NEWS OF NEIGHBORS SICK HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, TORPID WHAT wma TCORMESPONDENTS TELL US, The Tidings From Varions Points In Eastern Ontario--=What People Are Doing and What They Are Baying. eadacins! Allway the Dowels or a sick wach ywn out, Is reabsorbed into the he delicate brain tissue it cause eicken headache. remove the cause by on Sick ing food in being thy reacneg turobb tian ¥ 3 Castarets ins pot OR m ingta « sick headaches, cyrets. 'Ove Inzy liver Palsenon blood w congestion vw Aen Secley's Bay Oddfellows, Bay, daw. 30. mon, hingston, LDA M, trict, LOOK. installed otlicers on. Wednesday Zita, of Seeley 's NLL, Ba, Pro. EB: W, James "Neslmon; Pro. KE. TF, Moore; Fro. A. 4. Sly. Sonlov's stimul and out and purifying Ladies whose sensitive need not salfer, for taken to-night will atr tent box means ¢ : for mont Dor Jittie ins Ohtldren x) tazte good, ating the » blood. liv of the evening, Pay br, ¥. 3. wore, 11 recording se follo Pan wing ata can be quickly cu you out by lear head al iy ti ts. logge, Young: Vy tro retary, retary, adiy Revol take Cascareis bec gripe or sicken. nancial Tichborne Tidings, 2,-1.0cal this Tichbwrae, Jan, just what is wanted in school is doing well undyr hd management of Mrs. Myrtle es tegeher, The tae to school after and searket fever. Botting, nut Mr. Brown, at Mrs, Geoay's Mountnin at Mr, Risk, at Hannen's. option is place ably Drow all measles Mr: Mis Godfrey, Richie's; 1. children ave hay Visitors Kixh Mr ing tirave, Mr. Plum Hollow Notes. delayed. mater. § this and that dull, r, The effect are especially prone to Cs morning gi fect health t forget the childrem «-- thelr need a good. gentle cleansing, t 18¢ phen making red by a they JE DAILY. LIVER, CONSTIPATION---GASCARETS. fermen tead of 150n awful the almost 10- ob, il Mrs last hil at nor. Plum . Hollow, Jan, 29.--Lett bory had moved to his now farm Kaward: Bowden, Atucns, spent week af William Janse s. Harvey born is spend a week or #0 Gananoque, Mr, awd Mas. | man, Elgin, spent Sanday with friends here. Mr. and Myo. Chti Wiltse ' | Truesdall hag been dr; from H. Scott's lorvtown Miss the sick list. Sunday overing McCullough spent 1 harsdgy Past with Miss! Mary 'Tray. Many from heio went to Napa- ree on Friday evening to the on | of | | with them on Miss Muargardt PE to his Chap -- tertainment given by tpe ladies News From Wes of ¥t. Patrick's chareh. NX. White is Smiti's Valls, ate spending a few giving a party Monday night to his days with friends here. Mrs. Alfred nang friends. P. Cassiny and Kilborn has returned from Athens al gaat Wednesday last in Bellovill, ter spending a few days the pa- gp. pleased to hear that Julia Drun rental roof. Several of the young peo home from the Taliwitt ple attended the it Roledo urueh improved in health, Saturday Westbrook, Jan. Mrs. Melville Smith are the arrival of a Hyland moving (Arnold, an old and tof this place, was | home Corbett' the home of her dnugh iJones, Kingston. | Lapum, spent last week Edwin Bell. Mrs. 0. Edith Saunderc¢ook er of friends at day evening | Marysville, and Mrs. W. ( der and Miss cent visitors. ol luster Cottage. returned after spe mwonth with friends at Ames and Orange {the week-end with irun ls Mr. and Mrs. C. with Mrs. thins Bay. lof Edward turned spending a' month Bartlolph. Ernest at Hartington son baby AH 1] under Post eas hos pital ren carnival mm Ne SD. evening. Maberly Farmers' Institnte, | Matesly, Jan. 20. The | stitute wns heli in the to Wednesday afterpoon and The speakers Mr. Harken and Mr. hennedy Mize Robson Mr Wemne ly the raising of al fr Ha and Harkan, ket f bees Robson gave aa itled "Lit spoke in hall on the Mr. Lloyd mn St afternoon. week in Juchanan Good Times at Perth Road. Perth Road, Jan. 29 The are hauling wood. The shareholders of the e factory held the 0 on Saturday last, A ver party was held on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ritchie, when about fort ple drove to their home, themselves in dancing At midnight refreshments were served. Dancing was} kept up till three o'clock Clough and Miss Susie Hooper, at Walter Holder's; ldward Stokes, ing Wilmur; Miss Jessie Guthiie home, alter