RA RRR BER rire v FUR SALE NOW ON, AT Brock -------- SE S-- BISSEL'S CARPET Svs Practical and appropriate as a Christmas Gift Saves Work and Saves Carpets. Rich Woods, hand polished at 192.755 $350 R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE 1 ress TTee 4 oven arrears 0. H. PICKERING Grocer and Meat Dealer © 490 Princess St, cor. University Ave, 'Phone 530, where you can _ ot good things to eat. - DUNLOP Traction Tread Another Opinion : "We recommend them to any motorist, not only for their | wearing qualities, but for their Anti-8kid effects also. We have obtained more solid comfort out of Dunlop Traction Treads 1 than from any former tires used on our car.' See Your Garage Man k c KAY'S Street 1912 Midwinter 'Sale Furniture (all grades), Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Curtains, ete, Bargains for wise and prudent buy- After our stocktaking there are al- ways a lot of goods that for reasons we wish to run off, All good. Prices are cut low on all these, Repair and Upholstering Work 10 per cent. cheaper now 'than any other time. 'Phone 90, Yours, T. F. HARRISON COMPANY PORTSMOUTH PRESBYTERIANS Held Their Annual Meeting on Wed- nesday Evening. 'Ihe annual congregational business meeting of the Portsmouth' , Presby- terian church was held Welnesday evening, in the Orange hall. Prof. A. Laird, moderator, presided. There was a splendid avtendance and the report of the management commit: tee, presented by Mr. McMaster, show- ed that the past year had been one of the most successful in the congre- gation's history, The Sabbath school, christian endeavor, and la dies' aid reports also showed thai marked advance had been made dur- ing the year. A resolulion asking the presbytery to continue Mr. Daw- son as minister of Portsmouth was pessed unanimously, It was agreed that a tea meeting and concert be shortly hdld. A vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Atkins, the choir, jand to Prof. Laird. TWENTY.FIVE YEARS AGO. What Happened a Quarter of a Century Ago. Sir John A. Macdonald arrived in | the city this morning to celebrate his 'seventy-second birthday. He was born in Glasgow on Jan. 11th, 1815. J, J. Jones sold lot No. 798, Al fred street, to W. T. Pannel, for $600, John Gilbert lofi for Caltiornia to- day. Mise Maud Denne left for San Francisco tlds morning. FE. and W. TS Heup, who are leav- ing for Rochester, were given a farewell party in McRae's Hall. A Fine Window Display. Attractive windows are always ne cessary to oblain the best selling re sults for the goods displayed. Quaker Oats company, of Peterboro, ize this fact and to encourage THE "DAILY BRITISH wan dent and is in good shape to pro- WON IN OVERTIM ceed with his arts course of Queen's. Uwing to the lateness of the date : special application has We made JUNIOR FRONTENACS CAPTURED to a special committee of the sen- SECOND GAME. sate which deals with such matters. Pr | Millan's application bas bees made d a is 'exp to-day, Tefeated Belleville 11 to 7 in Thirty | Millan eT pF pos register thers Minutes Overtime--Local . Boys is sure to be a big kick by the stu- WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1912 CHRISTY PICTURES Regular Price, $1.50. POST CARDS Queen's College Girls. Finished the Game Strong--The| Win Was a Surprise. : i The Belleville junior O.H.A. team, reckoned by hockey fans here as the hardest nut to crack in this section, proved a big pill for the Frontenacs to swallow Wednesday night in Belle ville. They did it, however, and after playing thirty minutes overtime, came off victors by the score of 11 to 7. | g thousand hockey-crazed fans! crowded the Belleville rink to cheer for their team, and they certainly used their lung power to good advantage, the twenty fans who accompanied the blue and white boys had no show, as' far.as hollering was concerned. Fron- tenacs were a little awed by the big crowd of antagonists, and for a short | time were troubled with stage fright. This bashfulness cost them iwo goals, which were scored in quick succession, almost before they had time to find out where they were at. Frontenacs | retaliated and landed "twins" in the vet. - Just at this juncture, when the! score was tied, one of Belleville's play- {late as Che beginning of this { Considerable feeling is being {fested among the student, who say ito have ability in hockey i ball. . dents, who know that other similar applications have been granted as i week. mani- that - the authorities at Queen's are a little too much inclined to dis criminate against Chose who happen a or foot- Gun Club Shoot. The first shoot of the recently or- ganized Kingston Gun Club was held Wednesday afternoon at the trap near the Kingston and Pembroke round. house. As the weather was quite cold, only about hali a dozen