A PAGE TWO. {Per Cent. LARR ss AaR a sane wan essay ---------------- ase ARAFAT ~ Brock Street APAAAPPIPN 20 COMFORTERS AT R. MFAUL'S CARPIY WAREHOUSE GIFTS Large stock of Fancy Boxes of Chocolates. Big variety of best makers' goods kept in our store. ; Nk ; Geo. Masoud's Jee Cream Parlor, 264 PRINCESS STREET, ) / ' | | Aw Q ) } BUILDERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES. ASBBESTIC PLASTER FOR SALE, ; $ ALSO COAL AND ALL KINDS ) OF WOOD. ! 4 S. Bennett & Co. Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sts. "Phone 941. 4 ¢ Fire, Life, Accident, Sickness and Guarantee Insurance Effected. "Weal Estate Bought, Sold & Exchanged Call or communicate with J. O. HurroNn, 3 Market Street, i *0000000000000000000WW A GOOD REAL ESTATE aioe min mg: ' Three New Dwellings (one detached), 10 rooms in each, bath, close: and furnace, gas, Hardwood floors, natural wood IE, overgibivg up-to-date; central fegrion: annual. in- Cin be bought within the five days for ' + Only $2,000 cash required to . * . oo. . . 00000000000 000000000 vended nasssssase JANUARY SALE Your room or house furnished [luxuriously at January prices. BED COUCHES. --Strong, durable, comfortable, rich + green velour covers, spring seat and back, regular $14; special, $11. Our $8.00 Couches for $6.50. Our $13.00 Couches for $10.50, Our $22.00 Couches for $18.00. Ris < al iil i ARR Extension Tables, $6, $7.50, $9.00 $12.00 up to $60 each. Sideboards, $7.00, $10.50, $13 a, to $85.00. 2 SSR TAINS Special values, $1.5¢ t ¥ ~ * CARPETS. --Wilton, Brussels. Rugs.--All sizes and makes, All reduced in sympathy with the Furniture Sale. Repalr and Upholstering don. cheaper than at any other time. Yours, T. F HARRISON COMPANY 'Phone 90. Axminste Pads DUNLOP AA ah y Traction Tread Another Opinion : "Have yet to notice any skid: Your Traction Treads are, in this respect certainly all you claim for them." 1 NEWBRO'S * HERPICID Fools the Calendar. _ Don't look der than you are. 18 Just as easy to look younger. Wh lack of hair or poor An is not ways an indication of age it és fr quently accepted as such. A 'person well advanced jn yes possessing .a good heady of hair is ways spoken of as "'well-preserved.' Feryone can retain beautiful, In uriant hair if they make the eficr In almost ev instance poor hair the loss of h may be traced the activity of the dandruff gore whro's Herpicide kills this ger and pats the sealp in a perfectly he: by condition. With the destructi f the dandruff he Dai Ad many § stitutes, preparations claimed "just as good." You. 't - ba accept a substitute, ne Herpicide, TUFSDAY, JANUARY 22, tered, was run - off, Monday evening. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, The team captained by Thurlow won from teams _e I by McDongald and McCusig, Saturday, the time be- ECTED BE. ing 52-30 2.5, Exp i heat, Monday evening, was {really not finished. It takes four men ~ {to complete a team Of teams captain Toronto Oarsmen Will he Fifty Per od by Harvey and Farrell only six Cent. Stronger--Four Star Players men turned up. The heat was run, ; ed--N eree Decided though, but the other two men bave Bung Aug Xo Rat to meet, and then the time will be | complete, <The senior 0. H.A. hockey match here to-morrow might, between Argonauts | Queen's Co-Ed. Hockeyists. of Toronto and Frontenacs of Kings-| Queen's College ladies' hockey team, ton, is being counted upon as likely "The Robins," had a practice at 'the to be one of the fastest games of the covered rink, on Tuesday. The girls season. With four stars on the lise: have some pretty good skaters and up who did not play in Toronto, the | stick hinders among them, and they Oarsmen of the Queen City wil pre |will surely show some of the boys sent a great line-up here. Frontenacs | how to play. easily defeated them on their own ice, | but the Toronto team will put up a much stronger game here. If Argo-| pe club games at, the local curling nauts do not win this game, it will |i k were resumed on Monday afte mean "that their chances for Winning 64 and evening. These are the first this group are practically gone. Fron-! club games that have been played tenacs must win this game to give gince last Thursday. In thé "A" ser- them a good send-off, so the fighting 'ies, Skip Walkem won from Skip Wal- will be done with all the strength of Jace by a score of 12 to 10. In the both teams. Murphy, Gordon, Whale «<p series, Skip Brower won from and Lasuer will be a valuable addi- Skip Hooper by a score of 16 to 12. tion to the team, and the local team In "I" series, Skip Montgomery won knows that there is'a big job ahead from Skip Hooper by a score of . 