Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1912, p. 4

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w 3 v PACE FOUR. J] Suffered Intense Pains in My Left Side." Do you realize it is better to be safe than sorry, that it is the best policy to lock the stable door before %he horse is stolen? » Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy cured Mrs. C. C. Gokey, of a stub- born case of heart disease, such as thousands are now suffering with. Read what she says: "Before 1 began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy | rad been sofiering heart trouble for over five years. | had grown so weak that it was impossible for me th dn ny minutes work in 2 wihoie day, suffered intense pains in my lefiside and ander the leit shoulder blade, 1 could not sleep on the lett mde, and was so short of breath thet | Shuaght 1 should never be alie to take afull breath again. The least excitement wauld bring on the mo-t distiessing Pe pha fon, 1 bad scarcely taken a all-bottie of the Heart Remedy be- fore I could see a marked change in my condition. 1 began to siesp well, had a good appetite, and im- oy so rapidly Phat when | had ken six bottles I was completely cured MKS. C. C. GOKEY, Nothfield, Vi. If you have any of the symptoms Mrs. Gakéy mentions, it is your duty to protect yourself. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy. is what you nked. If the first bot- tle fails to benefit, your money is returned. Ask your druggist. MILES MEDICAL CO. Toronto, Can DO00000000000000000000 . : > +S. Anglin & Co. Lumber and Coal :Mer- ¢ chants, Manufacturers of * Fine Wood- Work. Office, Yards: Factory and s Wellington Street North corner of Bay Street. "Phone 66. DUNLOP Traction Tread Another Opinion : p y p ) p ) y "lI have had excellent satis- faction with the two Dunlop Tracion <I'read tires purchased "in the early spring. 1 have ran 4 without chains, ass would aot have attempted before, up steep hills and through all con ditions of roads, and with a feeling of comfort which I did not think possible, for ay greatest fear in automobiling was from skidding." See Your Garage Man nn . 60005 S0LD- ON TIME All kinds of Dry Goods Men's Boys' and Ladies' Sults, Boots and Shoes, Jewellery, House Furnishings ete, sold on easy payment plan Come ir, see our goods and terms. New Stock of Fall and Winter * Clothing just received. It will pay you to call and see it Joseph Abramsky osep Pras OMSS STREET. 4 4 4 1 4 i 4 4 1 Pb r 4 3 1 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 1 De a Van's Female Pills eoltagh Foverh never falls. These ful in regulating (he female system. Refuse = a + de Van's are sold at . hx or i Bros led t address. 0 om he hy For sale at eat s 's Drug 8 Store, New and Anyone having Furniture to Sell ete Selling eise- Pp me a car where. n, sv ter tn all kinds of Stoves and Furniture, 242 Ontario Street, Second-hand Faralte ure. DAILY BRYI tarie, at $4 per vear Thursday morning at $1 a year, be added - king price of bail Attached is and. cheap work $3 and one of the best ToRoVTo oF PICE~8uite 1% a Street, Tourente! H, E Smallplece THE WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR BADLY | FROST H WHIQ. published at 206-310 King Street Editions at 2.39 and 4 p.m WErKLY ERITISH WHIG, 16 pages, publi shed in parts on Monday and To United States ¢ of Weekly Job Printing Offices ju Canada; rapid, styiish, nine Improved presses. THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED | TRE DAILY BRITISH WEG. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1012 Kingston, On BITTEN BOUGHT TO KINGSTON GENERAL HOSPITAL. | ax Bibby's for harge for postage had to Men's Rud- $1.50 ear , | bers and Overshoes at Gananogue | Portsmouth Hotkey Team Could Not Get to Gananoque, as { Misfortune of Farmer MEN'S AND BOYS J. G, Eltiett, President. DEPT. STORE. We have solid comfort for you. See our Felt Shee with rul bhar sole and hee Traum | Leman A. Gelld, Sec.-Treas. my 5 Was' Tog Late. y an { i | . i Lananog Feb. 12.