Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1912, p. 5

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That Tightness of the Cansed by Formation of Nauseous Gases, From Undigested Food Stopped With a Stuart's' Dispepsia Tablet. Trial Package Free. stomach the When you feel as if yow was being tichily choked pain is intense and you break 'out is a cold and clammy perspiration and there is g lump in your throm apd vou ake weak and nauseated--all vou need ix a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet to elear away the wreckage of nndi- gested food left in the stomaeh and intenstines and gestore you to your normal self aga, And this can all be accomplished Within a few mo ments. when That Knotty Feeling of the Stomach ts Relieved by a Stuart's Dyse Dyspepsia Tablet, Thousands of people have learned so wall and dependable | Stunrt's Dyspepsia Taidets are for atl ut they are never with« a package at home and at the ollice, und upon any indication that the stommeh ts a little weary, they take a Stuart's Tablet after each for a few days until the diges tive organs get rested up again. This splendid plan to follow and always results in much good. The appetite is improved, the food is re lished more, your sleep is more re- freshing, and your disposition will make you friends instead of enemies. For indigestion, sour stomach, belching, gas, coated tongue, intestin al indigestion and all stomach disor ders apd pains--or for loss of appe tite~Stiart's Dyspepsia Tablets are invaluahle. Use them freely Joss HOW sure stomach ills out ment Hn they are as harm- would be-and are hy no means to be classed as "medi cine," They have no effegt whatever on the system except the Denefits they bring you through the proper diges- tion of your food. All drug stores sell Stuart's Dyspep sin Tablets, The price is 50 cénts per hox. Phy#icians use and recommend them, If you with te try them beloré purchasing, address F. A, Stuart Co, 150 Stuart. Md, Marshall, Mich. and a trial package will be sent you ns sugar AWAITING A REPLY | FROM THE oa RDING Utilities Committee Will Readjust Rates~--Will Give the Street Rail. way Power for Heating Cars. At the first meeting of the newly- formed civic utilities' committee, held on Tneslay afternoon, the Yuestion of hemp power, which is now the leading topic m eivie creles, was again dis- cussed, but there are no mew develop ments, the chairman, Ald. Rigvey, pointed out that the request of the Grand Frank railway 'company, asking for power to operate the quarry + pear Kingston Mills, had bebn acted updh promptly, that the company had been communicated with, as to just what amount of power would he needed, ote., and that the committes was now awaiting the reply of the company. Until the company was heard from in this respect, the committees could not move further in the matter. Just as soon as the desired information was secured the chairman assured the mem- bers that 'a meeting of the committee would be called, so that ne time. would be lost in dealing with this all-important. question. This being he first mesting of the year, and as the work of two depart- ments, that of the light, heat and power committee, and the water works department, will now have to be handled by this one committee, there was considerable routine busi- ness to be transacted, In addition to Chairman Riguey, there were present: Ads, Ross, Harrison, Shaw, Harty and Bailey. he committee considered th re- quest of the street railway company, or a price at which power would be provided the company, for the heat: ing of the cars, by electripity, and on motion of Ald. Bailey, it was decided to recommend that the company ix provided with the power at the same figure charged the company, for aper ating she cars, namely, 1.20 cents per kilo-watt. All the members were in accord with tiie arrangement, and believed that the heating of the ears by this sys tem, would be a great benefit ZENE. Robert FE. Cushman, president of the North American Smelting company, asked for for the supply of forty or seventy-five horse power to aperate an electric plant for the com pany. The company will be quoted rates, but as the schedule of rates is to be readjusted, the company will not be given ao price for a short time. to city rates, Mayor Hoag's reference in his mau gural address, asking that the power question he given the earliest possible congiderstion, by the committee, was read, also one on the same matter, from the board of trade, and the members expressed their eagerness to give the power yuestion every con wideration, and at the