and whet a disappointment it is to find that though 'you are young, your hair is beginging to turn gray--that you are surely going to look old before your time. Don't wait for any more gray hairs to come--~get 8 bottle of HAY'S HAIR HEALTH today. Start in now and use it regularly. Those gray hairs wil'soon dissppear-- be restored to their natural color sand stay so. HAY'S HAIR HEALTH will keep you looking young. $1.00 and 50c at Drug Stores or direct upos receipt of price snd deslers name. Send 0c for isl bottle. Phils Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N, J. The country's best at easy-to- JAS. B. McLEOD, AGENT. David Hall || FHERKFIGNEY: 'Phones: poison, badlegs sores, ag 335. ssidence, 856. vigor & v.tal force, drains, Bloreie 'BROCK STHELY, 3s Seq Mail $1 from Fo Accessories we have In varied styles-- nickel-plated on brass--non- rustable. They are not con. fined to any. one manufactur er's productions. Towel Hacks, Soap Dishes, Sponge Holders, Tub Seats, Portable Showers, Tooth Brush Holders, Ete, Ete., Ete, ra wea aed Sse, ae. Ei Either at era & wk City, or Lyman cae td. Toronto. His doubt NoSrequired, send se) 'addressed envel lope or free dock to Dr Le Clerc Med. .Co. Haverstock Rd. Ampstead, London Eng. Try new Tasteless) Porm of Therapion, cary to take, safe, Tasting cure, HOLIDAY FRUITS | NAVAL ORANGES, SEEDLESS LEMONS. FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT, MALAGA GRAPES, RIPE BANANAS A. J. REES, 166 PRINCESS ST. Phone 58 NEW YEAR'S GIFTS We carry a large assortment of ful New Year's Gifts, Nickle Plated Tea Pots, Nickle Plated Coffee Pots, Fancy Coffee Percolators From $1.50 to $7.00 Silver Knives, and Forks, Silver Spoons, Carving Sets From $1.50 to $10.00. : ® : the following use- r000069000009000 Carpet Sweepers, Fic. ELLIOTT BR.OS 77 Princes: St B0000600000000000000 - 39509903 50090094000uoge The "Dainty Shrewsbury" is what our friends cal! Crothers' Shrewsbury Tea Biscuit It will fill the final need for your | | afterncon tea. Insist upon . having ing © Shrewsbury . The W. J.C Crothers Co., Ltd. KINGSTON ONTARIO | Salita shennan tna a -r MEN'S LIGHTNING HITCH $5. 00 BOYS' LIGHTNING HITCH $2.5) WOMAN'S LIGHTNIN 3 HITCH S°. GIRLS So STI 0 1G SKATING B0OT BOY'S GOOD sthowa HOCKEY BOOTS $1.50 ana $2. ANKLE suPzoRTs 23 cents THR DAILY WRITER WATG. THURSDAY. JANCARY 11 SHE GOT HIM BACK LEAP get a piece of jewelry." ! Sure)" replied AL "How this handsome solitaire do 7 Married again Yesterday. happy. would Everybody YEAR PROPOSAL RY THICAGO DIV: EE. ; a LOR At CHICAGO DIVORCE |. FEARS LOW LAKE LEVEL } "Don't You Think We Ought to Have Report to Congres: Stayed Married, Al7--="AI" Said Yes. A Not Favorable to Lakes-to-Gulf. Washington, Jan. 1L--A condition that way threaten navigation on the great lakes is called to the aitention of congress in a report submitted by General H. W. Bixley, chief of the war department engineers. The report has to do with the failing of the level of waler over all the chain of lakes. The report js interpreted as meabing that the influence of the war department to be insistent about the honeymoon will be directed ' against the gulf-to- at Niagara Falls, Albert "told ail. "" | the-lukes project which has been so iis money was nearly all gone. energetically boomed by the Missis- it took Roma about ten seconds to sippi interestd. Further, the condi call that honeymoon off, but three tions revealed by General Bixby, seri- bours to tell Albert what she thought ously threasens Illinois drainage wa- of him. terways and water power projects, all A year elapsed. Divorced. tof then being dependent upon plans Anotier year. Roma enters a small to divert water from the lakes. These jewelry shop, leap year. A young projects have been opposed by the ex han came to wait on her. Their eyes tensive vessel interests of the great met. . : Inkes. Reprosentatives of the lake in "AL," said Roma, "I think we're (erests here are eleated over the Bixby both a couple of fools. Don't you report. 