PAGE vour, Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets | Quickly Put Disordered Stomachs Right It's a revelation to the chronic dyspeptic to feel no discomfort after a hearty meal, when that meal is followed hy one Na-Dru-Co ia Tablet. Iie is hardly prepar the almost magic relief which the tablet to which he is accustomed after eating, Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets sweeten stomachs that are sour--relieve stomachs that feel as if a stone had been swallowed --stop leartburn--and give stomachs that the needed assistance to are weakened, Sontaining in | arma Elves § the active nciple n or Pind of food, SE Tablets enable s sven the weakest stomachs to get the good out of what is eaten, preventing the accumulstion of ested food and gas. With a little help a a while, the digestive organs recover their strength, do their work properly, and your troubles are over. Don't go on suffering! Geta soc. box ! of Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets from your druggist today. National oy and Chemical Co, » Canada, Limited Montreal. 147 LUMBER! ------------------ ---- i -- AAI A NNN We are constantly receiving guotations from all parts of the continent and c¢an name you close prices on all kinds Lum- ber in Car Lots or less. = If there is anything you find hard to get, try us. Our large buying facilities are at your £35. Anglin & Co. Cor. Bay & Wallington. hone 66. SAVED FROM AN OPERATION By Lydia' E. Pinkham's Vozetools Compound Peoria, 11l.--"1 lan to let every one know Xhat L E. Pinkham's reme- a - = < < = 2 0¢- | pany has annuities which it : I suffered from in. fiammation,and your Sanative Wash re. me. Your Liver Pills have no #8 a cathartic. Any one wishing what your medicines have Sk hes san got it from any drug- gist or by Sing vo me. You can use my Sout ipenins any way ad duilibe glad to Se . rs, HEBISTINA REED, 105 Mound Peoria, [lL by Another Operation Avoided. New Orleans, La.-- For years I suf. IT was peau hed and Was co the doctor said an o ride : ao sar fe Say Lydia Pinkham! s as Ve ation me Ma erlerec St, New The great volnme of unsolicited tes. timony constantly pouring in i raves Tops os Tdia E Pink a tri tom an o un Orledns, La. ~ BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 ton, Ontario, at $6 per year. ay and 'Thursday morning at a year. er year. tylish, and cheap work; nine improved presses. TORONTO OFFICE: H. E. Smalipiece, J.P., representative. THE DAILY BRITISH THE SASH WHI PURLSING 2. LNT J. G. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. THE WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR 'WHAT PRESS IS SAYING DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King Street, Kings- Editions at 2.30 and 4 p.m. i. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, piblished in parts on ' Mon- by To United States charge for ostage had to be added, making p rice of Datly §3 and of Weekly $1.50 Attached Is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church Street, Torouto. r WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, (912. We have solid comfort Training for Public Life, Bibby's for Men's Rub- Peterboro Examiner. "It is rather a pity," says the Mont- real. Herald, "that Montreal has not some minor municipal governing bodies which would act as the school boards do in Ontario towns apd train citizens for the broader sphere of the city coun- cil." The Herald is a little wide of the mark. It is our general experi ence - in Peterboro that an aldermanic body could, with advantage, sit as pupils at the feet of our school board gamaliels, Stamping Out Tuberculosis. Brantford Expositor. Lioyd-G jeorge's insurance act has one feature which is not a rousing opposi- for you. Shoe with and heel. BBBYS Bra MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPT. STORE. bers and Overshoes. rubber sole : a -- The people of London, in the mur cipal election, voted on the 'question of government by commission, and approved of it by a large majority, and the Hamilton Times quotes Sir James Whitney as saying that he will not countemance the legislation that gives the movement effect. it as Sir James long as greatest' obstacle is declared to be be the] A discovery of gold in Manitoba re to progress, WHITNEY. THE OBSTRUCTIONIST. saoner all the business" of the aity is] Where the Yavages of the disease aro committed to a commission of five of business men the sooner will an éra of mean much in civic prosperity eet in. But what of fight that is being carried on under our mulish premier diffi . sticks in the mud and pushes back on thé shafts ?' tion; that is, the provision to estab- lish government sanitoria to wipe out tuberculosis. British medical men are of the opinion' that it can be entirely wiped out. Even here in Ontario DOINGS