PAGE 'SIX. Pon pe HARDWOOD, BEST } '. MAPLE at DRURY'S COAL AND WOO YARD, Phone #43, 235 Welflngion $1. ATR AT a i Thomas Copley PHONE 987. Drop a eard 10 19 Pine Street weg, ning Anything done In the Solve Hin. aa Les given on all k ~ rep and pew work alse wood Floors of all kinds. Al Te will receive prompt attention Lil n Street for all kinds L quick tumches and hot drinks y . Chocalat and cand al Kinde Rape ii rack" 0¥ of al - PAPPAS & co, --- Lots in Bow Island Transcena and Nokomis for sale. Full Information will be furnished and orders taken by J. 0. Hurrox, 18 Market Kingston, Oatariy tnt So Seni -- § THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON sTRECT, (Near Princess), Are othe hotels, &pproach the Club like surroundings, ¢ ted in Katee of city and {lose to principal stores snd theatre. Charges aré moderate, Special rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. but tor Kingston Business College (Limited) * Nighest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty.-sixth vear. begins August 20th. Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele firaphy, Clvil Service and Ej sh. Our gradugates get the heat positions. ithin a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest rallway cor- porations in Canada, Enter any Call or write for informa- H. F. Metealfe, Principal. Kingston. Canada. Fall term New Buckwheat Flour in bulk - or packages. Pure Maple Syrup. Coast Sealed Oysters, D. COUPER, 'Phone 70. 841.3 PRINCESS BT. 3 Prompt Delivery. waswaveeseseel. COAL! 2 The kind you are locking for fs the kind we sell. - SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. Your orders will bé filled satis tactorily if you deal * there at P. WALSH'S, B3-57 Barrack Street. You can save money by buying this month. We store your goods wiitil required. EVERYTHING REDUCED Save $2 by Making This Syrup at Home, Cough... "a This recipe makes 16 ounces of better cough syrup than you could buy ready made for $2.50. A few doses usually con- quer tig most obstinate cough--stops even wheoping cough quickly. Simple as it is, no better remedy can had at any price. Mix two cups of granulated sugar with, one cup of warm water, and stir for 2 minutes. Put 2% ounces of Pinex (fifty cents' worth) in a 16-ounce bottle; then add the Sugar Syrup. It has a pleasant taste and lasts a family a long time. Take a teaspoonful every one, two Or three hours, You can feel this take hold of a cough in a way that means business. Has an good tonic effect, braces up the appetite, and is slightly Haxative, tod, which is helpful. A bandy remedy for hoarseness, eroup, bronchitis, asthma and all throat and tung troubles. The effect of pine on the membrans» Is well known. Pinex i» the most valuaile concentrated compound of Narwegilan white pine extract, and is rich in guain and «!! the natural healing pine elements, Other preparations will not work in this formula. This Pinex and Sugar Syrup recipe has attained great popularity throughout the United States and Canada. It has often heen imitated, though never successfully. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your druggist has Pinex, or will get it for you. Co., Toronto, Ont. INDIGESTION is the cinse of most of the ills to which we are subject Hence a medicine that stimulates the digestive organs will relieve quite & number of complaints Wilson's Invalids' Port . (& ta Quina du Pérou) arouses the stomidch 16 action, promotes the flow of gastric juice and gives tone to the whole system, Ask YOUR Doctor. Wo. nget, $3; No & por ho<, all dru, ta & went of ade , (formerly Wi id OTe TRAVELLING. MARDI GRAS CARNIVAL Quebec City, P.Q. FEBRUARY 16th to 20th Round Trip Tickets Will Be Issued At $10.00 Good going Feb. 15th te 20th. Return limit Feb. 22nd. For full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. A oS ne LES OL RAL RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway Mardi-Gias, Quebec FEBRUARY 16th to 20th $10.00 Good going Feb.-15th to 20th. Re turn limit, Feb. 22. Full particulars at K. and P. ana C.P.R. Ticket Office, Outacio Streét. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. "Phone 50. "BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. ain leaves Unfan Trai Station, Ontarfe St 4 pin. daily (Sunds SrA E pal sgl soto anto, anockburn and all ints 0 recurs qolek rn, Maynooth, and points on ario Route 'your 'shipnvent vis Bay of Quinte Railway. For furs Hr Bt Rl all ar iH Wel n "Phone No. §. Intl ce sa Fast Twin Screw 88 "Bermudisn 10.318 La t. sal Ria pe pravas rian. sill Suites de juxe, with : archestra. ge keels; e wireless telegraphy. No IatcaLes, "newest " RE Hamiiton. a gh NEW $8 "guiaNi- Steamers 2 a. te ww and only Steamer gers at the dock' in from New Sh 8 and Far full wl. A ih. y! If not, send to the Pinex | gliests : tainly Tas siidadeionpe. ucla, Bare} v N _-- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1912 MAYOR HOAG AND EX-MAYOR GRAHAM PRAISE THE YMCA, 2 # State That Association Should Re. ceive Wat Support of Every Cltizen--Giving Credit Where Credit is Dune, "I min heartily in accord with tle work the 'Y.M.C.A. is eafrying on in this city; it is an assotiation thet should receive thie Warm sdpport of jevery' citizen." { Thus spoke Mayor F. J. Hoag vhen |auked by a Whig repsesentative, for ibis opinion on tne work carried on iby the local association, which is now making an appeal jor financial sap- port, slayer Hoag referred to the good iwork carried on by the Y.M.C. A. and istatod that the ussoeistion was earry- lng on work which no doubt, could jpot be accomplished by any other as sociation. Should the city lose such 'an association, it would indeed, be a {great drawback, He pointed out how hwuch an d@ssociation of this character could do, just from a4 merchant's standpoint, looking after the lads and iyoung men, providing them with the wat physical training, in addition to religious teaching. "It is an institution tht every oiti- zen should be proud of," he added, |""and no persons should hesitate in supporting it." Mayor Hoag paid a warm tribute to the present smanagement, and ex- pressed the hope that the,. present campaign for financial assistaned, would be met with a hearty response, on the part of every citizen, Ex-Mayor C. J. (iraham was asked poy the Whig, for an opinion on the Y.M.C.A, in 2 ht is doing good work, and worthy of the warm support of every city zen," he said. | can always say u jood word in favor, of the Y.M.C.A. t'is a great help to the boys and young men of Kingston; and as many as ean, should take advantage of the privileges offered." Mr. Graham stated that the physi- cal department of the Y.MUCA, was worthy of special mention. It *was giving a great training to the boys, just the kind that was needed fo fit them for life's battles. The classes were arranged so that everyone was given an opportunity of deriv ing benefit, and the management was the best, "1 have always. been a supporter of the work, and will eontisue to be a supporter," added Mr. Graham, "as 1 think it is a most worthy institu- tion." on 0 ------------------------ Event at Cushendall. Cushendall, Feb. 9.--The Helping Hand society of Zion Methodist church held a very successhul pie sq cial at the home of W. T. Gordon, Cushendall, Monday, Feb. G&ih. Lhe came from Kingston, Kilbur- nig, Sunbury and Ida Hill to par- take of the hospitality of the ladies of Cushendall. The chairman, Rev. J. H, McConnell, introduced a splon- did progranne of recitations, vocal and instremental music. Those as sisting with the programme were Mrs. Patterson, Mrs, Franklin, My. Gordon, and the Misses N. Cowan, 1. Hawkey, 1. Webb, KE, Germain, R) Gordon, Norma Trotter, Elsie Wood and Annie 'loner. A dainty super, consisting of sandwiches, pie and col- fee, wag served. O. Troteer, oni be half of the society, thanked Mr. and Mrs. Gordon for the whe of their beautiful home. Mrs. Vincent Snider died at Sulphide, Unt., in her sixtieth year, after an ill- ness of a few. days. She was highly respected for her Chridtian graces. Mrs, Snider. leaves a husband, one son, Marham, of Thurlow, and twp daugh- ters, Mrs. Gould and Mrs. Shorey, both of Sulphide, : After one month's illness in the Brockville general hospital, James Wil- liam Colemah passed awdy, on Mon. day afternoon. The cause of death was candor of the liver. Deceased was an Englishman, who for (he past three years had resided at Westport. A Sluggish Torpid Live Leaves Bile andl Other Poisonous Im- purities in the Blood. The Whole System is Cleaused and Invigorated by DR. CHASE'S Let the liver get sluggish and tor pid and (here is trou with all the ital organs. i The tongue is coated, the hean ress, fcrmettation, flatalency fn thé stomach. The howels ate constipatl and' locse by turns. The kidneys be come clogged and inactive. kven the shih tells of the poisoved state &t the system by pimples, Hlotches and liver spots. > The action of the liver must, by awaketied, and nothing can accom. tlish this so quickly and so ver inl br. Chase's "Kidney-Liver Fills, It is through the liver and kineys alone that the blood ean be freed ° of ell its imputitice and the morbisl mat- ter which collects there when the liv- «r is torpid. Many a suffering man and m a despondent oman had been of and © pilis ped. Saturday) -, i + TANLEY AL 5 teket. A 5 Quebes this city, and its work. ! sches, digeition fails. There is full-| ENDS DYSPEPSIA FOREVER. Heartburn, as Indigestion and Other Stomach Distress Vanishes. !