Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1912, p. 5

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® i : LENS & ond re Wk 4 * i we Gas 4 oi L peat de . 2 . at a & bi Ee EAs hoy - 4 for: the Children To Keep Their Digestion Perfect Nothing Is so Safe and Pleasan} us Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Trial Package Sent Free. Thousands of men and women! have found Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets the safest and most reliable preparation for any form of indigestion or stom- ache trouble, i ahy V bousgnds wick, but of people who sre 'pot are well and wish to keep -------- APPOINTMENT OF A FOREMAN WAS REFERRED. - : i The Proposal is to Appoint Frederick Milo and Make John Evans Super. inténdent of Machinery. 'There were several water works matters considered by the civic utile ties cDmmitiee, yesterday afternoon, chief of which was with regard to ap pointments. When the light and walet departments were amalgamated last December, Ald. Elliott stated in the city council meeting that the idea was was 'to appoint a superintendent of +i machmery under control of the new committee and also to appoint a' foreman for the water department, an ler Manager Folger, Accordingly yes terday afternoon he moved that Frad erick Milo be appointed water works oreman at an nerease in salary of $200, and that John Evans be ap pointed superintendent of machioery at a salary inerease of $150. f Some discussion took place ou: fhe matter, and finally AldS Elhott with- frew' his resolution until some = re ports, being prepared by the . water works stall for the committee, are presented. It was agreed that the adiggested appointments were wise. in this connection a request from W. A. vewlands, water warks collector; for mercase of salary, was considered, hit eft over until the general rearrange: nent of the water department aliairs Tablets after perfect digestion well take Stuart's wen! 10 insure avoid trouble But it the Tablets wholesome for littl eldery, Little children whe pale, anil have no appetite, or da not oF eating, amd will derive grea that and their it. not generally known ars at 8 root folks as for thin grow after benefit are thrive, should use the tablets t from them Mrs. GG, tog St i CUrotsley, 53% Wash ng Hob ken, v Jersey Stuart's hvsp Fablets the bal children well older folks, 1'y best with My enr old takes them as tis everviliing ey just fill as " for of lack gir} for v8 had the three @ them candy. tablets," and and runs readil have only sn she drops elee for thin \ Bulialo mother, a short time ago, who despaired of the Tie of her bape, wus so delighted with the resalts from the child these tablets that she went before the notary public of Erie Co, NY. and made the following auf Rdavit : Gentlemon Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab- lets recommended my two-month whith was sick aud puby and the doctors said was suffering from iu higestion. | took the child to the hospital, but there found no crelel. A friend mentioned the "thart Tablets and 1 procured a box from my druggist the large uweet and was delighted to find they Just the thing for my baby. [ feel, justi Fedd in saying that Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets saved my child's fife. My. W. I. DETHLOPE, Sabscribed and sworn to before we this 12th day of April, 1897, HENKY BAKES, Public in and for Erie Co., ging were to ane lor old baby, and used only lozenges in the box were Notary For babies, no matier how young cr delieate, the tablets will "accom- thigh wonders in incceasing flenh, ap- retite and growth Lua only the lirge sweet tablets in every bex. Full vi ed Yoses arg sold hy all druggists fer De, and ne parent should Ne- s bet the vss of this sale remedy for tH stomach and troubles if the obit ds ailing in anv way gorditg its food or assimilation. tunel 8 Plapepsia Tallots bets hunown fr vears os the pra aration for all stomach whether 'in adolts or infants. A ter] package will 'be sent, Wf vou will F. A. Stuart Co, 100 iv Marshall, Mich bowel have best troubles arite Bidyg. Persie ssssscssascssscssl { THE CLUB HOTEL WHLLINGTON: STREET, "ANvar. Priftass) There are other hotels, but > { Speciul rales by the week. : P.M THOMPSON; Proprietor. Ae ress sssssevesrvesenl none approach the: Club for Lnwsiihe surronndings, Located in centre of city and close tn principal stores and theatres Charges are moderats. ; was made, The Humane Society offered to can: tribute two water fountains for horses and dogs if the city would pay Bw the cost of erection and supply the wafer, 'The fountains would be placed at the corner of Brock and Clarence streets, and near the corner of Prin: cess and Division streets. The econ 'mittee agreed to accept the offer of the society. The matter of reducing the