FUR SALE NOW ON, AT Brock Street Bs aS Per Cent. comfortable, rich green ALL | BLANKETS | ) an COMFORTERS -- AW $14; special, $11. Our $8.00 Couches for $6.50. Our $22.00 Couches for $18.00, 4 R McFAUL'S | CARPET WAREHOUSE $12.00 up to $60 each. to $85.00 CARPETS. -- Wilton, Brussels. Rugs.----All sizes and makes. All reduced in Furniture Sale. Repair and cheaper than at Yours, ACARI GIFTS Large stock of Fancy Boxes of Chocolates. Big variety of best makers' goods kept in our any other time, "Phone 90. AAAASAAAA AAAAAAAAAA TS A ---- JANUARY SALE { Your room or house furnished lnxuriously at January prices. BED COUCHES. Strong, durable, velour covers, spring seat and back, regular Our $13.00 Couches for $10.50. Extension Tables, $6, $7.50, $9.00, h Sideboards, $7.00, $10.50, $13 up CURTAINS Special values, $1.560- $2.50. Axminster, sympathy with the Dix, Grace Melelland, Upholstering done T. F. RARRISON COMPANY THE DAILY . - - The ing Society of Queen's university gave their annual dance in Grant hall on Friday evening and as usual it was ome of the most spc- cessful dances of the year. Beye thi ible was done to give t es, and those in charge deserve a great deal of credit for the music, perfect and class rooms were arranged sitting .out places and were , popular during the evening. 'I'he programme of eighteen dances was much too short and only repeated encores would satisfy the guests. The guests were received at the entrance to the hall by [Irincipal D. M. Gordon, i by the pathomess- es, Mrs. A. K. Kirkpatrick, in hand- some gown of black satin, with se- quins overdress; Mrs. W. L. Good- win, in gown of amethyst chiffon over sabin; Mrs. Arthur Clarke in old ros; satkn; Mrs, J. C. Gwillim, in Hack satin, with Couches of pale blue, Opposite the entrance to the hall, just above the platform, hung a large face of the mam in the moon with its ayes and mouth lit up by electric lights and the numbefs of the dances were marked in the eyes. Supper was served in the reading room at quar- tette tables, each prettily 'decorated with flowers. A novel idea was the privting of the menu card on the table napkin. The invited guests included : Dy. and Mrs. W. [.. Goodwin, Professor and Mrs. F. O. Willhoft, Professor and Mrs. Arthur L. Clarke, Professor and Mrs. A. K. Kirkpatrick, Professor rand Mrs. J. C, Gwillim, Professor and Mrs. Alexander McPhail, Professor and Mrs. 8. F. Kirkpatrick, Professor and Mrs. .W. C, Baker, Professor and Mrs. John Waddell, Professor and Mrs. Kalmus, Professor and Mrs. Walker, Professor and Mrs." Lindsay Malcolm, Professor and Mrs. E. W. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Y. Chown, Mrs. George Nicol, Mrs. J. C. Baker, Mr. Allan Johnston, representative of McGill University, Mr. Allan McQueen, representative of Toronto University; Cadet Sweeney, representative of the Royal Military Co lege; Misses Minnie Gordon, Lillian Stater, Hazel Hay- cock, Lassie Kirkpatrick, Helen Bar- bér, Ethel Slater, Ella Dickson, Bea- trice Birch, Eva and Mabel Richard- son, Grace Jihngon, Lyndhurst; M, C7 O'Brien, Gladys Miller, Napanee; L. Wright, Eva' Cumming, Mabel Scholes, Lilhan Birley, Lillian Hudson, Aretta Totten, Edythe Stark, Ma Chown, Nora and Helen Gordon, V, Black- éy, Constance Low, J. M. Davison, C. Wicks, M, H. Smith, Daisy MeGre- gor, Ottawa; Dorothy Hooper, Gladys Tebault, Lucy Scott, A. R. Wallace, Florence Me- Leod, Edith Chown, K. Gardiner, Mao Ryan, McRae, Madge Lees, E. Far row, Gladys Craig, Sibbald Hamilton, Chrissie Dyde, Eda Henderson, (. J. Wilson, Marjorie Hopkirk, Nellie Merry, Edna Aitken, Helen Uglow, Florence Elliott, Helen O'Brien, Ren- frew; A. T. Carlyle, Flora Fair, Ethel floor, and as very store. ' Geo. Masoud's Ice Cream Parlor, 264 PRINCESS STISET. a WEEK END SALE Fine Chocolates For Friday and Saturday we have a fresh supply of the same. 50c