ean mean but one thing ~that the service it i renders its customers { makes for permanent business relations. ; The Bank of Toronto | with more than 55 Lo W Years of continuous Jf growth and satisfactory If service, invites . ACcowTs Less oh. $4,000,000 Pp sor aon 1 KINGSTON BRANCH | . 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. MeKAY, It | the House of Chie best known to the public to-day. Chops everything and 'hever gets dull. No. 1 Family Sizc $1.50 Bent out on trial and money freely refunded If it won't do everything we claim. W. A. MITCHELL HARDWARE, 85 PRINCESS STREET. THAT TOBACCO or With the "Rooster" ua 1 fs crowing louder us he goes rlong. Only 46¢c per pound. For chewing and A Ln CLEANS, LADIES TOOK VOW A CEREMONY AT THE HOUSE OF PROVIDENCE, | A Happy Event in, the Lives of Seven People on Wednesday Morning-- Those Taking Part. The happiest event in the lives of seven youuvg ladi® was aceor in Providence, Wellnesday morning, when Miss M. Brady (Sister M. Clotilda), Latimere, Out.; Miss E. Marshall (Sister M. Matilda), Ganano- que, Ont.; Miss M. Brennan (Sister M. Scholastica), Ireland; Mids E. Maloney (Sister M. Maurice), Marmora, Ont.; Miss NM. McCormack (Sister M. An- astasia,, Sheffield; Miss €. Johnston (Sister: M. Dominica), Nolyoke, Mass, having spent two years in the study and practice of the religious life, and one full week of eight days in silent retreat to know more accurately the obligations which they were about to contract, freely approached the altar and there pledged fideliey to God and the institute by assuming the triple vows of poverty. chastity and obedi- 1 ence for a limited term. To this galaxy of religious, was added a neophyte known as Sister Dunnigan, of Mayo, Que., who receiv- ed the holy habit and veil The ceremony was performed. at 7.30 a.m., by Archbishop Spratt, assisted by Rev. C. J. Moa, dean of Regiopo- lis College; Rev, A. J. Hanley, rector, iiand J. J. McDoould, chaplain. In the sanctuary were Revs. G. Brophy, C. JJ. Duffus, J. P. Kehoe, Gananoque; W. Cavanagh, Corkey: W. A. McDon- agh, Marrickville; M. E. Crawley, chap- Hain, St. Mary's-of-the-Lake, Many iriends of the newly professed came to witness the ceremony and to more generously make the sacrifice ol giving to God and religion their dear daughters, whom they cherished with all the fondness of loving parents, The altar was beautifully ornament: ed with a profusion of flowers and lights and the music and singing formed a delightful combination. At the conclusion, the chaplain an- nounced in a clear fone that by an indult bythe holy father, an indulg- ence of one hundred days was grant. ed all those who assisted at the sac- red function. Men, buy your wool underwear at Dutton's and save money. Noel Gill, principal of TRegiopolis College, delivered an address on Long- fellow, before the AXY.P.A. of St. George's cathedral, Tuesday evening. Visiting cards, the very best qual ity of card and finest printing, at Whig office. The dean of Ontario returns Thurs day from Toronto and Trenton. At the latter place he addressed a dean- ery Sunday school conference. Songs; great variely, sacred snd se enlar, also duets, 10c. Dutton"s Mu- sic store. Rev. F. Barber, of Bobeaygeon, was in the city the early part of the liriod 50¢c, Duitton's. pigskin mitts, ibson's, Store Closes 5 O'clock. 'Saturday 9 O'clock. Muslin Underwear "Corset Covers, Drawers, Gowns, Skirts, ete. Less 20 Per Cent § January Price All & Dunn Junn's Ameri- | rice, $6 for 2.00 PITH OF THE NEWS. Over the World. The British battleship cruiser Lion broke the ships. 4 Members ol parliament, who have already returned to Ottawa, promise 8 rousing session. M. De Selves, French minister of foreign affairs in the esbinet of Pre miler Caillaux, hys resigned. The barns at the Experimental farm at Indian Head, were destroyed by fire on Tuesday. Loss¥20,000, A revised estimate ways that six are dead and six million dollars dam- aga in the Equitable fire at New York. The Toronto Board of Control has agreed to grant the board of educa- tion $600,000 for mew school build- ings, Dr. A. G. D. Doherty, C.M.G., now in charge of the Dominion archives, is to be given the rank of deputy minster. Dr. Ashton, of Detroit, jilted a De- troit girl to marry Miss Gailey, of Belleville. It cost him $6,000 to bind up the broken heart of Miss Schram. At Portland, Oregon, 'a combination of peint and oil establishments on the Pacific coast is in the course of for- mation, involving "an outlay of $20, 00,000. The minister of customs has issued instructions that custom house "coliec- tors and clerks must, if necessary, re- main in their offices