TTT NT TT -- KINGSTON, | ONTARIO, SATUHDAY, JAX ek ft rs --_-- UARY 20, 1912, me ees 3 LAST EDITION a YEAR 79 NO, 17 FROM THE LAND OF THE HEATHER, ARTY The First Games Took Place on Fri- ~_ ay Night, and the Scotch Teams ~~ Defeated Colborne" Belleville, Napanee and Brockville by 64 to The Scoleh curlers have arrived and are in jon of the dity. The n & Pembroke railway train was about an hoor late on Friday afternoon and as n resalt the visitors did pet reach Kingston un: til 445 o'clock. However, in spite of the late hour quite o large num: ber were of hand to extend a wel come tg the Neotamén, who have bien making the "yoprin' game" hum dur ing the past few weeks. i hws yin of the loeal club, h Macpherson, sud the secretary, 5, Asselatine, went out to Shar bot Lake on the ndon train, to meet the visitors, and accompanied them to the city, Members of the recep tion committee were on hand and outside of the committee there were many members of the club present, and citizens in general, Just as the train pulled into station" Piper Fraser, ope of the loeal cleb's own, pipers, struck up a lively air, and the Seolsmen were beaming with sntles as they walked off the train on to the platform. A) most all the members wore Scowch caps and with their green and gold badges could ecuily be recognized. Af ter all had alighted from the train the visitors, with the members of the Jocal reception committee, formed in live, and headed by Piper Fraser, marched to the Frontenac hotel, where the visitors will hold forth during their. stay Tn the city. The curlers will 'stay until Baturday night at 15.50 o'clock, when they will lave by spegisl train for Veterboro via the K & Pembreke railway and thy Canadign Pacific railway. That the curlers are here simply to i r matches was made known i the: arrival of the ¢isitors. "We are not lookitg for a big fuss, with lots of sutertainment,'" ex- pldined one of thd party, "we are hero si 'to ki i ve [i with 3 a t a ere | xpress putposy re are very well plenséd with their trip in tianiida, a far. 7 have enjoyed the spo very --. Av Ottawa wd Montreal and the other places visited they were given a fine time. 'They had heard ad great deal about Kingnion and wer. very anxious to see the city. The visitors had a special for the trip from Ottawa. snow along the line was the cause of the train being date. When - the engive pulled into the station it was covered with snow atid gave every ap: pearance 'of having Jn arrived from a trip to leeland, Ihe snow was piled up on the cowesicher, showing that many bad drifts had been on: countered, the car Heavy A---- Rink Decorated. . oo I The rink was in gala ablire for the sion, The members of the decora. tion wommities surtaibly looked . out ther ¢ of samme. A large prell apty ™ i pike pe HW Newman, with the word "Welcome, appénred at the sien entvunce, and the inside of the risk was decorated with flags and bunting on a most a neg cf fogs Iu Lhe work: was the p tage in ice, and oh this adn Suture wane decorat was acim o fine rire a Beotsma 0 in the ice on rink Ne, 3. oe was here, emile for everyone. he acco in Winning. out in the serie 1 the wink, on 'night, with the outside won out in the series, ¢ margin of one poibl con ' y chairman of the interstate comme Jeommission, abd Chairman Mabee, of and Lieut. Von Cerno, belonging sports| by fways were FRESH BOOKS FOR PUPILS. Will Stop Possible Dariger of Spread of Infection. Toronto, Jan. 20.--As school books are conwidered to be varriers of dis case, the boaid of eduegtion decided that hereafter each pupil on entering a school or on promotion will be pro- vided with brand new books, which shall be kept until unfit for further reference. This step will dispose of the present method of passing much used books from one pupil to an other, exposing them to infection. "HH is impossible to disinfect books, and the only thing that ean be done to stop ihe of disease in this respect is to destroy them or give new hooks to each child," said Dr. McKay. "By adopting this motion it will only mean additional expense of about $2,000 4 vear, and the stop- ping of much sickness. The amount, it was decided, will be placed in the year's estimates. -------------- Russian and Husgarian Lieutenants to Serve Three Years For Leipsic, "Jan. 20i~Long were imposed on two spies by the im- perial supreme court. Barson Vinogra- doff, a lieutenant in the Russian navy, to the reserve of the Hungarian army, were both condemned to three vears' imprisonment. Baron Viesogradofi is to be confined in a fortress, while Von Cerno is to serve his term in an or- dinary penitentiary. The espionage of which they Were convicted was connected with naval matters and Baron Vinogradoff was de- tailed to supervise the operations ef Von Cerno and stboulate him to fur- ther activity. While he was engaged in this work the German secret service police captured them both. sentences p----------t Will Sell to Hydro. Ottawa, Jan: 20.