Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1912, p. 3

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from Page 13) their usual | record, aT 2a a. "wom: out by a margin, t as the Sgolsmey will; play, at. Rockwodd 'this afternoon Hattar's Day will. bave nee to gain a victory and wilt do their b best to turn the tahles Although defeated Rockwood put up a game Might; i Barr agd Brockville gave the visitors a t rung the former make ing ig 10 to 10, while Progk- ¥ « "OW a Victory of 15 to were keen all the 0 give the Scotsmen quite ion + but the visitors man Su ot: a vop-ot 8 90] it om "some game' al Mo ie in fine form and took of the Scotemen by a score the scalp of to 11, and thereby were abil to give a big boost in the toly Seotamt, handled the stones in wor the game. a down isto hisfory as pro late t 1 il linei' ' The teams made a big hit vel wiyle. and many were ,. the sevies were a greal i first might of th of ha Hig hight of the season, dact that 1% teams ible to "on time. but + when two teams arrived at the rink with their march around the rink, Ted by pipers, ts paid to them 's visit to the local curling 8 Ra fg tor nen and Colborne were lost very little time in getting -------- '© 'Attracted Great Interest. gartied Attracted ome of tie ign crowds: th = the, Sclisg, tink, to witness a thatohy . ¢ that ever assembled each of the matches the inter- was at fever heart. The ice was ii almost perfect condition, thanks te weather man, and the arrange 8 were all OK. It was midnight the matches were finished, Belle being the last to! wind up the Can bo Removed Easily by Stuart's t Calcium Wafers, | Write for ip rial Package. NE fires of those about % ion ? What iv Seb, strong, farnish, "5 ear hoa ots ed face; so that et they be ao into the a They? = a ohild. bis invigorating to the weak sto most my valid aid the well invalid may Wifers . and oi sr ane need feel " jn using sith ation psy fast and; many ored take be oy and give. them "trial and the rapid results| name and | trial pa oi oy) ain Fen R.A En "175 JSiuart Building, FQ BOGOOOOOO0O0000 - fon wore well plese and | of e clock work, t|in the schedule i oriew, with the visi The Seal with the ames; wid 'wfterwards expressed (heamelv os accordimgly. A lakge number of ladies werg present, fo see the games, and the members of the fnir sex were just as enthusiastic over the roarin' as the Kentlewen, game, a Notes of Interest. the platforms were crowded with Jepectators during the progress of the games, and all showed keen interest ny, the. % Curling i will certainly give ast run for popularity. A rather aus mishap occurred, in the breaking of one of the stones in the matches. It was claimed the stone was seventy-five years old--and 780, "it had certainly rendered full value, © The pipers were on the . job during the 'evening, and did their share to- wards making the evening a lively one, The Sect Sma guatdhing phe | games cou ly eep still while Yo pips had the floor. veral of the visiting gurlers whe were not booked for last night's games attended the hockey mateh in the the caversd rink, and enjoyed it very ead of "the Kingston Curling Club, with Prescott, and Eastern Has: pival TH lirockvifle), gre having their innings with the visitors to-day, 'The visiting Beotsmen stated that | fat tong rink wad the 'best they e dyed in, Thank' you, boys. Une of the ladies in the Scotch con tingent Had § few moments of great anxiety when she found that she had lost Sally on the way to the rink. James Cr an found the missing mufl ig his eab. "The tein at the Kingston & Pembroke 'railway station was given o Pky time looking after the bag- wage of the Scotch curlers. They fio -- than two hundred pieces age, tof the rinks of the Scoteh ay mhy go gs far as Regina. The entire party will' go as far as Winni- have of er the