nt en YEAR 70 NO. Hh omnis m-------- it a rare opportunity to appoint Prof, THE OE | DUE ::: By the Canadian Universities to the Nation. HON, MACKENZIE KING SAYS IT 18 tion. And when the eight-hour day o cial committes, considered it an commend capable \man in the dominion of giv- ing advice on tiom. When referring to statement, that the ment of the United States was superior to ours, Mr. King tion which Sir Wilirid with a newspaper man. ist was severely Mr. opportunity to TO FURNISH GOOD LEADERS. This journal- criticising the vome ol the men who composed it. Sir Wilirid calmly said : "Well, you want me to have a eabinet of angels, and Annual Dinner of Queen's Arts So- cloty in Grant Hall--The ex» Do miinion Minister of Labor Replies to the Toast of "Canada." Hon, W. L. from." The States has ths opportunity of picking all over the states for men for his eabinit. The Canadian premier has to take what are sent him, find con stituencies for some of them, and has to have them reelected, (laughter), whereas the president of the states has none of these difficulties, Mr. King went on to say that it was obvious how hard it was to get scho- lars and men of business and ability to bear the standards of their parties. Mackinzie King, es-min- ister of labor in the Laurier cabinet, was the chief speaker at Queen's Uni varsity Arts Society dinner, in Grant hall, en Maturday pight, and received a great ovation from the large acade mie gathering. His speech in replying to the toast to "Canada" was clo guient and foreeful He pressed upon the students the supreme peces sity of preparing now to discharge the responsibilitios whieh Canadians bear, and emphasized the ' le fact that the best opportunity for worth-while ser- universities must supply the nation vice, Mr. King urged the students to with men who will make leaders (Coninued on Page' §.) W" he sinner was a sarked Suse. | t wan largelv attended by professors, 'PRIEST SENT GIRL OFF AND PREVENTED CASE, aris when, delegates from the other fa-| culties, "and - representatives from sis- a Sleigh Ride Assault - Case. Willimantic, Conn., Feb. ground that he was the visce of the imei my Rev. J. J. Pappiton, pastor of Mary's Roman Catholic ehureh, on Saterday, declined to explain to Judge Arnold, of the police court, bis act on, ... alleged by the girl, in of advising «iss Vortunnte Trudell go to Rian instead testifying Exzelius Phaneuf, whow she ngaingt a business fan, had charged spull. The court sharply criticized the pri st for his attitude. Phaneul, who had taken the girl sleighing, was to hate appeued a week ago. The girl wes net present and thé eomplamt wos nec lled." © The proseéuting at tersey had a note she had sent him, giving she had gone to Canada on whey oI Father Lappiton. The fricst said he knew the girl, hat ceckinod Lo give any further infornin- tion on the ground that he was the 5 ils urivitual adh sat. The comt said © "The lack of pro per evidence compels the anthorities to drap the matter." A BRITISH STEAMER 5.~0Un the soiritinl aa- witness, St. HON. Wi fa MACKENZIE nING, for universitivs. About 6.15 o'clock all sat. th tables tastefully are fangas Tedewifated, and paviobk ot wn chthorate mi, prepated by Reid and: Ji PR During diimior, the different years made' this futeresting and enjoy bly by their sells and parodies, and the Opera House - crchestin played solee- tions, pe male qoartette, composed of Met alum, ti, Attwood, A. ds fd A, Beecroft, sang, an 4 Avthur W. Craig rendered several unlos. y At the lead of the speaker's tally was vented A, 1. Matheson, president of the Arts Movlety, ho capably ful fled the dutivs of toastmaster, Un! his right were TUrincipal' Gotlon anil Hou, W. 1. Mackenzis King, while Prof. Jolin Watson, viee-principal of Queen's, eid Principal Hutton, of Uni versity Calicgs, Toronto, were on the tonatmasier's leit. A large number of arts ane divinity professors algo were at this table. Towards the close of the dimnr . the golleries filled with fronds of tha étudents, to 'hear the . speochey, About eight o'vlack the toasimaster