- You can eat anything your stomack {eraves without fear of Indigestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food will ferment or sour on your stomach, & you take a little Diapepsin occasion ally. oy | Your meals will taste good, and anythimg you eat will be digested. no thing can ferment or turn into acid 'or poison or stomsech gas, which eanscs belching, dizziness, a feeling of fullness {ter ening, nausea, indiges- tion (like a lamp of lead Im stom ach). biliousness, heartburn, water brash, pain in stomach and intestines or other symptoms. | Headaches from the stomach are absolutely unknown where this effec: tive remedy is used. Diapepsin really does ull the work of a healthy stom- ach. It digests your meals when your stomach cannot. A single dose will digest all the food vou eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour and up- set the stomach. Get nn large Ole. case of Pape's Diapepsin from! your druggist and start taking now, and in a little while you will getually brag about your healthy, strong stomach, for you then can eat anything and everything vou want without the slichtest discon fort. or misery, and every particle of impurity and gas {hat is in 'your stomach and inlesiines is going to be carried away without the use of laxa tives or any other assistance. I Should you at this moment be suf feting from inVgestion or any stom ach disorder, von can surely get relief within five minutes. i A WARNING TO PEOPLE To be More Careful | Charity, | Are you in ime habit cf chaiity to an applicant al your vo.i, even when you haven't investigut:a ! I 50 you may be one About Giving gang the case ? ol those who have been taken in by sucn tales of woe as the secretary ot Associated Charities reportid at the 'executive meeting held lost Saturday | Mis report showed that in some cases men could not be induced to because they found charitable willing to listen to their tale empty cupboards and cchd stoves, amd supply their needs. Other applicants for charity wore at the same tune depositing money in a savings bank. Same play pon the kind-heartedness of a clergyman whe, they feel, will 'mot turn away ohe who gays he i in need. Ulten there is a church fund 'for charity and under the control the pastor, and it is easier to give something from this fund, especially on a Saturday night, which such ap- plicants chocée as being the likely to serve their take the time and trouble vestigate, I the clergyman or other party, who is appealed to, would call Mr. McConachie, the gencral sesretor, of the Associated Charities, or ead such an applicant to him thergwoull be less of the imvosture which is practiced at present. It is siach jm- posture aided by indig riminate giv ing that leads: many peopls to de cline to give at all, lest they te ceived. 'thes the cause of true cha rity receives a serious check, the Wers peo te of of most than to to in- wants, de Making Rapid Strides. The Star-Weekly, the magazine sec tion of the Toronto Star, is coming to the front, owing to the excellence of the special work done by some of the best artists and writers in the country. The paper is cleverly edited and cleverly prepared, and is becom ing a strong rival for popular favor. In addition to the magazine section a complete news section is prepared for Saturday night and all the latest events up to eight o'clock find a place therein. The Whig complimeits the Toronto Star-Weekly its strides forward and patronage throughout the country, on Renfrew curlers won the Reid and Low eups from Pembroke on Wednoes day and Thursday last. At the meeting of the Brockville Col legiate Iustitate board, Gireene was appointed chairman, py Jonathan | COMING TO THE GRAND. "The Servant in the night. Iyrone Power, who eres Hs drain the House, lected for this wation. is ime Sugg itself the spon which the fate of ithe play tically hung---foi House" To-! el the fam- The Servant tole in in wits the now famous « the was first sting for prac the best comedy, ten derest pathos and most impress clamation in The Servant wm the House" are to be found in the lines thut fall to "the man who looks after the drains." "The Servant of three brother the sea of life, afterward unexpected meet again in England One has become a viear in the Church of England, a second is a drink and has turned scavenger, while the third, lost iu India whem a mere vouth, has become the famous bishop of Benares, Mr. Power' has the original produc Lin and compuny with him, and the engagement at the Grand to-night pro mises (o be one of the most preten- tious of the season. sive de the House" who drift apart and vears in