games refreshments served in the elub's quarters "A fine, healthy Taking ol gentlemen," was the general com ment heard about the Scotch visitors, The curlers were more than pleased with" ghe lighting of the rink. "Cer L2 ly the best lighted rink we ever Bh,' was the geperal comment. of . the Napaueq players ro. turned home on the night train, but aie remained to see the sports, to Ee § the outside' vigitors who are ig Sn for 'the oceasion are. €. o Wright of 'the Hamilton Thistle { Clulj, president of the Ontario Curl ing Association; J. A. MacFadden, of the Torgnte Granite Club, secretary of the' Ontario Carling Association: also H. 6G. Willis; government repires sentative, accompanying the curlers. NVervone wag well satisfied with all the atvangements for the games, otc, The programme was well mapped ont, and "everything was carried out were lot like hats your number, Sandy ? Every. m r of the visiting team, with members of the. local clubs,' are Rich ilore with 'a small button, there is. a number. The raher reach to 290. i Doings on Saturday. There were no games played on Sa- turday morning, the time being given over to the visitors for sight-seeing. Rembert 4 f the party were taken around {hg city, and shown the differ- ent plates of interest, At one o'clock on Saturday after noon, the yisitord were tendered 4 luncheon 'at the city hall after which posses were 'delivered by. W, MP, and Prof. John Wat- Soil of Shien 8 Juilveraity. t three o'clock the eurlers returned to eutiing rink, where the games were proceeded with. to-night, there will with an impromptu a and at 11.50 o'clock, the will leave for Peterboro. ol is wool clouds, wool ufider- ta. and sweaters for all, at Dut- BOO S00 O00 : THE DAILY BRITISH SWHIG, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US, : wu, ---- « The Tidings From Various Polnts in iastern Outario---What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. . Escaped Just in Time. Mallorvtéwn, Jam. 19.---Duvid Sea- mon, mail earrier, of Rockport, had a narrow éseape from being killed. He had just picked up the mail bags that were thrown off the west express apd was crossing the track when the east- bound' express was upon him' but he stepped Aside just in the nick of time. Thad Purvis s0ld a horse to Nr. smith, of Brockville. Mrs. W. Steph ens, of Phillipsville, is the guest of her parents, Me. and Mrs. -D. PF. Arm- strong. "Many from here attended the sale of stock at James Guild's, Lyn, on Thursday. The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs: Robert Brown, at their home at the river, brought a pleasant gathering of his children, relatives and many neighbors. b ---- Interred. at Sharbot Lake. Sharbot Lake, Jan. _19.--The re mains of the late Thomas B. Camp bell were laid fo rest on Saturday last. = The cortege, «comprising his old friends, accompanied the remaivs from Sharhot Lake to' Parham vault, Toe funeral service was held at | the home 'of Ws daughter, Mrs. H. Wal roth, by Rev. J. Cornell, ax «sisted by Rev. . A. Edward Smart, Sp: Campbell was very active in church work and was for many years Supe day school superintendent. Many of the people of Sharbot Lake had been pupils in his Sunday school and held him in great respect. He was = also chief ranger in the Order of Foresters, court Little John, Bharbot Lake, and was for many years a faithful worker in the order. Besides a widow; Mr. Campbell left two sons and four daughters, Eveut at Jones Falls, Falls, Jan, 19.