Ea re * WiLiamsTown, Ont. July 27th. "Last spring, I had a severe attack of Sidney and Bladder Trouble and Fruit adives" cured these complaints when the ieian ing me had given me nup." JAMES DINGWALL,. | The canse of Kidaey Congestion axd | in the Back, is that the bowels are land theskinis inactive. e forckd to do dou- in ridding the system of im- becom? strained. -a-tives" ~~ the great fruit RL wiedicine -- acts on bowels, liver hin, a8 if £s "on 'the TT of all impurities, and com- piel cure all kidney congestionand. pein in the back. J6-for $2.50, or trial size, oe. a-box, . At all dedlérs, of Tron TPeuitastives imited, Ottawa. - i . P . A ainting {4 BOME CLASS TO OURS, , is the place to kave your repaired to. stand all kinds of sdceess, ! aves ih es(rithersex)weak ness tal f » drainadosses fc. Either No. at i §1 from Fougera & Co. 90 Beekman ; City, or Lyman Bros, Co. Ltd. Toronto. Bolibt No. required, send self addressed envelope or free book to Dr. Le CloreMad Co. Haver stock Rod, ppatead, London, Eng. Try o Tasteless) i of Therapion, easy to thie, safe, 'asting eure. ROYAL IE CREAM PARLOR * Best place for all kinds of y et 1S Pa 'Hoxes, Ice i ream #nd all ar A of Fruit and Candy. He a % TAS & 0, Ae wi Beess Mirvel. t 1] ¥ en on . 1. (formerly Wi | Eo » Sir ssasassiiaiaaiodog § 1HE CLUB HOTEL ¢ WELLINGTON STREET, (Near Princess), | fi t| Bnere are other hotels, the RA pPproash Tub 5 Hike surroundings, i ted in centre 'of city and | Be principal stores and p ; arfés ave moderate. Special rates by the week. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. but for - linto RE . 8 a. on . od SPECIAL BARGAINS 3} F latest mach £ Catepaw bber Heels, 4 EAT put art ie you walt. 3 A hollow cra ak en's ond Boys Boots gna SOM of reducer prives ots wold (rom aur store te to give good satis } led your Christmas "Better change it for a And have no more spoil- jing satisfaction' in this poi off all ranges, dur- i Be i REPLY OF MR. HARTY inadian Locomotive company affairs : y | Ly did wign j& Ca, of the profits on the particular i fiscal year ending July 1st, 1912, but TO THE STATEMENT OF JARVIS AND COMPANY, The Ex-FresMent of the Cunadian Locomotive Company Shows That He Was Not Responsible for Jarvis' Prospectus. The following statement has been seni to the press by Hon, William Harty 'in' reply * to. the letter of Aemelius Jarvis & Co., regarding Ca- It is not true. that the . difficulty over the estimated Broil pen out of apy estimate made by Mr. Harty, but it grew owt of an estimate made by the auditors of Jarvis & Co. with out. any reference to Mr. Marty of the prospeetive profits. ons particular contract with the Canadian Pacific vailway., It was net umtil the month of Heptember last that Mr, Harty lewrned - that such. estimate had been made, when he immadintely called at- tention to its inaceuracy. It is not true, as might be implied from the statement of Jarvis & Co., that the purchase of the securities of the company by them was based upon gn estimate of the profits made by Mr. Harty in his letter of the 13th of May. The offer of Jarvis & Co. was made on the 13th of April and before submis gion to Mr. Harty Me. Jarvis procur- od ite soceplance by two of the stock holders of the company who owned or controlled the majority of the shares, and their agreement with Jarvis & Co., to vote their stock, to accept the offer and carry out the agreement took the matter out of Mr. Harty's hands. Mr, Harty was opposed to the acceptance of the ofier and would have prevented it had he been able, The Jarvis Prospectus, It is not true that the prospectus issued by Jarvie & Co. in June last rontains any estimate by Mr. Harty of the profits of the company fo the en- suing year, as appears by the prospeo tus self, but Jarvis & Co., no doubt, have on their files a copy 'of the let- ter they asked Mr. Harty to sign for the purpose of the prospectus, which he refused to sign, and they ean com- pare it with the letter which Mr. Hax- (which : appears in the prospectus) and