Camay Boxes Custom rules the ter how much we bre cugfom felt re that follow and unwritten In as cuking the 'The method of tine's day is of this, i these plain special nine bee J ois a pro which h tine's da Anglican th, you groetings of ol emblemintic )iet been practiced these hundred Ientine' we eetebru one of th love just hisy ST and i hat in doerved 3 hich cloudy ry fi fig HEE ny may Holy given the n senbinental HOngs ngs, ma to pid's ne. The Valentine tH why this Ux that nay une of ner d love affnirs life, He who wn ag hichop «or retinined ai this 16 alias during mes by Ianper in was cast ito While be wig beaver tory tells ws that he wr's daughter of ves apsthing but when (he clas the authoritics staves and Hix body of St. | gate fervecution f¢ mil @ mara they later hae presory od Prasedes ot R known a: Papelo was formerly Valentini or Vale Xnotier Va a share ig the day, fesn to do with likewise ao Vehap, acts was to heal tha the rhotorician, This choked to deatli on memory is still "upd Ttely, where to him for the it would «xm would boing the An old How nti tevtine, #0 hw cure that eligitls patron gaint Figlish di Roem tk cerfainl ated Plinedn und revered prayers neitha 7 FEF there Valeri sme Boug uel. Lillles of the Valley snd gL FBS INET 129 mi « tia aie t beat him wis hicenth delin aeninry. gives the in the ition "Valentine's Abert hirds ome, this time their the mi chips there oa YOu r the probably f iho Ling {friends My, tion { I he Donee j written be Re of ne men and valentines on an that day.' hut hardly the custom, renowned anggosts in Iseg, son Uh speci y bad even his real fo W WAS yy of his b son of Craton, ] mirach lish the unin 0 we w #tiguari in of that St ristinnized held honer Lime worker His Ciermans one his bone. Valentine' in form of during tre of an was ou nre oliere dl ilonsy Valentine of | an fonsta Fal ruary in At that it to put the names of voung | box and to have voung the ot 1 S0, tom th of onary of 0 honor lovers men ont lips bearing them. It ¥T ry ADA NTY RETICULE TO MATCH, dehatant re ful matinee set «* hare: 4 Francis hooks | in the mont and ry wonten in | ing draw VAN momnen | However, HB Dn ALY $7 LEIentines De Z2Ge OF, wit, MONDAY. FESR ---- BRITISH Teta rls gentine DU 5S 7 SLLOM SE I ar, Tans ogee wy Ji, ps Va The fener? Crack KZ det Lor SE Fevlenlrnes DOF LI ZLIRG Srl eS feist for on wire « many wired Ukri<ticn to sop the i oll of 1 but they upstity tog * goddess, nanws j Ceavea tery of I at the ceased I As far back as Lomun festi al 169% records da and writs bili: rolled up b the men history idents Valentine's Whee maide wd each sepnrate an! such us parties bachelors Itheir an would meet mes These hillets b yw n e then of lots hillet we 11 tak ran man valentines {drawn wy girls' the drawing each gi { them the "After found tnere tion became have to but devoted he been the and the to a mere 2p appearad bee but little the of atter one man the seems, the whase name all, to have to ol i her girl ft alter | man's privilege Lgirl's drawing amounted form. Fur, [here cing and where eael bachelm wearing a heart the name of [que ntly couple { hearts and married man remained hound hia valentine Like | kiight of = romanes The men were, anxious to draw girls. There both sexed, bearing ite ir his sleeve, his valentine. Qu the real In every the some became sweet the » of ene tn Re mea ae sy his Jad: ree, fave, the names of pretty | an equal number of however, and the was even , most \mattractive girl found & valen tine ae well nx her daiver sister berless tricks were 18d by those were already sweethearts i that they might get together drawing. I In Shakespeare's time jof challenging « valentine (wos an unwritten law. | 'The challenge consisted simply of saving "Good morrow, 'tig Saint Valeniipe's dav!' and he' or she: whi said it tiref "meeting a person recived a present Later the. custorn changed abd the gentlaman alone Give the present if he wis challenged Hy the wom He' los (ed. Inthe dave of the gil peas ail and high priced postage the manufac ture and trangmidan of valentines through the post wis an expensive hixiry, for the sentimental poetry had to be written on thitk sheets of gilt edged paper: The first page of the sheet was always adored with a gilt paper Cupid which bad beer carefully pasted on. Such silly: verses as; "The ross 8 eed, The violet 1a. blag, \ Sugar i sweet' And: so are voi." usiadly followed. Frequently . these valentines were delivered by servants, Then came the age of printing and the reduction of pestage wid ° Valen tines day heotme 8 Dust time for the post office emplovdes ahd has remain oc 3 oer dimes. increasing each vear The first printed valent mies ennsioted candle eolorad pictures rehire. oe Proving couples srabid in bowers of Mawers Num who order after the this eidstom or wii the. iden that on anil dres {pret [tories panes ul i with churel in the distances: a the bronchial tohes old for the huve about of these pre Orve d spemed Lo few been them gretted that or ntines have de: ig § of 20 edtraordinar idea the ladies lings they The man was usaal trousers, "sue sing gentlemen to iter ly attired in vellow waistepat een or red for the lady vivid green ww honnet. For the vears the valentine been especially artistic They manufactared all over the civil world and thousands of people lucrative employment in their big. 