rates of the hospitals wag eit over until i ™ found what amonnt ol water has been used in the institu tions during the past six months, by metre measurement, the request of the board of the Home for the Aged for a hydrant on Montreal street near that building for better fire protection was referred to the manager for a report. All members of the committee were present., vir. : Alds. Kigney (chair: mad), Bailey, Harty, Harrison, Ei liott, Shaw and Ross. | every and wader MARINE MEN ARE HAPPY Announcement About Welland Canal, To use a common expression, marife men are "tickled to death" at the good news from Ottawa, concerning the work on the new Welland canal. There was great 1vjoicing on nll wides wheri the news was sent abroad, "It's the best piece of néws we have heard in some time," was the way on of the head oflicials at the office jo! the Montreal Transportation compa put it, when asked by the Whig. *1 am awfully glad to know that a start is to be made on the work. It will | certainly mean a great deal ior Kings: ton." The rejoicing was not confined jo the head men alone, but there was joy jon every hand, from captain down to { deckhand, Over Nen DAVID J. EVANS RETURNS To Kingston Locomotive Works Charge of Accounts, J. Evans, who ior six months has been with dian Appraisal company, limited, Montreal, will return to h inguin abiout the 20th of Felwrusry. He Bas {been "appointed by CGeperal Manager Wheatley, of the Canadian Locomotive company, as his assistant in charge ofl accounts. Mr, Wheatley recognided that the old company had a mest capable official in Mr. Evans, and de sired him to return: Mr. Evans' mang friends will be very glad to know (hat he is coming back to Kingston to re side. CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always bought Beats 'he AEDALT ,& OF fn David the past the Caha- Is true to its reputati trueto its reputation "The Canada Metal Best Babbitt Metal for all general uty Ml li. machin: 2ASER AVE. - TORONTO 1 skaters and they were w Sit 3? SNE "The Stampede" Will be To-night's : Feature. Speaking of "The Stampede," which comes to the Grand to-night, the Ot- tawa Citizen says: The superficial airs of Washington society and the breezy, outdoor life of the westérn Indian re- #rvation ate combined in "The Stam: pede," from the pen of Cecil B. De- Mille. Tp its dramatic form "The Stampede last evening opened a three night engagement at the Russell The- atre and proved ome ? of the best at- tractions seen here. It is a melo drama full of stirring scenes, relieved by pleasing comedy, and is given with an elaborale scemic presentation and by. a capable company. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LEAGUE. IS FINISHED, #t. Paul's Won Senior Cup hy De fault----Sydenham Street Are In- termediate Champions and Cooke's Junior Winners, The result of the games played in the Y. M. U. A. gymaasiom, Tuesday evening, decided the winners of the cups in the A" and "H" senior bas ketball series of the Sunday school A. AA. ! Ig the "A" group Queen's street M thodist church team defaulted to St. Much has been said of the triumph of Lillian Buckingham in her creation of Wangs, the hali-breed Indian girl, who is the heroine. K is indeed a character keenly cut in ior, and in the most exacting Miss Buckingham's acting i "Excuse Me." Ihe jolliest railway journey om re cord is the trip ' from Chicagd to Rmo as set forth in "Excuse Me," merriest of all farees, that Heury W. Savage will offer at the Grand on Thursday, February Sth. Two thou- sand miles of laughter and four days' of couvilsing comedy are squeezed into the two hours and three-quarters of the Rupert Hughes' play. a passenger of the s train runs, the Puliman porter apth describes the pace of the fun in the piece. "This train don't stop," he says; "it don't even hesitate. It just rushes." So with the humor in "Ex- cuse Me." It rushes OPERATION FOR PILES FAILED, Zam-Buk Was Then Tried 'Worked a Cure. and In telling wd at which the Paul's, thereby giving the latter the Fitztierald cup for 1912 St. Paul's won the cup last year, the first season it was competed for. There were three teams in the "A group->St. Pauls, Yueen and Brock, 'Tuesday evening's game was the only defaulted one in the schedule. If Queen's had defeated St. Paurs in that game a three-cor- ner tie would have resulted. Fast basketbal, has been played by all three teams throughout the sea: son. lhere are a couple of changes on St. Paul's team this vear, to that which carried away the SS. AAA. senior silverware last year. Wegneth McCullagh (captain) and Thomas Me- Cormick plaved defence, and certainly gave a good account of themselves throughout the season. Noy Moore is the centre man, and held down this position well. The champions had for- wards of the scoring brand in