4 think we ought to have stayed mar-' According to the report, the highest ried, Al? = level of Lake Erie last year wes pear 'You pet 1 do!" retorted AL "And ly three feet lower than the high level . | hat ve are going to do right now in of 190%. The loss in the last vear was 0 ge arried ag . n sn t : T% 3 pel Marriof again. aml isnt all i. ioehes The level of hoth lakes four-flush with me this time, cither. Michignn and Superior sark more lk own this place. wy) a than a foot in two years. The report Si, Ju " a says that any holding back. of water of lake Superior to restore its leve by artificial means must necessarily mean a more rapid drop in the levels of Lake Michigan, Lake Hvwron anc * Chiengo, Jan. 1l.-- Roma seventeen, and pretty, was in a Chicago department' store two years Ago. Enver Albert Schawter, a few years older, good looking, well dressed, earning ¥20 a week. Albert said be had $25,000. They were mar- ried, When the new Mrs. Schaffer began Parker, "elerwing" une here to Lake Ontario. The end of this vear, it will probably see the level of these lakes lower than in 1895 and 1806, and more than 1.3 fest lower than the average for the past fifty ; Years, Gasping for Breath The Common to Bronchitis and Asthma. DR. CHASE'S LINSEED AND TURPENTINE and are nerves a well as of the Lrouchial tubes, and 'toy this | ress n only slight irritation or ex-! Hemett issrequired to bring on the terri: le coughing spells and frantic gis_ing for breath. There is nothing like Dr. Syrup of Linseed and tring relief to suffere:s ehidis and asthma. L soothes the irritated nives; es and prevents the ing and enables the s. ste off the disease. In : opulsrity of this ly due to its success in ciitis end severe Shee je rmanent recovery largely vn potting the wervous sys tem thoroughly restored, Dy Nerve Food is of the greatest ance in rvevitalizing the is stated, ind Frantic question will be considered by | this session of Sogres in connection {with waterway projects and with postls to divert per for powe poses al pro r pur Sault Ste. Marie and Niagara i Falle. Canadian authorities have alsc notifiel the United States of their in- (tention formally to protest against further diversion from the great Jakes. SYRUP OF ENTIRE FAMILY AT SCHOOL. Both brouehitis disecses of the Take Advantage of (lisses Conduct ed at Night. Kansas City, Jan. 11.-A special ef fort to teach the Kansas City wives the arts of cooking, sewing and trim- ming hats will be made at the nigh Chase's 5chool to "be conducted at the high to School this term. Several married wo men took advantage of the classes i cooking last term, and the success of eas- the cooking class led the privcipal of the school to add sewi ing and hat trimming in, the "classes in domestic science. "We have one entire fanfily in the night school," Prof. JE Morgan, | viee-principal, said the vife came depends | 10 school for a week and attended the cooking class. The next week she nas " [brought two of her children to school, and the following veek she brought assist- her husband. The whole famil ily now is wasted nerYe| attending school." . Thi i men ! cells Thin: combined (rcatment is The night school will offer the same ro'l as a eure for bronchitts and! branches of study as are offered to the asthma, for while the Linseed and | wil > Feitpait ine brings relief to the organs pil © of the high school and the grade of respiration, the Nerve Food " whools, tomes the body to full health strength, and enables it Lo fight disease, There are many " hasa's Syrup of pontine. The portraié and aigratirs cf A. W. Chase, M.D., are on every lf, re': her Fottle of the genuine; 25¢c. a hottle, {lawful |ride t all dealers, or Edmanson Bates & |p Richeson." Co., Limited, Toronto, This was the startling statemen [B78%e by an assistant dustict attor [ nev cttachod to District Attorne, | = . { P illeticr's office. He further asserted Ron ICE CREAM PARLOR lit wee the positive belief of every ont st place tor all piinds of {contected with the Prosecuting oll 2 0 ates in ancy axes, lee cial's office. Cre Band all kinds. of. Fruita When the body of the littls Hyanni WM, PAPAS & On, music student wus exhumed that the Wd Princess Street. | government might secure further evi dence ageiust Richeson, there was wedding ring on the third finger of Avie Linnell's deft hand. The fact wh keit from the public oud it wa guarded «lc sely Turpentine from Lror attacks of cough n to throw fact the graat medicine is large- curihg bron chest colds, BE LIVED HERSELF BRIDE | Of Rev, C. V. T. Richeson, fessed Murderer. Jan. 11.