--A large pum- friends assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Timlin, on Friday evening, January 12th, prior to their departure for their new home in Ottawa, td show them the esteem and respect of their many friends. An appropriate address was read by Miss Bernadette Kenney, 'on behalf of the eommitiee, after which the presentation of a beautiful ma- hogany plush upholstered couch, was made. It being impossible for) Mr. Timlin to be present, Mrs. Timlin re plied in a few well-chosen words. + Al} tripped the light fantastic until the early morning hours, to the sweet siraing of Gray's orchestra. All join ed in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Timlin and family good luck in their new home. A:pumber of people bon this vicini- ty dttonded the eoneert ia Elgin on Wednesday evening, January 17th, in aidvof St. Paul's church building fand. 4 M. O'Niel and M. Dundeén, Tavlor, were visitors at M. Kenney's on Sunday. Vincent Kenpey and J. McGuire spent a few days in Kingsion last week. Mrs. M. Sweet and Mrs. J. Sommer: ville, visited their mother, Mrs. Stith, during the Jon eek. Mrs. J, Murray and son, a Xoe the guests of hes parents, o- ed Mes. T. Kenney, =n lew days last week. Jones) ber of Provost, Brock street, has recpived all his fall and winter goods for his order clofhing 'department, also in eady-made clothing and gents" fur- dishing department; they are all well assoried with new goods. . We print letter heads, bill heads, en- velopes, statements, dodgers, posters, in fact everything 'from a visitip card fo a large volume. The British Whig office. For loans of five thousand to fifty thousand dollars, on first-class city real eslate, see Mills, 79 Clarence street. ak "binding Whig Kirigston. and ruling at Whshby. SATURDAY, AMUSEMENTS re TO-NIGHT LAST TINE, CHANGE OF a a Life-Like, Natural Color KINEMACOLOR CORONATION 32d, many our events. Prices, 10-15-25. - Seats now on Sale COVERED RINK. HOCKEY MATCH Senior Exhibition T.A A C. TORONTO, vs. QUEEN'S FIRST. Morday, January 22nd. Game called at 8.30 p.m* Admission, 25 cents. Reserved] "geats 26-emts extra, Plan opens for sale of seats and tickets Jan. 22nd at 10 a. m. TO CONTRACTORS TENDERS ARR INV ITED FOR THE Mason, Carpenter. apd nter and Glazier Work required nn making alterations to 'stare premises, 169.171 rincess Btreet for Messrs. Simmons ros, Plumbers and Hardware . Mer chants. Plans and specifications may be. geen pn ihe premises. 'Tenders wanted before § p.m, Thursday, Jan 251 Lowest or ay tender nob neceSsdrity aceepted. oy ART HUR ELL IS, Architect, NOTICE. eA MEETING, NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Annual Meeting of the Stockhold- ers of the above-pamed Compahy will be held at its Office, No. 79 Clarence Street, Kingston, on Monday, the 29th day: of January instant, at the hour of two o'clock p.m >» The Treasurer's Statment and Audit- or'§S Report will be presented, follow- ing which the Election of Mrectors for the ensuing vear will take place, By order, THOMAS MHLLS, Sec, Mreas. 1913 JANU Jandary 16th, NOTICE. The Aunuid Meeting of the Share: holders of The Kingston Hosiery. Ltd, will be held in the Office of the Com- pany, Kidg Street, West, at' § p.m. January. 31st, 1912, for the election of directors and transaction of gene- ral business. Ysorder b of the Board, MEWLON, Kingstown, Gen Mgr. REAL ESTATE AGENTS Tnstedd of Sone your clients Sub- Jarban Lots ip-a far off town, where You don't know 'what You are selling, and your, custamer does. not Know what he fs Dlying-- Why not sell lots in the fastest Brow ing town in Eastern Canada? hare Js a Sewn ing Ontario which has secured 25 large factories in Past forty-e shi, months, and has gro from 1,700 people to 7,000 in the ame time. Every banker will speak well of the town, and all the indications pbdint to it becoming in a few shart years the greatest manw&eturing:, City in Can- ada. Every' foot of estate doub} in value during. the past two years, and will do so nasi during the next two, Offer your eliont this town, where they handsome _prafirs, apd make a rg er commission than you do on ay ge rou Bell hop fsb edrd To-day tor dar ae: script