Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1912, p. 4

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CRG RTE Me HS HE SE TERE Ei igh $ ary $ Ree Ee Bd : "a Y« lute confidence. Lv secretly. Price - 59 cents CORBETT'S : PIIIIIIIIIIVIIIN S0000000000000000000CS ¢ £S, Anglin & Co. . Lumber and Coal Mer- eo chants, Manufacturers of Fine Weod Work. Oftice, Factory and Yards: Wellington Street North corner of Bay Street. "Phone 66. 00000000000 008S TENS OBELIABLE HOME TREATMENT The ORRINE treatment for the tizink Habit can be used with abso- It destroys all de- sire for whiskey or beer or other ~ aleoholic stimulants Thousands have successfully used it and have been restored to lves of . sobriety "and usefulness. Can be given Costs only $1.00 per box If you fail to get results from OR- RINE after a trial, your money will ibe refunded. Ask for free bioklet telling all about ORRINE. G. Ww. Mahood, corner Princess and Bago! Lt Btreets, TRI ITLessssseeNP WE CLEAN KIDS : By A process of our own ve clean kid gloves so as to make "them look like new --eleaw them loside and outside, and hever leave any offensive odor. i : R. PARKER a co. Dyers and Priscess : d Cleaners, he many persons are condemued ? | The enlargement of the Welland ca: {many reflections. es THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published tarig, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.50 Thursday morning at §1 a Fear. be added, making price of Dally $3 and Street, Toronte, WEEKLY BRITISH WHIO, 18 pages, published in parts on Monday and To United States charge for postage had te Attached in one of the best Job Prinfing Offices tn Canada' rapid, stylish, aud cheap work: nine improved presses. . THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED TORONTO OPFICE~~Rulte 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church . BE. Smaliplece, J P., representative. THE DAILY WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR at 306-319 King Street, Kingston, On- Abd 4 p.m. of Weekly $1.50 per year. J. G. Elett, President. Leman A, Gulld, See Treas, The utilsdes commitiee did a sen sible thing°at its last meeting when it lowered the rates of power, when used during the day, from De. to ihe, a kilo-watt, according te the quantity required, to Ze. and Be. per kilo-watt. The desire is tofincrease the use of power during the dav and if possible to the hunit of the plant's capacity, and this aim should be ac: complished. The new rate means that a man can ase electricity at a ' cost guite as low as that at which power can be supplied by steam or producer- gas on the premises. ihe experiment is a good one, and it 18 hoped it will work out to the complete satisfaction of the committee. : Hou. Mr. Beck, representing the Hydro-klectric Lommission, answered a recent communication from the utili. ties committee, and with regard to = THE POWER QUESTION AGAIN. power contract. The city knows what it can generate power for with coal and steam. It is assumed that. pow- er, generated from a water fa..s, can be produced for less, but the question is how much Jess 7 The Hydro-kilee tric Commission was reminded that! the Seymour company had built its transmission lines as far east as Na: panee, and a contract could be mile | with it almost immediately. The an- swer of the commission is non-commit- tal, It could not be otherwise under the circumstances. The Seymour's busi- ness has not yet been taken over or acquired by the Hydro-Electric Com- mission, but the commission can su- pervise its power contract, and hénce it ouly wants the request of the coun: | cil for a contract in order to begin, Its negotiations. THE VALUE OF It does not appear that the power | department is fully aghrized of the has pointed out that in ove city, with the proceedings of which the Whig is fa- miliar, the gas department has a fine store at which demonstrations are fre- quently given as to the usefulness of gns. Some expert is emploved to give exhibitions, and they are usually with respect to cooking--with gas. Incidentally the department is inter- ested in the education of the people in all that concerns them: in heating, and lighting and cooking. The dis tributing company--for it is a corpora tion that takes over the grofs output aud sells it to the conSumers--sees the advantages of advertising, and is nol niggardly in the use of it. Kingston owns and operates its gas plant. It has seen the consumption of value of advertising. | Tt been ADVERTISING. : gas more than doubled within the ton five years, with some pushing on the part of the department, of course, but of an uncertain and spasmodic charac: ter. Had the population doubled the increased consumption would have been easily accounted for. The population, however, has been practically station- ary. The development of the gas busi- Desg is, under these circumstances, ex- traordinary, and it is capable oi still greater expansion. It must be advertised. The publicity branch of the department must be given soma aid, and $100 is a trifling sum for the purpose. Were the gas business in the hands of a company, and under its direction, the general manager would not be handicapped as he is now by a want of apprecia- tion. He would be given a tolerably' free hand, and the company would see THE FUTURE -. The Borden government is carrying out the plans of the Laurier govern- ment, and providing for an early en- largement of the Welland canal. What the department of wilways and canals plans, with regard to this work, is not] apparent. When the subject was undet discussion in the commons, a" year ago, reference was made to a new cut in'a new direction, and the possibility of lift locks that would make those at Peterboro look insignificant. The engi- neers, presumably, are still engaged upon their tasks, and eventually the government will get upon their Fecom- mendation, ) nal, so that the deep-draught vessels that ply upon the lakes may reach Kingston and tranship their cargoes here, means more than Any one can calculate, It means much to the coun- try and to ite canal system, as itere the advantage oi it. . | OF KINGSTON. | vided at an early date and utilized in the development of the irain trade. Kingston will be the transhipping ha:- bour; as the only safe place for a} draught boats, and hence the need of those harbour improvements which should be 'undertaken at once. { /There is talk occasionally of the St. Lawrence river being deepened so that there may be an unhindered and un-' restricted trafic into Montreal and! Quebec. 