enlled the gathering to order, ssked all to drink the tavkt to the King,' after which the national anthem heartily sung. The next tomsl, "Canada, was jre posed by eof. 0. D0 Skelton, who said that a wan deyer rénsons himself into patriot sm. We hate to thank the Un: Hod States for oxlernal pressure to bring out wer patriotism. We often boast of eur Teter morality, bat that in only heviuse of the lesser tempta tions than our cousins to the south.' In #penking of systems of government, the araliar gird the United States forlorn! gostrnment was ns much abead of the Canadian federal govern: niont ax the Casadian management. of municipal afthirs i# in advance of ths Lnited Biatea statem of civie govern ment. * Canals has had many heroes, explovers, anissionaries and pioneers, tf are teverad bv all Ca: ada has been shine i il be lonz pon goal of all i& fe, echies tion, moral the conditions of all god land seeond' to none mul fovt ber yommetee, From Galvastor, Texas, to Germany. New 'Yurk, Fel 5.5The steamship Consa's, or Liverpool, is in ping at sea, threes hwndred miles «ff the Virginia capes. ree gore, tovidencing that her crew! hes taken to the high scas to escape the flames Fhe story of 1B vessel's sad plight wie told iv the following mersage re ciel by the United Wireless from the Chde liner Arapahoe, dated la titnde 26.10 ner bh and longitude 75. IN: * Noon -Eteamtir Arapahoe, Tire, dre' aontille for New Was Clyde York, Corsols, Liveroocl, on Too, | wing from the hatehics, which te red to ba off "The lifeboats were gone and verentl no are sx on hoard, steamship Castle F to the tonsols, headed to the north. werd, apparently trying to tow her. Ship apvarently, doome According to the Maritime ap af: The wi 2,239 tons, commanded "hy She left 26th, and Hamburg, stermer of Captain Jores. Texas, on Jan. fel%, Va. f rvofton. Murdered by Mistake. H.» vumore, Uonmerstown. Ustago cornty, murdered while mistaken for a burg: lar by Robert Nellis, fartver, hear Fort Plain, Saturday morning. al A King iy = anal a, he Hie Arts Society fer mviting hint to the banquet: It was also a for to be presont al a principal cof his old {Pniversity College, To- also a pues. This was Sime in sixteen Years spok en al a university AbY WERTISING PAYS. Some short-sight say: -- "Advertising =~ doesn't proves that it does, 7 & : Fk ik 5 z 7 eases * tho of the most in the Canadian Adgwi Sharts/ Yet one ean see that these papers are always full of 'worising matter, even at these: enornicns prices. Advertising pays, and pays 'Mr. Merchant, do you ad... tee? g rT sisaesseieatses PEP PEBP ETN snd Prof, Skelton. He had considered chatrman of the Civil Service All kfdew what a suecess he had made of this responsible posi- work was being considered bv a spe- King bad also re Prof. Skelton ss the most that important Ques- Prof. Skelton's federal govern told of a conversa Laurier had then premier's cabinet and the standard of vet vou won't send me angels to pick president of the United must | Noxt to the church, politics affords thy] Reproved by the Cor Court For Endirg to} i With as | BURNING ON THE OCEAN! 11. It Was Found Deserted--Was Bound Brith Her lifohonts chonge the ¢ 'orgols is a British tramp | Galvaston, hound for Nor- | Germany, Tt is thought she carvied a large curgo Little. Falls, N.X., Fed. 5.-<Frederick | a protiinent farmer of was ol. FRESE EEE Toent, in the mile was obtamed for the * * people 3 om, Agamst westbound traflic. pay." The strongest evidence . ji Here # are a few facts which demon- +l strate the value of advertis- 3 aiiveriiogment OF 8] I id fh y phe eset KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, TE 5 RPE for. Suns 0 Agr: Reduce Armaments. DAVID LLOYD GEORGE BRITISH CHANCELLOR OF EX- CHEQUER SPEAKS OUT. » The World Would be Richer if There Were Less Battleships--In the Meantime Germany Decides to Add to Its Navy. London, Feb, S.