--~A man nar hambers, 32 i Sith, re "towitship, a few { Inues porth of ww town, was bad! ding Ladies' Knitted Some facts which came out st the meeting of the Associated Charities, on Saturday, should be emphasized. The general secretary reported that in the month of Janvary be had personally investigated ahout forty cases, and had found only seventeen in which as sistance or aid was really warranted instances Mr. McUonachie { found that relief In many was given indiscrim-| perdoms or being {inately, and by i that generally wers imposed in one case, whore the home was said to be without fuel! he found a 'comfortable build- tupon. For example, { or food, IMPOSING ON GOOD NATURE. | mogue on Frida. night or earh societio | is be, to the end that { pauperism may i while driv ¢ ron aay morning haaeds and Medical considerad were badly frost iutten ing, and a very substantial meal upon [Was summoned, bat it wa advisable send him to the u the table. In another case, where fuel | 4 to ey A any | : Ring | gene sOsputal for trealinent, Le was said to be wanted, he found * fing sent there ou the 8M train Sat fair supply of both coal and wood. In Saturday still another case the applicant ny F. x Fomkins, taking treatment at | worthy, 'jor on en- the Hotel Dieu hospital, Kingston, for | . . i 4 that 'hs had s bank i several weeks past, returned to Qary it was'lound that 'he had a ban { the latter part oi the week account, | Rev. John Wesley Crain, of Ve It was to guard against this sort of! conducted both mors services in Grace. chy Rev. Samuel Selle i will preach missionary the | on Sabbath n organization is not used as it should | The Portsmouth hockey 'the truly deserv- | bad EF , [Beavers at the [Park wink on Satur iday evening, could pot get here be eliminated {in time fpr a . {to Square crown with Fancy ha- ton at each side, with Style plain whites trimmed Red or Brown R 0c. and S0¢. qualities for 25c. Blue, egular charity was not te wn i thing, this imposition, that the Asso- ; Kingston ciated Charities sermons here | was organized, and it to be sincerely regretted that team, which arranged for a game with the Ladies' Sweaters and we ing may be helped, and professional game, as the even ing train was about an hour and » MR. ROWELL'® { Mr. Rowell has been advised to be have himself. He has begun badly [in the legislature, it is said. He has noted the omission of certain special {items from the speech of the gover- nor, This would not be a remarkable matter were it not that the "'speech' lis supposed to contain a summary of the business which the government before the house, award proposes to being | For instance the boundary {was occupying a. large. place in the | public mind terested. Ontario was deeply in Manitoba was trying to get | an adv antage of the province, and at alleged to have suc- And Sir became mad and scolded, and, one time it was ceeded in ifs plans James singu lar to sav, did not scold the present the wrong." Mr, looked for some {government that did {Rowell very naturally reference to this matter in the spe ch | and looked in vain. hen the premier, in his campaign last December, had promised a de partment af power, and there was no | allusion jo it ih the speech, Sir James had clearly made a mistake upon this | decided issue. After the election he {powerful movement and the {look on the proceedings as if {tion may not be heeded. Mr. { represents that 1 {which is bound to assert itself, | 1 iat, all times as a gentleman should, FIRST SPEECH. hall behind schedule time, and conse | ; ently Ua: game will hes fontine for weater oats a later date A Superintendent Charles R. Cotton, in ad Rowell asked for , charge of the Gananoque Water Power | 'company's dams of men, and Ar. his reasons. The leader of the opposi- | tion wa# in favour of the commission' to drop it, » & 1 i . » - oo here, with his gang | Regula 2? i» and D9 had hard work to manage tlk gates on Saturday morning. The ther mometer registered twentv-two deg 00 qualities for form of government, with a recogni Toques co Black Twills, Sizes 14 to 171 = The Shirts for 69c¢ Sather ele brated 17 o \ for aH dozen Tooke £1.00 Shirts, 69c \ LW Working Men's Shirts, 50c Dark Oxford, Mole n Cloth and eteetra. Good roomy, Il made shirts with collar attached. Best Shirt ever offered in Can vat the price. While they last 50¢c each tion of the municipalities whose money