12 of them here. Manager Sutherland to 9. In the *C' series, Skip Mac- may pot be able to be here for the pherson won from Skip Cunningham game, having been called to London by a score of 12 to 10. . on business Monday afternoon. The | team had a workout Monday night! and will rest until the game. Just who the referee will be has not been decided. Secretary Trotter sent a pumber of names to Toronto to-day and expected an answer from Secretary Hewitt to-night. Stanton may play on Frontenacs' defence in place of Hy- land. GREAT GAME TWEEN TEAMS. Curling Club Games. S.8.A.A.A. Hockey Games. | Two gameb were played -in the S.S. A.A.A. junior hockey league, at the Stadium rink on Monday evening. Cooke's juniors won from St. John's and St. James' juniors won from Bethel. ! 8.8. - 3 The S.8.A.A.A. basketball league is {very quiet. Some of the teams would now sooner default a game than play and be defeated. To-night there should be three games, but Cooke's and St. James' juniors may alone meet in a championship game. The game be tween Queen street and Brock street seniors has been 'called off. Brock street intermediates and Cooke's have defaulted. Beaten at Sydenham. The Regiopolis hockey team journey- ed to Sydenham, on Saturday last, to play an exhibition game with the sen- ior team of that town. Although the visiting team put up a stubborn fight t were entirely outclassed and beat- en by a score of 3 to 1. Tecumseh's Were Beaten. It was reported in yesterday's paper that the Tecumseh hockey team which went to Battersea on Saturday did not play owing to the lateness of the hour when they got there. They lid play, and the Kingston team was beaten by 5 to 2 score. Front Road vs. K.B.C. The Front Road hockey team has uranged an exhibition hockey match with the Kingston Business College team and it will take place Tuesday wening. The business college boys wre anxious to win the Junior City League and have arranged several ex- hibition games. Sporting Notes. The Giant hockey team left this ai- ternoon for Deseronto to play an exhibition game to-night. There will be a double-header key match at Queen's open air rink Thursday night. Queen's play Worm- vith in the senior city league series and Tecumsehs play Kingston Dusi- ness College. Belleville," Napanee, Brockville "olborne éurlers are here to the district curling cup games. Gordon Thompson, Toronto, the new physical director of the Y.M.C.A., began duty Monday evening, and had a large class. Albert College want to send) down r 'wo senior basketball teams to play city, and now the feather-weight cham- in the Y.M.C.A. gymmasium Friday sion wrestler of Canada, and special: and Saturday, but the games could veight of Manitoba, is in the city on yor be arranged. + visit to Mrs. Sherbino, University (€ontinued on Page 3.) wenuve. He was born and brought up| ---------------- in this city, having learned the trade ' f a candy-maker with W. J. Croth- ws & Co. In the summer of 1909 he left for Winnipeg, where he lived for some time. Later he joined the Winni- og Amateur Athletic Association. In '909 he won the dominion feather weight championship, and on January | th, 1911, he won the Manitoba spe 'y, ial-weight, and is at the present time ~he holder of both titles. He won! told medals for each of these events. fle intends to retire, as in the last wents he contested he got used up wetty badly, and had some of his ribs injured. hoe- and play Western Champion Wrestler. Raymond Hutton, formerly of this Robert M. Roy, formerly of Belle- ville, died suddenly in Petérboro on Saturday might. He was seventy years of age. His son, Edward, lives in Napanee. Livingston's = sale ends this month. Take advantage of it. Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw, Toron- 0, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Edna Amelia, to Alexander H. Mofiregor, son of Archi bald McGregor, Carleton Place. The wedding will take place in February. "Buy Kipp's Hair Tonic." Gib son's. Mrs. Robert Elliott, of Tyendinaga, Queen's Track Club. Sod on Wednesday, aged . fifty-five The track club of Queen's University |" +p, 2 2 iu 'g. Nab anette. SIleT Tr Wodnaiey Buy Castoria," at Gibson ifternoon for the purpose of arrang- ng for an indoor meet some time luring the month of February. Some | § sther important matters have to be ittended to regarding the system of training. After New Material. The athletic committee of Queen's University is after all the raw ma- erial for the annual assault-at-arms hich is to take place soon, and with hat end in view aré getting after all he material that looks any way it all. Largé classes are on the floor laily and the physical trainers are ery busy. . Kingston's Famous Fur Store. ODD MUFFS, | --------" Had a Work-out. junior and senior Frontenacs workdut at the covered rink, londay evening, after the exhibition ockey match to put them in shape r the Wednesday evening game. All he members of the senior team were wot out, but those who were on the b had a good practice. After the ractice several the seniors had a 'urkish bath. # A Win for Midgets. L "Jim" Hogan's Midgets scored their 'et win of the season, on Saturday, ; ddeating the speedy little team om Ca i, at the Glenburnie ating rink, by the score of | to The Midget supporters are proud tis litile team and mow James ys "he wouldn't call them Mount _ waney," even if they wanted him and more than this the kids are We do not mean odd styles, but "odd" for our stock be- cause. we have no Stole or Collar to match, and cannot duplicate them at any price. $30.00 Round Mink for $19.30 $18.00 Persian Lamb for . . .. aaa +... $1250 $6.00 Grey Fox for .. $4.20 $18.00 Real Beaver for $12.50 $5.00 Silver Coon for $2.80 $3.00 Blue Oppossam or, $5.00 Beaver Nutria for $5.75 $3.75 Girls' Oppossum for . . . $2.50 RAL se es seen All Cloth Coats Half Price and. Less. 1012. 