quality. This is a baggain that will please you as it has pleased so many others who call for them regularly. Hard and cream fillings. Regular 50c. qual- ity Pi - 9 - 25 Ib. SEE Winbow Dispray. AAA Sad DUNLOP Traction Tread Another Opinion : "With my Dunlop Traction Treads I have gone, to date, 4,000 miles without a puncture or blowout, have never used a chain on them, and to-day they present almost as good an ap- pearance as a new set, and ap- parently are good for unlimited mileage yet. What more could be expected of rubber." Kelly, Joan McKay, Renfrew; B, McEwen, Mae Mackay, O'Brien, Renfrew: Florence Sisson- nette, G. McQuaig, K. Drummond, Florrie Elmer, Janet Richmond, M. Vrooman, Napanee: Lenore Hamilton, Susan Anglin, Claire Robinson, L. ¢ | Hanson, G. Sylvester, LE. M. Bell, p Stella O'Brien, Renfrew; K, Sullivan, F. Arnold, Irene Daley, Doris Kent, Sylvia Cochrane, Katie Workman, Do- rothy Roney, Annie Wright, B. Gill- hooley, Jessie Reid, A. McAllister, Bertha Mcleod, Doretta Florrie Stewart, Jean Johnston, G. Wright, E. Davis, M. Koen, Flos- sie 'Hudon, Stella: Reid, Jean Ha o Ada Gillespie, D. Hawley, N. ¥ Spooner, Norma Elmer,Laura A Sollauder, E. Stevens, M. shaw, F. Tait, Madge Taylor, Mar- jorie Merrick, M. Blythe, Lillian Mun- dell, J. Duff, M. tson, M, Going, B. Dunlop, L. McMahon, M. B. His- cock, B. Weese, M. Millan, T. Tobin, Alice Moore, E. Rolson, T, McAllister, Jean Raitt, D. Craig, E. V Renfrew; K. Johnston, B. Leckie of Ruby Shapley of Toronto, N. Deevar, Dora Oldrieve, B. Noonan, P. Pappa, Hamilton, MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE M. Fairburn of Brockville, Dorot, and Edith Goodwin, I. Boy, rd -» GRAND SALE BUILDING LOTS Any. of those good for a turn 'from 26 to 50 per cent. KINGSTON Kensington Place 50 by 126 . $250 PETERBORO Parkdale 40 by 81 Vm $16 BELLEVILLE - Broadview Heights 40 by 150 - i . $115 SASKATOON ~ - Melrose Park mwas Tk. | se ray samen, OT Brock Cor. King, "Phone 326 or 621 over by Spring of eth Merrick, B, Conley, F. Abernethy, M. Burgess, P. Wood, Mamie, Anglin, L. Stewart, R. Gillie, Florence 5 Vera Dix, P. Lloyd of Gananoque, M. Gillespie, Jessie Slater, A. Kendall of Brockville, M. Tierney, M. Maxwell, E, Elmer, B. Chapman, J sie and Lulu Rees, Olive Burns, E, Chipman of Delta, y Nora R; Irene O'Neill of Toronto, Jessie Nicolle, Gertrude . H. Mulhern of Renfrew, Misses Ethel M. Drew Brock of To- ronto, Helen Butler, L. Brow Hubbs, W. Ross of Ottawa, May Weight, Rose Compton, Greta Hay- . Prol. William Nieol, Prof. .B. Prof. Guttman, Dr. J. 2% . E. Cook, A. 1, Lewis, F. : herte, G. H. Roi Chown, L. Greer, E. G. Rolston, B. | Stevenson, |; e . Evans, |; E. M. Wilson, Ellda McDowell, Florence , Maud|® BRITISH wate, lc. W.. Workiian, EO. Sliter, L. H. Birkett, BD. G. Anglin, R. A. Elliott, E.G. Waldner, M., J. Ack- {5 G. George, J.7 C. Moger, ik EM ie, C. Freeman, {8. Parsqps. M. Ewart, I. Tremble, G. i Thompson, A. C. Vausickle, A. K. jAnderson, J. L. Hewson, A. "8. { Thomas, E. L. Pettingat, + T. H. Bissonette, K. McKay, K. McKinnon, |A. M. Shaw, J. K. Stewart, A. Hal: { liday, F. J. Elis, J. Ej McKay, P. {S. Kennedy, W. W. Weight, Rk. B. | Whitehead, G. Gallegan, H. Box, |G. D, Murphy, G. N. Wrie, M. M. Colquuoun, C. L. Valeens, RK. R. {Seott, R., H. Harrison, EB {Chown, £. A. Cameron, H. WN. 