spending two weeks with | Miss ' Nora titchie, Millburn; Judso Gimblett, at W. Guthrie's. The m iiriends of Miss Maggie Harris are ry to hear of her illness. Clifford farmer Lrmers ine n mil, on chix eel] vy gr thar bh evening enjova : were evening James Wil voung spent Si pnd pent Sun liam peo and enjoyed Snuder, Myrtie Ba Mr. and Miss » 810%, Ma Miss paper ent te alo on on the ping very rature thy Ho wting snd Ti home George the liar Kev HOON oft rani pd ie ben the farm. vam | VEEL i ronched a miesionary Alhan's church ito Elstt Montreal #; ent Sunday at on Sunday is wpending a Annie Perth, Sarah M Cray Arbold. home wed Mics Or in on 5 wi {ler is down from the : horses, Injured at west for a carlo 30. Fernleigh. "Un Tuesday Fernleigh, met v very pEinful accident while passing behind a colt in the hotel stable. He . a was kicked in the face, splintering the?" A. Hethison hone mm ong side of Fairfield last bursting an artery. hn Dr, Tindle's oflice when the bleeding was checked, aud still being taken carve of at the same place. He is do ing ns well as can be expected W.Noves was a caller in the village Mr. and Mis. Join Brydem and two boys weve Sunday visitors at R. H. Thompson's. Miss Yiolet Lovst is spending a few days with friends at Madoc. Mr. and Mrs, Melborne Adams are moving to 'Thomasourg. Flhinton, Jan. ol Mr. Babeock, f last { with | Junetown Jottings. | Junetown, 30.-<Mr. Mrs spent Sunday at fhe new of Jan. ind Willo pressing bank, J hay at i an 3 Bros. 118 Willi Pittsburg. Thomas * 1 nusfortyne to fracture ribs crushed | his nose, sntl Fortune J He was hurried tof pucchased a gasoline tine and sawing wood, | from here Attended the cert at Mallorytown on cuing last Mi Relly, ventriloquist, wes the chiel tainer David. Huntle and have moved to theh home Ivy Lea. Mrs. Arnoftl visited her parents, Mr Mrs. M, Trickey, at Quabbin, People expect to have rural mail delivery here Alexander © Chisamore is quite William Flood last had a drawing wood vo his factory and Mrs. Morris Ferguuon visit- her parents Fairfield | wenk, Mis Frederick A guest. of her week-end the Moore, Now Dabhlin. (. en dre Several by | gainst t Helen Miss library fues 18 con boing fay ev Cow Loretta Be family | Vincent de Paul atywhere she appendicitis, | tendance, Sunday {ferr Foronto, wihieu he pit enter new Her Stanley Averv recently and at i 3 Miss Hedtie ing her sister, Mrs ville. Mrs, ter spending I ghter, Mrs. {John Brown tin fof his farm | soon i Mrs. ill, QB. Fbes Mary's Mr. wis a de ed of $118 wag lost John Fahey take ten hrgther, At Marysville, Tyendinaga, Marysville, Tyendinage, Jan. The entertainment held at St, hall, 11st Tuesday night, ci ed saecess, 'The sum realized, Mr, and Mis: invited a few friends A -- week BR. time Beil, mame George at ast, is and st ppl 0 Neanbieu visit life, have Joseph to Jobn gone to re Tm --------_ Egyptian Cigarettes Phin or Cork tips. ] Sec. Per box. A skilful lending of Turkish Tobacco. Maggie a hee entertainsd nding Ba nad, Asselstine ot untlerwent an mother MeNinch McUlement's, MeNinch Miller, Ferguson is home talking of retiring wing home Seott throok. Mr. wood at Mal | 18 on fd rejoicing over boy. weoted tidorge | Sothangston. Mrs resident | ved from amoulawce tol ler, tne ries cand Ome Lan ny here Mrs, J tance Mrs die Subcock at Batt at is the al Howie | nursday h friends Sproule Willowbank Wafts. Blake Fair had ot im tiie one wo taklz al, Broe oper ic 1% In is in with Maple ( from and relatives Mrs. Erwell Bol wm, we ersen, horse | oil t of Miss y nun on ours wert, Mr Sul re re I. Rose, | A me: the past bel spent ersten Redden spent Sunday Cot guest re alter at sitin ys Shiter ni-n's, the his | a Miss appet ndie this. Aeettiod 1 Roy m for nt spent | Pitt visit Belle af- her dau- rove ligposing farm ol | Huns | WIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31 ane Ct "A irtlesile. A nurkge of the young! poop fe, attendid a dance at Mrs. 3, 1 Ke TIE, Gananoque, ihe other even jing. & W. Jackson bas returned | hape alter nding & wonth with! {relati es in New Ongtaric Michi-! Byron, § at A and HRNAROG Cdwan's. Hawley Sunday ie j gun sf ent At Pleasant Valley. Pleasant Vallvy, {of