Horsehide Mitts, Heavy Knit Lining, all this week, 80c per pair. daily occurrence, it seems that sub- stantial government. assistance would the present unequal culties, Men's Mitts Hi 'ost of Living. : z x Yaron Bost of laving * Unlined Buckskin Mitts, the! DEWS the problem for the thoughtful { householder--when is there going to 50c per pair. gon "Hundreds of municipalities and . ai- most all the press of the province," says the Times, "have somght to se cure local option of improvement frome taxation. Yet this one reac- tionary man blocks the way to pro- gress, and declares that there should be no relief of improvement by ex- emption from taxation. The Whig may be correct in saying that the greatest power at work for retro- gression in the province. And yet a! supposedly intelligent electorate main- tain ¢uch a man in office and endorse! his 'boorish brow-beating, and while] members of the legislature are flogged | into line by the party lash, One of these days there will be a revolt, and; the people will come into their. own. There is no doubt of vhat, During the discussion of the old-age pension system an incidental reference was made to the annuities' system which was undertaken by the govern- ment. The annuities represent a method of saving money which can- not be too highly commended. They are understood by the few, however, and considering the manner in which the people are being educated with regard to them it is not surprising that only five hundred people, in a- bout four years, became identified with them and made investments, 340 in immediate annuities and 213 in deferred annuities. The late government had all actuarial calculations made upon which the system 'was founded. it performed a great and important task and one that will endure forever. Buh it could not launch the scheme as well as the insurance company whose or- ganization is as complete as it is comprehensive and has annuities as one of its many features. The com- sells in- the with life and accident and fire ~ THE MIDDLE The talk in the larger cities of the United States is that living is made high through the imposition of the middlemen. Mayor Gaynor, of New York, has been investigating the sub ject, and holds that the middlemen, with all his faults, is a necessity. Mayor Shank, of Indianapolis, says the middleman is a troubler, and that Mr. Gaynor must represent the wealthy class, and reflect their views. or he would not think otherwise. One observation of Mr. Shank seems to be extravagant. It is: "I believe the middleman is killing himself in getting fctitious prices for foodstuffs. A good:many of the producers have become disgusted with present : condi- tions and at times prefer to let thei | on peaches and other fruits ro! the ground rather than to give 'them to commission merchants at a cheap rate. The people are becoming alive to conditions and we are sure to see a change in the near future." The middlemen of Canada are gene tally the 'retailers, and they are, as it 'were, between the upper and the nether grindstones. They. have to buy as cheaply as they can to make' any margin of profit, and they com plain that they are the victims of the trusts. The wholesale. men have a similar grievance. They have to give their orders for some foodstuffs, like New and Second-hand _, Anyone having Furniture drop me a ca where. SVG Dealer In all kin Furniture, 242 Ontario Street. MAN, ure, to Sell before selling else of Stoves and The information to hand shows that the salaries of our police officials are the lowest in the province, The pa: " FONG SING x fo Hire 7 Work guaran per is right when it says that the po lice departments elsewhere will not get much inspiration from a stud, of conditions in Kingston, Postmaster-General Hitche. cheock is ac cused of treachery towards Mr. Tah, iT Whatever you wish i i moving away away id x ¢ Antique Furaitare a Specialty. I either buy, sell or exchange. : pisses Jee the many fine Old Herder during Januwry. L: LESSES and his removal from the cabinet is demanded. Hitchcock has reformed the post office department, has 'made it self-sustaining, and is the best business head in the government. But he must go because he loves Roose velt mors: then Tall, The goverhment benches in Ottawa arg said to be ocoupipd by many {They Sxposted Secogition amt cabi- their jobs "Death and the senate," members who 'are sour and gloomy net rank and do not take kindly to ANNUITIES NOT PUSHED. surance, and the cost is limited cause it is spread over all the ness. The government could not afford to adyertise its ammuities extensively. Some papers advertised them gratui- tously. Two or three lecturers were em- ployed, and they held meetings at different. places and discoursed most eloquently upon the annuity , system. These lecturers