'Young, D, L. Miller, C. K. Wal lace, N. A. McKechnie, C. RK. White jlock, FP. A. Burnett, W. S. Connell, (L. A. Pierre, A. W. Trousdale, G. N. {Attewood, M. B. McLaughlin, J. R. jTuttle, J. A. Belgrade, A. W. Me Leland, L..S. Fraser, George Hooper, Gi. A. Platt, D. Marsh, D. C. Irwine, C. E. Paul, R. Spankie, H. Spankie, Jd. W. Fraser, H. Gray, T. C. Ander son, W. Lockett, J. W. Farrell, N. | McDonald, J. 8. igrim, W. E. Wright, A. L. Living- ston, J. F. Ryan, A. H. Bick, W. C. Johnston, F, Johnston, H. G. i Lockett, H, S. Miunes, T. G. Wright, {J. C. Baker, H. R. MecQarthy, A. M. "Kirkpatrick, A. M. Daniels, J. H. Marshall and Dr. Fisher, > - - - | MNirs. J.C. Connell, West street, was hostess. at a very bright and enjoy- able tea on Wednesday afternoon, when she wore a handsome white satin gown veiled in black ninon and trimmed with black silk lace. The drawing. rooms were prettily arranged with 'dining-room the same flowers were used as an effective decoration on the tea table, which was also lighted by reen-shaded candles. Mrs. A. R. B. illiamson poured the tea, Mrs. James Third poured the coffee and Mrs. James Minoes cut the ice cream. The girls assisting were Miss Ada Birch, Miss Edith Fraser, Miss Edith Goodwin, Miss Kathleen Saunders, Miss Florence Williamson, Miss Bessie Robertson and Miss "Phyllis Knight. The guests included Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick, Mrs. R. J. Carson, Mrs. H. J. Wilkinson, Mrs. Samuel Birch, Mrs. T. McKay Robertson, Mrs. John Carson, Mrs. James Stewart, Mrs. W. |T. Minnes, Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Mrs. ! John Mackay, Sr., Mrs. George Mac- kay, Mrs. W. J. Crothers, Sr., Mrs. iW. J. Crothers, Jr., Miss Minnie Cro- {thers, Mrs. Robert Fraser, Miss Bessie Fraser, Mrs. George McGowan, Mrs. Ba Hendry, Mrs. H, W. Robertson, Mrs. J. S. Smith, Mrs. R. J. Gardin: er, Mrs. George Robertson, Mrs. R. J. | Mackelyey,. Mrs, Meikle, Mrs, L. W. Gill, Mrs. J. M. Platt, Mrs. Frederick Mahood, Mrs. James Reid, Mrs. W. Derry, Mra. W. Smith, Mrs. J. Hewitt, i Miss Hewitt, Mrs. G, Lee, Miss Lee, it Mrs. 'Barlow, Misses Gibson, Misses Maswie, Miss Hunter, Miss J. Drum- 'mond,' Misses Lesslie, Miss A. Fergu- son, Miss Leta Carson, Miss Casey of Napanee, Miss 'Emily Smythe, of Clin- 'ton, N.Y Mrs. Connell entertained again ' at tea on Thursday afternoon, when Mra. James Henderson and Mrs. H, A. Cal- vin presided over the tea table, and Miss Lewis cut the ice cream. They were assisted by Miss Florence Cun- ningham, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Marion Redden, | Miss Bessie Richardson, Miss Jean Duff, Miss Mamie Garrett and Miss Mamie Anglin. The guests present were Mrs. Frederic Brownfield, Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs. Francis King, Mrs. Charles Taylor, Miss Ella Fraser, Mrs. W, Kirkpatrick; Mrs. D. 8. Rob- ertson, Mrs. Frank Cooke of Seattle, Miss Constance Cooke, Mrs. W. G. Craig, Mrs. R. W, Garrett, Mrs. H. Tandy, Mrs. Herbert Dawson, Mrs, H. i Monday Will Be The | Last of The Half Price Sale of Dresses. Odd Piece Far Sale Starts Next Week. Watchthis space : every day for low prices on all the various Odd Fur articles that re- main as 'remnants' after a D All Cloth Half Price and Less WATCH OUR WINDOWS! GEORGE MILLS & CO 126 AND 128 PRINCESS ST. SATURDAY, JANUARY Crerar, E. W. Pil. white cernatians and narcisse. In thew } | Gordon will leave on Thursdpy, 20, 1912. HANDY RULER FOR A wonderful Encyclopedic Vest Tips on Banking--State instructions for readiag ~--First Historical Things. Rates and Special ENCYCLOPEDIC FEATURES.--Moon's phases for 1912--11.8 THE KING OF DIARIES, LAIRD & LEE'S DIARY and TIME-SAVER 25¢ 1912 Edition---15 Months THE ONLY DIARY IN THE WORLD THAT SELLS EVERY DAY United States Census, Cities of 10,000 and over, and Population of each State--1960 and 1910, Diary to end h per cent increase. wit QUICK MEASURING, STAMPED ON OUTSIDE BACK COVER. Farms a complete Year 14 Pages of Maps in Colors--Including Brand New Panama Canal Zone, Conservation, s Forestry Areas and Indian Reservations. LAIRD AND LEE'S COMBINATION STAMP AND Pocket Novelty PATENT PENDING. CANADIAN.