Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1912, p. 5

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CHE AP COPYRIGHT NOVELS. Popular Bopks Now Selling at Only | 48¢c. Look over the following list of popu- | lar novels, now selling at 4%. per copy at" Uglow's Madame X by Bisson Mgt onsughy The Memories of a Baby Daskam | The Man from Brodneyvs Arizopa Nights Stewart Ed. White | The Westerners Stewart Ed. White | Ashes of Empire The Circuit Rider Edward Eggleston The Morals of Mareus Ordeyne Jd. WAS BRILLIANT EVENT. | YAT HOME" AT ROCKWOOUD HOSPITAL, FRIDAY EVENING. Affair Way Voted as One of the Best Ever Held at the Institntion---De- lightful Programme of Music, The annual "At Home" of the staff and employees of Rockwood hospital, held on © Friday evening, was a hril- liant event, Upwards of two ham dred, or perhaps more, were present, and evervone voted the afinir ove ol the Lest ever. The "At Home" of 1912 hes wow pnssed ito history, bet it will certainly be recorded as one of the beat ever held at this institu tion: lhe management is to he seongratilated ou the suceons of their unde rintbing. The ball room, with decorations, wes a bower of Fenty The room. was tastefully decorated with jr.tiy streamers, (Live Lin y terns, avd the corridors with their Wmany 'cos, cotpers,"' and the ceri rooms, as well, wee beautifelly dee orated. Colored lights wore used te good advantage, and the moos s ene gave a fine offect. It wos indeed o metry crowd of dancers and the pro L, gramme prosided by dhe hospital or chostra vas a most delighti lone and Ml that could be desired, There were twenty-one numbers, with a: mitiy encores, and the "Home Sweel Home' waltz at two o'cluek came al Fe found the thirtieth anual report of | towrel ber too quickly for the happy 'Canada's pioneer trust company, The; gathering. 'The dancing programme 1oronlo Ceperal Trusts Corporation included the ever-popular waltz and 1'This report is mest interesting, chow two-step, rye-waltz, barn dance, thes ing as it does the sure and. stesdy step and lancers. igrowth of a company organized mi I Locke | The Scarlet Pimpernal Baroness Orczy Pimpernal Baroness Ovezy The Cattle Baron's Daughter Bindloss Marriage a la Mode Humphrey Ward | the Calling of Dan Mathew MH. B. Wright David Gi. Phillips The Elusive 01d Wives for New « The Inner Shrine The Silver Horde Rex Beach Dismonds Cut Paste Castle' Ibe Awakening of Helens Richie is besutdal er titles in stock, all handsomely bound aod illustrated. Our price, 5c. per volume. R. Uglow & Co. THE ANNUAL REPORT. Of the Toronto General Corporation, On another page of this issue will | The musical programme was a well marily for the administration ot solccted one, nnd included the [illow- [estedes and the investment of funds, ing ery popular numbers Dollar either as trustees or agents. Princess, A Stublorn (inde ella, 'The The directors of the laronto Chocolate Soldier, Billy, selsetions eval Trusts Cogporvation Irom from the Yankee "Consul, the 16nk [inception - of the company Lade, Chicken Roel, Codale Up a Lit-|steadfastly held to the polioy tie (N wr, (h You Peautifcl Doll, eliminating from ils Tmt ness The uaker (irl, Fctasy, Lehema, 0 transactions of a speculative Travatore, Holl a 1i%e Pill For Ma, [acter, and w¥ile this policy selections from the Gay Musician, Th, | mean Wmaller profits at times it must Commander, Pean lub'. Musings, | appeal to all as the omly proper and Home Sweet Home. Af the cl se the safe course for a trust company orchestra rapdered tbe National An: whoin so many are dependent them in fine style. It ix no doubt gratifying Takis were set-in ths dowrstairs| ounders and shareholders to rooms, where a dwinty lme'em was|that the policy adopted has served. All the arrangements in con- appreciated to such an extent : netkion wilh the event wwe periect, shown by the large volume of busi reflecting grent ered on all in charge. | ness entrusted to its eave, the nssuts al prgpent amounting, to *15,- 000,000). Another _ important feature out by J. W. Langmuir, the man aging director, is that the cflicient and experienced services of the o {poration for administering estates tand investing trust funds may be ob- tained at a minimum of cost. ald char on fhe! Towed Bean