~Bayid Lioyd Lieorge, chancellor of the exche puer, made his first ineursion inlo interna- tional politics, s nce the speech deav: ered by him last summer so inflamed public opinion in Germany in an ad- dress at' the city of London liberal clup, Saturday atternoon. | Speaking om the subject of the re {duction of armament, the chanvellor of the exchesjuer said he believed that the present was an advantagious mo ment to consider the question. It was in the mterests of France, Germany, Russia, and Great Britam that there should be a better understanding, He ecntinued : "1 believe that with candor, franknessy and boldness it 1s attainable: The world would be rich- er for it, taxes migus be reduced, and the money which would be saved that Lis now spent on armaments would de | devated to developing the resources fol the country and improving the con- dition of the people" 'The coinerstone fof sound fmance is peace on earth and (good-will amcny men, | The expectation that the chancellor of the exchejquer would announce a scheme for the rehabiliation of cou- [sols was disappointed. He agreed that the question of the fall of consdls (shod be investigated, but that it [must be" divested of all politieal bias, and he a purely judicial impartial and financial examination. i ps What Germany Does. Bertin, Feb... 5.<-No fewer than A Dluejackets are to be added the German navy by the new naval (bill about to be introduced in the | reichstag according to reports publish ed in Saturday atternoon s news papers. Lhe measure also provides for the commissioning of a third battle squad iron composed of ships taken from the reserve, Ip caddition large appropria- tions are to, be asked for the construe: tion of submarines, 'he cost of the stréngthaning of the navy and army together is estimated to reach over ou MN. u annaally, 15, to PITH OF TUE NEWS, fhe Very Latest Culled From Al Over the World. ierman navy is to be increased 15,000 men. her mujpesiios have don safely from India. Right: Rev, Bishop Holmes, of Atha- bases, is dead in kngland. | ihe A ntaro legisiatine wun busy session on Wednesday. tal Htalitax, 3.8. the coal schooner Rhode was lost with all hands. Five thousand troops are to go to Pelfast to protect Hon. Winston Churchatl, At Hamilton, Ont., nine young men were arrested, charged with Sunday tgamling. I A GJFR. carpenter I I haniesville as fallmg on him. The Toronto directory of 1912, indi- ientes that loronto has a population lof over 440,000, {At Vansouver,. B.U., a motorman twas Killed and six persons injured in by reached Lon- open a was Killed at thé result of gravel possod close to the Dritish sieamship a street car collision Fire was Mix pew seats will he given to Mon jtreal by the Quebec redistributionrbin { Westmount will get one seat. tag Hage arbitration on the North Atlantic fisheries dispute cost Canada Aden had a towline Wo Bundred thousand dollars, pr Ultio men wrote a letter Thomas paper claiming to i whereayoiits of the Bessemer to a know No. Fx. 2 our ferry which sank in 19, A ol will be introduced by dominion govertiment provid mg for the appointment of a third member on the civil service commission. Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Stanton," of Toronto, and Burrell Heacock, of [Nagar were drogned when ai the ara Falls the ice bridge gave way, sale of the Uollingwood Ship ling company's plant to the For- interests is nt confirmed, but it ' admitted that negotiations are yet The Grand Trunk Pacific will have the lowest grade of any of the trans: continental Jmes. - A maximum gra: dietit of only four-tenths of one pes fg tive, distance Between the Pacific aed ton, cast of 'the Rocky mountains nnd but fivetenths per A Viceroy Resigns, £an Feancises; Feb. 3.--Chung Lung Ching has resigned as viceroy at 'ante and t Sun Yat Sen "he appointed San Chi Yue as his gudeesscr, cor i 10 a cablegram riceived by Huh 'Sai ut Va. HH. Miner, Cape Vincent, N. eighty seven, was found bad, Thursdwy 'morning, by Br. Herbert H. Smith. Mrs. tim of the British CHURCH TO RAISE BAN. W Cards and" Theatres to be Taken From Methodist Blacklist, Chicago, Feb. 5.