--Popu'ation, as given by the Mayors of different Cities of 3,000 and up-- Postal Delivery Cities--Value of Foreign Coins for Customs- TICKET HOLDER. and Foreign Flowers--The Great Lakes--Astrological Signs for each day character-->Mexican Statistics--Populaton U.S. by States and Cltles of 10,« 000 and up--13h United States Census--Birthstones--Identifieation month--Calendars for 1912, first six months 1913 and last six months 1911---Facts about the Bible from Oct. 1, 1911, of 1912. 25¢ IN THE YEAR! Book. Irregation, Postage Rates-- of the year, with Page--Cash Account for each General Statistics -- Map, 200 PRINCESS. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS. "Phone 919. Mrs. Howard Folger, Mrs. James Richmond, Miss Moily Richmond, Mrs. P. G. C. Campbell, Miss Aileen Rogers, Mrs. J. M. Camp- bell, Mrs. W. G. Anglin, Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes, Misses Muckleston, Mrs. - H. Craig, Misses Carrie and Ethel Waldron, Miss A. M. Machar, Miss G. Strange, Misw Lillian Fraser, Miss May Ford, Miss Edith Folger, Miss M. Gor- don, Miss Helen Crowe, Miss Agnes Richardson, Miss Bessie Smythe and Miss Louise Kirkpatrick. * - - The members of the Kingston Ladies Curling Club, entertained to-day at a buffet luncheon, given at "Maitland House," in honor of Mrs. Andrew Blair, of Aberfoyle, Scotland, and Mrs. A. C. Riddell, Glasgow, North- ern, who are accompanying the Scotch curlers, on their visit to town. The guests included Mrs. W. H. Macnee, honorary president; Miss Mabel Dal- ton, president; Mrs. R. J, Hooper, | Mrs, Herbert Dawson, Mrs. R, 8. Waldron, Mrs. Vere Hooper, Mrs. Hier, Belleville; Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs. W. Gordon Mylks, Mrs. Colville, Nirs. Elmer Davis, Mrs. W. Balfour Mudie, Miss Betts, Miss Florence Cun- ningham, Misses Ada and Beatrice Birch, Miss Minnie Gordon, Miss Car rie Waldron, Miss Bessie Smythe, Misses Leta and Vera Carson, Miss Lyman, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Anna Fairlie, Miss Marion Redden, Miss * Daisy Ferguson, Miss Millie Ferris, Misses Agnes and Mabel Rich- avdson, Miss Phyllis Knight, * Miss Marion Lesslie, Miss Nina Ferguson, Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Edith Good. win, Miss Florence Williamson, Miss Aileen Benson and Miss Kate Craig, » - - - Mrs. Arthur Lingham, formerly Miss Addie Toye, of Kingston, held her first reception yesterday afternoon at ber home in Notre Dame de Grace. Mrs. James tJohnstone received with the hostess, who was wearing her wedding gown of white satih, with tunic of bordered chiffon, finished with dPop-pearl trimming and lace. Roses, daffodils and freesias were used Th the decorations of the rooms, the tea-table being prettily arranged with a silver basket of flowers on nn centre-piece of Cluny lace. - - i. * A very delightful dinner was given at the Country Club. on Thwrsday evening, in honor of Miss Lucy Bett, of London, England. The table was prettily arranged with pink carna- tions. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Professor ang Mrs. Iva E. Martin, Colonel and Mrs, T.. Benson, Colonel and Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Colonel and Mrs. Frank Strange, Major and Mrs. Vernon Fa- ton, Captain and Mrs. E.' Russell Hale, Miss Mary Hora and Mr. James Farrell. - . - Ld The curling tea on Wednesday after- noon was in charge of Miss Beatrice Birch's rink. Mrs. Brock Graham poured tea and was assisted by Mrs, Ashby, Miss Beatrice Birch, = Miss Betts and Miss Vera Carson. The guests included Mrs. W.' Tantly, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Higgins, Mm. W. R. Givens, Mrs. D. Phelan, Mrs. KX. Hooper, Miss Fraser, Miss Mowat, Miss Mabel Dalton, Misses Donoghue, Miss Millie Ferris and Miss Minnie Gordon. : -. . - - Mrs. Browett will receive friends, old 'and new, at her tourist residence, "Sunset," Victoria street south, on Wednesday and Thursday next, 24th and 25th, and not again till Easter. The Badminton tournament for the Losslie shield was begin on Wed: nesday aflernoon, at the armouries, where 8 number of the