as to over COMING TO THE GRAND, Power in "The Servant the House." in the House," which Harper's Magazine calls 'the most remarkable play in the Loglish lan- guage," which the New York Evening I'ost ways is 'the greatest drama of the generation," and which the Chi cago Daily News declares is "the most teautiful play of all ages" will be presented at the Grand on Thursday, ; 3 , z February 13th, by Tyrone Power and a According to advices, reecived by ¥ company that has achieved uw reputa- | loeal fish market, the oyster * tion second only to Lhe play, * The tions are to-day the most desperate Scrvant in the House" was produced | on Chesapeake Bay they have been at in New York three vears ago. last any time since the present freeze be- Matréh, and ran all through the spring gan on January 4th. Since a week aud summer at the Savoy 'Theatre; ago. the thermometer has ranged from playing to crowded houses in spite of five above zero, to thirty above. Y intense heat. Since then it has been It is reported, that ocean plenm- presaited in Chicago, San Franciséo, ships plying to Baltimore, have heen Boston, Philadelphia, and other large caught in the ice, twenty-five miles ' gities of this country and Canada, down, the hay is reported frozen all| and has been unanimously proclaimed 3he way atross hey? far, down as the by crities. the most important contri- |Fotemac river, and tributaries are en bution to the stage (hit lias been tirely blocked up, Under most favor- hi able conditions there cannot he aby seen within the memory of the pres. y : y g v improvement in the situation, before aitdduy theatagoots 'next week, and there is a chance of The esntral character of the play the prose t situatior prevailin for ; : { ! eg fo i¥ n mysterious Hindoo whom many bod ay fon or Bf ry aritica call a reinedrnation of the ger. Christ, The play is, however, entire- Is modern, Its scenes are laid in Fog- lavd, 'and the events of the famous abory are supposed to have oceurred during a single morning in spring. Lrought Tyrone in "The Servant HARD ON THE OYSTERS. agrees Cold Weather Has Made the Situa- tion Rahey Serious, the ¢ MES. FLORA F. t Kiro-praktik ) Spinelagist; Princess Street, The word chiropractic meaning to do by hand, Ki-ro'praktik is the only sor ence, philosophy and art that has thoroughly tested and proven that disensé is caused by pressure on nerves | iat the openings where they emerge he tween the vertebrae (spinal bone). Chi- ropragtors do nol treat effects They remove the cause and nature curg the ten the strong, virile language | disease. Not medicine, not surgery, Paul frinstrong, author - of "8 Pom | not osteopathy, Call at office, 231 Tatie," and many other succ wses, is} Prinsoss street. Office hours: 9 am. bawd on one of 0. Henry's stories, to 12 a.m., 2 pum. to 6 pm. deals with a fine hooian speci- | : men of a young fellow, a ref¢rmed | Ses bank looter, and pardoned from the { EVENT IN ORPHEUM HALL, penitentinry, who is trying ta live : right. When the crits comes and Party Given by R.C. H. A. he has to show hes old cuoning to Club Friday Night. Ne uid igcked i =, vault, one The quadrille party, given Ly hot hay " bg me Ny Huudsilie Club, of the RUHA, wn! sh ah *. stag Te. © the Orpheum hall, Friday night, was Warner will be serrourded by the very Doyle and Priday i Paneing | New York company. The production commenced at nine o'clock and the is made by Liebler & Co, "large crowd present. tripped to the strains of the R.C.H.A, orchestra un Here on Inspection. til two o'clock. During the night re Pr. Jd. K. Barrett, Winnipeg, inspec. freshments were served, The oftwers of for. of breweries ahd malt houses, i the club who are largely responsible in: the oity on his annual tour of in- for its success, are: Honorary presi: speetion. . He goes east from here. dent, Reg. S. a Giniblett, W.0,; pre sident, Corpl. Hewitt; secretary, Corpl Bland; treasurer, Corpl. Temple. NEVE, b.C. 23 "Alias Jimmy v alentine," Nevt Saturday brings to the multhee and 'night, the most of all' detietive-thief plays, Jimmy Valentine," with HW. 1 ner alarred in the title vole he croated and played for twa solid 5! yews en Proadway, The play writ Grand, famous "Alias War which | y apd the | bson's, The Absounts of