tells on *ictim of "The Thief." he of "The Thiel," rastain masterpiece produced at the Lyeeumn Thea New York, which comes to the Grand on Thursday even Ing, next, penetrated all coe mrs of the world. "The Thief" con tains no tiresome sex problem: it tells the story of love for her hushand so deep, so unfaltering as to cause her to sink to the level of thief to hold it, She dresses his heir money to his liking on her from rectitude and With th 20 #t she dresses hersell like her wealthy friends and her hus tasd is pleased. That is, until he dis the truth. Her confession and his denouncing of her, of course, make ft' scene that been excelled in power and absorbing interest. Not to "The Thiel" is to have missed the greatest event of the wear SUCCES the Be hag to a women's love a to please small able to mn income longer eyes is Clothes « aitire come, No herself stravel and ri she steals MO envers has never seo Everybody's Friend. "Alias my Ya body's friend. The causs he lentine" is every like him be manly chap, steel, and an handily burglars, he , and they ean ery copi when he hild's life at the risk of his own freedom. And the children Like him he he is the sort of a man children like, and "Alias Jimmy popular with the Grand Saturday, matinee night. men is a strong, with ability grip that sugg to crack did any of the real lad ez like hin so beautifull a safe as as The makes love ever because onsly EnVes a « se $0 Valentine" is town At February the 17th, on and Resolution of Condolence. At the official of Cataraqui Methodist enurch this reso- lution was adopted : Moved In conded tarterly meting thomus Brown and John Hooper, That hoard realizes that it meets on this quarterly occasion upder the shadow uf painful lgss, in con sequence of the lamented decease of Brother Thomas Sproule. Into the activities of the church he put his means and his life For many years hoilled the important offices of choir leader, chool ret of board and membrr board His office this board ge by this 2 great and Sunday superurtendent, i the trustee of this ollicial be filled but still life deed, and 8 ry-treasurey 1 may feels that there i vacant His Christ Eke with in thought To the sorrowing widow, family we extend our sympathy urge them to tell his Christ their their that they n ehnix 8 ne still and gon and and ail SOrrows predicts a well-deserved ced with grief. may receive precious lessovs of in- struction and comfort He himéeli wing a man of sorrows aequaint Do not forget the up to the Saviour in Whose rejoices and ward look presence your loved one Cx-Mayor John HW, Fullord, on Sat urdny, celebrated the thirty-first anni versary of his.appointment to the posi tion of Grand Trak railway ticket agent 'in Broekville i b the path of work and no STOVE POLISH TL msed te he that the dirtiest and hardest work & woman had to do aboul the hounds was, polishing the stoves. "Black Kuight"" Steve Polish has made it no niiss at all. "Black Knight™ is a smooth paste, his pread easily with a Cloth or brush and shines like a black diamond aficr a few gentle rubs, It cleans as it polishes keeps the stoves fresh and bMght, with almost gs little trouble as pollsbicg one's shoes, : 102. buys a Big cam of "Black Keight * at your dealer's, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. =F KO-KO-BUT THE PERFECT ~e COOKING BUTTER. For haking, and all « Bat will your own instead of Make 5 wl mas frying, cakemaking, ooking 8 purposes, Ko-Ko- an improvement on favorite re {pes nge it butter other shorien your cooking a perfect h Ko-Ko-But or "YOUR GROCER SELLS IT." Write DOMINION for book of recit COCOA-NUT BUTTERS, MONTREAL, CANADA, son. LIMITED, 8 A Sp a ious che paration guarantcay " oy © Iy money, ecial Process of Pre- Lddy's Toilet Papers free from injur- micals of any kind. {If you're sure it's Bddy's, you're entre it's right.' < ORIEN Q ¢ WH One of Lis offer most of best for the leas bey © inde It Pays The Housewiie to use the best sugar--because poor sugar means poor cooking. fz Sugar is the genuine Montreal Granulated" --absolutely pure, sparkling crystals of the most inviting appearance. Ask your grocer for a 20 |b, bag of ST. LAWRENCE GRANULATED -- also sold by the barrel and in 100 1b. bags. The Si. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co. Limited MONTREAL. 22 THE T. BH. It B a Blend of the best wheats grown 'in Canada-- Manitoba Spring wheat and Ontarie Fall wheat. It has powers of the one-- making powers of the Every woman, w "BEAVER" Flour into br ead-making the pastry. ers. o brings her home, makes the right start towards better Bread and Pastry. TAYLOR CO. LIMITED, "M2 DEALERS Write us for prices on Feed, Coarse Grain and Cereals. CHATHAM, Ont,