after four o'clock. | so that the peoples' business may be attended to. The United States bureau of cen- sts reports unparalleled national jrosperity in the past decade. The velue of farm lands and buildings now is $34,682,000,000, an increase of 109 per cent. The by-law granting ten years' ex- emption from taxed, and free water, to the Malcolm Furniture company, four four by an overwhelming majority, hundred and fifty in favor and against. Dr. Sophia~ Jex-Blake, the widely- known woman physician, died ¥n Lon- don on Tuesday. Until recently she was attending medical officer of Edin- burgh Dispensary for Women and Children, and dean of the Edinburgh School of Medicine for Women. A LARGE NUMBER OF GUESTS To See Miss Laura Bostridge Wedded to Donald MacGillivray. Wednesday. morning was the scene of & latge house wedding at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bostridge, Collingwood street, when their young- est daughter was united in marriage to Donald Randolph Maegillivray, of this city. The ceremony was perform. ed in the presence of a large number of guests, including seventy-five' from outside places, by Rev. J. 0. Crisp, of Portsmouth, at fen o'clock. The bride was given away by he father, and was gowned in a dress of ninon over white silk with pearl trimmings. Her bridal veil, once worn by her mother, was caught up with orange ms, and she carried a bouyuet 'of lilies of the valley. The only: ornament she wore was a sup bupst of diamons. # @ young pedple were supported Misu 'Mabel: Arthur, of Peterboro, oy Arthur Gaudreau, of this city. After luncheon they left on the noon train for Toronto, Buffalo and Detroit, the bride wearing a going-away gown of navy blue cheviot with gold turban to match. She wore the groom's gift, a sot, of Persian paw furs. On their return they will reside in the city. Girl's Clothing Caught Fire. A bookkeeper in one of the lower Princess street stores, had a narrow escape from being badly burned, Ties day afternoon. A pail of hot ashes had been left standing near the small stove which heated the office, and the young lady came and stood with her vpch to the stove, and the bottom of skirt resting on the ashes. Before she was aware of it, her clothing was on fire. Owing to the prompt action of one of the young men in the store, the fire was smothered, and the young lady is none the worse of her experi- ence. Horse Raced With the Engine. As the K. & P. express was drawing out of the city, at noon, Tuesday, a grey horse attached to a rig on On- \ario street, near Queen street became frightened and started up the track ahead of the train. The engineer thought the horse would take to the road and did not decrease his The horse kept to the track until the cowcatchbr struck the end of i the sleigh, Then the animal struck a faster rate of speed and turned off in- to the road. 'To Build $10,000 Yacht. Chicago, Jam. 10.--The Chicago Yacht Club will construct a ten thou- sand dollar boat to race i Royal Canadian Yacht €1 ini i : be 1 55 ih & ph HH i gia oh F F i : | iz 1 iE a : ; i < i a i 1 Fhe Voir Baio Tamed Frum wf THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S was carried in Listowell, on Tuestuy, | A. B. CUNNINGHAM TO SPEAK ON "CITIZEN SOLDIERY." The Open Rink is Again in Opera-| . tion--Basketball Games -- Other College News. : In the Arts Basketball League, be- ing played at the Queen's gymnasium, the year "12 defeated the year "13 by a weore of 17 to 13, on Tuesday. *12--Bdgar, Barrett, North, Steer, ng. 'i<Lewis, Willeroft, McKensie, Pil- grem, g : The rik will again be opensd this afternoon. There was no skating or! oduey on Taesday or Wednesday morning, on account of the rink govered with snow, which was so thi that a plow had to be put on it. The meeting of the Boarding House y League, called for Tuesday ai- ternoon, to form a league, did not materialize, The committee in commeetion with the forming of a book store in con- section with the ecollege, decided to see what it wonld cost, and see what the students 'would be willing to do with regard to the matter. The Rooters' Club held a meeting on Tuesday afternoon, and it was largely attended. The club will have every thing ready for the opening hockey game, a week from Friday. Arrange- ments will be made so that a certain part of the rink will be set apart for the club. ! A. B. Cunningham will address the Political Science Club, on Thursday afternoon, on the subject, "Citizen | Soldiery." . INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. I------ Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Reporters. Jd. €. Connelly, Yarker, was a vis: tor in the city to-day. Rt is Tikely over 150 will be at the Mowat banquet, Tt begins at 6.30 o'doek. Mrs. J. Gardiner and daughter, Miss K. Gardiner, of Perdue, Sask., formerly of Kingston, are visiting in Lhe city, Sale of men's sweater coats, boys, 50c. Dutton's. 