25¢ authority, and have established They are right up-to-date. read. down, to-date. 25 Deep Hole Drilling. 26 Modern Punch and Bie Construction . : Locomotive Design -- Boiler and Cylinders. Locomotive Design -- 2, Valve Motion. Locomotive Design -- 3. Smokebox, Frames 'dnd Driving Machinery. Locomotive Design -- 4, Springs, Trucks, Cab and Tender. rd 4 I, 28 29 for complete list. 200 PRINCESS. They are first-class in every respect, and read it whenever you have a momen; and it will pay you to do that reading, whatever elge you In these books you get the best as the result of three editorial revisions. You get material prepared especially for practical men and for self-education--and it is up- MECHANICAL MASTERPIECES + Machinery's Mechanical Books for Self Education. Machinery's Reference and, Data Books are books of such obvious merit that they sell on These books are nothing like those usually sold at 25 cents most 31 Screw jages. Screw Thread Cutting. Systems and Practice of the Drafting-room. Care and Repair of Dyna- mos and Motors, Tables and Formulas for a Shop and Drafting-room. 36 Iron and Steel. 37 Bevel Gearing. 38 Grinding . and . Grinding * Machines, Thread Tools and 32 33 35 This List will be-chauged daily until the full List of 92 Titles has been published. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS. per Copy. a mew high-level of merit for 26 cent books. convenience, and for the first time at low prices; the very best terial that has ever been offered to mechanical readers at any price. You can put ome in your pocket 25¢ sight. They are practical books of They. place at your useful and most practical ma- These books are authentic, Youd get it boiled 39 40 41 Fans, Ventilation & Heating, Fly-Wheels. Jigs and Fixtures--1, Prin. ciples of Design, etc Jigs and Fixtures--2, Open and Closed Drill Jigs. Jigs and Fixtures--3, Prin- © ciples of Boring Jig De- sign, ete. Machine Blacksmithing. Drop Forging. Hardening and Tempering. Electric Overhead Cranes. Files and Filing. Call or write 42 4 - ° 44 45 46 47 48 'Phone 919. OUTLOOK VERY BRIGHT WITH OTTAWA, SMITH'S FALLS AND KINGSTON RAILWAY. Representatives of Company Met Members City Council and Board of Trade--Plans Set Out for Ap. proval. "The outlook is fine, and everything is going along very safisfactorily." This was the good news that U. L. Upson, Ottawa, had to give a Whig re presentative, who, on 'l'uesday morn- ing, interviewed him in regard to how the work was getting along "with the Ottawa, Smith's * Falls and Kingston Railway company, oi which he is the general manager. On Monday night, Mr. Upson, with (i. L. Dickinson, of Manotick; ex-Ald, E. P. McGrath} of Ottawa, and ex-Ald. J. 8. R. MeCann, Kingston, directors, met members of the board of trade, civic finance committee and industries committee, of city council, when Mr. Upson gave a full report as regards the work already accomplished, and the plans set forth for the future. The company asked that bach the board of trade and the city coyncil endorse the project, and a committee was ap- pointed, consisting of 'Alds. Shaw, Fair and Givens, from the city coun: cil; and Messrs. A. C. Macpherson, J. A. Miones and J. M. Campbell, from the board of trade, to investigate and report, with a view of endorsing the project. The other members of the de putation gave valuable information, and the delegation made a most favor- able impression on the civic bodies. Mr. Upson, in an interesting man- ner, pointed out the development of the electric railways in the United States, where there is a regular net- work of railways, all rendering valu able assistance to the communities through which they run. The company is at present known as the Ottawa, Smith's Falls and Kings- ton Railway company, but steps are being taken throygh the provincial house, to have it changed, to be known as the . Ottawa, Rideau Lakes and Kingston Railway company. Work on the survey has been pushed along as rapidly as possible, and was only stopped a short time ago, by the stormy weather. On the survey work the company is but a short distance from Smith's Falls, and just as soon as possible, in the