PAGE SIX. THE SPINSTERS BALL IT WAS FINE EVENT IN THE CITY HALL, There Were Many in Attendance and 's Royal Time Was Enjoyed--Lean | Year Dances and Fine Cotillion. On Monday = evening the city hall a the seene of a particulasly smart snd perfectly managed ball, given by the spinsters of Kingston. The Rall looked so bright ant fresh from 'its réoent decorations that no amateur lforts were necessary to make it |, a setting for the brilliant gath y The halls and stairs were fumed into cosy sitting-out places, afd were very popular ieng the ~ewening. The pation, looked purti- eularly attractive in their handsome A of black broadeloth, the dainty k boutonnieres, giving the needed touch of color, and they graciously rg eeived the guests Bt the eiitrance Lo the finll, 'Ihe patrons were: Col, A. "prc uwinghaw, Prof. Iva F. Martin, . P. GG, C. Campbell, Capt. : fe I Hale, W, 1. Nickle; J. MH. Dir Rect, Rol. JH ¥. Crowe, P. OC, enson. first half of the evening devoted to fifteen leap year and the second, to a cotillion, wan served at eleven. o'clock, cangegl much fun and merriment the Teap-vear spirit was jearviod apd the ladies waited on the men. The long supper tablewhich hall arra in the corner of the cit: hall, was orfited with quantities arranged gn daffodils. pracefully Jiense basket, and was aglow flickering candles. After r the cotillion was danced and was a welcome change in the usual routing of the dance. The committee is to be congratulated on' the very successful result of their efforts, as the arrangements were perfect, The first third and fifth numbers of the cotil- Hon were favor dances, and the po pular dancers who were fortunate enough to wear these dainty favors looked very gay and festive. The first half of the second figuré was very pretiy, when partiters were rop- od her with brightly-colored streamers and diiven to meot each "The second half of the same wal a candle dance and entire- t from the first, the forwn Hts One to secure a partner being the first 'to blow out the candle. The fourth figure was the mayvpole and wae most effective. The sixth figure was most amusing, as the gentlemen with their feet tied together 'had jo to heir } partners and the ladies © compelled to search for their blind Jolded. last igure which was a confetti dance, included everyone in the cotil- Hon and brought. to a close one of the "jolliest of dances. Tt would be hard to say whic was the beau of this leap I as the girls werd very im- partial in their attentions, and it was + the unanimous opinion of all that made very pérfect IMutosses. yi included Col. and Mrs. vl, Crows, Gol. and Mrs. A. B. Col. and Nrs.' H. R. ol, and' Mrs. R.®, Kent, Col. and Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Col. and Mra. Frank Strange, Col. and Mis. I. Burchall Wood, Col. and Mrs. W. Gordon, Col. and Mrs. Gwynne, Major and Mrs. J. Mrs, Hopwood, Major and Mrs. St, Pierre Hughes, Major and Mrs. Kaye, Major and Mra. N. 8. Leslie, Capt: Mrs, Fhighet, Bishop and Mrs, Lennox Mills, €apt. and Mss. J. B Cochrane, 'Capt. and Mrs. Morrison, Capt. and Mes. Plummer, Capt. and Mrs, Prideaux, Major and Mrs, Per. roan, Canin: nd Mrs. Georges Roy, ge. Bidwell, Major and wits danee . Bupper and ns out, oi ORE gentle | Hamilton, Maior anil) ea an To Unclog The Pores Remove Stifling Skin | the eition,"" (logged many ing to comation povis ars complexion din hn Hen mnkes th tore 4 Ha of waste n v wr Llotehy and other open pores there is nothing than gry Hin a8 you woul cause ol aceord Wird. "This Kin coarse in with elimina: producing an | tex piorid { tign | nvuedd tions fo wh Ler a i