was invested, and Sir James was an noyed with bis remarks. below zero, and it took from 5.80 a. ito 7 to get one single gate opened. | Fortunately for the local factories, the | | water supply is above the average this season. Some of the Tactories, how premier upon his ever, were compelled to shut down for | out @ short {ime to clear the ic $2.00 Plain White, plain Red, plain Grey, White with fancy trim of Blue, sizes 34 to 40. Hockey Shoes At less than wholesale prices Um the subject of tax reform Mr Rowell twitted the silence. The out of the Red. or {racks in front of their raceways Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roderick, Gar den street, entertained a number of | | their friends to a dance at their home speech. hud on Friday evening. } A bus load of voung people of the town started for Grindstone Island, on | Friday evening, to attend a masguer | afraid of ade ball at Marshall's hall, Thurso, | Sir James Whitney. Why should he he? | but after getting on the ice, asl Yet the Mail advises him to po softly the wind was high, the road could not that the people "cannot he led to be followed and they were compelied to Messrs H. Ford Perry and bald Rogers, students fs Queen's, spent the week-end at their homes he Gananogue Reporter people were crying for a change in the manner of taxing | the land Green, It was a non-partizan and govern- ment, judging by the presumed to ignore it. #To be sure, Mr. Rowell talked right out in meeting. He was not £5.00 Archi pap === i Ned i) shoes now $3 50 $2.75 $1.65 rul $1.60 Pr $1.35 $1.00 they | " were ring contests, The admoni shoes now £2 50 newspaper | comes out this q ith seven < columns to a pag ne ix, | 2 00 can be depended upon to catry himself and the Journal Sr (M) page size instead Pe of the Miss Beatrice G. of the of fie? Rall of the Parme & Bullach > I Rowell | shoes HOW progressive spirit and he shoes HOW shoes HOW and to deal with the business S150 shoes How house without fear of any one. Rubber Boots Lace and Buckle Style. Felt Boots her sole ~ same style as cut "The Curler." $2.50 with Gee company, spent Soaturdav in King ston. Miss Fra Glover, Pine stree Earns A curious spectacle--yes, spectacle is | the word--is presented in New city and in connection with the pub- It is the protest of many teachers lie schools. of the aguinst what they call frills'" of the educational system. The incident followed ,most experienced "the fads and the retirement of ' ninety teachers upon sions, not because they out, for some, of them were very ae adequate pen | were worn tive and energetic, but because they had regghed an age when then useful ness was supposed to be gone. These were content to labour on, with some appearance of contentment so long as they were on the staff and under orders and discipline. When they were free from active duty and , the seeming restrictions of service, they broke out in a wrathy denunciation of THE FADS AND THE FRILLS. Miss O'Connor, of the loeal stafi ork | the pupils, the curriculum and the waste of time and. labour which it implied. The fads and frills are numerous. They include clay modelling, languages, dancing, nature studies, ete. "1 consider grammar, spelling, pen- and history,' "the essentials. manship, said an ex-prinecipal, Clay modelling and the smattering of composit on foreign languages which {he children get are of no practical value to them. The work "of the school is constantly interrupt by the visits of physicians and murses, who gnter the class rooms in the midst of a vecitition, take out three or four children, and leave the class rooin disturbed for the rest of the period." "We turned out pupils better ground- ed in the essentials--mathematics, English history and geography --#fi- tn vears ago," said another, "than is done dow the public schools. Spe- 'would lose his pension. All this is Stone street, cial courses, although they are of The YMCA. wants 38.000 for spe- cial work and improvements. The suc cess of the movement depends on whe ther 'the representatives of "the insti FONG BIN a dr eh rot oiame MENS re a Selling Out P on intend moving away your i : whatever you wish to i eine ~ as 1 either buy, sell or exchange. rE Aho