--Denial of any re fusal of the Electri¢ Power company, which controls most of the power de velopment on the Trent river, to sell out to the hydro-electric epmmission, was given this morning by A. B. Cok ville, of Campbellford, vice-president of the company, who is in town. "The hydro-electric commission, which in 1908 had an offer for a sup ply of power from the company, mow desires to extend into Central One tario, and the Electrid Power comy pany, while perfectly satisfied with ite business, has no desire to stand In ite way. It has offered to sell the whole of its undertakings, intluding power houses, transmission lines, tions, elestric und gas; plants, street railways, ete., at a price to be fixed Arto he dnid. rb as is THE PEOPLE INFLAMED AGAINST THE RAILWAY Toronto: Will Ask Legislature For Redress Against the Toronto, Jan. 20.--The minds of the people of this eity are so inflamed against the Toronto railway company that something serious may happen i the company does not try to improve the street railway service. Controller MeCarthy so expressed himseM at the meeting of the board of control, yes terday, when the street railway difhi- culty was being discussed. The mayor said : "If we go to the legislature surely we will get some redress. The people are up in arms." It was deeided that the corporation counsel should prepare a case (pr the city #0 that an a 1 to have the railway taken over from the company and 'operated in the public interest and- for the convenience of the public] might be made to the legislature. SOUHEME NOT YET DROPPED. Further Negotiations Between Can- ada and United States. Ottawa, Jan. 20. The tea of an international comniission to exercise control over through railway rates on traffic between the United States and Canada has not been sbandoned ag re ported, even though there is no bar: ticular development jn regard to it. Some months ago, the basis of sich ab organization was suggested at a bétween Martin the dominion railway board, but no definite action was ever taken in re spect to the matter. Many of the rail to the scheme. His quite probable that there will {be further negotiations in the not , | distant future, sub-sta: | possible harmony of artangement and : map a To Oust Manchu Rulers and OUTSIDERS TO DICTATE FORM on GOVERNMENT. Nothing Can Swerve Him From What He Considers His Duty to His Fellow Chinese--The People Waat a Republic. Nanking, Jao. 20.--President Sun Yat Sen said, yesterday, to the Asso- cinted Press: 1 have taken an oath to oust the Manchu rulers und restore peace to the country before resigning. I have taken an oath to establish ve public in China, and if I consented to the proposition laid down by Yuan Shi Kai, 1 would be foresworn. "I am: convinced that a republic is not only practicable, but it would be the best thing for China. Those as- serting otherwise know nothing about the Chinese. China cannot permit out- siders to dictate. her form of govern- ment. This republic is now an estab- lished fact, Nothing can swerve me from what 1 consider my duty to my! fellow -countrymen. 3 "Undoubtedly the best thought of China unanimously supports the re public. There is no question of north and south. | am firmly convinced that the people of the eighteen provinces are in favor of a republic. . "We are now confident of the right- eousness of our cause, and of the su- swriority of our military strength. If on, Shi Kai persists in obstructing, GRAINMEN AND FOSTER Another Western Deputation Coming to Ottawa, Ottawd, Jan. 20.--Hon, George FE. Foster, minister of trade and dom merce, has had a letter from the ex- ecutive of the Western Graid Growers' Association, asking if We would meet a deputation 'on January 20ch, 16 lay before him their views on the smend- ments to the Manitoba grain get. Just whit objections are taken to the present bill are not known. 5 WILSON NOT THE MAN cad the Democrats, Says Editor Watterson, To HENRY WATTERSON. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 20.-That he hoped to find in Woodrow Wilson an- other Tildon, but had found 'rather a schoolmaster than a statesman," was the declaration of Henry Watterson, the veteran Kentucky editor and sou- thern democrat, in a statement made in connection with the break between our armies will be ordered tp march northward." Christian Guardian; Toronto. Pirst, because I believe in the nimost aetion betwee jad vidual Sg Lioas of the Christin church, ihe Methodist" and' vierian denemina- tions 'wee "eael practically federations of co-operating churches in country, vil- lage, town, and city, scattered from ocean to oeean. Fach congreghtion has local self-government in large measure, but Y niously co-oper- ates with all othér congregations for the prevention of overlapping and for al work which, as in education and missions, ean be earrvied on better by combined force than by, individual ef fort. The proposed' union of the Me thodist, Preshyterian and Congrega- tional denomipations is a step in the further federation of the individual churches of the three denominations. It will certainly tend to further lessen waste caused by overlapping in the older portions of Canada, and will absolutely prevent it in all newl§-cov- ered territory, It will further com- bine the congregations of the three denominations in every effort where combination increases efficiency. 