by which he stands. It is pot true that the $105,000 put up by Jarvis & Co, had relation 1 any estimate made by Mr, Harty of the profits of the company at any time, but it did to the incorreet esti: mate made by the auditors of Jarvis contract above referred to. This ap pears from the letter of Jarvis & Co. of the 6th of November. It is true that in September Mr. Harty was told by Mr. Jarvis that Jarvis & Co, could net realize on the bonds of the company unless the $105, 000 was put up 'to supplement the earnings of the company. It is true that Mr. Harty declined to be a party to this arrangement, and in his letter to Mr. Jarvis of the Tth of November, stated: "I am un: ghle to understand in what way the sum. of $105,000 can be introduced the company's books as profits upon a contract which can readily I shown 16 hive finiched with a loss." It is true that in the prospectus is: swedd- by Jarvis & Co. on the 2nd of November for the sale of the com- pany's bonds an estimate is made of the profits of the company for the not by Mr. Harty, and this estimate was published when Mr. Jarvis knew of the error of the auditors and that the eontract in question would show a loss rather than a profit. It is true My. Harty was net aware that any such estimate had been mady until he saw it in the prospectus. S-------- ai The Jarvis Cheque. It is not true that Mr, Harty / ob: jected to the shareholders gétting the benefit of this $105,000 domated by. Jarvis & Co. or to its - distribution among the shareholders, What he de sired wns fo preveht any inference of implication being drawn from the do nation and distribution of thie monev that the company had made earnings which in fact it had not made It is not true that Jarvis & Co. de posited in trust as required by thei: agreement of the 13th: of April the Many Colds And Colds Are the Starting Point of Serious Diseases. ------ Short Work of a Cold v You Can Make A of the old. company, with which {to 'Delta' 1,006 shaves for the benefit of the new company. They continued to hold these shares in their own name, as ap- pears by: their letter of the 9th, of September, and they apPear to still hold thems ne A i cio. Position of Treburer: If ix pet trie that Mr. Harly thesatened the disndissal of the trea sunt of the new company, ay appenrs by she following letter : 3 January Sth, 1912, Hon, William Harty, Kingston, Ont, - Dear Mr. Harty, In response to your request 1 beg 'to say that I de not undetstand the reference in the To- roto Star of January 4th, which reads imi part ag follows: "And that he (My. "Harty) threatened the: dis miseal of our treasurer because he had refused to exécute orders for Mr. Har ty in covnmection with the liquidation the new company had nothing to do." Whilst we disagree on the question of settlement, 'there was no such threat made. Yours, very truly, (Signed) * John I. Birkett, Treasurer Chan. Locomotive Co., Ltd. The question of Mr. Harty's right to be paid a salary by the old com- pany for his services in. connection with the liuidation of its affairs is a purely legal one between Mr. Hart: and the old company, and as Jarvis & Co. admit it is a matter in connee tion with 'which the new company has nothing to do. ' Mr. Harty's Retirement. The real cause of Mr. Harty's re tirement was 'the differences bhotwisen Mr, Jarvis and himself on questions of business policy. 'Mr, Jarvis is a stockbroker and promoter: he ap parently viewed the business from the standpoint of the market for securi: ties. Mr. Harty is a business man, looking only to the profitable opera: tion of the business. This difference manifested itself early in the history of the new company, and Mr. Harty wrote My. Jarvis on July 15th as fol lows : . : Mr Dear Mr. Jarvis:--Just a few lines to suggest to you. the advisabil- ity of your taking steps to elect at our meeting 'next , Tron ed morning a president for Canadian Locomotive Co., Limited (Dominion charter), who may be willing to remain a perman- ent officer of your