Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1912, p. 7

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IRISH CITY OF RIOTS : AND MANY GLORIOUS SHINDIFS 15 OLD BELFAST, Comedy Often Mingles With Tragedy in Encounters, and Courage is Sure of Recognition by Generous Opponents, "People who have never lived. in Pel fast or have no close connection with it must find difficulty in account mg for the numerous disiurbances which take place in that city, and for the threats of ¢ivil war which followed the announcement that a British cabinet minister was to deliver a political speech (here. To ome who hax been there, however, and has studied the question, i is more a matter of won- der why those distuthancex do not oe cur more frequently, considering the character of the inhabitants and the pecligr circumstances which are con tinnally dneiting them to break out. Those unacquainted witl"the history of 'the city are also usually greatly | surprised when they hear how few and how simple are the causes of the dis eprel, "OF (hee principally affect the pewer of the city, dll others being subsidiary -- loom ing only into importance at special tines or in special circumstances. Nine wen out of ten, if asked why the in- habitants of Belfast are so prone to ride a riot on slight provocation, wontld answer, in sense, if pot in words, that "it's the nature of the bigste," and, to a certain extent, they wold be right. The natives of Pelfast ' Hike those of most other parts of the! sessed OF The Cork militia, me rald Isle," spirit which when ordered the Bath Afviean war, to reply © "Py heaven, we won't! We can get plenty ot digging in coumty Cork. We come opt here to fight ** They are perpetu ally "Spoiling" ior it, and sooner or later an opportunity will appear and 1% taken for raising n bit of a "seran,"' which will aecasionally rise to the dig- nity of a riot, are pos caused the Rel iglon and Polities. But this love af a which is shared also by Intion ol tne for Velinst Vserap the semi-Scotch city, does nat scoount having a reputation above all other Irish towns for the number mid importance of its riots, ror that we have to look for another cause, antl 10 ong who knows the city it ix soon apparent. In lreland, as is well known, politics and religion ave so closely connected that, f a man's re figlon, ix knowin, in ninety-nine cnses ont of a hundred, it can be told which party 'he supports, sid of this 8 true of drefand (in geonergl, it is true of Belfast in partientar, where religion not omy decides which party a man shall belong to, but very often in finences lim choice as to where he will reside. Hellnst, while being the eapi tal of Uniomist Ulster,' numbers among its population a body of nationalists strong enough to send a representative ti parlinpient, and the presence of this' spetion, whase politien!l interests ave entirely opposed to those of the rest of the éopunimity, has natirnby a dis tihiag St on the peace of the city, Hut there is one circumstance in pars ticular in connection With the nation. alist portion of the population which tefitls Lo make even a shight distarh: nuts nu eauge of grave alaon, © Almost the whole Catholic and nationalist Fkion of the population is' gathered thin the parbamentary division ot West Mellast; mand around the fu 'ens Falls Rood, Running parallel 'to this ropd, shout = the sams distance from It ag Ning street ig fram Quean street; ax the Shankill Road, the great eentré of the Ueangemon. In either of these districts a crowd = of two or thee hindred willing combat: ants ean be gathered inside a few mimites on tne rumor of there being no chance Of a brush with the opposing faetion, and once the crowd is ass sembled the chances ol it dispersing without of least breaking a few of the there are two which to dig trenches during popu- | cannie windows are very small. This prosuaanty ol the beadgiuiter y at ta 'hostile forces is a vesyv importast faci prox WICH midst be given a great dea, Lot aveight 'wien consmiering the ques jon of the belfast riots. bere other districts in the whet party "iy city Lin Ieeting raise lpgh, bia. nowhere pise can the partisans coms so easily nfo conlaet as wm those to which we reler. jot COME