Corporations. Merchants, Manutacturers and Individuals Solicited. Small Savings Bank Accounts receive Special Attention. Bos fo BRANCH an a not Merely 8 siachanicah thade and the sucs gives expression to 1is werk that makes his garment For. this reason every man Should have his clothing made to his own order, to suit bis own personality and physique; he Somtort And sarist: ction in wearing his clothes. © The tile more than reidy-io-wear garments, but are they your Deft sul: ey, : (There Ww MoCo cheon Robert ( "hambers | 7 : Deland | Besides the above, wo have 230 othe Trusts may | condi- | Quadriile : | Blessing." [Kingston veal estate. THE DAILY 'BRITISH WHIG, THE CHURCH SERVICES lus FILLING OF THE PULPITS ON SUNDAY. ill be Interesting 'YTue.aes Considered in the Pulpits--The Gospel Message to All People. St. and Rev, X.Y. Ajidrew 's--Bervices, 11 am. 7 Pan. preacher at both services, R. J. Drysdale, of Rochester, Strangers and students welcome. Cooke's Presbyterian church, Brock sireet--The pastor, Rev, J. W. Mcln- MA. will preach at both" «ser Sunday school and Bible class, 3 pom. midweek service, Wednexday, 8 Strangers courteously weldomed. Yt. Paul's church--Morning prayer land holy communion, 11 o eon, | Preacher, Rev. W. VF. FitzGurell funda senool and Bible classes, 3 Eveving praver, 7 o'clock; Par, Rev. W. F. FitzGerald. Min: day, 8 p.m., A Y.P.A. mt. George's Oy alNesisvsica Sunday. 8 a.m; holy commumon; ii a.m., mating, preacher, Rev. Canon iNtarr; 3 p.m, Sunday school; 3.15 {p.m., Bible class in chapel; 1.15 p.m., baptisms; 7 p.m., evensong, preacher, Rev, Canon Tucker, rector of St. {rants cathedral, London. { First Uaptist church--Rev. Douglas laing, pastor, at both services. 1 jam, "He-shaped By Christ," 7 pm. "The Stray lamb" --second in the evening series; Bible school, 245 p. m. } I: | pom i { annual meeting of Bible Society, Wad: Inesday, 5 pam Students and strangers {cordially invited to all the services. i Bethel church--I1 a.m., 'Revivals; solo by E. F. Trimble, "Somebody. 3 pm., Sunday. school for all. Or ganized classes. George Mills, superin- {tendent. 7 16 8 pum, platform peeting for Y.M.C.A, Several speakers; 8 to "9 p.m., Yatman revival. Vyeparatory | meeting, led by pastor. A full turn out of the congregation is requested, Strangers welcome. Seats free. Music by choir and people. Proek street Methodist m., sermdn by the pastor. them, "At the Name of Jes s. ip.or., Sunday school and brother hood Bible class, the pastor. Anthem, Us Worship." Solo bn i Monday, S pm. Y. 1.8. {mid-week service, 8 pm. Tacsday, | Ladies' Aid, 8 pm s,m B.E. rooms i Anniversary sorviess on Sunday, 18th, | Svdenham Street Methodist church {1 am, G. A. Warburton, of the Y. IM.C.A foronto;: 245 pm, |sehool; 7 p.m,, Rev. 8S. Sellery, TAIL welcome. Musie: Anthems, {Amiable Are Thy Dwellings," "Now 'the Day Is Over; solo, Miss trude ' Laidley; solo, 'Guide Me, | Thon Great Jehovah," Miss {Hoag,* duet, "I Surrender All" | Messrs. Harold and Harvey Angrove. St. James' chwureh, corner Union and Arch streets--Ven. J. Ker Maemorine, M.A, DD, rector; Rev. T. W. Savary B.A., vicar, the parsonage, 152 Barrie gireet, Sexagesima Sunday. 8 p.m holy ' communion; 11 a.m., morning prayer and sermon; service especially tor boys and girls, sermon subject, "Resisting Temptation; 3 p.m... Sun day school and Bible classes; 7 p.m., #vening prayer and sermon, subject, "The Lord's Prayver--Thy Will Be Done," Princess Street Methodist church, corner Princess and Albert streets-- Rev. Frederick GG. Robinson, minister. in am. Rev. W. K. Shortt, M.A; 7 p.m., Rey. J. E. Lidstone; boys' club at i a.m.; cluss meeting at close of 'morning service; Sunday school and !Adult Bible classes, at 2.45 p.m; Ep- worth League of C. E., Monday, at 5 general prayer meeting, Wednesday, 'at 8. IS tadents and all others will receive a hisarty welcome, First Congregational church, Johnson and Wellington streets--Rev. Ek. LeRoy Rice, pastor. Moring wor ship at 11 o'clock, subject, and Penalty of Usefulness," Dr. will give a ten-minute address on the work of the Associntioh; evening o'clock, subject, "How Twenty-Four Hours a Dat" school and Bible class, 3 p.m.; Young People's Assobiation, Mcnday. 