£ \ Baily British Whia Nb A A - i YEAR 79 -NO, 19 - So - KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 19i2. : ! LAST EDITION | ---- : a" wanna - os S-- -- -- ----- --- . . - a ae LEE | DUEL DIDN'T MATERIALIZE. / , WIFE'S JATAL SHOT. OBJECT TO EXTENSION | «WEATHER PROBABILITIES, x i : orp yg : - ---- . : { -- it . Oh $. Jax 23rd 10 a.m CH : LIGHT weer and Duke of Modrone Not Bi Ni Over Telephous Wire by Her Of the Georgian Bay Canal Cone- | k : A a uy or ry to Fight. pany's Charter. Venice, Jan, 23. <The seconds of the New York, Jan, 23.-With a tele Ottawa, Jan. 33.--The railway com- te alt JE e-------- ' . & : : : . i 4 5 . . Duke of Modrone, president of La Sca- - phone receiver to bis ear as he sat in ! mittee of the commons had its first n Arad \ the Acti Is, at Milan, and Pietro Maseagni, the In United States Iron and his office, at No. 104 West Forty-see- In Favor of Lancaster's business sitting this morning. Une of : on composer, held a meeting, to-day, to \ ond street, Br. Ulysses G. Houck d| the most interesting measures discuss Pe. og 2 consider the challenge to a duel issued 3; 2 heard the pistol shot fired by his wife, M > Bill ed was the bill to extend the charter 4 of Britain 4 by the former because of dn insulting Steel Tariff Mrs. Nora Houck, thirty-four years almage ¥ of the Montreal, Ottawa and Georgian » SX IER Die remark made to him last night by i oid, as she committed suicide in her Bay Canal company, so as to com hy LL ---- Mascagni. The latter was trying to apartments in Wadworth Court, at mwence work not later than May lst, have the premiere of his opera, Yso- ¢ Wadsworth avenu¢ and [Nth street. 4 f 1914, and to complete it in six years SE bel," at 'Milan postponed, as the first PROPOSED BY A BiLl The conversation by husband and wife CONSERVATIVES SPLIT E. A. Lancaster objected to any fur performance here wus also set down » ended abruptly with the loud report. ther extension of the charter until the a---- for Saturday night, and during a con Startled by J the Sod which Same Savernmat policy had been determin 8 versation over the telephone with the jover the telephone, Dr. Houek listene ed, and Major Currie asked that the OF GEORGE 1 HAM FROM PRISON | duke, Mascagni is alleged to have used | OF THE DOMINANT DEMOCRATS for some word of explanation, sand|BUT PREMIER'S MOTION CAR-|bill be deferred in onder that the or- > o insulting language. The duke prompt- ANNOUNCED. then when his calls over the wire fail- RIED BY 87 TO 61 igival bill be reprinted for future con IN MEXICO. ly challenged him. wl to bring response he called: the tele . * sideration. The seconds, after careful considera- phone operator in the apartment house din W. 8. Herrington, K.C., of Napanee, (tion, decided that a duel was not ne and soon learned that Mrs. Houck was | The Matter to be Submitted to the Winnipeg Post Offices Inareases, ! | cossary 1 reached an agreement in dying from a wound in hér breast. He Privy Council--Outspoken Senti-{ Winui Jan. 23.--All employ { Who Went to Mexico, to Look |cossary ane mo. an agreement | ro Por Cent. E tele 2 : hi ) poke innipeg,. Jan. 23.--All employees o After Mr. Han's. Int. gh Glows | regard to the difficulties between the two Per Cent.--Many Articles on hastened to his home, but his wife was ment in Favor of Having Parlia.|the Winnipeg post office: and clarks r. Ham's a ' two men. Both principals were very Free List, dead before he reached her. ment Act Promptly the offices of inspectors, superintendent Same Information. angry, despite the greal success of the Washington, Jan. 23.