see t the many fine Old Prices reduced during January. As -- RSS ES me 1 Sta. tition be in real earnest in their cam- paign. Tha cities are protesting to the leg: islature against the pole nuisance and demanding that the Ontario municipal Loard auitigate it, Look at Kingston's *easeees streets, and mark their disfigurement. Remember that this is done in defiance of municipal authority. Hon. Mackenzie King advocates the appoimiment of Canadians, educated Canadians, to places in the consular and diplomatic service." Why not? As "fa member of the empire the Canadians Col. Henry A. Wing, founder of the Lewiston, We; Daily Signal, wed' for in at in Maine public af W Saturday, after & your's! linens, ed fifty-eight. EDITORIAL NOTES. lone yvesr's huprisonment for a the GTR. tracks at Hamilton, spent Saturday h Kingston friends | Try us for 1st. quality Men's Rul La the public schools. 'snett. the week bers and -Overshves, end at her Rowe in Kingston. Mrs, .} nvas Running Shoes White, Blue or Bincks some value and geuerally, enjoved by E. O'Neill and daughter, Mrs. H. P from Lativiere accompanied by Miss Maury Fannell, left or fttawa on Friday 1 believe that 'where they will remain for the next should be spent in the three months these essentials and that! . Gordon Darling, located on the Paci & e coast, for seve 8 past ' the time devoted to purshit of special ie foal, 1 veral vew * x SPECIAL Packard's Shoe take too much time these essential subjects. Polisi more Di Half Price time school on rived here, Saturday, for a visit with 0 cent sice a fined hore, Sutures, Sur o vid with ~ 10 cent sice now 2 for 10 cents "Phe introduction of the studying of mg, King strest. Mrs a for 25 cents tl MH : : birds, their plumage and habits, takes Kine stebet, left on : 1 ' " . ol ' pg Tohustows up too much of the child's time" said o h on ¥ oh N wh, we wi spend a few also Dertha Britton study latter part of the making Hamilton, Toronto Mrs. Somuel Dawson. spending some time courses should be limited. 25 cent size now a third. "Considerable time is wasted in making trees, the children Agents for Fowae's and Dent's and sizes of various trees. This is of her danchter M ( y & Gloves uninteresting and unnecessary. {'hil- Church Sire 5%; = 1 5 a | for Men Boyee and Mr. and Mrs ies, such as arithmetic, spelling, gram der, of Verona, spending 4 sd in town, por s of Mr. an mar and penmanship." Schuyler ] plants, particularly them 'study the different shaded leaves! Montreal, nm town, the dren should have more essential stud BIBBYS Ld ~78 80-82- PRINCESS. Our New: Shoes for Spring have arrived We would Ine pleased {0 show » new models for Season of 161 You > Agents for Penman's Underwear and Sweater Coats street Willi tm Marlbank, formerly Mi nie Landon, of town, is vis : her parents, Mr. and Mre, Fd retaliation and he go, King street. Mgs. (C2 VY, Retchum. | Last Week. is spending a fow weoks | Amusing incidents happen in i relatives in Poronto [street curs very Gananoque, Feb. 10.--A largely at {of the . tended driving party was held by week. A culum is not. confined to any country | crowd of voung people on on or city. The Kingston school hoard by Mrs. Walker. After knows how difficult it is to meet all Young people were the conditions of the education depart Sos ot Miss Stieel, 1 t 1 1 ti row ent and do go > i a i frank) Te good work in Soe public 'A umber from (rananoque attend } fill d, Ome schools. led the masquerade ball in Marshall's{annoyance in rs ig th The principals of the institute, too,' hall at Thurso, Grindstone Island, last] p have been distressed in oo desire to erenin ¢ : a * corner 'where e loca poultry breeders are well | hoar fed | i l rovide it amd shortl, p ide all the studies and Gall exer pleased with their success nt the Clas : cises called for by the approved curri- ton mid-winter pe alts y. show, Among|whick the eulum which is covered by the depart- those mot previously reported, E. WH. {ag mental! regulations, i This erowding of Hurd and son were extensive prize win- | + ers in J 1 o i special features on the pupils will go White Crea B ek oh apgort anc gain he gave 3 : P sed, a ace nd Silver the ¢ on until the teachers who know the