--~The question of altering the attitude oi the Methodist Episcopal church toward certain amusements, which has recurred regu- larly at general conference of the church for the last iWwenty years, is expected to be settled definitely at the next meeting of that body. It is said that the majority of the delegates to the geneyal conference will go with the intention of asking that the absolute ruling which prohibits dancing, card playing and theatre going be abol. is The conference will be held in Minne #noliy. heginmne May Ist, and from the number of delegates®who will at- tetid rom almost every part of the world, and the importance. of constitu- tional questions which will be dispos- ed of, it is expected that this gather ug will nark a vital chapter n the history of Method mm, I 1 of TWO-HEADED BABY BORN. to - Cambridge, Mass, Feb. 5.° -- Physicians said to-day that a two-headed baby born to Mrs. Kosnow would live. The baby weighs teh pounds. Jt. has two ds' on an un- usually long neck. One head is perfectly formed, but the other is without features CEILI EPP Pee CPP PE LL IO TEE 3 i : i } A STEEPLEJACK LEAPED From Statue of Liberty With id ot a Parachute, New York, Feb, A man ascended tie upraised asm giant Statue of laberty out narvor, Friday aftetfioon, made a tortuous way to the outside of the great hand, then sprang out into the air and shot towards the earth. Pedestrians in Batiery park across the bay gazed at The w higzing figure spellbound, then gasped with rene when a parachute openad and the figure settled hghbtly on the ground at the statue's pase. she man was Frederick Law, a steephayyack., He had obtained a government permit to make the leap. ------------------ SEEKS COMPROMISE IN ELEVATOR QUESTION Hon. Geo. E. Foster Wants to Meet the Claims of the Railroads. i Ottawa, Feb, 0-H seems probuldes from present indications; that the government is not. ready to make good its promikes, given to the far mers while ilewns in opposition, in connection with terminal elevators, «t thet an attempt is being made by hr winict rv of trade and vhereby a compromise will he mrived it in which the af the rail wavs will receive cont deration. It is stated 'that at the conclusion of a four-hotr interview with the minister ard at whith the grain growers, the millers and. the C.P.R. were represent- ed, a sclation was siggestedh wilch pleased nome but the railway inter est, and which was not at all te the liking of thé two other interests re presented. The solution wus to the effect that the raflways (continue tu operate their own. terminals, he privately-owned terminals, including the Emjpfire, Western and -Consolida- ted at Fort William and the Thunder Bay at Port Arthur, on the other hand, should he operated by thei Owners! They should not, however, be permitted to store geain for others but covld do as' they liked with their own grain. In connection with this wohemne it wis suggested that it might te nexssairy for the government to ac juire one or two elevators wpon which to experiment. The solution, it is reported, was satisinctory to the reilvoad represented, but it wes an angry aggregation of grabn-growers and millers which loft the conference at mid: ight. Complete ' and control or nothing gan. If this cannot be they will wash their hands of the grain bill, and advocate the refon exiving Manitoba grain act. Without the terminal regula- tion the new bill would differ in we wive Irom the one existing in the matter of a commission, and it is considenvd that if the railways and the.grain men are to be listened to in the matter of terminals. then the comission appointed will also he one accepialle to these interests. b, slowly of the in the commelce, ims government operation Ls thew slo ranted, then FOUR RAILWAY HEADS MADE LIEUT-COLONELS Them For His Advisery Ottawa, Feb. 35S William Mae kenzie, Sir Danaid Mann,' Sir Thomas Shaughnessy; U. M. Haye and jHou. Frank Cochrane have had pew wy neaped upon them. Lhev have become honorary lieutenant olonels in = Hon, Uol. Sam Hughes' miciia forces. The reason':is ap they have consented to become members of the minister of militia's pew advisory coundl on transportation and