'Opening the Over Se THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, FEBRY ARY 2. 1912 The Reniarkable Highway Which Now: Joins the Island to the Florida Mainland When the Florida Foad Opened: up is extensi irom Knight's hey to hey West, Monlay, the most remarkanle piece of cn gpeer ing the world ever koew ing track vridues far wiles out tO gen--was of and put in service, Fast Coast rail This railroad has ovdged a number of swilt car ferries for a service ' he tween Kev Wedt and Havana, ninety nisles across the Straits of Florida, so that by the end of this month there will he what 1s practically a single ravlroad from Jacksonville, Florida, Santingo de Cuba, at the far that ol lay over and istands, pleted neet tand rout Raily "*Flagh In wa sagncity. tremendbt ricane FPeiirnary Mexico. built by of the sw tras of mies road appr py Boa PL HRS Are Sweet, Seedless; Juicy Navels These are the very finest oranges grown. They are the best crop of 5,000 prize groves of California. Besides being sweet, juicy navels, 'each "Sunkist" is tree-ripened. Each is picked with gloves. Each is sound, Oranges Most Healthful Fruit All 'oranges are healthful, but this tree-ripened, full-flavored fruit tones digestion and supplies the required acid like no other. 'It is impossible to get better oranges than those which come in" Sopkar" wrappers. : - They keep'well; as each orange comes to you perfect, sou nd and solid. ~ Buy them by the or, halkbosar bos during this box th nr like : a piece ol lar sigh fhe buildin season, open to Rng eighteen miles Alter er the Fverg fon its voyage coral roek than creeks, Insist on. You will get better fruit at lower prices, and you will get' ind of viaduet of the rernforeed route concrete ! holdin» the feet above the blue Morning sto n { water, Lted by of the United Havana | "From humight's Key to th hey y find his ear standing the most itlicult p | hanks of large islands, Avana. was reached. In thi deep, but not . the laland \ 01 upon teen miles 18 traveller can board two nies 1 miles of bridge war in New York, i he | at hutments and West at fight asleen yin tie in walter wrehes, deep and very hej tra wk thirty-one fierce tidal currents ¢ Pine Key part of the work stretch of four wigle channels. the refiner th | year with bulk delivery n rritory. 'The ratlroad : the ferry practically | th the continent by a! an ha wi who laughed at an at an of some | $130.60. a mMe wind called v's folly now admit that ited business | cost of the road has been A 19 task, and daring the hur a dangerous one. Since 190%, the lake t's Key, a dot of in the 6th, has been land out Gali of thirty-mile arm of | « on an embankment | es out of the blue mud | graf, the over EI an railroad starts out a succession of | \ keys, separated by gulf water narrow sogreely wider | Largo, twent { , i4 crossed, and then the | oaches long hey; thence out | Rey voReVEe | x» E a BEGINS MONDAY Huge sale of finest Califor- nia Navel Oranges. These are the famous "Sunkist" Oranges, the prize crop of California. Each "Sunkist" comes in a valuable wrap- per. Save wrappers and obtain beautiful and genuine Rogers' Silverware. Read full instruc- tions to the right. - This special orange-week sale begins Monday and lasts the entire week. Remember, California "Sunkist™ tree- ripened, 'hand-picked oranges are the finest in the' 'world and most economical. low prices. Buy in Quantities--by the or half-box, at ail dealers. "Sunkis " Wrappers free 'Rogers' Silverware by sending in wrappers along with a few Stamps or money. order to help pay charges, packing, etc. 105 Kg 51. But Co, Chih ea Railway to Key West an aggregate of thirty rough during storms, (el, {in addition to being constantly agita Thence to West the road ruas along separated PAGE SEVEN, LONG KEY CONCRETE VIADUCI-280 MILES LONG 4 MADE $500 ON CARLOAD, South. Feb, 3.1. J writes to the Winnipeg, of Melita, Free lis of a car of barley which; paying «the United States duty, him over $508 more than he have obtained had he sold prices prevailing in Canada. Mr derson writes : lita, Man., to the lton company, of Mineapolis, rived there em December 13th, weighed 1,633 bushels, 36 lbs. four [No. 1 feed on dockage; was sold teet | January Sth, 1912, Freight by