have been dismissed by the present government. They werg grit, and they had to go irrespective of the service they had rendered. What new plan is to be adopted now to push the business no one knows, but pushed it must be, by some one, and according to some plan, and the sooner the man and his plan are forthcoming the better for the Borden government. It is up to Mr. White, a finaneier, and a man of af- fairs, to evolve some scheme that will letdhe people know what in old age they'fay get per annum by the judicious investment of a small sum per week in the early and most lu- crative years of their service. be- busi- MAN AGAIN. and canned goods, many months in advance, and they are de nied some of the goods; indeed the men who control the market have the serve to notify them. that they will get only a percentage of the supplies they want. The salmon trade may be dependent upon the catch, which fluctuates with the seasons, and sometimes falls far short of the demand. And this de- mangl is growing all the while, with the greater population and consump- tion, and the run of salmon does not develop in the same ratio. But the canned vegetables need Wot be limited in the supply, and the shortage need not occur. The contin- gencies now reported followed the merger that took place some years ago. The result is a short supply and higher prices. As much gain, and more, is made out of 4 limited pro- duction, and while this ean be done why worry about the bigger supply ang delivery ? There is no money in that. There may be competition. Some one, or some company, may launch a new factory, and find a market for its goods. The one who enters this competition, however, is salmon [be a limit to the increasing cost of living? 'The more gold is discovered and put into circulation' the dearer must become all the necessaries as well as the luxuries of life. The discovery {of gold in unlimited quantities would | precipitate a social crisis, which none of our politieal men, our politicians or our financiers has had the courage of the intelligence to face. Public Ownership Again. New York Herald. In almost every civilized countrys on the face of the globe internal tele graphic communications are in the hands of and are operated by the gov- ernment. This is the case in England, France, Gérmany, Austria, Italy, Spain and Russia. The tendency toward the nationaliza- tion of public 'services is so promnounc- ed that on the first day of this very year the British post office took over the plant and business of the National Telephone company. In short, the maintenance of a coun- try's telegraph service in the hands ol private companies or individuals might be regarded almost as a sign of back- wardness rather than of pregressive ness. Every argumeni that might be addueed in favor of a government postal service applies with equal force in favor of a governmental telegraph service, They Knew It's Coming. Gadsby In Toronto Star An item got into the newspapers not long ago which hinted at, but did not disclose, the occasional tragedy of sweeping changes. Usually, however, they don't take it that way. They see it coming and are to some extent pre pared for the shock, They are like the one-eyed man in the poker game whom Pat suspected' of erooked play. When 'he wis good and sure of it, Pat said : "There's somebody in this game ker- fuglin' wit' the cahrds. I mintion no names, but the nixt time he does it 0i'll kick his other eye out." There must be a lot of people in Canada waiting for the axe if Ion. Frank Cochrane's figures are right. "What did you say was the popula- tion of Canada ?" asked the minister of railways of a friend. "About seven millions." "Seven millions !"* exclaim- ed the minister. 'All wrong! Ten million people "have applied to this government for jobs already." A Distinguished Police Officer. London Advertiser, Charles Slemin, chief constable of Brantford, is the only Canadian whose name appears on the new vear list of recipients of the king's police medal. The riedal is awarded for long and ef- ficient service or for specially worthy conduct in = the way of duty. In Mr. Slemin"s case it was given for thirty- four years' service, "distinguished by very exceptional ability and merit." The other names on the list include the chief constables of several English and Scottish counties and cities, and members, of many nationalities, of the forces of cities and towns all over the empire. Among others are Lieut.