed by Ex-Comp. A. B. Munro, Wednesday, were: R. J. Webster, Z.; W. Clow, H.; J. J. Davis, J.; J. Fraid, P.8.; A. B. Munro, 8.E; W. Martin, N /. W. Bennett, trea- surer; James Mackellar, Jan. VERY COLD IN CHICAGO. terday & AM, Fires Break Out and Families Made Homeless. Chicago, Jan. 5.--It was six de grees below zero here early this morn- tog and around Duluth and the in- terior of Minnesota various tempera- tures of from ten to twenty-live de grees below zero are reported. From some parts - the coldest weather for two years is reported to-day. It was a driving northwest wind which caused the drop ind the thermometer and it was beading east towards Unm- tario, With the thermometer at its low- est this morniyg fire broke out from people thawing water pipes in the south side, and scores were ciiven to the streets in their night clothing. Firemen found the water services fro- zen up apd extreme difficulty was ex- perienced in handling the fires. Four families were made homeless. Severely Afflicted. Deseronto Post. Mrs, Patrick Fox has just been sorely bereaved in the loss of two sisters within three days of each other. One sister, Mrs. Abraham Bowen, of Sydenham, went to visit her sister, Mre. Hogan, of Melrose, when she was taken suddenly ill and messed away on Friday, Decembe: Sond. Mrs. Hogan died ou Christmas day, Mrs. Bowen was seventy-two pears of age, and leaves a gorrowing usband to mourn her loss, but no children, Mrs. Hogan's hushand pre deceased her a few years ago, bu leaves one son, a resident of Chi SAE. We print letter heads, bill heads, en- velopes, statements, dodgers, poste:s, in fact everything from a wieiting card to a large volumé. The Priti i of full of pacgains of Aw sea- sonable needs at 's. Belle Calveck, aged eighteen, and John Stevers, of Watertown, N.Y. who arrived in Ottawa a few weeks ago, were taken back by Sheriff Hos mer, Stevens wifl have to face the charge of abducting the girl, re- free, from Ger Best's Cough and Cold Cure , Com- bination, Short Stop and Tabl We. a Prion. 'sl sik iss Anna on, sixty-five was * found dead DEATH MAY RESULT" igi iN CN TRAVELLING. CER FN HLL DRE The longest double track in the world under one management. The only double track railway between Chicago, principal Canadian Cities. "Ihe Intemational Limited" Leaves Kingston daily at 12.25 noon Montreal, Toronto, and for Toronto, Hamilton, London, De- troit, arriving in Chicago 8 o'clock the following morning. Four Express Trains daily to To- ronto and Montreal. J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. , Canadian Pacific Railway TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON 11.45 a.m. Express--For K Otiawa, Montreal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Daluth, St. Pawl, Winnipeg, Van- couver, Seattle, Portland and San Franeisco. 5.00 p.m. -- Local for Sharbot Lake, connecting with C. P. R. East and West. 7.45 a.m. Mixed--For Renfrew and intermediate points, Mon., Wed., and Friday. Passengers leaving Kingston at 11.45 am. arrive in Ottawh at 5 J.m.; Peterboro, 4.38 p.m.; Toronto, 6.55 p.m.; Montreal, 7.06 p.m.; Boston, 7.30 a.m,; St. Johm, 12.00 noon. Full particulars at K. and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RATLWAY, Train leaves Union Station, Ontaric treet, ii dally (Sunday od or Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, ito, Bannockburn an all art To secure quick despa mnnockburn, aynooth, and ints op otral Ontario Route your ipments eo Bay of Quinte Rattway. For fur- ror particulars, H. iy, t a Walon, Pase a ints tc went; J ~N » from one America other, Ofeérs every luxury and com- fort. Leaving New York = dam. 20, 1912 = Ports of call: Bridgetown, oe Pernambuce, ntos, Montevideo, Punta Arenas (through the Straits of Magellan), Vaiparaiso (across the Andes), Buemos Ayres, Rio fie Janeire, Para, Port of Spain snd St. The Optional Side Trips Everywhere. Dw ot cruise 80 DAYS cose $350 Also Orwises to the Orient, West Indies, Around the World, Italy end Egypt, ete. Send for illustrated booklets. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 41-40 B'way, N. X., or local agent. avr ore Cramming down ill-chosen food, and rushing back to work, leads straight to dys. pepsia, with all it means in misery. Proper habits of eating, with a Na-Dru-Co pepeia Tablet after each meal, restore good diges- tion, health and happiness. A box of Na-Dru-Co Dys- pepsia Tablets costs but sailing to the THE WORLD'S EPISODES GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--ilittle of Everything Easily Read and Res membered. The first robin was heard in don on Thursday. ihe secretatty of the Lord's Alliance says Canada s Sabbath the best on earth. At Port Arthur, Ont, the Great Northern Vnteregts have secured nine hundred acres for terminal purposes. An electric chair is 10 be installed by the Newport Animal Refuge to end the lives of stray cats and dogs. Two thousand ex-military officers are said to be with the Ulster home rule resistance forces. The dowager empress and the seven- year-old emperor of China are fleeing towards Zbikhe on the Mongolian frontier. Michael Bello's nose was cur off with a razor in a fight in Albany, N.Y, on Sunday. It was found 1ext day and grafted on again. Homer Borgan, who keeps a board- ing house in local option St. David's, vas fined $25 for having lifjuor on his premises. Statistics show that 423 persons were killed by vehicles on the streets of New York in 1911, 121 by autos done. An American firm has been selected to furnish the bath tubs for the new mummer palace of the royal family of Spain as Santander. The National Democratic Club, at New York, launched a movement to nuke tariff reform the really para- mount issue of the coming presidential campaign. Anthony Task, of Trenton, N.J, was bound to marry Jennie Anskie, o he held a pistol 10 her head. She ainted. He ran away. The police are ter him. y A wrrant has been issued at Ottawa for Joseph Steinberg, book-keeper for Davidson & Co., fur deals of that sity, on the charge of abseconding with 33,0060. Dr. E. Laurier, Montreal, was ested on a charge of illegal opera- ion on Emily Thomason, & servant girl, The man in the case is of her own station in life. Chinese imperialists promise strong resistance to President Sen's troops. British employers of labor are to make a concerted efiort to crush out inionism, "KFlop'"' houses on the Bowery lower east side New York are Lon- Day is ar- and vegin vaceinating the "bums" without wen waiting for them to wake up. Mrs. Minnie Palmer, a handsome ~sidow, thirtysfive years of age, of Newburgh, N.Y., shot and killed her- self on the back porch of the house of he man she loved, Calvin [helps. He has a wife and four children. Dr. W. L. Shurtlefi, K.C., Coati- ooke, has been appointed by the gov- anment to unvestigate all charges of solitical partizanship laid against givil service employees in the eastern townships. Emily Thompson is dying in the Nestern hospital, Montreal. A war- rant is out for the man responsible. The well known "busses" are to he retained in London, Eng., as feeders o the "tubes." W. L. Hurst, of Hurst, Texas, rought a pardon on New Year's day to his son, who had escaped - from enitentiary twenty-eight years ago, wad had «ince become a leading citi en. The retirement of G, H. Pope, pur- chasing claims agent of the Grand {runk Pacific, who handled most of the right-of-way negotiations between St. John and Western Canada, is an- aounced. He is seventy-five years old. Twenty-five cents stood between i'rederick, Eck, of New York, and death. He turned on the gas to die, but the supply of gas ran out be ause of the quarter<in-the-slot metre and Eck did not have another quar- ter. Mrs. Jacob Rich and Mrs. Orlo Wellis, Syracuse, suved Lester White, Frank Mpord and Howard Parsons from drowning. The boys were skat ing on Merreck's pond when they broke through the ice and the women irmed with a ladder pulled them out. Une boy had gone down twice and was revived only after hard work. Two negro British subjects, who were condemned to death at Wil- mington, N.C., in 1900, for murder on the hgh seas, but whose sentence was commuted by President Roosevelt, were finally pardoned on New Year's day by President Taft, it having been proven they were innocent, Verona Couple Wedded. Verona, Jan. 4.--A quiet wedding took p,ace at the Methodist parson age, Harrowsmith, on Wednesday, 3ed, when Archibald Mellroy and Bliss Francis [Steveson, both of this place, were made man and wife. On _¢heir return a recepifion and supper i was given at the groom's house. The happy pair will reside on their farm on the point, . The Foresters" box social and dance, held at Piccadilly, was largely at tended and & nice sum reahzed. H. Dickson delighted the audience with some fine selections on his grama- phone. Silas Cook, Haileybury, accompanied by his two niedes, are at the latter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E, Mar tin's. . G. Vandewaters now comes to the fore with the largest hen's egg ever seen in Verona. -. Colebrook Notes. Colebrook, Jan. 3.