Ay iy Tt ithe town and our property {her ie o RET octal pro< £ Pos oni Rei CANADIAN GENERAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED. 39 SCOTT STREET - TORONTO, E DENBIGH COUNCIL. Paul Stein de Denbigh, Jan ne di : first council for; 1 sgh the He i ming on 3 ing the _reguired rote of ol mea: its real has perty In can make a where ygu can aecla- _ fualifige tions |' . the appointnent of municipal officets ke Paul Stein ei on" the hb year of office as township' clerk. John Brown was appoited Both and John Shoult auditors, Dr. . medifal " "inst, 1 ARY 20, 1042. ¥ CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion Ie a ward, Hach secutive insertion - (hereafter half cent a word. charge for one lusertion, 25¢y three lnscrtions, S0e; six, $1; one month, $2, caps HELP--WANTED. WAITRESSES. APPLY AT THE CABIN Restaurant, Clarence Street COOK-GENERAL; REFERENCES RE- Juired. Apply, Box 120, Whig of- ice. APPLY TH A COMPETENT NURSE, #0 Froutenac Mrs. R. H. Waddell, Street. . A FEW Ghmis FOR FINISHING ROOM, wages, good chance for HS Apply to Kingstop foxigry Co, Lid, King Street West A AIR RAINED NURSE: EARN $15 $6 'weekly we train yéu at ame in mn short time. free gata logue. Rochester Nurses' InstTtuty 8 Rochester, N.Y. 1k A BLACK SILK HANDBAG, CONTAIN ing four letters vd watch and sum of money from Locketll's shoe store to Joyeevitle, Liberal reward if returned to Whig office A IBAMOND FROM RING, ON WED- y nesday evening, either in Urpheum Hall or on Prigoess or Division Streets. Finder kindly return i Whig office and receive suitable reward, THOROUGHBRED white tip on an back SCOTCH COLLIE, nose and on tall, dark ' Answers 10 name Hal 'Barney; ry friendly, intelligent dog. Any Information will be glad. ly rewarded A. E Harlia, MM Cole Laie, Out, - BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. GERMAN. CANARIES, FIRST SHIP ment just received: just the thiag fora gif WwW. Driver, corner 25°50, and Barrie Streets. Phone HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. DON'T WORK FOR OTHERS: START mail ager. busivess.. ats. home: | made 35500 last year; { me tell {ou how; instructive 'booklet tree Voorhles, Desk 813, Omaha, Nebr INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. Ro. canvassing, Send for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockpart, NY, WEEKLY JOB GUARANTEED men who learn aptomobile busi. ness, we teach you at home In ten weeks. booklet free. Rochester Auto School, 520, Rochester, N.Y I WILL START YOU EARNING $4 dally at home in share time silver. ing: mirrors; no. capital; free in- structive booklet, giving plahs of operation, GG. F. Redmondy Dep 435, Boston, Mass. HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO make $200 monthly; spare time: no matter where you live: no canvass- ing; guarantee to show you how free partie ulars MH ££." Rogers Desk .G, R. Boston, Mass Ww ANT Ih LADIES TO DO PLAIN AND Hg sewing at home, whelé or id time; good pay; work sent any distance; charges paid; send stamp for full particulars National Manufacturing Company, 'Montreal. 3 A LINE FOR EVERY HONE; WRITE us for our choice list of agents' supplies; we have" the greatest gency proposition fa Canada to- aay: no outlay necessary. Apply B.C.1. Co.,, 228 Albert Street, Ot. tawa. 1000 COUNTRY DOMESTICS. CAP. able Bcotch, English and Irish maids; also Danish girls; Parties arriving twice a month. Apply now o Guid, 71 Drummend ke, Montreal, Pembroke 'Street, To- Tonto, ad 7 Bank. Street, Ot- tawa . To SELL ARTI rs MUCH - nially by CLERKS counter, write to-day; fon double your wages au gn Boas. A Apply, Box "B. B, can ou ' YOUNG WOMEN TO ENTER CHAR- tered Training School for Nurses in a Pittsburg Hespital; thrgesvear course under ihstruction of ecom- petent physicians; our graduates are kept Sonsantly busy at a salary of $26 per week. For further, "battisulart write to Box a ¥. Whig office WANTED--GENERAL. MAN AND WIFE ROOMS AND board in a au wlet, comfortable, rivate home. Apply, at once, to ox 745, Whig office. 