; PAGE TEN. Somer THE DAILY BRITISH JHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1912. 'BIBBY'S CAB STAND .DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 REMOVED. WASTED AWAY 10 A. SHADOW "Frolt-a-tives" cared me after 12 years SN ry 3 gad of a fds 4 Doppler . tortures that I was compelled to sta in bed. ) sould ot digest my food 0 Sverythisg d the most va SICKNESS VIRE, LIFE, AND GUARANTER IN EFFROTED, Ren! Estate Bought, Sold & Exchanged Call or communicate with #4, 0, HUTTON, 18 Market Kingston, Ontario, Berrrersrrassrrraressaal THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON STREET, (Near Princess) There are other hotels, ne the lub Bema F but for 4 like. surroundings, rroun o ntre ®t city and Sloss to nope) stores and tl Cha Arges are moderate. Special rates by the week. PF. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. TVA NNO RDS Bacesssssscesssccssecs SPECIAL BARGAINS : In Shoe Repairing By latest machinery. Catspaw Rubber Heels, 40¢c a palr, put on whi He you walt. Skates sharpen- "a hollow ground. 80 Men's and Boys' Boots and AEC sold at reduced prices Any boots sold from our store to- give good satis- action, JOHN GREEN, 280 PRINCESS STREET. 0000000000000 00000000 APPLES | SNOWS. TALLMAN SWEET, BELL FLOWERS, NORTHERN SPIES. SWEET CIDER. OOAST SEALED OYSTERS D. COUPER, Phone 10. 841-8 'Princecs Street Prompt Delivery spss seBescenenens Fr «9000000000008 00 Smoked Kippered Fillets Bloaters Ciscoes Finnan Haddies a ag I cnt NN DOMINION FISH 0, §3 BROCK ST. PHONE 520 Grades GASOLINE. O0AL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL, FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. W.F. KELLY, Cinrence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. POOLS RIGSSINOOOEIPOITOS PRSPVIDAOPALOGes nro a AS on sertal) oF, 80 or ar pe Putts eo a -- airs Drother or mh ¥ GUAT s homestead. Phe few--M ks om years tron of | Tomeatend "ntey H1acluding 1 ih sara sowmoesies Liat fifty abras axty wh --. jr Toute soeh ee ng yc Sn of Constipation: and at rl I had ne of the for two weeks. all kinds of medicine My weight came y 80 pounds and everyone thought I was going to die. Finally I the fortune to buy 'Fruit-a- tives' as soon as I began to take them, I felt better, I persisted in the treatment andtomy gettior joy and to the astonishment of my friends, I improved. Now I feel a weigh 115 pounds (and this is more than I ever weighed, even before my illness) I attribute my cure solely to 'Fruit-a-tives'."" Maur ANDREW STAFFORD. soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, asc. Atall dealers, or from Fruit-a-tives , Ottawa, "The Household Pest Many exterminator com- ounds used against bed s have a pungent odor ny their use is therefore objectionable. Keating's Powder is odorless, stain. less and harmless except to insect life--yet it is thoroughly efficient and never-failing. Kills bugs, drives them away and pre. vents their coming. Sold by all drug. gists. In tins only: 10c., 20¢., 35c. 'and gave me me no ne Or. Martel's Female Pills Nineteen Years the Standard. Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's allmenis, a scientifically prepar- ed remedy of proven worth, Fhe ree uli feom thely use is quick and per- wanesl, ¥or anle at all drag stores; WC\TH OF " BEATTFUL HA "othing equals an aureole of beau- tif] hair as a frame for a pretty face. Without a background of nice hair a really pretty face frequently Lecomes plyin and, with it, unattrac- tive features assume life and beauty, Bvery woman can increase her na- rol charm by using Newb¥o's Her picide. Herpicide makes hair beau- tiful. The dandruff germ saps ths itality of the hair, Herpicide Kill this germ and prevents the hair from frlling out, giving it a snap and lus ter, a soft, silky fluffiness which can Le acquired in no other way. Your druggist will sell you a one lollar size bottle under an absolute guarantee. Send Ie. in postage for sample and hooklet to The Herpicids Co., Dept. R., Detroit, Mich. Applications may be obtained ai the test barber shops and hair dressing parlors. 