--Reductions of Dr. Houck would ASN Ro TEASOR : . > ; of railway clerks, and dead letter of- Special to the Whig, periormances at y anice and Milan and from thirty to fifty per cent. on all for the sujvide ageeph thing his wife Uitawa, Jan. 23. After a final | fice, who have been receiving a salary Napanee, Jan, 28.1 he. report from | at one time insisted on fighting two items inthe iron and steel tariff 3 might have become mentally affected smashing speech by E. M. Macdonald, {less than $1,800 a year, have received Mexico that the British minister had consecutive houts. tl facing 3 the i f . I a poll as a result of illness from which she | Pictou, in which he declared the gov- |notice of an increase amounting from : 4 George 1 kmmin------ ie placing on the {aril Iree USL: Olpad suffered for two years. ernment's action was another instance |85 18 aonth, d r fr = demanded the release of George L iron ore, sewing machines, printing Agi ie : 5 to $15 a month, dating from Oc Ham from prison, where he has been machinery, cash 'registers, nails, and -------------- of the way in which they were at- Itoher Ist. This does not appear as an p V, cas $ . s, * : i : . ; tempting to avoid responsibility on linere + ro . mob incarcerated for two years without = mutly other articles against which the EE re a the Vou ihcrease in salary, but an increase in R tariff is now levied, are proposed in 3 Kk . 2 Sher Lok. th the provisional allowances allowed i tte ' $6 as Wi Apis gt ; was taken at two o'clock, this morn: lpambers of the civil service living trial, has given great satisfaction in democratic steel revilom tariff § 'remie at' : tng, on Premier Borden's motion 10] eet of the great lakes. Napanee, the former home of the ex Lill, made public Monday. : k Rk > indefinitely adjourn tne debate on Mr. -- Democratic Leader Underwood esti: i} | Lancaster's marriage bill. The vote 0000009000 3 mated that the bill would reduce the k stood eighty-seven to sixty-one, a . . banker. W. 8. Herrington, K.C., who just recently returned from Mexico, where he had been for several mouths, average tarifi on steel imports from government majority of twenty-six. CONDEMNED TO DEATH 3451 per cent. to 22-42 ad valorem; y Despite their previous protestations, TT gp ' world" reduce the government taiifi . d Capt. "Tom" Wallace, Col. Hugh th PE 38 A A Bill Cuts Average Duty on Steel Ine ports From Thirty-four to Twenty. ------------------. i | GOT PENITENTIARY, Woodstock, Jan. 23.- Oscar Frey, who. snatched Mrs. Bremner's purse on the street, was given three years in penitentiary by Magistrate Ball, . Cyril Williams and Jack Jones, also concerned, were sent to Mimico in- dustrial School until they are twenty-one. All three were from Brantford | SAO AI _---- Salonika, Turkey, Jan. 23. A court-martial at Istib 00D WARM LONG hag condemned to death eight Bulgarians, two Jews, three restate tieeet od PREP e IEP PGP R A SEP FET eet + in 'the interest of Mr. Ham, was seer at the metion of the British minister, revenues from steel products by $823, ; Cot, Wb Noth and 1. 1H in" their dealings with Mr. Ham, and said, would be increased by nearly ) Foveraments to shelve the question. presentative of Great Britain, ara notihacd of Jie ways aad mess : : were Mowcts. BA. Lancaster. W rage. in December, which pability will take imwediste steps to FORCES LOW PRICE bill will be laid before the (emocratie goat ne ae Wout idly imi Navy, Green, also Black. Monday afternoon, and in an interview said that he wns not at all surprised as the Mexican authorities have Vvio- Te y ' i ineiple of justice 597 from 1911, and by $4,000,000 from ' Burnham responded to the erack of lated every known principle of justice 1910, Imports of steel products, bg \ the party whip and voted with the as a last resorl an appeal was made ' % . mn ned! 8 ; Gypsles, and six Turks im ; 8 s new! pointed re: ; $20,000,000, ad he conservatives who voted with connection with a bomb out 3 to Mr. Strong, the newly-appoiu € SH OVOOLLE0G L002 040000 'Ihe bill was completed by the demo: Ba 4 the liberals against the government : 3 y F a 3 p ns ' tad t appears that the Madero govern-| eg A ] . ; "iT killed -twelve. persons. rh not unfavorably disposed to CHURCH SELLS COAL commitles on Saturday. After being 3 : Maclean, Richard Blain, Edward Kidd 3 Made ot British Beavers, wards the Canadian and in all pro submitted to the full committee, the 2 and Dr. Edwards. w $900000000000026080009 erges an Tweeds in colors order his release, now that its atten caucus this afternoon: If approved yy A ns BON a HANGED FOUR BLACKS Regular Prices $10, $13 tioh has been called to the irregular by the caucus it will be formally in- : Wilfrid's vote being heartily cheered. $14 and $16. ' ' : : : s . » : ; Premier Borden' ply to 5 iyi in connection with his ifoptiagu Episcopal Cathedral in Chicago Com- ref ed in the house on Wetnes- o ma of oy Rle's rep op ; INCLUDING A WOMAN ment in a manner at canno! 