'The work-is-earried on two three mths of es in where paper "nts manufactured. The e-made tine, t« plays its part, {or frequently make their | bt cutting pictures papers aud pas with and sought and ag eckiie. was n shaw! totk cost red gown. a bright yell iwenty-five Ln past have ar ized find fac are valen children own » tokens from fashion ig them on cards de faney gilt little under the picture, Hearts a part of Valentine's day, the children; especially there is an we of on that S100 ide COUGHS AND COLDS: | Ave Breaded by Mothers Who Fev | For the Safety of Their Children, DR. - CHASE' LINSEED AND TURPENTINE | What a weight of responsibility rests on the wither of the family duting tise winter season! in every cough and "cold: she vYecog- nizes thie voices of oroup, broneHitis, consumption or. other deadly throat and tung complications. Few people, even amoung those who aie convenient to doctors, can allord te Juxure of uo physician, for every hh or cold, even though they re lize the ssriouspess of neglecting such ailments, For all "such. Dr. Chase has pro- vided a prompt weds of eure know as DE Chase's Syrup of Linsesd and Turpentine. One reason why mothers prize thid treatment above all others js Because of its suitability for children. It sweet and pleasant to the tale, and children like to take it. By its sooth: ing, healing setion it" it wondecinlly prompt - ih curing croup, bronchitis and whooping cough, and can Be used by Gudven with perfect safety #0 long as directions are followed. Thousands of families in Canadi keep Dr. Chase's Svrup of iinseesd and Tirpentise in the Bouse at olf times for use jn tases of "ietyency. This is the only way fo be sare of ahd against eoughs and colds. Ye » a tte, -- sige, Be., at of deal: Edutanson, Dates & Co. Lame ni 0, corated verses ialwivse {ove have an i among thy auth in exehas hearts 06 by with the SYRUP or is red | sentimental | VARY 12, 1912. monstrosity figure with wlentine the eo rown up--a grotesque 3 nsulting verse under it This Rideons viilgarity is offered] for one cent and finds a ready sale amoug people who are maliciously inclined, apd is used more to wound the feeling of the re ceiver of it than fo ggiv other pose. While it is, perhaps, not so tensively used at the present lige as it was in former vears it is still the disagreeable feature of the true lov ers' day and should have been pro hibited by the post office authoritics long ago. Lhe valentine .posteard with its Ud pids afd its Bowers has mate ft ape pearance and now rivals the Christ mas, New Year, and Easter posteand It had™its origin in Germany and the most hueaueitel ones gre dedyned Hid colored i that country. The custom of weding flowers, candy and jewelry as Saint Valentine presents had rapid Iv gained ground, especially in Jin cities, and this practice is exceédi is popular with the geathy Sex most of whom are tond 'of Los are. and sweets. Indee®, flow have become 50 yopular as \ tines thi: florists mite a feature of the day and grow ori i flowers, furcing them to bloom this auspiciois event. The { flowers combs into play this year the Woriits are combihations 'according to the now ing of the flowers, when a lauy re ceived 4 Lunch of lila of the ville, mited with maiden hair fern ste 4a éxpected to wirderstapd 'hat "her un cons fous svietnoay bas fascicited" tha smde, A brah ¢f whey einths or wrdenias will tell he her loveliness in the eves of they hess mean trae love, Beauty roses at will bring dollar a ie pur ex spe id fa Fmguan here and wmakicg a ot and Valest: from ome dollir one and a hal each prove rather. expensive why bearing n message of thei tender sion. Miss roschids, gow cult to obtain, when combined A spray of myrtle, arg meant confession of love Lhe confectioners, test with tur cana propriate boxes. Leurt always been popular, rer a many novelties have appes red in nection with them--nea t-sbapea i with tiny Cupsds percied «hn tof, round boxes with a froce ui golden Lupics seuuing oul wry fron: thd quivers