se, Willing to fun Risks. To understand why Belfast should pediadly favored with © sen satiopal variations of the monoton of every-duy hie, the reader musi, as was remavied above, khow #Ome thing of the Irish charvaetsr, Irish men, as a race, obey, perSaps more than the patives ot any other coun: try, the injunction to "mever take thought for the morrow." Lhey ure willing to run risks, apparently neve Iy for the spurt of the thing, and with an roekicsnous ot con- sequences, ont of all proportion to the obieel to be attmioed, Kvery par 'lismentary election givek proot of tha, On such oecassons in Belfast ear alter car can be seen driving down to the central \paolice. stu'ion, each occupied by thedivir, two po- Heemen and two prisoners. Some of these prisoners © are honest electors, who have been arrcited on suspicion and who will make about $25 by the wi take; but nlarge number are guilty ol the offence with which they are charged--that of impersonation. At the polling booths a differgnt scene appears. Electors coming up Lo regis ter their voles find that they have been forestalled, and that thar vote has aivendy been used, presamably bn {the cther party. The Belfast elector too, would apewar to the casual obsa ver to have the power to vote after is certain that vetes ave ev often registered in the names of men who have died since the Just ravision of the voting lists. . Han ldreds of men ean be iguud who ar willing to run the risk of imprisor mont for the sake of adding a . for Hotes in favor of their candidate, have known of men who boasted n the close of the polls that they ha voted no, less thar a dozen /imes men 'who lad not the right to vote even once, te so Hier {| death; it Whistle Starts a Row. Belfast is the home oi (many a row has, been started by a j thoughtless whistler), bat thess are { now prohibited by law, and any of- fender is liable to imprisonment. Dut {10 this connection the city can boast 'of another distinction. Frobably no "other city in the world prohibits foot- ball supporters from showing their rm thusiasm for the club they favor 'by {their eries. Yet in two instances this is "the case in Belfast. Ta shout "Co on the Stripes" in Heli is as dan- gerous as to whistle "The Boys of | Wexford," while he who wants to meet with an early death has merely to take a walk up the Falls Road and ne- casionally shout, 'Go .on, the Bines" and even if he escapes serious injury nt the hynds of the insylted populace, he runs - the risk of being imprisoned on 'the . charge of "inciting to rigt*' (For (the reader's information I would say that the "Siripes' Ara the 'colors of ihe Celtic Foothall: Clal, a Catho- le organization, while Blue' is the color 'of the shirts worn by Linfield, a reluly which whieh i« supported by en thusiastic Protestants.) Though sometimes ending in tragedy, the Belfast riots' ave not always en- tirely devoid of comedy. When a: po- liceman is svn ot the side of, & house with his rifle held tound the corner while be pulls the trigger hoping to hit something (though heénven only knaws what, anxiety for the fate of the wreteh who set the barrel point. ing at him is lost in appreciation of the "hobby's" precautions for his own safety. Not that the Royal Trish Con- stahulery are a cawardiv lv of men! Quite the contrary ! Time after time have they stood, armed with nothing but their - hatons, patiently allowing "party tunes" Ambitious who realize their latent ability and seek success in lite are invited to a careful consideration of the famous food. Brain Activity. AR in. nd ts food, made of whole the tissue- JHB DANLY BRITISH WHiu. WEDNESDAY, FRBRL. ARY 2 v. -- TET not to retaliate: but when 'at last they | do get permission to charge, they dg] ft with "a heart and « half." But fre | juently trowds colleot bevond the pow- ar of the polieg to Basdle, and then veourse is had tog the military mith orities, who very soon clear the sirests for no*moly, however eager for the fray, armed only with stones snd sticks, cun withstand a bayonet charge by traived soldiers. Are Good Sports. hey ean be "Sports = on occasion also, the members of the Belfast mobs, and they are always willing to recog: nize courage in an eneiny, be he