Max- {well Orr and W. hing. Orr is looked {upon as probably the gurest shot in 'the league. | Iu the most interesting game of the evening, Bethel defeated St. James', winners of the ""B group of senior series, Ht. John's were to have played Sydenham, Writing Jdrom Poplar B.C, Mrs. (', Haison,-wife of the proprietas of the Commercial Hotel, says 1 suf. fered tor years with bleeding piles. Ihe pain was so bad at times that | could hardly walk, and ordinary rome edies seemed utterly unable to give me any exp. Finally 1 decided to mdergo an" operation, and went to the Sacred Heart hospital in Spo- kane. Ihere they performed an oper- ation and ard all they could for me. For a time [ was ccrtainly better, but within twelve mouths the trou- ble started again and the came as painful ds ever. [tried liniments, hot poultices, various ' tle cures," and indeed everything 1 covid Rink would be likely to do any good, but still I continued to suffer, and 'the shooting, burning, stinging pains, the a aching oP aE ed worn-out' feeling that the dis- oye causes continued as bad gver, "Une day I read aboir Zam Buk and thought { would try it. The first one or two -hoxes gave me mote ease than anything elsé iI had (ried, o | went on with the treatment. 1 a short time I began to feel altos wether diferent and better, and | saw thet Zaw-Buk was going to cure me. Well, 1 went on using it, and by the ime 1 had used six boxes I was de- lighted to find myself entirely cur- ed. That was three years ago, and frém then to the present time thers hos heen no return of the trouble." Zam-Buk% is a sure cure for piles, eczema, vlers, abscesses, cold sorps, chapped hands, varicose sorci, burns, we bls, Yraises, inflamed patches, and oll skin injuries and diseases. Drug- gists pnd stores.everywhere, Ole, box:, or Zawm-Buk Toronto, for price. Refose substitutes. Co., harm fe! LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, Why Butter is Sach a High Price in Ringston., Kingston, Feb, 7.-(To the Editor; The high price of butter is dus to the fact that nearly all the cream is ship «dl ta Toronto. A commercial travel er just returned from a trip, tells mg that at every village and stopping place large cans of eream were lagged, 'The T. Eaton company, Toronto." Moral-Ladies' homemakers, send your money (that is earned in Kings ton) to Toronto. Don't keep it here. You might build up Kingston. When you are collecting for = your sociala, don't annoy Toronto. Call on vour friends, the merchants at home.~ CITIZEN. J To Decorate a Church, W. F. Hall, Napanee, with several oth r residents, were in the city to- day to laok over church decorations. A Napancean has offered to pay all expers 8 involved {nu the dhecoraton of Rrinity Methodist church, in that town. Held Skating Party. The scholars of Louise school to the number of fifty, held a skating party at the Stadium rink, Tuesday after: noon, Prizes were given to the best on by Harriet {Gardiner and Wilirid Fair. . Sales Negotiated i OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. Phone 186 : Conveyancing and Real Beate E. Blake Thompson, LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW | No For Bale or to Rent. Rents Collected MARKET 8QUARS KINGSTON, ONT. json yr voir Bowls, WM oascarcts- or merely CASCARETS INSURE INSIDE CLEANLINESS : The Millions of Cascaret Users Never Have Headache, Constipation, Biliousness or Sick Stomach. It is more necessary that you keep Liver = and Stomach tear, pure and fresh than it is to Keen thy venps drainage of a 1 re city free irc bhstraction. Are vou Lesping clean ivside with ) ing a pas aconay every Jow days with salts, cathar 'o pills or castor wil ? This is i} optent. Caster. t: uomedistely cleanse rem lide the stomach, remove undigested © and fermenting wll atid fond gases; take the excess ils from the liver and carry out of tha 8 stem the decomposed waste mat- and poison in the intestines and odds How badly and Ly wionthe. neer as the but were forced, through {lable circumstances, first time during the playing of schedule games. 'ed that St. James' would have deéleat- led Bethel and they would have been itied wish Sydenham for the cham- pionship of the group. But the John- son street Congregationalists handed {out a surprise. St. James' and Syden- ham had only been del during the season, sud they handed each other the medicine. in the game, Tuesday evening, . iand never lead in the scoring. {Potter amd Veale were sent the bench for a few minutes, and St James. seemed to go to pieces, Low at centre, for Bethel, was chiefly re- sponsible for his team's {though the whole team were fighting to a finish. At full time the score was 25 to 21 for Bethel. Buthel- Forwards,» Edgar, centre, Law; defence, Wilson, Veale, St. James Forwards, Votter, goant; centre, Sharpe; defence, yidge, Eslord, Collison. Referee Leslie' Meek. A game ing between | an all-star team {allstars margin. won has ylaved a persistent game. fhe first game was Geir only defeat. Hae old Trotter, at ceatre, &s fhe fastest mas in the group, and has remark. alls ability at finding the basket. {oy Ward (captain) from the first of the sea- their weight, nianage to guard thee territory safely. 