4s. B. McLeod and IL. Best, special agents. Cured of Shingles T. 4 CBE jd A despatch from Topeka, Kansas, Buy®: more about putting hogs on the mar- ket and how to prepare them ng the best prices, and that average husiness man knows more out putting his goods on ihe market than either does about rais- | ing their children, is the accusation | of Prof. W. Mcheever, professor of philosophy at the Kansas Agricultural tcllege. Professor Mcheever regards this as day society, and when the next han- te most serious problem of present. ss legis: sture meets he will urge an yropridt.on for pach of the ih schools that courses in revring to put the "Kiddies on an ejuul footing with the pigs and cows and chickens in the barn-yard, n! with the silks and satins of the merchant, shall be established. "I usiness is an exact sciemcd,' ref ss r McKeevey the other n a visit to his brother in ""trek raising Ts also an exact science. Tle merchant knows the va- lve of cewtain qualities of igoods, certain trade mark has a certain value. Ji is the pedigree of the goods. | te farmer knows the value of cer tain blood strains in pigs and cows and chickens. [he stock pedigree is worth millions to the stockmen of the country. "What's the pedigree of a beby worth #* Did you ever stop fo think that the pedigree of small boy might be worth dollars and cents to him and to others in the future, and, besides that, be worth things money cannot buy --happiness, society and the respect of the fellow- man ? 'lhe business man exceed- ingly particular about the pedigree of | the stock he puts on his shelves, and | the farmer guards with jealous care child- said day, a one scems to care a whoop about KING GEORGE V. TO BE SEEN W IN THEATRICAL CIRCLES. Notes Players Concerning Plays, and Playhouses. etic Blair is to present "The Mme. Nazimova is to Second Mrs. Tanfueray." Edith Crane, wife of Tyronne Pow- er died in New York this week. Martin Harvey is soon to play title role in "Oedipus Bex, don. Madame Kalisch will this month produce a condensed version of "Mon- na Vanna." Violet Vanbrugh and Arthur 'Bou chier "The Third Degree" produced . this week in London. George Arliss, in "Disraeli," dt Wal- lack's theatre, New York, has reached the 135th performance. Bdwin Arden will be lead for Viola Allm in her new Crothers" play "He and She." Clifton Crawford. formerly I man with "The Three Twins," is now with "The Quaker Girl' company: Charles Hawtrey has revived "A Message From Mars," in London, and it seems to have lost nove of its old time popularity. i H. Nilaon will appear ity Jn tithe, Ye Was er Sang somes ed from the French hy Cyril inp Weber and Fields after swwen years! of separation have remitted for the Ee of organizing their old com- g some of their for- eS Woeonllivi M. Emile M. the wm Maresu has wH. a a revive "The the in Lon man That the average farmer knows | to] the | big | Topeka. | much in { COLOR PICTURES, THE KINEMA COLOR, NEXT WEEK URGES LOVE- MAKING IN SCHOOLS Teaching of Child-Rearing is of Mo More Importance Than Courses in Live- Stock Breeding. their children or their grandchi 'Child rearing is the same old hap i hazard, hit or miss, guesswork fort oi an affair, while business ang' stock raising are exact sciences. I is timo child rearing was put on a scientific j basis, too. Of how much value will gouds or stock be in the fiiture if the quality of the men and women is low- ered ? ildren. "Every college ought to teach child rearing and make it a required course of study for every boy and girl. Ev: ery school ought to have a course in { matrimony to teach boys and girls the good points in each other. 'Science has developed certain pro positions regarding the physical an imental activities of a person whereby it is porsible to tell, almost to(a cer tainty, just what the ofispring will be {Young people should be taught what to look for in the physical appearance of a boy or girl that would tend to make the children strong, healthy and active, and what to watch for in the mental activities to determine, in advance, the | mental activities of the children. "A boy or girl meets one of the op- posite sex and falls in love because the boy has good clothes and apparently a good physique and the boy falls in love with a doll face and a picture hat, and the child of the pair develops inte a j critmingd or a worthless loafer that worse than criminal "Love-making ought to be an exact science, taught in the public schools, iworked