the opert) { i Ellerbeck x i wit g Clarence Watson, who kh ill, 1s better. attended the Winigey is improving. Nr. and GG. parr attended the faneral Berrs sister, the late Frederick ning Jan. 20, the late patroniced, fhe RACH such good # been etita A mtenber at A, jeally rom {here 3 Ea Mrs. Mr. Les'i 3 has' returned to College. Miss FV. Manson spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bir Burgess, Enterprise, Watson's A. Westport, at G at hb. at J. Leline, sud Mrs Mis Mics Barr's, ber Manson's, of Mra Bb. Watson ston B Godires Gsiness | Mcalabon and oi at Lb. Boye e | and Mis it at Thomas Charbonneau, ., Barr's, M, Ellerbeck! Freeman' Josepn Hl. Wation Meheever's, Verooa, George at Frederick Flerbeck's Mr. Delbert Barr, Pertha Barr, Groen I K. Barr, Burridge, Mr. nnd Mrs, A. Cowdy, it Elmer 'Hughes'. Irle King, Edman: ton, Alta, at 8. Sigsworth's. 1d Ellerbeck is spending a few > days | with friends near Cushendall before | | leaving - for Kis home at Tessier; Sask. Irle Hughés and bride, 1¢-| tawa, at Jchn Hughes'. H., Wrdson |T at C. Purdy's flat Harcowsmith, . and al a At Mountain Grove, Mountain FL OwW 18 the men are {drav tof logs vey Los st iwork of | and g \ Jan. 01 in the locality taking advantage of to the has Grove, quite deep mill yard, gone back to his CPR. section foreman after ea of months of illness. Wes! Pers, in the general hospital suffer from typhoid fever, is slowly ree Miss Sadie Gariett rday Indian her duties after sp with her sist, i+. Risehoro has of of with Har Ovi returned to ing. Satu to 1peiis from typhoid fever Forouto, is Rev, and covered tack Hall, winter vere {Carrie the Cuary rl {the Methodist { Rev. George number of whooping cough. {ILR. brakeman, he lidays at returced Mrs Moore, with her Mrs. Storms, Yorke spent Miss spending | Mrs. Hah netted day ¢ Arden. Ad mg trom | mer, CO, ervice was « chureh on tichmond, chilaren of are safle Stuart spending here, Miss home or North 1% sister, who Long Take; 'Wednesday at tJ. Cronmk's. Mrs loseph Butte Hl and little daughter, Ola, the par {so nage. School is favorably progress ing under the management of Miss Pink, Odessa, teacher My and Mrs. R. Flynn have returned Kingston Mrs, 8S. York ing in her hous: in the it is elmost completed Somers and Harvey Loy: in their r hon and Ross Barr, at Iva Hall and Miss | at W, Brown's: Miss Sadi W. Barr's: Bruce MeDonpald ls Cowdy, at Arden ward, at J. Risehoro's; terdl, at Maberly: Mis. II. Mis. York, at W. Brown's; Card, at George Somer's; Cox, at Harvey Loyst's; Mrs, J. teri!, and Miss Hattie England, nt Mis. W. Pero's; Melville I'. Brown's; Miss with her Mi Donald; Perey Gray, James MeDonzld, at George Flynn, H. Loyst's; Mizs Fl Abbott, © at Mi Willian Cotlter Robert Drew, at Jan McDonald's: John Johnston, at i Card's; Miss G at 1h Miss Gertle Mis. R. Cronk's BD. J, Cronk, a 18 nis his home la | {Godfrey | day : slaying ill | Mrs. 18 quite | at as from ends mo new spring now, Lat have Visitos Hall's fazel Vrivk, Comprett, of and Char Fhomas Hay Perey Bat Loyst and Josph David put ! My Miss \arr, at Bella Conboy Alexander Mo at W Barr's home: Mack and mother, at rence Stinconbe, I hompson, Howes. of jorn to tion; and Parham, Mr. and Mr. and at' Do. J. Mrs. son. How the travelling public seldom or never give a thought as to how when the dining cars are supplied with ever thing the season affords. They ars often heard to express themselves the excellence of the different viands, but never give it a thought of how it reaches the table {he Canadian Paeific have at siderable expense equipped new depots at Vancouver and The latest models of frigeration enable the department keosp in perfect condition the choicest supplies from outside markets, ample, midwinter fruits, ete. A refrigerated store-house erected at Sicamous are gathered at the approach of the winter season the finest fruit aft vegetables produced by British Colum- bia. Two of these aro at Lhe present time featured on the menu cards in the west-- 'Apples irom the famous Okanagan Valley" and "British Colom hin Championship Totatoes" (which won the $1,000 Championship Cap at the Irvigated Land Show in New York, November, 1911). The