'y day. : - : 3 ? + onsa bed of Prota y Th y y well be overlooked. ; . petes With Dealers Who Profited Sweeping reductions are made in all } ; Tes. bi got rn 1H -- 8 are OWNS While the complaints made hn on . of the important items of the iron and Frid Laurier in the last campaign, Yor Geor ia Mob Had L nchi a d nection with the wretking of the Us. on Needy Residents. steel tariff. a federal law removing all doubt as g a y Ing, n To . morrow at & ited States Banking eompany were not Among articles now dutiable under nis a Souk to th rife s» Ne Temere or directed pervonally against Mr. Ham, Chicago, Jan. 23.--The Episcopal | 10 ho So Aldrich bill, which would i ro of the Ne Fema decree Perhaps Slew Innocent but agsin those who might be found cathedral of Chicago has entered the be placed on the free list are: § marriages under the civil 4 : 3 Tha : N . law, is to take shelter behind y responsible, he alone was arvested, al- coal Budiness. The result has ! . 2 Iron ore, existing Quty 5.29 per | The "Hoosier Owing to his|privy council, So far gs thing She People. though others who have confessed {0 boon for the poor, as the price of econ cent; hoop and band iron and steel, | {EHC Decomiry Jaralyzed it 38 roel ineni's action on the moter ay of | Hamilton, Ga., Jan. A mob of criminal acts in connection with the $a bY Sealers he suinll Jone a 16 per cent.; barbed wire and © wire] "TF 2 be Frond apa n such vital importance to the people a hundred men last night broke into affairs of the bank are to-day walking bling. Dealers w ne siinlip on e a hand: |g oing, 7.77 per cent.; nails, 17.67 of Canada, is concerned, the net effect |the Harris cowity jail here, overpow- 0 the streets of Mosico unmolested, Fyv- | some profit eh sel ing con 10 Smpeoun per cent.; _ horse shoes, 20 FEWER DIVORCES SOUGHT will bé to put off the settlement for |ered the jailer and took four megroes, ery artifice was resorted to in order |OUS. West. Sicers at Yom Me "lper cent.; Tungsten ore, 18 per cent; several years. The attitiide of the |three men and one woman, out und ¢ to drag out the proceedings against thirty-five cents a bas ot, ayy joan zine ore, 96.57 per cent.; cash rogis- WHEN MONEY IS SCARCE : p x Mr. Lancaster's em- |hdnged them to frees one mile from i Mr. Ham, regardless of the provi- forced to meet the competition of the ters, linotype machines. machine tools, sarrassing hill in reference to the No [the town. Thb bodies were riddled Ww sions of the code of criminal proceed Cathedral SS. Peter and Paul, and the printing | resses, sewing machineg and Temere decree is that the constitution with bullets. ure, and in the meantime his private market Jstution of baat. soul ag typewriters, 30 per cent. The Reduction of Income Tends to ality of it must be referred to the | Ihe negroes were arrester, yesterday ghirt Waist Suits and oue fortune of neatly Bo, million dollars Slump BAe A Ro was able | The reductions made on finished i "d privy | council for decision. Meanwhile [charged with the murder of Norman | piece dresses of fine sill is 'being administered by hs periech ela Dewy ; : iron products range i the 'whole i ariain in | Hadley, a well-to-do farner ley | ny tors to meet alleged claims which he | to supply coal at this rate was widely ied) and iron jrradutts Ran Knit Families Closer oi le question must remain in o id Got da A A h- Had " colors Navy, Brown, also had no means of investigating. advertised among residents of the Slane as Rreat as ity os samt | he Together Nad I aE Black. Regular prices $10, One of the planks in the Madero | west side, and there was an immediatg | DEUS gh en oO ay ie Sen et ; . -- aE Ey a rants on the $18 and 1 . 'of tha erimin- | rush of trade so large that other coal { ways and means, BOOMPaL) New York, Jan. 233.