a There is nothing like 2 "Tea Pot" test. 'at your own table to prove its ¢ "sterling TRAVELLING. RAILWAY Hf: 1) iL SYSTEM "MARDI GRAS CARNIVAL Quebec City, P.Q. FEBRUARY 16th to 20th Round Trip Tickets Will Be Issued At $10.00 Good going Feb. 15th to 20th. Return limit Feb. 22nd, For full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, 4 Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts, "IN CONNECTION WIT Canadian Pacific Railway Mardi-Gras, (uehec FEBRUARY 16th to 20th $10.00 Good going Feb. 15th to 20th. Res turn limit, Feb, 22. Full particulars at XK. and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. "Phone 50, ---------------- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves Unlon Station, Ontario treet, ad dally (Sunday excepted) or Tweed, Bydenham, Napanee, Deser- onto, Banncckburn points north. To secure quick despatch to Bannockburn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario Route your shipment via Bay of Quinte Railway. For fur- ther particulars, apply, i. H. Ward, Fri. Agent; J. 'lH. Welch, Pass Agent. 'Phone No. 3 and all Your orders will be filled satis factorily if you deal there at P {_SHOE-| $ BARGAINS! Men's Tan Calf Bluch. * Double sole boot $5.00 Reduced to - © $345 mn Men's Felt Boots felt sole $2 reduced tw. $1.45 Women's Patent' Colt: Button Boot, cloth or dull Kid top $4.00 reduc- ed to $298 All Felt Boots and Slippers: Men's, Wom- ® en's, Misses', and Child- ren's ~All Reduced Women's and Child: g ren's Leggings - = All Reduced OX ge - = > worth ! LADA" TEA "Always and Easily the Best" BLACK, GREEN, or MIXED. Sealed Airtight Packages Only pills are exceedingly generative portion of Hetemal all cheap imitations . 4 8a box, or three for Boebell Drug Co. system. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A rellable Freach regulator; never falle. These werful in regulating 'the Ketuse ® Van's are sold at Huet i any address, For sale at Mahood's Drug Store A WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US, Fr rhe Tidings From yarious Points in Eastern Ontarlo--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. Latimer Locals. Latimer, Jan. 23.--A number from Latimer attended the skating rink it Elginburg. Harold and Nola Lyon spent Saturday and Sunday at Lake ipinicon. Louisa Hughson is spend" ng a few weeks with her sister. ApH ington Sherwood has returned £6 White River, after spending several weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3, Caverly, of the North-West, are visiling relatives in this vicinity, fhomas Sherwood, who had the unis fortune to freeze his feet, is able to he out again. A number from this vicinity attended the carnival at Bat- tersea on Saturday evening. A load rom here are thinking of visiting Sun- oury rink on 'Thursday evening. C. ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR Besg place for quick" lunches and hot drinks, . Chocolates and candy of all kinds kept 'In stock. pet. M, PAPPAS & CO 184 Princess Streel. all kinds of ~ Stoness and Nettie Sherman and seace Darling at T. Sherwood's; Mr. ound at J. Sherman's; Mr, and Mrs. J. Perry at Mr. Webb's, Sunbury; Nettie Sherman, at C. Lowney's, In- verary; H. Darling and family at N. Daling's; Miss Warwick ai M. Traves', Tidings From Arden. Here's the biggest can of easy-shining stove polish on the . market, LACK HNIC It's a paste--easily applied--and fires a brillisntly black polish that "As wot affected by the heat. Equall food for stoves, pipes, grates an n work, If your dealer does mot carry 4%Black Knight" Stove Polish, send us "his name and 10c. and we will pend a full size tin by return mail, 3s THE F. PF. DALLEY co. LIMITED, t. v Makers of the famons 2 in 1" Shoe Polish, of Constipation CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS .. Arden, Jan. 22.-A large from here attended the Sunday school convention at Maberly. Ross Hughes, who recently went to work for Messrs. Black and Wagar, of Finnigan, had the misfortune to freeze his feet, He. then had a hemorrhage of the lungs. and had to return home. The many friends of G. WM. Thornton regret. to hear thal he is not improving from his illness in King: ston general hospital and grave fears urd enlertained for his recovery. Mrs. John Dean, sister of Mrs. 1 hornton, goes to Kingston to-day to: assist Mrs. Thornton, who has been at her husband's bedside for over two weeks, Rev. ' GG. Richmond returned from Kingston on Saturhay, where he visit led Mr. Thornton, 'These whe regis- tered at the Pringle House last week were : Judge* Madden, of Napanee; Messrs. Nash and Bailey, of King: ston, also Mr. Lambert, of Welland, wo has purehased a block of timber and is having it cut 'and hauled to Ardendale Station, where he is erect- ing a mill to saw the logs. It will then be shipped to Welland. Visitors: Miss Emma Crozier and, Miss Delma Hughes, at G. E. Thornton's, on Sun- day; Mrs. John Parker, at Rev. Mr. tichmond's; Mrs. F. S, Wormworth, at the home of Mrs. G. E. Thornton, while the latter is in Kingston number Cannifton's Budget. Cannifton, Jan. 23.