policeman, soldier, or anti-partezau, in the great nots of (oot thers wus * Catholics and Protestants 'of Felfast T ferling hat a good rest was tieeded: one wstrict inspector of police who made himself fawons by the reckless ness with which Jie braved toe tury of the mob. He would dash to the top of a "double-decked" strest ear and arrest a man Stugle handed, eve: when surrounded by & hostde crowd. Seo] mich, however, did the rioters. appre ciate his nerve thai sven when he was acting against themselves they sed to greet his appearance with a cheer,' though his" gratitude for this tribute did not prevent Ms giving the order to charge. fhough when ther blood is up the ro " TT he oh 16 aesail then with whi ssi Bi CSD A wmisseils, being under strict oder | tp Willams' Pink Pills Because Thy Make Pure Asi any doctor and he will vou that eccemn is caused by itien in the blood; ths! nothing can eure if 'that «dees not reach the tlood--that salves and outward ap plieatioss we worthless. and a waste of money. The wason why Lr. Wil lames' Fink Fills have always heen wo sue x ful a curing this mast ans moving trouble is bevduse they get directly on ithe blood, reaching the root of the wov'ls and driving out all impurities. "acy banish eczema, salt rheuw, and unsightly pimples and eruptions, relieve the irritation and itching wod give perfect health, Mr: A. Puling, of X\lestone, bBauk., gars: 1 was afflicted with' a biogd and skin disease which the doctor called govoma, hut which did not yield in the lemst to his treatment. | was covered with 'sores and in very bad shape. A friend aitvised me to take Pr. Williams' Pink Pills and after us ing eight or nine boxes 1 was cons upur look on each othér as bitter eupmies, once things have gmetad down agp they grow friendly snough towards: each other. Individuglly the sdber ents of the two sects Set on very well together, but collectively they are ine chned to be distrustiul and suspicious, How lor this stats of affairs will last it seems to be impossible to say. For years al a tune perhaps no dis- quieting symptoms may be evident | and then saddenly the whole distriet of West Belfast may be the scene of | what 1s little better than civil war. it can only be hoped that with the spread of education and religious to- lerance the mania for fighting may die out, and leave Delfast to pursue its way toward commercial prosperity witaout being frequently started hy the news of some fresh outbreak. -¥, iP Reports From Kepler. Kepler, Feb. 8. Wellington Orser is drawing logs to MeUrow & mills, John Donnell and wile, Joronto; have heen spending a few dave at his ipther's, Mrs. Serena (iuess has gone to Detroit, !Nirs. Stanard was "at home" to n number of friends on Monday | might. Mts. Donnell entertained a load of young people from Verth Road, and | another load from Mingston on Friday night, Visitors: Otto Hanson and iwite, at Ambrose Order's; I. Lindsay 'and mister, Yurker, at Henry lind [say's; WW. Guthrie and wife and Ss. Donnell and Miss Orser at John Don- nell's; Hubert A. Townsend and wile, Wilton; Mry. T. ¥. Lawrence at ta, Lawson's; Mrs. Andetson Townsend is still continued to her bed. Gravdon Babeock is still in poor 'health. . Banquet at 'Smith's Falls, - Smith's - Falls, Feb. "The second annual' banquet" of the. Men's Club of St. John's ehirch was held hers lust Wednésday eveming. Covers were laid jor: about folr hundred. HH. H. Lang, president of the #uly, © oecupied the chair. A "short hudical progres was rendered belare the speeches; which were 'given by the rector, Rev, Mr. and of. A. Stewart, of Perth, Mr. Stewart spoke on ""Traternity and Co rative Societies," 'which he elaim- were the greatest societies in rio. [He dwelt at length. upon. the origin and foundation of the different "societies and the good they were doing. ------------ George Bullies of 'Delts, was felling. a tree-when a large limb struck hing on the head fracturing his skull. fe is in & serious condition: 3 Thos. Mills, one of the besy known residents of Delleville passed sway ow Tuesday of pneumonia. For fine pastry cooking "King's Quality" flour pever had an equal, Guess NO TROUBLE are Easy Brains Work, Promotions When Your - A young man 'who earned u Jine