---Mgre people are A Stirring Debate... Hadley farm. The negroes protested C--O AN NN, Ye al ¢ | v , - fit in direeti The 0 dig reduction in terifi re : th y ; would ba Gite: conwistent in directing able trade. The result has been that }apSatiE and the rate increases with the dis- | Mr. Lancaster in a forceful hour's ad- the a n loteigner who has been they have met the cathedral 8 prices. | veniigs from these sources. tance from the Attantie, ocofding to [dress, took up practically the 3a a victim to the abuses which thoy ND I interesting figures © compiled by Prof, [time of the commons. 1t was heard TO CALL UPON CZAR. TO-MORROW themselves have denounced. . BOUND HAND AND FOOT VANCOUVER DESPERADOES William H. Bailey, of Yale University, [by crowded galleries and a p . covering a period from 1867 to 1906. gathering of attentive members, A Deputation From British Lords - When Taken Into Court to be Sent- SEVERELY DEALT WITH The rates in the North Atlantic and member for Lincoln argued that the and Commons. AT ARE TAKING PASSAGE enced. South Atlanti¢ divisions in 1906 were bill was within the jurisdiction of London Eng Jan, 23.-Speaker New York, Jan, 2. -Siapiped 3 3 oY ar respectively 41 and 43, while in the puttiment, quoting precedent and James William 1 owthet "and several J Titter, Joseph Farrone, a wile murder Magistrat impo western division the rate was 168. aw extemsively in support of his the- : i : ¥ : ' ' 1 1} a 3 oo. ud ¥ « y cabinet, TE, shops 10 CANADIAN PORTS or, was carried into the court of en 0 Shaw Ses Sentences "In 1867," Prof. Bailey says in the |®%- ov claimed that the country de- mduibers of hy be ny Jeors, bish b oral sessions and sentenced to death Aggregating Forty Years With Independent, there were 8,937 di- Hyco an immediate removal of the make a friendly call upon the emperor © THE PEOPLE'S STORE. vorces, and in 1906, 72,062. During which now existed as to the ------------ Avoid 2 by Judge Foster. The sentence was : Ellis and quisitio p 4 . : 2 : and the gov y df Russ mn To Is In n of that he be put to death some time Lash---Delivers Warning. the forty years covered about. 1,250, legality of mixed marriages, and de- the government of ALAFIA, OIF om a. phasizing the good feelings that pre : 9 during the week commencing February y 000 divorces were granted, lays and subterfuges only aggravated : h i ' a the American Immigration th. Vancouver, Jan. 23.--A terrible les- | Although it must be borne in mind | the situation. vail between the two countries. There ROBERT J. REID, ' , . : Oi : : is sh eritivism of the government > ¥ were hound | son to hold up men was read by Ma . : oo Premier Borden, are | 18 mC s the g une Ferrone's hands and feet were ¥ that the population of the country has € orde in a brief but care backing up this expedition, owing to The Leading Undertaker, Povernment | dealers began to fear a loa, .@k-profiimpbill, show that this will make 80054 gy speed jn Thewwest Than in the est; The debate on tire Hit Ted=of by-prhstrimiscomes tothe frst; SALE PRICE $5 A A A AN AA ct t. : and he was rendered powerless on a gistrate Shaw in the police court, | 1.0 inereased remarkably in this pe fully-worded reply, practically adopted . y } 'Phone 577. Princess Blrees. : < , i 3 rate . . # "* reling > $ tren Berlin, Jan, 28.~The Vossische Zei- litter beeause it. wus feared he 'would when he imposed an aggregate Sen {.iod the increade in population has the ground taken by Sir Allen Ayles- Sib Sesting {hat "Englund eau---airenily r-------- tung publishes 8 violent attack on the attenipt to attack some one in the | tence of forty years in the peniten- |, + "heen sufficiently rapid to account Worth, that the point at issue was one re 4 Vers . JAMES REID ng : < : tat bin i t i tiary on three men found guilty of |; fo : io " exclusively i Ci : liriend Russia in the Persian cuisis "American immigration inquisition," [court room or do himself some in of de pe i Ronodlt. 