board, Confirming what 1 have already told you wersonally when we last had the p onstirg; of meeting in Toronto, 1 ave many reasons for the out of, what k told you at th viz, thatsl would be unable tain the permanent positi carrying at time, to re ion of presi. dent of: the :uew organization. It js not. necessary that 1 should go into details a8,'ito. the reasons which prompt. that: decision. I have no ob- 1ections. to furtishing them to your, self. personally, 'any time that = you might shew sufficient interest to be magle. aware of the same, It will be sufficient for our present purposes for you to understand that 80 far as I am concerned, I would prefer to be relieved of the presidency 0° the new company, which you were good enough to have me appointed to a couple of weeks since, and [ think in the company's interest it is better] that that change should be offected carly, ratlér than late. As I will have the pleasure of see ing you in a few hours, I will not attempt to bore you by putting in writing any argument that might mike good the position I am taking --~that we can discuss very much fore easily conversationally than by cor- respontence. Yours very truly, SEHR SRT.) Willan Harty, Mr. Harty, while from time to time pressing' Mr. Jarvis to make provis- ion for His Yetifement, did not desire to embarrass Mr. Jarvis or the com- pany 'by Torting his resignation, and it was only because matters arose in the later prt of November and early part of "Bcember which he felt it was his ditty to the shareholders to see adjusted "before retiring "that he hesi tuted to Enrry 'gut his repeatedly ex- Potted a to withdraw. Mr. Jar- vis haviiy tefained Mr. Harty in the presidency while disposing of: his first mortage bonds and preferred stock, requited this consideration by procuring the board on December 19th at a meeting at which Mr. Marty was uot present to pass a resolution to notify the shareholders of a meeting for the removal of Mr. Harty 'as a director. The report of the proceedin a the shareholders' meeting of the 3rd of January, when submitted to shareholders, ' will enable them reach their own conclusions on merits of the controversy. WEDDINGS AT ATHENS. Three Brides Were Taken Away by Outsiders. the to the Atnens, Jan. 5A friendly game of hockey between the o students and the town boys on New Year's day, resulted in a victory for the i iam MeLean has his rind in good Mr. and Mrs. William Percival drove M "evening 10 © attend the , "The 5s: Daughter." Mrs. | Judson 'was hostess at A fd THE DAILY BRITISH - MOND: : he DAY BRITISH wie, woNoAY. sixeARY a. tore of A CHEERFUL PLAID SILK DRESS FOR CHRISTMAS. Plaids are always charming and smart and this, season the bright plaided The attractive little frock pictured was designed for a Christmas evening family party, and the bright red and white plaid silk with rever and cuffs of brown velvet. the front of the Jace collar and the boots are bronze, with silk stockings With specially dainty frocks the little givl always wears but- toned boots and rather high tops give an effect of styly and trimness. to match, Mrs. Eligh returned to Sherwood Springs, where the groom's mother, Mrs, Eligh, tendered the bride and groom a reception, about forty guests being invited. Mr. and Mes. hambers - returned 'to Athens, where they are receiving congratulations and best wishes before leaving for their western home. », Athens lose another of its. charm ing young. ladies on Tuesday, when in the presence of only intimate friends, Miss Lena Drown, youngest daughter of Mrs. Sarah Brown, Ix came the bride of Awos Wiltse, son of James Wiltsh, Eloida, The mar- riage took place at the home o the iride's mother, Rev, F. A. Read olli- eiating, } VILLAGE OF CATARAQUIL Interest in' Hockey--A Recréntion Clubhouse. Ugtaragui, Jan, 5.