-Col. Arthur Edwin Kershaw, inspector-gen- eral of Jamaica, a notable organizer, and Constable Mutunga Wa Mull, a black man, of Kitui, East Africa, who rescued a boy from .drowning in the Athi river, in a strong current at a spot infested with erocodiles. Evident. Is: the police service develops good men under many differing conditions, and it is neet that the. worthier of them should get recognition. Around the World by Wireless. Oswego Palladium. France, by ap expenditure of $2,000, sure of one thing--a cut in rates and 000, is preparing a system of wireless a grind in' service which puts him out of business or into the merger's toils in a very short time. EDITORIAL NOTES. "will never be fast enough to draft off all the members of that grouchers' club," e PeR-- 5 su pity Me Macon, of the Toronto World, is not in some gov- ernment. The man is prolific of ideas, and whether he succeeded with them posted «on current or public opin- ions without 15 TERE] ol sage Gadsby, in the Toronto Star, or not he would keep Ids colleagues Mr. Maclean is acting. as advis- | re stations so that it will be possible to reach all her colonial possessions, and in doing so will be able to send mes: sages around the world. Commissioner Ferrie, the well-known engineer 'in charge, of the Eiffel tower plant, is in charge of the technical matters in con- nection with the plan. It will take be- tween two and three years to eratt the | twelve wireless stations. Messages sent out from the Fife tower at Paris will first reach the posts erected at Dahomey and Timbue- too in West Africa. Thence they will cross the continent to the coast of the Red sea at Madagascar. - Either of these two posts can then send mes- sages across -the Indian ocean to the post in India, at Pondicherry, whence they wil he amiteod 10 the anatern ,coast of Asia at Seigon. About 5,000 miles separate this point from the Is land of New Caledonia to the north of Australis, and this can be covered by a high power station. The Pacific will then crossed by stations at Tahiti and ne he Marquise Islands. It Bint butter arrived 'for Gilbert's of insurance, kind, any & {oust we Mille; 7 Clarence set. Working Men's Caps. Tweed Golf shapes. 15¢ each Good patterns Men's Wool Socks 16¢ per pair Dark Greys and Heather Mixture Workingmen"s Shirts §0c. each Heavy Twill Goods, plain colors or fancy stripes, moleskin eloth, etc. Sizes 14} to 16}. Men's Flannel Shirts all $1.50 size, Plain, sizes Heavy wool flannel, full different shades of Grey, Greens, Browns and Maroons, 14 to 174. 'Wool Underwear $1.00 per garment 3 . y . "i > Penman's Scotch Knit, Shirts double backs and fronts. Pants double seats. All sizes. Men's Fur Band Caps « B0e Heavy Blue, Jenyel Cloth, fur bands turn up inside. A dandy for the price. $7.60 with, silk Men's Overcoats - Fine Brown Beaver Cloth, velvet collar, well-made, good cut, 46 inches long. Size 36 to 42. Men's Overcoats - $10.00 Black Beaver and Cheviots, with silk velvet collar, 50 inches long, sizes 35 to 44, Men's Ulsters - $6.50 Heavy Grey or Black Frieze Cloth, large collar, 52 inches long, sizes 36 to 42. Men's Ulsters " Fancy Scotch Tweeds, collar, sizes $10.00 two-way patterns, new smart neat 33 to 44. style, Men's Ulsters English Viecunas, ete, the swellest made, $156.00 Scotch Cheviets, hand 'tailored elegant patterns, sizes 34 to 42, Remember ! We sell Ist Quality Men's Rubbers , Men's Overshoes Lumbermen's Rubbers Boy's Rubbers , Skating Boots Hockey Shoes Curlers Felt and Rubber Shoes ThE for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men BIBBYS Ls 78 80-82 PRINCESS. Agents for Penman's Underwear and Sweater Coats But a Common Sense Judge Gives ==~THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE : Has Removed to its New Office at the North-west cor- ner of: «King and Brock Sts. Ww you believe you wers prompted by a worthy motive, and am going to let on Mcl son, fourteen-year-old Fina Walters. testified to being cruelly home, stating sat punishment. girl. Your druggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case of truding NM during Livingston's sale, Ever notice how much easier it is to go from bad to worwe than from good fo better ? "The man who is compelled to toe the mark may kicker TECHNICALLY GUILTY. Sensible Verdict, indsor, Jan. 27.--'"Although 1 find technically guilty of abduction, I vou go suspended - sentence;"' said Judge Iugh, this morning, to George Dob- of Essex, who ran away with Edga treated at her step-mother once her down on a red-hot stove for Dobson will marry the Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Mes in 6 to 14 days. Pro- 50¢. others ! Get your boys' clothing | Kipp's Hair Tonic." Gib develop into a chronic BR. SOPER Large. consignment of fresh voll and | Retail Only Everything sold at lowest possible price only by retail "THE TOKYO" JAPANESE ART DUALERS. 174 Wellington Street. ae = In Wefan : Niasnees oi hea Piles atisrepls Dene Eczema fs i Bm Asthma | 1) ont VIC ity Qutarvh tive SER Dieses tes | Bamlosline Riaduey Aflecticos And Blood, ¥erva: or send bi Book » cf EAE ae ay wy J pee Sly ow 2d i ow «ND 8): 1) RK CoAaL.