'w for the increase in divorces. exclusively within the jurisdiction of ---------- ------ The Old Firm of Usnderiake which is alleged to be becoming more } jury. ' that crime. Joseph e Rennult wast A careful study of the statistics [the provincial legislatures. He admit- i Ye weit Prk a4 and 256 PRINCESS STRIGET. criiel 'and relentless day by day. a aouminen given ten Jears i the, pattontiory brings out the fact that in periods of ted that opinions as to the legal point TRAIN TURNED OVER 'Phone T4 for Ambulance, The case of Mrs. Vettin Kauil, de Aged Priest Now a Lawyer. any ey sie Ne hard with | mercial depression the increase in [involved difiered among the members a ; RE sotibed as the wife of na New York] Sacramento, Cal, Jan. 23.- Rev. bin am Nor | £0 Ruchaes on divorces is less' than in periods of of the house and lawyers generally, Ad Twentyeight Fersons Were We hav ' 13 NOTICE. - banker, is cited us a classic example of | Father Francis Gleason, a Catholic re SoH % a WiIb, m oo 1, | prosperity, The reduction of the fam- and under the circumstances he au Severely Injured. Stoves," a ibe padne of the horn the pravtice in vogue on Tillis Island. [priest, passed a successful examina- p< ries hat Fr . 3 aan a ar} ily income seems then to knit the fam nounced that the government's way Kamsack, Sask., Jan. 23.-Conduc- | prices: siso a lot of good heaters, se It is charged that she and her two jtion and = has been admitted to the [Were eath given H teen years in 2 ily more closely together. out of the difficulty would be to sub- [tor Murphy was probably fatally | cond hand, which we will sell at redu rg join ice of | penitentinry 'and thirty lashes for rob- | : i 3 ! pay was {ed prices.' Don't walt till they are sii sols were prevented from rejoining her practice ol aw. - bing Rudhiton's gr cory store at mit a stated case vo the eourts to de |jured and twenty-seven passengers and | gone. Turk's. Phone 708 ¥ husband on American soil because the Father Gleason, who is more than | PINE n's grocery store a cide whether or not the federal parlia- | crew were re less | i ! i a . kos * a Cor- o ay aw - i A ] Ww weie more or lesd burt when thd elder boy wore a {ass eve. The Int. | sixty years old, passed a good exam comer of Hawkes avenue and or SIGHT SUDDENLY RESTORED. ment had authority to step in and [Canadian Northern express from Fd Sat, Hews is. that she is still a prison: [ination and was the first on the list [ova street on the evening of January mm---- deal with the matter ol 15th. . vias x a : monton to Winnipeg left the track OW ¢ 3 er on Je island, 3 of the class of cighteen, : Ye Renault's cast the mogistrate im Blind Man's Vision Comes Back in re hk ing to spreading rails. The whole 5 U C HARD'S The Vossische Zeitung's contributor Red Hot Poker as Alarm Clock. posed the heaviest sentence that has . an Instant, 8 Bolt. tain turned over on its side. d ves that the decrease in the im: over been handed down in the Van-| Passaic, N.J., Jan. 23. --As suddenly Az Mr. Lancaster poiated out, this ini migration to the United States is due] Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 23. --Rode 3 grat : Rumi f Maa of N couver police court up to this time, | 88 it was taken away, two months would involve a delay of at least three HIGHWAYMEN CONFESS C O C O primarily to the _ reign of terror en-| Rumivig, orty-five years - ' 2 ai but in the cases of the other two [ago, the sight of Cleveland W. Speer, jOF four years, and there was no rea- | J pro---- : | throng on -- nand, aud that 207 Narth, First steed, ary, oe met, which were not finished until one | an automobile machinist, of No. 308 jou why the government should not | That They Held Up Auto and Shot tho! 8 ropean emigrants who fnos fe b h PRs" o'clock this afternoon he exceeded the | Highland avenue, returned to-day. Mr. [take the bold stand of passing the | Woman Dead. | il . ¥ : ordinarily disembark at New York and | arise on a cold marsing. The othee new record by five vears and gave the Speer was lying on a couch' when his [bill as it. stood, leaving it to come | Uhicago, Jan. 23.