out scientifically in every de tail and with legul checks on marriage that would prevent the marriage of the unfit, "One must pass an examination to | become a school teacher where the | teacher -has niuch to do with the char- {acter of the child, but that same teach- jer can turn around and without any | examination or investigation get any | old rag-tag to marry her or him and is the pedigree of his stock, but neither | they start a home and take chances on | the character of the children." ITH THE LIFE-LIKE NATURAL AT THE GRAND ALL modern production can be gained from an affidavit just filed in Mow York that 136,354 square feet of canvas, linen and gauze were used in making the scenery for "The Garden of Allah." Charles Waldron, ¥ in Vicla Allen's ave an important White Magic," which Gertrude Elliott is now rehearsing on the road. 5 Jolson and Mrs, Donald Brian will also figure in the production. The play will be a dramatization of David Graham Philhps' novel of the same name. Joseph M. Weber and Lew Fields ! have ouce again come together snl will resume their ofl partnership and produce their old-time burlestjue with as many of their former company as | poagible. Lillian Russell is said to | ave already been secured, and others mentioned are De Wolfe flopper, Wil- Collier, Mario Bossi Slayton, Fritz Williams and Louis who was original company, . will part in "The Alphonso's Son an Invalid Madrid, Jan. I%.--Dom Jaime," "the second won of King Alfonso, has been | sent £0 Switzerland and will ter a sanatorium, The royal prince | has been suffering from 'defects in hearing 'and in and has heen the care eminent | Swiss phy- i and ns. Several success. operations have been performed vim, § i EL. ye native Bromo ro. 6% i © | vice was conducted at the house | Alexandria Bay wey have lo change 25¢ {its course of sewer a twenty thousand oLD BOYS' CHICAGO DINNER. . An Account of the Event Given in Ryhme. On Dec. 2ist the Kingston: Uld Boys' Association of Chicago, and its ladies' auxiliary, held thear first an- aual- dinner in the Auditorium bo- 'The following accauny, in rhyme i$ given by ome of those ish On the 2ist of last Dedember An event tgok place, as we emember, the boys held their finst annual din. ner. hie attendance was good; it was winner, ind a held at the Auditorium bo t What took place 1 will try to tell. About 9.30 to music ;so eweal, We marched in dining room, and took | our seat, lat al, era was there, lo tare a picture of the boys girls so fair. We all looked pleasant, good show, 10 make =a cried "Ob." At Speaker's table did preside, Mr. Robertson and Mr. one on each side, Messrs. Howland, Dr. Secretary Dean, Whose did gleam. (he siuging and dancing Linegar was rare, She had her eyes on Mr. fair. The speakers handled their with ease, And from appearances everyone please. President Ke With Graham and by Miss McGuire for Vr. he did go, Always prepared for to meet a toe. As years has passed by he has chang ed his mind, For he finds the Kingston boys good and kind. Dr. Graham's remarks about jolly Bill Were received with glee, and 'acted like a pill, Making all feel gay, For they wure feeling happy after his say. Mr. Howland spoke as only he can, He was voted the honors of a ladies' man. Dean said he with tne show, And honors are his for he hard we know. President Reid's talk and racy, And created a laugh Mr. Nacey, Charley Mills, although he said foot was sore, Had his little say, as in the days, of yore. "Rich" Newlands, speak, Was very quickly yanked his sent. Middleton recited and Moore, lold a story of a candle and ty" Gilmore. Stewart's remarks were short and sweet, McGuire was silent and kept his seat. Mr. Nacey snid tHat he was so full lle *eald not talk, but gave his vest pull, {he an by Misses well rendered, ind a very suitable encore was ten dered. McUammon's remarks were cheer: ful and bitght. good-humored and vr. was well pleased worked was at expense of his when he rose to down to Nr. some poetry, "Sal Dr. Mr, 'Tompkins, Mr. enjoyable might, Tompkins said he was filled with glee, For he was as happy as happy could Le. The dinner was good, the menu fine, | And everyone had a good time, iNow let us look forward to dinner soon, And let every member boom. uf Mr. Brown's writa, But