same time to net as speedily as possible. Alls. Harrison . aud' Bailey 'were anxious that something should be de vided upon as speedily as possible, 10 garding cheap power for Kingston. free. I ------ HARRIS HEAVY PRESSURE as the Best Babbitt DRINK Is true to its reputation for all general machin- ery bearings. Md. Harrison suggested, even in the The Canada Meta --Bn., Thi FRASER AVE. - TORONTO BIT Metal HA RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT The ORRINE treatment for the lute confidence, Holl Stimulant® Thousinds have st tored fo lives of sobriety and usofuiness ORRINE is prepared in two forms: Drink: Habit cah be used With abso- It destroys oll desire for whiskey, beer or other: alco iccessfully used it and have been re- Can be given secretly. No. 1, secret treatment, a owder, absolutely tasteless and odorless, givea secretly in food or drink; ORRINE Ne: 2, in pill form, is for those fhe desire to take voluntary treatment. If you fail to get results from ORRINE after a trial your money will be refunded. all about ORRINE, Costs only '$1.00 per box. .Ask for free booklet telling G. W. Mahood, Corner Princess and Bagot Streets. . " JANUARY SALE| 20 per cent. Discount All Overcoatings, Suitings 'and, Trouserings, except 10 per cent Discount. face of the report, that the hydro-elee- | tric. would take the Seymour | comprng ¥ plant, that the city, make | ia contract with the Seymoull com: pany, providing a suitable one could be secured. 'Then, if the company sold out to the hydro-electric commission, the city would not stand to lose. Un the request of the Portsmouth council, asking for an extension of the city's electric service to the village, for street and house service, it was de cided to have: the general manager present a report on the cost, ete. )i the scheme is followed, it will mean that the people of the village will hg canvassed to take the service, and rates will have to be fixed. It was the opinion of the members that the lighting of the village would be a great advancement, . Residents of Beverley street petition ed for a water main, and on motion of Ald. Shaw, it was decided to grant the request, under the usual condi tions, In order to deal with cases on a better basis, it was decided to have a readjustoient made of the schedule of power rates, by the general manager of the plant, the report to be present- ed at 'the next meeting. As the committee is taking over the work of the waterworks department, it was decided to have the general' man- ager secure a statement showing just bow the equipment of the department stood, at the present time, with all the necessary information. » Ald. Harrison took up the question ol the intake pipe, pointing out that steps should be taken to gqt an abso lately pure water supply, and it was decided {0 have the general manager secure samples of "the outside the intake pipe at certain intervals from now on until the month of May: Ald. Harrison also wanted to know if there could not be a cut made in the rate for water for baths, but it was decided to leave this matter alone for the present. » inl steps will be taken for the if the supplies required by' the department, over water SEEKING MORE AID ren's Ald Society. Mayor F. J. and JJ. C. Ne Conachie went to Toronto, today, where the will join a deputation, whieh will wait upon the government and ask that the Children's Aid So cieties be given an additional grant for their work, At the present time, the total grant to all the societies is $15,000, but it in felkahat the government should do ® hetger, and with the idea of im proses Es wna on the government, tifa ad. tation wae arranged for. Hoag What About Those Stoves?' The property ecominitiee has Been called to meet this afternoon, and the question is this: "Will the. commiftes make any . recommendation in regard to. the heating .of the eity. buildings, and for the removal of the now fam- ots box stoves?! Ii-ig. the general opinion of citizens that it is about time that! some recommendation gas made in regard to the heating. c -------- The Ladies' Home Journal, © The February number of the Ladies' Home Journal is the "Personal" is sue, and one that everyilady will greatly appreciate. The cofiténts deal with women's clothes, the house, the party, home economics, and other mat- ters especially interesting to lady readers. It should be in every home. Prigs, 150. per copy, at Uglow's and all dealers. With Highland Honors, One can realize that the Scotch curl- ers had a braw time in Peterboro from this sentence in the Peterboro Exam- iner : "While «drinking the toast the visi tors assumed the typical old country position for the occasion, that of plac ing one foot on the table and the oth- er on the chair." Elected Wardens, G. A. Wartman was elected warden of the county of Lennox and Adding- ton. Dennis Hanley, reeve of Tyendinaga township, was electefl warden of Has- ti h " Colds Oause Headache. Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world wide cold and grip remedy, removes cause. Call for full name. Look for signature B. W. Grove, 25¢c. Messrs. U. L. Upson, genoral man- ager of the Ottawa, Smith's Falls and Kingston railway, and E. P. Me Grath, who were here attending a joint meeting of the board of trade and city council, returned to Ottawa, on ay afternoon. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street, Leave orders at Auley's book store, . 5 . Forty of the local Sons and Maids of England attended 'the ' installation of officers of Cambra lodge, Ganano- que; Tuesday evening. They report having had a good time. = The Busy Bee Club of Bethel church meet at the home of Miss Reta Hun ter, street, on Monday even- ag . lian Swaine, piano funer. Orders 's. Phone 778. Two "kuights of the road" weré the ulyr. decupants of 'the police cells on Tuesday night. wa home ay printed, "ol : he T. rimason, University ave- hue, is Visit friends in Cobden. W. Byrne, Prescott, has veturned from a visit at Kingston, 2) Me at For Work Carried on by the Child- } THE DALY ARTTISH WIHIG, WEDNDSDAY., JANUARY 24, (012 FRONTENAC'S WARDEN IS 4. bh. GODKIN, OF CLARENDON AND MILLER, Who Wi Chosen - by the County Councl® ut its Inaugural Meeting on Tuesday----There are Six Ex Wardens in the Council. Reeve J. I». CGodkin, of the town- ships of Clarendon and Miller, was clotted warden of Frontenac bys the county council at its inaugural meet: ing' on Tuesday evening. Mr. Godkin received the wardenship on the first ballot, defeating Reeve John Taylor, Storrington. He was nominated by Reeves Miller and Salmond, who afterwards escorted him to the chair. Warden Godkin thanked the council for he honor it had conferred upon him by electing him to the high- est, office in its gift, and promised ' to fill: the chair ws the best of his abil ity. R was after six o'clock when the com! was convened, as the arrival of Reeves Cronk and Donaldson on EVE I. DD. GODKIN » County of Fron. A tbe belated K. & P. railway train was awdited, The council was in session abont hall an hour, electing a warden and putting through some routine Im is composed as follows : Wolfe Island, Grani Grimshaw: Howe Island, John Yoley; Garden Island, H. A. Calvin; Pittsburgh, W. J. Frank- lin; Storrington, Jdehn Taylor; Lough- horo, J. M., Stoness; Portland, Charles "Anes. iL | Ruttan: Bedford," Yohn Kennedy; Old- en, I. W. Cronk; Portsmouth, John A. Miller; Clarendon B. Godkin; Barrie, W. . Salmond; Palmerston, W. J. Donaldson; Kihg- ston township, B. Gordon and Joseph G. Hawkey; Hinchinbrooke, 'R. There sare six ex-wardens Oso, J. Thomson; Iisher; Kenneboc,'| and Miller, J. Hamilton. in the eouneil thisiyear. The following obmmittee was ap- pointed to strike 'the standing com- mittees for the year © Councillors Po ley, Franklin, Hawilton, Miller, Sto- ness, Thomson' and Gordon. The council adjourned to meet Wednesday morning at ten o'cdock. | The Standing Committees. Ad. 'the Wednesday morning session the select committee reported, recom- mending that the ollowing standing committees be appointed, which was done on motion of Councillors Mil ler and Kennedy : 2 Property--Councillors Hamilton, (chairman), Grimshaw, Foley, Ken- ely, Hawkey. Ronds and Dridges--Councillors Sal- mond (chairman), Thomson, Cronk, laylor, Stoness. Good roads--Councillors Franklin, (chairman), Gordon, Stoness, Taylor, Ruttan. Printing and Fducation--Councillors Donaldson (chairman), Franklin, Gor don, Ruttan and Miller, Finance--Councillors Miller (chair man), Calvin, Fisher, Donaldson and Foluy. Quarterly Board lor Kennedy. i The warden wads, made a member, ex-officio, of all committees. Manager CG. CC. Folger, of the King- ston Light, Heat and Powet depart ment, wrote the council to say that the G.T.P. company refused to pay anything further towards the cost of operating the are lamp at the junc tion subway, and as this light. 