were out, but more are expected next week. The membership now totals about thirty, four, and is increasing all the time. As soon as the funds will permit, out- side clubs will be invited to shoot here, and matches will be arranged. A Very Exciting Game. The game at Belleville Wednesday evening was the equal, if not the su- Our Price, Mounted, 19 x 24 .. .. Unmounted, 12 x 13 ... A special line of Pictures by How- ard Chandler Christy, comprising over 20 subjects. The best value ever offered of any line in this city. No more can be secured to sell at less than regular prices. Kingston Collegiate Girls. : American Girl Series. Children's Series. Life Post Cards. E. Coles Phillips. Specially hand-colored post cards at 1-2 the price they are sold at in the U.S. v8. of their product are | {ers, In shooting for the nets, ran foul perior to the Frontenac-Preston game of Gunn's left eye. It was a hard here two years ago for excitement. No shot and laid the youngster out for less than six times during the progress some time. Belleville laid off a man of the game was the score tied, and and the play proceeded. The half (he Belleville fans were yelling like | King ro a 3 to 2 in favor of the mad whenever their team tallied. The Honors were even up in the second Juca) Jans who Just wp With the team act when Belleville came back strong | : (Continued on Page 3.) with three safe shots which winged ! a et prt se their way past Cook. Frontenacs only | Kinemacolor Pictures. {found time to gather in two goals.! The Kinemacdlor pictures will be | Belleville fans were yelling themselves the attraction at the Grand all next {hoarse when at full time the score was week, showing the life-liles = natural tied, five goals'to the eredit of each. bi i Thirty mi : colors pictures of the coronation , of Thirty minutes overtime was played |. 4 Vv 1 {in order to decide who should own tha hing Fenige the snl Sg game. Frontenacs skated their oppon- Series 10 Sxistance, anc many goer {ents off their feet in this extra play. Saterewting events. well worth see- | Although the youngsters are not hard- "¥: trained, they stood the pace in mar-! rr, velous fashion and beat oo the Belle- J Courts. of Justice. ville team in the period by six goals The list for the spring courts is as to one. Campbell shot one which went follows : Spring assizes, February 27th right through the net, but was not Justice Middleton presiding; non-jury counted, county court, April 2nd, Judge Price The way the Frontenacs handled this Presiding; general sesstions, June 11th, game \gurprised everyone here, and Judge Madden presiding; _mon-jury many in Belleville also. Belleville sup- high court, June 17th, Chief Justico porters had many bets open on a two- | Mulock presiding. to-one basis that Belleville would win . or double the score. The Kingston | The Late John McMahon. supporters' hadn't the heart to take! The funeral of the late John McMa- the big ones, but raked in some small- | hon took place from his late residence, er change. Wellington street, on Thursday morn- Every man on the local team worked | ing, at tem o'clock, to (Cataraqui ceme like a demon. The forward line is tefy. The burial service was conducted showing good team- work at this early (by Rev. Dr. Macgillivary, of Chalmers stage of the game, and the citizens church. The pall-bearers were Willian may be proud of the bunch of voung- | R. Clugston, William Paul, William sters which was hurriedly picked up| Mitchell, Robert McMahon, John Me- and' organized in such a short time. Mahon and Herbert Holder. Frontenacs--{ioal, Cook: defence, | Campbell and Stanton; rover, Purtell: | ig Little; wings, Gunn and Me- ! Fuire, i Belleville--Goal, Fitzgerald; Tuite; cover, Moore; rover, centre, Wallaco; right wing, left wing, Finkle. eree--~Lou Marsh, Toronto, i To be Ordained Priest, At Peterboro, on Friday, Rev. Mel {ville Staley, brother of Rev. Fathe: point, | Arthur Staley, of 'Toronto, and of Vhalen; | ov. Father Louis Staley, of Railton, Wilson; | and formerly of Kingston, will be or- |dained a priest by Bishop 'Con- nor. Basketball at Queen's. Died' in Montreal. In the Arts Basketball League at the, Alexander Cathcart, of the custom Queen's gymnasium, Wednesday morn- | office, received word, Thursday morn- ing, the year '14 won from 'l5 by a'ing, of the death of his father in score of 24 to 16, { Montreal. Mr. Cathcart did not know Year '14--Levi, Hatch, Sutherland, | that his father was seriously ill, and Milligan, Spring. ) ithe news of his death was a sur Year '15--Reid, Kines, McKenzie, Mc- | prise. He left for Montreal at noon. Caig, Attwood. The open-air rink is now all in full swing. The plectriv lights were all put in place an Wednesday afternoon, and |) go) regular 50c. quality for 25c. there will be , hockey practices and |p, Mahood's drug store, skating every night. i The basketball team will be in fine| ggg g000000000000000000e Shape for the game in Montreal ong Friday. The boys will have a light ° "Kingston's Famous Fur Store," practice this evening. The team will | @ - likely take a couple of spare men. Only on club game wee moved o/s Wl] SNOWSHOES, the curling rink on Wednesday, and | ® that was between Skips Corbett and ® TOBOGGANS, MOCCASINS, Cunningham, . which resulted in a win | for the former by a score of 9 to 8.