--Four highway I Will be demonstrated in Boston, have been diverted to Canada [lodgers felt it was and branced him | eoners the lash also. The sum of {wife entered the room: He sat up, into operation as soon as the courts | .,. who confessed holdifig up an our store for the next fon and the Argentine through fear of an [with a red hot poker. He- was token [REEF Fo otal amount of booty |and, to his astonishment, he could see [decided it way intra vires. In this he d's containing George Kang in the e-------------------------- ¥ t : aquisition snd, arbiteary expulsion, te.5 ho ial, and thy others Mat secured by Bouquist and Smart when [her. Soon after his discovery, Mr. jwas supported by Mr. Wallace, Col. | n and his wife, and shooting her days. Come in and try i ---------------- they held up the Cordova street store. | Speer went to the 'office of Dr. William | Clark (Brucej, Messrs. W. F. Maclean, . : s « hen sk reamed, have > ite wali] Neither of Se men was defended by |E. Chase, an oculist. The oculist said | Northrup; and others of the Ontario i: when she screamed, navi Som It tastes good these col : ¥ § . * e '4 3» ok | y i! CARDINAL BOURNE HOME. WANTS $50 000 10 a lawyer and both protested their in- | (he eyeballs had been temporarily af- | conservatives, who declined to follow Red. ti ie guilt and will probably b days. 5 - 1 rovence, but they were positively iden- | fected by hysteria. the government's lead, and objected to i ' English Officials at Welcome to Pre. LIFT N GOLD tified, ? thus shelving the. questinn. : Tate. ----------a UAL REPORT On the opposition side of the house THAT CEMENT TRUS A London, Jan. 23.--Cardinal Bourne, ---- PITH OF THE NEWS. BI-LING fhe guetion was discussed ispasgion- f LIKELY 10 BE PROBED Jas. Redden & Co. i -- ; ately and without any appareui desire cent! as ane of the arehbistlrs oy British Salvage Officer Coming to The Very Latest Culled From All FOR THE LEGISLATURE to make political capital, such as § Saw His Wife 1 tl y niade a state entry into America for Fund t Seek Over the World. -- might perhaps have been expected in| | w---- = lariat rOWR ineter cathedral, Sunday after ; » Thomas AMen, London, Ont, wislic 10 "Bg Presented at the [iwicus prejudice made by the con Dominion Government Awaits State: | ciuxins 10 ner nasband more 10: noon, the occasion being invested wit Treasure Ship. Killed by a train. : e 8 i fifteen minutes, while he fou it The reception was the hy " Sunday . tobogganing has | made . . servatives during the last election From Winnipeg : a, g i London, Jan, 23. --Charles Miller, se- |iflegal in Toronto. Coming Session by Dr. campaign. ment Before drag her to safety, Mrs. Roy Bai. har! ! : : i } ie . a X . ringer, who had plunged thr h tive and the preserice of the cond officer of the National Salvage e Manchu princes are still divided Sie Wilfrid, in oiler sul Slear, { Taking Action tee while pri ons We he lord mayor London, the mayor of Association's steamship Lyons, recent rding abdication. a cul summing up O @ issue, note A death.: She had been numbed by th Westminster, members of the foreign ly leit London for New York to raise aterinary {General - Rutherford has| 'Toronto, Jan. 23.--Dr. Merchant, that the ne temere decree had in o Ottawa, Jon, BI in very pois: Horas 2 ®a0 could not longer Te embassies and '4 host of city officials [about $50,000 to carry. on the work of aonin ealled, attention to the live who is being employed by the edu- fect been in force in Quebec for 500 {ule that the government may holdiigin her hold on Mr. Barringer' attested to the im ance of the gath- | salving the "'treasure'" in the old man | stock famine in Canada. feation department to compile a re |VCATS, and that it was primarily ' de-1an investigation into the prices which |gnoutders. outside the edifice|o'-war Lutine, which sank. off the | By a vote of eighty-six to sixty-on® [port on the bi-lingual schools of On-ysigned merely to prevent clandesting | gre being charged -by the coment trust. Sadao i to. his emin- [coast of Holland in the Zuyder Zee in | Lancaster's Ne Temers question, was |tario, is still engaged on hi: inspec marriages. The only civil authority | Raently 'the Wintipeg board of trade i : sit of three hundred | 1799, sent to the pris; council. tion ol schools in "the province, and which the decree had, he said, Was gent a memorial to the government Sovernoy of Bengal b+ the bprdinal| The Lutine was a war vessel captur | The estate of the late Henry La- lit is understood that he has written that which the civil courts might give, | ging certain charges against the London, Jan, 23.