he said he was prepared io stay all night. Mr. our give it a remarks I will not Among the sOngs sang at the ban quet were these : I want a girl just like the girl matried dear old dad, She was a pearl and the only girl that daddy ever had; A good old-fashioned girl with heart 80 true, And one who loves nobody you, I want a girl just like the girl married dear old dad. that else but that Gee! but €tg great to meet a from your home town, What difference does it make if he up or down? For when he takes you by the hand, There's a fouling you can under- stand; from your home town, Aged Odessa Lady Dead. Odessa, Jan. 10,--Miss Abbie Fraser, better known as "Aunt Abbie," | passed peacefully away at the home of He #nid that indeed he had spent an | friend | | is | Gee! but §ts great to meet a friend | ! i al { i i ! *d were called to attention, a cam- | 1 and | When the tiash-light went off, a lads Liveb, | faces one and all with pleasure! subjects | did i Lynen told of how to Kingston humorous was! | i ! i i | : Jane her nephew, Austin M. Fraser, cn Tues: day afternoon, after an iliness of a week. She suffered two strokes of paralysis. She was eighty-one vears of age, and was a faithful member of ithe Methodist church, and of the Wo- man's Missionary Society, and loved by all who knew her. The funeral ser- by J. C. Bell, thence t6 the Violet She is survived by her broth- : Rev. | vault. jer, J. C.. Fraser, and one sister, Mrs {Murray Clark, both of this place, and a number of nieces and i Died From Exposure. Peterboro, Jan. 13. -A. J, ron, land surveyor, of this town, died this morning after exposure to. the weather, being found outside the ty limits in an exhausted condition h the thermotheter ern Te zero. He leaves a wife ~ and large {aniily of small children. he Wardrobe hotel, Westport, was Wednesday, by. ou J. McParland, of thai village, and Thomas McCann, of Perth Come | ELL ---- A -- BARER'S CHCOLA TE "lov In mcking Cakes, Pies, Puddings, Frosting, Cream, Sauces, Fudges, Hot and Cold Drinks ¢ THE STANDARD FOR 131 YEARS Reais tered 53 Highest and ade-Mark WALTER BAKER QQ CO. Established 17 nod Ice America Limited DORCH ESTER, MASS. i. Awards in Europe MONTREAL, CAN. For Coughs-- Colds-- Hoarseness-- Bronchitis-- Loss of Voice-- Pains in the Chest-- and all NA-DRU-CO SYRUP OF- LINSEED, LICORICE & CHLORODYNE is a Safe, Reliable, Quick-acting Remedy. In 25¢. and 50c. Bottles at your Throat and Lung Troubles-- Druggist's. GrssssrsasessssscencaadBe sssesssenssscsesessscel HOCKEY | AND SKATIN G . BOOT Ji MEN'S LIGHTNING HITCH $3.00 BOYS' LIGHTNING HITCH $2.50 WOMAN'S LIGHTNING HITCH $2.50 GIRLS GOOD STRONG SKATING BOOT $1.50, $2.00 BOY'S GOOD STRONG HOCKEY BOOTS $1.50 and $2.00 ANKLE SUPPORTS 2 25 cents . LIGHTNING We HITCH VVVV VOT THVT VLR FT BTVLLRRVT BT RETO LS King St. DOV LLRLVTTRLVORRVRN TTL TDLEBRORDT ROR S 1 H. Jennings, - @rrrsvssssrrasssssssafP@ecscorassncans sessesesseal EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM "The nerves control all actions of the body so that any- thing that debiiitates them will weaken all organs of the system. Early Indiscretions and Excesses have rulned thousands of promising young men. Unnetarsl Drains sap their vigor and vitality and they never develop to a proper eondition of manhood. They remain weak- lings, mentally, physically and sesuslly. How you feel? Are you nervous and weak, despondent aod gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, kidaey # irritable, paipitation of the heart, bashfal, debilitating dreatns, sediment In urine, pimples om the face, eyes susken, hollow cheeks, cardworn ex- pression, poor memary, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy PA and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change. able moods, premuturedecay, bone paige, hair loose, ele. This is the condition our New Method Treatment is yr QUESTION LIST POR HOME TREATMENT Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Beg NOTICE ATL letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart. ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to fy call atonr Medical Iggtitute in Detroit as we see and treat in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Talon for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address.