mobilization Cnl. sation of the department, js arrany ing for various = advisory councils bo the different branches of the musiary organization. The heads of the thee big ¥ compares and the minis railway fer of aitways, 'have been réprigtion Hughes, in carrying out his re-organi i 19.2. TWO MEN DIE . h Heroic Attempt to Save a Woman. I. great fields. Une section wont towards the American shore ani anciored THE ICE BRIDGE BROKE . i 4 out flashed through the city wildfire, and: wi.un a short { American shore of the river was lined oy thousanis of people, who stood watohmg breathlessly the tragedy be mg enacted in the deep ravine below tiem. After getting Roth safely ashore the men made an effort to reach the other three on tae ice foe, but at a point 60 feet below the upper steel arch bridge the ice held Lroke into two like time the * 3 a great rock pear the hydranie power Ouse. 3 I ne moving foe swith the three help- : ; 1 Deings slowly » h AT FOOT OF NIAGARA FALLS OX! CS eings passed slowly down the a iriver. NDAY, MeanTime the fire headiuarters truck bad been called out, aml a geoaeral alarm. of fire on tae «anadian side callel out the men tiere. They took station with ropes alon: the shore, but the floe was far beyond their reacii. the MNiagata avenue firemen were sent to tue lower stoel arch wridge, and there took station with a rope. 1hd Canadian had two ropes down from the cantilever bridge whith 8 about JU yards above tue ouvstruction. And Carried the Victims Through the Whirlpool--=The Heroic Sacri- fice of a Boy amd a' Husband. Niagara Falls, N.Y., Feb. 5.~The great ice bridge that has choked the! river channel between the cataract apd the upper steel arch bridge below the falls for the last three weeks, broke from its anchoring just at noon, Sun- day, and went down the river, taking with it to their death two men and a woman, said to be Mr. and Mrs. Eld- ridge Stanton, of Toronto, and Burrell Heacock, seventeen vears old, of Fast Li7th street, Cleveland, Ohio. Four other persons were on the ige at the time, but managed to get ashore in safety. The bridge was considered perfectly safle. For weeks the great fields: of ice had been coming down the river, pil- ing up against the barrier until it was from sixty to eighty feet thick, and under the influence of zero weather the great mass had become tirmly anchor- ed to the shore. The jam was about 1,000 feet in length and in gome places a quarter of a mile in breath. For two weeks it had offered safe passage to the hardy, and Sunday an im- mense crowd of excursionists came to view the winter wonder of the river. Had the accident happened an how later in the day, hundreds wotld have lost. their lives, for the crowd was moving down into Prospect Park in the elevators that run down the cliff for the purpose of venturing out upon the ice. Somewhere deep in the great Whirl pool sleeps the man, partially identi- fied as Mr. Stanton, who twice put aside chances of rescue in order to re- main with his terror-stricken wife, and who, in the shadow of death, just at the break in the rapids, spurned as- out sistance for himself and attempted to |diders bind about the woman's body a rope T-: VW. dangling from the lower steel archifatly out ine bridge. And the lad, Burrell Heacock, [Of Lie agreement the rid wae cast in the same mould. Had he |g und bend all well-known elo mot turned back on the ice +d give as {quence and mflugnce to see that Hon sistance to the man, he, too, mig he [47- P. Graham elected, as was have made the shore {agreed by tie recent agreemont en On the bridge at the time it tore !dorsed by the conservative convention, free from the shore, besides. these | Those close to Mr. Motiarry * day three, were Monroe Gilbert, of No. that it would take but little to wend 1108 Grove aveniie, this Gita: Ignativs him to this course, as be Jesonts the Roth, of No. 2114 Fulton Road, (leve- misrepresentation heaped upon hig land, Heacock's companicn William friends who signbd the agreement and Hill, an old river man, who had & 'on decent conservatives in. general