--Colebrook boys have formed a club and will rin a skating rink. 'They will be open for hockey | challenges soon. George Rid- dell is doing some sawing in the mill. It is rumored that there will be 8 temperance house éstablished here. | ---- -------- Two Indians were murdered on the Wal reserve, near Chatham, on Ww y. No clue to the guilty partios. I ONE for Se." Gibson's. -- 5. Ward commences maxt_Honday ' campaign in England, ,000 .X being | invaded nightly by health officers who!" Gloved Hands Pick Seedless, Tree-Ripened "Sunkist" Oranges a] Eo § Ee Ll he This delightful fruit, which comesin the valuable premium - bringing wrappers, is all picked, when ripe, with gloves! Each orange is perfect. Otherwise it would be rejected and sold as a *'second"'--notasa | first-quality *'Sunkist.** i "'Sunkist' are the prize oranges of best groves in California. Seedless, Sound and Solid Tia W\ Deliciously juicy--no seeds--firn and perfect. Sweet as only NA tree-rip oranges can be. Yet they cost 20 more than Hjoranges of less quality. ] Tlosist on Valuable "Sunkist" Wrappers You are sure of getting the genuine when you insist on the valuable wrappermarked "' Sunkist' 'which covers every orange. | Thousands of Enterprising housewives now furnish their dining tables with"Sunkist"silverware--real Rogers'--by merely saving the wrappers and sending to us with stamps or money order to partly pay cost, packing, etc. Get This Splendid Rogers' Orange Spoon Save 12 "Sunkist" orange wrappers, or trademarks cut from wrappers, 5" and ead them to us, with 12¢ to help pay charges, packing, etc., and we will send you this genuine Rogers' silver orange spoon. "For each addi- tional spoon send 12 wrappers or trademarks and 12¢. In remitting, please send cash when amount is less than 20c: on amounts above 2c we prefer postal note, money order, express order or bank draft. 14 "Sunkist" Premiums Send for full description, number of wrappers and amount of cash necessary to secure each article. Salad Fork ster Fork id's Fork Batter Spreader Bouillon Spoos Fh Softee Spoon Teaspooa LIPTON'S TEA OVER 2 M/LLION PACKAGES SCLD WEEKLY Are You a Victim of La Grippe? INFLUENZA, or, as it is popularly known, La Orippe, is an infections disease which should not be treated lightly---in even a tly'mild cases, complications may ireadily develop and as it is peculiarly depressing to the heart, serious failure of heart power is a positive danger. Other complications which may set in are pneumonia, bronchitis, neuritis and meningitis, , As may be seen from the above, La Grippe even when mild in its onset, is fraught with very positive dangers if not taken strictly in TS (A la Quina du Pérou) ER is extensively recommended by the medical profession for Influenza as it mitigates cough, Jromonts expectoration and at the same time allays irritability, e principal ingredient of this wine tonic, extract of cinchona bark, is a standard remedy for the fever that is always present in this disease, whilst the pure Oporto grape wine prevents cardiac depression, gradually Temuoring normal strength to all organs affected. t is pleasant fo the palate, the cinchona being perfectly covered, and can be borne by the most delicate stomach : ] Dr, JAMES NEWELL, Watford, Ont., saya: "I have found "Wilson's Invalids' Port" of great vee a the a acante of exhausting diseases. | have since my stiention was directed to this wine escribed it. in several ' ustances, probably half a mn, to my patieats recovering from Inflacnza (La Grippe)and with very happy results, They found it very comforting and refreshing, much more so than ardentordistilled spi zits, whichare usally not relished or borne well", BiG BOTTLE HHH I Hi tH itl Uk! \ ! This First Lesson in Economy is not alone for children. Older heads take it tore od rofit by it. Thousands of housewives | ha economy of using " Pons or if Dabinn yo ; ver: Write us for prices om Feeds, Coarce Grales and Cereals. Limited, Chatham, Ont Di EALERS-- | The T. Hi. TAYLOR 00,