2. Becange , Capada is a rapidly- growing nation. Every needless wasto of effort by the churches by over-lap- oipg, war or other failure to eo-oper- ate, and every soccessful effort to place our dollars, churches and men where they will interfere least - with one another and strengthen each other most effectively will, in these growing times, be yiickly multiplied many fold. Waste will papidly mean much waste. Conservation will quickly mean much saving for investment where the cause of God really needs it. ich Upto the Seymour ower jor Kingston! This the call for some years past eo aré to-day as much without it 3 CHEAPER POWER FOR Developments as ta An Governor Wilson and Col. George Har- vey. VOTING FOR PROPOSED CHURCH UNION Rev. Alfred E. Lavell Gives Reason Why the Basis Should Be Supported by All Canadians. 3. Because the proppsed union does not imply the forced" closing of any church or the ¢vercion of two cofgre gations into one by am outside cen- tral power, A gity Methodist, for ex- le, may vote for the union with no thought of closing wp. a single Me- thodist, Congregational or Preshyter- ian church in that city. A member in a small village may vote for the union, even though. he be at present Sfpusat to the closing up of either of the two churches in his village, where, on principles of large comity, one might possibly be more effective: Nothing is proposed in the new union which will combine these or elose either. The same principles and cong tions will operate ns mow prevail. The loeal autonomy is in no way interfer- ed with in this regard or in any other. The one great change for the better which will be created dy the union is that when two or more eon gregations bear the same denomina: tional name, and belong to the same great federation, with the same cen- tral government and the same mis sionary and other combined agencies, the tendenty will surely be, in the case of weak and rival congregations, to stimulate them to elimmate local friction and waste by the actual unit- ing of them into one strong, united branch of the church, But' this ds left to the common sense and grace of the local congregations. There is no coercion. " i. Because the splanc¥d heritage of each denomination + will be retained and inereased, It will be a glorious day when, in dhe 'same Christian denomination, there may be found (Continued on page 12.) KINGSTON ! Company and Then Await dices 'power for Napanee and the ex tension of the service to Kingston could be speedily ompli ngeton Hydro-Electric Commission could as easily purchase the property with its * extensions to Kingston as without. Jt will only be a matter of dollars" and cents. "Fhere are various in securing the power at once, beeauss delays are always dangerous and dis: BE Eerie prospect that ) tlt plies: second, that: iv will not: third, thai the Hydro-Eléotric might, in case of the second 'contingency, in the of to mest-the needs of Eastern On. tavrio. These are the contingencies, but it is up to Kingston to secure the re- quired qnergy at as early 8 date as i and, havieg secured it, ont LATEST TIDINGS Despatches From Near and THE WORLD'S EPISODES GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody----- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and" Re- membered. The girl . colleges in New Engl have bamshed logos, pie. Sen) At Paris, a military airman fell fi- teen hundred feet and still lives. The failures in Canada during the past year were 43; same week, 1911, 35. The St. Jacques, Que, convent was destroyed by fire; all imuates saved. A boy in Woosstoek, on Thursday, snatched a handbag, containing $25, i kom a lady. At. Manchester, Fang. strike has ended and the have returned to work. N. A. Morosoffi, a Russian gefius, bas been seit to jail for a year foi issuing book of poetry, : y . Giavolo Liagnia stabbed his wife at Thorold, ou Thursday, after a jealons quarrel. She' will recover A river stesmer blew up, on Fri day, at Portland, Ore, killing the Ccaptawm, mate and two other men. Lwenty thousand dollars is. to be raised by the Presbyteriane for n memorial to the late Rev. Dr. James Robertson, The headless body of a' man found, on