--The rumor re MR. was brilliant |ed by England from the French and | bouchere, the editor of the Truth, will ino part of the finalggepoct as yot, |and this question was sow being | poor, and asking for an investige-| cently circulated. that Bir Krishus as it moved slowly to the al: | was reported to be carrying $6,000,000 | sthount to nearly $10,000,000. It is known, however, that the Mer- thrashed out before the courts indies, The trust replied with a me | Gobinda Gupta, a member of ti i A i worth of gold bars when she was lost Mee. D. McCoshan, Masson, Que., {chant report will be presented by the Montreal in a concrete case. A quicker ial in which they claipil that Indian Council, was to be appoin £0 iin mnt with all hands. The salvage work was [found a large Stalls "in her shed [government during the first session, and less confusing solution to the Pro-lypy yricca charged at fhe mills have [ EOTEPROT of the new province fae : & on for some months last sum- on' 'Saturday aft wt. It is still {and will probably oteuny « consider- | blem, he believed, would lie in barry- acguall, lowered since the amateama- | Bengal, was disposed of by the Senator Miller is seriously ifl at Ot- | mer, and among the things brought up falive. le time. in débate.. Dr. Merchant {ing this ease to the privy council for |g, \.y ofected. A sehodule wr} S181 aunouncement 91: the Appl taws. He is seventy-eight years offafter the wreck had been found was af J. 8. Crate, news editor of the To: |will undertake the preparation of the {final decision than in taking to it the prices was subnfitted ta the cabinet, | mec » Bit. Thomas (Glbaps : preserved onnnon with shot intact touts ews for twa yours; ha Scents document during the next month. orate Pope to ee The trust claimed that the freight | MiClae " position wi 'oron- A-------------------------------- power rales which are charged were Die | to Star. Wr. and Mrs. Dominick, Belleville, of in the circemstances. To dispose of spmnsit le for the high cemont prices t . 5 The Ulithes. Oddities James Dhane, general 'superinten- | Meridan, Conn., celebrated the seven-|the Lancaster hill simply moving alc } dent. of the GP.R.- ai Toromto, has|ty-seventh apniversary of their wed- [the indefinite adjournment the .de-| The reply of the merger has been |. rn00n at four o'clock. 1 heen inted i Lo ihe Wins board of trad perintendent | di 5. by doi : thate, s proposed. by Premier Bor- {1% he peg pected that further arrang commander of how : ings wo an he was, the liberal chief maintained, [Ar8l as soon a« they get ah answer Yho | will be made with rie ! ip that with » week's | Mrs. J. B. Lacasse, ia ninet eight years old; she Bihety- neither 4 proper nor a frank method |® inet will settle what is the Destiny power to the GTR. compas * Ee . y ¥ mney 2 : i : way to deal with the matter for quarry Sesion treasure' seven, of dealing with the question. 3 : Hen quarry drilling pear Kiugsion marr in Ottawa Thurs te -- } ae i 5 i of Rulof F. Kipp and Miss| A mon named Morrison, living ir Evangelistic Meetings | ------ 'Alison Crinkshank, both of New York, | Augusta, near Presgolt, and who has! Will be beld in the old Collegiate] Who'll he Connty Warden' RE ' - ennaed considerable surprise; a8 the | heen ill for some time, was picked yp befiding, Tuesday snd Wednesday| The county couneil will hold Rink, Thursday. era ten | became 3 families of the bride and bridegroom fin an exhausted condition on Satur- nights, at B glelock, by R. H. Hall, inaugural meeting Toesday aftéra t Wednendav.} furnishings, 20 per cent. off. Liv- st thought they were too young tolday. He passed away that. might. Dunkirk, N.Y. Come, All are at four o'clock, when & warden wij Pie lingston's. oof Thoms venti, = : ; "Duy Infasts' foods." Gibson's.- |weleome. be elected. : . 4