stmplexion, erup- herent closed effective wax, used old cream, but not rubbed in. ft Should be applied at right sad washed ofi in the morning Mercolived * had at any grag store, remove the ef- feels ofthe condition réerred ia Hhat is, it ts the undesirable complexion iteelf ith its disfiguring ATR, Pougpnsing no peculine ahsor bent power, it flakes off the soiled inn avinpte particles, but so gra: wally there is vo writalion or in convghisnee, HW is in ref vonee cosnwtics, gemplexion it veveakls Rutiral one." 500000 068e THE FAMOUS NATIONAL DRINK-- fnfi) the more wu eveolized nnd cleanse wax, to be will alsa remo recommended re the is a perfectly to ~~ BEER not a stimulant but a tonic for ail times and seasons--invaluable as an appetizer for delicate women--a nutritious and invigorating drink for every member of the famil "Salvador" topes up and Siengthent "de whole system. Try it at your meal Ber ad orrl sot donb REINHARDTS' rondo © @e © @ © ©© ® 6 LOCAL AGEN . B. BEAUPRE. TE LPHONE 312 Mrs, son, Mrs, Prof. Ww. "Sedgwick, "Capt. Major 'and Mrs. Wolffe, Col. und Mr Shine, Major an and Mrs, Benson Colville, Dr.' and Mrs (i. Anglin, Rev. and Mrs, J. © Crisp, Mrs. Ashby, Mrs. R. C, Carter. Mrs. Frederick Brownfield, Mr. an Mrs. J) M. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. | . 'Birkett, Mr. and Mrs. Arthu Craig, Prof. and Mrs. Butler, Dr. and! Mrs. J. C. Connéll, 'Mr. and Mrs. J de Mille' Burpee, © Prof, and Mrs. J Cappon, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Calvin, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton, Nv. and Mrs. I' P., Campbell, Mrs. Dawsof, Mr. and Mes. R. J. Caron, Mr. and Mra, FE. FE. Fortt, Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Carruthers Me. and' Mre, Howard Folger; Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Craig, Dr. and Mrs. Gar pott, Mr. and Mrs. W. Harty, Dr.and Mrs. J. "Gardiner, Mrs. J. Higgins. Prof. and Mrs. W. 1. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Hahsord Tora, Mr. and Mrs. W and Mrs. R. J. Hoop: R. Givens, Mr. er, Dr. and Mra. W. LL. Goodwin, Mr. and' Mra. MH. Hughes, Mrs. Vere Hoop: er, Mr. and Mes. Charles Kirkpatrick, Mr, and Mrs. W. ¥. Nickle, Dr. and Mrs. R. K. Kilborne, Capt. and Mrs. Morrison, Mr. add 'Mrs. A. K. Kirk patrick, Dr and Mrs. B. Mundell, M and Mrs, ©. A. Low, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mudie, Mr, and Mrs. W. M, Lesslie, Mr. and Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. March, {| and Mre THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, new 1; 2 MISS GRACTE With Marks Bros, . Saturday, Jan. 25th, [Mr. and Mes. J. 'Maeparland, Mr. and | Mrs. Francis I. Macnee," Mr. and Mrs* George Mackay, Mrs. J. Farrand Prin Lirles, br. and Mrs. dames Third, Mr. i. Richardson, Mr, and Mis, Tavior, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Prof, and Mrs. Schwabb, Mr. } 1). 8. Robertson, Rev, 1). M. Mr. and Mrs. PP. € Stevengon Dr. and "Mrs, KF. Mr. and Mrs. | Schwabh, Mr. and Mrs. RB Sutherland, | Prof. wnd Mrs. John Waddell, Mr. and t Mrs. R. Walk fron, Mr. and Mys. Hafla- { way Waddell, Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Win- 'nett, Mr. and Mes. R. 8. Waldron, | Prof, nnd Mrs, ©. Willhoft, Miss Hors] | Migs Gilders I Misses Nora and | | Helen Gordon, Miss Grace Hemming, | | Miss Bates, Miss Kathleen Gordon, | Miss | Hth Folger, Miss Mamie Gar yott, Misses Blanche and Flossie Hu: don, Misses Edith and Dorothy Good- twin, Miss Mpdelive Higgins, Misses Mabel, Dorothy and Marjorie Drown field, Mims Mabel® Dalton, Miss Agnes Richardson, Miss Lillian Norton-Tay- for, Miss Frances Sullivan, Misses