slang shoulders, and {wih ays {white wile e {may be afer the i Valentine be ean son fae to 1 100, reaps Aone up a hat m "Bn ® a | Over neart snaged lasite and rus, Luese jast lor powaly weets have Jit tres ol Lose Sait h n,n pelt nus vanis.weo Are mm ora ViDg vd tised { the od game ura to select pariners is play veang leap sedr the ladies the urawing and seteet theie instead of men boing wll make the choiee The tetle tiocs for these aflatrs tg be correct must jpclude jces and en leetionery in the shape" of hecrts Cupide, toe, must he in evidence, after all St. Valontine's day ist the feast day of this little gt wi love, who i: supposed to send hig mrows home on that prrticular date. "Snap kivscy' are used hs well. i hess are merely boy bors wrapyed in col otetl paper with fringed ends kn closed with the bon Lon \ OF sh appropriaie to the veeagion, and a cap with a string on each end. A young girl takes ohe ead of the kis, nd a man the other, and Louth pull at the same time I'he eap shape the report of a toy pistol verse is read alond by the fmds it in his or "Kiss." * These verses puassionaie declarations of love and cause much merriment when they ne tead by a bashkiul young man. I'he newest "Ries" for this vear mad crimped paper of the deli cate shade of pi pictues of Cupid tn various, alwais bearing red heart Bven though the origin of St entine's dnt mav Be rather agus "nil the world Jovea a lover" and it will question the right of this send out his missive of his sweetheart on this so the jretty custom ling ralentines ig likely for all tim names i his will d. PATLG CY Lite wed de. ora strictly Jon Hy is A y with the hy of tre oftant ind and one her part are is of most attitad:s n never to tence nes partic [ar of ond to conti {4 to dus | Racers' Queer Names. How much truth there ry we know not. but it | When Captain Boyd te that he had bought 4 reg pli ed, "What a sense 1 th in dt is is tol Lady vearling, = less thing to "Benselrss! Good!" reiterated captain, and forthwith gave the ¢ that name. 47 was appropriate. for this good-looking grey horsé, which | now Bons to Major McLaughlin is by Grey leg, and out of a mare called Senses There ate some owners | considerable difficulty in naming their ar ot Gis and it is said of the stages Livy | 1 ng Lyi ven to sk and decorated with! lover} at | Litlian | who have } tae | Earl of Glasgow that his friends had | rquite a task fo gét hum to christen ! them The tesly earl used to sax { that a horas should prove a name belore one was given to it. One svening he was induced to chiristen three, anid the following wore the names uhder which they ran Give-Him-a-Name, He-Hasn't-Got. a-Name. He-Isn't-Worth-a-Name { have run in recent years with a equal. ly foolish aid much more meaniog- less nomenclature. Far r John-Willie-Come-On and Would-You- Balieve-1t. Theré ought to be censor. of racing memenclature, A Surprise. On the occasion of & football matéh in England, between a number of military 'officers and a team of law. vers, the former hid prepared a splendid lunch for the visitors before the game. Both teams did thorough justice to the lunch. and the legs gentlemen going in strong for cham. pagne and cigars. the offictrs antici pated an easy victory. On looking toward the football gromnd, however, after lunch, the officers espied a re markable fresh-looking lot of giants kicking the ball about, and in amare. ment, trangers were. : * yeplied ons of them. fnish. ing Tis last glass of chumpaghe, "those atqgur playing team; we arg only: thie tulching tenia, you know. 24 iteAori | Theres are fiot a few horses which | instances, | 3 for | some of the tifles-chosen for horses | detract from the digmity of the sport. | 0900908000000 9090 00000000 asked their guests who the | ¥ AG Laie SEVEN th only more economical than the s the best that can be produced. HEAVY HARRIS Is true to its repuye tetion &8 Te Best Babbitt Metal for all genera ery benringe. ma ching - PRESSURE f The Canada eta rie > i) IN oe 8 Nf | g \ 8 z -- LA i ® {im or 4 I i | ny & gripe, best bu 25¢c.a bes will mall them, Mationsl Lirug wad #l Company of Canada. Limite! suc Plame LADNER od RRA LT EN TRIER a hos a. mt a 3 Be A TQ I' Q Pad Cm ney 73 W 4 WHOLESOME ( es Bitter ©fange 25 cents per dozen. y Mexican Sweet Oranges, 2p for 25 Lemons and Grape A. J. REE 166 PRINCES » $e conus ow Fruit 5, Phone 8T. * 0800006600060040660605 0950000000009 0000000 <o -- ~~ ~ a - ~ v -- % no circumstance xchange shoes a our Sale after Thurs day; Feb. 15th bought We Thank who want. all helped to 1 those make this the b UR gest sale 'we 5 3 PI00PPPPVPPP2002200000)000000000 000000000000 000000000000 Bro, "THE FOME OF GOOD SHOES"