8 p.m. an evening with Charles Dickens i 'An " "0 Come, Let Miss Davis. Wednesdy M.A, Irene | worship at to Live on these services. Chalmers, Presbyterian, Farl strects--Rev, MN ED.D. minister. Services 1 "The People! Lord, the People! 1 Crowas, Not Thorns, But Men !" pan; Co A. Warburton, M.A, Toron- to, who comes with a very special {mpssage for voupg men: Sunday | 4 hol, 3 p.m., Bille class, 2.15 pod ino prayer meeting, Jarrie am, {Bille Society in the First Baptist corner Johnson and Svdenham streets. Students and strangers cordially ine vited 'to all services Queen Street Methodist church--Rev. NS. Sellery, M.A, BD. pastor. YM. €.A. Sunday. 10 a.m., class meeting; Il am; the pastor, topic, 'Our Dmily Bread." fifth of the series .on the Pord's prayer; 7 pm. a platform meting in the intevests of Y.M.C.A, {work, addresses by T. F. Harrison and George Mills, solo by Mr. Trimblé& 230 pom., Young Men's Club; 2.45 fm... Sunday. school and Bible élasses- Mysic : Anthems, "Like the Hart" snd "Saviour, Rresthe an Evening ¥. Mrs. Fyans will sing in the morning and Mr. Trimble in the evening. All are welcome. is se REPAIRING SHARPLES. Boat Wrecked in Lake Being Placed in Commission. The stéamer Jobin Ntoarples, released from the racks on the Galloup Island, in Lake Ontatio, last spring, after haviag bern wrecked the previons fall durifie a heavy snow storm, will prob- ably be placedc in commission again the coming season. After Lapt.. IT, IW. Baker and bis wrecking erew from Cleveland floated the boat and = (ok het to Oswego the captain bought the the underwriters for $35. Al wigné point in an actite Lear ih Come in and ® helievé that we have some that will interest vou. 3 | he isn't. Special music at both services, | that the people | may attend the dunval meeting of the! : 'rub, { | | i chure h--1 bei ip m., sermon by | aired. | Bible | id How {rests upon the congregation, and corner ! "The Peril | Nash | Young Men's Christian | 71 Sunday | Strangers and students are invitéd to] - | and | Macgillivray, | ey i : [*] Got Nid of My Pimples in a od ol government, » CITY AND VICINITY, A Lad's Death. Word has been received in Cape Vin- cent, N.Y.. announcing the death of Master Francis Sevinour, the twelve year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Antonie H. Seymour, former residents of Cape Vincent, which occurred at Yonkers, N.Y. following injuries received on a skating rink. nfie---- Weddéd in Clayton, A preity wedding took place on January th of Miss Anna Kionna to Clarence Tercy. The bride's home is on Wolfe Island and the groom's home in (lavton. The bride was mar- ried in a blue suit with a pretty blue bat and a white ostrich plume. Mr. and Mrs. Percy went to Watertown on their wedding tour. They will reside at ¢he grooms father's Lome on their return. Was Well Pleased. An influential member of tne federal who has been travelling over the Grand Trunk Pacific rail way, in dhe west, writes as follows : "i must say that | found the, trip most interesting. "The country is cer- tainly much more picturesque than any other route across the prairies, and 1 have found the travelling comfortalle and the service excellemt." Free Trial That Means Much. Most of the "free offers" that ap- he SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1912. BIG BARGAINS AT ABERNETHY'S SHOE SALE 000005006 "oe pear in advertisements do not pan out very well. There are usually some con- | {ditions that amount to a good price {for all you get. A notable exception lis the offer made by Mrs. ¥- E- Cur of Windsor, Ont., as stated on | page 11 in her advt. entitled, "Prox: ing by Actual Experiment." She sends lausotutely free, a box of Orange Lily, an expensive, concentrated remedy, put up in pure gelatine capsules which is | sullicient for ten days' treatment, and| which is worth 38¢. Mre. Curragh finds it pays.to do this, for the veason that, ng a strictly scientific preparation, {its good effects are noticeable from the start, and almost all who give it a {trial 'continue its use until ¢. nnpletely | Evangelistic Services. the Free series of meetings in their church Colborne street, every night, Saturday. Rev. lL. fe rence evangelist, has been with them since Babbath eveming. The are well attended, deep on convietion a seeking the Lord. inumber have been er- "The evangelist is