-Muech intérest is being manifested ip "hockey, Two teams have been formed, a semor and junior, and excitement runs high, among the adherents of the royul blue and white School has not yet' re opened as the schoolhouse is being paintad, A clubhouse for recreation "has been established in the village where the club members meet, for, reading, games, ote, during the winter evenings. Miss Agnes Brebuor was hostess to a num- ber of her young friends on the ocea- sion of her birthday. During, the even: ing Mrs, Brebner presented her daugh- tor with a beactiful gold watch and fob. . J. Caverley has moved to the tity, and B. Vanhooser has taken posses sion of the house which he vacated. C. Clatk and family spent Christmas in Harrowsmith, Millord Boyce, wile and son, Richard have returned = to New York affer visiting here. D. 8. Nicol has retired to Montreal after spending the holiday at home. D. T. Binpington, Guelph, is. at his father's here, and Miss Evelyn Kiser, Toronto, and Miss Maud Harpell, Toronto, are visiting 'at "their respective homes. Mrs. Wyman Rowe is in Cape Vincent. Miss' May Ely leaves very shortly to enter a hospital in Rochester, N.Y, L B op n ¥ 'eater Seattle, Wash., to Robert Blake Lu- BUrSe ine traning. Dr. J. W. Edwards, M.P., delivered ar address on "Prevention of Dis ease," before the meeting of the Wo- man's Institue, at Collins Bav, on Thursday. Miss Lizzie Burnett is homa from Kmgston hospital, sfter under going treatment. J. Baker has a new hen house erec- ted, and A. Black a new wire fence, Mrs, Sanders has taken charge of Woodbine school. Mrs. Crockett aud children are agdin in Ottawa for a time. W. Connolly and family are home again from Verona, also Wirs. E. K. Purdy, who has been visiting at Winchester. J, Sharpe and bride have been spending 5 few dags with Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson. A number from here attended the tes meeting at Westbrooke. Miss Eva * Glover, afte _ | visiting * Mise Geraldine Purdy, has returned to Ganamdque, Mrs. Hooper is ablé to be out again J. home of her sister, at Oshawa. on the slender little girl, taffeta. silks are again in high favor. is toned dewn There is a brown velvet bow. at DISTRICT DASHES, News Clipped From Our Many Ex changes. Laura A. DeWolfe, Lansdowne, mil- liner, has made an assignment. Mis. Elizabeth Pennock, of ville, aged eighty years, Thursday, Mrs. James Cook, of Belleville forty-three years, died on morning. ot, Pelle died on aged thursday John's and St. Andrew's Pres byterian churches of Almonte, are amalgamate. Richard Waterhouse, land sevemiy-two Belleville on Thuisday. Mrs, J. A. Berry, formerly Spath's Falls, passed away aot to bom in si deest vears ago, Jieth ia of ihe Arthur Parish, 'son of W. 6G, Patish, Athens, has formed on partdership with Lieut.-Col. W. 8. Buell, Brockville. Miss Edith Manore, Mallorytown,; and Miss Julia Stafiord, Lyn, are new A.L.CM.'s, ofy London = Collegé 76) Music. Foun EK. MoCaw ks preparing to build, a canning factory on 'hs farm, tuated at the head of Baker street, Picton. Rev. N. Macleod, Brockville, united in marriage, Mito Carl Wilson, Smith's Falls, and Miss Mary Bertha Jones, Bedford Mills. A Archibald Hood, one best knogem citizens, day, after a week's illness, sixty-one years, On Wednesday, Dec. 27th, Miss Jan. ov . Russell, Hose Hall, and John Vanes, Thessalon, were quietly mar ried in Toronto. Miss Corrigan, Carrying Place, left for Rockhill, South Carolina, where she has accepted a position as superintendent of a hospital, H. M. Moran, of Big Island, vears of age, skated nine miles Thursday. It was the first time thirty years he had a skate on. Miss Maud Whittard, of Belleville, and Frederick: Coburn, of this - city, were married on the 27th December, Congratulations from the "Whig" The marriage of Miss Helen Blake, #i- of Arnpriec's died on Satur- aged fifty on in cays, sone of C, N. Lucas, Selby, took place at San Francisco, Cal., on De- cembér 15th, William Brace, Brockville, has left to actept a position in Westmount, On Saturday he was waited upon by his friends and presented with a gold siguet ring. Thomas 5. Connors, Waupoos, blind for the past five or six yeard, is re joicing because of the