'The Bishop of Ontario sent $10 85¢.; to the Muskoka Free sumptives as a brance. This evening Miss Gracey, daughter of Rev. H. Gracey, Gananoque, will be marvied in At. Andrew's church, | to Mr. Hay, of Galt. Music, "Mendellsobn's Spring Song," 10e; "HN Trovaiore," lOc; "'Tann- havset March," 10e., and 2,000 others game value, 10c. Dutton's, 200 Princess street. Now is the time to buy baby a sweater cheap, at Dutton's. The route to Wolfe Island over the fice is being set out. W the weather keeps good, it is expected that a large crowd will come over to the market, on Saturday. "Buy rubber goods." Gibson's. The Canadian Press Association will hold its annual meeting in Ottawa on June 5th, 6th and 7th. A 'banguet on the 7th and an extuision up the Gati- neau river on the Sth are in prospect. K. A. Ross resigned the presidency of the Y.P.A. of Wall Street Methodist church, Brockville, owing to his re moval to Edmonton, Alta. Dr, Ker oot was elected as his successor. Mr. Rows is son of A. Ross, Barris stret. Sale of evening slippers. Dutiton's. Chief Baillie received word that a constable would arrive to take A. E. West, tinder arrest on a charge of wife desertion, back to Owen Sound and it was expected that the constable would arrive in the city, Wednesday afternoon. The accused is a very young man. hospital for Con- Christmas remem- A TEAM RAN AWAY And Tumbled on the Road Their Dash. A lively runaway occurred on Prin- cess streot, Wednesday. morning, at) 11.40 o'clock. A team attached to a | cutter, belonging to Archibald Howie, Westbrooke, was standing in front of Sekell's ice cream parlor, near Mon- treal street, while the owner was in- side. The street failway repair car came down Princess street, and fright- ened the team. The anima's dashed dow Princess street and over Bagot to Clarence street, About half - way between Bagot and Wellington streets on Clarence the team fell, but imme- diately regained their feet, free from the cutter. The whiffletree was the only thing broken, neither the ani- mals nor any persons were hurt in the wild dawh. During A WARNING TO OITIZENS 'To Clear Their Walks of Sasow and Save Trouble. Citizens may nob. know that last spring, fhe as Suu] Atpended the 'snow-shovelling Jaw, making i duty of an Boats to shovel the mow i j ie from their walks within eight after a storm. Failure to do the harbor is now As yet the to ni F i i : ts i ¥ | ir EsiFg tH reali si i rif £ r THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1912. 7 WARM At Small Cost. To-Morrow We will have ready for your buying--much that is needed for warmth this zero seather. 212 Women's Warm Undervests White Unshrinkable Make, 3 sizes, small, medium and . Fhese-are properly made, and a most comfortable' 'Wiiiter Undergarment and usually worth 46c. Yours To-Mérrow while the lot lasts 25¢ ve Hib RE Women's Black Wool Tights 49¢, 75¢, 99¢, $1.25. 3 sizes in each make. These are exceptional values, and this is just the weather to get the real benefit from theso useful garments. Children's and Girls' Black Wool Tights All sizes, now ready. We have the right makes, properly shaped and this means everything in comfort when wearing these garments. Children's Red Overstockings All sizes, knitted from Scotch Vingering Yarn and made with tops that are loose and easily drawn on. Also White Knitted Overstockings. Children's Black Overstockings, Girls' Black Overstockings, Ladies' Black Overstockings. Made without the heels and loose tops that draw over the boots easily. ; Fe Children's Warm Mitts, in black, red, navy, brown and white. Girls' Warm Mitts, in black, red, navy, brown and white. Ladies' Warm Mitts, in black, red, navy, . brown aad white. KINGSTON CELESTIALS HAPPY | Over the Birth of the New Chi hingston Lration like 'to, over the birlh of dhe ;the proclamation of the republic : of in | their mative countr; islanders pethy for the revolutionists and thei risk coming over with catse. 'They celebrated with a big Robert Matifeon, Toronto, secretary of 3 the Independent 2: S| The LOCKETT SHOE 'STORE | J. Laidlaw & Son. Republic. L Chinmmen had no cole their brothers in A Toron- and out of Boy's $1.50, Ladies' Overshoes Fine Jersey Cloth, Black Wool Lining : Two Buckles $2.00 Button $1.75. " Three Buckles $2.50 Button $2.25. Moccasins Oil Tan Waterproof Youth's $1.95. Buckskin' No. 1 quality 50¢. $6'$1.25 i according to size. Order of