--Mr. Johnston, of Albert College, occupied the pulpit on Sunday evening in the absence of Rev, Mr. Kemp, who supplied for Dr. Bishop, Pridge street church, Tele ville; Dr. Bishop is seriously indis- posed. H. R. Dunthing is buying a ear load of horses to ship to Sas latoon, Georges Ketcheson has leased the tin shop and will put in a stock of farm implements. Mr. Tweedy, of Madoe, has purchased S. H., Wal- drom's farm. Mr. Waldron intends going to the north-west. Miss Norma Callery left on Friday for her home in Detroit, after spending, a month witn her parents here, hers Wales Whiteman was in Bay Cit¢, Mich., last week, attending the obsequies of Lis sister, Mrs. Liddell. Miss Elda Haight spent last week st Voint Ann, Miss Annie Waldron has re turmed to her home after spending several weeks visiting friends at Little Metis, (uie." Miss Callery has re all Tori i And no wonder! Hereisa thick, nourishing strength. ening soup prepared from beef and the finest vege- tables that Irish soil can produce. The manufacturers of .. Edwards' Soup are large and close buyers, and by specialising for over 23 .years they are able to pro- duceanassortment of soups of the highest merit at a "pricewithinthe reach of all, [EDWARDS Edwards' Soup, too, is. also . ant excellent addition to your own soups. Itiniparts strength, colour, nourishment and fla . vour; it improves the skill of those who make, and the ap- petites of those who eat. Edwards' Soup is mads in TEE SOUP returned from Tweed, where she was in attendance at the bedside of a relative, who is meriously ill. Rev. 8. A. Kemp is holding special services at Cllead. Mr. Weir, Hungerford, and Miss Della Hall, of Thurlow, wore married at the parsonage on Wodnesday., W. J, Cole is ill of grippe. Mrs. Brickman! who wae ill, 18 recoveririg. The local circle of the Canadian Order of Home Uir- chs, won the prize of 340 for having secured the largest number of mem- be's during the year, BUDGET FROM NEWBORO. Elgin Hockey Team Defeated-- Agricultural Society. Newboro, . Jan. 22.--Miss Chapman, Bedford Mills, was a vis itor here last week. C. F. Landon was in Alexandria Bay last week, attends ing the funeral of his brother-in-law, W. Hoadley. The annual meeting of the North Crosby Agricultural Society was held on Saturday, and a large number of members were present. Felix WMeNcely acted as secretary pro' tem. Tho 'fol- lowing officers were appointed : Presi; dent, R. G. Leggeti; first vice-presi- dent, F. McNally; second vice presi: dent, I. Moriarty; directors, W. ©. Fredenburg; J. E. Dier, J. K. Hamil ton, Samuel Dier, Richard hamilton, E. G. Adams, George Howard, William Proud, Dr. King: honorary directors, Wr. Preston, W. H. Leggett, Willian Dargavel, J. T. Gallagher, Dr. Ack: land. The proceeds on hand showed a surplus of $204.77. Miss Marion Nolan entertained a fow friends on Thursday evening: R. J. Cavannah was in Brockville on Tues day. Miss Mabel Barker, of Westport, spent Sunday the guest of Miss Mae Bolton. . On necount of the bad condition of the roads the carvival on Friday even: ing was not very largely attended. The rink managers intend holding an: other in the near future. ' Newboro hockey team added another victory to its list on Saturday, whens it defeated the fast Elgin septette hy ae 10 the Toca fone 83 avis & su to ne, as pi i omd to be the fastest team Stellp {EWS OF NEIGHBORS (nln: centre, Chisholm; right wing erbyshive; left wing, Warren, Newhoro Lake; point, Bell; rover, Taylor Moriarty Laoal, B centre, Bishop wing, E. Bell, Messrs. Cephas Derbyshire, Friday. William cover-pamnt, tipley, of Portland Nolan her Marion resume teorge Friday to Hamilton and Brantiord. studies in Kingston Township of Kingston Council, Cataraqui, Jan. 3--~The members elpet subscribed to fice and qualification : Byron Gordon reeve; Joseph T. Hawkey, reove. Benson Coulter, Elgin