'The forwards of the victors are in the front rank of their group. Herbert Holder. is fast and is a good shot, while Fred lense is one of the hardest workers in the game. © Tne team hax acouple of verv likely-looking spare mem. The worning out-of the "sehedule of the "B"" group has developed many new players, and, with proper hand ling, should be an asset lo any bas kettall league. Bethel team © lost its first three games and apparently "woke up too late." Toward the end of the season (he Bethelites really played the game. This was the first vear St. John's," Portsmouth, boys tliyel basketball, 'and deserve eredit for the way they stuék at the game, though often defeated. They will be heard from next year. St. James' looked, in the middie of the season. ulmest the champions. But =ome utilucky n€crobe must have entered Rev. I. W. Savary's parish, or else ther opponents received the right kind of "dope."" But the Anglitans jLeine "there's many a slip between tre cup and the Ip," and take their delent like good sports, The other teams in the group were Broek and { onke'n, The cups of the S.5.A.AA. are well distributed denominationally this year. 'st. Pauls (Anglican) won the semior "AY group; Sydenham (Methodist), the senior "B™ group, and "Cooke's {I resbyterian), the mnior. An amusing fact in connection with the winning of the three cups is that the winners in each case are the teams of the Sunday school to, which the donors be'onged. Rev. W. F. Fite. Gerald dondted the senior "A" group cup and the boys of his church laid hold on it. TT. F. Harrison is the domer of senior "B" group trophy apd it will rest this year in the 8% der ham street Methodist school sud Conke's church' boys cartied swiy the silverware 'totaled by Fran Netwvman, + 8 mentiwr of that school, for the junior competition. I wis curios the question might be ea'iend, "is everything on the square ?" wordcrjully son, and, with | call league ! a Tojured in a Store. A young lad the name pployed with w Chown *% with an accident, on Tuesday after noon, similar to the one that occurred in the Wormwith factory about a week ogo. He was going up on the eleva- tor, in the rear of the main shop, and stuck his hend out to look at some Unng on the muin Before he Smith, t with the resuft that'Sydenham are the {During the very Tuesday evening, |day time, and uncontrob lg oe. to default for the | 41 shave to be cleared out again | feated once each jare then bad { damage, piles" be | James' seemed to be off color a little, | i fe a4 solid bridge of ice across scoring, | { J i i But this is a Sunday school basket- : o., met |of We are Selling the Gananoque Bankrupt Stock. "OUR BIG SHOE SALE OFFERS YOU GREAT SAVINGS. + Come and See the Good Bargains we are Offering. ABERNETHY'S QUITE A PROPOSITION. In Keeping Ice Out at the Dry Dock For Winter's Work. This winter, it has been quite a proposition keeping the ice eut at the dry-dock, so that work could be pro- ceeded with, on the different vessels. severe weather, it the lywas a very difficult task keeping the ice cut, 'The ice was cut away in the at might, it would and then would Of hard, it y the leourse, this all made extra work. The t had been expect-inen wil appreciate very much when the mild weather arrives, May Damage Vessels. In marine circles, it is reported that at Sarnia, vessel owners whose boats lying in the harbor, are [earful of if another severe ice blockade sets in. 'Lhe ice so far, has been the gt. | heaviest in years. 'Lhe trouble arises from blocks carried down by the cur- rent from Lake Huron, These join' in narrow points of the channel, the in tervening spaces freeze, and the result the river. Canadian 'Railw Although Canadian railways operate through a new country and for the Holland; most part thinly settled territory they have been able to improve their lines Ser- land the service to such an extent ihat Part- they. are now attracting the attention of travellers all over the continent. A gentigman who recently travelled wae played Tuesday even- through Canada using both the Grand and, Trunk and the St, Paul's and after fast playing the has written io one of the railway off- out by a consrderable icials as follows: Grand Trunk Pacific, . "It octured to me that the except: Sydenhdm, all t rough the season. 