| g The game was billed for Thursday, but | @ it had to be played on Wednesday, on | ® Winter days are ll enjoyable if win- ter sports are popular. If you account of the banquet to-night. plan to do any sliding or snow-shoeing we can complete your outfit with ennine Indian Made Snowshoes, etc. "Week End" Chocolate Sale. On Friday and Saturday only we Frontenacs Off to Brockvile. The senior Frontenac hockey team |® left at 1.08 p.m. Thursday, for Brock- 1 ville, where an exhibition game will be played this evening with the Brockville interprovincial team. 'I'he game will likely be played in the same manner as the game last Mon day night with Queen's, in three twen- ty-minute periods. Several men out- side of the team were taken and will be tried out. "Charlie" Edwards, a new man, who played for a team in Smith's Falls, &n the capacity of goal-keeper, accompanied them, and will be tried out in the nets. Othe: players were: Cook, Hyland, Stan ton, Crawford, Brouse, Nicholson, Boyer and Weicker. Reid was, expect- ed. but could not get off. It was hought that Millan might go down but did not turn up. Elliott. May Turn Out. "Fd." Elliott, the great line plung- gr for the Ottawa Rough Riders rug- by team, who is' recuperating in the city for the winter,' may turn out with the Jair Feahiaats next Sook, Eliott pla; with Queen's secon team last year but is not attending, the university this session. Cadets First Practice. The RM.C, hockeyists, were out for a praciice at thd covered rink P00000000000000000000000000,000000000000000000000000 Toboggans, $2, $3. Moccasins, $1 to $1.50 Snowshoes, $1.50 to $3.00. | SUITABLE WINTER HEADWEAR. For all occasions, for men, women and child- ren, can be had in this store. Cloth, Wool or Fur, 35c up. WATCH OUR WINDOWS. GEORGE MILLS & CO 126 AND 128 PRINCESS ST. 900000000000 00000000 Gosnoeceosnee 260 PRINCESS. OPEN NIGHTS, THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE 'Phone 9219, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Reporters. 'Buy chamois vests." Gibson's, At home cards, neatly printed, at Whig office, Kingston. There was no session of the police court on Thursday morning. Travellers' samples of felt hoots for men and women cheap. Dutton's. May Wax won third money in the race she entered at Ottawa ice races. #illiam Bwain, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778, James Marshall, Jr., Belleville, has accepted a lucrative position in Kings- ton. Visiting cards, ithe véry best qual- ity of card and finest printing, - at Whig office. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 2) King street. Leave orders at Mec Auley's book store, The board of education was ealled to meet, to-night, to wind up the business of the old year. Sale of boys' waterproof boots, 51.66 and $2. Hockey boots cheap. Dutton's. "Buy chamois vests." Gihson's. Charles Murphy, Rideau street, who has been confined to his home for tne past few years, is out again. "Buy cold tablets." Gibson's. The Whig wants to know when Murney tower was built, by whom and why the place was so named. "Buy rubber goods." Gibson's, Sale of evening slippers. Dutton's. D.D.G.M. 'Allan Lemmon went to Parham, Wednesday, and installed the officers in the Oddfellows' lodge there. Sale of toques, 19.; clouds, 25¢. mitts, 15¢.; threesinch silk ribbon; 10c,; overstockings, from 25c. Dut- ton's. A. P. Suigmon, of Baldwinsville, N.X.; has been visiting Ww. coeskburn, Bagot street, will leave for lus home this week. Book-binding ollice, bhangston. C. H. 8. Norway left at noon to- fay for Birmingham, lng, on a month's furlough, owing to the death of a relative. "Buy cough syrups." Gibson's, Sale of men's all wool sox, two pairs, 350; home-made mitts, et Dut- ton se. ' The owners of the severul schooners in port are very busy these days get. ting on with the repairs which are necessary. iattle money will buy button's than you expect. seo. 209 Princess street. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bertram Goedike, of loronto, are in the city on their wedding tour, and are stopping at the ilandolph hotel. "Buy grippe tablets." Gibson's. Miss May Weir, Alfred street, visit- ing her brother and his wile, for the last three months, is expected home in a few days. "Buy cold tablets." Jook-binding botfice, Kingston, Songs, great variety, sacred and se cular, uleo duets, 10c. Dutton's Mu- sic store. Mr. McConachie says Kingston needs a children's shelter and a creche. Some generous citizen would do well if he remembered such a worthy case Sale of men's waterproof léather- lined boots, $2.75. Rubbers for all cheap, at Dutton's, The masters and mates are estab lished in their rooms and are having a great time talking over incidents of the part semson and years passed. Men's $1.25~ nightshirts, 75. Dut ton's, ! Mrs. K. N. Fenwick, of Kingston, wants damages from W. E. Day, of Ottawa, for injuries received in a run- away last August. The trial is now on in Ottawa. Music, '*Mendellsobn's Spring.Song," 10e:; "I Trovatore," 10c.: '"Tann- hauser March," if, and 2,000 others same value, 0c. Princess street. "Buy chamois vests." Gibson's. The cold weather of last night at- tracted three knights of the road to the police station for shelter. They were the only occupnnts of the cells, as no arrests were made. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall and winter godds for his order ' clothing - department, also in ready-m clothing and gents' fur- nishing department; they are all well aggorted with new goods. and ruling at Whig more at Call Gibsop's. and 'ruling at Whig The newspapers the city devote themselves to the advoeaey of every: thing that can help build up the city, promote its business prosperity, and the general welfare, and in fair- the DLusiness of all RO000000000000000 000000 BO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and | ) Dutton's, 209} OC OOO SC ODOT OO CIR SER 2 LC iSTANDARD: FASHIONS: Na AN Designer For Fesrvary, 10 Cts. ¢ Standard Quarterly For SPRING contains 1000 illustrations and coupon good for any 15c. -- tandard Fashion Sheet * For FEBRUARY, Free. Patterns Sold .at this store only 10 Cents and 16 Cents. Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. PEEEPVEEV EES ERE Lee GAPE SRG RENRE The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly ulator on which women can depend. Sold in throe degrees of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, $3; No. 3, for special cases, per box, Bold all druggists, or sent paid on receipt of price Fea pam it. Ad dress La Coox Meio Co., TorokTo, ONT. (formerly Wi Had His Face Cut. Edward Gallagher," employed . with McKelvey & PBirch, met with a pain ful accident on Thursday morning. With another man, he was engaged in carrying some piping to the Kingston Shipbuilding yards, when he shipped pipe struck him in the face and in- flicted 4 wound which vequired four stitches before it wae closed. He was attended by Dr. Robert Hanley. Women Teachers Organize. The women teachers of the publi schools have formed an association and elected the following officers : Pre sident, Miss Connor: viee-prosident, Migs Ryder; socretary-treasurer, Miss English; executive, Misses Barney, Crawford, M. Kelley, Laturney, Wil der, Abrams. : . ap--. Drunken Man on Tracks. An unknown man was found lying on the railroad track at the fool of Queen street, , Wednesday night. H was very much under the influence of linjwor. Another man pulled him of Just in thme, as the GT.R tran came along a few minutes later State of Philo; City of Toledo, }ne uces County, Frank J. Cheney makes cath that ne is senior partner of the firm of § J Cheney & Co. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State r aforesaid, and that said firm wil pa the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLA KS & nd every ease of Caiarr t B® cured by the uss of tarrh Cure i FRANK J. CHENEY, sri to be * me and subscribed y presence is 6th day of Decem 1888. , AD Beal) A.W. GLEASOX Ndtary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on the bicod apd mucous surfaces of (he system, Sal for testimonials free F. J, CHENEY & CO; Toledo ©. Sold by all Druggists, "5c - Take Hall's Family Plils #7 con stipation | 000000000000000600000¢ on the walk, and ns a result, the | | | | POOP PICOIIL 0000008 i Clocks We sell a very reliable, medium priced and long-lived alarm clock at These are fully guaranteed, and if taken care of will last $1.50 Many years, 850 KING STREET, SLOP EROOP OREO 9R40 90000000000 Jewelers. Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses | SMITH BROS. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of RAW FURS. W. F GOURDIER BROCK STREET TWO NEW SOLD BRICK HOUSES AT BARGAIN PRICES Ne. 1, Frontenac ' all improvements and furnace. $3,000. No 2, Collingwood treet, 8 rooms, all improvements and furnace $2,800. Sirent oma A nice Lot Street William Can be be The Real Estate Specialist, JOR. JOHNSON AND DIVISION STS, 'Phone 538, KINSTON LAUNDRY Cor. Princess and Sydenham Streets, "Paoce 22 RE ------ ISR Sab stones th