Carrie and Bthel Waldron, Miss Cer: frude Whitehead, | Misses Helen and Madge Crowe, Miss Constance Cooke, Miss Drake, Miss Kathleen Daley, Mise tL deremy i Rigney, and Mrs, Gordon, Ryan, Co., at the Grand i onstance i Ada Petrie, MARKS, Opera House, 5 Thursday, 26th, and < 27th. Friday and Hague, Miss Hilda Miss Lenore Kent, M Lassie Phyllis knight, trude Law Doris Kent, Miss Lillian Kirkpatrick, Miss King, Miss Ger Miss KE. Newlands, Miss Miss Dora Uldiieve, Anna and Marion Miss Macdonell, Misses Marjorie Merrick, Miss Lillian Misses Grace and Evy Martin, a Macnee, Misses Elsie and Mi Madge Taylor, Power, Miss ttn Ward, Misges Power, Miss Helen Uglow,« Miss Isabel Polson, Miss M. Sellery, Miss Miss Florrie Stewart, Miss Smythe, Miss Irene Swift, Misses Dessie and Eva Richardson, Miss Saunders; Miss Kathleen Hyan, Misses I'hyllis and Charlie Shortt, Misses Aileen and May Rogers, Miss M. 'Starr, Miss Bessie Robertson, Miss Jessie Tavior 'of Perth, Miss Janet Richmond, Misg Marion Redden, Miss Claire Robinson, Miss Madge Dawson, Misses Ferguson, Miss Dorothy Hill, Miss Margaret Fairlie, Miss Daisy Fer- Miss Dorothy Hooper, Misa Aileen Folger, Misses Hayeoek, Miss Millie Ferrie, Miss Kate Craig, Miss and Hamilton, Misses on, Low, Misses Eleanor and Gweneth Mundell, A Nop Lesslie, Miss Marjorie Dense, Miss Gertrude 48 ) Jessie wuson, Jean Dufl, Misses Marjorie' and Doro thy Carruthers, Misses Christine and | Sylvia Cochrane, © Miss Butt. Misses | Leta and Vera Carson, 'Miss Kathleen Crisp, Miss Hodaling Corbett, Mgsses | McMahon, Miss Freda Burns, Florence Williamson, Miss FE. Benson, Miss Gertrude €outtell, Miss Marie Coursall of Ottewa, Misses Ada and Beatrice Birch, Misses Mamiw Susan Anglin, Mig& Brook, dvs Burton, Miss' Butler, Baker, Misa Sibbald Mildred Jones, and Miss (la Miss Ruth Hamilten, Misses Hilda and Edith d Cotiee «The cry may be in some oneof many ways---Trembling, Sleepy in the day time (comes from stom- ach) Headashe, Dyspepsia, Bowel trouble, Heart palpitation, and even Pains in various parts of the body in a disordered nervous system. Such a condition of the rerves may be produced causes. It is VERY OFTEN brought on by TEA AND COFFEE. "If you don't heed the ory (Nature's hint) you may-be sure SQ, the trouble will get worse, aud not better, until you either quit caus), or you develope fixed organic disease that may carry. you down. " is the finest trade possible to uit TEA AND COFFEE Health i is the most oxquisite fun on earth. 1 is easy to EE ete when you have choice, well s hot beverage with a deep seal brown color which iges toa rich golden brown when cream is added. Then you the 'ovisp "snappy" flavour all its own. The nerves are Shingo 'hurt of the poisonous "Caffeine" of tea and you feed the system on the strong food ele- to quickly rebuild the worn out and d niorve and brain veils DESTROYED BY TEA ASD from various SCHOOL TEACHER And C offen Drinking. "Many good people are loth to give up tea and coffee, even though they admit that they are doing them harm, because they fear that nothing else in the way Of a lot beverage will gatialy them. A school teacher says: "1 always enjoyed coifee for Break: fast. = The day Weemed lost without it." But in time 1 began to experi: . 