'ionally good and efficient service that I had, was worth calling your attent- ion to, especially in the splendid din- ing and sleeping care thai vou run. | have had oecasion to travel ou many of * the largest and important Trunk G and Duncan Mnes in Ameriea, and can say without Wi. htmen, the defence, have improved gquivoecation, that 1 have never seen excellent. dining better rum, car," or more A Marvel of Radium. Ottawa Journal. Theoretically, perpetual motion is impossible, vet practically it has been achieved. In Paris recently a clock was constructed the motive power of which is radium, which is caleulated to run for 30,000 years. Indeed, al- though the works are made of the hardest materials available in the world, they will, through continual revolution, grind themselves to the point of useléssness long before the motive power is exhausted. The French scientist's estimate of 30,000 vears, of course, is an extremely ap- propriate one, some. maintaining that radium is inexhaustible, The chances are that the future generations of the world will have no opportunity of judging the clock's life, for four thou- sand years of the past has been suffi- cient 'to see the greatest cities de stroyed and their sites forgotten. Up less the world has taken a long step in permanency, the Paris toy, contrary ta its maker's expectations, will reach the dust heap long before ity life is extinct. Robertson McCoy, aged seveniy-nine years, of Parham, was brought intd the city on Wednesday morning, and regictered as an inmate at the Home for the Aged and Infirm. Gilbert's prices are glwavs right That's why they are busy irom morn- ing to night, K. E. Kennedy, Sherbrooke, was in the city, Tuesday. Gordon Smith, Boston, day in the city. "My filtean-yearold son" pars Mrs. I. OC. Sherman, whose home ia in Brooklys, 'caught a bad cold just when his. voice waw changing and could not get rid of it for abowt «x year. Virol was the only medicine that did him sony good and it was just what be needed to drive his covgh away and build up his stren- 4h." spent © Tues. , J he bad taken Vipol sooher he wotld have been spared 8 whole lot of annoyance and suffering. . dimply a sign' When vou build up the bodily strength and enrich ths blood with Visol opr delicious cod liver and irom ation with: ont oil, the cough a pound to dis appear. It is really ouly the natural and right way to get rid of thew bron {knew what had happened, his head 'chisl coughs and hang on so long. struck the ceiling. Outside of having! Tn all weakened and run-down con a fer bad bruises on head he was not badly hurt, 1 engi company, . at Gil: od | the back of his ditions of the body, whether in men, | women or children, Vimol is exactly . 4 what is needed to bring igth. guarantes to give back your movey if Visol does not hip OW Mabood's drug sioré, Kingston, On- tario. : "dog, owned 2000000004 Confectionery of the cholcest delicious variety, all the old time favorites, everything de- Hgbtfully pure and good. A BOX OF CANDY will make a pleasing gift man, woman or child, Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE, "Phone 640. sort. Every to MULLENSHAW WEDDING, Took Place in St. Mary's Cathedral Wednesday Morning. A qifet wedding took place in St Mary's cathedral, Wednesday morning, at nine o'ck when Rev. Fathe Hatley, rector, united in mariage Miss Kathleen F., daughter of Mex Ellen Shaw, Colborpe street, to Cap- tain John Mullen, son of James Mul [ér, Ordnavce street. The bridesmaid was the Lride's sister, Miss Ida Shaw, and the bdegroom was wupported by John Kennedy, of this city. Wil liam Shaw, brother of the bride, gave her away. - I'rof. Denys played the wedding march. The beitle's wedding dress was of white silk and she wore a picture hat with plumes. She eavried & bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley, The bridesmaid's dress was of ink silk, her hat being trim med with roses and hor bouquet was pink roses. The groom's gift to the bride was a muskrat coat, to the bridesmaid a crescent of amethyets, and to the best man a pair of signet cuff links. After the ceremony the wedding party retained to the home of the brides 'mother, where a wedding Lrvakfast was partaken of and the voung couple reddved the congratula- tiors of their friends. The presents recived by the bride were numerous and beautiful, many from outside tlaces, all going to show the popu: larity of the young couple. The bridegroom is ome of the voungest captains on the great lakes. Captain and Mrs, Mullen. will reside in thus city. PURCHASED STEAMER. Calvin Co. Will Use Passenger Boat for Wrecking Purposes. Announcement has been made that the Calvin company, of Garden Is land, has purchased the steamer (orn. wall, of the Kichelien & Oatario Navi- gation company's fleet, and will use the old passenger boat for wrecking purposes. I'he hoat will have to be altered considerably to suit the pur poses of