clear 'and pointed in 0 his denunciations of sin and presen day worldliness, and follows close along the line odist teaching, Pimples Removed Quickly The Caleinin Sulphide Treatment | Does Wonders to Every Kind of Skin Eruption. Trisl Package Sent Free to Prove It. | Vou don't want wait forever and a day to get rid of your pimples! or other skin eruptions You want to get rid of them right now. Next fo werk you may want to go somew here where youn wouldn't like to have to take the pimples along. Days With Stuart's Calcium™ Wafers." get rid taking of them Stuart's You can time by Wafers, These wonderful little workers have cured bad boils in three days, and some cases of skin diseases in a week. They Contain as their main in- gredient the most (horough, quick and effective blood cleanser known,! calcium sulphide. Remember this, too, that most pimple treatments reek with poison. And th® are miserably slow besides. Stuart's Calcium fers have not a particle of poison in them. They are free from mercury, biting drugs or venomous opiates. This fs abso- lately gparanteed. They cannot do any harm, but they always do good ~good that you' can see in the mirror before your own eyes a Tew days after. oo Don't be any longer humiliated by having a splotchy 'face. Don't have strap ears stare at you, or allow your friends to be ashamed of you because of your face. Your blood makes you what you dre. The men and women who forge ahead are thdse with pure blood and pure faces. Stuart's Calcium Wafers will make you happy because your face will be a welcome sight not only to yourself when you look into the glass, but to everybody else who knows you and talks to you. ° We want to prove fo you tha! Stuart's Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt the best and quickest blood and skin purifier in the world---so we will send You a free sample as soon as we get your name and ad- dress. Send for It to-day. and then just Calcium | | will not vest contented until you have bought & 50c package at yafic druggists. Send us your name and address rand we will @v by mail a sample saree, FF. A Stua:t «+ Marshall, a man iy conyinedd against his | {marks of praise on all sides. {interest Methodists are holding | except | Slingeriand, con-| meetings | "(with tea of the old style Meth - | UVINASiuM, in whet you have tried the sample you OPEN DAY OF YMCA. MANY VISITORS WERE PRE} AT THE BUILDING. INT Mothers Were Pleased Over the Physical Instruction Given Their Boys--Ladies' Auxiliary Enter- taied Them. the open day at the Y.M.C.A on Friday, was a huge success In the afternoon thany ladies and a number of gentlemen took a good look over the buildings Every department was in full swing, and many were the re Special ! was shown in the boys' de {partment in the afternoon, when the boys mssembled from the schools and took their regular class work. Ihe parents ofthe children were pre- sent to see thé chudren go through the gymnastic work in the gym. It is long time since there were as many {school boys on the floor as there were on Friday. 'I'he mothers were all well pleased with what the Y.M.C.A doing for their boys, After the boys had gone thtough the work in the gym., their mothers were entértained by the Ladies' Auxiliary, The evening was given , up eatirely to the seniors. A cood number were present to witness their work in the Games and basketball were the chief items of the evening's iprogramme. Refreshments were served in the reading room boy the fades. 4 I'he visitors to the building could see {lust what was being done. The boys' department, under F. J. Wilson, is now an acknowledged success, and the gym. classes, under Gordon Thomp- son, are well attended and helpful. E. I'. Trimble, is, as usual, the genial [and busy head. During Friday evening {the directors had a meeting" to for- | ther the financial campaign of next week. Sunday will be Y. MUA, jeity churches, 'a 'was day when George A. War burton, M.A, of Toronto, one of the Heading Y.M.C.A. men of America, and others will speak on the object and work of the "Y. The speakers will be posted as follows Chalmers' chureh, p.m., G. A. Warburton; Syden- ham Street Methodist church, a.m , Gs. A. Warburton; Queen Street Methodist {church, p.m.; Messrs. George