--"Avis |'nnell, be God, believed she was th of the Rev, Clarence \ imitations of the Con Linseed and loston, | OWBOYS FIGHT "1.000 WOLVES {| Charged by Ravenous Pack--Thre: Narrowly Escaped Death. | Galvesion, Tex., Jen, 11 farriving here [of a wild fight wolves while Lioyd county. here were six cowboys in a party -- out to carry cotton-ssed meal tc starving cattle during a recent bliz {zard. 'The wolves were hali-starved and, charging down upon the party jengaged them in a running fight for {four hours. The cowbots were finally | Cowboy yesterday told a ston with a pack of 1,0 riding ther range ir HEALTH To Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Scottville, Mich.--*"I want to tell forced to make a stand when three oif ydia E. Pink! Or bat ah L ham's their number were thrown from their ¥ yegatable Com. (horses and narrowly escaped death. 1 pound and Sanative 1 Wash have done me, Aged Gananogue Lady Dead. : ar and | Gananoque, Jan, 10.--7]ke despest sympathy of the community wes ara. 1 am forty 'aroused for an already sorely afflicted family, when, on January 5th. the I hirtoes otiten hand of death claimed Mrs. Lawrene { Boyle, Sr, whose daughter, Mary E., predeceased ber by oniv three Weeks In the death of Mrs. Boyle the com- sustains the loss of a most fam. . judicious counsellor, besides a loving phd y Fd nd faithful mother, whose tender vir. and that tues have been the pride of her many a ekiche and boating | friends. Deceased was born in Gana- will take | noque in 1533, her maiden name being lh faire je 'atherine O'Brien. In 1855 she mar 'ried Lawrence Bove, who died three think there is years ago. The union was blessed In them be found for ia family of two daughters and seven well i up nd make sors. Besides a sister, Mrs. Mary ydia 5. Pi dest Hunt, of Gananoque, there remain (o Jia +. Ph K- ue Tous, one Jabghter, More. ad. OBrien; JRalton, and six sons, Jobn, Terrence, ty. and i Bas | | Owen, Patrick and ames. of Gana- nogue, and Lawrence, of Fmerson TMan. The funerak which was held on Monday, proceeded "rom the home of James Movle, to St. ° Johe's rhurch. * [Gananogre, where a rorjaien high mass | Mich, | twas sung by Rev. Fathee O'Brien, ofl Rochester, N.¥., nephew of deceaand, } Vegetable Com- assisted by Rev. Father Kehos as des Toots a fon, and Rev. Father Croviey as aub or deacon. After the eeremony the wo! the recor 800TH { remains wore in the vault here, Sefunl ores the six zons ily, but I tell RC i =8 4. mrss MADE IN CANADA Oranges. Oranges Large Sweet Mexican Oranges One Price: 15 Cents Per Dozen. Ottawa 8.57 Hy worth E SPTPY PAGE fn TRAVELLING. J -- ------ om A Si Sr CRE Ss Eastern Ontario Live Sto and Poultry Show OTTAWA, ONT. JANUARY 15th to 19th. Round Trip Tickets will ZO at $3.70 i Good going Jan. 1 th, re- tarn limit, J : leave Kingston 2. y a.m. ' Leave Kingston 12.25 weeny arrive Ottawa 5 p.m da et Through sleeper on 9 Be trata. J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johunsor and Ontario Sts. LEDS RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON [1.45 am. Express--For Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Van- couver, Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. 