ladies' doubles were played off. The finals are being ry this afternoon. . - »* Miss Emma Pense and Miss Nora for Newburgh, N.Y., and will ssil from New York on Feb, 3rd for Naples. They will travel on the continent' ug. til next June. «ie . ! Mrs: Harold H: will 'hold of University on Thursday, pm, to 6 p.m. avenue 'and street January 25th, from 4 - - . ier Vaal Sub von ter, . RW. R. Vohae, Brock sire leks foe. Wine: peg, on Wednesday. Mr. Farrell joined then hors on Nopdy; Mrs. Philip Prideans, is hostess this ; honor of her two visitors, Miss Cout- lee and Miss Coursol, of Ottawa. Mrs. John Waddell, Earl street, will receive on Monday afternoo mo Mr. A.M. i town from Oftaws on will spend rick, Johnson street " (Continued on page 6.) in her new home, corner UNDERWEAR | VALUES that cannot be equal- ed in any other store. [} the best makes to suit every member of the household. Let us show you the range. We are sure to please. BIG VALUES IN WOOL BLANKETS LADIES' and CHILDREN'S COATS Newest styles. balance to clear at HALF PRICE STANDARD QUARTERLY For Spring. Illustrated with latest ye «also Certiéate good for any pattern, only . 20c The 'Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. Fire, Life, Accident, Sickness and Guarantee Insurance Effected. Real Estate Bought, Seid & Exchanges Call or communicate with J. O. Huron, 18 Market Street, Kisgstoa, Dntarie TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, What Happened a Quarter of a o Century Ago. Dr. E. H. Smythe left for (ittawa to induce Sir John Maedonald to ac- t the conservative nomination for Kingston. H. Rankin elected president of the township of Kingston Agricultural Society and Archibald Knight, secre tary-treasurer. . Alexander Gunn nominated by liberals for the federal house. B. il. Folger purchased .J. moon's grey horse for $125. . Two hundred and seventedn vessels, measuring 25,306 tons, registered at the port of K ton in 1886, The Kingston Y.W.C.A. annual meet.- ing held membership, ninety. Total receipts, $215.15. expenditure, $153.23, . Capt. Maxwell, of the Salvation Army, transferred to Dundas. the Lem- companies, curlers are much pleased with the local rink. The ice ie in per- fect condition and the lighting is the best they have seen in any rink so far on their trip, The rink management in to be complimented. Sale ol corsets, ale. Dutton's. Mendelssohn's Spring Song, .; Beethoven's Farewell, 10c.: Bohm yw Stare, 10c., und 2,000 , ete. tton's Music Store. hpnet Dr. W. GG. entertained s group of Beotchmen at dinner at the Fromtenae club on Friday evening. "Turkish bath soap." Gibson's. J street, : Every city Seotdhman (5 expected to bo at church on Sunday morn ing. "Bay eold cream," Gibson's. C0000 00000000000000000 Alarm Clocks We sell a very reliable, medium priced and long-lived * alarm clock at $1.50 These are fully guaranteed, and if taken care of will last y Many years. SMITH BROS. 850 KING STREET. Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Jewelers, Highest Price Paid for all kinds of RAW FURS. W. F GOURDIER BROCK STREET A New Solid Brick House, No, 208 Sydenham Stregt, containing elght rooms, b. & e¢., furnace, pas and electric lights, back and front stairs, and woodwork all grained, iu Al condition, together with good yard and gateway. A bargain for $3,000 A nice Lot on Earl Street, between Bagot and Wellington, 40 ft. front- age and depth of 132 ft, together with right-of-way. Another bargain at $1,300, 100 beautiful lots on Victoria Height, located at the west end of the City of Brandon, Man., most flourishing cities in the Do- minion; present prices of lots 25 x 110 feet, $150 one of the Terms--20 per cent down, bal- ance on time, MULLIN The Real Estate Specialist. Cor. JOHNSON and DIVISION STS. 'Phone 539. KINSTON LAUNDRY Cor, Princess and Sydenham Streets. 'Phone. 23. : EU a ------ iL iim