Friday, in an a%h can the "Black Hand" distriat of Louis, Mo. The rumor that China has offered to cede Mongolia to Russia in return for a loan of 100,080,000 taels, is official ly denied. The Duke and Duchess of Conndught wi lave ou Sunday for New York While there they will of Whitelaw Rett: ° 'ho guests, of The Italians have seized another French steamer, 4 mail boat. Com- pany denies that it carried any con traband in cargo. ? During the first fifteen days ol this month fire insurance companies in the United States became liable for $15,000,000 in lossw. Over 1,006 men were killed and wounded in the battle, on Thurs: day, at Yaguaché, to the north-sas! of Guayaquil, Ecuador. leputations fropy diferent: parts of. the country are going to OF aWs every day, asking Tor the establish: ment of rural mail deliveries. The minister of railways and cansls has dispensed with the services of W. A. Dubue, district supecintendent the Intercolonial at Levis. Usher, the Galway farmer, is appeal- ing against Judge Kenny's decision, which declares his night marriage, with only one witness, to be valid. The Grand Trink Pacific Railrosd company has pot given up hope yat of securing from the Rovernment § fifteen million dollar loan to complete its western work. St, Annis nunnery, near Montreal, was destroyed by fire, on Friday mory- hg. Thirty nuns and one hundred children were at breakiast when the fire was discovered. It has been decided that an insar- ance company in Canada, before com. mencing business, must have a paid up eapital of $100,000, instead of $65,000,' an heretofore. A total eclipse of the sun, on April 17th; aj noon--an event which can he ween France only once in every 360 yoars--iy predicted for 1912 by the French astronomers. Hon. George H. Perley sailod England, for Canada, on Friday, He said it was impossible for the = gov. ernment to douch" the naval question at the present time. Mrs. I. B. Hawmard, a sanatariom keaper, at Seattle, Wash., is arrest for starving to death . Miss Claire Williamson, a wealthy Eng- lish, woman, She wanted her mon ey. In New York, the Housewives' wague, an influential orgnnization, has recommended that all household: ers kéep butter off their tables for a month and thts bring the dealers off their high perch? the cotton operat ives Was in St. of from superint v of the Michigan State Paycopathic pital, at a meeting of the trustees of all state insane asylums held in Pane tiac. In a race between Alfred Shrubl, To- " 'That alcohol is the greatest souires Absorption.: 8 of insanity to-day was the declaration ' Mot Dr. Albert Barrett, | vontd, and "Billy" Queal, Alexa Bay, st Waterlown, N.Y, on Friday night, Shrubb took the lead and won by three-quarters of a lap. Time, 49.9 3-5; distance, 93 miles. When W. A. Muir, a Porcupine spector, returned to his camp wit Me companion, He found two coffing wait ing fot them. As Indian' had 'sed the carcases of two dogs savered with for, and reported the two Mend An aeroplane sent out from the Ttali af quarter dropped & manifesto into the Arab camp, Friday, a ; the Italian vie in the Hed sba, near the Bay of Runfida, ween Italian warships sank several Turkish gun ta ® ' Hisading article A MAZE OF INTRIGUE. Wp ------ Russian Police Accused of Being Re- volutionists, St. Petersburg, Jan. 20.--The press is urging a revision of the trial of M. Lopukine, a former director of police, who was sentenced in May, 1909, to five years' imprisonment at hard la- bor 'on a technical charge that he was & member of the revolutionary organ ization. Ife newspapers point out the ab surdity of the convietion" of Lopukine for his alleged disclosure of the true character of Azefl, who figured as one of the most successful plotters against the emperor, the state and the lives of police agents and government offi- cials, and at the same ne was a dar ing police spy. t is argued by the writers of the articles that if Lopukine eontributed to the unmasking of Azeffi he should be regarded as a saviour of Russian Hives and Russian honor and if he did not contribute, then they ask why he was sen : i -------- in AFTER THE OFFICE. Dunne Wants to he Governor ol Minois, Chicago, Jan. 20.--Edward F. Dunne former mayo. of Chicago, has an- nounced his cantlddgey for the demo cratic nomination. for governor o Hbinois. One "plank of hic platform advocates political pacity. ARE FALLING OVER There Will Be Dances and Dinners Galore For the Best of Knickerbocker Society New York, Jan. 20.