'But that is a dream that will not be realized for many years, if ever. It ranks with the Georgian Bay scheme in costliness, . With. the Welland canal enlargement, which, is now asslived, Kingston should gel the benefit which has Been her' due. The location of this city, in ve-] spect Lo navigation, carries with it ad- | vantages which more than dompensate for the disadvantages which it usually | suffers from insdfficient railway con- presents the facilities that can be pro- nection. ------ Some months ago the manner of releasing convicts. from the peniten- tiary, insufliciently clad, was made the subject of strong editorial dom- The became acute, having been carried into the House of Commons, that it was as summed some very necessary' and radi cal reforms would follow. 'Ihe imei) dent of that time, and the newspaper comments "upon it, appear to have been forgotten, and the old routine combines. Last week those who tra: volled by a eortam street ear, on a certain . morning, saw two men who had been just released without over: coats. : the circumstances are suggestive ol ual in the pur pose of the imprisonment to which so To punish them for their 'misdemeanors and incidentally to «orrect and to eure them of further offences against soviety. But imprisonnient does not ment, yuestion sO correct some men: it hardens them; it {makes them worse, and why 7 They came into contact with the case-har- ' when there 'is no classificntion--and their second condi: tion is infinitely more pitiable Chan o [the first condition. The parole sys fem is saving some people. It ix giv- ing them a chance to redeem them and if the «Whig understands' parole officer right it should be o to the end that priser bie be more limited, © PRISON REFORMS NEEDED. of £3.000.000. If there policy. So mueh the Borden ment bas learned probably regrets now that it made the lenquary. conservative | headd. , company, . WEDNESDA) EDITORIAL NOTES. Hon. Winston Churchill will speak in Belfast, but not in Ulster hall. So the unionists profess (0 be satisfied. They are, politicauy, a shabby genteel lot. Britain has invested $175,000,000 in telegraphs nnd is managing the busi pess in connection with the post of fice. And there is an anpual net loss is any lesson fn this it is that Cavada cannot af ford to buy the telegraph system just now, The admiralty's policy to the Canadian navy with regard is Lauriers govern: upon enquiry. It it is not good taste now lo decline to act upon it. Having sought advice The Montreal Harbour Commission ers are holding the fort, though the contingent wants their Here dre three men who are serving the people non-politically and efficiently and they must go. That the command of the Mr. Monk commands, is brigade which The Toronto News, with a show of fairness, now declares that Mr. Me Garry, of South Renfrew, should. have resigned. and laced the electors well as Mr, Graham. He did oder to resign--to the conservatives and libe- rals, apd there was no possibility of both agreeing to it. as » Hamilton, St, streets this season. lhomas and Ottawa are to oil The oil keeps down the street? and saves the metal. But the highways shoukl be cleaned before the oil is applied. That is the conclusion elsewhere, aud . win probably be young but progressiy e engineer. the conclusion of our The, decision of the court in favour of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway that it should not suller auy loss financially y the sale "of the federal bouds, not a reflection any. ihe talk of the News and Toronto Telecram Laurier"s Bungle is very silly. and in essence is upon one , or government, Toronto about Thomas VF, many's leader in the senate, is dead. ingratitude . is his heart. It is not a new experience, Ihe public man 18 a great one while he power, buy public favour fluctuates, amd it is ouly a question of time until he is cast aside. the wen who go into public lee must cal culate upon the changes of fortune, and the broken hearts. Grady, so long Tam said to have broken is nn The very. latest is that Mr. Baliour is attending boxing matches, Whai he seed in. them to attract a man of culture, so deeply occupied with 1he serious questions of life as not to be able to read the newspapers, no one can wongine. But since he is no longer the leader of the commons, he must have something to remind nim of its tights. An Irish contemporary sug- gests that he may be preparing for the home rule debate, A Very Simple Experiment. Brantford Expositor ihe high cost ol hving is respousible for an teresting experiment, started a lew days ago in New Yori. One of the ministers being impressed by the idea that the rvelailers arg taking tog much profits themselves, has under taken to pustidy ius belie by demon stration. He has caused the openmy of a store at which the articles sold may pe obtained exactly at the cost price. 