the C.P.R thern amounted to $130.96 the | tion, "weighing and commission by |818.59; and duty at 30c £103.36, making total #62991, the net proceeds of 81,104.22 ures out to 67kec por bushel, mark you, 'Consulting the find that No in Winnipeg on per" bushel. IT, 83 more for expenses January city pact passed, ed $193.56 more, of Yet, would make me gence or who ask me to believe their honesty common Sense Partner Dies a Pauper Trinidad, Col., Feb. 2 who said he was 'at one time lionaire tea merchant, Seotland, and dusiness partner Thomas Lipton, was buried here day by a charitable association. Farmer Finds It Pays to Ship Barley t Anderson, Press, giving details of the sale in Minneapo- 'after netted would it at the "I shipped a car of barley from Me Vandusen Harring- which ar 1911 graded for $1.10 per bush- making grvoss receipts of $1,797.13 and Great Notr- inspec a bushel, This left a cheque to me for This fig This, after paying all expenses market reports 1 feed harley was selling Sth for 4de. therefore, received $518 my barley by selling in Minneapolis that if 1 had sold in Win nipeg put had the much-reviled recigro I should have receiv $1,012.19 in all. I am urged to believe that the re ceipt lof this additional sum of money disloyal to my coun trv. What am I to think of the intelli . of the people this? Or i I should question *"" James Boyd, a mil of: Glasgow, -{ sell 'Cascarets. Boyd ton. hiz deathbed ajfributed his failvre gentle ny t ho differences with his wife. To forget his troubles, he first went y Africa, where he became still rich er. He 'returned to Bugland and fail- ing to become reconciled, with his wife, gave her his fortune. He then came to Colorado and worked for | vears in the coal mines He had been in destitnte civeum- stances for. some time, He died yes- terday in the pauper ward of a hos pital. One way to not please a 18 to let her do as she pleases: A milkman may be as rich as his cream and stil not be wealthy. MILLIONS OF FOLKS USE ONLY CASCARETS They Never Have Headache, Billous- ness, Sluggish Liver or Bowels or a Sick, Sour Stomach. woman No odds how bad your liver, stom- ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and uncomfort- able you are from constipation, indi- gestion, biliousness and sluggish = in- testines~you always get the desired results with Cascarets and quickly too. Dou't Jet' your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable another moment; put an end to the headache, bilicusness, dizziness, nervousness, sick, sour, gessy stomach, backache and all other distress; cleanse your 'in- side organs of all the poison and effete matter which is producing the misery. Take a Cascaret now ; don't wait until bedtime. In all the world there is no remedy. like this. A 10-cent box means health, happiness and a clear head for months. No more days ol gloom and distress if you will take » Cascaret now and then. All druggists Don't forget the chil dren--thejr little insides need a good, GEL EK Choose From These Fourteen "Sunkist" Silver Premiums At right is shown new "Sunkist" Orange Spoon, actual size. Genuine Rogers and of the latest style. Sent you on receipt of 12 "Sunkist" wrappers and 12¢ to help pay charges, packing, etc. For each additional spoon send 12 "Sun; kist" wrappers and 12¢. Read carefully direc- tions at right. Send for full descrip. tion, number of wrappers and amount of cash nec- essary fo secure each This Fruit Knife Yours | Made of special tempered steel heav- ily silyer-plated, same high quality as the Sunkist" Pre- i, Sent on re- ceipt of 24 Sunkist" wrappers and 20g. For each additional fruit knife send 24 * Sunkist" wrappers and 20c. Read This Carefully On all remittances up to 20 cents please send cash; on amofints above 20 cents we prefer postal tote, money order, ex- J press order or bank draft, Make money order or draft payable to the California Fruit Growers' Exchang , and address your letters to the Cali- fornia Fruit. Growers' Exchange, 105 King St. East, corner Church St, Toronto, Oot. 'You can secure these with 'Sug *! orange wrappers, "Sunkist" lemon wrap- pers, "Red Ball" orange or "Red Ball" lemon wrappers. Or merely send trademarks cut from wrappers. If you will buy only "Bankist" Pall" oranges