----New York's four hundred, and many would-be's, are falling over each other to get in vitations to various functions ar ranged by Ambassador Reid and Mrs Ogden Mills, for the entertainment next week of the Duke and Duchess of Comaught and Princess Patricia There will be dances and dinners ga lore and only about three hundred of the best Knickerbocker society will have a chance to get acquainted. HAS TWO SEATS. Sir Rudolphe Forget Represents Two Constituencies. Ottawa, Jan. 20--8ir Rudolphe For- get has decided that he will keep both of the seats for which he was elected. There is a rule of the house which says-that after a certain tine a mem ber 'who has "been veturngl for © two ridings shall tell (the speaker whieh he propoSes to sit for and am eléction then be held id the other, at rie Tas been brought Co the attention of Bir Budolphe by the pro- per authorities. He asked, them what they proposed to do if he did not re sign either seat. They replied that they did not know but eould find out. An examination showed that they ould do nothing, which it was sus ected Sir Rudolph knew all the me. Therefore, he represents two counties. In view of the faet that he es 80 parliament regrets that it does not see him oftener. It i under stood that he endeavors to be in Ot fawn at least once a month. PARIS STUDENTS PUNISHED. Suspended for Six. Months for Insule- ing Professor. Paris, Jan. 20.--The long conflict be tween the students and the faculty of medicine in the University of Paris over an unpopular professor of anat omy culminated last night in the clos ing of the faculty by the minister of 4nstruction to first and second yesr students. The period of disbarment is fixed at six months. The students of ject to the radical changes introduced in the meshods of teaching hy Prof Nicolas, and they are opposed to him 100, beoatise he comes from University of Njney. Inigfite of the presence "of police forces, Prof. Nicolas has been persist éntly howled down and pelted with missiles. HEART- RENBING SCENES * IN POLICE COURT Wite Collapsed When Giving Evidence Against Her Husband fn Toronto, Jan. 20.--~There were henrt- renting scenes in the police cowry, this morming, when Magistrate Dimi: sof sentenced to eighteen months' im prisonment Frederick' Gower, a middle aged married man, who plesded uilty to abducting md taking. to Detroit, a sixteen-year-old girl, who waobked in a biscuit' factory, with him. His wife collapsed when giving evi agamst him and had to be car jed out. The girl fell. in a faint in 'the wit box. Prisoner, himesif, walk onnble © walk after the sen- tentte was pronannced and wis borne downstairs to the cells by a police mah, and his wether, why was also in gourt, took a fit when the prison: er was taken away. COMMENT ON ROYAL VISIT. Fulfills King Edward's Wish, London don, Jan. W.~The coming visit Duke and Duchess of Connanght wr of 'subject of further comment. In a the Pall-Mall Gazette aye: "The trip of the Duke and of Conpaught to Drefiares the way fox the falfillment of "of Ring Frdward's dearest wishes a vise of an E White House." Ladies' Home Journal at College Book Store. Phone 919, "EACH OTHER FOR "Bs" |= WEATHER Toros, Dnt, Jan. Oba awa Vay ihn am Ot Fair an décidedly ould today, ne local snow on Sunday, with seme®hat higher temperature THE NEW ~ QUARTERLY > A SSI... «ot SE A Beautiful publi-' cation, illustrating all that is new and sty- lish for Spring wear- ing apparel. There is only a limited quantity, and we advise an early call if you would get one of these great fashion journals, THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Colborfie harbor to day. Princess Patricia to New York is! New York | pate of bantams. the bounty on pig iros, ROBERT J. REID, The Undertaker. "Phone Sr ingo Princess Street, JAMES REID ' The Old Firm of Undertake 234 nad 296 CRINCESS ATAEER Phane 14 for Ambulance, TAKE NOTIOR, We have the ency of the ag Stoves,' a wood "Eind 5 a ™ Dricee; Alto a lot of good rh, Se cond hand, which we will sell at oan Cn ed prices. Don't walt till they ape all Phone 705 sone. Turk's. SUCHARD'S COCOA Will be demonstrated in our store for the next few days. Come in and try it. It tastes good these cold days. Jas. Redden & Co. | PORT COLBORNE' FEANS. Sl | Lay TT i The Govérnmiont to Spend $220,000 There, Porgy Colbagne, Ont... Jan, 20.-W. M, German, M.P. Yor Wellind, states that work on the gov . , proves ments at Port Colborns, on whieh pearly 'hall a million dollars will be spent, will be early in the spring. The sum of SHB000 is pro: vided for the deepening of the Port twinty-two feet, and $75,000 for the extension of the western breakwater. Capt. Juntes W. Green, one of tt best known lake captains, died at hi: home in Port Huron, Mich, on Thurs Death was due to a recent ili ness and old age. Try Best's Lettuce Cheam for rough hands and ses the y ana in twelve hours. Jt is iL See the new vest Rocket camern af Best's. ea Buy ticket for poultry show, which aptitlis you to » guess for a #5 ¢ destroyed hy ta fire hall fireman was Reriors, Ont, fire, and a English monarch to | death $2, $95 and 83 to measure $2250. LE The government will windgr oversoaiy B . rencw i