position tells how food "heiped him: "1 was engaged as a baok Keeper far 2% large publishing house in New York city where the work was trying "amd hours ®o lang I gradually broke fGowh; under the straia. "My brain seemed thick and 1 k the good health that | once sialmed. I wus compelled to resign my posktio. "After three weeks' recreation I ane replied a position ax assistant egshise with one of the largest manufacturing concerns In the Unlted States, feeling, that the work would not' be 80 hur? mentally, and that the change would be for the best. "It 'took just twa' duys to convince oe "had undeftaken 4 task beyond te power of my overwnrkesd and tnderfed brain, and | decided to again resign, disgusted with myself and the warld in general. That day 'I met wu friend whose counsel 1 asked before! taking the stap. Afger 1 had relat oa re my (roubles te him Ne sala: "End, Stgre Kuta my bay." dooke) 10okeg on his remark as 2 Joke ar But b oF y the Hae ad HAAR i hE, fo the famans ney an o Men Wendie ££ ~ Oun-¥ Hiravel, "Theld a sale pletely cured. 1 ean stromgly revo: mend the Pills to anyome sufiering wom that trouble." A medicine that can make new, ved Plood will euce not only skin trou. bles, but' also asaemia, rheumntism, pe renlgin, indigestion and a host | other troubles simply because these {troubles ats the vesult of hat blot Pv. Wiliams' Pink Pills make nen iblosd and under their use 'blood amd nerve troubl disappear. Seid by {all medicine dealess or by mail ab 160. a hox or six boxes for $200, From Tha Dr. Williams" Medicige Co., ¥Freekyville, Ont TOWNSHIP OF KIN i ASTON. Poundkeener Apnointe!wdnspectors Chosen. Members all prisent Moved, Si ver In Ha before adoption Hh minuts of last meeting be amended by changing the resolution fixing th, rate per hour for Mhor on count roads from 2c. poy hoor to fe jer hour, and from 10e. to Ibe. pe or, Moved, Hawkev-Clyde, Pvans teceive $23 for ance on and keen of Moved, Hawkey-Clyde, pub lsh intention that Hem medical attemd Fly Fovmons that the elerk of council to pas a ckyvilaw' lat next meeting, changing Jot 8, com. 6, from USN Na. 17.8¢ rs to form a part of 8.8. Neo. 16 iMovedd, Hoawkey-Clyde, that {Alport be pathmaster in Div, Nidne No Moved, Stover-Coulter, that all (statute labor, as determined by as ka vment in 1912, be commutad at the rate of 5c. per dav, and the clerl draft a by-law forthwith to tha effect. Moved, Hawkey lode, that Mr. Clark, Somnyeide, be appointec { ovpdiespor for TM. Moved, Stover-Coulter, dixdi ib. Cea be for 1912, Moved, Hawkey-Clyde, that Charles Palecek be appointed pathmaster t( rerlace Curtis Walker, resigned Moved, Fraver-Hawkey, that Pe aranted Salvation Army wrk. Moved, cont that Stan. awarded priuting sb réstug lode Hawbov, that the ae Cot Charles Smith for 1911 Ix wl, Move, Hawkey-Clyde, thut Hiran Walker be wppointed itspecior of shee: kitled by dogs. Moved, Hawkey -Liyde Athat the work of each inspector 'o sheep Killed 'hy dogs be confined a: follows © - John division, Nos, 1 and 2; Hosa Camp sall, Nos. 3 and 6; PMaifick gudge, Mo, 4; Henry Sears, No. 5; Hivam walker No. 7. Noved, Hawkey-Clyde, that the clerk, after satistactory legal advice "upon ratepayers keeping the public highways opposite the properties of each tree from snow, 40 allow easy dratt a bylaw to govern res sidents wecapdingly. Accounts paid ; $6.75, H. J. Harpell, commuted work on road No. 37; $1.90, J. ¥. Leather: land, office supplies; $12.9, Chasie (mith, work on Sydesham road, il; W2L9Y, 8. Auglih & Co. rial for romds; SU4.63, K. Uglow & Uo. uftice supplies; $151.41, County Front maintenance of poor in refuges; «ia. repairs to ldth road and tanner bridges. Council adjourned first Monday in yn Apel at 10 am. At Moun Mountain View. Mountain 'Grave, man's Institute held. social in the "Mountain View chute. A good pro [{ramime was given. Me. Mc\annel . Weese apd Mr. Dempsey gave ad w. Flak, hes bough Herbieon's farm. Herbiso the Ist. - ange from #30 to euch. irvine Coleman, Ameliasharg, had a sale on January lst. He is going to Fdmonton. A good skating rink has been niade i wont of Hemjamin Way's. A shori ugtiesitussl course will be' given about third week in' February. Davie Stafiord is moving te Vabiecouver. Wes. ley Way is moving on the George Pow or farm, near Carrying Place. The farmers are working in the 'woods on dresses on fruit. Mr. cream to Torosto. ily Sr. has bought 1. Colman's Vigay shop. . © tell {eattle, 400 calves, hehesve, Rolling sub § mate! STOOK MARKETS. Pant at Centres. Montreal, Feb. 5.