Polands. Lye! [oF whee evil of it rise in rebellion, and then,! A children's tea was held ai the par as in New York, ®hey must be on easy 18h house of Christ church, last even § rethe circumstances and free from the domi. "5: The proceeds of which, together | ductor 3 with the processis of the previous aven !the das neering influende of any superior »au- ing, will total $290 . {- "a thority, : { Thomas Adair, River street. received {the od inte fligence of 'the death of his! fright," (uncle, G. Fates, which ocenrred in To the Trento on Thursday. Mr. Adair loft fos | Toranto, vesterday, to attend the fun eral. : should have a chance to enter and rise' Mrs. A. FE Ogdensburg. | : : en f in her servies. INY.. a former resident, is spending a} ; : | few duys in town, the chest of Mrs. J 1 » ; ous A he Sand A recent visitor to Ottawa tells the Laughton, Stone street Miss' Nina tH STREET CAR INCIDENTS. returned home. i derson, A fourth wanted to tear the burricu but feared that play- ing rough house with the school svs tem would invite lum to pieces, | Two That Occurred on Kingston ( ars! d in suggestive, and it shows that the ten dency towards a revision of the curri frequently, and laughable took plac citizen boarded chaperoned Pringess the drive the|other day and when g a his entertained at the|out of his pocket he dre ped Vera Berry, Bro mn ¢ He quickly street tmusement caret moving peo jreached. the atter to -coliget anoth man wridgingls pi | due tor came to" hurt for the round the belt up the search and fifteen cents poorer ont hit the next dav the {double it dare and the vamsiod : {boarded the car and + t pre met tha same oo had denlings betor ne first insked was apparantly fhe same indiv whom he net, question whether he had fou cents. "Neu, I found replied the conductor, man's countenance brightened up, i!' | fix Jackson, -------- code de at first wi the stock hroker, (TRY DELI Eruest Terhooley, the greatest finan cier in Fngland a few \ears ago, was, | on Saterday. seotenced, in London, to! x3 + her duties, after a short visit her Meleod's witeh hinzel crea will be regarded as A debate took place between forme] the features of the national harbour. The result was a tie said about the Horden goCernment. i Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab | (is on em Pe. . In the following 'seases of Men: combination calle a oh box. He : wipe i Eerema hol oF th Nophilis a SROs the to he registrar of deeds for that din i Diabetes Lmlahas hiduey Af ian Frve Book cn Fiseasers med Juri "King's Quality flody" ix what the | : {Spm Sundays-nar toi pai Whig that the minister of public works Migdistan, Rurse-in-rajing ut Brack | Mel eid' ih p : ville gen spital, has returned to | os daath, paste, says Kingston is one of the ports that Stneral hospital, has teturond t : national and im- "with her mother, Mrs. T. 0. Middleton, : = > proved accordingly. And, of course, a Ki ne Street. i sp Tih on Biden new or reconstructed bridge is one of " 3A and 3B in the high school, sester | day. on the question of armament. | The Toronto News is pained by the, oh A many unpleasant things that have To Cure a C \ Cold in One Day. "Wasting their ammunition" is what er Druggists refund money if it | | SPECIALISTS | he ealls the criticism of this mongrel U® 10 cure: EW. Grove's signatore | government. | a : les Var Nothing is wasted that makes clear the! The Ontario government has o BL Asthma Toni ministry in mam pointed Charles Gillespie, Parry Sound, | Catan | Stristace 8 Fi aves things. And Blood, X sites ddr Disenne : fis fn place of Thowas Kennedy, "bad or send Na Re - ale ; Blank. Nodotoe fuinished in Bet re hin Facet form. Vours--ioam tol pm and 2 10 Mortis Stithnet, a ¢ Consuliniion frer. and was killed. The watchman ba DRS. SOPER & WHITE, ~nvy tlefl diy for a few minutes. -- - : . foreigner, dove {money by fraud. before vou do that, News From Folger. $ phen wmding + belt i Ning of the iI Kel !{rew { Manio Ml rg Res i Mrs Crawiord Mrs. B bot ake, { anont it R. Stewar Puesda Nha animto, Mise ol ave Davis, Stewart's; He ( } tonvducied servi Foes tir ¢ 1 Mel ead s Brock RAWFORDS CoaL. BFE VERY aA i

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