'ence:bad results from its use." (Teas is just as injurious because it cen- 'iains the. same drug---ecaffeine- 'found in coffee.) "1 grew very nervous and was prostrated by a compleie nervons breakdown. Then 1 was compelled to abandon the use of coffee. "1 adopted Postum as my hot bev: erage at breakfast. it for more than two years health is restored, and 1 'am able to] take an interest in life once mo tamily, calidon: ofl Gyneeean Hospital, North Eighteenth all, drink Postum, and we all thrive| Street | weeks, | breakdown. . "My whole and keep healthy on it. It is to us a delightful drink, delicious. and tempting and with none of the harm- ful effects that usually followed the use of coffee. The cholcest branda! of Java and Mocha, offered free, hi go not tempt us to guit the use Nama. Ce. Win oo." ven hy 'Canadian Postum Ont. "There's a rea- Read the hue book, "The fio Welleitie, ples. {Cation Go L. { Kins, { Anderson, Miss | | Meikle, Miss | lost- flesh and finally | Have been using | Minnie Gordon, . Van Strequbenzie, Starr, Capt. Hammond, Etherington, Capt. W. HH. P. El Capit. Sutherland Browne, Prof, Prof, Gutman, Messrs, Van L&slie, Dr. J. J. Harty, Messrs, FE. (!, Gildersleeve, Mckay and Ure hart, Lochlin Hughes, R. Manning, Gordon' Herridee, Gordon. Merrick, Ir ving Martin, 1. Havdinge, H. Maec- pherson, H. Harty, A. lL. Lewis, Hey man, H. O. Lafferty, R. R. F. Har very, Lockett, George Hooper, 8, Laing, W. C. Kent, C. hirkegoode, A. Rhannot; A. MeCausland, C. { Shannon, Winthrop Sears, C, Macklem, George Robertson, H. KE. Richardson, Angus Macdonell," Ken neth Mundell, George Richardson, J. Marshall, Neil Polson, Walter Mae nee, O'Reilly, Frederick Mel'arland, { Pr. (FConnor, Messrs, Sidney McCann, } Arnott Minne David Marsh, George i Newlands, Douglas Anglin, Covington John Aird, Rodger Clarke, CC. Ander- som, Stanley © Cunningliam, Leonard Jickett, CC. PF. Constantine; W. Bur ton, Calvin, H. ¥. and Erie Boak, Reginald Crawford, A. W, Brewne, 'T. J, Burke, Saxe Browne, I. Arthur and Bartlett Dalton, don, Davis, » Stanley Graham, Davis, W-. DD, Drammond, 1 Givens, J. A. Erskine, Gunner, Laren, Ewart, i}. M. Farrell, Elis, Dr. Figher, Messrs Fitzgerald, OC. Ethott, Hugh Noble. Steacy, G. H. and = Frank mh Wigle, James Swift, Henry NValkem, Stevenson, Willis Smail, GG. % Whiting, OG. Smith, Fdward Wood, W. Waldron, and George Thompson, Dr. lenson, A. Gor Harold b. Me Datiglag wood Young, Goodwin, WELCOMED THEIR PASTOR. Reception to Rev. J." W. of Cooke's Church. Presbyterian, their al The church gave {mal reception Guild of Cooke's new pastor a foe the repulfr meeting of the society on Monday 'evening. Rev. J. W. McIntosh gave an address on the possibilities of the young. The programme consisted of solos and readings by Mr. Muckle} of Queen's; Mr. Johnson, Miss Richamds, Miss Or. webe Miss Walker and 'Miss Newman. The guild has taken the responsibility (for the appointing ushers for the {church and the following were ap @ pointed: Donald Parkhill; Frank Kiel, * | Malville Arniol and William Clenahan. i Pastor's Fiancee in Hospital. Philadelphia, Jan. 23--Migs Viole! Edmands, the voung woman who wae to have heen married to Rev. Clar- ence V. TP. Richeson, minigter now under death sentence for the murder of his former sweet (heart, Miss Avis Linnell, of Hyanoie, Mass, has been a patient in 'the Philadelphia, for nearly three being treated for smervous Offered Another Position. Prof. Prank Marshall, son. of Francis W. Marshall, Nelson Street. of the Agricultural College, Colum- bus, Ohio, has been offered a pro- fessorship on the staff of a large California agricgltural college. He will likely take a trip to Californie before he makes any decision. His numerous friends congratuate him. (Oe thing. rover thn. a, du. i Jume 3 who has, gothing 19 my, JANUARY 23, 1912 ------r-- LIPTON'S TEA S SOLD WEEKLY MciIntgsh, ser, H. W. Newman. The accompanists | the Cambridge | 1990000000000 NEW YEAR'S GIFTS We carry a large assortment of the following use- ful New Year's Gifts Nickle Plated Tea Pots, Nickle Plated Coffee Pots, Fancy Coffee Percalators Y pron $1.50 to $7.00 Silver Knives, and Forks, Silver Spoons, Carving Sets From $1.50 to $10.00. Carpet Sweepers, Etc. ELLIOTT BR OS. 77Princess St 00000000000000006000004 3 0000006606060006000000 : 000000020000000000000004 8 | @ssrsrsssssssasssssssf@sesssssassasssssssesd MEN, PROTECT YOUR FEET By wearing our Overshoes ing your feet, Buckle from . ... Buckle from .. 