--About of .hutchers' entthe, 220 sheep and lambs and 1.0 ioficred for sale at the [Canaries stockyards to-day. { The ofterings of live stock at this imarket during the week were 1. 199 sheep amd lambs T TIVE (The Prices the Various 1000 head enlvaes, "std io hogs wera Point ot, (and 2050 hogs. | There was a {slightly higher best cattle, but were slow of sale Prime beeves sold at 6 3:85 to Gre per ib; pretty good ammais, de. 10 tic.. and the common stock, Bo. to 43c. per Th. Unives sold at trom dle. to Sic. per ib. Sheep sold at about 4le. per 1b; lambs, at Glee. do. tiood lots ot bogs sold at Je to 7 1-8. per lb, aad the stock den and prices paid for the common good Toronto Lit Toronto, Feb. Bb. choice, $6.10 (0 36.75: uiedium, £5.40 to $6.25 bulls, 85 to 39.50; hateher cattie, choice, $6.30 to $6.6); mediun, 0.25 to $5.50; common, MM to 3: butcher cows, choice, $1.70 to 85.20 meditin, $4 (o BLO: eanners, 82 to $2.25; bulls, $4.90 $5.40; fed ing steers, $4.75 to $5.00; stoekers, choice, $125 to $1.0 Night, £3 to $1.75; milk ers, choice, each, $60 to $65: spring ers, $40 to S60; sheep, ewes, 84.75; 'bucks and culls, #3 10.855 lambs, $6 to $8.70; hoes, fal and wa tered, a5 00; hogs, T.oh,, 86.2 $4.10 $8.20, Receipte--Cattle, 1,000; hogs, 412; sheep and lambs, Stock. Eth entitle, 25; calves, atm %, 3) 106, Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Feb. 6.--nttle receipts, 13, 50; market Ie. to 15¢. hiwher Beeves, $185 to $5.60; 'Texas steers 94.90 ro #59; western stoers, 25 to $7.25; Mockers and feeders, S39 to $6.10; cows and heifers, 32.05 1a $0.55: calves, ¥6 to $8.50. Hogs, receipts, 24,000; market Se. to Me. higher; hoht, $5.90 $6.30; mixed, $6 to X60; heavy, %6 to 36.45; rough, $HUS to Mx $4.25 to $6.95; balk of sales $6.35 Sheep, receipts, 45,000: strong to le. native, $4.2 westerns, $3.60 to SEND; vearlinoes, $85; to 3563; lambs, native, to $6.00; western, $4.70 10 $6.0, to $41.75 Crow Lake Notes. Crow Lake, Feb. 6.-M. 1. public school inspector, visited the school on .wonday last and found it, progressing micely, with auss B. Clow as teacher. Nchuyler Middleton, ot Sheppard, Alta., who has been ng amongst his many friends down east, has returned back home; also settling up some ol his business hee Horatio 'Lharrett, of Mvosemni, Mau., who hms been around visiting his re latives for the past year, ed to the west, Mrs. Eliza Jack, William Kennedy's was the guest of her ham over Saturday James Klaharty ot Afthorpe, ut Mr. and Mrs. visit has return aia Knapp and | of Urow lake, ai Miss Bessio Clow | parents at 'n aml Sanday. Mps, and. daughter, Vers, Mrs. Stephen William Anderson al hittle son, Mors, Méssrs, 'D. Nori and wandy" Mahon at. J. W Anapp's; Bovd Mahon, Uieorge Hamil ton, John Shellington, Georges Me tmnis and son, Sapuel William Wing, of Westfiort, at WN. i Tharvett's; Mr. and Mes, William R nolds with his patents, My, K. Reynolds. Migs to wee, f Feb. 3.--The Wor 3M Have of Reid: § ws; | MeCeiais, and Mix, | NEW FRENCH PREMIER. In Him is Combined Culture, Digaity |. and Charmin. Paris 0 To---Ravwond Poincare the men winter, 1 oue of the most inter sting figur in the Fa hii In dam that uneddnatay Blo duty to a Prune Fronch combined all French abd dhartm of aa on wis by cul Wa Rie reputation ot utegrit i ieee his ie the thd time that the Framch © aedone has sipplied the third redul ic with a prime minister, the first was the Duke of Beoghe i, 1302, and abe second was Mode Br isu stein €iaet- am Piitioare comes to poner with We x on ihe subjemt of He at obos expressed the which may be sttionede, thee ate Without attempting to that wisisters would Owl Pegporsusiny chould know no pobifics He is a for sy dent opponent of socal, hat has extrossed hime "grateful fo so chalists for the opportunities hey aficrded for wtudving their theories abd discussing thew dalndy and dis pussionately His vinality is to degree a matier of for bas