H. Stov utes of last meeting adopted. Mrs Cunningham voted $2.58 = monthly charity. Motion, Clyde-Hawkey, E.O Gallagher receive $7.50 road division receive $4 each; poll clerks, #2 each be paid. Motion, Hawkey-Clyde, coun copy of the Municipal World. Motion Hawkey-Clyde, that Bell company receive $9.50, Motion, Haw key-Clyde, whereas ia misunderstand ing of previous council led to a col percentage paid, and the motion is rescinded, Nr. fun £2.25, statute labor performed; W. Cor in assessment: J. k 5Oe. tax on dog, error in assessment Sears, John Campsall be appointed of sheep killed by and that the inspector, most venient, shall receive notice of : killing within twenty-four hours. Fees $1 per call and 0c. per mile, Motion Henry Hosa spectors in con overseer of Sydenham road from Ca taraqui village to Loughboro boun day. Motion, Hawley-Clyde, R. C Hawkey and Storrington road, the concession 6, north, the latter concession 6, south. Motion, Coulter, John Gibson to oversee York road from tity limits to Ernest town boundary. Motion, Hawley-Sto ver, Joseph McKendry oversee road. Motion, Stover-Coulter, Arthur Keyes oversee Bath road. Mo tion, Stover-Coulter, that W. J Stover Stover, that George Irwin, H. C Orser and George Portland road, Motion, division from Perth Road west or Concessinn street, to York road. Mo tion, Hawkey-Clyde, that by-law No B16 for commuting staute labor pealed. Motion, Hawkey Clyde, reeve, clerk and and Stover be a committee to © ar range for printing for 1912. Motion Stover-Uoulter, that requisition of R J. Bushell be laid over unto meeting. Motion, 1lawkey - Coulter that overseers of country roads right wing, Lyons; left Gupniss and Roy of Crosby, were here on visited his uncle, Stephen Ripley; Miss leit, on Saturday, to Foster arrived home, on evening, from & business trip declaration of of deputy er and John Clyde, councillors. Min- for work on 23. Motion, Hawkey- Clyde, that deputy returning officers and for use of polling booths, #3 each cil furnish the treasurer, the clerk and the members of the council each with Telephone lection of two per cent. additional on all taxes remaining unpaid after De cember 15th, 1911, the treasurer, upon order, is authorized to refund all such for collection of two per cent. additional Vallier refunded dukes, refunded 50e. tax on dog, error Brebner, refunded Motion, Hawkey-Clyde, that P. Judge, McKeever and dogs. the Stover-Clyde, that Charles Smith be James Hogan oversee former from from the Perth that Rlacklock, be re-appointed member of the board of health. Motion, Hawley- Hamilton oversee Hawley-Clyde, that Clerk frame by-law to form" road on lands fronting on county roads be re- the councillors Coulter next re- ceive 25¢. per hour for man and pair of horses, and $1 per day per man for THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1912. ,ihelp required: Ordered paid: 88, {Charles Purdy; Sr., four ties attend- ling at hall, Council adjourped to {meet second Monday in February at 10 a.m. LIVE STOCK MARKET, The Prices Paid at the Various Centres. Montreal, Jan, 22.--~About 960 head {of butchers' cattle, 150 calves, sheep and lambs and 950 hogs offered for sale at the Point Charles stockyards this forenoon. The offerings of live stock at this market during the week were 1925 cattle, 215 calves, 1,875 sheep and lambs and 2,025 hogs. +1 All the prime cattle on the market were bought up early in the day at advancing rates, or from Gjc. to Te. per Ib.; pretty good animals sold at +{5c. to near Gle., and the common » | stock, 3jc. to Pe. per Ib. Calves sold at from de. to 4iec., and the lambs at 6jc. to . 6jc. per 1b. Good lots of hogs sold at 7c. to Tic. per lb. ' 923 were St. ' Toronto Cattle Market. Toronto, Jan. 22.--Export cattle, choice, $6.25 to 87.25; do., mediam, $6 to $6.20; do., bulls, 834.50 to $5.50; butcher cattle, choice, $6.25 to $6.60; +1 do., medium, 25.75 to 86.10: do., com- mon, $3.50 to 35; butcher cows, choice, "184,75 to $5.30; do., medium, $2.75 to "| 83.50; do., canners, $2 to $2.25; feediy, steers, $4.58 to $5.25; stockers, choice, $4.25 to $4.50; do., light, 32.75 £3.75; milkers, choice, each, $40 $65. to Sheep, ewes, 84 to $4.65; bucks and culls, $3; lambs, $6.50 to $7.50, Hegs, fed and watered, $6.50; hogs, f.o.b., $6.50; calves, $4.50 to $8.25. Buffalo Live Stock. Buffalo, Jan. 22.