the Wreckers, as she 1s of a passenger type. She is on the ways now at Garden Island, wndergomng re pairs and will be #h commission by spring, The tug Johnson, of the Calvin fleet, 18 being rebuilt at the ways at Gar. den Island. This boat will be in splen did shape by spring. DOG POISONER AT WORK. Two Valuable Dogs Found Dead in . Two Days. A dog poiscoer is evidently at work in_the city. Tuesday night a fine bull by "Harry" Small, was found dead, and on Wednesday a fine spaniel owned. by B. W. Folger was also found dead. A dottor wno was called, stated that the canines had taken a dose of strychwine. Both dogs were great pets, and the owners feel their loss keenly. Another dog, in the same neighborhood, was found dead a couple of days ago. -- Tuesday, just as the men from the Locomotive Works were erossing the market squars, after six o'clock, a farmer drove into one of the men, with the result that he was thrown down in front of the horse. Tha man used great presence of ' mind and rolled from under the horse's fest. A meeting of the representatives of toe different Orange lodges of the covply' was held on Tuesday after poon, County Grand Master Web wher, of Ki , was én the chair. A war game Will be played in the armoorics Tuesday and dnesda, evenings of next week, in which the officers of the Kingston garrisos will take part. All tickets ryserved apd held at the box office for "Excuse Me," Ul not called 'for belore noon on Thuviday, will be pleced on sale A. 6G. Fitinget, principal of Central school, was unable, through illness, to be at his duties Wednesday morsing. Buy Gin Pills" Gibson's. A. SL James, Pembroke, has been appointed license inspector for North Renfrew iy Via Pile Gibson's, We Invite Your Inspection During Our BIG CLEARING FURNITURE SALE stocked with to be sold at Every department the latest and best manufacturers' prices. During this sale your purchase delivered or stored till required. JAMES REID'S A WOMAN'S SECRET OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR. Says Growth of Hair, Similar to That of Grass, Requires Rich Soil, Mildred King in Woman's Heatm. A woman friend of m . the Bed utiful Fane pasraning seen he 1 k 1eaithy, luxuriant and in color a brilliant, Rlasry old--sald to me the other night yousands of People sudfer from total or partial vald. ness who could. easily have hair, just iE and plentiful as mine, if thes eretood the fundamental rales & growth. The prin pin to that governing (he fF piants, trees. etc Cannot expect grass to grow ment sidewalk or in the sand Then Why expect it to grow on a scalp Ge vold of all life giving elements air. too must be fertilized and aourished an surely as a gardener ertilizes Liz plants If the scalp is iry itehy and covered with dandruff i the halr Is gray or streaked. ..'4 nd split at ends siringy. brittle or excessively oily, then the scalp needs lourishment or baldness will ures ollow Most hair tonics fall either cause they dn not JOUSEPEE (AEE nourishing qualities and attack only he surface dandruff, acting ss a mire hair wash." or because they are hot woperly applied Bprinkling on tae hair does no good The applisation must be rubbed briskly right inte the «waip with the finger tips Anti! the «"aln pores have obsarbed it. Doubt. scalp pores have absorbed it. Doubs. 1 owe the 1ifé of my hair, which once was thin scraggy, dead looking 'amine out In handfulls with combing. to the lUberal use of juice of the Pernambuco shrub which is known te all druggists oy the phae- maceutical name of "Lavona 3 Com - posee" I mix 3 ox of this juice, Lao vona | de Compotes, with or Hav Rum and 1.2 dr, of Menthol Crystain Then 1 ada just & teaspoonful 1 To Kalon Perfume. givi 2 most dell. cate and pleasing odor to the hair This should be shaken thoroughly amd allowed to stand an howur before using This ixture properly applied makes the hair i With interly amazing rapidity ahd hy sourishihg ihe hatr roots stimulates the color sacs and "p stores natural color te gray or faded hair and makes it wmofi fiufly snd beautitul, i know this preparation iz recoms mended by many physicians and Hele Spaclalista and itz use is absolutely sale, of its remarkable halr grow. ing ten indies be careful not to apply to the face or where bulr is mot desired. most ong «Bin Beresford Kaiser's Guest. Berlin, Feb. 7.-Lord Charles Peres ford, who arrived hers last might, is te be the guest of Kaiser William, this afternoon, for luncheon. Strange, two, it will be immediately after his miajes ty gives bis speech to the mew reich: stag, divieiag grester additions (0 thes German navy, owing to iperesses in the British nave) largely fovtered by Beresford. + © \ a Toronto proshy tery posed basis of church anion "Buy tie Pills" Gibson's,

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