restoration of Scarcely touched by the human hand mn: the whole course of its preparation so _eleanly is the process . + 35 0 CEYLON TEA, "Used in Millions of Tea Pots Daily" Black, Mixed or Green-- Sealed Packets Only hod FREE Sample mailed on enquiry--Address: 'SALADA', Toronto THE CANADIAN BANK AN BANK MERCE Has Removed to its New Office at the North-west cor- ner of King and Brock Sts. DR.REED'S Cushion Sole Shoe For Men and Women Sold Only by REID & CHARLES Your Inspection Is Invited. ET _-- -- ry nors has sufieced with eataracis, Nr. and Mrs. A, Hardy very delightful dances at Chil," Proekville, prior Lrond with their family tended visit to Great Dritain and Europe. A pretty wedding . was celebrated at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Hart, Glenora, on Dec. 20th, when their eldest daughter, Miss Blanche, was united in marriage to Herbert Daubney. vi iMiss Bessie Corbett, youngest daugh- ter of Mrs. Williag Corbett, Belleville, was 'married, Wednesday, to Rey. John Galloway, formerly of Thessalon, Ont. They loft for Saskatoon, Ms. Galloway has a eall At Nanton, Alla., the marage took place of Miss Min pie W., youngest. daughter of Mrs, M. A. Wardrobe, to Dr. Adam Creigh- ton, B.A., of Nanton, 1% bride was formerly of Westport. Rev. Samuel Ferguson, of Flinton, Methodist church, was presented by the congregation on Christmas day with a gold wateh and fob chain. The Kaladar members presented him with a pair of fur gauntlets. J. Frank Chapman, who has been appointed both director and manager of the Thousand Island railway and the Oshawa Railway company, effec- tive from the let inst, in charge of both operating and traffic depart ments, At the Methodist parsonage, Ath- ens, pn Wednesday, Rev. F. A. Read united in marriage Harry Halladay, a prosperous farmer of Soperton, and son of Wilkam Halladay, to Miss Louisa Reid, youngsst daughter of the late James Reid, also of Soper ton. gave o "Thornton to upon going a- an éx- where n Dee. 25ih, Es yo + n I'he Rinks Will Soon Be Open. Get Your Hockey Boots Now McPherson's Mule Hide, Lightning Hitch. The Quick Hitch and other varieties. MEN'S $3; $2.90, $2, & $1.75 BOYS' $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 LADIES' | $2.50, $2.00 and $1.75 &~ HR -- -------------- Premier Borden denies that Rev Father Burke, of Toronto, had heen to Romie on behalf of the domimian government. North of Lake Saperior the perature, Saturday, wad as low sixty-four degrees below nero. The British Columbia provindal pf- tem ax bis sight. For many yeaws Mr. Con Th FOR SICK HEADACHE, Turn te rascals out--the hesd keep them out with Casearets. set stomach. And that £3 "tion. the sick, sour stomach and fowl gases--turn them out to-night and Millions of men and women take a Cascaret never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels or an up- Don't put in another day of distress, Let Cascarels cleanse and re- gulate your stomach: remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food gas; take the extess bile from your lver and misery: i carry off the decomposed waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. Then you will feel great. | : / A Cascaret to-night will straighten you out x 4 a by morning----a 10-cent box means a clear nead 3 Band cheerfulness for months. Don't forget the , ehildren--their little insides need a good, gentle Grocer and Meat soft at Victoria was daniaged By five. SOUR STOMACH, OR SLUGGISH BOWELS. ~ Sawyer Shoe Store 6000S SOLD ON TIN All kinds of Bry Goods Men's Boys' and Ladies' Suits, Boots and Shoes, Jewellery, House Furnishings ete, sold on easy payment plan, Come in, see our goods and terms. New Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing just received. If will pay you to call and see it = Joseph Abramsky ache, the bilionsness, the indiges- now and then and 490 Princess 8t., cor. 'University. 'Ave. "Phone 530, where you can get good things to eat. sphen. _Jigoshk and kis ditma, were arrested in , ah the double mushy ony Waipoly : - =