3 and 4 Buckle for you are doing your part in protect. We have Overshoes. $1.23 to $2.00 $2.00 to $2.30 £3.00 King St. 1 9 2 a 3 VV VVVBTVVVRN TUTTLE H. Jennings, - : Pecescsssssssssssssssafrsssssssasssssssesesh a i | | 1 § : i Stands for the Best Biscuits Baked, CROTHERS' Meadow Cream Sodas. Our RIDEAU CHOCOLATES Are made from the best material we a sample box and be convinced. can buy. Just vry _ hi The W. J. Crothers Co., Ltd. KINGSTON 0: ONTARIO REMOVED. ¥. J Luckhart, and Insurance i t he has over bet Lar eared WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal i North Kud Ontario Street. ! Selected from the Celebrated { Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1° | Mines, the best Anthracite Coad mined In Pennsylvania. | Place your next order with = THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. "Phone 156: RESTON BUSINESS TaLLERE (Limited) "Highest Education at Lowest Cost' Twenty-sixth year, Fall Term begins August 30th. Courses ia Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele. graphy, Civil Service and Eng- lish Tour graduates get the best positions Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest raliway ocor- porations in Canada. Enter any tune. Call or write for informas- tan. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal Kingston, Canada, New Buckwheat Flour in bulk or packages. { 1 ¥ i | i Pure Maple Syrup. Coast Sealed Oysters. D. COUPER, | "Phone 76. 841.3 PRINCESS ST. Prompt Delivery. ---------------------------------- Boris re sessl COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. 4 ¢ ' Peoccsasascesses -- Smoked Kippered Fillets - Bloaters Ciscoes Finnan Haddies A ------ NN DOMINION FISH CO. 63 BROCK ST. PHONE 520 Removal Notice Owing to the fire at my place business on Friday, 1 have removed to 281 Princess St, next door to J. Stratford, Taxi- dermist, where 1 will be pleased to see alk my old customers and also any new ones. JOHN GREEN, Shoe Dealer and Repaire 00000000000 OOOOIGIOIOISDS o! e-00000R0000000000 + British American Ladies' Tailoring We will continue Price Sale our Un till February 10th Hoping you will place your order with. as now and save a big discount Workmanship, style guaranteed. fitting and 'Beaver Flogir makes the lightest, flakiest, tastiest Pie Crusts you ever tasted, Beaver Flour makes the most delicious Cakes, Buns and other Fancy Pastry, And Beaver Flour makes the whitest, most nutfitious Bread. Beaver Flour is the family flour for all kinds of baking, as good for Pastry as for Bread, and best for both. + Your grocer has it, or will get it for yon. DEALERS Write us for prices on Feed, Coarse Grains and Cervala. THE T. 8. TAYLOR CO, LIMITED, + CHATHAM, Out. i ig I. COHEN PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 861. Bssseasssesssssnasenes * - Your ordsrs will be filled satis. factortl; If you deal thers at VP. w 55-67 Barrack Street. S60000000000000000 0008 Highest Grades GASOLINE. OOAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. - Ww, W.F. 'KELLY. and Ontario Streets. Oirones ad Building. 900000000900 000 0000S SSessstssassssstssnsen