'Ihe. experiment has been a 4 great success so far, according to. re { ports. Meanwhile, the spirit of parsimony, | which has too long characterized the; justice department of our government, | must be avandoned. Couvicts, who! part or in full for the wrong committed, must be treated in human way, Why should they turned out of pale, ciently ? Why should = any man pushed wut into the street, in ary weather, without an overcoat, and 'Without the opportunity of pre- viously "breaking in' the with which he is supplied ? Anything! is not good enough Jor an ex-conviet. Ho may be barder at ngart = than when be entered the prison. There sey B, Pais} be be have served their time and atoned in| | 1he retail -ama-' i toggery ! A building has been ootained tree of yeni; clerks have been secured willing to give their services for no- thing, and as every day is a bargain jday, the place is crowded with anxious | customers. 3 As to what the experiment will (de monsirate, that is another question dealer does not get his butiding reat free. Neither does he got all bis help free. 'Ihe cost of his prison close cropped, building and Bf bis help is an impor dressed cheaply and insuffi-' tant item in his expenditure, which he must gdd to the cost of his goods i. he intends to continue in business. Besides he is likely to look for some profits as a return on nis investment and as compinsution for his work and worry. If the New York 'minister really wanls to make out a case against the retailer he should meet the actual conditions with which the retailer has to contend. may oe no evid of + in his character. But he is a man, gnd sus ceptible to ihe biting winds and bit mg sarcasm which he mult face iu going out into tue world spain. The justice depurtment will see the wisdom of changing 'the whole method of 'treating the eonvict population. It 1s time some new ideas were introduc- ed into the management of ihe pris- ons, and for this nge the Whig will work persisteniiy. ment is appointing at manner of com- missions for all manner of purposes. A commission to Jook imto our prisons and report upon what they need, in ofgder Lo meet present ddy con- ditions, would propaoly effect reforms upon which the i ms do not appear to have set their hearts. ensral of the 'dominion, has resigned. © i¥ an able man, and very indepen The Liberate ore in favor of a greater preference in favowr of Mit cause the big inferests forbid it. The question may come up al any time, The govern | "DR. SOPER DR. WHITE Men: Varkcocse [| en | 8K of > Last Wi <6 tes | | Ridbey Aferti as ood. Necve and Bladder Distaser. on Diseuses and Question : ain. «ae conservatives are pot, bel Under what tag? & os x * Bibby's for Men's Rub bers and Overshoes. MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPT. STORK. BIBBYS'™® We have solid comfort See our Felt rubber sole or you. Shoe with and heel NEW SPRING STYLES me MEN'S brated Shoes. Showing vou the new. Spring Footlvear will that certainly surpass in excellence offered for these prices. in shoemaking. Special. COLLAR 100 dozen Men's Collars. Tooke's regular 1ie Half-Price -- Now -- Just received a consignment of Hartt's Cele- New 1912 Models. 2 afford us the greatest pleasure and 'we trust that we may have an opportunity of doing. We are showing Shoes at $4.00 and $5.00. any shoes - heretofore Then again our Shoes are nothing short of perfection Packard Shoe Dressing Half/Price. SALE Sizes 14 to Collars. 164, 4 for 25c. Agents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men 78 80-82 PRINCESS. A ---- ---- Items From Chantry, Chaotry, Feb. 3.-William Myers and wife apd I. Freeman, of Vort- land, were the guests of Mr. and Mis M. H. Sherwood, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sriply, of Flgin, were the guests of Frank Seeds. John Davis is again confined to the house, Charles Abel .has gone to the Brockville hos- pital, to undergo an operation." Mrs Ngtterfield Trotuer is il. F. A. Shel dan is head sawer at £. Chant's mill There is a quantity of logs coming in. Miss Leora Seaman has gone to Delta to purse a patient for Dr ---- FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE You buying this month. can save monev hy We store your goods until required. Chipman EVE ' At Wilbur Station, RYTHING REDUCED Wilbur Station, Feb. 5.--¥Nrs. Lee, John and little daughter, Lavant, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. W. Roche, Sunday T. Richardson has purchased a fine heifer from W. Webb, Norval lee apd James Boyd visited Gerald Thomas on Sunday, Ethel and Kenneth Boyd spent Sunday at Wilbur, : The « flonr the "King's Quality.' What About That Range? That you spoils your Christmas dinner on. Better change it for a "Souvenir" and have no more spoil od meals. 2,500 giving satisfaction in this district. 20 p.c. off all ranges durs 2 W.COemet, fava RB. J.REID ETT EE CT OAL; housewives prefer-- 4 Special this week at $2.00, $2.00, ele, Some specfals at $4.59, $6.50. Brass Hed, Brass Bed, Brass Ded, Brass Bod, worth $69.00, for $48.00 worth $45.60, for. 832.00 warkh $38.09, for $23.00 All Brass, 2 if. Posts, at $12, $13 "» v THA Cont BIBBYS Lu worth $75.00, fo 862.50 | Agents for Penman's Underwear and Sweater Coats 20000000000000000000 RUBBERS. Ladies' Tan Rubbers, Children's White Rubbers, All the newest shapes in Ladies' and Men's. Sawyer Shoe Store : : 0965000000000000000000 Thomas Copley PHONE 087. Drop 8 card ta 18 Pine Btrest wa, wanting snything dene fa the Carpes. tar line Estimates given un sil kindy af repairs and new work aise Hardwood Floors of al Yinds. AN drders will receive prompl aitention bop 49 Queen Street --

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