100 CORDS OF 4 FT. HARDWOOD (00 corde dry and HO cords green) plivered on cars at Napanee, Ont has. Bterens, Napanee, nt, A SMALL TUG; GIVE PARTICULARS as to size, draft, when built. style of eugine and botler, and price Ap ply 'to 'T. E. Clendinnen, No. Bussex Bireet, Ottawa. 6 PURCHASE, A FIRST-CLASS modern dwelling, medium size, in good locality, with stable or room te build. TJ. Lockhart, Real ¥y- tate Agent, 4 Ontario Chambers. Hire OF EVERY DE- script Si frst class work: best leather ont BY, used; Eo repairs i wii a tics. ring your ri SVE add Bele Re % Fh West. TAKE THAT 1 WILL RUY all second-hand farniture and ¢ va wit pay highest prices: me before . anyone 4. ompson, 333 Brincest'" Street, w's Church. ~~ r T0 BRING TREIR ompR ME 0 3 SFige. and o into ap Price an man "i uiran repairing to Ie oa. rg fe, near emi, Fhemy rm nn enameling LUE £4 can" al = STEAMSHIP AGENCY. TRANSATLANTIC LIN JANE Clarence Street, PE inatton 64, TERE Mees: 43 Y ie] "Phon 3 ST. block Hine; wines moderates; week John opposite G.T.H. station ne from CP. Ry; on siree Lp bar supplied with 'best and Haguors] charges special rates by the Col iglneay, Prop BRUNSWICK <0THL, fou: ne THE GRIMASON HOTEL, 2-341 *rincess Street dar stocked with the best of Alex, Beers, Wines Liguors and choicest bran Cigars. Meals, 20e each, o rates the wee stable accommodation Rs reasonable. Mulviile & Driscoll, by BUSINESS CHANCES. CAN STARRY buginess at home; no he own boss: tells how NY * ANYONE, ANYWHERE, a mall order canvassing: your Send for free booklet: eacoek, 2.969, Lockport MANUFACTURER DESIRES TO O0PYVY branch in Kingstor 300. with your services, gives opportunity to net $160 upward monthly: refer ences required; full Information Rogers Mfg. Co, 428 King's Blg., Montreal EUROPEAN CAPITAL fe Furnished for attractive * entey- prises in all substantial lines of busi- ness. Railroads, Tractlons, Water and Electric Powers, Irrigations, Timber, Mining, Agricultural and Industrial Bond, Debenture and .Stock Underwritten, Purhased or Sold Properties purchased for Eurecpean exploitation and Investment. Financial Undertakings of all handled. Miscellanéous commissions and or ders of all characters ad for ex- ecullon 1A any 'Kuropean country, Correspondence enciésing full tails at tirst writing invited. THE INTERN NAL ALLIANC 14-16-18 Bloomsbury Street, Fagiand Issues sorts de- A NK 1 Louden. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. GARDINER ~1'INT, Insurance and Cus Real JFetate and Loan. a share of your solicited 87 Clarerc Kingston. "Phone 308 BATEMAN & Lite, Accident, toms Broker; Money to business Street, K. CARROLL, Street-<{ire, Life, Health Insurance, Plate (lass Employers' Liability . and Motor Bodt [nsurance, Security Bonds teal Estate in Winnipeg, Regina Calgary, Moose Jaw, ete 14 MARKEY Accident and FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; established 1863; president, Sir Richard Cartwright money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and interes al lowed, HN « McGill, Managing Director, 87 Clarence Street LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assetx, $61,187,216 In addition to whieh the policyholders have for security the unlimited Habliity of all the stock-holders Fagan and city. property insured _ at 10W est possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new businuss ge! ratos frome Strange & Blrange, Ageals Phone 328 DENTAL. A. FE. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS RE- maved to 358 Prine eas Street SPARKS AND SPARKS, 238% 1-2 Princess Street, Phone 246 DENTS Kings €. C, 'Weicker, assistant, "Phone 135. NASH, DENTIST: DR. ©. H, 133 Princess St =, A AYKRoln, DDS, , Geer Domine i, Wellington Ss, n. SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, DEN ist, corner Princess and dutrauce on Baget Street. phone 328. LDS, DENT- "Express Oftica, Lireot. 'hone °F Bagot Tele LEGAL, CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, RANRIST. ers and Solicitors. Law Office, 7) . Clarence Btreet, Kingston. UPHOLSTERER. N LSTERING, RE £ ad carpet work, nalr et 218 Bagot WwW. & GA pairin; tress add CHIROPRACTIC, FLORA NEVE, D.C, 208 USIVERSITY Avenue Examination free, BRE AD SLE Gn, APTLY >to ¥) 2 QUEEH Siroet QUEBEC C1 TITER, IN Goon ¢ ONDI tion, reasonable. - Mdy be seen a; iy time at 68 Cherry Street OILCLOTH, LINOLEUM, ALSO #0) Cork, all remnants, a great Jom ghee In prices, at Turk's. Phone 795. ee eters GOOD NATIONAL © ase RE rg Delivery Sleigh, Cutte and Delivery WwW ARE Nugent & Grail am, PIANG, NEw HIGH & CADE; terms Bateman & Estate and Clarence Str TRARY R FOR SALE om city property, latest hupraveme acres of land. Inquire Battersek, Ont Shah Lake, LONG TOBOGGAN, Wh LR SKIS, cheap: aisa targe 1 finixtred canlked side, for'le Apply, ---------- A BARGAIN, no nted Out 5 FIRST Stone cutter and sing new bone grinder neuba cr, a fine lot « Island red, white barred rock. at 106 I FLAGS, AWNINGS, camplog, ontrite marine supplies English rain canvas, kit hoods Frank "Phone TENTS, fishing ange © ANDES, tackle, bas ke NT x4 wodern improvements 85,500. --FARM, AT W ESTHEROOKE. W250 ARM, N AR MuURvy AL ». E stock or grain " HOUSES AND STORES and rent Ehquire BATEMAN _ GARNER, ence Street, Kings 7 CULAR. TO LET. DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND 1 Na fut aished, Stores, etc,' McCaun, 51 Brock Street. Dot BI. Bu FL AT, PRINCE S STREET) eight rooms; good ation, with improvements Apply to J. Boon 158 Wellington Street : STORAGE FOM FUR re Ue, CLEAN, ary, alry rooms, abso! utely moth root; Zour, own lock and key, » ¥ Btorage,. 2s "Phone $361, ih 313 Susan SiRAanLg 118 Johnson seinl-detachied xe and hath; all conveniene 419 has hot water fufnace ilo E W_ Mullin, wor Division "Bireet ne Aad pry Apply dobusan and ------ ) ARCHITECT, ---------- nici HE Nita ik Swern, ARS MOUTH Cr, ETC, ARTHIR KLIS, A niversity 161 Ane Hrreoe, -------------------------------- » « NEWLANDS foe el Of & SON, ARCHIS es 5 Bagot St rowen a chauts' Brot Kk NON, ARCHITY Hank Butld and Wellfngt MEDICAL, So ---------------- sors J. FF, SPARKS, BA, M.D and Burgean {a0 We Office hoary 10 100 '% Bnd 7 to 8 pm , FaYSIIAY ngion tod . Mat ee Jd Surgeon hours PHYSICIAN St 4 Office and 7 WA to 9 mm Totep PERSONALS, ------------------ ----- ira rn pem-- ira LEARN ™ HA PNOTIE--I PLL EG ¥ and rant r HAIR, MOLES, marks and all blemishes without ence. Dr Ear, Nose Specialist, WARTS, BIRTH. growths and removed pery scar 21 year Elmer 1. la Thre al "isa Bagot Birsst REAL ESTATE, BEATE, Lakelasn rnoming The tide of 'Rag ion hing taened to Flovida: land nea increasing rapidly ¥ madst during the through HY 68Lin Florida land at py to four crops land fertile two same inchos $500 per nore varthers markets big Bioney nt Ro rAiming, a grape fruit and climate unexcellied information pri reprenant lam & Company Yop, 5.500 "an ey " lakeland OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS"..R, 4, Asheroft, DO, 126 Wellington Bt, opposite the Post Office: chronie diseases tremted by Ostecpathie methods and Electrical Yivration] iisatments by appointment. "Phons holiday season with her parsnts here, has gone to Little Ireland io re sume rer ation. © Mrs. ¥. Pritech left last v for an exe tended visit to figs de and relatives st Mount Forest and vieinity. Get = pr suit for ind a ESTABLISHED 1860 It Has The Heat. TRY OUR SPECIALLY PREPARED COAL . (two sizes) FOR, FURNACE. T'S

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