spring, the work will be taken up again, so that no time will be lost. Mr. Upson has just returned from a business trip to Chicago, Indianapolis and New York. OF AN UNSOUND MIND, Boy Accused of Cruelty Will be Carved For. The charge of cruelty to a dog, against a seventeen-year-old youth, adjourned from Monday, was not continued, at the police court, on luesday morning. The accused is re- garded as being of unsound mind, and will likely be placed in the asylum at Orillia. It is stated that although the ac- {cused denied the charge, the evidence pointed directly towards him, and that a conviction could easily have been recorded had the case been pro- ceeded with. The prosecution was conducted by J. B. Walkem, on behalf of the Hu- mane Society, the youth having been arrested as a result of the investiga- tions made by Arthur Willey, (he owner of the dog, and Constable Ar nie}. The dog will recover, DISMISSED THE OASE. William Peters Took Fur Coat Mistake. William Peters, of Brockville, rested in Kingston, on a charge of ing a fur coat from his father-in- ,Holmes W. Latham, last fall. was | given a hearing before Magistrate Dea: icon, who, after hearing the evid | dismissed the action with costs. evidence adduced shpwed that Peters and his father-in-law, Latham, pur urchiased a fur coat each from Charles Hillis, shop on King sireet west. The coats were very similar in appearance. The magistrate held Peters -took the coat mistake. : by ar- WATCH OUR WINDOWS! GEORGE MILLS & CO who conducts a harness | NEW CORSETS We have a big range of the well known makes Crompton and D. & A. The lgtest styles for Spring are here in all sizes. Ask to see our Dollar special. Six different models, at this popu- lar price. Excellent values in Underwear for all members of the household, Standard Quarterly for Spring, in¢luding any 1c pattern, only 20c. Standard Patterns, the world's leaders, 10c and 15c¢ Newman & Shaw . The Always Busy Store. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. What Happened a Quarter of a Century Ago. The officers of St. Lawrence council, Royal Arcanum, were installed by Past Regent Dr. Herald. In 1878 the assessed value of all real estate, personal property and income of the city was $5,411,884. In 1887, $6,924,094, and in 1911, $9,836,557. The population in 1877 was 14,078; in 1837, 15,827, and in 1911, about 20,000, A strong effort is being made to send two rinks to the bonspeil at Smith's Falls. Some of the best curl ers have at the last moment found it impossible to go. It 78 sald that a Kingstonian will be offered the reform nomination for Ad- dington. G. 8, Oldrieve secured first prizes on red game bantams, duckwitig game bantams, and Japanese bantams at the Ottawa poultry fair. Dr. Fee selected, for Messrs. Gleason and Pipe, places in the harbor from which to tale their ice. Visiting cards, the very best qual ity of card and finest printing, at Whig office. Robert Lawson, of Kitley, died' on Thursday of last week. 'I'he fuberal m Saturday was largely attended, A Simple Way To Reduce Wrinkles (From the Home Maker.) Bear in mind that wrinklés, as well as bagginess of cheek or chin, are due to the _.uscular tissue Joming its streoth sud shrinking. Jhe skin is then too large in area to fit such Lis sua smoothly. It wisnkles or éags. To remedy this condilion there nothing so effective, so-quick-acting, 8% a simple wash lation you ean eas ily make at home, Get an ounce of powdered saxolite at your druggist's, and a half pint witch hazel, mix the two and bathe your face in the lipid. This treatwent at once tight ens the skin and solidifies the under lying tissue--which of course smoothes out the lines and draws in the sag: ging skin. It also stimulates circula-4 tion, bringing natural color to fad Alarm Clocks; We sell a very reliable, medium priced and long-lived alarm clock at $1.50 These afe fully guaranteed, and if taken care of will last Many years. Fe------ SMITH BROS. 850 KING STREET. Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Jewelers. T 22 rvaem evowaen ve cz Highest Price Paid for all kinds of RAW FURS. W. F GOURDIER BROCK STREET A Good Investment HAHA AA AAAI Nos. 265 and 267 Earl St. near Division Street. Double Frame Dwelling, frontage 50 eet, depth 132 feet; contain- ing seven rooms each, with improvements, two stables on the premises. tents bring in $206 per year. See me at once. Money to Loan. MULLIN The Real Estate Specialist. Cor. JOHNSON and DIVISION STS. "Phone 539. NE TTY) Can Do High-Class Work. No contradiction ran wash out that fact. It is as clear as the water we use, as in- effable as the suowy whitness we impart to Minens, and as unyielding as the starch in our eol- lars and cuffs. WE DO HIGH-CLASS WORK. A -------- Kingston Laundry "Phone 22. -- ~ Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts, e80eEe00080000000000 S00000000000000000000080000000000