company has opened bimgalows for ' the accommodation of its dining ear employees at lay-over points, furn- ishing them with sleeping quarters, baths, recreation rooms, ete, and making them at least as comfortable as they would be at home. These fa cilities énsura the patrons of the com: pany being served by waiters in first class physical and sanitary condition, and in addition, every dining tar en plovee is required to undergo, period ically, a medical inspection and to surrender a sarisisetory certificate. Dining Cars are Supplied. or oy acon supply Winnipeg mechanical ro { to for ex vegetables has been Junction, in whic hi 3 Provost, Brock street, has received all his fall and winter 'goods for his order elofhing department, also in ready-made clothing and gents" fur nishing department; they are all well amoried with new gonds. William Baillie Smellie, CE Prockville's prominent snd © most highly esteemed citizors. died Sun day af the residence of Wis son, J. F. Smellie, Ottawa, aged éghty-tuq vets Rev. A. 0. . one of Cameron. formerly min ister of Bt, John's ¢ivrsh. Prock. cille, has received a eall to Knox church, Lethbridge, Alberin, at 52,400 PAGE SEVEN. | TRAVELLING. Pe m ea ID. SEASON SALE Sunshine Scott's: Emulsion EV LITTLE [CranD TRUNK: Let these Vitalizing Elements into your home; they are the . simple means of keeping Nerves, Brain and Body strong, active, enduring. Issued At $10.00 15th to 2010 There is no substitute for Fresh Air, Sunshine, Happy Thoughts or Scott's Emulsion ALL DRUGGISTS Good going Feb, teturn limit Feb. 2204. full particulars apply to J. I. HANLEY, Agent, For 1-63 MARDI GRAS CARNNAL } Queber City, P.Q. FEBRUARY 16th to 26th | Round Trip Tickets Will Be Corner Johnsen and. Ontario Sts, x! H Liompit poison lost vigor: u ta drugy stor Mf St rit ( Ta of frees hook t of il byl Lote { Fors of TRerapiB, 'ass to take sale, tasting cure of vlat nd candy kept in stoek. M. PAPPAS& CO, Nd Princess Street. kinds IN CONNECTION WITH HE HERAP FREN PION No.3 it R. J. REID Ambulance $ Ary tand, London, E wDbugée . : ---- ur . : Servive, Phone 07% Good going Feb. 1 tarn limit, Feb Full ticuls C.P.R. Ticket Office F. CONWAY, Gen 'Phone or and nay QUINTE RAILWAY a year, THE CLUB HOT WELLINGTON STREET, ' } Ls $ t (Naar Ir as ! ¢ There ATR wher hotels b nook approach ihe homelike surround p BY ity Flores are me 1 8 Aerate week CHOMESON, New Buckwheat Flour or packages. Pure Maple Syrup. Coast Bealed Oysters hone 706. Prompt Delivery, es Co are priced $3.97. Come in and cot share of roo your J. H. Sutherland & Bro. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" Soe tate ad 0000000000000 0000089000000000000006060006¢! (aciorily II you deal 0000000000006 00000004€)000000000000000600000080000000200 there BLT TET SEVERN ION Here is a Ne ew Kind of COFFEE And We cua A Pot Te Make it In--Free do as protec we d ly whol csoine Kever spid in Bulk RS CURSES ~iLD and STRONG. You which one you wigl like best until you try both. Dalton's French Drip Coffee and costs less (han any other Daliog's Fr Drip I why we make this special offer SPECI AL INTRODUCTORY OFFER We have suthorized yout Grocer to give you on of thew handsome px $1.30) sheolutely Free wah your fmt purchase of a tis EACH of Mild and gy Blend at 50c. por tin. You bay two tw of our Colles ane of ea h blend - to give This 1é the Coffee Pat 2 a {aie tral an a we e give you the menns of tests oy n With 2 ting of Cotes or FREE. smiched out will use nothing but Dalion"s Sc. per tia French Dip pA hci, . DALTON BROS. - TORONTO 8 Sold ith 28e. and SOc. tine. Ui, by any chaise, your grocer is anshle to fil your order, writs us we will soe that you ere supplied promptly : can't teil in better if made in 'ot, That is oul ali leave the mest~--the ic essences that nch { worth sul bust enh Drip » 3 ou free a Can y Dwi fee as shi xd our A put up § Drip Ohifes in two Blends Soin indie Fr ee tt: wuld he mrad. i Dalton's Fren have Cluk fu Proprietor. Bess sassssssssasssaswswne Canadian Pacific Railway Mardi-Gias, Quebec FEBRUARY Tih to 20th and Press sscsessscsasvasassanl fesrsassssssreee in bulk D. COUPER, 311-3 PRINCESS ST, be filled satis. at is Krench Drip Coffee