Mills, T. iF. Harmson, F, J. Wilson; Brock tStreet Methodist church, pow, A i "haw, First Congregational church, a, {m., Dr. C.C. Nash, Beth:, pm., A. jC, Nash, Frank. Beckwith; ooke { Presbyterian church, p.m.; Rev. A. P { Mershon. | A musieal programme was given in i the afternoon, those taking part be jimg the Telgmann sisters, Miss Mabel { Meek. Master Willie Shaw and FE. F {F rimble. In the evening F. C. Hunt {sang and also a quarteite, composed toi F. J. Wilson, F, Hafiner, W { Thompson and F. G. Hunt. CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION. | fe lected Thomas W. Milo as its Pr resisi dent. The annual meeting of the iUonservative Association 'took place, 1 riday might. The president, W ' Givens, announced that . th® associa {tion was without one dollar debt and | {in excellent condition in every respect. {After a new constitution had been {ndopted the following officers were {elected : Honorary presidents, Hon. KR. L.. Porden, Sir James Whitney, D M. Mcintyre, and H. BW. Rich ardson; president, Thomas W. Milo; first vice-president, Mayor F, } Hoag; second vice president, Seally; third vice-president, Robert Rutheriand; fourth vice-presidemt, Dr. RK. (inrdiner; secretary-treasucer, H. No Kesolution expressing confidence Hon. R. 1. Borden and Sir James wintney were unanimously passed, and ; addresses were made Pr. Ross, M. P.%, and D. M. Melntyre. A resolution was passed, requesting the executive to look inte dismissal of conservative eivil servants in ng! Iston, without enuse, from 1896 to 1911. aun, John At Clayton Poultry Show. Ju Buff Leghorns, W. H. Eves, of Kin ston, Got prires for first and se na cocks, first hen, first and second eockerels, and first and second pullets. For Black Cochin Bantams, Holland Pros, of Kingston, got first and se ¢ond prices on cocks, cockerels, hens and puilets, Died at Venerable Age. Wierd has been riceived by several in the oily of the death of Sir Henry Villson Parsons, Dublis; Ireland, aged 103 years. Some Kiogstorians chad Lhe pleasure of She gos tietian Some sixieen years ag was a» granduncle of Miss Wales, Fag got soreet. Ara the people who tell us mot to worry in the imumune y flo ae As n matter of fact, most of our Airoubles smonut lo vesy ith, roo 0000000000000000000004 Confectionery 3 of the cholcest sort, Every delicious variety, all the old- time favorites, everything de- Hghtfully pure and good A BOX OF CANDY wiil make a pleasing gift to woman or child. Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE. FOOD SOURCE OF ILLS. Large Number of Maladies Due to Its Improper Use, Leaving out of consideration the in- feciious diseases, there is not the slightest doubt that more of the mala: dies of man are due to the food he taken than to any other one cause. Although it seems strange that any- thing so essential to health as food shovtd also be so distractive both of health and of life, it is only an exam- ple of great dificrence between use and abuse, in the | | Kingston * in There ave three ways in which food ean injuré the human orgaism-- in is quality, and in the speed with which | it is eaten--and most often we permit it to do us harm in all three, : ! As to the quality the Kind of food we eat thoir is a constant fight | between the vegetarians and those who eat animal as well as vegetable food. ! Arguing from the assumed descent of | man from an ancestor common to] him and the ape, the vegetarians hold | that since the ape is a vegetarian | man also must originally have been one, Butit perhaps it is because man dif {fered in this respect from his cousin, the ape, that he got ahead of him in| the race of developement. That of course, is mere guessing but the fact! remains that the teeth ave adopted to; chewing and the digestion organs to; digesting meat as well as vegetables | The sin is not in taking all kinds of iood, but in taking toe much of on»! kind---meat. This is the food for which most persons have the greatest liking | So it to take it too often and in too great quantity. | The second dietic offence is in the quantity of food that we take. We are profie not only to eat ton much meat, tbut also to eat too much of all foods Three hearty meals a day, whatever they bread and pie or fish and meat, ave too much for the average adali. A