father, unele, cotsin hve all science Yijh govarnmeat triple Latin as the ken to has deputies would wisn legin govern, govern ou ther and that juatie a wonsiderable family influence, elder brather and been distinguished on and litteatuve; suk as kovisse whon Poincare introduced the soadény, right be 54d to copstituty o family, university all by thonsolves Poincare has dinounced autipatriot iin tn (le present state of Furape as a most ghastly deeeption and places comntry above all othe ideratiors was said by was tute they hitly wren Forth Forthon Thompson of for nd eph commissioner sucrends Jos Athens as 4 Brockville } Heenre PAGE SKY idl FIVE DOCTORS GAVEUP ALL HOPE Said she Would Die of Die of Kidney Trouble 1 " ! "FRUIT-A-TIVES" CURED HER MoUNTAIN, OXTY., Dec. 14th, 1910. For six years, 1 sullered from dreading] Kidney Disease. My legs and lower part of my body wére [eurfully swollen, aud the pain was awful. My people thought sometimes I vas dead, ss | would faint from theagony. Five different doctors attended me, and ail said it was kiduey trouble and gave me no hope of getting well, A kind neighbor told me to try "'Frait-a-tives" aud mentioned the case of Mrs, Fenwick, who was cured by them. I took "'Fruit-atives" --and ina short time, 1 began to feel Detter +theswelling went down, the pain was casier, au then "Pruit-a-tives" entively cv sed me, All my friends look upon my recovery as a miracle, and I am unable to praise "Fruit-a-tives" enough." (Miss) MAGGIE JANNACK. "Fruita tives" is the most scientific remedy ever discovered for Irritation or Congestion of the "Kidneys, frequent Pain In The Back, and Swollen Timbes soc. @ box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size At all dealers or fiom Limited, Ottawa, Froutadives BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT 'Phone mariet «4 SOLD IN AIRTIG ELEN IGHT dio ei IN 0000006000000000000000¢ 0000000000000000000000 B SHOE CoP Leb brat bit eser sssreresesese $SUTHERLAND'S} I G RED LETTER SALE Ends Saturday February 10th Be sure and have your share _of good Shoes at 25 p.c. discount. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. "THE EOME OF GOOD SHOES" mesn $0 much to coffe . have be made. Read dur re Yet there is no other beverage § bealthifg! and delicious as good Coffee when properly made. n ns French Freak Do Co lei oo chi and by Ta ins no chicory a a ah of grinding, every particle of the bitter 14unin- bearing shell is removed. We take ut ali the 'parts. We leave the weal the heart-- the flavor. the aromatic essences that Teelovers, The Percolutor, or Freseh Drip Process, is the only way to make really good coffer, We securnd sole rights Gt last for a praciicad, economical, reliable Freuch Drip €uffoe ot. We wilt give it 10 vou free so hat 5ou can try Daiton's French Coffee as it should wo Woe bavi pit ap Dulton's Freoeh Drip Coffee in two Blend. The coffee berry Atier substances. both, and Ditton' s Fin: wih Mi Jd and | gn his is tha Colier Pot x 5 {rts wa Are ging sway (eth 3 thas of Caen at par 5 snd 80c. tins. ¥, by any chance, wi and we will ses that oo ~MIUD and which une ¥ hie Covet why wes CIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Ve Have sutsonead your Crores 19 gn of thaw hondhome pots (wenth §1 And We Give You A Pot To Make It In--Free To get 10 the heart of the coliee question, you mused do as we did-- get to the heart of the coffee berry. Nature from the insect world, by a tough inner shell or coa contains tannin asd other | It is this shell, roasted and ground up with ordinary coffee indigestion, headaches and other illeffects vo common With offee drinkers, ot the world so thoroughly wholesome 1" protected by This shell , that cannes STRONG. You cn : wil ke best anil wr 3 Feeuet wt teil sou tfy Drip Collie in tess than any thee 3 made in Fresh Dein Coe Por. Tht ix wal offer, Preity ado hie spe your frst pre hase of a tin Pg lead 6 50, po tin, { Colle gue "lo idend io gre e eed ir tral nd wa od you (he means of testing v. sat vied that yoo will use nathing bat Dabos's Freach Dig Uoller thavealinr, TORONTO 8 grocer by unable oo 10) upped neamptly. yr. Ak Apt RIS ERS SE LS 6 4 Sanh Sb Shp |

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