5.00 p.m. -- Local for Sharbot Lake, cpnnecting with C. P_ R. East and Wést. 7.45 a.m. Mixed---For Renfrew and intermediate points, Mon., Wed., and Friday Passengers leaviig Kingston at 11.45 a.m. arrive in Ottawa at b p.m; Peterboro, 4.38 p.m.; Toronto, 6.56 p.n.; Montreal, 7.06 pm; Boston, 7.30 am.; St. John, 12.00 aoon Full particulars at K. and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Officé, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen Pass. Agent. OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Iraln leaves Union station, vaiatie wiroel. { pm. dally (Sunday excepted), or Tweed, Sydenham, Nupanee, re. ie Hunnockburn and ail points To secure quick despateb to and Jiiuts an ipments For fur. H Ward Pause Agent aa dauseckburn, Maynooth, vise! untallo huute your = fa Bay of Quinte Rallway net fA "Ww. hy "rt Astuti oh e ~ we THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for CouGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. cts like a charm io DIARRHOEA. DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Elfectually cuts short a'l s'tacks of STASMS. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases ~ FEVER, GROUP and AGUE. The only is NEURALGIA. GOUT, RHEUMATISM. Chlerodyne is a liguid {aten in'drops. graduated wecording to the malady. It toivariably rilieves pain o whatever kind : creates a calm refreshing sleep ; 1ilavs irritation of the werrous system when thi other remedies fail: leaves « bad ehects . and can be taken when wo other medicine can be tolerated. INSIST ON NAVING E X CONVINCING Oe. J CCLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNE. WITH EACH BOTTLE. ; Sold by all Chemists. Prices in England: 1 29, aj The immense success of this Remedy bay given rise {o many imitations. N.B.--~Every bottle of Gesvia - Chlorodyne Sole Manufacturers: bears on the stamp \ 1. T. DAVENPORT the mame of the i d.. inventor, Dr. J. LONDON, Collis Browse SE. Co., Limited, Toronto. a Ee 90999939990098300094004909.0990498 4094 Fine Skating Weather This RE et All the Rinks are open and busy so don't delay further 3 DOMINION aT LTT i CHRISTMAS SALLINGS FROM Poridtaud, Me, and Halifax, N.S, From From Portland. | Haltax, SCANADA, Dee. aMEG ANTI, Dee. *TEUTONIC, Dee. | Rates from 'Wirnt, Third $31 According to Stexmer ia Destina- thon i Magnificent 3 sifully New Steamer and Appointed Has Ele 3 or Carries Sirtug Orchestra CANADA" and "TELTONIC earvy One Class Cabin (11) and IThir d Class Passsnsers only, SummerSailings Rg Ae a Agents JP ilanley and C. 8 ry kK. Main site, Mont- real Go To RERMUDA ROUND TRIP $10 AND UP Fast Twin Screw 88 "Bermudian" 10.51% Lone displacement salis from $ York 1 am January 24th dist, and every Vednes thereafter Sultes de luxe, with nrivate bath, orchestra Blige keels; electric fans; wireless telegraphy No steergge Fastest, newest and only Leamer landing passengers. at the dock In Hamilton WEST INDIES NEW S88 "GUIANA™ and athar steamers 2 'pm alternate saturda from New York for St. Thomas, v Croix, Bt. Kitts, Antigua, Guadeloups, Dominica. Martinique, St Lucia, Bar: badoes and Demerara For full information, apply to J. P. HANLEY and C 8 KIRKVATRICK, Ticket Agente Kingston; Quebec Steamantpy Co, Quebec A NEW IDEA AND A NEW SHIP, A SHORT YACHTING CRUISE TO THE WEST INDIES ON THE RED CROSS LINE S58, STEPHANO, 27, 19 Days, $190 up To NARBAD HAVANA, KINGSTON, and COLON. Bleciric fans, sea sports, swimming pool, excellent cuisine, or- chestra Limited 10 150 passengers. Early booking advised Send for Book let how RING &. £0 7 Bate Bt, NY, ir your Local Tat Agency [Pesan assassrsnnsrnsnnal COAL! The kind you are looking for ins the kind we sell SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee Get a Pair of Suth erland's Hockey and Skating Boots ---- -------- We Have the Best at Lowest Prices. § JH Sutherland & Bre. | "THE-OME OF GOOD SHOES" deceased arting, as pall 0000 eat 00000008 P0000 00440400 prompt del Very. BOOTH & CoO. FOOT WEST STHEETY VBS WE PRBS THRE AORS SST TLL LMAARL ssn dasa . - Carriage Paint SOME CLASS Toy This 1» the plies 1g Lave your {| Aulo repwired Ww wand all kiods of "" puMPHY Montreal ssn (hdnance Bua. ' Thomas Cop ley PHONE oo Drop a card to 19 Pine Street a. | wanting anything done in the [ar Hine. Fatimatta gives on ii ade repairs new werk sing, f Hardwood Flops of 261' Kinds AR Orders will receive prompls stisoilon. } Shop #9 Queen Sires. or HO AR dR Sp