-Cattle--1ie- 4,625; market choice grades, fairly active, and steady; other grades slow; prime steers, 87 to $8.15; butch- er grades, $5.50 to $6.75; cows, $3.95 to $5.10. Calves--Receipts, 1,200; market slow, steady; common to prime, $5.75 to 1810.25. . *{ Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 25,000; market fairly active and steady; choice lambs, 86.75 to $6.90; cull to fair, $5.25 to 86.50; yearlings, $5 to + 125.65; sheep, #2 to $4.75. Hogs--Receipts, 17,000; market, trade fair and 5¢. lower; Yorkers, $6.25 to $6.40; pigs, $5:75; mixed, $6.40; heav- fair and Be. lower; Yorkers, $6.23 $5.70; stags, $1.75 to $5. East * feeipts, . to -- ' i Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Jan. 22.--Cattle, receipts, 20,000. Market steady and lower, beeves, $4.80 to $8.40: Texas steers, $4.40 to 8 5.85; western steers, $4.80 to $7.25; stockers and feeders, $3.75 to $6; cows and heifers, $2.25 to $6.70; calves, $6.25 to $9.50. Hogs, receipts, 55,000; market, slow, generally 10c. lower; light, £5.60 to $6.10; mixed, $5.85 to $6.26; heavy, rough, $5.85 to $6; 85.50; bulk of sales, N pigs, o "136.05 to $6.20. Sheep, receipts, 90,000; market steady, shade lower; native, $3.25 to £4.70; western, 33.60 to $4.75; vear- lings, $4.90 to $5.85; lambs, native, ; $4.50 to $6.80; western, $5 to 86.85. . PUT OUT OF BUSINESS. '| Promoters of Fraud Schemes Dis tinet Class of Criminals. Washington, Jan. 26.--Promoters of fraudulent schemes who had obtained SUFFERED Headache with Biliousness, me any good, despair when I decided to try FIG PILLS After taking about half a box the head aches stopped and my appetite improved. as wel as ever, I can heartily recom. troubles. Mgrs. MArY Errson, Sold at all dealers in 25 and 50 cen boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co, St. Thomas, Ont. y J. Ti. MeLEOD, Druggist, With Bilionsness and Sick Calgary, Alberta, July 8, 1941 I was a great sufferer for a long tinle Sick Headache and Liver trouble, Nothing seemed to do I had almost given up in mend Rig Pills for stomach and liver 0 Sold ana fecomniended in Kingston $77,000,000 from the 'public, weve put out of business during" the fiscal year 1911, according t6 the annual report of Robert 8. Sharp, chief inspector ef the post office department. The showing is the most remarkable in the history of the department. Dur- 'ing the year 529 individuals were in- dicted on the charge of ustng the mails in furtherance of schemes to de- fraud. Of this number 196 persons were tried and 184 convicted. The schemes investigated were of endless variety; varying as the cates, "from the simplest business transaction to a gigantic project in- volving the sale of worthless stock in fake mining companies and imaginary .|and fictitious institutions existing , only on paper or in the minds of the I have just finished the fifth box and feel promoters. .| In discussing the multiplicity schemes to defraud the people, inspector Sharp says: "The result of t|the year's work has developed the , [fact that these fraud manipulators are a distinct class of criminnhls, some of them moving Mn the highest social and business circles." During the year 2,101 arrests were of chiel PERFECTION COCOA Is good for Growing Girls and Boys--and they lke 2. ht nourishes their fle bodies and makes them healthy and strong. Cowan's Cocoa, ae you get i from your gece, is absolutely pare. ls delicious flavor is obtained by the we of the highest grade of Cocon beans, skilfully blended. Nothing is added to impair the heahh. building properties of the Coons. Do You Use COWAN'S made. One hundred and twelve post- masters and 267 other employees are included in the list of those arrested. ------------ Tuberculosis leads the list in the causes of death published in mortality statistics of the United States census bureau for 1910. Tuberculosis was re- sponsible for 10.7 per cent. of the to tal death, Prevost, Brock street, has receivec all his fall and winter goods for his order clothing department, also ir ready-made clothing - and gents' fur department; they are all wel assorisd with new fe Rev. M. C. Peters, pastor of the big Pilgrim Congregational church, New York, will open a grocery store on Saturday as part of the church's work among the poor. Rubbers for men, women and chil- dren, chemp, at Dutton's, 209 Prin street. ' The Chinese republican minister of war made a demand, on Wednesday, upon the China Steam Navigation company, for $7,000,000. 1f the com- pany doesn't put, their steamers will be seized and sold. 3 . a five thousand to fifty tholigand 8, on first-class city real estate, see Mills. 