so-called Continental' break fast., that is, fruit a roll or a slice of toast with butter, and cofiee; a light nwatless luncheon or supper, according to tha dining hour, and a substantial dinner, with fish nod meal desired Fis un dietic programme suitable for {men and women, ex ept perhaps those the heaviest kind of physical or is onsy { are all who do [abot As to the manner of eating little] {need be said. It musi be admitted that | in his digestive Organs man is more like the herbivora than the ecarnivora | conseuently his food needs to be {chewed before it is swallowed. But who { expect Horace Fletcher, can say, with this heart, that be eats slowly and lemd chews conscientiously? BEWARE OF THIS MAX. Rev, J. D. Freeman Writes a Warn. ing From England, The Whig is in receipt of a loiter {from Rev. J. D. Freemav, pastcr of "the Belvoir street Haptist charch, Leicester, England, who dewires to warn the people of Kingston against an Englishman about fifty-four yenrs tof age, handsome. in app. wance, of "engaging manners, well-educated and a good singer. ~ This man has been {in Kingston already. It ix Lis eomtom to commect himsell with a church oc cathedral choir, and defravd hotel' [keepers and wheodle money from kind iv-disposed and unsuspecting peop He has served im prison in Englane for fraud." well | ! Squinting at the Thing. Hamilton Times. have heen squinting at the commis: sion form of city government. Let us! hope that uh suck methods will be | | adopted in seeking to introduce jt The ratepayers gain by publicity in such matters. Let the campaign. of education on the subject precede the adoption of legislation putting it | force of we are to have it. We require fewer obstacles between the civie gov ernors and the ratepayers. pot more. Experimenting with civie goverament 8 a costly Satter. Let ws get used to our system before we wot out to experiment with andlber. A woman is the fairest creatine op eirthr-also the unfnivest, | port | of (this work. {hoped 'Phone 640, 190080000000600000000 COLO TVONOP000000000000 NOW ON Our Big Furniture Sale The is taking feature it of a Daven usefulness and attractive ness. The appearance a beautiful drawing-room piece of furniture can i converted Into a soft and luxurious bed a moment's notice at JAMES REID'S 'Phone of ve in Something In City Runping Stratford Beacon The members of the Garden Club of Minneapolis planted 325 vavit Tota to vegetables and flowers in 191) 000,000 square feet to vegetables a quarter a million (oo Howers, distributed 22.000 packnbon of ium to children, vacant lot alojig main arterial Howers, cleared and screened bushy plants. persons {not dened vac dens at home all were the crop was and 8 nasi vr Very i or of seeds covered miles of street with grass 600 acres f 20,0080 feet frontage t nder influent ite members), also 18,060) had Nineteen hundred I'he cost 581,12; the S018 Cur own Stratford did ¢ two we 5 iil baaly with Tin gar rar ils 0 ols and eres od 7 the erop wa Bil Hortie ultural Society jeousiderable lant fying the tn longing city society in Fnpros tor Lise of vitlie ver town ting ia ith He rH is worthy of spcouragement It is contemplated to more of it this vear, and is 1s that these efforts will the co-operation of the eitizens the couneil, beauty city the ba 1ient a do plas wilh i Li recs ive and of Portland Hotel Opens. The wellknown Commercial hover, Portland, will be open to the pub lic on «March lat. W, H., Murph proprietor ------ Orders for all standard listed stocks promptly exeouted, The latest financial information on the markets always an band. Howard 8. Folger, H Ulsrense street, The man of few words Joist to take many, of them hack Music sale 0c. folios, 25¢, ton's. ol have rut Te man who makes the Jeast is siten the most dangerous Truth i stranger than ficlion usally more unewtisfactory. Theré's a lot of blank verse in tide of the average poet. A guilty comsaence needs noite and the Bo press Hamilton controllers snd Aldermen je Hoods Sarsaparilla Acts directly and peculiarly on the blood: purifies, enriches and revitalizes it, and in this way builds up the whole sys tem. Take it. © There Is sa "Janst-ax- good" medicing, Indist on having Hood's. Get it wday,

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