'is wholly in the county if would be dss- continued in operation if nothing wes heard from the county gouncil within a couple of weeks. The Loughboro council requested that the Desert Lak& bridge \connect- ing Bedford road with the Portland boundary, be taken over by the coun- ty council, as it comes under the law respecting county bridges.. These and several communications regarding good roads matters were referred to committees. : Elijah ®igsworih and William Grii- fith were appointed trustees af S¢- denham hig hool, : A a of Councillors Honildson and Thomson to appomt a colonize: tion roads deputation to interview the Ontario. government was defeated. The couticil adjourned uutil two ¥elock in the aftertiton. Warden James D. Godkin. Prontenac's new warden is James Delbert Godkin, reeve of the townshi of Clarendon and Miller. He resides at , in the far north of the county, ew hty-four wiles from King ston. He born in Leeds, bul has resiled in North Frontenac for the thirty-five years. For six years served as a councillor of Clarendon of Audit--Council- Tas ; municipality, also being 4 member of the Frontenae cotmneil during those five years. He married" a Prince ard county lady and has six chifdeen. Warden Godki is a member of the Tndépentent Ovder of Forpsters, a conservative and a uo el i] youth ngemed of eruelty £0 a removed to the jail, Toes. The will be y Br. 1G. Bo i $ | 25cC 50c Slippers for Children 50c¢ Moccasins for Children 50¢ Spats (Black) for Women 75c and $1 Colored Spats for Women 25¢ 50c Shoe Shining Outfits consisting of Brush, Polish, Polishing Cloth and Sponge, in tin box Toe PAGE FIVE. ---- DAY AT: ABERNETHY"S 25c¢ will Buy 26¢ 25¢ 25¢ ¢ for 25¢ | 50c Shoe Brushes Many other Articles at Look in our Window To-morrow and see what These Bargairs Are For 2 Days Only. Don't Delay. Baby's Soft Sole Boots, were 40¢ - See Windows - ABERNETHY'S JUDGING WAS DONE AT THE KINGSTON POULTRY SHOW ON TUESDAY. Joseph Bennett, of Toronto, Expects to Finish at Noon Wednesday Exhibits of a Very High Onder and Well Cared For. Of the large number of people who visited the show rooms of she King- ston Poultry association Tuesday af- ternoon and evening all commented upon the superiority of the Present location to that formerly in Ontario hall. The people were well pleased with what they saw. and comments were heard on all sides about the fine class of exhibits. Joseph Bennett, of Toronto, an experienced poultry man s the judge and he had his hands full in picking out the winners. Dur. ing the afternoon he went over a- bout hall ¢he exhibits and expected » finish Wednesday noon. The prizv list will likely be published Thums day. There are seventy-five exhibitors enrolled and altogether contributix more varieties than last year. A large turkey gabbler 'at the door attracted copsiderable comment because of © his large proportions, It is ssid that the hird weighs over sixty pounds. 'The following breeders exhibited 3 W.'F. Niekls, W. H. Spence, George Fralick = (Morven), W. E. "opie, (Glenvale), Charles A. Lowe, Holand Bros, James Adams, James Robins, P. Jd. Brown "(Wolfe Island), 'I. 8, Steen, CG. H. Ettinger, A.B. Gib bong « (Bath Road), W. T. Minnes, urns '&o McCoy, Leader Bros,. Wil Ham Purtell, Wiliam Qlugston, James Daly, Thomas Ulugston, H. Jennings, James Berry, Peter Lammean, Thuriby & MoMahon, Sinclair & Lattrney," D. G. Seott, 1". D. Lyman, W, H.. Eves, G. XN. Ferguson, George Pratohett, H. J. Guy, A. J. Hickey, W. Gilbert, C. Maxam, Stanley Robinson (Gan- anoque), lra Knapp {Grindstone Is land), W. E. Gurnsey, W. H. Reid, Frederick Dixon, W. Bullock, C. Kel- lar, William Matthews, K. W. Car- gon, E. W. Metcalie, J. W. Martin, George Leatherland, J. Saunders, F. Crozier, J. Roberts (Tweed), L. Camp- bell, F. Black and C. Saunders. The officials. of the association are working hard to make it a slccess and a great deal of the work falls upon Frederick Crofer, who this year succeeded I'. D. Lyman as secretary. FRONTENAC WARD ELECTION. The Contest Next Monday a Three- Cornered One. There will be a ;three-cornered alder metic contest in Frontenac ward next Monday. Nine candidates were nom- inated, but six failed to file their gual fications. Those who announce them- selves as in the field are ex-Ald. Jos- eph Tait, W. J. Turkington, who con- tested with Ald. W. P. Peters on Jan- uary lst, and John Laird. Look at the Men who taboo tea and coffee which contain caffeine, a poisonous drug, and drink POSTUM ---a rich, palatable foo d- drink made of wheat. Suclt men care enough about their health to give proper thought to the selec- tion of food and drink best suited to their needs. They will give you a hard run in any race-- they are men of clear brains, steady nerves and long endurance-men who usually win the laurels "There's a Reason" It is explained in the little book, "THE ROAD TO WELLVILLE'" found in packages of Postum. La, Windsor, Optart, Canada 4 man, which was close by. Delicious Confectionery Chocolates, Bon-Bons, Caramels, Taffies Etc., Always Fresh. Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSk. 'Phone s40 JOHNSTON'S OVERSHOES $1.50, $2.00, 86c. to $1.10. $1.75 to $3.50. 70 BROCK. SHOE STORE Is THE PLACE for RUBBERS and OVERSHOES and $3.00 RUBBERS from See our FELT OURLING BOOTS from STREET. THE CANADIAN CLUB. The Election of Officers Occurred Last Night, \ AM the antual meeting of th , ! 4 e Cana- dian Club, held in the Board of Trade rooms, good reports were made as to the past year's work, the treasurer showin a balance, of $170 on hand, The officers for the year were chosen : Honorary President. Principal "Gor don. President-- Lieut .-¢ i Boring nt---Lieut. Col. A, B. Cunning- First Vice-President--W. 8. Ellis. Second Viee-President--D, NM Mcln- tyre. : Third Viee-President--L. W. Gilt Secretary--R, Meek. ; Treasurer.-A, Macdonell, tevary Corre dent--P, te spondent--Prof, Executive Committes--Megsrs, Skelton, (ex-officio), W. H. Macnes, W. R. Givens, Lieut Col. Massie, J. B. Carruthers, R. Uglow, T, F. Harrison W. L. Grant, I. Martin, M. Maegil- fiveay, 3 Macphail, ¥. G. Lockett - Byan, N. Polson, Jr., J. Whili : nnd J. GU Elliott. ng Mptters of club interests were dis- cussed, So far this season ijt 'has been very hard to secure speakers, but men are mow being available. On Febru- ary 3rd a noon-day luncheon will oe cur, with Hon. W. I. Mackenzie King as speaker. Soon after that Prof. Ww. L. Grant, of Queen's, will deliv yah » will deliver gn A. 0. D. RRL Painted the Wrong Boat. A well-known bachelor member of tne vacht club, who owns bath a motor and am ice boat, is very unhappy. The ther day he engaged 'an Englishman to paint his ice boat a nice green olor, and bought him a plentiful supply of paint. He told Wm just vhere he would find the boat, amd eft him to do a neat job. The next lay when the owner visited the Wstene w found that the Englishman, in stead of painting the ice boat had minted the motor boat of another The man from Merrie Fogland had evidently 'evec seen an ice boat and did not recognize the framework he was to ave painted. Now watch for trou- le. ------------------ "Little Alabama," Marks Bros. Marks Bros'. Al company, under the at the Grand for three nights, Thurs day, Priday and Saturday, January 25th, 26th and 27th, with a special matinee, and presenting new plays sud vaudeville acts. Manager Joseph Marks has secured a particularly capa- ble iy of players this season to support his talented star, Miss Gracie Marks, in fact it has been conceded by and public everywhere to be the best company ever put om tour by) pthis well-known amusement caterer. On Thursday night "Litéle Alabama" will be present with' vaudeville be- tween acts. There will be a change of bill nightly. : ice Toll Houses. Many people. have been womtering what the two small houses were dong out on the harbor ai the foot of Clarence street, where the large crack iin the ice. direction of Joseph Marks, will appear | license This 1s a yearly opportunity which gives you a chance to furnish your home at Sale Prices with latest and best in all departments at JAMES REID 9 "Phone 147. 1S DISTRICT DASHES, News Clipped From Our Many Ex changes. Arnprior will apply to the legisle- ture for authority to cousolidate her debt and issue pew debentures not to exooed $150,000, The purchase price of the Brockville Prescott toll road has been fixed at 817,321. The cost of the 'arbitration amounts to $875.30, Rev. Ms. Joblin, Methodist minister at Melrose, was presented, 35 his par: ishoners, with a new cutter, robe, whip and mitts, on Thursday. Messrs. T. M. Cornet, Gananoque; John Haflie, Mallorytown, and J. E. Barlow, Delts, have been re-appointed i commissioners for Leedk. The Lyndhurst Rural Telephone com« pany elected the following officers at the annual meeting held on Saturday : President, A. B. White; secretary, Zi Jackson; treasurer, 1, W. Green. Robert Latham, a farmer residing at Yonge Mills, climbed & tres to nick it in ration for cutting. The tree broke, causidg to Mr. Latham a dis location of the right shoulder, a badly spraised right ankle and a few minor bruises : There was no session of the court, on Wednesday morning. ton was on herigood behavior all Tuesday, and, a8 & result, no arresis wore made. : For insuranes, sny Kind, say » mount, see Mills, 79 Clarence sirest. "Edward H. Orser, Frontense streel, has left on a trip to Calgary. & ------------------ : y : : 0D0A'S I Rigo En

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