shack on the ice; William Lablond, a Mr. McGarry's Honorable stand on viver man, and an unidentified Italian. the agreement th sugnout has won Hill's shack was nearest te the Am. Mm hosts of mew Iriends und admirers trican shore. When he heard the | Without losing him any the real grinding and crushing of the ice he | {friends he had before, and he takes ran at top speed towards the Cana. this further step, it wil no doubt dimn_shore, calling to the others to org him further supporters who will follow him. Lablond gave them warn- {welcome his assistance in this 6 ing that safety Jay in that direetion {for a wiuarc deal and the keeping Gilbert and the Talian followed their ® Party's pledge, ead; but the others became alarmed _-- iv the time they had regained their | composure the bridge was moving fast i down the river. firemen Youth's Gallant Struggle. Hezecoek saw the ropes from the bridge and made catch one. ¢ Very coolly overcoat and dangling ready to he took off hid poised himself on the itessing floe. ln his course there dan gled one rope, and a second was moved toward him He canght that Feld Ly Officer Kelly, of tha Untato police force, and a company of about twenty railroad men---caught it and jumped free of the ice. The sag of the rope at that (Continued on Page 8.) M'GARRY MAY SUPPORT GRITS AS PROTEST Known That He Reseats Offensive Interfererce From Outside New Developments. Feb. 3 bus bi a well-defin indy credin e among tirpse close to oe laeal ment that {if the attacks "on the agreement wetwoen and conservatives of tensive great Renfrew, Unt. For sone days past there |ed rumor or, the signers of tas lhioerals contn ued, and certam . are mtertercn te 18 persisted McCarry, from mm MPP Hatteorim throughout his tins riding will come oh n dotence is ol i ght ol nto, Big Fire in Hamilton. Hamilton, Feb broke out the hy ------ ing plant, York Woman Became Exhausted. | rontened to The man and woman started first tor {unsiness block, thie morning, but wards the American shore, but they fmally got un fer contro! with th were stopped by a lane of open water. i boss ol two hundred thousand dollars, Pack they ran again towards the Can-11he hysirants were frozen up ant the adian side, turned about' and made tof {Hiremen were fate wn arriving, through the American side. When hardly mors 'a misunderstanding of alarm. It was than fifty yards from the rocky shore, | thougint part of the block would the woman fell om her fage, utterly "have to be dynamited to'stay the pro exhausted. gress of the flames. And all the time the great Held of | ice, driven onward by a south-west | gale and pressed by a jam broken tree | tttawa, from its anchorage near the base perintendent the Horseshoe Falls, went om breasting of) the terriole outrush of the saagara position Falls Power company's tunnel out- lare to be flow, the mightiest current in all the |ward, law clerk of the department of river, without being broken. As the | railw ays and canals, who is leavin: woman fell, the man strove to get her [Ottawa at once for that purpose, jo het feet again, amd trie 10 drug | er along the ice, caumg for assis CARDINAL GIF GIBBONS a SEES A TAFT VICTORY tance to Roth and Heacock, whe were This i Me Predicts the Presidest' $s Re 3 - Fire, inean and w pe m Lathogzraph Jumes streets, out a valuaok was a Charges Are Laid. Fev, 5 of the f2len Gordon, Petervoro Trent canal, 18 to vaeate ih charges against mvestigated hy MH. P wu ol section wile his nim Al Crowd Watched t the Tragedy. Word that the ice bridge had 'gone Lo 1 80,000 ORANGEMEN, London, Feb. . 5.