79 Clarence St. The Lake Erie Coal company, it is said, has submitted an offer to the London council to electrify the Port Stanley railway. At 'home cards, neatly printed, | Whig office, Kingston. The Willian Davies company bas de cided to close its Harriston perk- v branch, but wry use the {building a8 a coM-storage. Comfort for women troubled with at sore. feet, Dr. Vernon's cushion sole boots, at Dutton's. E. O. Pougnet has been arrested st blood {Regina on a charge of murdering a woman in France. East Middlesex conservatives have fentéred a protest against the election of Robert Sutherland, M.PP. Men's homemade mitts ow nb to |. report indi-~ "THE ONE THING THAT DOES ME GOOD At 60 Years Of Age, Gin Pills "Give Me Perfect Relief" As one begins to get along in life, the vital organs grow less active and need assistance. Men and women of 30, 60 and 70 shouid read the following letter very carefully. It points the way to a happy, healthy old age and long life. E. G. WOODFORD, Consulting Mining Engineer, 29 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 50 BroaD StrueT Housk, LoxnoN "Bought some of your GIN PILLS at Victoria, B. C. last September. I made inquiries in New York on my arrival thers but was unable to obtain any information about them. Your remedy, I find at 60 years of age, to give me perfect relief and 1 regret very much that you have not made arrangements to have GIN PILLS on sale in New York and London, as 1 urgently recommend GIN PILLS to friends of my age as being the one thing that does me good. 1 will be glad if yon will send me a few boxes of GIN PILLS to my London address and a few to my office in New York by post if possible". E. G. WOODFORD P. 8. Since receiving the above letter "from Mr. Woodford we have completed arrangements for supplying GIN PILLS to the British Public 5 Perhaps' you .are Go years of age, erhaps your Kidnevs are troubling vou. Perhaps you have Pain In The "Back or 1 Do just as t PILLS ~keep a box always on hand-take them whenever you feel that the kidneys need help. You will find an occasional GIN PILL will keep you in perfect health and free from pain and discomfort, soc. a box, 6 for $2.50. Write for frec rnmple and give GIN PILLS a trial hefore you buy them. Address National Drug aud Chemical Co. of Canada Limited, Dept: 1b Toronto, MANGA-TONE BLOOD AND NERVE TABLETS build up the system and purify the blood. Ask your druggist. soc. a box. 110 A MAN, WHOSE CHIEF ASSET IN BUSINESS, IS HEALTH. __ JANUARY SHOE SALE Men's Regular $5.00 Tan Calf, Patent Colt and Gun Metal Blucher Boots, all new stock, for $3.75 SEE OUR WINDOWS. NR A A AANA EN NN REID & CHARLES « "BEAVER FLOUR?" is the unfailing friend of the housewife. It saves her the trouble of keeping two kinds of flour--one for bread and another for pastry. Being a perfect blend of Manitoba Spring wheat and Ontario Fall wheat, it gives to bread the rich, nutritious properties of the former and the lighter qualities of the latter, making a large white loaf of delicate tgxture and exquisite flavor. Pastry, biscuits and cakes, made with BEAVER FLOUR cannot be excelled. Ask your Grocer for it today. wr DEALERS Writs for prices on Feed, Coarse Grane end Cereals. The T. H. TAYLOR CO. Limited, Chatham, Ont. cheap. Put La More people die of tuberculasis annually, than of any other disease--iu fact, § of the total death rate. 0 er (A la du Pérou) is a most excellent tonic for patients suffering from: tuberculosis of the lungs, | ». because they can take it continuously "ad rapidly absorb and assimilate it, and above all it had a directly curative effet upon the tubercular process itself, Wilson's Invalids' Port increases the appetite in a most remarkable manner and directly improves digestion. The results aftiined in the various tuberculosis depend entirely upon the increased carbonic acid formation in the y from enhanced nutrition. Wilson's Invalids' Port by its appetizing and digestive qualities canses constilutional improvement and increased strength, thus attaining the same end as the sanitoria' in a more simple and potent way. It must be remembered, however, that tuberculosis is a more or léss chronic affection and thet months of treatment are required i cure cannot be expected in a week or two, GHES, Mayor of Leamington, Ost. says 's Invalides" Pott" very much asa totic and am alescents, It Ss & piace in medicine | have for help." Sanitoria for the treatment of