--~The Morning Post's Belfast corres- pondent asserts that 80,600 Orangemen will be in Bel fast on Thursday, the day Winston Churchill is to at- tend to speak at a home ule meeting Fully thirty thousand wil be armed with guns and re- volvers and the real wiih clubs and other weapons. The correspondent Sompiatus because Dublin Castle taken no steps to ry " bloodshed, saying = seven thousand . soldiers will be necessary to preserve peace, nearest. Heacock turned back to couple and helped the woman cost him his life. Roth struggled along over the jum: | mocks of ice, getting clove 40 ia open stretch of water at the Cana- dian end of the jam. |uete were nen | smination Despit ly on the shore ready to give him as | N ¢ the Roose sistance. Lablond, Hill, William Cook velt Boomers and Superintendent Henry ning, o | a the (hitaric Power company, Boing Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. b.President among them. They were stationed at | { Taft provably will be remominated by the bottom of the cliff just at tite foot |'*¢ repiinodns, | despite we. Roase- of Eastwood street, Niagara Falls, {volts popularity is the belied of Car Ont. Roth was afraid to trust himself dina! --wbous, accoramg to an artes, in the icy water-. Lablond "jumped ou Boon Paper, which fo (fotes him in to the field of ive with 4 rope, andl | 9%, Interview. : half carried bali dragged the boy Want do you think ob the sational ashore, : political situation and the present booming of Mr. Roosevelt 7" he was asked. "Mr. Roosevelt is gndoubtedly the most popular man in' the country, today," the cardinal answered. it a good man, too. Bui, then, Mr Taft has proven himself elicit in his postion wnd is sinvere in bis eftorts "Moreover, Mr. Tait i president, and ax president he is wn the saddle, The man in tae saddle aways Tas the advantage. Mr. Taft deserves re cognition for his work, out Mr. Koose velt is also vigorous. "AN eoturse, the democratic possibili- ties mowl not be forgotten, The de moerats have gained control of the House of Heprosemtatives and have made no Dlunders, far at least. say and several big trees. Policeman Caught Something. Montreal, ¥eb. 5--Two - police offi cers' are down with small-pox and there w much indignation taat they got it through slderaswic influence, : bewy vaccinated. BT TTT IT TT ** Be4edsev totes sissy hd hig rr LAS rT EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIEA Toronto, Ont, Feb. Sh, 10 sam--0 tawa Vali and Upper St. Lawrences Generally ir to-day and on Tuesdas: not much change in temperature THE LAST CALL FINA L CLEARANCE SALE TO-MORROW -QF LADIES' WINTER ! COATS FINE FURS AND FUR LININGS -- AT : ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICES Ar opportundly afford to miss if you want any of the above articles Barly selections are best. Come ft the morning if possible, w You 'canno' A i cme ist THE NEW PONGEEN Are here and ready NATURAL PONGEE, the kind 40¢, Loc. 60¢, All homespun weaves, that wears, at 0c 0 $1 "See the Great Hc Quality. 34 inch Colored Pongees. Very Special at 05¢. STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE, BORN. Kingstan on Feb Mrs. Win at 4th, James 206 Johnsad 1912, ta Me and a daughter, wich | "he They have a lot of presidential timber | MARRIED. BUTLER A on Feb, Int, 1012, by Cook, Wiiltam Niehod Butler, both of Ports. NICHOLSON i mouth He Canon | son to Kate mouth ® emg «LEI: ptered late sos, 1913 in Jersey Burton, S widow of a forme riy GLEN on Janus) tity, N Y. the inate of Garden Feb di, aged oi Kingston i ellen Ham te) from (Robert Mcelen) Bret Tuesday two o'ulgek."' the ROBERT 5 REID, The Leading tartar "Phone B77. Princess Strom. JAMES REID The 01d Firm of Vsdertaker 254 snd 158 PRINUDESS TRE, 'Phone 147 for Ambulance. ------------------ -- TAKE NOTION. We have ths A aney of the Stoves," a good i and Hodes prices; also g ot of na oe cond hand, which we will se. Ts a de od prices. Don't gan till they are ab gone, urk's, 708. -------------- DUERR'S JAMS KASPBERRY. STRAWBERRY. PEACH. APRICOT, BLACKBERRY. STONELESS DAMSON. STONELESS GREEN 1 12 1b. Glass Jags, Bic. PURE AND GOOD. Jas. Redden & Co. Princess §treet Church, On Thuteday evening of this - sek thy members of the official board of Prioouss rest Muthodist church will: vole on church anion. Painters started 81 work this morn. ing 'redecorating the imtetor of the church, On March 35d the members and ad: Berents of this church will be asked 10 contribute s dav's pay Iona tbe finances of tl Ne en Rew. ppt oo and to preach at de Versary services in ir Re